v . ii if i II i at i ii i i MY raiff mm VOL. XIV. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SEPT. 4, 1902. . NO. 15. MICKEY'S NEIGHBORS H Harrey . Kewbranch'i Interviews With . a Number of Polk County llepubllcans Tricky Mickey Can't Poll IIU Party Strength Perhaps republicans may think it bears out the proverb about the "prophet" when it is known that John H. Mickey, the republican candidate for governor, has so many bitter ene mies among his own party associates at home; but iHs not altogether flat tering to Mr. Mickey, posing as he does aa a devout Methodist almost if not quite sanctified to find that his neigh bors do not consider him an honest man. If there is one thing more than another that the average American citizen thoroughly despises, it is a hypocrite; and if Mr. Mickey is not that sort of a creature, then his neigh bors have woefully misjudged him. Mr. Thompson's standing at home is well attested by the reception given him after the Grand Island convention and comments of the republican pa pers of that city. In order to ascer tain how his republican opponent ftood at home, the Omaha World Herald sent a reporter to Osceola to investigate. The result of that, it vestigation is rather tough' on Mickey. V.ui let Newbranch tell the story: (Special dispatch to the World-Herald.) Osceola, Neb., Aug. 31. Henry Chase Is one of the most prosperous and one of the most highly respected farmers in Polk county, Nebraska, which county has the distinction to be the home of John H. Mickey, the Osceola banker, who is the republican nominee for gov ernor of the state. Mr. Chase wears upon his coat lapel the little bronze emblem which attests his membership in the Grand Army of the Republic. He served four years in the civil war as a member of the Ninety-fifth Illinois. He is and al ways has been a staunch republican. He is an unusually well read and in telligent man, has a beautiful home ?.nd a well stocked and selected library and speaks with the care and preci sion of the man who is accurate as to details. "I have known John H. Mickey for many years," said Mr. Chase to a World-Herald representative. "I have had exceptional opportunities of form ing his close acquaintance. And know ing him as I do I do not hesitate to say to you that I do not consider him a square man in any sense of the word. I was John Mickey's bonds man when he was county treasurer more than twenty years ago. I could not help but know something of the way he was transacting the,, affairs of the office,' and when I became fully posted I was in constant anxiety lest I should be called on as surety to re compense the county for money lost in the county treasurer's office. And after he went out of office I did not feel safe until the court house burned, which it did, exactly one year to a day after Mickey's successor was in augurated. I have always felt that the record made by Mickey as county treasurer is largely responsible for Polk county being the banner 'pop' county In the state, the facts of his administration, as they were after ward disclosed by an examination of such records as had been preserved from the fire stirred the people of this county into revolt long before the populist party was born. Go through the county and you will find that I am not the only republican and old sol dier who feels that he J-:nows John Mickey too well to be justified in vot ing for him, although you will prob ably find a great many who will refuse you permission to use their names. He is a very unpopular and very much disliked man. To illustrate this fact it might be mentioned that the last time he ran for county treasurer, nom inated by the grace of the 'machine,' the county was so overwhelmingly re publican that the opposition named no candidate against him. Yet, though he was the only man running for the office, it is my recollection that Mick ey received only sixteen votes more than half of the total vote polled in that election. I certainly shall not vote for John H. Mickey for governor of Nebraska." Mr. Chase charges Mickey with hav ing tricked the county in the location of the county seat at Osceola. Mickey was Union Pacific land agent at the time. Mr. Chase says, and agreed with the county authorities to sell to the county the quarter section of railroad land on which Osceola now stands, al lowing the county to realize the profits on the subdivision thereof into lots, whic'o profits would be utilized in the erection of a court house. But when the location had been decided upon, Mr. Chase asserts. Mickey had the title In the quarter section transferred to a third party, who. in turn, deeded back to Mickey a half interest in the same, so, Mr. Chase alleges, that Mr. Mickey and his catspaw divided the profits arising out of the location of the county seat at Osceola and the county had to raise the money else where for the erection of its court house. Wilbur M. Johnston of Osceola is another republican who will not vote for Mr. Mickey. And, like Henry Chase, Mr. Johnston will not only refuse to vote for Mickey, but is doing all that he can to assist in accomplishing his defeat. Mr. Johnston was, until a short time before Mickey's nomina tion, editor and proprietor of the Polk County Republican, having pur chased the paper in 1900 from L. A. Beltzer, who was running it, under the name of the Polk County Indepen dent as a populist paper. Mr. John ston made the paper republican and with It rendered valiant support last fall to the county ticket, which came verv nearly being elected. When Mickey had received his as surance of the nomination for gov ernor this spring he determined that he could not allow, the Republican to live, knowing that Johnston would re fuse to support him. And so H.'