NO ONE DARE PROSECUTE The danger that lies in great accum ulations of wealth in few hands has a demonstration in the state of Penn sylvania ; at r the present time from which the public ought to draw a les son. The anthracite coal trust is an organization in direct violation of the laws of that state andjts recent ac tion has caused great loss and dis turbance of business in which a large portion of the public Is" directly inter ested. But on account of the power of its accumulations, there is no man in the state who dare bring an action against it The monopolization of the anthracite coal beds by a few railroad corporations whose charters do not authorize them to do anything but build and operate railroads, is in di rect violation of their charters. The coal barons are the most notorious law breakers in the whole country, but they dominate the courts and override the laws because of their great wealth. The accumulations under the con trol of Morgan are a threat against the national government itself. He has already cowed the president of the United States who but a short time ago was bravely talking about shackling cunning and controlling the trusts, but is now out on a stumping tour in which he declares that they are a necessary evolution of modern busi ness. The accumulations in the con trot of the sugar trust were powerful enough to overthrow the president ir. a senate largely of his own party and defeat a measure which he especially recommended. These conditions ,are what the pop ulist party has fought from the be ginning and the results are just what was predicted. The creation of wealth 13 one thing and its equitable and proper distribution is another thing. Upon the latter depends the welfare of a nation as much as on the former. Great wealth has destroyed many na tions, but poverty never one. PENNSYLVANIA AND POPULIST Quay and Penrose made an effort the other day to settle the coal strike and they were told by Mr. Baer and the other barons that the statement made to them by the two senators that if the strike was not settled the state of Pennsylvania would go democratic, had no terrors for them. In fact Baer declared that he was a democrat. The democratic candidate for governor is the anti-Bryan Robert E. Pattison and evidently his election would suit the coal barons just as well as that of the republican candidate. The anthracite coal roads are the most open violators of law in the whole land. They have been operating for a long time in vio lation of their charters and the laws of Pennsylvania, in having added to the business of their corporations the mining of coal. Their charters are railroad charters authorizing them to build and operate railroads and for nothing else. The republican machine has allowed this violation of law in re turn for the support and contributions of the trust, but now having secured an anti-Bryan candidate for the demo cratic party, the interests of the trusts are no longer bound up with the suc cess of the Quay machine. The an nouncement of Baer that he was a democrat probably accounts for the assaults made upon him in the repub lican dailies, all of them having pitched into him for the announce ment of his "Me and God" partner ship. Under the conditions in Pennsyl vania, both candidates being of the trust and plutocratic brand, the pop ulist party, which has always had an organization there and maintains it to this day, in spite of the Wharton Barker-Clem Deaver gang, should poll a much larger vote than usual. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN It is a shrewd practice of the pluto cratic press to discuss men and not principles, for in that way the real causes of the evils to which the people object are kept concealed. Thirty years ago attention was concentrated on Jay Gould. His doings and say ings, his goings and comings, filled the papers week after week and month af ter month. When not engaged in that they filled up their space with stories of the Vanderbilts, Jim Fisk and other lesser lights of the same galaxy. Now it is Morgan, Jim Hill, Gates and men of that kind to which attention is di rected. Sometimes the stories about them are frivolous, sometimes of their extravagances and sometimes consist of the severest denunciations. But of the system that has made such crea tures possible they say nothing. Mor gan, Baer and Truesdale may be de nounced in columns of invective, they may be called all the approbious Wanted For U. S. Army. Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and tem perate habits who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officers, Postoffice Build ing, Lincoln, Neb., or ICth and Dodge sts., Omaha, Neb. FARM BARGAINS Samples. In the most beautiful part of the Republican Hirer Valley. Wheat 25 to 50 bushels per acre. Alfalfa 4 ' tons per acre. Corn vrtU be 50 to 75 bushels per acre 531-acre highly Improved alfalfa ranch, f22.75 per acre. 160-acre highly improved upland farm, $15 00 , per acre. 440-acre upland ranch, $0.75 per acre. 320 acre partly improved alfalfa ranch, J23.00 per acre. . Now is the time to buy, before prices are advanced Tell me what you want. JAMES HUNTER, Republican City, Neb. names which the English language af fords, but they care nothing for that. Probably