u : . 1 : .i f 4 W E E K L Y JOURNAL OF CHEERFUL COMMENT ! i . ' . - I Volume 8 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JUNE 16, 1911 Number 13 j ' . ' ! jL ( DAN V. STEPHENS SAYS 1 : of I WILL MAUPIN'S WEEKLY t "I congratulate you on your splendid words I j for Nebraska from week to week. There is not a I j booster in the state for the state like you. You j are doing a world of good. I find myself using your j data every chance I have for speaking before the j public. We ought to all do it, and you can be assured your preachments are having effect. Ne- I braska is a wonderful land, and everybody knows '; it when the elements of greatness are pointed out to him. Success to you and your Weekly." j; . ' " "' lj fly ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR. . I J " ..... ... - . . i ; . . ; JP