pelled to heave an over-ripe tomato into the physiogomy of the Shoemaker person on that sad day, but we managed to sup press our inclination, largely because there were no over-ripe tomatoes at hand. Uut for the good of the game we hope that there will be no repitition of that scene. Also hoping that there will be no more umpiring like that calculated to arouse the ire of the fans. Write "June 28" in the top of your bat, and then watch the hat! Last Wednesday we occupied a pri vate section of the grand stand, and while enduring the agonies of a tiresome game indulged in a few reminiscences with some old timers anent the greatest game of ball ever played in Lincoln. Wednesday's game reminded us of that greatest game because it was so different. It was the famous Lincoln-Minneapolis game that went seventeen innings and wound up with Minneapolis on the long end of a 5 to 4 score. Darnbrough for Lincoln and Duke for Minneapolis went the whole route and neither was ever worth a continental afterwards. There are a few of us, including Ed Young, sr., who still talk about that game in our sleep. ' IN Yr If W Tf OAK 001 FF.ON SKIRTS C IL Commencing Friday, the 1 6th, we will give you an opportunity to select a handsome Summer Skirt at a saving of 33c on the dollar. We have secured a lot of 75 perfectly tailored, attractively styled garments, made of imported worsteds, mostly light colored in checked patterns, a few solid colors in tan, blue and black. Prices range from $5.95 up to $15.00. YOUR CHOICE AT ONE-THIRD OFF. 69c Lawn Dressing Sacques, special ...49c Sale Prices on Skirts Taken from Our Regular Stock $5.95 values, assorted colors, one-half price. .. $2. 98 $7.95 values, assorted colors, one-half price... $3. 95 $9.95 values, Black Voiles, now. ..............$5.95 $13.50 ana $12.50 Black Voiles, now $7.95 Taffeta Petticoats, low priced at $3.95, now... $2. 95 COOL GARMENTS FOR HOT WEATHER AT INTERESTING PRICES. $1.50 Lawn Long Kimonos, special.... 98c $1.50 Lawn Dresses, special $1.25' $4.95 Lawn and Gingham Street Dresses, special at $2.95 $7.95 and $5.95 White Lawn Dresses, special..$3.95 $1.50 White, Blue and Tan Linene Skirts, special at....... $1.25 $7.50 Cream Serge and Mohair Skirts, special.. $4. 95 $13.50 Cream Serge Skirts, extra sizes, at.. ...$6.75 DRY GOODS India Linen Section For two days we will place our complete line of White India Linen at special prices. 8c grade, nice and sheer, to close at 6c 12 l-2c grade, fine texture, to close at.. 9 l-2c 15c grade, nice for waists, to close at.....: :..:llc 20c grade, makes fine dresses, to close at i 16c 25c grade, is closely woven, to close at.;.:.. 19c DEPARTMENT 15c Shirt Waist Percales 12c 30 pieces of 36-inch Light style Percales, nice for shirt waists, light background with assorted colored dots, figures and stripes, regular 15c value, special to reduce stock 12c We also have a nice line of dark patterns in grey, blue, red and black, at, yard 15c Ladies' Underwear You will need cool Underwear during this warm weath er. We carry a large line of Ladies' and Children's Muslin and Knit Underwear in Vests, Drawers, Union Suits, Gowns, Princess Slips and Skirts at right prices. 1 lot of Ladies' Vests, sleeveless, all sizes, special at 3 for 25c CHILDREN'S STRAW BONNETS. We will place on sale our complete line of Children's Straw Hats and Bonnets, assorted sizes and shapes, prices from 50c up to $3.00, special to close at 20 DISCOUNT LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PARASOLS See our line of Ladies' and Children's Parasols, assorted shades and sizes, prices from 15c up to $3.00, special to close at ...20 DISCOUNT 1 lot of slightly damaged Ladies Parasols at .. .1-2 OFF EMBROIDERIES We are headquarters for choice Embroideries. We are offering some special bargains in Bandings, Corset Covers, Edgings, Insertings and Flouncings at greatly reduced prices. See our line before buying elsewhere. CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS. sizes 2 to 5..:.:.;.:..;. ,. 65c Sizes 5 to 8 85c Sizes 8 to 12 95c Sizes 12 to 2 $1.00 017-021 O St. jrt OPPOSITE CITY HALI MAGIC SHOE COLORS For coloring Silk, Canvas, Satin of Velvet Shoes. Match your dresses. Colors guaran teed. 25c the tube. 3