G Named for Lincoln Made in Lincoln reen The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium LINCOLN, NEBRASKA l-'or non-contagious chronic diseases. Largest, best equipped, most beautifully furnished. fa- OFFICE OF " DR. R. L. BENTLEY, SPECIALIST CHILDREN Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m. Office 21 18 O St. Both Phones LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Dr. Chas. Yungblut ROOM rv j..o. BURR Lyenust No. 202 BLOCK AUTO. PHONE 3416. BELL 656 LINCOLN, -:- NEBR. Wageworkers Attention We have Money to loan 'on Chattels. Plenty of it. Utmost Secrecy. Kelly & Norris 129 So. 11th St. Boston Carpenters Suspended. The Greater Boston Brotherhood Car penters District council, embracing twenty-eight locals, and the three Bos ton steamfitters' unions have been con ditionally suspended from the Boston building trades section in accordance with the action of the American Fed eration of Labor building trades de partment convention last November, which suspended both international or ganizations for alleged violation of the Tampa jurisdiction decision and which Instructed all the local sections to take similar action. Both internationals have appealed from that decision on the grounds that it is illegal. RECTOR'S ute Fine Cough Syrup Is a quick and positive remedy for all coughs. It stoqs coughing spells at night relieves the soreness, soothes the irrita ted membrane and stoqs the tickling. It is an ideal preparation for children as it containes no harmful anodynes or narcotics. 25c per bottle RECTOR'S 12th and O St. GOFiPERS OH SOCIALISTS. Blames Them For Forcing Mitchell Out of . Civic Federation. Samuel Gompers in an artich? in the American Federatioriist. the organ of the American Federation of Labor, de nounces the Socialists for forcing John Mitchell out of the Civic federation on pain of losing his membership in the miners' union, of which he at one time was president. "The normal state of the Socialist writers and public speakers is the howling dervish state," writes Mr. Gompers. "In certain circumstances they all get together and make their howl unusually loud, long and cantan kerous. Moreover, the tactics of the Socialists require that their howl5! should be extraordinarily vicious, a howl of scorn and derision, upon see ing representative labor men meet rep resentative employers in conference. In order to serve up their dish of scorn to the ignorant the Socialist leaders have thrown into it as constit uent elements bitter misrepresentation, the heat of hatred and the ginger of opprobrious epithet." Once Tried Always Used Little Hatchet Flour Made from Select Nebraska Hard Wheat WILBER AND DeWITT MILLS RYE FLOUR A SPECIALTY BeiiTptLP2SSi459 H5 So. 9th St., LINCOLN, NEB. PS Test of the Oven Test of the Taste Test of Digestion Test of Quality Test of Quantity Test f Time fev- BP &. O ljBR. ;h.o.barber&sons n r V V Measured by Every Test it Proves Best Demand Liberty Flour and take no other. If your grocer does not handle it, phone us about it. . O. BARBER & SON EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS. ' 'Every little bit added to what you got makes a little bit more" is the name of a little song recently made popular by a favorite minstrel. "Rag time," to be sure, but the sen timent is worth considering. By saving a little bit each week,, and adding it to the little bits saved during the weeks before then letting the interest add still other bits that is the way to achieve a competence. When one has money working for him he is on the road to success. You save a little each week or month and deposit it with us, and we immediately put it to working for you. And when it starts to working for you it never sleeps it works twenty-four hours a day. A dollar a week saved and deposited with us will buy you a comfortable home at the end of a few years just about the time your earning capacity begins decreasing. Study our system. Examine the actual figures. We will gladly confer with you. Four per cent interest paid on deposits. AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK 132 NORTH 11 TH ST. Capital Aulixiary No. 11 to Lincoln Typographical Union No. 209 meets every second and fourth Wednesdays at the Labor Temple. MRS. FRED W. MICKBL, 3200 U St. Secy-Treas. MONEY LOANED on household goods, pianos, hor ses, etc.; long or short time, No charge for papers. No interest in advance. No publicity or 61 papers, We guarantee better tetms than others make. Money paid immediately. COLUMBIA LOAN CO. 127 South 12th. First Trust and Savings Bank Ownedpjy Stockholders of First National Bank The Bank for The Wage Earners Interest aid ; at Fou r er Cent 139 South Eleventh Lincoln, Nebraska