WILL MAUPIN'S WEEKLY THE WAGEWORKER WILL M. MAUPIN, Editor Published Weekly at Lincoln, Nebraska, by The Wageworker Published Company. "Entered m coad-claM matter February 3, 191 1, at the post office at Lincoln, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879." ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR w OR 01 Mr. Roosevelt denies that he made a corrupt bargain with the Mormon Church. However, we have not yet- forgot ten that "My Dear Harriman" letter. The state that produces the most corn to the acre should not longer continue to have so many bellachers to the square mile. Frankly we have been unable to inter est ourselves in the discussion John P. Sutton and Charles Wooster have been holding on "hell." We have no present in tention of going there, and we are too much intent on having this life an an nex to heaven to even waste a minute on thinking about hell. We hope our good friends, Sutton and Wooster, will devote their energies and talents to a more profitable discussion. It has not been at all difficult for Will Maupin's Weekly to get thus far in the local campaign without charging others with being liars and thugs, or becoming unduly excited over the matter of candi dates. We are too intent on boosting for Lincoln and all Nebraska to allow our editorial mind to be diverted by these lit tle local details. When President Taft opened the reci procity box he let loose a lot of trouble for the party that has always been able to count on the tariff barons for the sinews of politcal warfare. A lot of southerners flew to the defense of slavery, although they never owned a slave and never hoped to. A number of men who never had a business of their own are awfully afraid that if Lincoln does not settle the excise question ac cording to their views, business will be shot all to pieces. As we are advertised by our loving friends, so, too, are we often misled by them. For a city that boasts so much -of its education facilities Lincoln has an al mighty "bum" high school building. Nebraska wheat fields san supply the bread for the nation, and Nebraska creameries are ready to supply the butter to spread on it. Sixteen million acres of fertile Nebras ka soil are waiting fqr the labor of hus bandmen. Nebraska is criminally negli gent of her duty to herself by failing to make Ijer resources and opportunities known to all the world. . Will Maupin's Weekly is for Lincoln, for Lincoln wet or dry will continue to grow and prosper; will continue growing bigger, broader and busier. Keep that in mind. Don't be misled by those who tell you that Lincoln will be "shot all to hell" financially and industrially without licensed saloons. Nothing to it! Do not believe that by keeping the licensed saloons out Lincoln will have come anywhere near solving the liquor question, or achieveing municipal perfection. Nothing to it! Don't get excited. Keep cool and sweet. And above all, be a Good Loser. Take the cards that are dealt to you and play the game. Then, win or lose, smile and BOOST LINCOLN Don't be a piker! If you are a "wet" and Lincoln re mains dry, smile, be a man, and Boost! If you are a "dry" and Lincoln goes wet, smile, be a man, and Boost! It's a dirty bird that fouls its own nest. Don't you be that kind of a bird. Be a clean bird and Boost! ARMSTRONG OR MALONE The city will not go to the demnition bow-wows if your preferred candidate is defeated. No city's success is is contingent upon the election of any one man. Don't forget that. A city's success is measured by the loyalty of her citizenship. Be a loyal citizen and Boost! WILL MAUPIN'S WEEKLY a Journal of Optimism, is boosting for Lincoln and Ne braska all the time. Whatever happens, while life lasts Will Maupin's Weekly will always be found Boosting. Get into the game by becoming a subscriber to Will Maupin's Weekly a newspaper that never "knocks." ONLY ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR