Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, March 17, 1911, Image 14

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As was expected, the employer's
liability . bill is meeting with the
tierce opposition of employers. The
lirst hearing on the bill was held
last Wednesday evening and the paid
attorney of a couple of employers'
associations showed up to explain
how vicious the bill is. Also to tell
the wage earners asking for it how
bad its effects would be upon them.
The legislative committee of the state
federation of labor was present and
urged the favorable recommendation
of the measure. It is hopeless to ex
pect that this biTl get past the sift
ing committee this year, but the fact
of the matter is that a lot of good
has been accomplished by the mere
introduction of the measure. It is
an evidence that the workers are
more thoroughly alive to their rights
and determined to press them. Thi3
is the first real employers' liability
bill ever, introduced into the legisla
ture, and it has aroused considerable
interest. It will have the effect of
making a lot of people sit up and take
notice of the demands of the wage
earner, and that of itself is a great
getting their local affairs in proper
shape. Now that this is fully accom-
the time will come when the majority Pushed we confidently expect to see
of wage earners in this state will have
enough representatives of their own
in the legislature to secure justice in
stead of always begging for it.
the new local make 'em all go some.
to equal its record for aggressive
action along conservative lines.
O. M. Rudy's organization is getting
in its work in fine style, and if the
union men of Lincoln pull together
they will have little trouble in mak
ing him the republican nominee for
water and light commissioner. Party
lines are being shot all to pieces
these days, and for that reason Rudy's
chances look unusually bright. There
are enough union voters in Lincoln to
make Rudy's nomination a fact, and
if they fail they need blame nobody
but themselves.
Lincoln unionists are considerably
interested in the outsome of the Sun
day base ball bill, now before the leg
islature. Of course a majority of them
are in favor of Sunday base ball, for
all of them are base ball devotees,
and a majority of them are deprived
of the pleasure of seeing them if
Sunday ball is prohibited. Some warm
resolutions have been adopted by the
various locals, and all of them in
sist upon the legalizing of , Sunday
base ball.
union men with having dynamited
his newspaper building, did he not
know that he lied like a pirate?
And isn't the manufacturers and
merchants association a conglomera
tion of four-flushing, union-'busting
Annaniases? Organized labor dares,
Otis and his bunch to submit all the
evidence to any unpdejudiced tribunal
and let it decide whether that ex
plosion was due to a criminal plot
on the part of union men or due to the
criminal carelessness of the men who
owned the wrecked building.
"Gus" Hyers is still as busy as a
nailer, and he is taking in all the
sales and farmers' meeting in the
A card from Raymond G. . Stewart,
editor of Cedar Rapids' splendid
labor paper, announces the arrival of
"Bill," weighing in at ten pounds.
'Bill" arrived a few days ago, and if
Another meeting of the labor com
mittee was held Thursday evening, at
which time the attorney for the legis
lative committee appeared and made
concise answers to the objections
presented by the attorney for the
employers. It is easy to be seen
that the committee is divided on the
bill. There would be far less trouble
in getting a favorable report were
it not for the. fact that a majority
of the committee is made up of far
mers. And your average farmer is
strenuously opposed to any measure
that he thinks will not give him espe
cial favor. However, if the Nebraska
State Federation of Labor will keep
right on pushing, and the labor org
anizations will get into the gam,
county, shaking hands and. pushing he grows up to be as staunch
his candidacy for sheriff. It is with
Hyers in the county as it is with
Rudy in the city there are enough
union voters to give Hyers the nomi
nation hands down if they'll only vote
together instead of pulling apart as
unionist as his daddy he will be all
right. Of course we are hoping that
'"Bill" will be a far better all-around
man than dad, and if he has the
success in life that Uncle Bill of Lin
coln is wishing for him, he will be as
happy and as prosperous as it is
possible for a man to be. - "Bill" is
It is reported that John Mitchell a warm one and all the warmer be-
is to be made editor of the United -,,,, the arrival was nostnnneH snm
Mine Workers' Journal at a salary ten or twelve years. Here's look
that will amply compensate him for jng at VOU) "Bill!
his five thousand dollar a year job
with tne National civic federation. . Tne San Francisco Labor Clarion
The semi-monthly payday bill has
been reported for passage by the labor
commltte of the house. This is' an
other one of the railroad brotherhood
bill3, but it will hardly make the
riffle this time. There are too many
"favorite bills" ahead of it for tthe
sifting committe to get that far down.