.H. Campbell, editor of the Osceola Rec ord, Mr. Mickey's brother-in-law, was sent around to purchase Johnston's paper. He bought it, transferred the subscription list to his own paper and locked up the Republican plant, which is now growing rusty and cob webby from disuse and neglect. This is what Mr. Johnston said to the World-Herald man regarding the republican nominee for governor: "That John H. Mickey will run far behind his ticket in Polk county is a fact well known to everybody who Is posted on the local political situation. It is very apparent to any one who cares to take the trouble to investi gate that this is not because he espouses the principles of the republi can party, but, on the contrary, is be cause a large number of local republi cans know that he is responsible for the birth of populism in this county, for his political methods and rotten administration as county treasurer are the main causes that induced hundreds of our citizens to Identify themselves with the anti-monopoly movement many years before the populist party was ever thought of, and as a conse quence Polk county has been giving a 'pop' majority for the past thirteen years, when it should have been in the republican column. Mr. Mickey's rec ord as county treasurer shows that he is at least incapable of holding any position of public trust. But to give a direct answer to your question, I can give several other good reasons why Mr. Mickey will lose the support of scores of Polk county republicans. First, because he has been directly re sponsible for the defeat of several lo cal republican candidates, who were men he could not control. Second, be cause of his many questionable busi ness transactions. Third, because his method of manipulating local republi can politics has been to either rule or ruin, for he cares nothing about the local ticket and he will ride rough shod over the republicans of the coun ty who dare to question his dictator ship, for the sole purpose of having it. understood by the people of thr, state that he is the 'big Indian' up in this neck of the woods. This very thing is what brought about the defeat of the entire county ticketf last fall, for he had himself elected chairman of the state delegation and then given the power to cast the solid vote by the republican county convention, and be cause of this fact the local ticket did not receive the support of at least 100 republicans in the west end of the county. Fourth, because he never for gets nor forgives an enemy and will crush any person who opposes him in any way. Fifth, because ..of his hy pocrisy in allowing 4he Omaha -Bee to come out and declare he favored the legal sale of. liquors and. that he was not a prohibitionist, when every man, woman and child in Osceola knows he has always been a very radical ad vocate of prohibition, and during his service in the legislature of 1881 he introductd a bill to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor in the state of Nebraska, which was known as house roll No. 82. Our people do not care about making the liquor question an issue in the campaign, but as a rule they do detest a man who will try to 'carry water on both shoulders,' as John H. Mickey has at tempted to do since his nomination for governor." George Cadwell is the land agent in Polk county for Former Governor Al binus Nance. He lives on a valuable farm in Platte precinct, is an old soldier and is known and respected throughout the county, where he has lived for a quarter of a century. "I am a republican," said Mr. Cad well to the World-Herald man; "I don't think the man ever lived who was a stronger republican than I am. I cast my first vote for John C. Fre mont in 1856 and I voted for Abraham Lincoln and then went to war as a member of the Third Wisconsin cav alry, to fight for the preservation of the government he was administering. "I have always voted the republi can ticket ever since that time, but I'd allow this old right arm of mine to be cut off before I'd allow myself to vote for John Mickey." "Why do you feel so bitter toward him?" was asked. "Why? I'll tell you why," and the old veteran's frame trembled with the vehemence of his speech, "because of his discreditable methods in business matters as well as in politics. That's why. I'm not the only republican farmer who won't vote for him, eith er. I know of a great many others, and their grounds for opposing him are just the same as mine are. No, sir, it won't hurt me if you print what I have said. I'm independent of John Mickey, thank God. And as for the business,'! do for Mr. Nance, I'm