V 2 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT Oct ,16, 190! A THOROUGH CHANGE IN China and Glassware Department During the last few months we have culled out all the undesirable stock from this department, and have received sev eral large shipments from Europe of the latest and most desirable styles and pat terns from leading manufacturers, whose wares have a world-wide reputation. The department is under the supervision of one who has had many years' experi ence with eastern dealers in these goods, and will give you any information you may want in regard to the particular merits of our many different lines. We have newly arranged this stock, and dis play it in a way that you can quickly see the sizes, patterns, colorings etc. We would be pleased to show you these new goods in this department. Special for the week Dinner Sets, 100 pieces, 4 different decorations, at $10 07 Haviland China Cups and Saucers, at, per set, $1.37, $1.19, 97c, 63c and .57c Our line of cut glass is the larg est in the city. We mention a few items that will interest . you Cut Glass Water Bottles, at each $2 97 Salad Bowls at $4.97 and $3 47 Olive Dishes at $3.87, $3.47 and.. $2 50 UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT In patronizing our underwear depart ment you will certainly have the benefit of selecting from the largest assortment in the city, as well as feeling confident of getting the very lowest prices possi ble, consistent with first-class merchan dise, as this department represents the products of the very best mill3 in the whole country. We show a very practical gar ment in a Ladies' Union Suit, double across the front, an extra protection in cold weather.a splendid value, only $1 75 Ladies' silk and lisle Vests, high neck and long sleeves, in cream, pink or blue, at .$1 50 Ladies' Black Union Suits, in all wool, or wool and cotton extra values at $2.50, $2.00 and $1 50 Ladies' wool mixed Union Suits, assorted styles and colors, at $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25 and.. . .$1 00 Ladies' cotton fleece lined Union Suits, at $1.00, 75c and ......... . 50c Boys' heavy Jersey fleece lined Union Suits, all sizes, at 49o The Nazareth Waist, the best waist made for girls or boys, at 25c, 19c and 15c A large assortment of Chil dren's Underwear, in union suits or separate garments, in all wool, wool and cotton mixed and all cotton, fleece lined, at popular prices. Mail Orders will receive prompt and Careful atten tion. Send for Samples. Mention this paper. and replaced by inexperienced, care ; less, unconscientious men, who may endanger the llyes of their co-laborers and innocent people only that man agers and shareholders may extort greater profits from the business. Managing electric or steam engines or handling dynamite in a coal mine is a dangerous business, which can not be learned from today to the mor row, and putting inexperienced, care less men or even boys at such work is an infernal crime. 7 Now, based on such legal ground, it . should be an easy matter for a willing, honest, conscientious executive to pro tect and settle strikes or disputes be tween employes and employers, there fore, it may be interesting to know how the executive of Switzerland based . on that legal ground prevented a gen eral strike and settled another one. About ten years ago the employes of all the railroads in Switzerland com plained about too long hours and too low wages. They elected a committee to put their complaints into writing of which copies were sent to the fed- .eral executive as well as to the direc- . tors of every railroad company. It was about the middle of January when those complaints were sent out and in them was declared that on the 1st of : March every wheel on the roads would be stopped if their just demands were , not granted at that day. The federal . executive waited now for a peaceable s'tlement between the disputing par ties, but as the directors of the rail roads did not act in the matter, a few days before the fixed time had arrived , the federal executive demanded that the dirierent railroad directors as well . as the employes should at once send delegates to the federal executive for a peaceable settlement. To that sum- . mons all concerned parties responded except the directors of the N. O. B. railroad, who declared, "There was nothing to arbitrate." After hearing . the arguments of both parties the fed eral executive found that the de mands of their employes are just and, therefore, the directors must grant them at once or the federal executive would take possession of the road and manage and operate the same in the interest and for the benefit of the com mon weal In Switzerland such a de cision of the federal executive is final. The executive is not subordinate to the supreme court and, therefore, the supreme court has no jurisdiction over acts of the executive who is only re- . sponsible for his acts to congress, which again is controlled by the peo- pie, who execute the highest sovor eignty through the initiative and ref erendum and I hardly believe that ever a corporation will appeal to the final supreme decision