Fred Warren, the almost imprisoned
editor of Appeal to Reason, was an
xious to have the sentence carried
out because he believed that if i tne
facts concerning the trial were ndade
known thereby, that it would add a
million votes to the Socialists in 1912,
Perhaps if he was to be unjustly hung
he would add five millions. Portland
Labor Press.
$7.75 Per Ton
The Best Coal in the Market For Tne Money
Good for Furnace, Heating Stoves or Kitchen Ranges
Give It a Trial. Satisfaction Guaranteed
recently celebrated another anniver-
The machinists of Havelock held a sary, which reminds us that we are
splendid meeting at union hall in that growing older all "the time. ? But age
city Wednesday evening. It was an cannot wither nor custom- state the
open meeting designed to interest infinite variety "of the Labor Clarion,
- - , m I. J 1 I
tne non union machinists ana at tne which Will J. French has mads into
same time re-awaken the interest of one of the snappiest and "most force
tne memoers. a numDer 01 rousing ful exponents of organized r labor
and timely talks were made, and thj printed anywhere on the globe
old-time enthusiasm seemed to be on
top. since swarming Dy tnemseives Senate File 16. the building bill
the Havelock machinists have been introduced by the State Federation of
Labor, is on the general file of the
house, now and recommended for pas
sage. It might have been further
along had it not been for a misun
derstanding between the Federation's
legislative committee and the com
mittee sent down by the Building
Trades Council of Omaha. But a
strenuous effort will be made to have
it pushed to the front by the sift
ing committee. As amended the bill
is practically assured of passage and
approval if it can be saved from the
smothering process that invariably
winds up each session.-
Bell 234
Auto 3228
1106 O St
The Lathers' union has recently
raised its scale of prices and taken
into consideration some recent
changes in the style of lathing being
done. This little union perhaps the
smallest in Lincoln is making a
game fight against big odds, and
seems to be making a winning, too,.
The Iowa statute which declares
that railways may not by contract
with employes evade liability ? for
personal injuries was this week ad
judged constitutional by the supreme
court of the. United States. The de
cision was in the case of the Chiciago,
Burlington & Quincy railroad aginit
Charles L. McGuire, a brakeman, who
was seriously Injured in a collision.
He filed sw. for $2,000 damages. v
The committee having in charge the
recent Typographical union ball have
let loose the gentle hint that it is
going to turn into the union's strong
box just a little more money than any
previous ball committee has turned in.
It is hinted that several candidates
for city office have found their mail
clogged with unlabelled cards re
turned with the little sticker thereon.
At any rate we know one modest
printery that can put the label on
that has had the pleasure of re-printing
some candidatorial cards.
A number of political aspirants who
never gave the Labor Temple a
second thought until now, are daily
wending their way to that popular
resort of workingmen and getting ac
quainted with the boys. It does beat
all how interested they are in the
wage earner's welfare just about two
or three weeks before an election.
Let's see, how many months has it
leen since the Lbs Angeles Times
explosion? And how many men have
been convicted of that awful crime ?
And weren't we to see a lot of union
men jailed or hanged within a very
few weeks for having blown up that
building? When General Otis charged
Organized Labor Apreciates His
Friendship and Says So.
At last Friday night's meeting of
the Central Labor Union a resolution
was unanimously adopted thanking
Senator John M. Tanner of Douglas
for the friendship he has so often
manifested towards organized labor.
It was Senator Tanner who went to
the last ditch with the union label
bill, making a fight for it that kept