The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    News of the Week
- The coal barons have come to the
conclusion that there was something
to arbitrate the . conclusion being
lorcea upon them by the threat to
prosecute them criminally under the
bnerman law they " proposed to die
tate who the arbitrators should :be
In the main they succeeded, although
Teddy got up courage enough to add
Bishop Spalding to the commission
without the consent of the operators
or any other foreign nation. In ac
cepting the arbitrators appointed by
the president, Mitchell took occasion
to give the barons a scorching such
as they never received before.
Tariffs are getting hard knocks the
" whole world over. It is positively an
nounced that the new German protec
tive tariff bill will be defeated by an
overwhelming vote in the reichstag.
The Bee docs well to call attention
at the present time to the manner in
.which the Union Pacific railroad took
forcible r possession of the Wyoming
coal fields' when under the manage
ment of Jay Gould, and from that time
, to this has levied a tax on every family
in its territory in the excessive price
that it has charged for the Wyoming
coal. v This writer distinctly remem
bers the time when a. force armed, by
the Union Pacific drove out the real
owners of those mines and took pos
session of them, not only In violation
of law, but of their charter.' It is the
same game that the anthracite rail
roads have been playing own the
mine& and the roads, then make such
charges to outsiders on the carriage of
'eoal as will give a monopoly of the
Some time , ago when all the great
dailies were announcing the formation
of a meat trust after the most ap
rroved modern fashion. The Indenen
dent told Its readers that there would
be no meat trust organized until af
ter the election. If the republicans
succeed, one will, be organized, but if
there is a general tendency to revolt
at trust extortions shown by the vote,
the Armours,' Cudahys and the other
packers will go very slow on that line.
A vote for the republican congress
men means a vote for trust prices for
meat for all time to come.
The fact -lhat 1,053 jnen, not reg
istered, voted on affidavits In the con
tested wards at the Mercer primaries,
has an exceedingly ugly look. Two
of Dave's chief workers, F. B. Ken
nard and J. G. Kuhn, have been caught
in making affidavits in a case to the
qualifications and residence of one
voter," which are shown by , evidence
printed in both the Omaha dailies to.
have been false. It Is by such meth
ods that Mercer was elected before.
The last two national elections were
bought w4th . cold- cash and ' the rail
roads will buy this state election if
they can. If you are going to vote
the republican ticket, why be fool
erfough to do it for nothing, when
there Is cash in every precinct ready
to pay for votes? Get your pay in advance.
Carnegie and Pullman made "noth
ing to arbitrate"., win while Morgan
and Baer failed, which goes to prove
the "world do move."
The populist principle of the public
ownership of railroads and telegraphs
has proven so ' successful in Europe
that all the 'governments are extend
ing it. The" German government will
soon take over six of the eight pri
vate railroad systems in that country,
leaving only two of the smallest and
least . important of lines in private
hands. Frank Carpenter in his letter
from Paris says: "The telegraphs are
under the government, and the charges
are less than- half those of America.
The rate is ten cents for the first ten
words, and . one cent for each addi
tional word to every part of France.
The postofflce department has a par
cel system by "which small packages
weighing up to twenty pounds can be
sent ; Six pounds will be taken to any
railroad station in France for twelve
cents, or for seventeen cents it will be
delivered at your house. A ten-pound
package costs twenty-five cents, and a
twenty-pound one only thirty cents."
Is it better to sell your vote to the
' railroads for $2 and then pay double
these prices for the same service? If
" you think that it is, then you will have
the opportunity to do so.
attention, was - written by George E.
Roberts, director of the mint, and sub
mitted to President McKinley and re
ceived his approval before it was sent
LU IMC? 0MftV.