get ting too old to. attend to it and am ready to drop it this year anyhow." Myron Abbott is a farmer living in Canada precinct, where he owns a 160-acre farm, and has lived" for twenty-four years. He ' Is known as an earnest, honest, simple and truthful man. "I have always been- a republican,'' said Mr. Abbott to the World-Herald man, "but I shall vote this fall for W. H. Thompson, the fusion nominee for governor. You will find more re publicans in this county will vote against Mickey than ever voted against any republican candidate before. And the reason is that he has not been fair and square in his transactions. I sup pose Mr. Mickey might make a good governor, for he is a smart, sharp, shrewd man, and knows how to trans act business. But I don't consider him a straight and upright man, by any means. He is sharp in business and he has used his smartness to take advantage of a good many of his neighbors and others having dealings with him." . ' . David Harmon lives on a 160-acre farm, ten miles northwest of Osceola, that is well improved and would sell '. .(Continued on Page 2.). v OKLAHOMA SCHOOL LANDS BIr.Maher Inquires About the Beat Method of Handling Them Wishes to Avoid the Mistakes of Nebraska Down in Oklahoma the question of what to do with the territorial school lands is agitating the people. By law there is set aside one-half section for et.ch school district, and thus far the territorial practice has been to lease these lands on favorable terms. Re cently a large number of the lessees held a convention at Oklahoma City and passed ringing resolutions against the lease system, declaring in favor of a law providing for sale of the lands at an early date, and pledging them selves to support only those candi dates for the legislature as will pledge themselves to do all in their power to bring about a sale of the lands. The El Reno Democrat takes a de cided stand against the contention of the lessees and warns them that they constitute only one-sixteenth of the voting population of the territory; that they have received liberal treat ment at the hands of the terriorial gov ernment, and that the other fifteen sixteenths of the voting population might take a notion to combine in the interest of the patrimony of their school children. Mr. J. W. Maher of El Reno, a former Nebraskan and an old-time reader of The Independent recently wrote to this paper asking for a state ment regarding the school lands of Nebraska, believing that the experi ence of this state might be useful in determining what Oklahoma shall do, especially in the matter of avoiding the mistakes made here. Answer was made him as follows: Lincoln, Neb., Aug. ' 28, 1902. Mr. J. W. Maher, El Reno, Okla Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 17th inst., explain ing the school land situation In your state, and asking opinion as to the best method of handling school lands. Press of business has delayed answer. I am unqualifiedly opposed to the sale of school lands, and the experi ence of Nebraska, coupled with the outlook for future trouble, sustains this opposition. Up to he 30th of No vember, 1900, Nebraska had acquired from the United States for educational purposes Acres. 2,969,102 Deeded to purchasers 485,730 Then under contract of sale.. 550,838 Then under lease contract 1,879,144 Vacant and subject to lease. 8,218 Leased but applic't'n not filed 45,172 At that date the unpaid portion of purchase price on sale contracts was $3,946,083.07, which, with interest at 6 per cent, must be paid within twenty years from date of contract, any time at the option of the purchaser. Without going into details regard ing the various statutes and changes made by different legislatures, the original policy of the state was to sell its educational lands on long time, using the interest on deferred pay ments for maintenance of the schools and investing the principal received as rapidly as possible in "United States or state securities or registered county bonds of this state." On November 30, 1900, the state had on hand, as a result of its policy of. selling educational lands, a fund of $4,525,492.28 exclusive of the undeed ed lands under contract of sale, and the lands vacant or under lease con tract. The condition of this fund was as follows: Invested in securities $4,365,544.63 Cash in the treasury 159,947.65 ent .Investment is in warrants, and these are called for payment In about twenty to twenty-two months on the average, and the adoption of a better revenue law which will insure cash . to pay current expenses simply means the, cutting off of that avenue of in vestment for the educational funds. A change In the method of investment can be made only by a constitutional amendment and that is a difficult pro position in Nebraska Under our. pres ent constitutional provisions for amending; but a change of the revenue laws may be made by the legislature at any . time. v It is safe to say "that unless some thing is done to relieve the situation that the state treasurer, four years hence, will: have on hand anywhere from two to four millions of dollars of idle educational funds which he can not possibly