The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 30, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Oct. 30, 1902
e FareRound Trip
jli Come and see the great foot ball game between the
liy licurasKa university auu me xxas&eii luuuvu icauia. st-
. "7"a-i -t11 anrA Trmiiv avnanoaa -1 .
1 i; "
uy seeing our nue 01
Fur and Cloth Ulsters.
1 ''i -
1 -sr-inr M
ft., , At
i Lincoln, Nebraska. 'l
We guarantee eTery Fur Ulster-
we sell. You take no chances in
ordering from us. , Our Fur Ulsters
are cut extra large and long. We W
carry a full line of Russian Buffalo, y
Dogskin, Galloway, Kangaroo, and.
Raccoon, ranging inf price from $1,0 yj'f
to $50. . Will send you detailed de- y
scription and prices on request. .
Our Cloth Ulsters begin at $5.
At $7.50 we sell a heavy all wool w
Frieze Ulster usually sold at $10.
At $10 we sell an extra heavy C
and extra long all wool Irish Frieze k'j
cloth. These ulsters are fully worth
$15. -; v:
Colors, black and dark gray
Samples free on request. Also
our fall and winter catalogue.
A warm body is better than
rheumatism. Protect yourself from
the cold and save doctor's bills.
Write us if you cannot come.
ayer isros. $
Tmvr Republican Paper at Lat Telling
the Truth The Rich are Growing
Richer and the Poor Poorer v
It is hard to tell the reason why, but
it Is a fact that several republican
dailies have lately printed eitorials
and admitted -articles to their col
umns of an entirely different char
acter from anything that has appeared
in them for. the last six years. The
following editorial from the Baltimore
American, a republican daily, is of a
different character from - any this
writer has seen in a republican daily
since the time when John Sherman
and Grover Cleveland went into part
nership on the money question. Re
cently there has been a great deal of
"jubilating" in the republican press
over the fact: that the treasury state
ments show that there is on deposit
$108 per capita for the whole people
of the United States. They say this
represents so much "money" that the
people have put in the banks, which
statement The Independent has often
proved to be wholly false, and many
other things just as far from the
truth. The following analysis of the
treasury statement is correct and
might have been printed with pro
priety in any populist paper. Any
how it is going into this populiat pa
per with the editor's full indorsement
of its conclusions. Would the Ameri
can have permitted such an article to
appear in its columns in the campaigns
of 1896 and 1900? Why does it do it
now? Has it really learned something
about banking and political economy
during the last six years? Has it be
come convinced that the financial pol
icy of the republican party is leading
straight and fast to ruin? Whatever
the motive for its production, it was
printed in the Baltimore American and
is as follows:
"A bulletin just issued by the treas
ury department shows that the aggre
gate of all bank deposits in the United
States is $8,535,053,136, or $10S per cap
ita. In ten years' time this aggregate
has increased, $3,904,562,9S0, the
amount on deposit in 1892 being but
$4,630,490,156. Those who read the fig
ures quoted will very naturally leap
to the conclusion that the people of the
country : are nearly twice as rich in
1902 as they were in 1892. Such a
conclusion will be found entirely er
roneous when the figures are studied
in detail. They will, in fact, prove
that proportionately the people
speaking of ,tiie great.mass of the pop
ulation are -not as rich today as they
were ten years ago.
"The figures in detail show the na
tional bank deposits , to aggregate $2,
937,753.233; , those of state banks, $1,
610,502,246;' of loan and trust com
panies, $1,271,081,174, and of private
banks, $188,621,903. For savings banks
the. sum of $2,597,094,580 is shown to
be on deposit. Now,', it "is -well known
that comparatively few- of that great
class whom. Lincoln; designated as 'the
plain people' keep their money in other
than savings banks. " Their accounts
are uniformly small, and the national,
state and private banks dislike to
bother with depositors whose accounts,
deposits and balances are insignificant.
Hence it is that 'the plain people,'
the brain and brawn of the nation,
who lay by a little each week and de
posit it for safe-keeping, , go to . the
savings banks for their accommoda
tion. From time immemorial deposits
in banks of this class have been rec
ognized as the standard by which to
measure the wealth of the great bulk
of our population.
"What do the comparative statistics
of savings banks show? We know
that deposits of all kinds have nearly
doubled but how do 'the plain people,'
who put their money in savings banks,
fare? But one answer can be made
to either of these questions. The
showing is very poor.- In 1892 the ag
gregate of savings bank deposits was
Vi,712,769,026 today it is $,597,094,580.
