WILL MAUPIN'S WEEKLY . THE WAGEWORKER WILL M. MAUPIN, Editor Published Weekly at Lincoln, Nebraska, by The Wageworker Published Company. "Entered as second-class matter February 3. 191 1, at the post office at Lincoln, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879." ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR FOR DISTRICT JUDGE. I am a candidate for republican nomination for district judge at the coming primaries. Your support will be appreciated. GEORGE A. ADAMS. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. I am a candidate for county judge at the coming primaries. I pledge my best services to the public if nominated and elected. Your support solicited, and will be appreciated. GEORGE H. R1SSER. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. I am a candidate for the nomination for county judge as a republican, subject to the action of the forthcoming primary. If nom inated and elected, I pledge my best services to the public. I solicit your consideration of my candidacy. JOHN S. BiSHOP. WEDDINGS AND FLUB DUB Right now a lot of money is being spent in "pre-nuptial" damphoolishness that a lot of brides and grooms will wish they had invested in furniture or had stowed away in a bank to meet expenses when the baby comes and brings a long train of croup and measles and whoopingcough and other things that make money melt like a snowbank in July. It has come to such a pass in these days that a wedding must be advertised like a circus and the bride-to-be put on display for her admir ing friends very much like a prize Jersey at a country fair. And after a few weeks of this sort of thing, a young couple em barks on the matrimonial sea with a huge collection of useless junk, shattered nerves and utterly false notions. In about six or eight months they wake up, and the rest of their lives is spend in won dering how'n hades there can be such a woeful difference between the dream and the reality. For the life of us we can not blame the average young mechanic for backing off from matrimony when he sees that he has got to spend enough money to start him up housekeeping in playing second fiddle in a society saturnalia that ought really to be shocking to the mod esty of young women. Whenever we hear of a young couple quietly calling on a minister or a justice of the peace and speaking the marriage vows without fuasi and feather and, vulgar display, we feel like patting them on the back and wish ing them the best there is in life. , Their common sense method of entering the marriage relation surely entitles them to the best. No, we are not grouchy because we are getting old. And we rather opine that we are quite as well able to make a splurge when one of our daughters gets married as some people we know of who have splurged pretty heavy. But we are not going to be guilty of any such doings. Instead of throwing away good money in such fashion we are going to spend it for things that the girl and her chosen one are going to need, and need almighty bad, before they have been married any considerable length of time. And when the "biggest boy" embarks on the matri monial sea in a few weeks he is going to act on the- sensible lines here suggested. It will be a quiet little wedding, with no, display worth mentioning, and the bride , and groom will step forth from the mod est little home of the bride's mother into the modest little home that the groom has prepared, instead of spending his money for ostentatious display. It has come to pass that weddings are approached merely as society affairs in stead of as solemn ceremonies that have to do with the greatest things in human life. And Will Maupin's Weekly opines that in thus expressing its nown senti ments it is expressing the sentiments of a lot of other people who may not have equal opportunities for making their sen timents known. SOME CURT CURRENT COMMENT Nebraska is the recruiting ground where the nation finds its big men after they have been developed. Just about the time one of our university professors achieves a national reputation and is in a position to give Nebraska the best serv ices, along comes some other institution managed on a broader basis and snaps him up at a salary that makes the one paid him by Nebraska look exceeding small. Same way with ministers and lawyers and doctors. Do not overlook the fact that Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis is a Nebraska boy. Now comes word that Superintendent of Schools David son of Omaha is to leave and take charge of the schools at Washington, D. C. Perhaps Omaha can not afford to pay Mr. Davidson as much salary as Wash ington can. But if it can, and would not, then Omaha should be spanked into a realization of what she is going to lose. For Mr. Davidson is a big man in the educational world. If you should name a dozen of the leading educators of Am erica today the name of Davidson would appear. Omaha may not appreciate him, but other big cities do. It seems hard that rich and prosperous Nebraska should allow herself to lose the services of such splendid men. Mr. Davidson has left a deep impress upon the minds and hearts of thousands of Nebraska's future citizens. He has lifted higher the standard of education, and he has been a magnificient force for public good. Washington is to be congratulated. The editor of this modest little jour nal begs to be excused for a great many shortcomings in this issue. After a bit more than three days as the guest of Omaha as a member' of the Nebraska Press Association, he returns home feel ing about as much like writing bright thoughts as a. prohibitionist does of re commending a saloon as a pleasure re sort. Not that Omaha hospitality left that "morning after the night before" feeling, for it was a remarkably temper ate and decorous bunch that met there. But there was always something doing in Omah tov the entertainment gf tlm visiting newspaper folk, and this editor, -in common with all others who were there, did not let anything get by. Be ing just a bit heavier and somewhat older than he was several years ago, the editor found the ace rather strenuous. With this explanation we will proceed. It was not a surprise to Will Maupin's Weekly that Omaha should make such a favorable impression upon the newspa per folk. Twelve years' experience in Omaha taught us to know the Omaha that really is, not the Omaha of critical and biased understanding. For Omaha is a great city. She has been growing so rapidly that .she hasn't had time to out fit herself properly, therefore her out grown garments often reveal a consider able length of limb. But just the same Omaha is setting a commercial pace that is making them all go some. Omaha is peopled by citizens who are the acme of hospitality. This week they turned themselves loose to convince such of the editors as may have been obessed with the idea that Omaha rather looked upon non-Omahans as being of inferior clay. As a result of the splendid entertain ment, the warm welcome and the glad hand extended, Nebraska editors are go ing to take a new viewpoint of Nebras ka's great metropolis. Next week, after recovering somewhat from the effects of being a guest of Omaha's hospitable citi zens, we will undertake to remark at some length upon what we saw. The North Iowa district elected a re publican congressman to succeed Con gressman Walter I. Smith, republican, who has been appointed to the federal judiciary. About one-half the normal vote was cast and the usual republican majority was cut to about one-fifth. The republican candidate ran on a platform condemning reciprocity and endorsing the Payne-Aldrich law. The democrat ran on a platform endorsing reciprocity. But the voters refused to enthuse. In view of all the circumstances surround' ing past congrefieg, Wd call UlidSr8tand why honaet mm ' s 41gutd thai