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About Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1911)
IN THE NATURE OF A FOREWORD The appearance of Will Maupin's Weekly is not the result of a sudden im pulse. It is the result of WILL several years planning and MAUPIN'S consultation with friends: WEEKLY It may be that Will Mau pin's Weekly has "come to stay "and it may be that it has only come to remain a spell. All that de pends upon contingencies that the human mind cannot foresee. But whether it's stay be long or short, one thing is sure Will Maupin's Weekly will endeavor to make its presence felt for good while it is upon the scene of action. I deem it only fair to myself and to the public to frankly confess two motives in the publication of such a journal as I have had in mind to publish. One is my de sire to make a living for myself and family; the other is my desire to contrib ute in some measure to the upbuilding of Nebraska. Desiring to be perfectly honest about it I have put the chief motive first. q q It has been a growing conviction that Nebraska needs a publication that will always try to deal with THE politics without being par- PAPER'S tisan: that will handle all MISSION questions of public inter est fairly and frankly, and without sectional bias; that will endeav or to spread good fellowship abroad in stead of forever stirring up animosities over purely academic questions; that will devote its best efforts and energies to boosting for the men and the enter prises and institutions that are doing real service along lines of promoting Ne braska and Nebraska interests; that will endeavor to spread abroad, so far as lies in any one newspaper's power, the facts concerning Nebraska resources and pos sibilities, and what Nebraska has to of fer to the homeseeker and the investor. It may be that I am not the man to un dertake the task of conducting such a journal, but one never knows until one has tried, and I am going to try. I have spent almost a quarter of a century in active newspaper work in Nebraska, and most of those years have been spent in capacities wherein I came in contact with and learned at first hand what Neb raska is and has. The two last years were spent in the statistical department of the state, which was a sort of post graduate course in acquiring knowledge concerning the wonders of Nebraska soil and climate. If all these years of exper ience have not fitted me for the task I have outlined, then I have made a sad mistake in my life's work. q - I The virtues of Will Maupin's Week ly will not be purely negative, either. While it will not set itself PLANS up as a censor of other AND people's morals, it will have PURPOSES no hesitancy in expressing an opinion on any ques tion that is deemed of sufficient import ance to occupy the public mind. But it will devote less time to the expression of opinion on such matters and more time in performing missionary work cal culated to attract attention to Nebraska's fertile soil and salubrious climate and hospitable people and business oppor tunities. It will devote its time to tell ing about the good points of people in stead of pointing out their faults and criticizing their motives. The fact of the matter is, a vast majority of the peo ple are all right, and have the best of intentions. And just because a man may differ from the opioions held by Will Maupin's Weekly will be no reason why this journal should denounce him as a thief, a moral degenerate and a blot upon decent society Life is too short to waste in any such fool way, and Will Maupin's Weekly's life, be it short or long, is going to be devoted to pointing out the good things all around. We bump up against the bad things often enough, and hard enough, without it be ing at all necessary to have our attention called to the bumping after the fact. Nor will this journal be partisan. No, it will not be of that "independent" brand that has made, the word independence something of a joke. It will not be part isan in the sense that it will stick to party right or wrong. Nor will it support can didates for office merely because those candidates happen to be the nominees of the political party to which the editor holds nominal allegience. Mark you, we say "nominal allegience. " The inter ests of Nebraska and Nebraskans will be put so far ahead of the interests of party and political office seekers that the latter will not be in sight when the distance flag falls. q q After all, good friends, is not Ne braska profiting by getting away from narrow partisanship? It gives us so much more time in which to talk about the good points of our state and her people. Thai's lots better than getting red in the face over politics and calling one another hard names. The men who are making Nebraska are not the men who are trying to keep us stirred up over partisan politics. q q 1 his is a work-a-day world, with al together too little humor and good cheer in it. One of the missions THE of Will Maupin's Weekly GOOD will be to extract as much IN LIFE as possible of the humor and good cheer that lies beneath the surface of things, and bring it to light so that all may enjoy it. We would rather spread a good hearty laugh throughout the confines of Nebraska than to detect some man in the act of playing false to his trust. Will Maupin's Weekly holds to the opinion that he who makes two laughs bubble up where not a laugh bubbled before is a greater benefactor than he who tries to promote what he considers a reform by stirring up animosities, engendering strifes and alienating friendships, will JYiaupins Weekly will be serious enough when occasion requires but occasions for ser iousness are not nearly so numerous as average man has more virtues than faults, and this journal is going to de vote more time to making these virtues known than it is to digging up the faults and parading them before the public. q q What a wonderful state Nebraska is! And how criminally negligent we have all been in the mat ABOUT ter of making these won OUR derful things about Neb- NEBRASKA raska known of all men. Perhaps, however, crimi nal negligent is too harsh a term. It may be that we have been so busy mak ing a state that we have not felt like taking the time to boast about what we have and what we have done. Or per haps we have been ignorant of it all. Whatever it is, the fact remains that we i r:i J i i i i nave laucu ncicLuiuic iu inarvt, miuwu wnat ieDrasKa is, ana nas, ana may oe. The time has come for Nebraska to get into the advertising game, and catch MCp Will I UCI MMCI MdlCd 111 11 1C UUWdrU march of progress. To fail means to 1U11 IV Ulb XWUJ. U11U lO JUlUbUUllK not to be considered for a single mom ent. Will Maupin's Weekly does not hope to be able to advertise all of Neln