of the people. That wise and just decision of the executive prevented a general- Btrike , in Switzerland to the best satisfac tion of all interested parties except , the .directors of the N. O. B. A few years after that peaceable settlement . the directors of the N. O. B. again commenced to chicane their employes and tried ' to - discharge some of the leaders without . just cause, but to . that all other employes of that road protested. Again they put their com . plaint into writing and sent the same - to the federal executive as well as. to : their directors, setting a time of sev eral weeks for granting their demands, threatening to stop all traffic at a cer- - tain day if their demands were de nied. That time the federal executive did not interfere and as the directors did not try to settle the dispute at midnight every engine and every car on the whole road stopped at the sta tion where they were at that time, but i every man kept his place to protect the railroad property and no author ity interfered- Next morning the state executive of , jurich telegraphed, to the federal executive in Berne, who at once Mit. two of its members, with xtra station of the N. O. B. Here some dele gates of the striking employes waited for that committee with an engine and passenger car, in which the committee went to Zurich, .wnere they were wel comed with , enthusiastic hurrahs by the people. -After a short hearing of both parties that committee again found that the demands of the em ployes were just and, therefore, they were granted. The directors were told that they were responsible for all damage which should accrue from that interruption of traffic. In less than two hours the dispute was settled and as every employe was at his place in about an hour after the settlement every wheel on the whole road was again in motion so that the traffic was only interrupted for about six teen hours by . tliat strike. In Switzerland that is how two hon est, conscientious members of the bundesrath (board of seven members) prevented a general railroad strike and settled the only railroad strike in less than twenty-four hours. By that strike not a single cent's worth of property , was destroyed, not a single man was insulted or had received a scratch, not. a. single layer, judge, police or militia, men were employed or mixed into the business, neither did some general onlookers or a mob try attack the employes for taking pos session and destroying property. Such energetic, wise, just members of the federal executives Switzerland has to thank for having one of the best educated, intelligent, conscien tious corps of . railroad employes, so that their railroad service is one of the best and safest in Europe. The people of Switzerland have a good cause for being proud of such honest, just fed eral executive officers. But these of ficers are under no obligations to cor poration barons for rich contributions to campaign funds for buying votes, their offices are no sinecures, there are more duties and unpleasant labor connected with them than benefits. A member of the bundesrath receives a salary of about $1,600 a year, from that he has to live, pay house rent, taxes, etc. They have no railroad passes; if they travel they have to buy their tickets and they are seated among other people; there are no extra body guards or detectives for their protec tion, the respect and love of the peo ple are their best body guard. Except a vacation of a few weeks every year, they are in their office in the executive building at work the same as every subaltern. They are not allowed to remove their offices into palace, cars, when they are traveling, or to Buzzard or Oyster bay, when they are fishing or duck hunting. They have to give account and are respon sible for every nickel received and expended; they have no carte blanche like our executive, to issue new bonds, without consent of congress, whenever less than 100 million gold dollars 8?e in thi treasury and without being obliged to give any account for what the money was expended. Yes, the people of Switzerland can be congratulated for having such fed eral officers, but the respectable, peace ful demeanor during that strike, which all oJ-?r officers, the people in gen eral, well as the striking employes, observed deserves our appreciation and vespect. How different; is that in. this coun try! A gang of unconscientious, in satiable Robber Knights have taken possession of all the natural resources of the country, which they claim to be their divine absolute private property, wherewith they make all the people tributary to themselves to rob the people out of the sour earned fruits of their hard labor. Instead of. the gov ernment controlling these . Robber Knights, they control the government, president, members of congress and k 4m H mmn. ! wm . in aamlla ly our judges try to beat each other in subservient obedience to execute the tyrannical will of their masters, by issuing injunctions and putting honest compassionate people in jail for feed ing the starving slaves of these Robber jungnts. Instead of the president pro tecting and .defending the inalienable