TALKING OF MEN AND THINGS Thoughtful students of economics are not slow to note' thai the Standard Oil case decision is of more interest to so cialists than it is to the disciples of any other school. The socialists are not slow to point out the fact that the decision practically means the death knell of com petition and the placing of the means of distribution in the hands of the favored few. "Economic determinism'' is the name given the new economic law or rather an old economic law just coming to he recognized. It is time that the peo ple of this country take cognizance of the fact that they must do one of two things either discover or invent some method of restoring unrestricted competition or proceed to take over for the use and bene fit of all the people those things whose value depend wholly' upon the public de mand therefor. Tom Johnson's last words were liter ally a 'request that ho monument be erected over his remains, but that his burial plot be made into a playground for children, and that they be allowed to run and romp and play not only around but upon his grave. Nothing could give a cleaner insight into the great heart of this friend of all humanity. And little children happily at play around. Tom Johnson's grave would be a greater trib ute to his memory than the tallest shaft of marble or most imperishable tablet of bronze. New York City has just dedicated a ten million dollar - public library. We can imagine how welcome a sweaty, grimy toiler will be within its tapestried walls and upon its inlaid, floors. Also we can imagine what great benefit this magnificent building with its art con tents will be to the hopeless women and children in the sweat shops of the East Side, the broken men in the "bread line" and the 20,000 children deprived of school facilities. Ten million dollars would have erected quite a row of model tene ments to take the place of the foul- dis-ei'se-riddeii and death-breeding tenements that infest New York, many of them owned by Trinity corporation and pour ing their golden flood of blood-stained ;.nd tear-stained dollars into the coffers of America's richest church organization. Much as we love the beautiful and great ly i s we endorse those things calculated to elevate the public taste for art and lit eiatme, we refuse to enthuse over any leu-million dollar public library build ings in the great cities where misery stalks abroad by day and night. Due note should be made of the fact that the Nebraska supreme court this week soundly slapped one of the most ar logant corporations in America, namely the National Biscuit company. This is the cracker trust which two years ago last February brazenly sought to influ ence the newspapers of Nebraska against proposed legislation by making- -advertis ing contracts by wire, hoping thus to pre vent adverse legislation. To the credit of Nebraska newspapers be it said that the scheme did not pan out at all well. Fail ing to secure the editorial influence sought, the cracker trust abrogated its contracts. The cracker trust refused to brand the net weight on its packages and fought the case in the courts. The court has now decided that the trust must brand its packages. A few years ago, the crack er trust suddenly closed its factories in Nebraska. Later it sought to punish Ne braskans by refusing to sell its goods within. the state. As a result of this damphoolishness an independent cracker company was organized in Omaha, and todav the Iten Biscuit Co. is showing the National Biscuit Co. what live competi tion means. Thus far the trust has failed to crush its. competitor. There is abso lutely no reason why a pound of the cracker trust's product should be con sumed in Nebraska, and many reasons why there should not be. Nebraska-made crackers for Nebraska cracker eaters is a mighty sensible slogan; It has suddenly daw ned upon Will Maupin's Weekly that perhaps the Colo rado legislature refrained from electing a successor to Senator Hughes through fear of repeating the Guggenheim mis take. We can not find it in our heart to blame any state, least of all Colorado, for not caring to lake any chances on having two senators like Guggenheim. Nebraska soil is soaked from Richard son to Dawes, from Dundy to Cedar. Of course that does not insure a bumper corn crop, but it gives great hopes. And it does insure a bumper yield of oats and wheat and rye, and mountains of alfalfa. With some little knowledge of Nebraska's grain yields in past years we risk our reputation as a statistician on the pro phecy that Nebraska's wheat yield in 1911 will pass the fifty million bushel mark. With plenty of moisture in the ground in those sections not irrigated, and with the ditches in the irrigated sec tions bank full of water, there is every reason to believe that Nebraska is going to set a new record for production this year of our Lord 1911. seems to have a cinch on a place in con gress as representative of the Fifth for many years to come. Why should he drop that hunk of choice meat to grab at a senatorial reflection in the often muddy water of politics? If Mr. Norris decides to hold on to his place in the lowTer house it will not mean clear sailing for Senator Brown. He will have opposition, no matter what Mr. Norris does. With Norris out of the race, Silas R. Barton, present auditor of public accounts, may decide to get in, and in that event the senior senator will find the going pretty fast. AVe are not aware that Barton is a "spellbinder,''' or that lie can uphold the palladium of our lib erties in an orotund tone of voice aiid with gesticulations calculated to charm the birds out of the trees, but when it comes to meeting the voter on the level and talking as man to man, there are almighty few in our ken who can give that same Silas R. Barton any points in the game. Pitted against the democrat who was admittedly the strongest can didate on the democratic ticket last fall, Mr. Barton was high man on the re publican ticket after Governor Aldrich. That was a pretty good test of his sprint ing ability, and Senator Brown should take due notice. When the Lincolnites who went on the "Booster" trip presented Secretary Whit ten of the Commercial Club with a hand some watch and chain as an evidence of their appreciation of his tireless work, they paid a deserved tribute to that gen tleman. It takes genius of a high order to perform such service as Mr. Whitten renders to the Commercial Club, and through it to the city of Lincoln. Mr. Whitten is always on the job, and while he is paid a fair remuneration for his ser vices the fact remains that there are services which can not be paid for by stated wages, but which may, in a meas ure, be compensated for by just such little evidences of appreciation as the one shown the genial secretary by the "Boosters." . Will Representative Norris of the Fifth district finally determine to get into the senatorial fight next year? That ques tion is worrying quite a few political dopesters and aspirants just now. Mr. t Norris is quite a levelheaded gentleman and this journal of cheerful comment be lieves that he will wisely decide to remain in the lower house where . his seniority will guarantee him some choice chair manships in due time, and choice com mittee positions all the time, rather than enter the senatorial race and take chances. If elected to the senate he : would be without influence or committee position lor several years. Mr Norris Will Maupin's Weekly notes with great satisfaction the exchange of courtesies between the Commercial Clubs of Lin coln and Omaha. The Lincoln business men have just returned from a "trade ex pansion" trip that covered the greater part of Nebraska. About the time their train pulled into Lincoln at the end of the trip, Omaha business men started out over practically the same territory on a similar errand. AVhereupon the Commer cial Club of Lincoln sent a fraternal mes sage to the Omaha bunch, and the Omaha Commercial Club replied in kind. There are a few noisy busybodies who delight in making it appear that there is enmity between the Nebraska metropolis and the capital city. Nothing could be further