Oct, 23, 1902
Iowa republicans favored "any modi-
nf the tariff schedules t
may be required to prevent tneir
Iri-rAi-ntr oholtpr in monODOly." Then
at once about one-half of them found
out that they did not lavor n
The sociologists, penalogists and
other societies of like nature have held
mimornna rnn vntlonS more than
r-m Kn iirinff Yta cummer. When
their reports are published we will find
out wnat progress ut wcu -
what the prospects are mai iuc
orsdDii , n Tima onH ItlSATlitV Can
va ao u iuv .
checked. From the summaries that
have been published it seems that
.. 1 , ,1 in
scienunc men are coming s.uw.j w
conclusion long since arrived at by Dr.
J. Sanderson Christison, namely, that
. c-n-oiiari 'nnncrariHuV criminal Is
x. tiv V;Utivu ijviid' '
simply an improperly trained child, mAAnn nunnia fiava Hp1 in the
Philippines from cholera and during
the last lew days it nas appeareu
Egypt, causing 636 deaths.
. The president said: "The biggest
cosporation, like the humblest private
citizen, must be held to strict compn
ance with the will of the people as ex
Dressed in the fundamental law.
he now proceeds to hold the anthracite
coal trust to "a strict compliance to
the fundamental law," those woras
might be taken seriously, but' as long
as that trust 13 allowed to violate tne
constitution of the state of Pennsyl
vania. the interstate commerce law
and the Sherman act, they will be sim-
nlv an accusation atrainst the sincerity
of the man who uttered tnem.
France has become very tired of the
beet sugar bounty and it is announced
that it will be abolished. The prm
ciple upon which bounties for the pro
duction of anything is based is wholly
wrong has always been considered
wrong by every economist of author
ity and the long experiment made by
France shows that it is detrimental to
all good public policy. Bounties are
simply one form of "protection," which
in this country is secured by exorbitant
tariffs. .
The Gould roads have been planning
a merger after the Northern Pacific
way, but it is announced that nothing
further will be done about it until the
suit brought against the Northern Pa
cific is adjudicated. If Jim Hill wins
that suit, everything will be "merged"
in the railroad world.
The failure of the American tobacco
trust to get a foothold in England and
its ignominous retreat i3 a comDlete
answer to the republican spell-binders
who declare that trusts flourish just as
well in free trade countries as thev do
under tariff protection.' Since its de
feat in England, the tobacco trust has
been at work extending its power in
this country where the tariff makes it
all powerful in that industry.
Evidence is leaking: out latelv to the
effect that the barbed w"ire trust is
getting the same sort of rebates on the
railroads that the Standard Oil com
pany has so long enjoyed. This barbed
wire trust is the meanest trust in the
whole land and makes a greater dif
ference in the price at which it sells
ts goods to foreigners and American
citizens than any of the other corn-
nines. When the farmer walks un to
the polls and votes for the trust party
ne is a spectacle to gods and men.
Governor Cummins savs: "It. fixes
not only the price the dealer must pay
out tne retail price he sells it for as
well. Firms have been refused barber?
wire by the trust merely because., they
aeait m otner articles bought from in
dependent steel companies, and they
were forced to surrender." It is for
hat sort of thine that the
farmer votes.
According to the United States bu
reau of treasury statistics only one
ton of anthracite coal was imported
, during the fiscal year ending June '30,
1S01. When anthracite was really on
the free list in 1896, 149,748 tons were
Imported. Since the Dlngley law came
into force importations have fallen off
as follows: 1898, 5,851 tons; 1899, 601
tons; 1900, 156 tons; 1901, 1 ton. All
this time the great dailies have been
declaring that the two great trusts,
oil and anthracite were without pro
tection. A press like that is a curse
to any country.
The young Englishmen who left
"their employment to go to South Afri
,ca and shoot down Christian Boers in
the interest of Joe Chamberlain im
perialism are now wanderers and
tramps in their own native land. Eng
lish imperialists having got all out of
them that they want, turn them out to
starve. A recent dispatch says: "Hun
dreds of them sleep on the embank
ment and in parks. Squads of these
men with begging boxes pleading for
pennies are met everywhere. A year
ago Tommy Atkins was a popular idol.
uoaay ne is worKiess ana nungry, ana
A. X 1 A X A
i m ii cm wir-uuiw iiiiiiu vri iniiir j c in
do him reverence." What do some of
ihe Englishmen in Nebraska who were
so angry at The Independent for de
i.our.cing " that jingo crowd think of
British Imperialism now? Was not
The Independent right in Its views' of
that "gang?