invest, because of the con stitutional limitations placed upon the matter of investment." And this can not be other than a constant menace. The populistllegislature of 1897, see ing the drift of things, repealed that portion of the iaw permitting the sale of . school landsL and leaving the right to lease as the future 'policy of han dling the lands. This was very dis pleasing to the, republicans who had inaugurated the sale policy, but, al though they controlled the legisla latures of 1899 and, 1901, they lacked the .nerve to directly go back to the old policy. However, the present com missioner of public lands and the at torney general, both republicans, have conspired to defeat the law of 1897 as far as possible, holding that any. hold er of a lease contract, made prior to the passage of the law of 1897, has the right to convert it into a sale con tract at any time he chooses, because the old lease contracts contained an option of -that kind- a, constant re minder that there was once a Dart mouth college case. My advice to the people of Oklahoma would be to resist the demands of the school land lessees' convention and never under any circumstances sell the patrimony of your school children. The safest Investment, is in land, and the safest investment in land is own ership by the state. The lease con tracts should be made for a long time and liberal in their provisions so that the occupant mayKhave secure tenure and be induced td improve his hold ings. But-the lessees are not the only persons to be considered ; they deserve fair treatment, . but not such , as will eventually jeopardize the interests of all the people by creating a large mon ey fund, difficult tol be invested. Yours very truly, r j- " : ... v CHARLES Q. DE FRANCE, x Asspclate Editor, PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD Total .$4,525,492.28 It will thus be seen that if none .of the holders of sale contracts allow them to lapse, the total funds will reach the sum of $8,471,575.35 before many years elapse; and this enormoub fund must, until at least our constitu tion is amended, be invested in the se curities mentioned above. United States bonds are at a high premium, because of the special banking priv ileges they carry, and are not a satis factory avenue of investment for the educational funds. We have no state bonds they having been fully paid off during the populist-democratic state administration which ended in Jan uary, 1901. Most of the county bonds are already owned by these funds and as most of the counties have already gone in debt to build court houses and have ceased the foolish practice of voting bonds in aid of railroads but little dependence can be placed in this class of securities. The only other avenue is investment in state war rants good enough while the security lasts, but extremely temporary in character. The practice of investing in state warrants was put into practi cal operation by the populist-democratic administration for a double pur pose: to find investment for the large amount of educational funds which had accumulated under republican ad ministration (to say nothing of the large amount which had been lost or stolen by a republican state treasurer) and to bring state warrants to par from a discount which had been forced upon them by republican tactics in the interest of warrant brokers. It was a good piece of .financiering, al though temporary in its nature, be cause, under proper revenue laws and economical administration the state should pay cash for current expendi tures. It had the desired effect of raising state warrants from a discount of 3 to 5 per cent to a premium of as high as 2 per cent. The problem that is now confronting the people of Nebraska and few of them really know how serious it is is to find proper investment for the. educational funds received from the sale of lands. Many of the county bonds will fall due in the next four years and it is estimated that two or three millions of the deferred pay ments on educational lands under sale contract will be paid in that time. About a million and a half of the pres- "We are Here by Dlyfne Order and to do You Good" Has Been the Language of Tyrants Why, after the nation Itself has been rioting in pious pretension' and cant ing hypocrisy for a considerable sea son in justification of an attitude' and course that could not well be justified otherwise why, after this, the Baer claini of providential guidance and sanction should cause surprise or com ment, is past understanding. It was to have been expected. There has never been a time when tyranny or privilege in th$ course of establishing itself or in defense of its position al ready established, would not set up a claim to partnership with God if pressed to a justification. The masses of the people, in all ages and coun tries, have had to contend against this pious pretension in the struggle to be free. It was so in the primitive days of slavery, in the progress out of serfdom, in the contests for the political equality of men and In later struggles against industrial monop oly. Jefferson Davis, speaking for the slave oligarchy of the south, said with all solemnity