The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    Sept. 4, 1902.
Editorial Notes
Bigamy and the embezzlement of
public funds commend themselves to
our republican governor as the crimes
that , are to be pardoned every time.
If the party could only transfer its
Philippine policy to this country and
have trials without juries, there would
be no convictions in the first place and
then pardons would become unneces
sary. If we are to have republican
governors, perhaps it would be well to
do It and thereby save a good deal of
expense and trouble.
Our good friend, Christian Brothe,
R. F. D. 4,'Mlnden, Neb., does not
agree with the editor in having noth
ing to complain or kick about concern
ing the Grand Island convention. He
pays "it was a regular sweat-box, no
room to straighten your legs, very lit
tle harmony and too much disturb
ance." Of course, the editor knew that
there? was considerable discomfort in
a physical way. but he felt so well
pleased with the result finally that he
forgot about the cramped legs and hot
What the university has done for
the mechanic arts and the great in
crease in wealth cannot well be overes
timated. Science and invention, and
invention for the most part only
makes use of what science has first
discovered, is the foundation of the
frreat wealth of these United States.
The thing that has been neglected is
tl.e just distribution of this wealth.
AU great statesmen have considered
that the concentration of the wealth of
a nation in few hands was an evil,
the first and greatest indication of decay.
Both Quay and Penrose heartily in
dorse the president's position on
trusts. That -position is approved by
all the leaders of the republican par
ty. It first demands a constitutional
amendment and nothing to be done to
interfere with the trusts until that is
accomplished which puts off the first
step far into the present century and
after that "a government supervision
limited to prevent deceit and yet not
broad enough to discourage enter
prise." Morgan must wink his left
eye vhen he thinks of that assault on
the trusts.
A friend of Tom Johnson says that
he Is authorized by that distinguished
gentleman to say for him that he has
been greatly misrepresented in the
press. Mr. Johnson believes that no
matter how large the industry, he is
unalterably opposed to government
interference, unless it is necessary to
have favors from the government in
order to engage in it. A railroad re
quires grants of this character, there
fore Mr. Johnson would have it oper
ated by the government. But in an in
dustry which requires no special priv
ileges he would have no governmental
Interference whatever.
The reorganizers got control of the
democratic party in Indiana and Illi
nois. The result seems to be that the
whole organization Is too dead to skin.
The corruption in the republican party
in Illinois and the revolt of Senator
Mason left a clear and unobstructed
road to victory for a reform party,
but the corporation tools, Hillites and
Clevelandites, who are running things
over there command no more respect
from the mass of people than the
Yates crowd of thieves. The action of
the state democracy made its opposi
tion so insignificant that it is hardly
mentioned in the campaign now in
The loss inflicted upon other per
sons by the "Me and God" anthracite
coal barons by their "nothing to arbi
trate" policy, is figured up by the New
York Herald as follows: Miners in
wages. $19,900,000: employes other
than miners $1,500,000: business men
in coal region. $12,120,000: business
men outside region. $6,700,000: main
taining coal and Iron police. $900,000;
maintaining non-union workers, $100.
000; maintaining troops in field, $225.
000. A civilization and a government
that allows such things is, to say the
least, far from p?rfect. In New Zea
land they have put a stop to all that
sort of waste.
Roosevelt has advanced far enough
to advocate publicity and federal con
trol of the trusts. It is being general
ly remarked that Bryan advocated
publicity and ff-deral control in the
' trust conference" held in Chicago sev
eral years ago. He urged an amend
ment to the constitution in the event
of a decision of the supreme court that
congress could go no further than the
Sherman law in legislating for the con
trol of interstate corporations. When
Rryan advocated these things he was
denounced by Roosevelt and the whole
plutocratic crew as a demagogue, but
now Roosevelt comes trailing along,
six years behind Bryan, advocating
the same things.