General Corbin dined with King Ed
ward and now he has the swell-head
worse than ever. When he gets back
to Washington he will be asking the
general of the army to black his boots
for him. ;
- It Is now said that the famous Iowa
plank, that the tariff should not be a
shelter for trusts 4 and which was first
adopted a year ago without attracting
One of the devices of the railroads
to help keep up the price of coal is
ne positive refusal to shiD anthra
cite in anything but closed cars. At
tnis time of the year when the crops
are moving it is exceedingly hard to
get that sort of car. No doubt the enrl-
ly Baer will make a divvy with the
railroad managers on that sort of a
deal so that it will be to their interest
to stick to the box-car rule.
In a speech the other night Senator
Hanna declared that 'the republican
party will regulate trusts." In a speech
that he delivered here in this city of
Lincoln in the 1900 campaign, he said:
"There are no trusts." Both of these
assertions are entitled to the same
When this writer read a sermon of
Dr. Hillis some years sago, and al
though charmed with its elegant Eng
lish, he put the preacher down as em
bodying the sentiments ' of the most
dangerous class in this ; or any other
government the exclusively wealthy
set. Now he declares that "the rule of
the many because they have the votes
is a rule of peril that threatens every
institution that we love." That senti
ment ; is treason to our " form of gov
ernment "The rule of the many" is
the very foundation stone upon whilch
this government is built. Any other
sort of rule means an autocracy, or a
monarchy, of divine right. Of the de
generacy of which Dr. Hillis speaks,
he is himself the most remarkable example.'-
V. . . , f
Main Office
Lincoln, lleb.
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All private diMasea and dis
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All forms ol female wenk
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WtUnir. Consultation FREE. Treatment by mail
Call, or address with staray I Mela Office
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W 1 W5
posters have been put up and recruit
ing officers sent everywhere to no
avail. The army has reduced itself
on account of the impossibility of
making enlistments. This blowing is
only a campaign fake.
The report of the United States com
missioner. of education just 4 issued
shows that the total of pupils in the
schools, ; elementary, secondary and
higher, both public and private, in the
United States for the year ending June
30, 19ol, was 17,299,230 an increase of
278,520 pupils over the previous year.
Of this number 15710,394 were enrolled
in schools supported by local and gen
eral taxation. An army like ' this is
the pride of any nation much more
than the army that wears uniforms
and carries guns. ' "
The republican spell-binders and edi
tors are glorifying over, the order to
reduce the army, and the same is the
greatest fake ever perpetrated during
a campaign. The truth is that every
effort has been made to get men to en
list in the army. Great, high colored
The coal strike has ended, the min
ers by a unanimous vote having agreed
to accept the arbitration committee ap
pointed by the president. It will, how
ever, be several weeks before any hard
coal will reach tuis part of the country
and as to what prices will be the deal
ers will say nothing.
The Star says: "The $2,750,000,000
on deposit in the savings banks, of the
country ought to tell the tale, if it be
true that money talks." The proof
reader or compositor may have been'
to blame, but evidently that writer
should have said: "The $2,750,000,000
that the savings banks owe tells
the tale." If there is that much money
in the savings banks, then no one else
has any, for there is not more than
that much money in the whole coun
The Star claims to be an up-to-date
paper, but last Wednesday it pub-
ished a cartoon of the Standard Oil
trust with this inscription under it:
it protection is the mother of trusts,
why is it that the biggest monopoly we
have is hatched from a free trade
egg?" Think of that, days after all
the papers in the United States had
been pointing out that the Standard
Oil trust was about as highly protected
as anything in the whole country!