This is an Increase of but $884,325,554.
In other words, while the wealth of the
nation on deposit has increased near
ly 100 per cent in ten years, the wealth
of 'the plain people has increased
only about 50 per cent. Considering
the enormous increases in our pop
ulation in the last ten years, this
slight increase In savings bank de
posits means' that the per capita of
such deposits is smaller today than
it was in 1892.
"Stronger proof of the oft-repeated
assertion that the wealth of the coun
try is, with ever-increasing steadi
ness, being centralized in the hands of
comparatively few people could not
be asked for than is offered by these
figures. The deposits of the people
are growing proportionately smaller,
while the deposits of the rich, of cor
porations and of trusts are growing
constantly larger, and that at a rate of
increase so rapid as to give rise to
the gravest apprehensions."
- WANTED Men for steady employ
ment. Waire3 $80 per. month; all ex
penses. Call or write C. L. Brownell
1328 O st
' A Colorado Populist
Editor Independent; I had no trou
ble in disposing of the block of five
cards j-ou sent me. ' The populists of
the First congressional district have
indorsed John F. Shafroth for re-election,
but will vote the people's party
state ticket I am in , favor of sus
taining the organization of the populist
party, for if the Hill-Cleveland fac
tion has the framing of the next demo
cratic national platform, the people's
party will be-in demand. We cannot
hope for relief from trust exactions
under a republican administration.
They-have been in the saddle for six
years and have not abolished . a . sin
gle, trust, but instead the trusts have
multiplied to a greater extent than
ever . before. ; . J. , R. BIXBE.
Ft. Morgan, Colo.
Entirely new, high grade piano for
sale at a bargain. For particulars ad
dress The Independent, Lincoln, Neb.
Our Graduates Succeed Because We Prepare Them to do Scmething
Our Methods. Courses of Study, and Equipments are Unexcelled. We help young people who
desire to succeed EXPENSES LOW. COURSES THOROUGH. Write for Catalogue.
The Great Ramady
v For Cornstalk Dlseae
ItvCattle and Horcs
ItjSUolves, neutralizes an4 destroy tHo poison from emat er dustj
prevent all animals from boeomlng affeotad by it, Wer partleulara write
E. E. BRUCE & CO.,
Soto Agtflt for U, &, A,
On AH A , NEB.
14 Moat hm AbolUhd r tH Old Buttlo for
rxm Pfc. I'm PrM, aad a Trial
by Jury Mut b roughs Owr
Recent occurrences have given great
er empflabis man. ever to Jthe subject
of "government bv Iniunction." If
f trade unionism . is to survive "govern
ment by injunction" must be prohib
ited. More than that- Unless it is pro
hibited, public' meetings, and public
itpeech, which in any wise threaten
vested interests, will cease to be rights
Of American citizenship and become
mere privileges by the grace of Amer
ican courts. It may sound pessimistic
i to predict a revival of the old strug
gle tor iree speech, a free press, and
jury trial but history repeats itself,
and all those rights, so confidently
believed to be secure, are at hazard
in the rapidly ; unfolding policy of
"government by. Injunction."
' i tree speech is 'threatened when
judges presume to specify by arbi
trary decree the circumstances under
which public meetings may be held
and public speeches made. Freedom
of the press is always insecure when
and where freedom of speech is reg
ulated by arbitrary decree. The right
to jury trial begins to totter when al
leged abuses of free speech and a free
press may be punished without the in
tervention of juries. All three there
fore are at hazard when judges can
prohibit any kind of . public . speech
and summarily punish whoever dis
obeys. The question of, granting in
junctions against labor strikers is
more than a labor question.
No doubt it seesm, to the easy-going
on-looker, that injunctions are ex
cellent for quickly checking the dis
order and lawlessness .of strikers
excellent and simple. "Let strikers
behave themselves and injunctions
won't bother them," is an easy retort
to the objector to "government by in
junction. It is plausible, too. nut
the same retort could have been made
to every objection to arbitrary : gov
ernment since tyranny began. It begs
the question, which is not whether
strikers should be orderly and law-
abiding and be punished when they are
i t "but whether in any given case
they have in fact been disorderly and
lawless: and this question cannot oe
safely left to the determination of
judges. . Orderly, liberty, demands that
the nature of lawlessness shall be de
fined, not by judges but by legisla
tures; and that the facts in particular
cases shall be determined, not by
judges, but by juries. The spirit of
liberty cannot exist in the same coun
try and at the same time with star
chamber courts.
