Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, June 16, 1911, Image 13

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    4 Rooms Complete
Banking Announcment
The First National Bank and the First Trust & Savings Bank
take pleasure in announcing their removal on June 12th to their
new eight-story bank building. The patrons of these institu
tions will now be enabled to enjoy the advantages of one of the
most modern and up-to-date banking rooms in the west. These
institutions are equipped for all business safety deposit boxes,
savings accounts, investments and commercial accounts.
It is the policy of the management to extend the same
uniform courtesy to the small and the large depositor. All
classes of business respectfully solicited.
Notice of Sale Under chattel Mortgage.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage, dated January
28th, 1011, Kansas City, Mo., and duly
filed In the office of the county clerk of
Lancaster, Neb., ou the th day of Febru
ary, 1911 at 12:00 M. and executed by D.
N. Graham, Lincoln, Neb. to the Ameri
can Type Founders Co., Kansas City,
Mo., to secure the payment of the sum
of Seven Hundred Twelve Dollars and
Twenty-nine Cents ($712.29) and upon
which there is now due the sum
of two notes of $80 each and interest,
and default having been made in the
payment of said notes and the amount
therein named, and no suit or other pro
ceedings having been instituted to re
cover said debt or any part thereof, there
fore, the said mortgage will sell the
property therein described, to-wit :
1 13x19 Gordon Job Press (rebuilt) No.
1 Side Steam Fixtures;
1 7x11 Challenge Gordon Press (rebuilt)
No. 122; Side Pwr. Fix.;
1 22 Inch Paragon Paper Cutter (re
built) No. 1246;
Body Type
40 lbs. each 12-18 Pt. Cheltenham Wide;
50 lbs. 6 pt; 200 lbs. 8 pt. Century Kx
panded; 10 lbs. each 6, 8, 10, 36, 48, 60
pt. spaces and quads ; 25 lbs. 12 pt., 30 lbs
18 pt. leaders No. 542; 5 lbs 6pt. leaders
No. 542; braces and dashes and fractions
for 6, 8 pt. Century Expanded.
Job Type.
2 fts. each 6, 8, 10, 24,. 36 pt. Chelten
ham Wide; 2 ft each 6, 8, 10 pt. Chel
tenham Hold; 40 lbs. each 12, 18 pt., 25
lbs each 24, 36 pt.; 1 ft each 48, (.0 pt.
Cheltenham Bold; 20 lbs. each 12, 18 pt.
Cheltenham Bold Condensed ; 2 ft each
24, 30 48, 60 pt. Cheltenham Bold Cond. ;
20 lbs 18 pt., 25 lbs. 24 pt., 1 ft each 72,
96 pt. Franklin Gothic Extra Cond.; 20
lbs. 10 pt Century Expanded Italic; 1 ft
each 18, 24 pt. Tiffany Script Extended;
1 ft. each 8-12-18 Pt. Weddinjr Text: 1
ft. each 6 pt. Heavy Copperplate Gothic
No. 21-22-23-Vtt ; 1 it. each 12 pt. Heavy
C. P. Go. No. 20-26-27-28; 1 ft. 18 pt.
Heavy C. P. Go. No. 30; 1 ft. each 12 pt.
Unit. IlordAf IS-OA TTnJt .llnnl.r . 1 ft
each tt-12 nt Tt inra Itnntai. . -1 ft , I.
- - v . . . i i , x , I . T il 11
6 pt. Panel Border No. 31-42; 1-2 ft.
tena ivouuia urnaments.
2 Lpnri Sr Kino- r4aiii'ni.tin ti o
. p. . ' vyuuiviiiia .1 "ii, o
iuadruple, and y pairs News cases; 1
vuae U. o. woou i urmture; 1 Wood
Type Case No. 2; 1 each Hickory Mal
let & Planer; 1 Metal Furniture Case;
4 (Vim liil ft T? 11 li fooo in -f i -
inch House Composing Stick: 50 lbs each
"enus x oiugs; su ios. leaus & Slugs, 13
ems; 20 lbs. Leads & Slugs 20 1-2 ems;
5 lbs. 2 pt. Brass Rule No. 1022; 3 lbs.
Rule No. IITii:- ;-t9 ', a ' Ti'i. i
, , ' " v v i . nuic, l VI
in. t v.oi. nejiu uuies; .o. 22ui; l 4 pt
v,oi. neau mue so. 1104; 25 each Adv.
Rules No. 1204 1-2 ems; 20 2 pt. Adv.
Rules No. 1003 13 ems; 25. 2 pt. Brass
jjusu r.uies io. iuuzh 13 ems; 15 4 pt.