Rose water says: "Bryan certainly
must know that the senate as at pres
ent constituted will enact no law that
would curtail the privileges or con
flict with the interests of the coal
barons and giant corporations com
monly called trusts." Sad as it may
be, Bryan must also know that the
editor of the Bee has spent all the
energies of his long and active life
n aiding to constitute the senate as it
now exists. From the above paragraph
t apears that the editor of the Bee,
after these years of fierce conflicts,
ooks back only upon a wasted life.
Ordinarily . the editorials in the
Brooklyn Eagle are well written, even
though one cannot agroe with the de
ductions. But that paper's answer to
Senator Allen's recent editorial on the
democratic outlook is a lot of twaddle
that does the Eagle no credit. What
particular brand of democracy does
the Eagle represent anyway?. And in
what minute particular does this
brand differ from pure, unadulterated
republicanism as expounded by Mark
Hanna? The Independent is curious to
The freight rates on hard coal, which
3 easily handled, not perishable and
s hauled in a low grade of cars, is
twice that of wheat, corn or cotton
and higher than those on general mer
chandise. That brings this contest
within the .interstate commerce act.
Those rates are unreasonable. But
then the coal trust is bigger than the
government and we will have to en
dure the oppression until a govern
ment is instituted at Washington that
is bigger than the trusts.
The republicans of Nebraska have
been denouncing the anthracite coal
barons, but for twenty years they have
been voting for the tools of the Union
acific railroad which has been taxing
the people or tne west millions in
extra charges on coal which it mines
in direct violation of its charter just
as the anthracite coal roads do. Their
attorney named the candidate for gov
ernor ten days before the convention
and If 'our man Mickey" is elected
tue Union Pacific will continue to do
just as the Pennsylvania barons have
done. The road has a strike on now
and "has nothing to arbitrate." While
the Nebraska republicans will de
nounce Baer, he will vote for exact
ly the same thing that Baer has stood
for any pay the taxes that the Union
Pacific ought to pay, besides contri-.
buting to the exchequer of that road
two or three dollars a ton above a
fair price for all the Wyoming coal
that he uses. A republican is a
"queer critter" anyhow.
Governor- Cummins of Iowa still
goes around insisting that the plat
form of (that state means what it
says. After the experience of the peo
ple with republican platforms, he will
find It a difficult matter to get them
to accept that statement ; 1
ATTENTION. As I am receiving
thousands of -letters from all ovc
the country- requesting information
how I was ' cured after suffering for
more than 20 years with loss of man
hood and varicocele, I must request all
who write me to enclose a 2-cent
stamp for reply. Oscar Falk, lock box
199, .Chicago,: HI. -
A man who expects to reach
heaven on his wife's goodness will
find the semaphore set against him. i
to Postal Schsca
The postofflce department is at pres
ent-considering a measure which is
more important and Interesting from
many points of view, than anys measure
that has been submitted , tq the offi
cials or tnat department ror many
years. It will be of interest and value
to every newspaper, manufacturer, in
surance company rin fact, - to every
body .who sends, out a large quantity
of mail with the . Idea of getting re
plies thereto. The plan will be put in
to operation if the department becomes
convinced that there is a public de
mand for it. Many 'letters have al
ready been received indorsing the pro
ject and urging ,its : establishment at
an early day. , e-
i ne proposed service is Known as
the return envelope and postal card
system, and its working is very read
ily explained. Jft .takes the place of an
existing system which, instead of fos
tering, really places : an onerous tax
upon. Interstate commerce through the
mails. " ;-"
At present; ior. instance, a newspa
per that desires to Increase its circu
lation sends out a lot of circulars set
ting forth the' advantages, to, be ob
tained by tne subscribers to that par
ticular paper and.: incloses a 1 postal
card addressed, to itself, upon the back
of which is printed a rblank "order for
six. months' or ;a year's subscription,
asking the recipient to sign and drop
into the mails. In . the case of a busi
ness institution ' seeking to introduce
Its goods the wording on the back of
the postal " is, of course, changed to
suit the occasion,, or as required. ,
rsow, each , postal . card , costs one
cent. Each thousand of them, there
fore, represents an investment of $10,
which, together - with the expense of
printing the cards and the accompany
ing circulars -and- mailing, the whole
sent out to a, possible , customer makes
this form of .advertising very costly;
it is all the more so when It is consid
ered that the returns rarely, - if ever,
exceed 10 per. cent, and in some cases
fall below, that
A great many people have a habit
when receiving these cards of remov
ing the printed matter upon them and
using, the postals for their own con
venience, or else. . they, simply throw
the cards away." In this manner about
90 per cent of the postal cards is a
dead loss to the advertiser. . He pays
the government $1Q for ;each thousand
cards with' the idea that "it will per
form the service ibf bringing those
thousand cards' back to him. As a mat
ter of fact, - however,; the government
is - required to return only" about . 100
of the cards and, "gets $9 on each 1,000
for serviceOt".iras never performed.