they rejoice in the notoriety that it gives them. What would stir them would . be a denunciation of the laws and policies that have enabled them to accumulate the enormous for tunes that they own. An attack upon the system that has made them pos sible 5 would be an entirely different thing from ant attack upon them. Such an attack the great dailies never make. They amuse and entertain the multi tude with stories of the personality of the great financial magnates and the multitude seems satisfied with that. The Vanderbilts, the Morgans, the Gates will pass away, but the system will remain and produce others like them. The attacks upon them are like the attacks of the anarchists upon rulers. The ruler may be slain, but the system is unchanged and another takes' hig place. If the press of the United States would drop this discus sion of the doings of the immensely rich and devote its space to discus sion of principles instead of men, a solution of the problems that vex us might be reached. But the press largely depends for its success upon the favors' of the rich and while that is so it will never attack special priv ileges, exemption from taxation or at tempt to curtail the aggressions of the corporations. If any effective attack is ever made upon these men, it will be by papers like The Independent which discuss principles rather than men and those who are in favor of ov erthrowing these men by discontinu ing the special privileges which they enjoy, can do no more effective work than sending The Independent into the homes of those who have never re ceived a paper that discusses prin ciples. NEW CORPORATION TRICK The corporations in several different states have hit upon the plan of pick ing out for the principal candidates of the republican party unknown men men with no public record. Who ever heard of Mickey outside of his own immediate neighborhood until Attor ney Baldwin announced ten days be fore the convention that the railroads had agreed upon him as their candi date for governor? Who ever heard of the unspeakable Dietrich outside of Hastings and the places where he had lived until he was nominated for gov ernor by the railroad convention. That too had all been fixed beforehand, al though the selection was not an nounced in advance. Within ten min utes after Dietrich was nominated, hundreds of photographic buttons with his portrait and candidacy j imprinted thereon were distributed all over the city. The railroads having made their choice in advance and "fixed" the thing prepared the buttons before the convention met. Nominations are never left to chance by the railroads. Every officer that can in any way- ef fect their interests is selected before the republican convention meets, and the delegates to republican conven ions, who are all furnished with free transportation, never take any active interest' or make any disturbance. Neither does the ordinary voter of the republican party. He Just votes 'er straight. In every community there are, how ever, several prominent men who do take an active Interest in the success of the party. They are personally in terested in its success. A very few on account of the offices; but a much larger number on account of the spe cial privileges that they get from the railroads. There, isn't a town in the stf-te where there are less than half a dozen men of this kind. Many of them are active in church work and in the secret benevolent societies. These men are always on duty. They get up meetings, they distribute litera ture, they attend caucuses and con ventions and they are paid for their work by favors on the railroads. That is the thing that we are up against in this campaign. Is there enough un selfishness and patriotism among the fusion forces to meet that thing? You ! must pay your own transportation to conventions and political meetings. You must donate what time you giVe to political work, and expect no other reward than what will come to you in common with all other citizens in se curing good government and preserv ing the common school fund. . The supreme couri of Vermont has decided that a contract made with an editor in which a consideration In money is paid for the support of a candidate for office is void and against good public policy. The question now is: "How are the republican editors of tha state to make a living?" If the principle is carried into other states the whole republican press will be k ruined. When the photographers tried to get a snap shot at Morgan upon his return from Europe, he not only employed a detective to shield him from the cam eras, but declared he would not have his photograph- taken for $5,000,000. Morgan was Tight. One look at that brutal, prize-fighting face by the Am erican people would; cost Morgan more than $5,000,000. This writer saw It once and had a chance to study it for fully ten minutes. . RAILROAD BKOOABS When a ' republican expresses fear that making the great railroad owners pay taxes upon the full value of their roads in Nebraska will be an' injustice and bring the said owners to distress, show him the account 6t the Vander bllt ball which appears in another col umn of this issue of this paper. If the Vanderbilts had been forced to pay their just share of taxes, perhaps they