G U 7 1 VOU XIV. fvl I 19 JIEIL II. M WSSMIil. .ill 1 III II 21 II II i , W WJ II III I II. I 4 1 1 . I U J LINCOLN; NEBRASKA, OCT. 16, 1902. IBP A NO. 21. HOW TO GET COAL Mr. De Hart Paints Oat How a Taste ef Gu?ernmBt by Injunction Would Solve the 1'roblem Editor Independent: No politics here now except how to get coal. A fuel famine is impending. This means a food famine. We cannot cook our food without fuel. As winter approaches v.e begin to fear the cold weather. No subject so much engrosses the at tention of the family as how to keep warm, and how to cook our food. At the tabie the conversation turns from the trust and the tariff to the question of getting coal. We must have coal or die. We cannot, any longer, talk about the merits or demerits of the united mine workers' union, nor about the monopolistic combination be tween the mine operators to control the output and price of coal and the rate of wages and the other methods of working the mines. A contest between the two opposing forces of labor and capital ougit not to prevent the peo ple from having coal. We ought not to be compelled to starve and freeze, because these two opposing forces can not agree as to the method of work ing the mines. There are three par ties interested, namely, the miners, the operators and the general public who want and must have coal; but the general public is much more interested than the other two parties and yet there is no one to act for them, unless the president acts. We cannot depend upon the governor of Pennsylvania to do anything. The courts of that state seem to be powerless also. a week ago today, October 5, I wrote an article for the leading local paper here, a republican paper, that is read by everybody, who reads, taking the ground that the remedy for the ex isting evil is to be found in the Sher man anti-trust law, and that both par ties to the controversy ought to be brought into the United States circuit court, on a petition filed, asking for an injunction against both parties in terfering with the mines, except under the order of the court. A suit of this kind would give the court power to ap point a temporary receiver, with power to take possession of the mines and railroads and send the coal to market; and in the meantime investigate all the charges and countercharges and settle them according to equity. The article was published in the Jersey City Evening Journal here on the 7th and in a few days I noticed that the Jone of the editorials began to change! Instead of condemning the strikers, it began to favor the idea of using the Sherman law, and of bring ing both parties into court. In enclose a copy of tne article and you can re publish it if you think it will be of interest to your readers. Mr. W. R. Hearst, of the New York American and Journal, is furnishing evidence before the United States dis trict attorney for the southern district of New York, with the view of getting the mine operators indicted and pun ished criminally for violation of the Sherman law. This is all very well, but it does not give us coal. This will come in very well, after the receiver takes possession of the mines and. be gins to send coal to market. What' .we want now is coal and we want it right away. We want it as soon as the pa pers can be drawn for the purpose of bringing the parties into court and making the order. The railroad companies and mine operators are calling upon the presi dent to enforce the Sherman law against the miners' union. They are asking the president to commence a suit, in the name of the United States, in the United States circut court, for the purpose of restraining and enjoin ing the miners from interfering with the mines. They want an injunction against the miners, but no injunction against themselves. This would not give us coal. Besides, it would be unjust for the president, or the gov ernment, or the courts to undertake to decide any questions as between the miners and operators without making both of them parties to the suit. Heretofore the writ of injunction f has been used by the United States courts, under the Sherman law, against labor unions, and the supreme court of the United States, it seems, has sanctioned tins usage; but the courts were wrong, on the ground that both parties to the controversy were not brought before the court. Now, there is an opportunity for the president to use the injunction against railroad companies and min ing companies and all sorts of capital istic unions as well as labor unions, whenever the result of their combina tions is a restraint or interference with Interstate commerce. We want no government by injunc tion in this country, unless it oper ates equally against the rich and the poor equally against labor and capi tal. The writ would do no harm, if it were used against all impartially. JNO. S. DE HART. Jersey City, N. J. (Mr. De Hart's communication to the Jersey City Evening Journal is as follows:) Editor Evening Journal: The pres ident has the right to order the at torney general to institute suits in the circuit courts of the United States for the purpose of preventing and restrain ing violations of the Sherman anti trust law, a law entitled "An act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies," but which ought to be entitled "An act to protect trade and commerce among the several states or with for eign nations," because