To appreciate the dangers to liberty
that lurk in the. abuse of injunctions
for' the punishment of public offenses
and even the prevention of public
meetings and the suppression of pub
lic speech, it is necessary to under
stand somewhat of the origin and na
ture ofin junction proceedings.
Historically, the injunction is an
e- orcise of the arbitrary power of mon
archy. The common law was admin
istered under fixed principles and rules
by which the common law courts were
governed. Judges could decide no case
arbitrarily, so unyielding were the
conditions that defined their judicial
functions. One case had to be decid
ed precisely like another, of the same
kind. But this universality of the law
seemed sometimes to stand, in the way
of administering justice in particular
and peculiar cases. So, when the com
mon law was impotent because of its
universality of application, it became
customary to petition the king. The
king turned these petitions over to his
chancellor, who was said to, be "the
keeper of the king's conscience." Then
the chancellor, in the name ana with
the might of the king, granted such re
lief as equity and good conscience
seemed to him to demand for the par
ticular case. ' "
Thus the chancellor's court, or court
of chancery, grew up.. It was long a
distinct court with distinct judges
called chancellors. But the functions,
of chancellors and of law, judges ere
now quite generally exercised by the
same persons, the two kinds of courts
having been actually or virtually
merged into one.
Among the remedies which the
king's chancellors invented for doing
justice irregularly by the king's grace,
was the writ of injunction. Where
as the common lawcourt3 were power
less to prevent injury, being able only
to award damages 4;o the sufferer after
mischief had been done, the chancel
lor, acting for the king, whose right
was limited only by . his might, and
who could do no wrong, was able to
forbid unconscionable conduct and to
impose arbitrary penalties to enforce
obedience. Inasmuch as the question
of obedience in such cases had to be
determined by the king that is, by
the king's chancellor, who -was "the
keeper of the king's conscience" no
jury was either needed or allowed.
Sometimes, when the chancellor was
in doubt, he might formulate ques
tions , to . be sent into a law ; court
for a jury to answer, and then adopt
its answers or not as he saw fit. But
the time-honored institution of trial
by jury did ; not get so much as its
nose into the court of chancery. If
the chancellor had granted an in
junction, and its terms were disre
garded, the disobedient r culprit was
haled up for contempt of court, and
the chancellor tried him himself, con
victed him himself, and punished him
himself. -
This king-like practice resulted in
preventing the chancellor from med
dling: in criminal cases, v It compelled
him to limit his gracious Intervention
to questions of conscience In disputes
over property rights. He could not Is
sue Injunctions ..prohibiting crimes
without virtually abrogating the just
ly cherished right of Jury trial in crim
inal cafies. For if be prohibited 'a
erlma and thn convicted any person
of violating; the - injunction, he would
thereby havi virtually convicted that
portion of committing tho crime itself,
and this deprived the accused. 6'-h!a
rleht to trlnl hv Jury. Bo th chancel
lors refrain d from -iaaulng injunctions
In restraint, of public crime.
Not until very -r.aIy- was thl
HFnUatien djersgartl8. H weld prob
sbiy fisve? haa B8 dteregurded kd
tke ehaaee?y eeufts afid'ha law eeurta
been kept apart . The Jealousy ot the
law judges would have supplied the
necessary force to hold ambitious
chancellors within bounds. : But this
force was neutralized when law courts
and chancery, courts were merged.
With both chancery and law functions
lodged in the same, person theTe was
no Jealousy.-to .be excited. No man Is
ever. Jealous of himself. ' . , j ;
Nevertheless it was, still a long time
before injunctions were issues in re
straint of crime not $ until - 1368 In
England; and later stilt in this country
- Until then the courts were punctili
ous on this point.: I Futile, indeed,
would have been the plea which serves
so well- with some judges now the
plea that conviction without a Jury
by an injunction-judge for violation
of an injunction against crime, does
not prevent conviction by a jury for
the crime itself, and is, therefore, no
infringement upon the right of trial
by Jury. The reply of the old judges
would have come quick and to the
point, lix effect it would have been that
such a plea , so far from4ustifying in
junctions against crime, suggests an
additional reason for ? not allowing
them ; that it contemplates not only
conviction for crime' by a judge with
out a ury, but two convictions for the
suae crime. ; .. , . .
