Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, June 09, 1911, Image 7

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    Notice of Sale tTnde Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage, dated January
28th, 1911, Kansas City, Mo., and duly
filed in the office of the county clerk ot
Lancaster, Neb., on the Oth day of Febru
ary, lltll at 12:00 M. and executed by D.
N. Graham, Lincoln, Neb. to the Ameri
can Type Founders Co., Kansas City,
Mo., to secure the payment of the sum
of Seven Hundred Twelve Dollars and
Twenty-nine Cents ($712.20) and upon
which there is now due the sum
of two notes of $80 each and interest,
and default having been made in the
payment of said notes and the amount
therein named, and no suit or other pro
ceedings having been Instituted to re
cover said debt or any part thereof, there
fore, the said mortgage will sell the
property therein described, to-wit :
1 13x10 Gordon Job Press (rebuilt) No.
1 Side Steam Fixtures;
1 7x11 Challenge Gordon Press (rebuilt)
No. 122; Side Pwr. Fix.:
1 2'iYi lurh Paragon Paper Cutter (re
built) No. 1240;
Body Type
40 lbs. each 12-18 Pt. Cheltenham Wide;
50 lbs. 6 pt; 200 lbs. 8 pt. Century Ex
panded; 10 lbs. each , 8, 10, 30, 48. 60
pt. spaces and quads; 25 lbs. 12 pt., 30 lbs
18 pt. leaders No. 542; 5 lbs Opt. leaders
No. 542; braces and dashes and fractions
for 0, 8 pt. Century Expanded.
Job Type.
2 fts. each C, 8, 10, 24, 30 pt. Chelten
ham Wide; 2 ft each 0. 8, 10 pt. Chel
tenham Hold; 40 lbs. each 12, 18 pt., 25
lbs each 24, 30 pt. : 1 ft each 48, 00 pt.
Cheltenham Bold; 20 lbs. each 12, 18 pt.
Cheltenham Hold Condensed; 2 ft each
24, 30 48, 0 pt. Cheltenham Bold Cond. ;
20 lbs 18 pt., 25 lbs. 24 pt., 1 ft each 72,
5)0 pt. Franklin Gothic Extra Cond.; 20
lbs. 10 pt Century Expanded Italic; 1 ft
each 18, 24 pt. Tiffany Script Extended;
1 ft. each 8-12-18 Pt. Wedding Text; 1
ft. each 0 pt. Heavy Copperplate Gothic
No. 21-22-23-24; 1 ft. each 12 pt. Heavy
C. P. Go. No. 25-20-27-28; 1 ft. 18 pt.
Heavy C. P. Go. No. 30; 1 ft. each 12 pt.
Unit Border, 18-24 pt. Unit Border; 1 ft.
each tl-12 pt. Times Border; 1 ft. each
0" pt. Panel Border No. 31-42; 1-2 ft.
Delia Hobbia Ornaments.
2.. Lead & Slug. 28 California Job, 3
Quadruple, and 0 pairs News cases; 1
case L. S. Wood Furniture; 1 Wood
Type Case No. 2; 1 each Hickory Mal
let & Planer; 1 Metal Furniture Case;
4 Compact Kule Cases in blank; 1 15
inch ltouse Composing Stick; 50 lbs each
Lends & Slugs; 30 lbs. Leads & Slugs, 13
ems; 20 lbs. Leads & Slugs 20 1-2 ems;
5 lbs. 2 pt. Brass Kule No. 1022 ; 3 lbs.
2 pt. Brass Bule No. 2082 ; 5 lbs. Brass
Kule No. 1156; 32 0 pt. 4 Col. Rule; 16
4 pt. 4 Col. Head Rules ; No. 220i; 1 4 pt.
4 Col. Head Kule No. 1154; 25 each Adv.
Kules No. 1204 1-2 ems; 20 2 pt. Adv.
Kules No. 1003 13 ems; 25 2 pt. Brass
Dash Kules No. 1002B 13 ems; 15 4 pt.
Brass Dash Rules No. 1204B; 13 ems;
4 Single Col.. 1 12x18 Brass Galleys; 2
Pfcir 4 Col. Quarto Chases; 1 20 inch
Wood Poster Stick ; 4 dozen Hempel
Quoins No. 1; 2 Keys; 16 each 4 Col.
Side & Foot Sticks; 3A & Figs 15 Line
No. 00 Wood Type: 101 Char.; 5 ft. &
Cor. Wood Border No 254; ,50 lbs. L. S.
Metal Furniture; 3 No. 15 Dbl. Stands
(24 Cases); 1 ft. 2 pt. Miters No. 1022;
2 sets each 0 pt. round and 67 Square
Corners No. 61; 1 Utility Lead A; Kule;
1 Asstd. No. 2 B. & C. Thin Spaces; 2
pair Tweezers; 2 6-inch Comp. Sticks; 4
13 em. Comp. Rules; 4 13 em Makeup
Kules; 1 Doz. each Spring Tongue and
Flexible Side Guage Pines; 1 Quart Suc
cess Benr.ine Can ; 1 Benzine Brush No.
2; in the City of Lincoln, County of
Lancaster, on the llHh day of June.
That default has been made in the
conditions of the said mortgage and the
said mortgagor, D. N. Graham, has aban
doned said property and left the posses
sion of the same to others.
Dated ihis 20th day of May, 1011.
American Type Founders Co.,
Frank Barhydi, Manager,
Kansas City, Mo.,
Mortgagee and Assignee.
