LABOR BILLS IN CONGRESS. Immigration and Children's Bureau Get Consideration. Bills have been introduced in the national house of representatives to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States, the one carrying the Illiteracy test being urged by the American Federation of Labor. Another bill provides for the estab lishment of a children's bureau to be connected with the department of com merce and labor. The functions of the bureau shall "be to investigate and re port upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of children and child life, and it shall especially investigate the questions of infant mortality, the birth rate, physical degeneracy, orphanage. Juvenile courts, desertion, dangerous occupations, accidents and diseases of children, employment, legislation af fecting children in the several states and territories and such other facts as have a bearing upon the welfare of children." Painters' Wages Advanced. Seventy-five Cleveland contractors have signed the new agreement pro posed by the painters, which provides for an Increase of 2V6 cents an hour. - The paperhangers' new piece scale has also been accepted, as has been the scale of the Jewish painters; after a short strike. I"t",I'"l"I,,I,il",lB,I,,I,'I",Ii,I,l THE CRY OF TOIL. We have fed you all for a thousand years, And you hail us still unfed. Though there's never a dollar of all your wealth But marks the worker's dead. We have yielded our best to give . you rest. And you lie on a crimson wool, T For if blood be the price of all your 3. wealth. Good God, we ha' paid it in full. T There's never a mine blown sky- J ward now But we're burled alive for you. " ' There's never a wreck drifts shore- T ward now But we are its' ghastly crew. Go reckon our dead "by the forges red And the factories where we spin. If blood be the price of your ac- 3. cursed wealth. Good God, we ha paid it in full. 4 We have fed you all for a thousand years, For that was our doom, you know, From the days when you chained us in your fields To the strike of a week ago, You ha' eaten our lives and our babes and wives, And we're told it's your legal share. ' But if blood be the price of your lawful wealth, Good God, we ha bought it fair. Rudyard Kipling. GOMPERS' JAIL SENTENCE. Wall Street Anxious Over the Fate of Labor Leaders. According to a Wall street authori ty, there is much concern In the street as to the final outcome of the Gom pers, Mitchell and Morrison jail sen tenet -fnow on the calendar of the federal supreme court. This authority says: "With more men Idle, the financial community is wondering in what man ner organized labor will accept a de cision from the supreme court of the United States in regard to the sen tence of Gompers, Mitchell and Mor rison to imprisonment on the charge of contempt of court. This case Is considered by many lawyers as really more important than that of the Standard Oil or the American Tobac co cbmpany7 because fiTstrlkes at the very foundation of organized labor, and the decision will set a limit be yond which labor fights cannot go with safety in the future. "If the supreme court should force Gompers and the others to serve out their sentences and if organized labor should decide to treat them as mar tyrs a very delicate situation would be created. On the other hand, if the supreme court should decide that the sentences were unjustly imposed it would create a condition equally deli cate by encouraging organized labor to disregard lower court decisions ex cept in a technical sense. "Either horn of the dilemma is un fortunate, because there are so many people idle just now with plenty of time to get excited over matters that would pass with comparatively little notice if prosperity were at full tide." Brooklyn Eagle. Warring Electrical Workers. Probably because of the increase in the insurgents in the unions all over the country President Gompers has notified both factions of the Electrical Workers' union that the executive council of the American Federation of Labor has called a joint convention of the warring elements, to be held Sept. 14 at Minneapolis. The council further orders that the conventions must each elect a committee of five to meet jointly with the officers of the A. P. of L., the metal trades depart ment and the building trades depart ment The combined forces are to work out a plan of amalgamation and submit it to the conventions for adoption. American Labor Far Cheaper. From figures on the world's coal supply in n recent British publication the bureau of manufacturers of the department of commerce and labor has compiled statistics showing that the United States, with 090,438 persons employed In mining coal in 190(5. pro duced 126,562.000 tons of coal more than were produced by 966,264 persons similarly employed in the United Kingdom. The production of coal in the United States amounted to 538 tons per person employed as against 271 tons produced per person in the United Kingdom. A Prosperous Society. The Rockwell (la.) Farmers' Co-operative society Is the oldest of its kind in the United States. Last year busi ness amounting to $424,000 was trans acted at a cost of $500 a share. The society was organized as a trust bust er and has grown rich buying grain on a slight margin and selling coal, lumber, clothing, shoes, etc.. at a slight advance over cost. Shares which twen ty years ago sold for $10 are now worth $161.15. There are 2,500 shares held by the 365 members. The society has about $52,000 assets. CHILD LABOR EVIL. Arguments and efforts made and used by