Pursuant to their well settled .rule
against fronting injunctions prohib
iting crime, the courts steadfastly, re
fused to ls'sue . injunctions restraining
the publication of libels. And for this
there was an additional reason. Not
only would such injunctions be in re
straint of crime, thereby infringing
upon the right of? trial by jury; it
would also be in restraint of freedom
of the press. i
But this most exemplary . restraint
upon the injunction-issuing power was
Lroken into in 1868. An English judge
t'uen granted an injunction to prevent
t.i3 publication of libelous posters. Of
course the - injunction was against
workingmen. . Legal, innovations, ; if
repressive, naturally take that course.
Liberal innovations run just as natur
ally in. the opposite direction. ; This
English precedent was eagerly seized
upon by the American courts, especial
ly the federal courts which have their
judges appointed for. life, from the cen
ter of federal power, and are therefore
not amenable to, and often not con
scious of, any other public sentiment
than that of the clubs the judges fre
quent and, in a little while "govern
ment by injunction" was in full feath
er. Menwhlle the higher English courts
had overruled the English precedent,
so that this judicial policy of the Am
erican courts rests upon a decision
which the courts of the country in
which it originated have repudiated.
Far as our courts had gone in issu
ing injunctionsagainst - crime it was
not until the summer Just past that
they went so far as to infringe not
only upon ; the right of trial by jury
but also upon, the equally sacred right
of free meetings, arid free speech. But
if the startling. "West. Virginia prece
dents are followed, the right to hold
public meetings arid freely address the
people who attepd, will ; depend upon
the opinion of a judge as to the wis
dorii of allowing the - meeting to be
held. T
Now, it is true s tha . the right to
hold public meetings arid. make public
speeches, is riot ab -oliite. It is a right,
that may be abused and its abuse may
be punished. , But even its abuse can
not be made the subject matter of in
junctions withoff:destroylng the right.
Between allowing: . freedom of speech
and press, subject, to punishment upon
conviction for its abuse, and restrain
ing speech and press in advance by in
junction or other decree, there is all
the difference that distinguishes lib
erty from tyranny.
Consider what the . power of issuing
injunctions against public meetings
and public speaking means.
A judge is advised by affidavits that
lawless, meetings have been and others
are about to be held at.placesand un
der circumstances which, threaten to
injure property . rights.
. Now, if that is true, If these meet
ings. are in fact lawless, the promoters
and participants I are properly subject
to indictment. If indicted they are en
titled to a jury trial. If convicted by
the jury they are liable to punish
ment. . But what, for? Not for hold
ing meetings and making speeches.
They have a right to do. that They
are liable to punishment because a
jury- has convicted them, of abusing
the right But when a judge issues
an injunction,, the right itself is re
strained. Observe that he does not
issue I the injunction to prevent the
defendants from! holding meetings
upon the complainants' property. That
would not be an" injunction against
meetings arid speeches it would be an
injunction against trespass. He is
sues it to prevent itheir, holding meet
ings on their, own property. It is,
therefore, an injunction against meet
ings and. speeches . If, nowj the meet
ings are held, those who participate
are not tried, by a jury for. holding
lawless meetings,;! They are tried by
the judge for disobeying his order. The
act is Identical, but it has acquired a
new name; and because it has a new
name,, the judge : decides that under
that name he can try. it himself, though
under the other name he could not
So the judge decides what kind of
meetings are lawful and what are not,
what. kind of public speaking will be:
allowed and what shall be prohib
ited, which persons are , guilty and
which are not, and what the punish
ment of the guilty i shall be. All this
lies within his breast as chancellor.
When' he comes forward with the
king's conscience In his keeping, he
legislates and . adjudicates, and the
constitutional rights of free speech and
Jury trial sink out of sight
Though these Injunction abuses have
so Jar been connected with labor
strikes and used In restraint of labor
unions," the question they raise Is not
alone a labor question. , If strikers'
meetings upon their own premises can
be prohibited and labor speeches for
bidden, if this can be done by a judge's
order and the same judge can punish
as for contempt and person who at
tends the prohibited labor meeting or
makes the prohibited labor speech,
then every other kind of meetings and
speech . is subject to the same arbi
trary interference. It will in that case
be only a question of oceasion and
sufficient hostile interest when-political
meetings and speeches, religious
gatherings and exhortations,, and race
conferences, and: addresses, may be
brought under the judicial ban if they
happen to be offensive to a bold Judge
whose injunction is sought ' Free as
semblage and free speech would cease
to be rights which judges are bound
to respect -They would become favors
that judges might regulate as they
pleased. Given a great propertied in
terest which demands it, with an irre
sponsible judge , (and federal judges
are practically irresponsible) who per
sonally favors It, and any public meet
ing could be forgidden, any public
speaker could be silenced unless he
courageously defied the lawless judge.