The steel trust has run steel up to
such a price that builders in Chicago
And it cheaper to import steel from
Scotland and England and pay the
freight and tariff than to buy it of the
trust. The sort of government that has
rnded in that way of doing things is
the astonishment of the world. The
immense productiveness of American
land and labor is all being gathered
by the trusts. Three good crops, with
shortages in other parts of the world,
have made the middlemen so prosper
ous by the handling of it. that they
. can pay enormous prices for steel and
iron. The steel trust has pretty nearly
gathered up or crushed all the inde
pendent concerns and has put prices to
such a point that foreign competition
comes in, notwithstanding the tariff.
in the United States although the re
publicans persistently claimed that It
was . McKInley and Roosevelt. The
London papers, however, seem to
agree with The Independent. The
London Mall remarks: "The humiliat
ing fact that we have lost trade
through our failure to apply science to
industry Is brought home to us in a
report just Issued by the London tech
nical education board. The evidence
of leading professors, representative
mantifacturers and experts, which the
board has collected, proves that our
indifference and neglect has lost us the
color trades and others' connected
with chemical manufactures. More
losses threaten to overtake us."
The newspaper paragraphers have
again burst forth on General Miles'
uniform. Do these silly chickens sup
pose that the people do not know that
the uniform of the general of the army
and every other officer is fixed by law
and the army regulations. If General
Miles' uniforms are "gorgeous" it is
not of his initiative. He simply con
forms to the law and the army reg
ulations. The difference between the
uniform of General Miles and that of
any other general officer of the army
is very slight. The story of "gorg
eousness" is of the same fabric as that
about the porcelain lined bath tub
which the reporters took such delight
in. It only needs a wink from the
party in power at Washington to start
the reporters on an effort to make any
man ridiculous who Is out of favor
with the smug individuals who dis
pense patronage.
This country is a court-governed
country and it grows more and more
so every year. The interest that has
the courts on its side has .the whole
thing. The Vermont constitution has
this paragraph in it: "That all power
being originally inherent in, and con
sequently derived from the people,
therefore all officers of government,
whether legislative or executive, are
their trustees and servants, and at all
times in a legal way accountable to
them." Now come several federal
and state judges and ex cathedra, an
nounce that the referendum is uncon
stitutional in Vermont and no doubt
when a case is brought before them in
a regular way they will so decide, not
withstanding that the constitution
says that all power is inherent and de
rived from the people. What the
courts say goes, constitution or no
Queer things are happening down in
the home of the tariff grafters. Mr.
Foss is a candidate for the republican
nomination to congress in the Eleventh
Massachusetts district. He put out a
program on which he bases his candi
dacy in which he says: "We have got
to have free iron, free coal, free wool
and free hides. With these conces
sions and Canadian reciprocity we
would have a great opportunity before
us. I am a republican, and have al
ways voted the ticket, but we must
have immediate tariff revision." Many
western men have been wondering why
the republican national committee was
making such an extended canvass and
spending so much money in the New
England states where the party has
always had such immense majorities.
Massachusetts has a republican ma
jority of 70.000. 'The above " state
ment tells the reason. The people
there are very tired of the trusts and
tariffs, especially of the steel trust.
The Independent is In need of an
office boy. Steady position. Should
be about 16 years old, industrious and
able to read and write.
The Independent has always asserted
that science and education were the
basis of the great increase of wealth
Do You Want a
Genuine Bargain
U UU fit It taW Hundred, of Cprl, ht Jl.nea
wu. ...... ' .....i.i, SJ w
diapnaad of at one. Tha? Ineloda Staiowayi, Knahca, Jiaeh.ri,
. Btorlinaa aia other wall known makes. Many cannot ha dic
inf mbed from new
a, grata dleo-icnt.
a flOO. Aleo bean
rleUatl,$lSS, faatrament at (390,
ItOOpianoa. Monthly paymenta aeeevted
ret all are offered at
Uprlghta aj low
titul Jfew tp
$!50andl5. A Ana
fully equal many
Prelect only about
$&. Wrtta tec ltt a4 particulars. Tan Biake a groat aerlne;.
Piaotai warranted aa repreeentod. ninatrated Plane Book Free.
WeaM'i laifoit BttaU komae; alls f-rerythtaf known la Kael.
The-Unexampled Bragging and Swagger
ing of Republican Papers hs no
Ileal Foundation
"Our export trade" has been the
cover for all sorts of crimes and ag
gressions. The figures are paraded
from day to day and week to week as
proof of the wonderful success of re
publican policies while the facts are
that it is less per capita than it was
years ago.