rights of the people in general as well as of Me employes and laborers against the barbaric cruelties and extortions of those Knights of Eagles' Talons, the president is aping European monarchs, squandering the sour earned money of the people by sending delegates in knee bieeches to play the king's fool at the coronation of European mon archs, feasting and banqueting Eu ropean princes, but showed the cold shoulder to some honorable delegates of the heroes from Transvaal repub lics, exchanging presents with the pope and European monarchs, sailing in the princely yacht, Mayflower, making pleasure trips over the whole conti nent in paiace cars and makes stump rpeeches to glorify himself and his wise policy and hear himself speaks ing. Like European monarchs, he keeps a large body guard to protect and save his life, but he forgets and neglects his highest and most sacred duties to protect and save the most precious lives of honest, industrious men, women and children who by the hundreds of thousands are every year starved to death, suffocated, roasted alive, crushed to a pulp or blown to atoms in coal mines, factories, rail roads, sweat shops. All that starving, crushing, roasting is done to save ex penses that our Knights of the Eagles' Talons can extort more profit and pile up more fortunes in their princely palaces. Hired, subservient, unconscientious scribblers who long ago have lost their last bit of self-respect are praising these tyrannical, barbaric conditions, glorifying those Knights of the Eagles' Talons as a blessing to mankind and our sanctimonious clergies bestow their benedictions on it with a solemn "Amen" and feast on their tithe, which is their sacred share from the plunder. How long will this people look in different to these hellish conditions? These horrible conditions cannot be changed by electing a new president and congress, tariff reform, gold stand ard or free silver 16 to 1. This people must help themselves instead of blind ly obeying the orders of president, rep resentatives and judges. The people must show to those gentlemen that the will of the people is the supreme law and that they are only hired men, who have to work for the wages and obey and execute the will of the peo ple, the same as any common laborer has to work for his wages and obey the will of his master. But from my experience in Switzer land, where I was born and lived near ly forty years, I know that we can do that only by a total change of our con stitution and for that we need first of all a solid moral foundation instead of on thousands of years old superstitions and brute force, we must base our moral and political system on science and knowledge, real truth and natural rights, which I will explain in my next article, "Religious Reform." F. SCHWEIZER. Woodlawn, Neb. (Since writing the article above, Mr. Schweizer asks that the following be added to it:) To the questions of Chancellor An drews: A friend of mine, after read ing that article, said: "That would be all right, but is it lawful?" Now, I never ask if anything is lawful; I only ask if it is right. I believe that is it not right to rob the people and to let them starve and freeze to death; but we canot wait for scrupulous investi gations to find out if that is lawful. Too much precious time has already been fooled away on that question. Distress knows no law; we must and will have our coal at once, and if that is not lawful, we will make it so by a direct vote of the people. Then the will of the people is the supreme law. F. SCHWEIZER. THE NILE OF AMERICA Good Only for Voting It is but natural that upon his emancipation and ' enfranchisement, the negro should vote with the party of Abraham Lincoln. How could he help it? But the republican party of today is not the republican party of Abra ham Lincoln, as thousands of colored men are discovering. The Colored American, one of the recognized organs of the colored peo ple of the United States, is up in arms against the administration over the treatment it claims has been accord ed Captain Denison, a colored officer who distinguished himself as captain of a company in the 48th infantry. It quotes a telegram from the adjutant general to bear out its charges, which Is as follows: "Colonel Duval, 48th Infantry, San Francisco, Cal.: In your efficiency re port on your regimental officers, you flatter Captain Denison of your regi ment very highly. Great pressure is being brought to bear by the people of Chicago to have Captain Denison placed in the regular army. As it Is not the policy of the administration to commission colored men as officers in the regular army, except as they might come through West Point, you will please change your report on Captain Denison so as to bear us out in this policy." A Coincidence Isn't it rather a unique coincidence that almost simultaneously with the publication of the statement of Chair man Griggs, of the democratic con gressional committe, when he said that " .President Roosevelt was the best stump speaker the democratic party had this campaign;" that the president should find a tariff abscess on his leg which compelled him to abandon