it is only such trade and commerce that the presi dent or the courts of the United States can protect ' The first section of the. act declares all acts done by several persons act- tions,.to be illegal, and all persons en gaged therein, are to be guilty of a i .sdemeanor, and on conviction there-, of shall" be punished by fine, not ex ceeding $5,000 or by . imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by ' hoth said punishments, in the discretion of the court. ' ' The secqnd section makes it equally, illegal, equally criminal and equally punishable forgone person to attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several states or -with foreign nations. , ' The third section extends the act to the territories and the District of Co lumbia, so that wherever the jurisdic tion of the United States extends there is to be no monopoly of trade and commerce among the several states without the risk of being punishable as a crime and all the parties thereto being treated as criminals. - , ' The fourth section gives the presi dent power to order suits to be com menced in the circuit courts of the United States, on the "equity side of the court, for the purpose of "pre venting and restraining" all such il legal acts and crimes. This is a civil suit to be brought in the name of the United States or the name of the president or of the attorney general, and is to be prosecuted at the expense of the United States. As soon as the suit is commenced, which is commenced by filing a peti tion, setting forth sufficient allega tions to give the court jurisdiction, supported by affidavit or oath, the court has power "at any time to make such temporary restraining order or prohibition as shall be deemed just in the premises." This power of mak ing a temporary injunction carries with it the power of appointing a temporary receiver. This is the uni form practice of the courts of equity in all cases where the court has power to order a temporary' injunction. Under the law the president has a right to commence a suit against the miners and , the mine owners and the owners of the . coal-carrying railroads for the purpose of restraining viola tions of the law, and when the suit has been commenced the court will have the right not only ' to issue a tem porary injunction against all the par ties, but the further right to appoint a temporary receiver, who can at once take possession of the mine3 and rail roads and at once bring coal to mar ket. ; . . It will be said, in reply to this, that there must be proof, before a tern-, p'orary receiver can be 'appointed.' The only proof needed is the oath of some reputable person or" persons; who cah swear to the allegations in the peti tion necessary to give the court juris diction. This is. enoughto appoint a temporary receiver and to make a tem porary injunction, but not enough to justify the court in appointing a per manent receiver and making a perma nent injunction. ' It will also be said that the defend ants will have a right to apeal from t.-3 order, or decree appointing a tem porary receiver and to take the case into the supreme court of the United States. This is true, but until the ap-, peal is hard and decided the order appointing the temporary receiver will hold good. " It is necessary ' to proceed against the miners as well as the mine own ers, because ' the former are in pos session of the mines, and the court must have power to operate against both sides- in - order to make the ap pointment of a -receiver effectual. JOHN S. DE HART. Readers of The Independent, and especially old-time populists,! will be pleased to read the communication from "Knickerbocker" in this week's issue. " His firm grasp ' on true prin ciples underlying the money question comes after years of business experi ence and experience in no! small way. Apparently he is a close- student of Alexander Del Mar, whose' "Science of Money" should be in the -hands of ev ery man who, desires the benefit of a thorough discussion 1 of. the subject, written in a style clear, logical and convincing. (Write the Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., box 160 M. S., New York.) It is not in the nature of things that different writers on the subject should use the same language, but it is noticeable that Messrs. De Hart, Van Vorhis and Knickerbocker" are united on one proposition: That, to quote "Knickerbocker," "the govern ment should Issue all the coins and notes; and leave no part of the circu lation to the caprice of banks." This is the practical application, whether we agree that value can be "measured," that it has a "unit" or "standard," or otherwise. It cannot be disputed that all the dollars doing the work of mak ing exchanges, multiplied by the num ber of times they pass from hand to hand in a given time, must exactly equal in dollars the price of the prod ucts exchanged in that time, barring, of course, the comparatively few in stances where one product is "swapped" for another. Credit simply acts as a quickener of ! the movements of money and, of course, affects prices. By the device of bank deposits and loans Tone dollar in coin is made to do more work, but these credits are short lived and - must finally be cancelled, while coin" itself goes on indefinitely making exchanges. ." CASSANDRA'S RETURN If Mickey has a pull on account of his connection with a religious col lege Thompson has the "same pull on account of his connection with one of another ; denomination. 