Considering the richness of the
United States in agriculture, forests
and minerals and the manufacturing
which has naturally been developed in
a country so highly favored, .our ex
ports are really very small in compari
son with those of other countries.
Last year the exports per capita from
the United States were $17.49. But the
per capita exports from Great Britain
were nearly twice as much, $33.31, and
both Germany and France are ahead
of the United States In this respect.
$19. S9 for the former and $20. 88 for
the latter. Even Sweden has larger
exports per capita than the United
States, or $20.58, while Belgium has
$52.87 and the Netherlands the enorm
ous sum of $132.30. If the exports of
the United States were relatively as
great as those of Poland the total from
the United States would reach the al
most inconceivable sum of $11,000,000,
000 a year, or in excess of the aggre
gate exports of all the countries of
the world today, which is a little less
than $10,000,000,000. There is one
American country which exports a
greater valuation per 'capita than the
United States, and this is Argentina,
with a total of $40.92. Argentina has a
very small home market, and is com
pelled to sell virtually all of her agri
cultural produce to European buyers.
Argentina is in very much the same
situation the people of the United
States were at the beginning of this
century; no manufacturing at home,
heavy expbrtations of agricultural
produce and like Importations of all
manufactured articles.
It is a remarkable fact, disclosed by
the latest statistics, that the imports
of the United States per capita were
greater In 1800 than in 1900; $17.19 at
the beginning of the century and $10.88
at its close. v .
An honest press is what Is needed in
these United States more than any
thing else? The mass of the voters are
constantly deceived as to the facta.
No more effective worlc can be done
by any man than circulating papars
like The Independent among the "pop
ulation so that the voters may become
acquainted with, the facts.
W. M. Morning, attorney, rooms 810-311-312
Richard, block, Lincoln, Neb.
Of the West, As It Is the Most Ag
gressive and Successful of West
ern Associations.
Republican Prosperity
Charles O'Connor Hennessy, who
is a specialist on economic affairs in
New York city, draws this vivid pic
ture of the prosperity of that city:
"On an island in the East River
122,000 human bodies are buried In un
marked graves. In 30-cent pine boxes,
made at the penitentiary, the dead are
deposited by convicts in trenches
fifty in a trench. This is the city
cemetery, otherwise known as pot
er's field, where that part of New York
city Included In the boroughs of Man
hattan and the Bronx buries its pau
per dead.
"The records show that during the
year 1901 the number of burials in
potter's field was 4,391. The total num
ber of deaths in the Manhattan-Bronx
sections of the city for the same per
iod was 43,304, The death rate was
normal, as was the number of pauper
burials, so that, assuming similar con
ditions in the other boroughs of the
city, we must meet the appalling con
clusion that, without a change of con
ditions over 10 per cent of the city's
population are foredoomed to such ut
ter destitution that burial at public
expense awaits them.
"It is easier to state this fact than
to account i for it. So many causes
seem to enter into the composition of
human misery in a great city that men
may not readily agree upon an ex
planation of the shocking statistics of
potter's field. One fact from the rec
ord Is significant It is the very old
and the very young who go to these
pauper graves. More than 50 per
cent of those who went into the
trenches last year were babies babies
who never had that chance that most
of us believe God intended that all His
creatures should have.
"The conditions that keep busy the
convict grave diggers on Hart's isl
and seem as active as ever."
The republican remedy for these
conditions i3: "Let well enough
r tfy & $ '
, A
What Kind of Dollars?
Editor Independent: I have a five
dollar bill which reads thus:
"National currency, secured by
United. States bonds deposited with the
trearuier of the United States. The
National Bank of Commerce in 'St.
Lou's will pay to the bearer on de
mand five dollars."
My question is, What kind of dol
lars will the bank pay me? You may
have answered this question several
times before; "but it will do no harm
to answer it several times more.
Palmyra, Neb.
(What the bank could do and what
it would do are two different proposi
tions. The bar.k could pay you with
United States legal tender notes
(greenbacks), with silver dollars, or
with gold coin. The chances are that
it would pay with whatever was most
convenient at the time of presenta
tion. If the Fcwler bill should be
come a law, however, tho bank would
be obliged to redeem Its notes with
gold coin. Ed. Ind.)