that "slavery was established by decree ,. of Almighty God." and that "through the portal of slavery alone has the descendant of the graceless son of Nath ever en tered the temple of civilization" words singularly like unto those now heard every day in all parts of the, country to justify the holding of an alien people in political slavery, only one step removed from and closely re lated to industrial slavery. "We are here by divine order and to do you good" this is the language of privilege in all times and places, and when you hear it you may know that somewhere back of it is concealed the spirit, if not the action, of the tyrant and the slave driver. Some such re vealing quality possesses ;the utter ance of the coal monopoly's spokes man, and it Is this doubtless which so stirs the organs of public opinion of all shades of thought, from radi cal to ultra-conservative. The yarn ing to trust monopoly Is plain. It ought to avoid giving such palpable evidence of the tyrant's spirit as Is in variably afforded by asserting the ex istence of. a partnership with God in the business. That Is a game which fools only the simple-minded.: these days, and the American people are not all simple. Perhaps it is the cool as sumption that they are which so an gers the present case. Springfield Re publican. . Many of the old subscribers to The Independent will he interested to know that the library of John Davis, for several terms a populist congressman from Kansas, has been secured by the Nebraska University Historical so city. John Davis was an authority in the house on political economy and kindred subjects and consulted by members of all parties. His library consisted of several thousand books, many of them rare and now out " of print, and would be an acquisition which any university or economist might well be prcfud of owning. It was secured by Mr. Sheldon on his late trip to Kansas to attend the un veiling of the monument to Coronado. "CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS" Mr. Bowen Agrees With the Socialists That He Who Works With HI Hands for Wages Should be "Class Conscious" Editor Independent: There is much criticism of the conduct of the govern ment, and who that has common sense or common honesty can doubt that the complaints are justified. But I think that the advocates of reform, for the most part, greatly underestimate the evil we condemn. The present commercialized politi cal system, though the subject of such widespread discontent, cannot be as easily as quickly overthrown as many of its opponents appear to imagine. Itself a mighty, power, it is allied with forces equally potent. The vast, com plex republican political machine is leagued with the great consolidated moneyed interests and the combine rules men's bodies and souls. It holds the people's daily bread in the hollow of its hand. It tcontrols a majority of the newspapers and pulpits. Its agents are found In every association, industrial or social, and are shining lights and pillars of the church. In its service are enlisted the boldest, the shrewdest and the most unscrup ulous of men. The desperate and law less are among its tools, while it neg lects' no opportunity however slight, no occasion however trivial, to main tain and augment its power. """.7 " at Fourth of July, at Chautaun- hool orations, its creatures are present . Ither in person ; as recently happened at Chautaqua or by proxy, to speak a good word for their masters. ' There are hundreds of thousands of men in this country who, nominally free to exercise untrammelled the right of suffrage, in point of fact vote as their employers dictate. They are told that if they do not support the re publican party at the polls, business will be ruined and their livelihood jeopardized; and, although most of them do not wholly believe this, they dare not take any risk, especially as each feels that if he were to disre gard the warning and his indepen dence became .known, the threatened fate would be pretty sure to overtake him individually. In short, observation discloses the fact that while many desire reform, few are willing and still fewer are able to do anything to bring it about; and reflection as conclusively shows that the -problems , confronting us are ap parently unsurmountable. Never since our government was launched upon an untried and un known sea has the' cause of the "plain people" been in such deadly peril. We are already a nation of flunkeys and will soon be a nation of slaves as well. And in the face of such conditions when every evil tendency marshalled by greed and gold is arrayed In solid phalanx against the rights and wel fare of the common people ana ror their? own aggrandizement such al leged democrats as William C. Whit ney say: "The democrats have no issue." To use a slant? nhrase "don't that jar you?" And of such are the would- be reorganizers of the democratic party. The socialists are right In one or their contentions, viz.: That every man who works with his hands for wages should be "class conscious." He knows, or ought to know, that there never can be, as society is at present organized, any genuine affiliation be tween himself