The new system" is Intended to obviate
this unfair and onerous tax upon each
and every business community. -
One riewsnaDer in Chicago, for In
stance, has been sending out 500,000
cards each year. Assuming it nas re
ceived, returns to the number of 10 per
cent, this paper is taxed ?4,500 a year,
or is presenting the . government with
that amount for the. privilege of using
this form . of advertising. Under the
new system which it is proposed to
adont. this tax oh the People will be
abolished. The government will re
ceive nav for the amount of mail it
. it- . -
actually carries F.Fbr this purpose it
la nrnnosed to. authorize the use of a
special form of envelope and postal
card. These envelopes and postal
cards will bear a stamp designed to
show that they can;. be dropped in the
mail, and carried to their destination,
where the postage will be paid by the
addressee before delivery of the same.
The government, while thus receiv
ing Dav for services actually per
formed, will be guaranteed against
loss, while ' the newspaper or bus!-
tiprs firm -wlir save above $7 per thou
sand on the cards it sends out; on en
velopes, about $15.
The new envelopes and cards win De
distributed as the present ones are in
circulars, catalogues, or with packages
of goods, but If the recipient desires
to throw the envelope or card away
he can do so without entailing a loss
of 1 cent or 2 cents upon the sender,
while at the same time he cannot use
the envelope or card for any purpose
except that-for which it was original
ly Intended.
3i; Schuyler; evening: Saturday, No
vember 1, Wayne, evening.
day, October 24, Ashton; Saturday, Oc
tober 25, Arcadia; Monday, October 27,
Greeley Center; Tuesday, October 28
North Loup; Wednesday, October 29
Burwell; Thursday, October 30. Mar
quette; .r riuay, October 31, Litchfield;
Saturday, November 1, Ansley.
October 24,
25, Aurora.
H, THOM F'SON Friday,
Crete; Saturday, October
HON. C. Q. DE FRANCE Tuesday.
October 28, Du Bois; Wednesday, Oc
tober 29, Humboldt; 4 Thursday. Octo
ber 30, Talmage, evening; Friday. Oc
tober 31, Syracuse.
Yields Readily to Proper Treatment
f with Dr. Mitchell's Lump
Jaw Cure
The best remedy for the cure of
lumpy jaw In cattle is that discovered
by Dr. Mitchell.' It removes the tumor
without leaving an unsightly scar.
Cattle undergoing treatment by it do
not tan away in flesh.
It is easily applied without throw
Ing tne animal and one application is
sufficient unless In bad cases of long
And moreover it is the cheapest way
of curing lump jaw as one bottle is
enough for four to six head of ordi
nary cases, j
Higgason's Hog Cholera Cure k
is best used as a preventive of hog
cholera, " but is very effective as a
cure for this most destructive disease.
We believe every farmer who raises
hogs should have a can of the
on his premises, ready for use imme
diately when the disease first makes Its
appearance in the herd.
In addition to being a preventive
and cure for hog cholera, it is a sure
It is also a good conditioner and keeps
hogs healthy and thriving. For full
particulars address
Marshalltown, Iowa.