Louis F. Post,, in American Feder
ationist. .-.'.;.
Thay 'Will Down Erery Mutual Insurance
Company in lha State if They Cn
tlnu to Hold the Government
Editor Independent: Do you think
that there is a voter in this state that
is in favor of mutual insurance that
will vote for a single man on the re
publican state ticket? If there is, he
ougut to have to pay 12 per cent on
every $100 of insurance he carries, as
that Is something like what he would
be paying today if it -had not been for
the organization of mutual companies
throughout the state, as I have a friend
in Oklahoma who is paying $12 on
every $100 worth he carries. Look at
the stab the present administration
made at the mutuals recently, and had
it not been that a. campaign is on the
first ruling made by the state auditor
and the attorney general, viz: That no
school house, church, court house, jail,
poor farm buildings; in fact, any pub
lic buildings controlled by a city
council or board of directors, could
be insured In any mutual insurance
company, the opinion of Mr. Prout to
W. K. Fowler, June 22, 1902. Th
basis of this opinion was and has been
the contention of all old line com
panies, viz: That every person that
insures in a mutual company of an
kind is personally held for the liabili
ties of such a company. Hence the
Prout opinion, conveying the idea that
a court house, church, city jail, fra
ternal halls, poor farm buildings, in
fact, any public buildings, that was
not owned by an individual as sai I
Individual must and is held respon
sible for each and every liability of
said mutual insurance company, a3
per Weston's and Prout's first ruling,
and this ruling would never have been
reconsidered had it not been that these
enemies of mutual insurance . were
afraid of defeat in this election, and
this is the only thing that kept this
corporation gang from stabbing to
death the mutuals of the state. If you
are a friend of the mutual system, vote
for the fusion state oflicers, who are
the authors of mutual insurance laws
and by the election of these men you
will rob Prout and Weston of the op
portunity of stabbing you again.
. . - - 4J. M. W.
Falls City, Neb.
Dl5gruntled Republicans
I am Qf the opinion that this com
munity would be a ; fruitful; field for
making converts to" the people's par
ty. There is a surprising lot of dis
gruntled republicans around here, but
who would never affiliate with the
democrats on account of long standing
prejudices, and I cannot blame them,
for, as . you know, the reorganizers
have possession of Illinois. I can as
sure you that If I had a vote, the dem
ocrats here would not get it any more
than the republicans. Best wishes for
your growing influence.
Bloomington, 111. , 1
Generous Offer
I can scarcely with justice to myself
and family afford it, as I am taking a
medical course and shall need all the
money I have, and more, too, before
I get through, but your offer is . so
generous and my-will so in accord
with the object in view, viz: to spread
the populist gospel, that I could not
resist the temptation and herewith en
close the five cards and fifty cents
for the same.' I wish The Independent
marked success. G. W. SUDDARD.
Chicago, 111.
A Republican Scarecrow.
In an interview printed In the Chi
cago Record-Herald Governor Cum
mins, republican of Iowa, referring to
the prediction that terrible results
would come from tariff agitation, said:
"That is a scare-crow set up in the
corn fields. It is a device always re
sorted to by those who want the tariff
treated as a sacred fetich. The men
ace to this country today Is not tariff
change, but the temptations to reckless
stock watering, which avaricious men
find in their ability to create monop
olies in production. We cannot avert
disaster by falling on, our knees and
worshiping , a. tariff schedule. The
truth is that men who are enjoying
the fruits of monopoly are daily
laughing in their sleeves at the fatu
ity with which the people permit them
to plunder under the form of law."
