SUPPOSE THAT ROCKEFELLER Had merely hidden in a safety vault each dollar that he made, instead of re-investing it what would have been his fortune as compared with his fortune today? Or suppose that he had spent each dollar as in came to hand? Rocke feller's fortune was builded on re-investments. As soon as he got a dollar he put it to work for him. That is the "secret" of his immense wealth. Idle dollars benefit no one. Save a few dollars out of each week or monthly wage and put them to work for you. We find the jobs for your dollars and turn the wage they earn over to you. No idle time for your dollars if deposited with us they work night and day for you. We pay FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. A savings account is a safeguard against want a gaurantee of future comfort. Let us explain our system to you. AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK 132 NORTH IJTH ST. Named for Lincoln Made in Lincoln 5 IBERTY F t O O f U n DADDr r Test of the Oven Test of the Taste Test of Digestion Test of Quality Test of Quantity Test of Time Measured by Every Test it Proves Best Demand Liberty Flour and take no other. -If your grocer does not handle it, phone us about it. H. O. BARBER & SON First Trust and Savings Bank Ownedfby Stockholders of First National Bank The Bank for The Wage Earners Interest aid at Fou r er Cent 139 South Eleventh Lincoln, Nebraska Capital Aulixiary No. 11 to Lincoln Typographical Union No. 209 meets every second and fourth Wednesdays at the Labor Temple. MRS. FRED W. MICKEL, 3200 U St. Secy-Treas. MONEY LOANED on household goods, pianos, hor ses, eta; long or short time, No charge for papers. No interest in advance. No publicity or fil- Sapers, We guarantee better sims than others make. Money Eaid immediately. COLUMBIA ,OAN CO. 127 South 12th. WILL MAUPIN'S WEEKLY WASHINGTON SCORES. The Northwest Trades Uniorists Get Substantial Laws Enacted in Cause of Humanity. Washington.. D. C, April 15. In formation has just reached the head quarters of the American Federation of the details in reference to valuable legislation secured by the saate fed eration of the State of Washington. The state organization was especially active during thve recent session, and as a result succeeded in having passed the initiative and referndum, with percentages of ten and six; eight-hour law for women; employes' compensation act, differing for similar acts in that it creates a state insur ance department, with a maximum death benefit of $4,000. Washington unionists are elated over their suc cess. The Southern Conference on Child and Women Labor will be held in At lanta, Ga., April 25. This conference was endorsed by the Tennessee state federation of abor at its last session. J. A. Cable, a union Cooper, and Grant S. Landrey, a union printer, of Kansas City, Kan , were both elected as city commissioners under the com mission form of city government, the former being re-elected, he .'laving been placed in that position at the inauguration of the commission form of government last year. LABOR COMMITTEE COMPLETE. Republican Minority Selects Its Mem bers and Committee Is Now Ready for Work. Washington, April 15. The assign ment of republican members of the various committees of the House of Representatives has been completed, and it is now possible to make public the personnel of all standing commit tees. The Labor Committee, in which the labor movement is intensely intr ested, is composed of the following representatives : William B. Wilson of Pennsylvania, (Coal Miner, Dem.), Chairman. Walter L. Hensley of Missouri (Dem.) James P. Maher of New York, (Hat ter, Dem.) Arthur B. Rouse of Kentucky, (Dem.) . , David J. Lewis of Maryland (Coal Miner, Dem.) William Schley Howard of Georgia (Dem.) Frank Buchanan . of Illinois, (Iron Worker, Dem.) Finly H. Gray of Indiana, (Dem.) John J. Gardner of New Jersey, (Rep.) Edward B. Vreeland of New Yora. (Rep.) E. H. Madison of Kansas, (Rep.) Willis C. Hawley of Oregon, (Rep.) John M. C. Smih of Michigan, (Rep.) Holyoke, Mass., Tailors, with the as sistance of Organizer Tazelaar of the American Federation of Labor, and Or ganizer Pascale of the Tailors, have secured a substantial increase in wages and bettered conditions after a four days' strike. In Wellesley, Mass., the men em ployed by the city have been granted 25 cents per day increase in wages. The Carpenters, Painters and Team sters of Galesburg, 111., gained an in crease in wages on the first of the present month without friction. Painters in Knoxville, Tenn., have just won an advance in wages and se cured an agreemnt calling for the union shop. Minneapolis, Minn., Hod Carriers secured an increased wage and im proved conditions recently. Preparations for Memorial Sunday, second Sunday in May, are under way in a large number of towns and cities where central bodies are located. Each succeeding year greater attention is being given to Labor's Memorial day. The Amalgamated Carpenters of Washington, D. C, secured an in crease of 6 cents per hoar and Satur day half holiday. The Plate Engravers in the Geodetic Survey Department at Washington, D. C, get an increase of 12 per cent to take effect July 1, 1911. They are members of a local union holding charter from the A: F. and L: RESULT OF ONE. MAN'S; EFFORT E. R. Pace, Only Trades Unionist in North Carolina Legislature, Makes Good. ' The incidents occurring in the. lives of active trades unionists - contain both pathos and heroism. E.'. R.. Pace, a machinist, residing at Raleigh, N. C, was elected to the lower house of the legislature last fall. He stood alone the only and first unionist member of that body. But he had initiative, courage and persistence. He introduced several bills and suc ceeded in getting three of them en acted into law. One law allows the transportation companies to issue free transportation to widows or minor children of pen sioned, furloughed, superannuated, disabled or diseased employes. Another relating to factory owners providing medical and surgical ap pliances in factories. It is provided that all factories in the state shall be equipped with certain medical acces sories as first aid to injured or ill employes. Aiso a law was enacted providing for the ten-hour day (maximum) in cill iactories after January 1, 1912. This initial labor legislation will undoubtedly spur the unionists, of North Carolina to seek to increase their number of members in the next session. Cereal Workers. In accordance with resolution 'No. 49 adopted at the St. Louis convention of the American Federation of Labor the International Union of Flour and Cereal Mill Employes has ceased to exist. All local unions which were formerly attached to the international will be furnished American Federa tion of Labor charters free of all cost. Central bodies, where these unions are affiliated, are urged to advise local unions to at once affiliate themselves direct. The Printers on the. Fort Worth newspapers have gained an increase in wages ranging from 48 to 92 cents per hour. Omaha Painters have just secured another increase in wages, bringing their scale up to 50 ctahta per hour.