his itinerary of partisan stump speaking? There be strange things that happen in the theatre of politics. -Dem. Cong. Com. The Independent grieves to learn of the death of Miss S. Elizabeth Tuthill, sister of our esteemed contributor, George Halsey Tuthill, Brooklyn, N. Y. In a communication from, Mr. Tuthill he encloses a copy of "Beyond the Clouds," a neat little book of poems by Miss Tuthill, who, though for years an Invalid, shows how to sympathize Arthur P Darii hu an Ambition to Re claim Hundred of Thousand of Acres ," ' " by DammiBf the Colorado The National Irrigation association sends us proofs of an interesting ar ticle, reviewing the scheme of Arthur P. Davis to construct a series of great storage dams along the Colorado riv er, providing water for irrigating mil lions of acres of , arid lands, - create hundreds of thousands of other acres by the deposit of sediment, establish hundreds of miles of navigation, and produce almost unlimited electrical power. The article is too long for publication in full, but we quote: Mr. Davis has outlined a tentative plan contemplating four dams, one at Norton, Ariz., with capacity to irri gate 300,000 acres near Yuma; a sec ond one at Bill Williams' Fork with a capacity sufficient to irrigate 400,000 acres; a third one at .Bull's Head with capacity to irrigate 300,000 acres, and a fourth one in the Black Canyon of the Colorado' with a capacity of 200, 000. These reservoirs would eacii be provided with"',, large canals which would be navigable. The reservoirs Mr. Davis estimates would also de velop waer-power o the extent of 500,000 horse-power. In case more storage capacity is required in the future other reservoirs could be con structed in the canyon of the Colorado, each of which would, furnish, addition al storage, power, and navigation fa cilities. This additional storage would only be needed by the complete filling by silt of the reservoir in the Black Canyon, which Mr. Davis says would mean the creation of two or three hundred thousand acres of rich farm ing land, the value of which would far more than pay for the additional reservoir above. . The development of the enormous horse-power above mentioned could be utilized extensively in the mining in dustry throughout the region, where power is very costly. The cost of the entire development as outlined by Mr. Davis is $22,000,- OOO.i Against this, however, he credits at least 1,200,000 acres of land which could be Irrigated, alone worth sev eral times the cost of the project; 500 miles of navigation worth at least $10,000,000, and immense power pos sibilities, worth easily $100,000,000. Taking the population of the five adjacent counties in Southern Califor nia dependent upon irrigation, he shows that these x,200,00Q acres from the lower Colorado would suport a population of 1,500,000 people, or a community more numerous than the entire population of any one of .twen ty-three states of the union. In discussing the possibilities of the scheme he refers to one instance of a well-known, large deposit of gravel within twenty miles of the Colorado river, extending to a depth of hun dreds of feet, and covering thousands of acres, which is rich in placer gold, but is little worked because of the utter absence of water. By the power developments proposed, water could be readily pumped to this region and re sult in a yield ' of hundreds of mil lions of dollars. Mr. Davis calls attention to the fact that the greatest results can be achiev ed only by planning and executing the work as a comprehensive whole, such as is practical only for the general government. If private enterprise should construct a large number of small canals, such as are possible to private capital, a network of vested rights and improvements would result, so that a comprehensive scheme would be impracticable, and while the total outlay would probably be greater, the result would be but a mere fraction of those possible to a great national project such as that outlined. GUY E. MITCHELL. Newspapers and Socialism The communication below Is from the pen of Mr. Levin T. Jones, 202 W. Barre st., Baltimore, Md., member American Press Writers' association, 237. The Independent prints it, not as indorsement of all the demands of socialism, but because it contains much food for serious, earnest thought, Mr. Jones' suggestion that no combination is possible among newspapers because they are so ' many, will suggest the further thought, which our socialist friends ignore, namely, that in some lines of business there is an irresist able tendency to combine and consoli date, while in others such is not true. There have been many railroads; now there are comparatively few. Why? Because combination and consolidation enables the owners to monopolize the business of transportation and 1 reap greater rewards. There have been few department stores; now there are many. Why don't they consolidate and combine? Because the business is radically different from transporta tion, and there is no irresistable ten dency toward consolidation beyond a certain point. If more profit could be made by having only one gigantic de