RECTOR'S White Pine Cough Syrup Is a quick and positive remedy for all coughs. It stoqs coughing spells at night relieves the soreness, soothes the irrita ted membrane and stoqs the tickling. It is an ideal preparation for children as it containes no harmful anodynes or narcotics. 25c per bottle RECTOR'S 12th and OjjSt. " kmao&y ' ' ,2r OFFICE OF DR. R. L. BENTLEY, SPECIALIST CHILDREN Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m. OfEce 21 18 O St Both Phones LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Dr. Chas. Yungblut ROOM PV, r-, BURR No. 202 L-JentlSt BLOCK AUTO. PHONE 3416. BELL 656 LINCOLN, NEBR. Wageworkers Attention StSff Plenty of it. Utmost Secrecy. 129 So. ihhSt Kelly & Norris MONEY LOANED on household goods, pianos, hor ses, eta; long or short time, No charge for papers. No interest in adranee. No publicity or fil papers, We guarantee better tetwi than others make. Money Eaid immediately. COLUMBIA OAN CO. 127 South 12th. . Capital Aulixiary No. 11 to Lincoln. Typographical Union No. 209 meets every second and fourth Wednesdays at the Labor Temple. MRS. FRED W. MICKEL, 3200 U St. Secy-Treas. WISHBONES. On Their Shape Depends the Force of Birds' Wing Strokes. Scientists call the "wishbone" the furcula, and it Is, the union of what are in man two collar bones. These receive the brunt of the strokes of. the wing that turn the creature in its flight. - Few of us appreciate the strength of the stroke of the bird's wing. A swan has been known to break a man's leg by a blow of Its wing, and in like manner the wing beatings of the larger birds are dangerous if they strike the human head or face. If, therefore, a large bird is in the habit of making sudden turns to right or left in its flight it must be fitted with a "wishbone" capable of withstanding the great strain of the wing stroke on the one side when unaccompanied by action on the other. For this reason we find in the eagle and birds of its class that turn quickly a furcula that is a perfect Roman arch, widely at variance with the Gothic arch, which is the shape of the "wishbone" of our common fowls. The eagle's furcula is everywhere equally strong and lacks those points of weak ness that make our sport of breaking the "wishbone" possible. Harper's Weekly. Lord Brougham's Oratory. We have no orator in the least like Lord Brougham since the close of Brougham's public career. Everything that nature could do so far as appear ance, manner and voice were concern ed she had done to prevent him from being a great orator, and yet a great orator he undoubtedly was. . I wonder what the house of lords just now would think of a peer who gesticu lated and bellowed as Brougham was in the habit of doing. But It was im possible to listen to Brougham and not be carried away by the force of his Intellect, by his torrent of words, by the sudden whirl and eddy of his rapid Illustrations and by the longer and shorter stretches of quietude and repose into which his argument occa sionally flowed. From Justin McCar thy's "Reminiscences." Scottish Students' Dress. The Scottish university student has a code of etiquette in clothes as strict as that of Eton or of Harrow. And into it the straw hat enters. On Sept. 15, be the weather ever so bleak, the streets are full of what the small boy knows as "strawbashers." On the 16th you will find never a one on a stu dent's head, that is. As for the medi cal student, he seldom wears a straw hat at all or anything In its place. It is his pride to go bareheaded, as it is to wear a fancy waistcoat and turned up trouser ends. The arts and divinity men sedately avoid these last three fashions. London Chronicle. The Forgotten Picture. Mr. Hope Moncrieff recalls In "Lon don" a curious story of Lord Hertford. The one noble taste he had was for the collection of pictures, which he is said to have hung with their faces to the wall. He once commissioned an agent to find him a picture which, it turned out, he had himself bought three or four years earlier! Fined For Blacklisting. The law against blacklisting on the statute books of Oklahoma was re cently enforced against a railroad company when an employee was granted $1,000 damages for being dis charged and refused a written rea son for such discharge. To the Man of Honor. Base gains are the same as Iomm. e-Hesiod. A PLACE TO GO Sunday Evenings in February 7:30 P. M. ALL SOULS' CHURCH Corner H & 12th Sts. Four Addresses on Vital Themes for Modern Minds. First Subject: "All Souls' Church Has No Creed." An opportunity for questions at close of address. Sunday Mornings "The Realization of Democracy." Fourth Subject: "Democracy and Religion." Once Tried Always Used Little Hatchet Flour Made from Select Nebraska Hard Wheat WILBER AND DeWITT MILLS RYE FLOUR A SPECIALTY 1 45 So. 9th St., LINCOLN, NEB. TELEPHONE US Bell Phone 200; Auto. 1459 First Trust and Savings Bank Owned by Stockholders of First National Bank The Bank for The Wage Earners Interest Paid at Four Per Cent 139 South Eleventh Lincoln, Nebraska 'OR SALE FOR RENT Furnished Rooms Rooms and Board The above signs, neatly printed on heavy cardboard, for sale at THE WAGEW0RKER 1705 "0" STREET