7 "He has long been treasurer and business manager of such a college', and he .will be fight- ring mad when he sees this mention of it. He has never made his phil- Mr. Ellingiton Comments on Chancellor . . Andrew' Beeeut Address at the State University Editor Independent: Cassandra has indeed come back if she had ever dis appeared from among us. She can be hailed any time in her mask, Money. She could of old be tracked by her foot-prints in circles of sevens or groups; and later, when it became con venient, by her triads, for the very Shrewd purpose of being able to first divide into two parts when these should find themselves in difficulties because of her meshes. She would ap pear the third part, first to arbitrate, then possess the whole being always able to set the one upon the other as the boy would two dogs; and the dog's side that he proposed to help would so frequently prove the victor, that after a little all that would be neces sary would be for the boy to say, Sic him. Watch, or, Sic him Tige, and Watch or Tige, as the case demanded would be seen scooting down the street with tail between his legs the boy the whole thing. This triad division we can trace as the work of Cush or Cassiopea. Cas sandra is entirely too respectably Gor gon, with the fondness slightly con cealed of the endearing name, Mother. Sne is the Gorgon mother from Cush gaar and the Comedy mountains when the mask Is torn off, but her triad claws invariably betray her whether as in the earlier Egyptian dynasties as Binothries of Manetho or the Tri murti of uie Vedic literature, or the father, Son and Holy Ghost of the Christian; or the very lucid exposi tion of the Stickney statement, and the employers' and employes conven tion, of his (and those he represented) understanding of fundamentalc, vie: There was the triad the wage-earner, the profit earner, and the interest earner. And so the Nebraska univer-' sity representative must show his claws in his fundamental realities of the universe god, force, and nature. Stickney imposes two criminals in to his triad with his victim. The chancellor, one. That one, supernat uralism old Cassiopea himself. He might have said money but that mask is for another purpose. Now, that or those masks in his and Stickney's fundamentals are the ones (if all our past and present experience is of any value whatever to us) we cannot trust. We cannot live with the masses of people in any degree of freedom un less they -are as utterly destroyed as was their brazen symbol, Nehushtan, by Hezekiah. There is no hallucina tion about our faith in force and na ture but a great deal in the chancel lor's conception of heaven; it is the usual one of the bald-headed Mollahs. The possible millenium, at any time the American voter chooses to make it real by his ballot, is this: 4 The reason able conditions of justice that would ensue upon statute laws being, brought into conformity with natural laws the reasonable enforcement of com mon law, and the annulling of all acts in conflict with its teachings. Who are the Cassandra that can be rapped down as hard as his conceptions which he expresses-by his terms of Cassan dra's recent coinage, Pessimist, in troduced in vogue since 1860? By words out of his own mouth he is not only branded a Mollah of Cush, but caught in the very act of trying to steal our brains. All know that hu man mood or temporary condition of mind is only to be thought of as at all approaching the real state as a broad field, varying over its every foot in its ups and downs, it bright vistas and black, unexplored caverns; its limits may indeeu be taught of but never laid down in metes and bounds. It al ways was; and if it is ever accurately described, would ever remain the same, if false conceptions are not introduced within and criminal conditions im posed by man from without. Pessimism ancN optimism first as sume this field as a rod; taen apply logic and conclude that where there is a rod, there must be two ends, if there are limits. The first thing in order then is to name these two ends. One is given the Cassiopea choice term from her delectables of Rome optim ist. We choose; we are the choice. I am IT. And the other of disdain, of those who disdain the criminal self elect of Rome and their ways the other end of the rod. Having fast ened these two names upon us, they proceed to destroy the pole interven ing, for we might find a mental roost at any point between and we should not be within the control of their vocabulary. .This is the kind of work that the chancellor is caught at in that open ing address. He "may be assured he can rap no croaker with the force he raps himself and all he stands for of Cush; H. ELLINGSTON. Minnehaha, Minn. THE PANIC OF 1902 A New Terk Bnsiness Man Gires a Chap ter From His Experience With. Panics Editor Independent: One of my neighbors has loaned me some copies of The Independent containing a dis cussion by Messrs. De Hart and Van Vorhis on tho subject of money and the principles which govern its rela tions to society. "This subject, though fraught with the utmost importance to the welfare and progress of the, state, cannot be discussed In the press of New York. .The newspapers here have made up . their minds that metal is money; that the measure of those