HAVE 1 ! ' - MONEY TO WAST REFUL BUYERS. ?; can buy." By that the Bard of Avon . he meant aualitv and not auantitv. Had A . I ling in different words: "Get them at give every man full value for what he, as builded its success. P MAKERS I- I ' E us to secure exclusive lines from the acknowl- inside price, which is always handed on as a itory of the Hart, Schaffner & Marx lines of ture of ready-to-wear garments. In this con j he strike of the Chicago garment workers, and )1 fairminded paper in America, and edited by ;ficient answer to unwarranted libels, and upon ion. TRUTH ABOUT CHICAGO The Chicago garment workers' strike was fully terminated on the 13th, when a final agreement was announced between the firm of Hart, Schaffner & Marx and its employes. By the terms of the agreement the workers are granted practically every concession for which they fought for months, and the unionists are jubilant over the outcome. The settlement was to have been made by an arbitration board of three members, but was finally reached through conferences between the members of the firm, the employes, Attorney Carl Meyer, for the firm, and Clarence Darrow, for the employes. President Thomas A. Rickert of the United Garment Workers of America, Mrs. Raymond Robins, president of the Women's Trade Union league, and John Fitzpatrick, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, were present at every meeting. Certain increases of wages were granted and maximum hours of labor per week were agreed to. Rest-rooms are to be provided for women employes. Also, any employe has a right to presenf his grievances to the firm, either personally or through a body of his fellow workmen, and should an adjustment fail to be reached through jthis medium a standing arbi tration board, consisting of Attorney Meyer and Darrow, has been appointed for two years as the final court of appeal. Chicago Public. Ind Youth i That has received the best '.j.y to manage it is beyond Sd those bargains that will sturdy little fellows and just emerging from the -t- i TiLl titer Axuye. i ha seusun 6 tr pare, and the wise little $;ice bargains offered her IS tond question the largest 1 NEW THINGS FOR SPRING 0 Every year sees a marked advance in ready-to-wear clothing styles and fit. This year's styles mark an unusually advanced step. Never have we had the pleasure of show ing neater, tastier, better made or better hitting lines of clothing. And never before have we taken greater pleasure in showing these new creations intended for men who want to combine good taste with economy in clothes buying. FROM $10.00 TO $40.00 Between these price ranges every man may secure just what he wants, and be assured thai in whatever he selects he is getting a price value never before equalled in all those points that make especial appeal to the careful buyer. It enables the man of limited means to dress as well and as neatly as the man in better circumstances. It gives every man, no matter the length of his purse, that pleasure which comes from the knowledge of being well dressed without extravagance. I mJ. k,r fU,o l,W Tk kostkllkr JjpCalO All VlIJf gtll 111V11L, UUl liii, IUUU AO 11UI 111 ClJJjJCCU lJf LlllO 1 UCI C lO ClUdUlUlCljr & of good clothing clothing combining all the qualities of style, color, fit, durability and value. NOTHING COMPANY p MERCHANTS