might have been compelled to cut out the cake-walk or the coon songs, but not more than that. But if the repub lican still is fearful that the great railroad owners will be distressed if they are forced to pay the same rate of taxes as evry one else, he might be referred to the account written by Julian Ralph, which is also printed In r art in this issue, concerning the way they carry on at Saratoga. Per haps they might be forced to bet more lightly on the races or put up smaller sums at roulette, but would that ren der It necessary for the farmers of Ne braska to pay the taxes for the -railroad owners? Couldn't the Vander bilts, the Goulds and the rest of that crowd better endure cutting out a cake-walk at a party, or do a little less batting on the races, than that the Nebraska farmer should scrimp In a thousand ways so as to get the money to pay taxes for the Goulds and Van derbilts? Every one who reads knows what the railroads of Nebraska are worth on the market just as well as they know the value of a farm. Will it bring urendurable suffering upon the railroad magnates to make them ,-ay taxes on the same rate of valua tion? If one of the Vanderbilts was forced to cut off $5,000 from the cost of a $100,000 ball on account of pay ing their just share of taxes, would that be an unendurable infliction? Should that be a good reason why we should put the republican party in power in this state so that we could pay a part of the taxes for them? Really new, is it true that the railroad owners are in such a condition that we should make a contribution to them of half the amount of their taxes? If they are. then the proper thing to do is Tote the republican ticket, for if the republican candidates are elected you will have to donate the money all right. The railroad officials are beg ging for just such contributions for their poverty-stricken masters. flENERAt MIIES A good deal of comment has been printed in the papers about the visit of General Miles to the Philippines, much of it on a level with the silly twaddle that constantly appears in the dailies. The facts so far as made pub lic are as" follows:' General Miles made application some months ago for permission to visit the Philippines which was rejected by Root and the rejection indorsed by the president Recently he renewed his request. This request the war department refuses to give out, but the answer to it was made public, It was as follows: War Department, Aug. 26, 1902. Sir: I have the honor to state that yoUr application for author ity to inspect that portion of the army serving In the Philippines is approved by the president. You will sail about the 15th of Sep tember, and in inspecting the con dition of the army will give partic ular attention to its instruction, discipline and to supplies of all kinds. It is announced that the officers in the Philippines, inferior in rank to General Miles, have been instructed to pay no attention to any orders issued by the lieutenant general and com mander of the army of the United States while he is in the islands. It is added that General Miles will crit ically examine the conditions as he finds them, devoting his attention en tirely to matters of army administra tion and not to political affairs, and the results of his work will be em bodied in a set of reports. The situation is such as was never known in the world before. If General Chaffee or General Davis, who is to succeed Chaffee, should take a notion to put General Miles under arrest or expell him from the islands, under these orders they would have the au thority to do so. The orders are a sort of Rooseveltian opera bouffe. MAKES ONE WONDKR The school fund has always been a mine of great richness for the repub licans whenever they have been in power. They farmed out the school lands to republican workers all over the state, who got them free, and when the fusion government came into pow er it was an easy matter, though the times were hard, to double the appor tionment to the schools simply by making these republican workers pay up, which Uncle Jake proceeded to do. Bartley stole the school fund and got caught at it, but a republican governor pardoned him without Bartley making any restitution. Millard, the republi can senator, handled $200,000 of the stolen funds and paid them over to Bartley when he knew that the mon ey did not belong to Bartley, but to the school children of Nebraska.- The republicans rewarded Millard for that deed , by sending him to the United States senate. Now they come before the people of the state and ask them to elect a lot of fellows to state offices who are engaged in selling "the school NERVES GAVE WAY ' PE-RU-NA CURED. Miss Aseneth Brady, Cor. Sec. Illi noiSvWoman's Alliance, had Headache, Backache and Serions Indigestion. Miss A. Brady, Corresponding Secre tary Illinois Woman's Alliance, writes from 2725 Indiana avenue, Chicago, 111. : "Last year from continued strain in literary work I became very much ex hausted, my nerves seemed to give way, and I had backache, headache and serious indigestion. "One of my friends suggested that I try Peruna. It certainly acted like magic on my system. , "Within ten days I felt new life and health given me ; and by taking an oc casionat dose off and on