numberless relations between man and mn.n,-hoth of the past, present and fu- about a pennyweight, and. that to ques tion this, stupid theory is to.be either a heretic or. a leveler. So they . will not permit tne question to be discussed in their columns. .They' prefer to eur feit the public with police news,, mur ders, robberies, private scandals, prize, lights and horse, races. - . , I am a merchants who. has had, sev eral practical. experiences with the money question, nankely, in 1857, 1862, 1873 aiwk 18SC . Before l&jf and be tween' the other years .mentioned I amassed severaL fortunes", in trade. .At one time. I had to my credit .in bank over a million dollars Well, most of these several different fortunes were swept away in the panics of those years. . . How did that happen? The explana tion is simple enough. I speculated in Wall street; trusted to - the penriy-weight-measure-of -value t principle and got left Since 1894 I have learned to distrust . the pennyweight measure and kept out of Wall street, with the result that I have. managed to lay by a small competence for my old age. The great fall in prices which took place in the years named were due to a similar cause a sudden shrinkage of that unit or measure of value, the measure which determines price. The gold dollar, that which an illiterate act of congress falsely declares to be such unit of value, did not shrink. That remained as big and as heavy as before. , But .the ;real unit of value, that which the law says nothing about, namely, the whole number of legal tender dollars of. any kind within reach of the commercial A community, that did shrink; and down went Wall street and with it, your very humble and foolish servant. It won't do. to contend that It is not the whole num ber of dollars which determines price, for that is. what it is and that alone. It has cost me nearly two million dollars to learn that; fact, and I can cont be induced to surrender it to the ignorant or designing congressmen who drew up the law on the subject. Tne recent panic (September, 1902.) was due. to the same; cause--a shrink age of the whole number of dollars within reach of the. commercial com munity; in other words, the whole number of dollars in circulation. The western merchant, in order to make advances on the crop, or else to buy up the corn offered to him by the farmer, drew on his local .bank. That bank drew on Chicago and Chicago drew on the New York banks. The latter, having, loaned heavily on stocks,, suddenly called in their loans; and people holding stocks on margins had to sell. I was not one of those unfortunates. . My . stocks were paid for and in my possession. But others suffered; and many - of them suffered severely. How was the panic relieved? Simply by letting out more dollars; putting more into circulation and, thus enlarg ing the measure of value; which is, and can only be . in the nature of things, the whole sum of the current money, whether the symbols of money consist of gold, silver, or paper. Del Mar's "Science of Money" is conclu sive on this subject. 1 know but one effectual remedy for these ever recurring panics. The gov ernment should issue all the coins and notes; and leave no part of the circu lation to the caprice of Banks; and the tariff and internal revenue should be lowered; so tnat no : large accumula tions should remain in the treasury. KNICKERBOCKER. New York, Oct. 6, 1902. GENERAL BARRY Acted as Toastmaeter at Military Banquet at Fort KUey with Honor to Himself and Nebraska Gen. Patrick H. Barry returned from Fort Riley last week feeling well pleased with the results of the mili tary instruction given there. His stay there gave Mqses P. Kinkaid and Wisely a chance to be alone in their congressional campaign, but, as the general said, "I am satisfied if Kin kaid tried to make speeches while I was gone it will help me wherever he makes a speech." A feature of the military meeting at Fort Riley was the banquet given in honor of Major General John C. Bates, U. S. A., and staff, and Colonel Sanger, assistant secretary of war, by the . na tional guard officers of the several states and territories, 22 states and two territories being represented. General Barry was chosen toastmaster for the occasion a marked personal recognition of him and the state. Toasts were ""responded; to "J by 'Gen eral Bates, Colonel Sanger, General Stacy of Texas, Colonel Wagner, U. S. A.,, Adjutant General Carter," U. S. A., and Major Dockweiler of Califor nia. General Bates and Colonel San ger were especially complimentary in their remarks about General Barry. It is customary for those opposed to public ownership of railroads and kindred utilities, to point to the great public debt of New Zealand, and some people are short-sighted enough to argue that "a debt is a debt," no mat ter for what it might have been con tracted. For example, suppose the United States should issue bonds for $22,000,000 and develop the Colorado river according to the plans outlined by Mr. Davis (discussed in another column) , does any sane man believe that would . be as, much of a burden upon the American people as if the government had spent twenty-two mil lions in war like the Philippine ."benevolent assimilation," for in stance? Mr. Davis', Irrigation project would reclaim arid, lands and furnish electric : power and navigation worth ten time3 the' cost The