We Are for Women
Made of Rocky Mountain
Steel and lined with As
bestos. Most Economical
of Fuel. Best baker and
cooker, largest oven of
any range. Top polished
like a looking glass.
Grease will not stick to
it. No blacking required.
Always polished. Can be
delivered anywhere in
United States. Write for
price and what the peo
ple say about them.
Thirty years in business at one place
-a bigger business every year than the
preceeding year.. That's the record
made by Fred Schmidt & Bro. of this
city... There is hardly a firm in town
that can show such an excellent record.
Hundreds of their customers have been
with them almost from the beginning.
New ones are added every year. When
in Lincoln it will pay you to call at the
store and get acquainted. You'll find
It's the place where your dollars buy
the most.
Don't forget that Hon. M. F. Har
rington of O'Neill will address the
people of Lincoln and Lancaster coun
ty at the Auditorium, Friday evening,
October 24, 1902, beginning at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Harrington will discuss the live
issues of this campaign, devoting espe
cial attention to the subject of rail
road taxation. You cannot afford to
miss tnis speecn.
Fusion Dates
HON. W. V. ALLEN Friday, Octo
ber 24. Petersburg, evening: Satur
day, October 25, . Arlington, evening;
Monday, October 27, Waterloo, after
noon; Valparaiso, evening; Tuesday,
October 28, Utica, evening; Wednes
day, October 29. Loup City, evening;
Thursday, October 30, Polk county, af
ternoon and evening; Friday, October
Patronize our, advertisers.
Redue your
Weight With
Reduce your fat and be refined. Kefln your
fat and le reduced. "Keducto" Is a perfectly
harmless vegetable compound endorsed by
thousands of physicians and people who have
tried It. We send you the Formula, you make
"Beducto" at home It you desire, you know
full well the lnsrredtents and therefore need
have no fear of evil effects, bend 1.00 for re
ceipt and instructions everything mailed In
plain envelope. Address . 1 ,
Ginseng Chemical Co.,
3701 S. Jefferson At., St. Louis, Mo
Lincoln, Neb. .
Attractive Clubbing: Bates Made by The
Independent to Secure New Readers
The Commoner 1 year
(Mr. Bryan's paper)
The Independents moa
The Commoner 1 year
(Mr. Bryan's paper)
The Independent 1 year
Tne New York World
Thrice-a-week edition lyr
The Independent 3 mos,
The New York World
Thrice-a-week Ed't'n lyr
The Independent 1 year
Address all orders to
The Independent,
- Lincoln, Neb.
Yncmuugi urn Hmr I CL-
Boy Yonr Paints ffCa ths factory 1
We can st you from 40c to 50c on the jrallon oa.oV
rltnikront. trrmna nv nulnf mri alen imaL-irtrr 4a
close price3 on White Lead. Dry Taint end Colors in
.Oil.1 We manufacture all our paints and twll direct to
the consumer. If you will give us a trial on cur Paint
you will find that it is the Best Grade of Paint there U
on the market today. We hare sold considerable paint
all over the country and it hasgiren entire satisfaction.
Write us for Color Cards and prices before buying
your Paint You will sare by buying your pnint from
us: on a building 32x28, 18 feet high, f rem 15.00 to f G.00
and remember you are getting the best paint.
' ' Lincoln, Neb., Oct. t, 1902.
Nebraska Paint A Lead Co., City.
Dear Sirs: 1 take great pleasure in recom
mending to the public your mixed paiats aad
aruishes. Can cheerfully say it hss fiven me
better satisfaction and covers more surface
than any other paint I have used, and cost me
much less. .
I have had 25 years of experience in the busi
ness and would cheerfully say that if you are
wanting paints that are unadulterated and to
cover lots of surface and last, I' would 'recom
mend the above paints. '
- Yours respectfully, r
W. El. Jennings, Painter.
Marion, Wis., Sept. 29, 1902,
Nebraska Paint & Lead Co., Lincoln, Neb,
- Gentlemen : I have used diff erect kinds of
paint, bat have never used .any that covered
mors surface to the gallon than your first grade
paint does. You enn surely await more orders
from me. . Yours truly,
Geo. Fradrich, Painter.