when I feel extra tired, I keep my system in per fect order." -MISS A. BRADY. Mrs. Fanny Klavadatscher, of Sum mitsville, N. Y., writes as follows: "For three months I suffered with pain in the back and in the region of the kidneys, and a dull pressing sensation in the abdomen, and other symptoms of pelvic catarrh. " But after taking two bottles of Peru na I am entirely well, better than I ever was." Mrs. Fanny Klavadatscher. Send for "Health and Beauty," written especially forewomen by Dr. S. B. Hart- I man, President Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, o, lands and turning the funds over to their state treasurer. When such a condition occurs, it makes one won der whether the people of the state are fit for self-government. It is only in sisted upon because . a dictator would likely do the same things or worse, and sensible,, -sane men would rather bear the ills they have than flee to those they know not of. The discussion now going on in The Independentbetween Messers, De Hart and Van, to what, constitutes the "unit of money" bids fair to be of intc-3e interest to our readers. For the present the editor will be an In terested spectator as to the unit ques tion, reserving his remarks for another time, but he would like a word as to. the price level. Mr. De Hart refers brieflv to Mr. Van Vorhis' reference to the "level of values" and says, "I would like to show that while there may be a level of prices, higher or lower, there cannot be a level of val ues, higher r, or lower." This simply means that "price" is "value named in terms of money" and that a rise in the price level can mean nothing else than an increase in the supply of mon ey; or that a fall in the price level means a decrease in the supply of money. Undoubtedly there is more wealth in the United States today than there was a hundred years ago, and at first blush one would think that would show a higher lavel of values but there is no way of describing that in crease in wealth without resort to money terms, and when that is done we have to do with prices. The republican party has invented a new way of starvation that beats re concentration camps of the Weyler kind two to one. It is to capture some millions of people, cut them off from free trade to the country to which they befonged, bar them out of this country by prohibitive tariffs and just leave them to languish and die. That is a different sort of statesmanship from what the world ever saw before. For the millions that are made sub ject to such a policy there is no hope. It is somewhat slower than the con centration camp, but its effect is pre cisely the same. Gates and the steel trust have been foiled in their attempt to get the Colo rado Fuel and Iron company, but the fight is not over by any means. The calamities predicted if the -trust suc ceed? are enumerated by the Denver News as follows: "The absorption of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company into the steel trust and such disposi tion by the trust of the great Colorado industries owned by the fuel com pany as will result in the greatest profit to the trust. If that means the stoppage of the mills and mines owned by the fuel company, the discharge of 12,00.0 or 15,000 employes, the decay of the communities built up about the company's many enterprises why, away they go, for the trust cares not a fig about Colorado or any other sate except as using them will put money in its purse." This sort of business" goes on all over the United States un checked by any influence from Wash ington or elsewhere. But Littlefleld is going to introduce a bill into the next house If it Is republican, to sup press the trusts, and the only thing to do is to vote 'er straight. "CHARACTKB!" The president in his "swing around the circle" indulges In many moral platitudes. At Wilimantic he said: "It Is a good thing for a nation to demand in its representatives intellect, but it is a better thing to demand in them that sum of qualities which we, talk of as char acter." Compare that qualification for pub lic office with the men the party of the president actually selects! Quay, Elk ins, Penrose, Piatt, Dietrich. - They run the whole gamut from bar-room speakers (walk up and have something at my expense) to the very doors of the penitentiary as in the case of Elk ins. "The qualities we talk of as character!" Think of the "character" of the men whom the republican party have chosen to rule Nebraska! Prout, surrounded by railroad attorneys, as he appears before the supreme court, when a man of "character" would be defending the interests of the people instead of joining with hired ' attor neys in an effort to make , the people pay the taxes that the railroads ought to pay. -Think of the "character" of the governor as he writes pardons for Bartley and clerical bigamists! It makes a decent man sick at the stom ach when he thinks of the "character" of the leading men of the party that the president would keep .in office. Mr. President, words are good things, but acts are better. TRUST DIVIDENDS Colonel Bowlby in Crete Democrat calls attention to a statement in the Wall. street Journal regarding the divi dends declared by the Standard Oil trust. The figures follow: Up to 1895 12 per cent 1896 31 per