partment store in Chicago instead of many, consolidation would not long be delayed. Mr. Jones says: The cheapest things on earth are the postage ' stamp, and the newspaper. This letter, if printed, can be mailed at San Francisco, and directed "The Times," London, England, in which event, a great railroad system estab lished at enormous cost will take it, and convey it over the American con tinent to New York, where an ex pensive steamship will meet it, and carry it to the English shore, it will here be taken charge of by the Eng lish authorities, who will railroad it to London, and furnish a -man who will carry it to the office of the paper all this service costs one cent. To appre ciate its wonderful cheapness, com pare it with something: the price of a car fare will send five such letters. Competition has forced the price of the newspaper from 5c to 2c and lc, quadrupled its size, and made it ridic ulously cheap to the consumer. Try to buy so much blank paper. The fact is, the advertiser virtually furnishes the paper to ine subscriber. Competition is so fierce that little business can be done without advertising. It is the advertising that 4s profitable to the paper,' and other things being equal,1 the -circulation, gets the advertiser, will probably force the price to 3c or even lc a week; , then a cutting in ad vertising rates will ensue, which will land them against Mr. Rockefeller's famous saying: "It's combination or ruin." But the newspapers are many, hence there is no combination possible to them that will restrict production, by the closing of competing plants, and thus control prices. In this respect the editor is in the same prdicament as the worker; their struggle for exist ence is identical, and with both, the weakest will go first. - Private combination impossible the choice is narrowed to public monop oly or ruin. Recognition of this fact is one of the reasons why many edi tors are offering their columns to the people for the free discussion of so cialism. We also believe they are sick of the reign of industrial terror which covers the land, and which they know will exist while the competitive system remains. When the editors conclude that "competition" is cruel and vicious, and cannot be made otherwise, and that it must go well, it will just go. Noth ing can withstand their mighty influ ence when it is concentrated. Few edi tors realize their almost limitless pow er; few feel their consequent and fearful responsibility. Those who do are quick to open their columns to the people, so as shift it to the shoul ders upon which it should rest. When the editors of the nation de cide to avail themselves of their glori ous opportunity to work out indus7 trial redemption, the oppressed can raise their heads and clap their hands for joy, for socialism will be at the very door. Government by Parties In a free government parties are-a necessity a part of the machinery of the government and are based upon ideas. The ideas of a party may be wrong and it is mission of the opposite party to discover and point them out. No party can long exist unless it has a definite policy in public affairs. It Is necessary for the prosperity of the, country to have two parties one to administer the affairs of state and the other to watch its methods and op pose them when wrong. A party so strong as to crush out all opposition gives way to its own worst elements and becomes corrupt. That was true of the republican party in Nebraska in former years and again during the last two years and the governor and treas urer have not been renominated on ac count of crookedness in their adminis tration, therefore it is high time that the opposing party, the fusionists, should again be given the'reins of the state government. The record it made when in power stands without parallel in the history of the state, in hon esty and efficiency, and every patriotic citizen is proud of the fact Good and true citizens, it behooves you to again support the fusion ticket for the benefit of the state and for better government A change of parties at the state is of permanent importance to all alike. Honest and efficient government is as a great mirror for all the people of this great commonwealth to look into, re flecting back a clear light in which every act of the people's servants can be distinctly seen. CLEM. N. MEYERS. North Loup, Neb. Representative Peisiger As the campaign progresses, and the people are made acquainted with the good work Representative Peisiger did for the people at the last session of the leglslature, they are more and more convinced that he is the . man they want to represent them and work for them in the coming legislature. Vote and work for Peisiger and you will not regret it. L. C. Peisiger of Blue Hill is all right, his record is all O. K. and he will represent Webster county again this winter in. the legislature. Louie is a friend for the common people. Stay by Peisiger. J. P. Hale, in Red Cloud Nation. MORE CENSUS FIGURES Mr. Wat kins Shows up Some More Agri cultural Prosperity Iowa Leads Nebraska Well up at the Head Editor Independent: You seem to think the showing I