Philippine INTRINSIC VALUE Sir. Barneby Falls Into the Error of Mis taking the Utility For ValaeTho "Unit" or "Standard" Discussed Editor Independent: I read in The Independent a controversy between Messrs. Van Vorhis and De Hart rel ative to the. unit of money and the standard of value. I trust I may be pardoned for taking Issue with those two scientific, financiers. In holy writ we read that man has sought out many inventions. . There can be no true .sci ence in the inventions or theories of man without an observance of the true laws of nature. Nature governs and controls all temporal affairs of life. Nature with aer provisional gifts sus tains all temporal life, creates all val ue, all life, all being; all mankind must become subservient and obedient to nature and nature's laws. ' Has nature established a unit of val ue. Is there such a thing as a true standard of value in nature? If so, prove -it Please, tell us what is the value of a gold dollar? Can we make a true comparison between a measure of Value and a measure of distance? Cah you weigh or measure value? If so,' define it scientifically.. f According to the theory of our con temporaries, as to the unit of value and standard of value, they become a natural sequence, which we claim is contrary to the order of nature. Well, what is value? Let us take a scien tific view of the subject by analysis. IVe ask what is value? We have been told that It is worth; by some that it is price; and by others that it is the relative position between commodities and living being. We say that value is life, comfort and happiness; this is the ultra of all that life of being com poses, and to. a great extent the rela tive position between living beings and the products of nature. Without the accumulating hifts of nature, by growth, all life would become extinct, all value would cease to exist Value, then, is that vhich sustains and perpetuates life, that which has an inherent, a living value; is that not intrinsic? Intrinsic value means nat ural value, and I may add, indepen dent value. Almost all created things have more or less intrinsic value; but all are not basic factors in the commercial circles. There are a good many kinds of so-called values true and living value, constructive value, artificial and ornamental value; then there is the ideal, the imaginary and the pleasurable value we place these three under one head as they are co related. . . . : . Certain minerals and metals possess a medicinal value in fact, almost all things, properly utilized, have a val ue. But let us return to the subject of - unit and "standard" value. The word unit means one; the least whole number; the figure 1 in any numbering period. A unit of measure is any ac cepted or standard measure, as one acre, one inch., etc. The theory of our contemporaries is very unscientific and rather ambiguous. One defines the gold dollar as a unit of the whole, to the value of one dollar. The other uses the whole volume collectively, making a unit by throwing into the singular form. Now, any school boy knows that anything has a unit of one hundred parts df itself, if so divided. Certainly Mr. Van Vorhis does not presume to say that a unit, of value consists alone in one single gold dol lar. If one gold dollar is a unit of value, certainly that gold money alone is-the true standard and unit of value. Mr. De Hart corks himself a little in his illustration. Suppose, said he, that congress should destroy all the money in the United States except one single gold, dollar; inen that single gold dol lar would purchase all the wealth of the United States; but he did not say that the two billion dollars in the United States will buy all the prop erty wealth in the United States, or that it. measures all the value of the United States. I always thought that a yard-stick measured its length, three feet, and not three-fifths of one inch; and that the pound weighed 16 ounces and not one-third of one ounce. Never heard, of anything that was used for measuring or weighing values except coon skins or some kind of money. A unit ol value or a standard of value is contrary to the order of na ture. There is such a thing as a standard weight and a standard meas ure of -length. They are true stand ards because they are unchangeable, invariable-always weighing and measuring the same; but you cannot measure ' value, nor fix value with the yard-stick. Materialism cannot make a unit' or standard of value. Therefore we oppose a material standard; it is false, it is treacherous. If Mr. De Hart had said that intrinsic value did not belong to the true functions of money, Instead of saying that it did not belong to science, we would be lieve him. We. have tried to show that nature alone creates all wealth, all value, and alFthat conduces to life and-happiness temporarily. But those blessings do not come to all alike. Conditions have a great deal to do with our prosperity and happiness i in fact, it is conditions that make value. What might be very valuable to one person would be of lit tle value to the same individual under other conditions. WM. BARNEBEY. Mullen, Neb. . (It is said there is safety In a mu titude of counsellors, but this ques tion of value seems to become more complex as different writers discuss it What Mr. Barnebey calls value, the editor would term utility or useful ness. -The starchy qualities of a po