Manual of Soil Culture
Send me a 2-eent stamp and I will
mail you free a copy of Campbell's
Soil Culture Manual a valuable work
that every farmer ought to have.
J, FRANCIS, Gen. Pass. Agt..
' I-" ' . Omaha, Net ,
When the Bankers' Reserve Life
association entered upon its successful
career President B. H. Robison, its
founder, announced that the new com
pany, would provide Nebraskans a
home organization for the protection
of their families.
On this principle the Bankers' Re
serve Life has built itself into the
hearts of the people of the west and j
by economical management, prompt
payment of losses, up-to-date con
tracts and aggressive business efforts
has established In Omaha a first-class
Within two years the volume of
business of the Bankers' Reserve Life
association will have reached the
handsome sum of $10,000,000 and the
annual new business will shortly
reach $5,000,000.
Within five years from this date the
great Nebraska company will be writ
ing $5,000,000 per annum.
These phenomenal figures represent
a rapid increase of risks, but they im
port also a substantial growth upon a
secure foundation.
For every single dollar of actual lia
bility represented by this $5,000,000
at risk the young organization has as
sets of $5.
These assets are growing as the
business of the company expands.
Every month now carries into the
available assets of the company a
handsome sum which under the char
ter of the company must be invested
in Nebraska securities.
The Bankers' Reserve Life is a pro
nounced success. It is one of the per
manent institutions of the growing
west, as secure for the future as any
fiduciary institution in this important
section of our great nation.
President B. H. Robison needs ener
getic, experienced and successful life
underwriters No better field is open
and no better company, offers the life
insurance solicitors a better form of
policy or more liberal terms. Write
him for terms.
b -
$ $ $ $ Jr S? $
Roosevelt's Row With
the, Republican Con
gressional Committee.
Whitelaw Reid's Dis
appointment 5 b W
Special Washington Letter.
T may be taken and accepted as a
sure thing that Colorado is going
Democratic this fall and that
that veteran statesman Henry
M. Teller will be returned to the
eenate, which he so greatly adorns and
where he is so useful. The proof ' of
all of which Is that ex-Senator Edward
O. WJoIcott is about to shake the dust
of the Centennial State from hls shoes
and to locate where his political pros
pects v.-ill be brighter. Rats desert a
sinking ship, and Wolcott deserts the
Republican party of Colorado. Every
body knows that he would stay there
and fight it out with Teller If he
thought he had a ghost of a show.
Teddy on His Ear.
The press dispatches Inform us that
President Roosevelt is on his auricular
appendix because Brothers Babcock
and Overstreet, chairman and secre
tary of the Republican congressional
committee, in compiling their cam
paign book left, him and his adminis
tration out in the cold, when he not
unnaturally thought that he ought to
occupy the center of the stage. On
dit that Teddy, in a fit of anger, per
emptorily ordered those palpitating pa
triots to squelch their publication,
which they could not do, inasmuch as
they had mulled out 20,000 copies be
fore Teddy discovered how scurvily
he had been treated. As Bab and
Overstreet recently dined with the
president, it may be assumed that they
have agreed to issue a new edition.
But Teddy may possess his soul in
peace, for nobody reads Republican
campaign books. ... ,.
A Sanguine Prophet. '
General David Bremner Henderson,
epeaker of the house of representa
tives, has taken up the role of prophet
and has assured the world in an off
hand sort of way that the country is
going Republican this fall, which is
important if true; but nobody ever ac
cused General Henderson of being any
kin to Isaiah or any of the rest of tho
major prophets. All their mantles fell
on the shoulders of General Charles
Henry Grosvenor, prophet maximus of
the Hocking valley, -who is very quiet
these days In his vaticination depart
ment. No Democrat need be scared by
General Henderson's prophecy. The
wish is father to the thought. lie is
the most cheerful of mortals, the Mark
Tapley of American politics. He's an
optimist, -which itj is. a rattling- good
thing to be.' If he -had lived at the
time of the" fidod,' when Noah was
building the ark and predicting the de
struction of all things by water, David
would have said: ."Boys, there, isn't
going to be much of . a shower. Noah
doesn't know what he is talking about.