the trade unionists of the country found expression in the addresses made recently before the child welfare con gress in Washington. The con sensus of opinion was that the moral standards of this country were not as high, as they should be and that much could be done to Improve them. These discus sions rarely fail to bring out the fact that Industrial condi tions which compel children to find employment at an early age are followed by decreased moral standards and physical deficiency. Building For The Future. It isn't what you make that builds your fortune it's what you save. And there is a difference between hoarding and saving. The dollar hidden away is lost to the world's business. The dollar invested safely is a dollar working for humanity. The dollar that is working for you now is making possible your rest in later years. Invest your savings with us. We Pay Four Per Cent Interest. Save a little every week or month, and put dollars you have worked so hard for to working for you a bit. It is the interest-bearing dollars that build fortunes. Saving is a matter of habit. Cultivate the habit: We'll show you how. AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK 132 NORTH 11TH ST. We will soon be in our handsome new quarters. ...j..,y.;....j..j....f..;;..v.v.t..?-..t.r..t..t. $ HOLDS UP HIS HEAD. ? The union man carries his head high because he lias noth ing to be ashamed of; because ' he represents the highest stand ard of skill and merit; because .he is in a position to demand wages which are adequate to the actual value he is to his em ployer; because he is capable of performing the highest grade of skilled labor in the most expert manner; because he has been wise enough to emulate the ex ample of his boss in amalgamat ing with others of his craft, just as his employer has done with others of capital, and belongs to an organization which is both able and willing to protect him and which will go to any ex treme to keep him up to the level to which he belongs. Why should he not hold up his head? Who has a better right? i"I"I"I"I-l"!"I"I"IIlH,4,Ij" LABOR WINS VICTORY. Supreme Court's Decision Frees Gom pers and Associates. Organized labor won a great victory when the United States supreme court held that three of its most noted lead ers shall not be required to serve jail sentences for contempt of court. Setting aside the sentences of im prisonment imposed by the supreme court of the District of Columbia for alleged disobedience to a boycott in junction, the supreme court of the United States held that Samuel Gom pers, John Mitchell and Frank Morri son, president, vice president and sec retary, respectively,- of the American Federation of Labor, had been errone ously sentenced to jail on a charge of contempt of a local court. The basis of the court's opinion was that the proceeding against the labor officers was for civil contempt, which could be punished only by the imposi tion of a fine. The sentence of the lower court to imprisonment was the penalty for criminal contempt, and therefore it was not a legal "punishment. Justice Wright found them guilty and sentenced Gompers to one year in jail, Mitchell to nine months and Mor rison to six months. An appeal was taken from this sentence first to the court of appeals, wfifcbTliffirmed it, and finally to the supreme court of the United States. Commenting . on the decision, Mr. Gompers said: "I think it has been not only my opinion, but it has been the consensus of opinion, that the sentences imposed by Justice Wright of six, nine and twelve months for Mr. Morrison, Mr. Mitchell and myself, respectively, were unjustifiable, unusual and cruel, particularly in an alleged constructive contempt; that his language was in temperate and unjudiclaL" LYNCH SUES KIRBY. Head of Typos Charges Libel Against Manufacturers. James M. Lynch, president of the International Typographical union, has brought suit for $100,000 damages against John Kirby, Jr., and the di rectors of the National Association of Manufacturers, charging libel. The suit is in behalf of the Typo graphical union and is based upon a resolution publicly passed Oct 13, 1910, at a meeting of the National Associa tion of Manufacturers. The resolu tion, according to Attorney Alfred J. Talley of New York city, who repre sents Mr. Lynch, reads: Whereas, The long continued, cowardly and recklessly illegal determination of the International Typographical union to de stroy the business of the Los Angeles Times and the Influence of Its owner, General Harrison Gray Otis, In his efforts in behalf of the principles of Industrial freedom has terminated in the destruc tion of the Times plant and building- by dynamite; Resolved, That this board recognizes this act of destruction of life and prop erty as in line with the criminal policy of criminal unionism. Wright After Gompers. Within twenty-four hours after the United States supreme court had re lieved Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison of the Jail sen tences imposed by Justice Wright of the supreme court of the District of Columbia for contempt Justice Wright initiated steps to punish them. The justice appointed a board to investi gate the action of these labor leaders and ordering it, if it found evidence of contempt, "to prosecute the charge of contempt of court to the end that the custody of the court be established, vindicated and sustained." Commenting on the action of the court, Mr. Gompers said: ."Justice Wright can go just as far as he likes. He will find we are not running away -not even from him."