tato are Inherent, Intrinsic Proper ly cooked, eaten and digested, the po tato" assists -in sustaining life. . But a potato is not value; Starch is not val- ble, but does not add in the slightest degree to their life-sustaining . quail ties. Suppose in a given community there is a scarcity of potatoes, say 100 bushels, and small prospects for se curing any from other localities. Per haps a bushel of potatoes would ex change for two bushels of wheat, or sell tor $1.50 in money. Now, suppose ten carloads of potatoes are shipped into that locality. Would that affect the intrinsic qualities of the 100 bush els which were grown there? Not in the slightest degree. Yet it would be found that" the value of potatoes had fallen, probably to the extent that one .bushel of potatoes would command only one bushel of wheat, or 75 cents in money. How- did the value of the original 100 bushels fall if it is in trinsic without changing the chemi cal composition of the potatoes them selves?... . , .-, Mr. Barnebey, value is nothing but an idea, a human estimation placed vpon desirable things, capable1 of be ing exchanged, tne supply of which is limited, or smaller than all the possi ble uses to which the things may be put There must be the possibility of exchange; hence, at least two human beings; and at least two things which can be exchanged. The Idea' cannot be conceived without employing num bers; nence, value is a numerical re lation. It is not the quality of any thing; it is not a thing itself. Being neither a thing nor the quality of a thing, it is incapable of being meas ured as we measure extension or the pull of gravity, or test the sweetness of the sugar beet ' There is such a thing as a unit of account the dollar in. this country, the pound sterling in England. The value of that unit depends upon two circumstances: The total number of such units of account used in making exchanges and the. rapidity with which such units pass from hand to hand in making the, exchanges. To say that the value of a dollar is an hundred cents, is simply reasoning in a circle -any whole number is equal to , 100 hun dredths of itself. But the dollar that will command only one bushel of wheat is less valuable than the one that will buy two bushels, unless it can be shown that in both cases the dol lar will buy identically the same quan tities of all other commodities and ser vices. Ed. Ind.) To Solve the Problem EditorJndependent: I think I have solved the problem to prevent strikes. Let congress pass a law that the gov ernment will take . charge of all the public highways, compelling all over seers to employ all . who apply for work, and are capable of doing the work required, at an upset price of ?2 a day for common labor and. from $3 to ?o for mechanicsucfr as, masons, car penters, etc., and 'to furnish work ev ery working day in the year. .The secretary of the treasury to make the money to pay them out of any ma terial. And as paper, is the most con venient, make the bills the same size as our bank notes. On one side to read in large Roman letters: "United States Money," and on the other side, "This bill is legal tend erj for all debts, pub lic and private," and libt redeemable in any other kind of money. This would give steady employment to every one that wanted work, be sides giving the people plenty of the test money on earth. It would give the best roads in the world. It is now the policy of the coal barons to starve and fieeze the miners into submission, and they don't care a snap who else suf fers with hunger and cold. But let them beware, for hunger and cold know no philosophy and respect no laws, and when you turn these twin devils loose and force them upon the world Then woe to the robbers who gather In fields where they never have sown; Who have stolen the jewels of labor And Duilded to Mammon a throne. The throne of their god shall be crumbled, . The scepter be swept from his hand; The heart of the. haughty be humbled, And a servant made chief in the land. For the Lord of Hosts hath said it, Whose lips never uttered a lie; His prophets and poets have sung it In symbols of earth and of sky. To the trusts who have revelled in plunder Till the angel of conscience is dumb, To them in earthquake and thunder, The tempest and torrent shall come. T. J. QUAIL. Watertown, Neb. How much "phrases" have to do with controlling votes is ahown by he use of the two terms, "military government" and "civil government," as applied to the Philippines. The imperialist spell-binders tell their, au diences that they have established "a civil government in the Philippines and the "military government" has been abolished. Then their followers who haven't been entirely satisfied with the abolishment of the Declara tion of Independence, say: "That is all right I knew the republican party would do the right thing." But there has been no change made in the gov ernment whatever. It i3 still a gov ernment of force and not by consent The officer Is called a "civil" officer, but he is the same man and still holds his commission in the regular army. The only change that has been made Is In changing his title from "military" to "civil." Governor Taf t himself could not stay in Manila a week if the soldiers were : removed. His government Is as much a mill- HOW TO SETTLE STRIKES Mr. Schwelxer Discusses the Strike Ques tion Coal Mines and Railroads