So eat, drink and ,be merry!". And he
and his cronies would have been
caught ouMn that forty days and forty
nights of rain, as they are likely to be
caught n the flood this fall. If re
ports from Iowa are not greatly over
drawn, General Henderson had better
quit wasting his breath and time in
prophecy and get down to work or the
country is likely to lose the services of
those great Republican statesmen
Hepburn, Lacy and Smith.
Whitelaw's Sorrowful Homecoming.
As Mark Antony remarked on a cele
brated but doleful occasion, "If you
have tears, prepare to shed them now."
Wherefore? Because Whitelaw Reid,
flunky extraordinary to the corona
tion of King Edward VII., did not, aft
er all, get to wear his knickerbockers
and other royal finery that is, in pub
lica thing on which he had set his
heart. No doubt he donned them in
private and exhibited his lean and pad
ded calves to his wife, children and do
mestic servants in that magnificent
house in Grosvenor square, the ultra
aristocratic quarter of London, "the
modern Babylon," which he rented for
that august occasion. But, God be
praised, he was defeated in his mean
ambition to sport them in public, where
the world's eye could ftlast on the deg
radation of America and where lords
with pedigrees running back to the
conquest were walking backward and
making salaams to do honor to Albert
Edward Wettln. That's the point on
which all good Americans will congrat
ulate themselves. Whitelaw Reid. the
American aristocrat, did not have an
opportunity to cut his un-American
and fantastic flunky capers before
high heaven. Whitelaw did not get to
march in the royal and imperial pro
cession and make a holy show of him
self and of us. Ills spirit was willing,
even eager, to thus abase himself and
his country and her institutions, but
fate spared that degradation, and Un
cle Sam wn not chained to the char
lot . wheels of the great-grandson of
Georgo HI. Yea, Whitelaw, the son-in-law
of his father-in-law, was anx
ious. He spent thousands on his
knickerbockers and other royal glm
cracka. He quarreled with garter
klng-at-arms. or whatever the chief
tnuch-a-cbuch of the coronation cere
monies is called, because he was as
signed to ride back foremost In the
procession while the unspeakable Turk
and the head of the French flunkies, in
the same currlnge, rode face front. He
roared so loud because the flunkies of
the effete monarchies of Europe, Asia
find Africa should outrank our flunky
In chief, the son-in-law of his father-in-law,
that finally, to stop his whin
ing, they assigned him a earrlage all
to himself, which, after all, be. did not
get to ride in, poor thing! Hence these
King Edward was sick, and conse
quently flunky Whitelaw, with his
knickerbockers and his finery, did not
have a chance to overawe Cheapslde,
Rotten row, Piccadilly, Whltechapel
and Bloomsbury square with his rib
bons, gewgaws, state carriage, liveried
outriders and other royal and imperial
paraphernalia. Perhaps since the days
when Sancho Panza failed to secure
his Island throne or since Darius
Green and his flying machine came
down to earth with a dull, sickening
thud there never was a greater disap
pointment In this world than White
law's when he didn't get to ride In
that royal carriage, solitary and alone,
as chief of all American flunkies. He
had planned, so it Is said, to have a
band of hired boys in livery, of course
precede his carriage, shouting: "Io
trlumphe! Io triumplie!" In his mind's
eye he saw himself knighted Sir
Whitelaw of Ophir Farm by King Ed
ward. But all that has passed, and
he returns to despised America with
out a title and with his precious knick
erbockers in his trunk. Wonder what
the tariff is on knickerb6ckers and oth
er royal outfittlngs! Whitelaw knows
unless our customs officer at the port
oft New York failed to do his duty.
This sore disappointment came to
Whitelaw because a pestiferous berry
seed slipped into King Edward's ver
miform appendix.
Great God! On what a slender thread
Sternal matters hang!
Over the entrance to the office of the
New York Tribune, of which Wrhite
law is editor in chief, thanks to his father-in-law's
money, is the legend,
"Founded by Horace Greeley." Won
der what old Horace, who was an
American from skin to core, would
think of Whitelaw and his royal and
Imperialistic knickerbockers! "What
a fall was there, my countrymen!"
A Pointer.