Amity, Mo., July 24, 1902.
Nebraska Paint A Lead Co. , Lincoln, Neb.
Gentlemen: I find your mixed paint to be
all O. K. and as I have used most all kinds of
painU, I can recommend yours to be jntt as
good as any. It will cover as much surface as
any paint, and looks well when finished.
Yours truly.
. Jackman, Pttater.
Atlantic Iowa. June 10. lrj.
Nebraska Paint A Lead Co., Lincoln. Neb.
Gentlemen: I have just - finished Henry
Peter's job of painting and was well pli4
with the way your paint worked. Please l
me color eards and price lints as I wo.ild like to
try some of your different paints.
Yours truly,
J. B. Jipsen,
. Lincoln, Neb., June 13, 19CZ.
Nebraska Paint A Lead Co., City.
Gentlemen: The mixed paint as well as ihe
roofing paint, which I got from you eome tims
ago, to use in paiating my residence, has proven
highly satisfactory. The painters that I em
ployed frankly stated thai your miied paint
was by far the best that they had ever uted. I
hope you will be successful in buiMin up a
large trade, as the goods which you manufac
ture are certainly of first-class qualit?.
Yours trnly,
A. Urbahn, 1147 F Street.
305.07 O Street. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, P. O. Bex So.
S7T ?7
aW T
Future success depends neon it. The Commercial World demands thornnchlv educated mm
and women. Sharp coin petition demands it: therefore it is an absolute neceasitv to the man
who would . . . -
the Lincoln Business College makes a specialty of Preparing Young Men and Women for Busi
ness Pursuits. Write for free Catalogue.
The New
Schaff Bros.
Have you seen the New 20th
Century wood bearing scale
Schaff Bros. Piano. If not you
should see it before you buy. It
it is one of the finest Pianos made
for tone, touch, durability and
Artistic appearance.
Call on or address
Matthews Piano Co.
1130O Street, Lincoln, Neb.
r, afvmK ktl ..
I r F 1
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Terri
tory, Texas, and many points in Lou
isiana, Arizona and New Mexico
on October 21, November 4 and 18, De
cember 2 and 16. Rate one fare plus
$2 for the round trip. Arkansas is the
finest fruit country in the world and
is productive of cotton, com, coal, min
erals, grazing and the land is still
ridiculously cheap. For descriptive
pamphlets, folders, etc., call or apply
at City Ticket Office, .1039 O st
a F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A.
Nye & Buchanan Go.,
Best possible service in all depart
ments. Write or wire us for markets
or other information.
Lorjg distance Telephone 2305
Cnilllcothe Normal School
Cnillicotlie Commercial College
Cnilllcothe Shorthand College
C hlllicothe Telegraphy College
thilllcotlie Pen-Art College
Chlllicothe School of Oratory
Cnilllcothe Musical Conservatory.
Last year's enrollment 729. $130 pays for 48
weeks'board, tuition, room rent, and nseof text
books. For FREE Illustrated Catalog address
ALLEN MOORE, Pres.. Box 21, Chillicothe, Mo
S. I Gelsthardt, Attorney, 148 Burr Blk
Notie'e is hereby giyeu that the under signed
have assoeiated themselves together lor the
purpose of forming and becoming a corporation
under the laws of the state of Nebraska for the
transaction of business as hereinafter set .forth.
1. Name of the corporation shall be BANK
2. The banking house and princips l place of
transacting its business shall be in the city of
Lincoln in the state of Nebraska.
a Th mnil nature of the business to be
transacted shall be a geteral commercial bank
ing business, including the loaning of money,
receiving ae posits, uujiug uva -""j
coin, bullion, negotiable paper, securi ties of all
kinds, and United States bonds, making col
lections, and the buying, holding and selling of
real estate so far as not inconsistent witn law.