made, in your issue of October 11, in regard to the increase in agricultural wealth in this state from 1890 to 1900, was very poor. What about our neighbor, Kan sas? Census Bulletin No. 192 gives her farm wealth, including live stock and machinery, in June, 1900, at 864 mil lions, and for 1890 at 70f millions, an increase of 158 millions, or at the rate of 21-4 per cent per, annum. Yet times are good, because the Kansas hayseeds can borrow money at 5 per cent. How about Ohio? Census Bulletin No. 219 gives all her farm wealth in 1900 at. . . . ; . $1,198,000,000 and in 1890 at ; 1.195,000,000 an increase of three million dollars; less than three-tenths ot 1 per cent for the ten years, or three-hundredths of 1 per cent for one year. (At the rate of about 40 years to gain 1 per cent. Ed. Ind.) I was in Ohio in the fall of 1890, and the farmers ' were happy over their condition, in spite of tne fact that two acres out of every three were mortgaged almost out of sight Iowa makes the best showing agri culturally of any state in the union. Her agricultural wealth increased a trifle over 5 per cent, compound an nually, in the last decade. One other idea: From 1850 to 1860 we had ten years of the lowest tariff we have ever, had and the wealth of the nation doubled from 8 billions to 16 billions. In the next decade we gained the same amount,1 the wealth being nominally 30 billions, worth 80 cents on the dollar. This relative de cline , is easily accounted: for because of the rebellion. But from 1870 to now we had a high tariff constantly, and why has not our wealth doubled each decade? If it had we would now have 192 billions, instead of only 92 billions or less. .: :h ; , i Again: Of the 8 billiona we had in r.a uu; ccijr esoeuiiinr uu.llir. us I Mr 'IV I We Sell Shoes J jy Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Good Shoes' f that give satisfaction in wear.- Shoes made from j jy honest leather by skilled workmen. We sell many y) jjt Shoes from our catalogue. Mail orders are filled f fl with special care and good results. You will find it y jfj to your advantage to look over our descriptive price j jf list of special shoe values. Your address on a postal fi (y card will bring full information. Let us hear from l ffVyou. f As ' . fl Lincoln, - " Nebraska. f less than one-fifth. We farmers have performed half of all the labor to produce this increase of wealth. I candidly ask, Have we had "justice? With all due respect to our late martyred president, I do not think "a factory so very much better neigh bor than another farmer," as he stated to the Knox county farmers, especially if tuat factory has to constantly have my' help. But you say, Without this help I would not have my factory neighbor. Let's see by the light of the past: "A tree shall be known by its fruits." In 1850 there was ?533,000 of capital invested in factories. In 1860 there was 11,009,000, or an increase of near ly 90 per cent. Could we have contin ued at that rate until 1900 we would have had 13 billion dollars in fac tories, instead of which we had only 10 billions. And yet it is insisted they are a success, when the facts are they have, failed in the thing, which they have' made a specialty to foster. I see by the State Journal that the Fowler bill is not before congress. So , the Journal is improving. A half truth is the meanest kind of lie. Heretofore he has always had some truth. in his falsehoods. The Fowler bill provides for the banks paying a tax of 1-8 to 2 1-2 per cent to tne government on their issues. Query: Does the government stand good for these issues in .case of failure, whe ther this tax is sufficient 'to meet their note liabilities or not? GEO. WATKINS, Farmer. Verdon, Neb. (It wouiU seem so; but what folly it is to talt of the government stand ing good for the bank's, paper, when the Fowler bill expressly claims to be a measure to shift the burden of re deeming the greenbacks and silver dollars from Uncle Sam to the banks. If the old fellow is too weak to han dle his own notes, what in the name of common sense would his indorse ment of bank paper be worth? Ed. Ind.) will ever be is a matter of specula tion. It Is too much to say that i-i an impossibility, but at the present time it, looks an irriprobability. I'mlr present conditions the taking of in terest is justified on the grounds that "present goods are more valuable than future goods" the difference beln; in terest. A promise to deliver one thou sand bushels of. wheat twenty y-ars hence is not so valuable as a thousand bushels of wheat delivered today, and no amount of sophistry can make k so. In the barbarous or semi-civilized fctatt man lives almost wholly In the 1 r, -ent, and naturally discounts the fut ir.' heavily. Under higher civilization i pays more attention to the future, an i discounts - the future less but stilt some, and that some is interest. T ie apparent rate of Interest deceives many; a good portion of it is rrally Insurance for the hazard taken--the liability to lose not only the interest but the principal as well. The collective ownership of all ih--means of production will not be ac complished all