Once upon a time I was engaged in a
private jawing match with General
Charles Henry Grosvenor. I was con
tending that the Democrats would
elect the house this fall and both a
house and president in 1904. The gen
eral said that the present prosperity
would prevent our doing any such
thing. "But, general," I replied ar
guendo, "there is no greater prosperity
now than there was in 1892, when the
Democrats wiped,, the Republicans pff
the face of the earth, even securing
one electoral vote in Ohio, which goes
to prove that prosperity has nothing
to do with it." This seemed to nettle
the venerable Buckeye warrior and
statesman, and he exclaimed, "Oh, it
was that blankety blanked Homestead
strike that made the country go Dem
ocratic in 1892!" Of course the pro
fanity is General Grosvenor's, not
mine. But, while that conversation
happened two years ago, I have been
thinking about it a good deal lately
and have concluded inevitably and nec
essarily that if the good gray general
is correct in his diagnosis of the situa
tion in 1892 we are dead sure to carry
the country in 1902, for precisely what
happened at Homestead, Pa., in 1892
is now happening in both Pennsylva
nia and West Virginia this year. Far
stranger things have happened than
that Judge Jackson and General Gobin
should unwittingly and unintentionally
elect a Democratic house of repre
sentatives and a Democratic president
of the United States, a consummation
devoutly to be wished. Democrats who
are inclined to be timorous should re
member General Grosvenor's words
and cheer up.
Republican Disintegration.
The recent falling of the campanile
at Venice, which both startled and in
terested the entire civilized world, is
not more thoroughly indicative of the
ultimate destruction of that ancient
city of story and of song than Is the
platform declaration of the Iowa Re
publicans in favor of tariff revision as
a remedy for the trust evil a presage
of the dissolution of the Republican
party. The campanile was the glory
of Venice; the Dingley bill has been
regarded as the Gibraltar of Repub
licanism. True, Mr. McKInley in his
remarkable Buffalo speech, which may
be regarded jiot unjustly as his fare
well address to the American people,
overthrew the principle of the Dingley
bill, sapped and mined Its foundations,
by declaring In favor of a general pol
icy of reciprocity, which is free trade
in spots; but the trouble is that Mc
KInley did not live to carry out by
his tact and the weight of his great
name the Democratic policy which in
his Buffalo speech he borrowed from
the Democrats. He Is dead, and he
alone could wield "Excallbur." He is
In his grave, and the Republicans are
wrangling and Jangling on every pub
lie question, especially the tariff and
its daughters, the trusts. Even the
Iowa Republicans, who were doing
their best to walk in the light, lauded
the tariff while they condemned the
trusts, utterly oblivious to the great
truth uttered by Mr. Havemeyer when
he declared that "the high protective,
tariff is the mother of trusts."
Chaw Versus Gage.
Lyman J. Gage, former secretary of
the treasury and wet nurse totheFow.
ler bill, of which' ho and'hls bank ex
pect to be the chief beneficiaries, is in
a fair way to become the scapegoat of
the Ilo&8YeltgbftW administration of
the treasury affairs, and It serves Ly
man right, for be it remembered that
In 1800 he deserted the Democrats
and ratted to tho Republicans in order
to secure for himself high office, which
he had never been ablo to do while
training with the Democrats. lie re
ceived his mess of pottage namoly,
the secretaryship of the treasury. That
ho used the great powers of that of
fice for the benefit of tho plutocrats is
generally believed; that tie was offered
and accepted a highly remunerative
position at their hands when squeezed
out of office by President Roosevelt is
known of all men. lie quit the treas
ury when all was serene with the rep
utation, -self exploited, of being a great
financier, but there are breakers ahead
for Lyman. Ills successor lu office,
Leslie M. Shaw of Iowa, Is like Major
Bagstock "sly, sir; devilish sly," if
not "tough, sir; devilish tough." There
Is a growing deficiency in the revenues
of the government, constantly growing'
larger, and Governor Shs.W7-"sly, sir;
devilish sly" Is unloading the odium
thereof on Lyman. Lie attributes
this "woeful plight" of the treasury,
to borrow your Uncle Graver's phrase,
to Lyman's plan of paying more for
bonds than they were worth, and he
proposes to have it thoroughly under
stood that Gage, and not Shaw, is the
architect of the treasury deficit. Shaw
is running for president, don't you
know, and must have a scapegoat;
hence. Lymau plays goat.