4. The eapital stock of this corporation shall
be fifty thousand dollars ($50,000- fully paid in
hfnra thi commencement of business, divided
into shares of one hundred dollars each, which
shall be transferable only on the boc ks of the
company. .
5. This corporation shall begin oca the 12th
day of July, 1902, and terminate on tbe ltn
day or July, ija umesa mwbw u5uno av
cording to law. - ......
6. The highest amount of indebtodnes or
liability to which this corporation shall at any
one time be subject, mau do u .
three thousand three fiuiiarea ana tnirty-tnree
dollars ($33,3r exclusive of deposits.
- 7. Th nffairs of this corporation shall be
conducted by a board of" directors elcted an
nually by the-stock-holders from among their
number. The number .- of directors' shall be
fixed by the by-laws, and shall not be more
than seven. The board of directors shall ap
point a president, a vice-president, aid a cash
ir who Shall oerform the duties usually inci
dent of such .respective offices, and such other
duties as may be imposea Dy tne xne
board of directors shall nave the yower to
make by-laws for the conduct of business not
inconsistent with law or these articles of in-
. , .. ...... . , - - 4; ... .
M. Morning, Attorney, Ksouts 3 1U-3 1 1
312, Richards Block
In the District Court of Lancaster County, Ne
braska. Charles D. Hiatt, Plaintiff, vs.
William W. Allen, and Nellie Georgia A He a.
his former wife, and Mrs. Leon a J. Alien,
his present wife, defendants, to William W.
Allen, nonresident defendant:
You will take notice that on the 30th day o'
September, IWZ, the above named plaiutitf hie 1
bis petition and commenced the above entitle 1
action against you in said court the objectaed
prayer of which are to quiet and confirm in
plaintiff the title to the north half of the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter of tut
southeast quarter of section 3, town 8, rau-4 t
in Lancaster county Nebraska, otherwise known
as Lot 19 of Irregular Tracts. Plaintiff states
that you and your wife conveyed your interest
in said real estate by warranty deed to on
Austin Oribling about February l&M), and said
Griblinf wentinto possession or said real estate
and thereafter conveyed the same to plaintiff
and nlaintiff and the said Gribling hate fur
more than ten years last past been in ths actual.
open, notorious, exclusive, adverse and contin
uous possession of said real estate and plaintiff
is so la possession of the same at this time, bat
that the said Gribling failed to cause the doe 1
which was executed by yourself and wife to
him to be placed of record and that thesame
was never recorded but has been lost and that
by reason tnereor tnere is a Drear in p.aimtx
chain of title to said real estate and a eloud is
thereby cast upon said title and plaintiff brings
said aetion to have said defect remedied, and
to have said title quieted and confirmed in him.
iou are required to answer said petition on or
before the 17th day of November. 1902, or said
petition will be taken as true and judgment
rendered 'fcHABLE D HIATT
By W. M. MORNING, His Attorney.
w w $110 PEn GALLON.
Writ, far Print Prim Lift
. mmmmtttlllimimm
ii ii iii sL
To Nebraska Independent Readers
A special arrangement has bn made with
that excellent publication can be obtained
ONE VEAK FKKE by readers of thf Ne
braska Independent. The Missour vaiiejr
Farmer Is one of the best farm papers in tb
West, and will tell you more about agricul
tural and live stock conditions In the great
Southwest than any other publication. It is
filled with up-to-date reading matter la the
breezy style of the West. ihe publishers
have generously offered to send the Fanwrr
a whole year absolutely free to aay reader cf
the Nebraska Independent w fr.v- will send
thera Ten Cents, which barely pf ' rial of
mailing. Betrular subscripts -ice SO
cents. The offer must be accep.TrNsahin
four weeks, and under no circumstances win
the offer hold good unless it Is stated In four
letter that you are a reader ol the Ne
braska Independent. Address,
nissouri Valley Farmer, Topeka, Kas.