A Suggestion
If your house or barn needs paint
ing it will pay you to write to the
Nebraska Paint and Lead Co. of this
city for color card and price list They
sell the highest grade of paint and
can save you a large percentage in
the price. The editor of The Indepen
dent used nearly 50 gallons of their
paint and indorses it fully. Write
them;' they'll 'treat you right
In another column The Whittman
Co. are advertising phonographs and
phonograph records. These instru-m-nts
are very popular and becoming
more so all th9 time for evening en
tertainments. For socials, parties,
etc., vere is nothing better. Write
for catalogue and Information to Tho
Wittman Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Headers of The Independent should
examine tho advertisements in its col
umns. It will pay you to read them
and take advantage of the "bargains of
fered. Always mention The Independent,
Main Office
Lincoln neb
Kervous, Chronle and
Private Diaaasss.
AH prtv&te diseases anldis
orders olmen. Treatment
by mail ; consultation free.
Krphllis cured for Ufa.
All lonni o female weak
nee 8 and Diseases ot Wo
men." - . v .
.Enables as to guarantee to cars all cases curable
of thenot-e, throat, chest, stomach, lirer, blood,
skin and kidney diseases. Lout Manhood, Night
Emissions, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Oonofl-hea,
Gicet, Piles.. istnla and Rectal Ulcers, Diabetes
And Bright' Disease', ' IOO.OO for S cai'e of
ox SYPHILIS we eannot cure, it curable. :
Stricture & Gleet
method without pafa or
tatting. Consultation Fit ICE. Treatment by mail
Call, or address with stamp I Mala Office
Ors. Ssarlcs & Searles I
Write ftrPrifmfr Priot LUt ta !
ON'T Set Hens tha Same Old Way,
and let lice kill them on the nest.
1 Tiffany's Sure Death to JAce Powder
will kill all vermin. and your h-n will tiring
; her brood off free from lice. T.lffany's Tara
eon Lice Killer "Lianid." guaranteed to kin
V all lice and mitca. Instautly kills 1U on
colts, calves, and hogs. By using our Sprayer a very
litilegoesagroatway. Penetrates all cracks. 8 pray
bottom of house for spider 1 ice. It ia powerful ditln
ffctant. fl per gal. can; 6.5c $ giiJ One gallon and
Sprayer, $1.50. O. n get it free wb jre no agents by a
Mule work- frv oa. TmUmsY Co.. Lincoln. Neb.
ATTENTION. As I am receiving
thousands of : letters from all over
the country requesting; Information
how I was cured after suffering for
rnre than 20 years with loss of man
hood and varicocele, I must request all
who write me to enclose a : 2-cent
stamp for reply. Oscar Falk, lock "bos
199, Chicago, 111. . ; '
CCU CM - Chillicothe Normal School
OCfLII I ( hillicothe Commercial Colleg
fDCAT -1 1 hillicothe Shorthand College ; "
UPLn I r 1 hUllcothe Telegraphy Collega
oniinni O i t hillicothe Pen-Art College
NliHUUL O I hillicothe School of Oratory 1
. t hillicothe Musical Conservatory.
Last' year's enrollment 729. i $130 pays for 4S
weeks boar, tuition, Toom rent, and use of text
book s. For FREE Illustrated Catalog adtlress
ALLEN MOORE, Pre$., Box 21, Chillicothe, Mo
Catarrh Cured
With one box of Lenox Catarrh Cure
for One Dollar or money refunded.
Sprague Drug Co., y Agents, Lincoln,
Neb. - : " v - :
We Are for Women
Radoea your " r . I
TTlCbt With M O U U CXO
Reduce your fat and be refined, itefine rout?
1st and be reduced. "Keducto is a perfect lj
harmless vegetable compound endorsed bj
thousands of physicians and people who bavu
tried it. We send you the Formula, you tusk)
Mted ucto" at home If you desire, you knov
fuU well the ingredients and therefore necl
' have no fear of evil effects. tend f l.oo for re
ceipt an4 instructions everytbluic mailed U
plain envelope. Address
' Ginseng Chemical Co.,
j70l ft. JelTrson Av., St. Uoli, Mo
Bast Low Prlotd Hotel n th Ciity.
$100 par day and up.
Hotel Walton
lsie o sa .iNCOL?r. men.
Do You Uant &
Genuine Bargnln
Bundrdlof Uprifht riun
riarcd from rautlni t b
dlfpnMd of on. Tby latind 8ulawr,
SWrllnfndoibrwUkownnik. Mbj ounot b di.
tiB(uiihd from new mmm M M f M yt U M offn4 m
. fmt dieoant. IC rUl Ml T 1 Vpri.bU mm low
M (100. AIm bmn- 131 I. 2 1 1 I ttrut w l
rlhU$l,13, li UBILJall HMMl(IU.i lu
in.Uomn $tW, tally wjokI to nur
I4O0 piano. Monthly payment MpW4. Fri(ht only ba
$1. Writ (or lirt and particular. To aaka a f roat aanf .
fiaoo warranted M rprMnto4. DlMtraUii Piaao ksok ft.