Strange that it never occurs to a pub
lic official so eminent, so astute and so
ambitious as Mr. Secretary of the
Treasury Shaw that there are two
ways for the government to make buc
kle and tongue meet the one is to in
crease the revenues, the other to cur
tail expenses. The latter method nev
er suggests itself to a Republican. The
present congress is the most extrava
gant one that ever legislated for the
American people. Its appropriations
were wicked and wanton waste. Its
motto appeared to be "after us the
deluge," and the chances are that it
will be a deluge Indeed. Personally I
like Governor Shaw. He is an able
and amiable man. If he has the cour
age to act on old Ben Franklin's mot,
"a penny saved is a penny earned,"
and to insist that the expenses of the
government shall be retrenched, as he
knows they ought to be, he will pass
Into history as a great financier along
with Gallatin, Walker and Chase, and
as a great public benefactor, whether
he gets to be president or not. A mere
petty squabble with Lyman J. Gage
as to which created the deficit in the
revenues will not avail Governor Shaw
in his quest of the presidency. The
public memory is short. He is in of
fice. If he has to issue bonds to raise
the money to run the government, he
will stand no more chance of reaching
the White House than he has of be
coming autocrat of all the Russlas.
It is really refreshing to run across
somebody who believes in Utopia and
the political millennium. The Minne
apolis Journal proposes, apparently in
good faith, to realize both by reviving
the old scheme, the utterly exploded
theory of a permanent tariff commis
sion as the solution of the ills that the
body politic is heir to, for it says:
When will the day come when our gov
ernment will be ready to adopt the plan
which Is quite generally regarded as cal
culated to protect the country In a large
degree from that disturbance of business
which periodical agitation of tariff re
vision as a political Issue Is likely to
produce? It is to be hoped that some day
we shall refer this matter of the tariff,
which should be purely a business affair
and never allowed to become a political
issue, to a strong commission In which
business men of all political faiths would
have confidence and which should be non
partisan in character. Recommendations
of such a commission made from time to
time would commend themselves to the
Judgment of - the country as a basin of
congressional legislation, the modifications
of the tariff being not general and sweep
ing as the result of long agitation, with
consequent hesitation and demoralization
of business, but gradual and Incidental,
affecting but few articles at a time and
Justified always by thorough investiga
tion. Such an administration of our protec
tive principle and revenue policy by a
permanent commission and the conse
quent greater or less elimination of the
BUbject from the field of practical politic
is a consummation most devoutly to ba
wished. It has received the commenda
tion of public men and students of publio
affairs and the indorsement of political
conventions, but it has yet to be actual
ized in legislation and intrusted with tha
discharge of a service of great Impor
tance to the commercial and industrial
Interests of -the country.
Certainly nothing .more guileless than
that has ever been printed since Faust
invented movable type. Fancy the
conclusions of a commission made up
of such eminent business men as Tom
Johnson, Charles, M. Schwab, Mr.
Cramp, Mr. Sereno E. Payne and Sen
ator Aldricht.. Bah!
A Missouri Humorist.
Tom Lloyd, the young son of Con
gressman; Lloyd of Missouri, bids fair
to rival Mark Twain as a humorist
Not long since he wrote his father as
follows :
June 28, 1902.
Hon. James T. Lloyd, Shelby ville. Mo.;
Dear Sir I would like for you to look
up my pension claim and if possible hava
my check sent to me immediately. I
have served for about one week in tha
First volunteer corps of the Lloyd Houne
cleanlng brigade, commanded by Lieuten
ant General H. H. Duckle (mamma). My
back is nearly broken, and my hands ra
covered with blisters so that I am unfit
for any more active service. My number
is 432.176.984,128.932. Trusting:-that you will
have the check forwarded me, I remain,
respectfully. THOMAS I LLOYD.
Private In Rear Rank.
A Hot Pactional Fight.
The latest news from Nebraska Is to
the effect that Hon. Edward' Rosewa
ter, editor of the Omaha Bee, is hot
foot after the flossy scalp lock of Da
vid II. Mercer, present congressman.
Both are Republicans, and unfortunate
ly so is tho district.