at. once, if at all; h 11 the succeeding steps toward that end will be about as follows: (a) Muni, -pal jownership of waterworks, ele : re lights, street car lines, etc. ih) N t- tional ownership of railroads, ide graphs, telephones, etc. Then m! and other mines, (c) With the ev perience then had it will be easier to determine whether the remaining means of production shall be own d collectively. Socialists themselves do more than all others to prevent the accomplish ment of the things they demand. With them afhalf a loaf Is not better than no bread. They 1 will have none if they can't get all. They have no pa tience with the "milk and water" d -mands ot populists. But just the sa me, if the socialists ever do succeed In se curing what they demand, the iw; ullsts demands will first be scoured. Ed. Ind.) ; STICKNEY'S ADDRESS Mr. Ellington CommtBti on Stlckay' Statement and Sajra That Intrl Mait Go Alitor Independent: A. B. Stlck ney, in his address yesterday on the "Rewards'of Industry," before the em ployers' and employes' convention, pointed odt as the three elements of human activity linked in an indis soluble partnership the wage earners, the profit earners, and the interest earners. He Is deserting a vote of thanks for his clear statement, but the dissolution of that partnership is the first law of nature to all reputa ble numanity." If the profit earner and the interest earner earn anything at all they do it as the train rob ber, the burglar and the counterfeiter earns; and if our system of laws con demns the one set of these earners and not the other, those laws are to be condemned without stint- Repeal those laws, is the demand of the intelligent voter, and they are that numerous they fall into classes. While we are engaged in assorting out those laws begin with the introduction of a scien tific scale of measures for value, and the victim element of that partnership will have been divorced from its crim inal alliance and the much vaunted iron law of wages will become inoper ative and wage abolished; he will re ceive in value the product of his la bor; there will be no profit, 'no in terest, for him to pay and if the cap tains of industry want anything for their labor it must be there in the form of product of some kind that can in no way lessen the product of the other kind of work -engaged in . production; if not the less they say the better for themselves. Profits and interest and wage must go; the race cannot stand it though they have some inclination to go easy., as may be possible in bringing about the change. ' Down with the t system accursed of all ex perience and up with the man; there is no compromise or arbitration possible in such issues. : . -r. II. ELLINGSTON. Minnehaha, Minn. , (The abolition of interest arid rent will never be accomplished until the socialist demand for the "collective Mortensipn fi a a for ' yea rs rpnrc I ?M.e'r' "eWi'i pX TOO FAT People weight wnh rteaucto Keduce your fat and be refliwd. iwfin y r fat and be reduced. "Kwlucto" Is a i-rf t-cii harmless vegetable compound endn3 I t thousands of physician aud people wb h tried It We send jrou the formula, you "Keducto'' at home If you d wlre. you ka.i full well the lngrrpdlents and therefore ue 't have no fear of evil fttftcts. tnd l.i fr re ceipt and instructions everything m&i!e4 l i plain envelope. Address Ginseng Chemical Co., 3701 S. Jefferson At., St. Louis, Mo Meier & Meier, Attorneys, 124 1 O Stre NOIICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is uereby given that Edward Sterens Joseph A. Nefille and James C Welia, tiai sociated themselves for the purpose of i wir poratinc- and that they have foroaed e6riTa tion under the law of thertitate of 'flrtoi the name of which is The 8tevens A vi:. Cigar Company, and the principal place f transacting its business is in the City cf Li coin, Lancaster County, Nebraska. The peror?l nature of the business to be transacted i li e manufacture and sale of cignrs and other t baccoandthe operation of pool and fciiHard tables. The capital stock of said corporation is three thousand dollars (.0UU0). fully pas i up at the time of commencement of bti;ue. The time of the commencement of said buss ne was the &h day of September, 1V, tiad the time of its termination will be the "Ath diiy of September, 19C The highest amouns of in debtedness to wblch said corporation mity at any time subject itself is two-thirds of its car i- taf stock. The affairs of said corporation t to Vm psinrWtnri bv a board of directors con.iiv? of the stock holders of said corporation uud a president, a secretary ana a treasnrer P . i EDWARD STEVENS, Incorporators JOSEPH A. NEVILLE (JAM E3 C. WELLS. By Meier A- Meier. Their Attomys. We Are for Women BEST ON EARTH LINCOLN STEEL RANGE Made of Rocky Mountaia Steel and lined with A--bestos. Most EcortoEikrtl of Fuel. Best baiiet til cooker, largest oven cf any rane. Top pa!ihe4 like a looking glass. Grease will not stick to it. No blacking: required. Always polis hed. Can be delivered anywhitre issj1' Uuited iitates. Writ? fo-t 'price and what the pco. ' pie say ubout the at. AMERICAN BANGE AND HARDWARE CO.