Dr. Chas. Yungblut
Dentin TS
AUTO. PHONE 3416, BELL 656
The real truth of the matter, Mr. Wage Earner, is that
it is better to save than to suffer.
To save a little every week from the pay check and in
vest it in such a way that it will be working for you all the
Better that than to suffer privations, more or less
acute, in the coming days when age has lessened your earn
ing capacity.
Men grow old. That's a fact. Wise men look ahead
and prepare for that time. Let us help you prepare. Deposit
a little with us every week, and we will put it to working
for you working day and night. In the days to come you
will have something to rely upon This is just the applica
tion of plain commonsense to the problem of life. We pay
four per cent interest. Investigate our methods. We will
gladly explain.
132. NORTH 11TH ST.
, We will soon be in our handsome new quarters.
Green Gable
The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium
For non-contagious obronio diseases. Largest, best
equipped, most beautifully furnished.
. . , .,
Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m.
Office 2 j 1 8 O St. Both Phones
Tends to Physical and Mental Deterio
ration of Workers.
When President Gompers appeared
before the house committee on labor In
opposition to the establishment of the
Taylor system, otherwise known as the
First Trust and Savings Bank
OwnecP by Stockholders of First National Bank
The Bank for The Wage Earners
Ir.lercit tic! tt Fcvr er Cent
139 South Eleventh Lincoln, Nebraska
"efficiency" system, in the gov&nment
arsenals, he stated that the Introduc
tion of this scheme was without con
sideration of the well being of work
men; that no system should be inaugu
rated that did not have a due regard
for the average physical ability. In
illustration he made the following
statement relative to the physical de
terioration of British workmen in many
industries, which was discovered by
military officials ; while recruiting for
service in the Boer war:
"The results were first demonstrated
during the Boer war that is. it was
first demonstrated in that war in re
cent years, although it had been dem
onstrated before that time. In that
war. when the Britons were appealed
to to enlist in the war. the measure
ments taken by the representatives of
the military authorities showed a dimi
nution in the stature of the British
workmen in many Industries. Their
chest measurements, their height and
weight were found to be entirely dis
proportionate, showing that they had
President O'Connell of the Interna
tional Association of Machinists, in the
course of his argument before the same
committee said:
"It Is the unfair employer in con
junction with the lead pencil, faddist
who U attempting to introduce such
schemes with the view of making it
appear that labor is being benefited
and labor is going to get more money.
That is a huge joke. The moment the
laborer gets more money he has to go
out and get it himself. No employer
is going around handing money to la
borers on a silver platter. Do not let
anybody tell you that. In the fac
tories and workshops where the Taylor
system and other systems aping It are
In. effect workmen .are. absolutely, help
less, absolutely shackled. They are
dependent because individuality has
been driven out of them absolutely by
that system. Mr. Taylor says: 'Give us
strong men, with big physical bodies,
but take their heads off. We do not
want men with heads; we want men
with big hands, strong arms and
strong bodies, but without heads. We
will do the thinking for them. We do
not want anybody around here who
can think. We have a man who will
do the thinking and tell them when
to stop and when to start -,and how
much they must do, and if they do not
do it then they go to the scrap pile.' "
Expelled Trade Unionist Fights Labor
In British Parliament.
A British trade union journal makes
timely comment on Osborne,he union
member who refused to pay the assess
ment levied by his union to defray its
share toward maintaining members in
parliament and who, it will be re
membered, carried the matter to the
courts. Osborne's reprehensible act is
condemned by the great body of union
ists in Great Britain, as it should be.
The comment follows:
"Our 'friend' and fellow trade union
ist Osborne is again top dog. His ex
ecutive council expelled him after of
fering him and a few more like him
the coppers he had paid for labor rep
resentation. They also closed the
branch of which he was a member.
Osborne appealed. The first court said
the executive council was quite within
Its right. The second court has re
versed that decision. Now the case
goes to 'the lords,' and meantime Os
borne gets costs of the two courts be
low, and again he may put his tongue
In his cheek till 'the lords' decide. Os
borne will go down to posterity as one
who made strenuous efforts to strangle
our new hope, the Labor party, and he
will appear as ridiculous to us In years
to come as King Chanute waving his
scepter and commanding the rising
ocean to go back."
Six Day Week For Steel Workers.
Although the efforts of organized la
bor are deprecated in many quarters,
yet it is significant that constant
changes are taking place in the indus
trial world in the direction and In
conformity with the views promul
gated by organized workmen. The
steel trust, declared to be an enemy
of union workmen, Is now actively en
gaged in following out one of the pri
mal principles of union labor, that
workmen should be permitted to rest
one day in seven. At Sharon, Pa., it
Is reported that "six days only" for
all laboring men is the mandate which
was posted in the south works of the
Carnegie Steel company. The blast
furnace does not close down on Sun
day, and the company will employ ex
tra men, as also will be the case in
other departments running continuous
ly. The order further specifies that if
"a man is one of those who are assigned
to Sunday work be must lay off some
other day of the week."
New Strike In Tampa.
Following a demonstration against
the decision of Judge Wall of the cir
cuit court upholding the sentence to
one year's Imprisonment of leaders in
the recent strike at Tampa, rendered
by the criminal court of record, a gen
eral strike was declared, and Tampa
faces the same grave situation which
prevailed through a greater portion of
last year. The strike leaders under
sentence are Jose de la Campa, Britt
Russell and J. F. Bartlum. In a man
ifesto the joint advisory board stated
that the strike will continue until the
men under sentence are either pardon
ed or a new trial Is granted.