0 , slP
To introduce . our novelties we will
send prepaid, our Midway Theatro
which shows original life-like move
ments that pleases young and old.
with our circulars, showing how to
make money for only 10c. A snap!
Send today. Address. Santono Mfg. &
Supply Co., box C 972, San Antonia,
Tex. . . . . . ',. ....... , , .
It is impossible for us to get a lease on
our present quarters at any price and we
are forced out of business.
We intend to make competition so
strong while we remain in business, that
every one in the state will remember the
Freeze Out Sale.
Here is a corporal's guard of prices
selected from a regiment of bargains:.
50c Kermott's Swamp Root 29o
50c Hall's Herbs ..17o
$1 Temptation Tonic 59o
tl Neal's Hair Tonic 59o
Stock Foods, Heavy Drugs, Lubricat
ingOils, 33fc off. Peruna, Miles, Celery
Compound, S. S. S., Pinkhams G4j
each fl bottles.
Keep your eye on this space for bar
gains. OJ-rw Cut Rate
The Greatest Discovery of the 20th
It protects the cattle and horses from
Ays, pests and vermin. A sure preven
tive, perfectly harmless, easily applied,
not expensive. This article Is a sure
preventive that kills and drives away
the worst of all pests, the Texas, buf
falo and horn flies. We can show posi
tive proof that this fly chaser will do
just what is claimed for it. We can
add no stronger argument for its use.
It is a liquid and may be applied once
or twice a day which' will be found
to be amply sufficient. By using tho
sprayer, the application is thoroughly
made in a manner that is highly satis factory
and inexpensive. It takes less
than a minute to spray an animal.
This will last 24 hours. Ilaney's Fly
Chaser Is for the destruction of files
and lice on cattle and horses. Its true
merits Is found in the absolute effec
tiveness under all conditions, yet it is
perfectly harmless to man or beast.
The flies at present are very bad
in all sections of the country. Fly
time worries cattle and horses and al
together Is a season of considerable
loss to the farmer in a financial way
as well as loss of temper. Every
farmer in the state should have a
package of this wonderful article and
a sprayer on hand during the summer
months. A gallon can and sprayer
will be sent tb any address, freight
prepaid to your nearest railway sta
tion upon receipt of postoffice order,
draft or express order fo $2.25. Deal
ers should handle this article. Manu
factured only in the United States by
MarshaMtown, Iowa.
T """fry
Nye & Buchanan Co.,
Best possible service in all depart
ments. Write or wire us for markets
or other information.
Long distance Telephone 2305
1111 rO Vistula, Fissure, all Rectal
II 1 1 laV Diseases radically and per
I laLLilJ. manently cured in a few
weeks without the knife, cutting, liga
ture or caustics, and without pain or
detention from business. Particulars
of our treatment and sample mailed
Mr. W. G. McDanlel, railway engi
neer,' writes: Hermit Remedy Co.
Dear Sirs: I have doctored for bleed
ing and protruding piles for fifteen
years, the trouble becoming worse u
time went on, until I was laid up sick
In bed not able to attend to my du
ties. My wife came to your office to
get treatment, one Saturday, the fol
lowing Monday I was able to go to
work, and in thirty days I was com
pletely cured without the loss of an
hour's time. Several doctors told m3
that nothing but an operation would
relieve, and I thlnH the cure In my
case, In so short a time, is wonderful
Indeed, and is most gratefully ac
knowledged. Very truly yours, W. G.
McDanlel, 367 Milwaukee ave., Chi
cago. We have hundreds of similar testi
monials of cures in desperate ca.n i
from grateful patients who had trie.i
many cure-alls, doctors treatment,
and different methods of operation
without relief.
Ninety per cent of the people we
treat come to us from one telling the
other. You can have a trial sample
mailed free by writing us full partic
ulars of your case. Address Hermit
Remedy Co., Suite 738, Adams Ex
press Building, Chicago, 111.
We Are for Women
Made of Rocky Mountain
ftteel and lined with As
bestos. Most Economical
of Fuel. Best baker ari l
cooker, largest oven cf
any range. Top polished
like a looking glass.
Grease will not stick' to
it. No blacking required.
Always polished. Can be
delivered anywhere in
United States. Write tor
price and what the peo
ple say about them. ,