cent. 1897 33 per cent. 1898 30 per cent. 1899 ; 33 per cent. 1900 48 per cent. 1901 48 per cent. 1902 (a) 30 per cent. Total 265 per cent (a) Only two dividends up to May 6. Wonderful to relate, this concern which has paid nearly 40 per cent divi dends per year since and including '96, does not owe its prosperity alone to the reputed mothers of trusts tariff . or to "economy of production," but almost solely to its special privileges received from the railroads. A re finery costing not more than half a million dollars can turn out just as good oil as the. trust does perhaps better than some of the Lima oil that comes to Nebraska but it couldn't be run except at a loss, because in the city where it is located the trust would sell oil below cost of production, and every other city would be cut off by the prohibitive railroad rates that it. would be compelled to pay. The poor toil from morning until night in the mines, the factories, the shops and on the farms and the rich waste the wealth that they create in barbaric splendors, vices and carous als such as are described by Julian Ralph in another column of this issue. The church and the press are silent ex:ept now and then a paper like The Independent. What will the end of it all be? Whether the railroads pay their just share of the taxes or not is a small question in comparison with the ques tion whether the school fund of this state shall be dissipated by a lot of republican politicians with Prout at their head. While we have good crops and high prices we can pay the taxes for the railroads and exorbitant freight charges, but can we afford to bring up the children in ignorance? The Independent has frequently drawn attention to the bargain made by Mark Hanna with the Mormon bishops whereby the electoral vote of that state was transferred to the re publican party for the consideration that polygamy should not be interfered with. The Mormons put absolute faith in the contract and sent a poly gamist to congress bearing a demo cratic tag. A general protest drove him out of the house, but the remain der of the contract is being carried out by the-republican party to the letter. Polygamy is as open and no torious in Utah as ever. The canting preachers who made such a fuss about it when it was for the interest of the republican party to do so are silent In a recent Associated "press dispatch this paragraph occurs as an ordinary news item. "Celia Dibble Roberts, one of the plural wives of B. R. Roberts, who was expelled from congress be cause of his polygamous relations, has contributed another pair of twins to the family." HEADACHE At all drug aiwes. 2S Doses 2Se. Ill lercbsidise Lincoln , v New Fall Goods, are being displayed in all of our nu merous departments We are showing 'all the new and ap proved styles and materials that have been offered in the markets this season. We are prepared for an immense business and a larger and better selected assortment in lines we carrv will not be shown in the state. : Our. Mail Order System is the best in Nebraska having appliances for rapid and accurate work. It is as safe to buy through this department as it is to buy over our counters. Send for samples. They will receive prompt attention. MENTION THE INDEPENDENT. Lincoln, Neb CHOOLS AND COLLEGES (Established 1331) COURSES. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, and Common English. TEACHERS.. Men of successful business ex perience and recognized teaching ability. EQUIPMENTS. Excellent. Every facility for the rapid advancement of students. EXPENSES. Very reasonable. Catalogue and beautiful souvenir of Lincoln FKEE. Address. ADVANTAGES, l-Indlvidual instruction whea needed. 2 Students permitted to advance as rap. idly as ability ill allow. 3 Classes for those of limited as well as advanced education. . 4 Assistance rendered in securing em ployment. 5 All advantages of a Capital City. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, LINCOLN, NEB. SO Courses Preparatory, Normal, Collegiate. Buincv f I Shorthand, Telegraphy, etc Strictly first-class. Softn 1 if upwards for board, room, and tuition 4S weeks, 'f RK1. W tuition to one from each county. We pay your car fare up It to 1100 miles. Fall term opens Aug. 1 9. Catalog Free. H mrnnRimnmimngi n mmm if Mm hrii 8 3E The Lincoln Academy. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. PREPARES FOR COLLEGE, TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. ACCREDITED " ' by the State Universities of Nebraska, Iowa, and six other colleges. TEACHERS all specialists, college graduates, holding Master's and Doctor's degrees. $1,0O0.00 in chemical, physical and botanical apparatus. Athletics, literary and pocial clubs, splendid library privileges. New modern building. Tuition, f 20 a semester.. , REFERENCES. Chancellor E. B. Andrews, Hon. W. J. Bryan, Ex Governor Poynter; Editor Nebraska Independent. T. M. HODGMAN, Prin. and Prop. ASSOC. PROF. MATH. UNIV. OF NEB. ESSSElSSZiQEZX V Chillicothe Normal School j Chillicothe Commercial College I Chillicothe Shorthand College -. Chillicothe Telegraphy College SEVEN GREAT X I! H I J 1 1 1 X 1 ChUllcothe School of Oratory wwiiwvkw j ChUllcothe Musical Conservatory. Last year's enrollment 729. $130 pays for 48 weeksrboard, tuition, room rent, and useoi text books. For FREE Illustrated CataUiQ addrem ALLEN MOORE, Pre., Box 21, Chillicothe, Mo MjmenurHealthI MAGNOLIA FLOWERS a reliable and positive cure for all ailments of your sex. Speedy; per manent In results. Strengthens worn out nerves, builds up the entire system, restores health and happi-!).