Brass Dash Rules No. 1204H; 13 ems;
4 Single Col., 1 12x18 Brass Galleys; 2
Pair 4 Col. Quarto Chases; 1 20 inch
Wood Poster Stick; 4 dozen Hempel
Quoins No. 1? 2 k'uvi- in oo..i a fAi
Side & Foot Sticks; 3A & Figs 15 Line
o woou xype; 101 Char.; 5 ft. &
Cor. Wood Border No 254; 50 lbs. L S
Metal Furniture; 3 No. 15 Dbl. Stands
(24 Cases); 1 ft. 2 pt. Miters No. 1022;
2 sets each 6 pt. round and 67 Square
Corners No. 61; 1 Utility Lead it Rule;
1 Asstd. No. 2 B. & C. Thin Spaces; 2
pair Tweezers; 2 G-iuoh Co;np. Sticks; 1
13 em. Comp. Rules; 4 13 em Makeup
Rules; 1 Doz. each Spring Tongue and
Flexible Side Guage Pines; I Quart Suc
cors Rotlvino Pen 1 Itniminii
2 ; in the City of Lincoln, County of
umicusier, on rue r.)ii aay or June.
That default hiis lioon nuiiu n ti.
conditions of the said mortgage and 'the
aiii iiiunguKur, u. ss. liranam, nas a ban
doned said property and left the poses
sion of the same to others.
Dated this 29th day of May, i:ui.
American Type Founders Co.,
Frank Barhydi, Manager,
Kansas City, Mo.,
Mortgagee and Assignee.
Change In Personnel May Help Legis
The committee in the senate to which
all labor bills are referred is designated
as the "committee on education and la
bor." During ' the last congress, the
Sixty-first, the senate committee re
fused to meet, although call after cal?
was Issued by its chairman. Senator
Borah, and every member polled by the
A.. F. of L. legislative committee tho
day before and the morning of the
meeting, but without avail. The per
sonnel of the committee has been
changed in this congress, and hopes are
entertained that more activity will bo
displayed when Chairman Borah calls
the committee together. It would not
be out of place, however, say the A. F.
of I, officials, for trade union constit
uents of the members on this commit
tee to call the attention of their sen
ators to the importance of labor legisla
tion in contemplation. The members
of the committee are as follows:
i Senators Borah of Idaho, Penrose of
t'ennsylvania. Du Font-of Delaware,
Page of New Hampshire, McLean of
Connecticut, Kenyon of Iowa, Rayner
of Maryland, Bankhead of Alabama,
Shively of Indiana. Swanson of Vir
ginia and Martine of New Jersey.
Protection of Children.
Congressman Peters of Massachu
setts appeared before the labor com
mittee recently on . behalf of a bill
which he has introduced creating a bu
reau in the department of commerce
and labor to be devoted to the care and
improvement of child life. The ob
jects to be attained are the study of
conditions and the collection of statis
tics and other data to the end that ra
tional and humane laws may be en
acted to protect the children of the
nation and limit child labor to the nar
rowest possible point.
Child labor 1 America's pe
culiar Industrial shame. It is a
crime against manhood labor.
Every child laborer at child
hood wages takes the place of a
man laborer. It Is a crime
f against the humane business
man. His goods made by man
hood labor at ma u hood wages
p must meet his competitor's
V 1 J . . LII J I .. I
A guous iuaus uy i-iiiiu mwr hi
t childhood wncps.
It is a crime against ehild-
T hood. Every, little one has an
inanenaoie ngnt. a sncren rigui
to grow iuto sound bodied, clear
brained, pure sou led maturity.
It is a crime against society, it
pours Into our citizenship a
stream of people weakened In
body and mind. It is an insult
to our religion.
Horace (Jreeley was against it.
V r 1 L I . JM 1. .. J
eviu in ms uay. wuru uau i,
f RrnrpplT- hecim to chain us to
this body of death, he sought to
restrain it. He declared. ''The
P . . . . - a
B state nas a ngnx to see anu a
i ought to see that the frames of
the rising generation are not
H shattered nor their constitutions
o undermined by excessive toil."
J What would he say today, if
he saw our sweatshops, our fac-
2; torles and our mines, where Iit-
tie children are melting their
X delicate lives in the crucible of T
T shame for the greed and profit
X of rich men? These places stand
y out UDon our modern civilization
3 n a l-ka An m stn 11 m an 4-a t m O m . i
T mon. Senator Beveridge.
.. .ft, Jhi .tf tW 1h ifti -
The fnest in the west. Just the
place for those delicious summer
Lincoln's popular after-the-mati-nee
and after-the-opera resort.
Good service quickly performed.
The parlor de luxe.
12th and O St.
1211 O Street
Jewelry and wares of
Precious Metals.
Best selected stock in Lincoln.
Here you can get anything you
want or need in the line of
jewelry, and at the inside
price. Especially prepared, for
commencement and wedding
Watch repairing and
See Fleming First
Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m.
Office 2 1 1 8 O St. Both Phones
on household goods, pianos, hor
ses, etc. ; long or short time, No
charge for papers. No interest
in advance. No publicity or fil
papers, We guarantee better
teims than others make. Money
paid immediately. COLUMBIA
LOAN CO- 127 South 12th.
I! iJ -