DIDN'T NEED TO SWEAR OFF It Was Really a Monkey the Ohio Man Saw In His Hotel Bed. The story of the monkey that was discovered in the bed of a visitor at the Waldorf a few nights ago struck a responsive chord In the recollection of an Ohio man who once came to New York for a week of rest and recreation. The day be landed he got into a poker game and for seven days he stuck at It, the game being punctuat ed as many poker games are. On the last day he started In to play at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. He quit at 11:20, cleaned out. Going upstairs in his hotel and opening the door, he noticed his valise sitting on the floor and decided he would get a clean handkerchief out of It and sit down and think It over. As he stooped over his glance fell upon the bed. From the spot where his head might have been two beady green eyes In a hairy little face gleamed at him. According to the Ohloan's account he made not a single exclamation. He simple closed the valise, turned out the light and shut the door from the outside. He went downstairs, took two or three turns about the lobby, gave it up, called for a cab and spent the night driving about, first to one place and then to another. Daylight found him still going about, and he did not revisit the hotel until late in the afternoon, when he went up to the room clerk to apologize. While standing there he heard somebody say, "Well, they found that monkey after all." "Good Lord. I am saved," shouted the 'Ohio man, to the astonishment of the clerk. "Then it was a monkey aft er- all, and there is no need of my swearing off." .Bees Recognize Man as Friend. "Charles Potchenlck, employed by tfe ; Maverick apiaries near San An tonio, Tex., has unusual control over bees. He handles them with as much ease as one would In playing with kittens or a harmless pet While 'working with them he goes bare armed and bare-faced and pays no attention to the Insects as they cre.wl over his exposed hands and arms or pile up in great clumps on dis face. Recently he had a picture taken holding a small limb In his teeth on which a swarm had settled. The bees formed a kind of long beard hanging below his waist and his entire face was covered with those that crawled from the limb. Old bee keep ers say that his feats in handling bees are the most remarkable in the world. He claims that he has not been stung In two years. Radium Breezes for Gout. Radium laden breezes are the very latest thing In the treatment of gout. One of the papers read at the Ger man Medical congress wee on the ap plication of radium in the aerial state. Radium "emanatoria" have been estab lished in Berlin and at Bad Homburg, and now uma is to nave ons. a spe cie! apparatus in which radium Is placed in a current of air Is fixed in a room and all the patients have to do Is to sit in the room and talk or read newspapers, or play draughts; the ra dium in solution in the air does the rest and affects the blood through the lungs. This treatment is especially rec ommended for all gouty ailments. Feminine Reasoning. Stella Her gown Is just like yours. Bella I don't care if hers Is a du plicate of mine, but I don't want mine a duplicate of hers. Puck. . FRED VOIGHT DEALER IN Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Home Made Sausage. Fish and Oysters. Game in Season. Bell Phone 92 Auto Phone 2992 1 15 So. 9th St AUTO TOPS Made to Fit All Makes of Machines Lincoln Auto Top Go. W. R KEAN, Prop. 305 So. 11th St. E WANT you to investigate the Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association when you are in need of a loan or wish to make an investment that will bring you good returns. The Association has loaned more than $6,000,000 to home builders in the State of. Nebraska. Our rates are reasonable and payments can be made to suit your convenience. The Nebraska Central Building & 1409 O Street Lincoln, Nebr. A .oan ss n Homer K. Burket, Pres. M. W. Folsom, Secy. Sam Azzarello Fine Fruits in Season, Confectionery, Cigars, ' and Soft Drinks. A nice line of Delicatessen and canned delicacies to select from. Prices always the lowest. 1511 O Street i If You Want Anything in the Jewelry Line Call in at ' E. Fleming's, 1211 O St., The Headquarters Special attention given to watch and jewelry repairing. Same block 21 years PROGRESS OF FRENCH WOMEN If Moliere Lived Now He Would Not Ridicule Their Education and Activities. "thirty years ago there were three colleges for women In France and one preparatory school ; now there are seventy-five colleges and forty-nine pre paratory schools. What does the change mean? Moliere, over two cen turies ago. In "Les Precleuses Ridi cules" and "Les Femmes Savantes," attacked the pose, self-consciousness and loss of proportion which the wo men of his time sometimes showed In attempting to be learned. Moliere laughed, however, not at education, but at lack of common sense. If he lived now he would not try to set back the clock, and ask women to devote to the needle'the same attention that she gave before machinery was In vented. He would not ask her to live as she lived before there were public schools for her children; creameries to make her butter and cheese; big manufacturers to take her place in preserving food; immense combina tions to spin cotton, make cloth, do the dyeing, make up the clothing. He would welcome the vacuum cleaner, the gas stove and the dumb waiter, and his laughter would be not for those- who use modern labor saving devices, but for the futile sentimen talists who cry for the vanishing of the past. The outside education and activities of women are as unquestion able and Irresistible as are the print ing press, the steam engine and the cotton gin.. Collier's Weekly. HARD PROBLEM FOR WOMEN Where Shall Minister Be Entertained When He Makes Pastoral Call on Servant? ".bout the hardest problem I have had to solve in my brief housekeeping career," said the woman, "is what to do with the pastor when he calls on a servant girl. We have- a good girL She is a regular attendant at a chapel in the neighborhood. Every so often the pastor or his assistant, in his rounds of the parish calls on her. "I am a heathen myself In the mat ter of religious observances, neverthe less I know what is due to gentlemen of the cloth. The best room about the house should be at the disposal of one's spiritual adviser always. Should Lucy, then, receive her guest in the parlor, or should they compromise In the dining room ? The kitchen as a place for entertaining the minister is quite out of the question. "So far, the ministers calling at my house have been spared even the in dignity of a dining room reception. I have taken to th back regions my self while Lucy held forth in the par lor. I know other women with church going maids who are equally consider ate. Altogether this is a delicate point on which we need some enlighten ment from the etiquette experts." Prince's "Pull" Abolished. According to custom in China the members of the imperial family are above the law. Prince Can-Chi - has been doing just as he likes recently, fortified with this immunity. There Is not a hygienic law that this Inter esting person has not broken, and his great recreation seems to have been to defy the police. At length to the endurance of the police there came a limit, and the matter was brought un der the notice of the regent, who has not only abolished the "convention," but the prince's recreations also, and given Instructions that in future he must act as an ordinary citizen, or stand the consequences.