air fund" for the babies of that city. Of course the fund is growing, but not so fast that a contribution from 3011 would come amiss. Omaha is so big that it has shuns, and congested districts and tenements wherein the babies die at a frightful rate during the hot months. A few dollars will save many of these little ones to lives of usefulness. And, Mr .Man, if it were your babj', a million dollars would not be too much to expend in sav ing it. Well, remember that if it isn't your baby it is the baby of some other man who thinks as much of it as you do of vours. So send in vour contribution. What shall it profit a man to gain a couple or three million dollars and rear up a son who degenerates into a drunk en fool? Henry (May Pierce, the million aire oil man is probably asking himself that question every waking hour. Pierce has devoted his life to amassing millions, and while he was giving undivided atten tion to that his son was giving equally as siduous attention to highballs, cigarets and blondined women. Now the junior Pierce is mentally unbalanced and the senior Pierce finds his millions unavail ing to bring him comfort. After all, what have the insurrectos of Mexico accomplished that is really worth while? True they have forced the resignation of Diaz, secured governor ships of a few states and cabinet posi tions for several insurrecto leaders. Hut where are the reforms in government? Will Madero prove auy better than Diaz? He owns five or six million acres of land, and it is reliably reported that peonage exists thereon in its worst form. A few political leaders have secured power and prestige, thousands of men have risked their lives and hundreds have lost their lives and for what? Can it be that all that is gained is merely a new political deal in which the breadwinners are still to be mere pawns in the crooked game? If the g. o. p. leaders are figuring on Cummins as a vice presidential candi date for the purpose of pulling "progres sive" support to Taft, they are making a mistake. Cummins read himself out of the "progressive" class during his speech in Lincoln a few months ago, wherein he made the bald statement that he pre ferred the worst kind of a republican to the best kind of a democrat. Cummins of Iowa lowered himself so far in the estimation of intelligent westerners, when he made that remark, that he would be something of a joke as a vote getter in the role of tail to Taft's kite. LITTLE THINGS OF LIFE It is so easy to make people happy, and the dividends on the effort are so big, that we often wonder why move people do not try it once in a while. There happened in Omaha recently one of those little incidents that make us feel that this isn't such a selfish old world, after all. Every now and then, just when we are so blue we'd make an indigo bag look pure white in comparison, one of these inci dents bobs up before our ken, and then we chirk up and feel better. Douglas county has a large number of inmates of her poor farm, most of them being aged and infirm people, and many of them mentally unsound. Very little comes into the lives of these unfortunates to bright en them. But last week the union bar bers of Omaha had a happy thought. A big bunch of the big-hearted boys packed up their tools and went out to the poor farm and spent the whole day in shav ing, trimming the hair and shampooing all the inmates in need of that attention. It was a voluntary work on the part of the barbers, and they even paid their own carfare. But Will Maupin's Weekly is willing to wager that not one of those barbers wouldn't take a day's wages for the memory of the pleasure he gave to the unfortunates at the Douglas county poor farm. GEORGE A. ADAMS Elsewhere in this issue appears the announcement of George A. Adams for nomination for district judge, subject to the decision of the republican primaries. Horn in Indiana, Mr. Adams was raised on a farm, and after attending the public schools was graduated from the law school of Indiana State University. He has been engaged in the practice of law in Lancaster county for more than twenty years, aiid in that time has made a repu tation for ability. Mr. Adams pledges that in the event of his nomination and' election he will give to the office the best measure of his ability, and that he is mentally equipped for the important of fice no one acquainted with the legal his tory of the district will for a moment dis pute. AMERICA'S DRINK EITL The Presbyterian general assembly at Atlantic City is not so busy with heresy trials that it is unable to devote some time to the ever-present liquor problem. The committee on temperance reports that it is high time to put a stop to garbled statements and deliberate false hoods and recognize the sorrowful fact that the use of alcoholic drink is on the increase in the United States. The com mittee says great harm is being done by the use of charts which indicate a rapid advance in temperance legislation and boastful staetnients about "making the map all white." "We are doing nothing of the kind," says the committee. Then it proceeds to show that the per capita drink bill in 1910 was 21.17. Multiplying this by 4 . 6, the size of the American family ac cording to government statistics, it is seen that the drink bill per family is $111.18. If this is any appreciable re duction in the use of alcoholic drink one shudders to think what the total con sumption must have been some years ago before the temperance agitation really be gan. Will Maupin's Weekly holds that en tirely too much reliance has been placed by temperance reformers in legislative en actment. The theory that men may be reformed by passing laws, or that an en acting clause and a constable's club is of mor force than education, is held by too many. The trouble with prohibitory laws is that after they are enacted nobody pays any particular attention to their enforcement. This is because public sen timent is never strong enough, and this lack of strength is due to lack of educa tion. Mighty few men would make com plaint if they saw somebody violating the prohibitory law, yet practically every man would give the alarm if they saw an attempt being made to rob a bank or burglarize a house. There are parents who send their chil dren to school, not to be educated, but to be rid of them for a few hours a day. There are parents who send their chil dren to Sunday school for an hour a week and then consider that they have done their Christian duty in providing for the the moral training of their children. And there are hundreds of thousands of men who are quite willing to have prohibition laws enacted, hoping that they will thus be relieved of all moral obligations to help destroy an admitted evil. The iniquity of the .liquor traffic is rooted in the revenue idea. Will Maupin's Weekly holds that the first step to take in abolishing the evils of the drink traf fic is to abolish the revenue feature. The second is to abolish the,- profit feature. And while these steps are being taken, let the good work of education as to the evil effects of alcohol upon the human system go on. , , . ., i ( . . We are having entirely too much of hysteria and sentimentality in this war against the drink traffic. AVhat we need is more common sense and a recognition of the fact that .until we begin dealing with it as an economic question it has no part in political affairs. It is high time that some people recognize the great fact that we do not enact laws for the pur-, pose of making men moral, but for the purpose of protecting society. The Presbyterian general assembly figured out that less than 10 per cent of Presbyterian ministers received over $1,000 a year, and more than 87 per cent received less than $900 a year. Some of them nothing at all. With' base ball managers offering $7,000 a year for pitchers and from $4,000 to $6,000 for men who can hit better than .300, no one need wonder why there are not enough ministers to go around. When Governor Wilson speaks in Lin coln his remarks will be delivered exclu sively to business and professional men. If ever he is elected to the presidency he will have to have the votes of a few men engaged in other avocations.