Wald' tort mti fcona; aalla Brarythinc knows ta X aia
Nye & Buchanan Co..
Best possible service in all depart
ments. Write or wire us for markets
or other information.
Long distance Telephone 2303
Made of Rocky Mountain
Steel and lined with As
bestos. Most Economical
of Fuel. Best baker and
cooker, largest oven of
any range. Top polished
like a looking glass.
Grease will not stick to
it. No blacking required.
Always polished. Can be
delivered anywhere in
United States. - Write for
price and what the peo
ple say about them.
Yields Readily to Proper Treatment
with Dr. Mitchell's Lump
Jaw Cure
The best remedy for the cure of
lumpy jaw in cattle is that discovered
by Dr. Mitchell. It removes the tumor
without leaving an unsightly scar.
Cattle undergoing treatment by it do
not fan away in flesh.
It is easily applied without throw
ing the animal and one application is
sufficient unless in bad cases of long
standing. - ,
And moreover it is the cheapest way
of curing lump jaw as one bottle is
enough for four to six head of ordi
nary cases.
Iliggasoii's flog Cholera Cure
is best used as a preventive of hog
cholera, - but . is very effective as a
cure for this most destructive disease.
We believe every, farmer who raises
hogs should have a can of the
on his premises, ready, for use imme
diately when the disease first makes its
appearance in the herd.
In addition to being a preventive
and cure for hog cholera, it is a sure
It is also a good conditioner and keeps
hogs healthy and thriving. For full
narticulars address
Marshalltown, Iowa.
lers Pure Halt
f gives more pleasure to more
moale than unvrhn.v..'.
key on the market. It is pre-
more pnysicians
1 Ot1 flOCOll n t nf flhirrh
(cinal qualities, and particu-
W A ... . .
uniiitcrs agree mat ot all
inalt whiskies Iler'a is the
Turest, smoothest, mellow
etet and best. This whiskey
hVia been on the market lor
tmirty years and more peo-
aaa v. a luai ii i tVCiy
yowill begin to realize hoxr
& whiskey can be.
WilloASp'gs Distilleryt
ml'- I
Lincoln, Neb.
To Nebraska Independent Readers
A special arrangement has been made with
that excellent publication can be obtained
ONE YEAK FKEE by readers of tbe Ne
braska Independent. The Mlssour Valley
1 ariner la one of tbe best farm papers In the
West, and will tell you more about agricul
tural and live stock cotwlltions in the great
Southwest than any other publication. It is
filled with up-to-date reading matter In the
breezy Btyle of the West. J he publishers
have generously offered to send thesrmer
a whole year absolutely free to any reader of
the ebraska indpondent who will send
them 'J en Cents, which barely pays the cost of
mailing. ltegular subscription price 50
cents. The offer must be accepted within
four weeks, and under no circumstances mil
the offer hold good unless It is stated in your
letter that you are a reader of the Ne
braska independent Address,
nissourl Valley Farmer, Topeka, Kas.
Wili mail true guide to Health b.r
"luxurious Fuming and Bathing, and
"vVealth fiora pleasant Practice and
Outfit Sales, by men and women ev
erywhere. . Postage 10 cents.
D. M. GUNNELS, Toledo, Ohio.
For Sale
Registered and high grade Short
horn culls, registered Poland China
boars and gilts; Toulouse Geese.
Rising City. Neb.
V IjjjjjF m sH
in A Mnrfh n h St. l:siZV;
. r aaur ill auaii a a 11 i .
We say "Roy's" drug store as a
matter of fact it is EVERYBODY'S
drug store almost. Roy only cos
ducta it, buys and keeps to sell ;hu
goods, and meet and force competition.
Our patrons do the rest. We want U
remind you of seasonable goods, viz:
Garden Seeds, Conditi - Powders, Lico
Killers, B. B. Poison, Kalsomine,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc,
We make a specialty of all kinds oi!
Stock and Poultry Foods, etc. Doc"!;
miss us.
Roys' 104 Mo I Oth