- Soecialist ohvsician's ad- irie frie. Asrents wanted: writa for free sample and booklet on "Good Health." MAGNOLIA MEDICAL COMPANY 810 Association Building. Chicago. Illinois FAT TO FAT People Reduce ynnr P-L..Ji-,I weight with rceducto Kednce your fat and be refintxl, iiefliu your lat and be reduct?d. "UMlucto" Is in-eiveUj harmless vegetable compound fndor.Hed hi thousands of physicians and people wh have tiiod It. We send you the .Formula, you make "iteductb" at home If you desire, yuu kt.'w full well. the Inirredieatfl and thttrrfor have no f-ar of evil effects, .spnd fl.w tor r--celpt and Instructions I'veryihiu mailed in plain envelope. Address Ginseng Chemical Co,, 3701 S. Jeflenon Av., St. Lsnl, Mo rJ i ' Willi it il nit 1 mi 1,1 1 , m ON'T Set Hens the Same Old Way, una. let lice aui toeia on me nest. v J Tiffany's sure jjeain 10 Mice rowan- will kill all vennln.and your hen will brine ner brood on. free from nee. iwany a i-ara-ron Lice Killer "Liquid," guaranteed to kill v an iiCe ani mUes. Instantly 11)8 lice on colts,calves,and hogs. By using: our Sprayer a very litHegoeflacrreatway. Penetrates all cracks. Spray bottom of house for spider lice. It 1 a rxxwerful dltin fectanU tl per gal. can ; 65c M gal Orx gallon and Sprayer, 1.60. Can get It free wb are no agents by a little vorV (or oa. Txc Tjjtany do.. Lincoln. JSeb. THE NEW MODEL SUSPENDER Is a new invention that promises to revolutionize the Suspender trade, f he weo is 01 the oest quality; the notched tips are of fir m, oak-tanued belt - leather; the fasteningsot first-class calf, very sott and flexible. Adjustable front and back, they will not slip off the shoulders or tear off but tons. There. is 110 metal to rust, break, or cut the clothing 'the only abjust able suspender made- with out metalIt will outwear any suspender made. While for men of heavy work it has no equal on account of material and wearing qual ities, yet it is dressy enough for anyone, making ita de sirable suspender for all classes. Less value is re ceived in the purchase of the ordinary: suspender than in any other item of dress. The best is the cheapest. Askvonr Dealer for., 'THE NEW flODEL" and take no other, or send SO Cents and we will mail yout a pair postpaid. Regular lengths 31,. 33 and 35 inches, special length made to order. Give length when ordering. -. "All of these goods are made out of the very best material. We believe the people will ap preciate the value they get at these low prices. Meserve-Edgerton Mfg, Co., LINCOLN, - - - - NEIJKASKA. The Handy Pocket Account Book ... .A pocket account book made more- useful by its containing INSTRUCTIONS for keeping Rrivate accounts in bookkeeping form:BUSI ESS FORMS,many useful RLLESand TABLES for reference; and practical hints ou LETTER WRITING. Above in three parts32 pages. Part IV consists of 61 ruled pages, heavy paper for accounts. . ' SIZE. 6x3? inches, firmly bound w ith pocket and flap. Price 50c postpaid. 1 and 2c stamps accepted. Agents can return books unsold. Money refunded. Address F. O. Johnson, Pub lisher, Marion, Iowa. . ; GREATLY REDUCED RATES 1V I iA Wabash Railroad. Half Rates Round Trip (Plus $a.O0 to Sandusky, Columbus, Toledo, Cincin nati, Indianapolis, Louisville and many points in Indiana, Ohlt and Kentucky Tickets sold Sep tember 2, 9, 10, 23. Less than half rates to Washington, D. C. and return. Tickets sold October 2.3,4,5. Half Rates, Round Trip, to Buffalo, To ronto, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg, De troit, Cleveland, Columbus and eaany points in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ken tucky. Tickets sold October 2, 3, t, 5. Half Rates Boston, Mass.. and return. Sold Oct. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Lena: kku its and stopovers allowed at Niagara Falls and Detroit on above tickeU. For rates and all information call at Watah New City Oflice, 1601 Farnam .St., or wr;t Harry E. Moores, Goa'l Agent, Passenger Dept. , Omaha, Neb. Home Visitors Excursion to Eastern Points ' The Missouri Pacific railroad offers to its patrons the exceptionally low rate of one fare for the round trip oa September 2, 9, 16, and 23,' to certain points in Ohio and Indiana and 01 October 3 to 6, inclusive, to all points in Central Passenger association ter ritory, some including Illinois, Inl iana, Ohio, etc. Tickets limited ::, days for' return, .but not. later tharj November 3. This will be your opportunity o visit youV old home and friends, and the Missouri Pacific, with Its splendid road bed, its fast trains equipped with all the latest and advanced improve ments and conveniences, takes you tu the "Gate-way," St. Louis, the World's Fair City with its magnificent Union station where direct connections are made for all points. Pullman Sleepori from Lincoln to Kansas City daily. For further information, call at citv ticket office, 1039 O st. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A.