Can not be Private Preperty - Editor Independent: In spite of the rosy pictures, which our republican statesmen are drawing about happi ness and prosperity of the American people, as a consequence of republl can policy and legislation, our laborers are not at all contented with their conditions, which Is proven by the many strikes which are Interrupting all business over the whole United States and, therefore, the most Im portant question which our statesmen. iave to solve is, how to settle such strikes peaceably, and satisfactory to all concerned parties. In this country the most strikes op disputes between employers and em ployed occur on railroads and in coal mines, because the directors and man agers claim the right to absolutely dis pose over, the mines and roads as their private property, but neither a coal mine nor a railroad can ever be come the absolute private property of a single man, nor of a corporation. ' Coal is one of the necessary articles, which is Indispensable for the suste nance of the human race and, there-' fore, these coal mines are not Intend ed by the creator for the benefit only of a single man or a corporation, but for the benefit and sustenance of the whole human race and therefore a corporation can never acquire an ab solute proper. right in them. Every new born baby in a coal mine or In a sweat shop has just as good a claim on these coal mines as a Pierpont Morgan. Rockefeller or Carnegie, and neither executive, congress or court have a bright to deprive it of that claim. Evea the whole living generation has not a property right, but only the right of an usufructuary on these coal mines, they have a right to an economical use of their necessary coal, but they have no right to encumber waste or de stroy the mines, but they must see that they are aways kept in good con dition, because they have yet to servo for the sustenance of thousands of yet unborn generations. The same principles and arguments are valid for railroads which are pub lic highways for connecting the people of different villages, towns and coun ties, and states, and therefore they must be open for all men under the same conditions. To manage and operate such public institutions and- property in the in terest and for the benefit of all the peo ple is a function of the government which must especially see that they are economically managed, that noth ing Is wasted and that they always are kept in good condition, thereby protecting the rights and interests of the living as well as of the coming genera. ons. The government can now either ope rate such public Institutions directly by hiring the necessary labor, or it can let the management and opera tion for a fair remuneration to some private corporation, but the govern ment must under . all circumstances protect and secure the rightu and claims of the people In such institu tions, and it Is responsible for all damage which occurs from such pri vate management to the peope as well as to the employes and laborers. As In this country private corpora tion management is the rule, if we will be just, to all Interested parties it is necessary to find out and to get ac quainted with their different rlghta and duties. These parties are: First-r-The people as the real owner or usufructuary of the common prop erty, is entitled to the benefits which, accrue from such property or insti tutions, giving a fair remuneration for the costs of management or pro duction. In Switzerland the tariff for passengers and freight is fixed by tha federal executive. Second-The shareholders, who fur nished the money for construction, etc., are entitled to a fair interest on their real paid-up capital, which in terest has to be fixed by the govern ment I remember In Switzerland tha legal Interest was 5 per cent, biut tho federal executive had, fixed 6 per cent as legal interest for the real paid-up money on railroad shares, with tha condition that passengers and freight rates must be lowered as soon as tha incomes paid more as that legal Inter est But shareholders are not and never can be entitled to draw Interest for only fictitious capital, so-called wa tered stock. That Is usury or real robbery, a crime which all nations from the earliest time had condemned and punished. Those shareholders are capitalists like other capitalists. They have nothing to do with management and, therefore, a fair interest for their real paid-up capital is all that they can demand. "Moses and Christ even denounced taking Interest for money, loaned as usury." Third Managers, employes and la borers have to do all the work and keep the concerned Institution In op eration. .Upon them depends the suc cess of e business and, therefore, are they not only entitled to fair remun eration for their labor, but they have a-rlght to demand their necessary re creation and rest and most of all tha necessary precaution for the safety of their healtn and lives. As from hon- jj est, intelligent, well trained, conscien I tious employes and laborers the safe ana enecuve management ox every business mostly depends and as the government under all circumstances is responsible for good and safe man agement of public institutions, there fore it is the duty of the executive to see that only competent men are em ployed, that their rights are protected and that they receive fair wages for their work. The executive can never 1