and those who are born in the purple. This may be arraying class 'against class, but such things have always been and always will be. If all wage-earners and all others who believe in the dignity of labor and the equality of man could come together, they would be numerous enough to change the whole system, even to a new constitution or none at all. The common people sinned away their day of grace in 1896 and I fear that never again will we make as good a show ing. CHAS. M. BOWEN. No. 1209 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. MRS VANDERBILT'S BALL A Midway, a Theatrical Performance, a Negro Cake Walk and it Cost $100,000 No newspaper could be a faithful historian of its own times unless it made a record of such social events as Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt jr.'s New port ball. The facts are the main thing. This is 1902, the 126th year of American independence, and the 80th since your . great-grandmother reveled in the luxury of glass windows, wax candles and possibly an India shawl. It is a year of tremendous prosperity, with business going at a two-minute gait and J. P. Morgan holding the reins. And on Monday night Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt was "at home" to her friends. The preparations had been going on for many weeks and the result was an astonishing and splendid range of en tertainment, which may be barely out lined. The guests began to arrive at Beaulieu: the Vanderbilt villa, at about 10 o'clock p. m. From their car riages they first entered a kind of elon gated booth 22 feet wide and 250 feet long, which was lined with red cloth and was resplendent with such high decorative effects as hangings, stream ers and electric lights could create. This was called the midway. Its at tractions were reminiscent of the cir cus and the variety theatre, but all the more exhilarating on that account. There was a Punch and Judy show, dancing girls, a shooting gallery, a wheel of fortune, a doll-baby game, a gypsy fortune teller and a negro com edy team, who sang "Ma Castle on the Nile." At the end of the midway the guests passed into the Vanderbilt house, where they were greeted by host and hostess. , At midnight the en tire company of a New York theatre, comprising 100 people and. the orches tra, produced the musical comedy, "The Wild Rose," in an Improvised theatre at the rear of the house. The performance was . considerably con densed, but it lasted an hour and a quarter, and was given with all the cleverness of which a trained body of professional artists was capable. Mrs. Vanderbilt now has the distinction of being the first person to close a New York theatre for a night and brin& its company to .Newport to reproduce in full a theatrical bill at a private en tertainment. It was no exaggeration for the reporters to say that "it was an event long to be' remembered." ',. After the professional theatrical per formance on the lawn, the entertain ment became more commonplace. The guests went.to. supper, while the the atre was transformed into a ball-room. Then came the cotillon. In the middle of this, however, a novelty was intro duced. The guests were seated and the negro comedians, who had before sang negro melodies in the midway, appeared on the ball-room floor with their wives and executed a cake walk. Thereupon a second supper was served to the guests, and finally dancing was the attraction until morning. The decorations of the house and grounds, the favors, and so on, call for no de tailed description, although, of course, they were superb in quality and mag nificent in appearance. and form. Nor is it necessary to describe the cos tumes or the two suppers. It may be worth while to say that the duchea of Marlborough, "the American duchess," was there; while Jt is not out of place, as a matter of Tecord, to note that the cost of the affair has been very con servatively estimated as being about $30,000 It is more -than probable. however, that Mrs. Vanderbilt's "at home" cost nearer $100,000. At a time when the president of the United States is making speeches iii New England, one of whose objects is to allay the growing social discontent of the masses of his own party on ac count of the great industrial combina tions and of the accumulation of ir conceivable wealth in the hands of a few families, Mrs. Vanderbilt's ball with its midway, professional theatri cal performance, and expenditure' of what used to be called a fortune sup plies exactly 'the illustration which is best adapted to the creation of an ef fective, contrast. These are prosperous times, yet there are very few people in the United States who can read of the riot of luxury at the Vanderbilt ball with much solid satisfaction, even if neither envy nor hate creeps into their souls. It is idle to blame any omi in particular for such rlotdUs displayH of wealth. Mrs. Vanderbilt, who is un doubtedly a beautiful and most estim able woman, merely acts in accord ance with the influences around her. The society in which she moves con stantly demands novelties in its enter tainments, and to supply them is the natural effort of successful society leaders. Nor is it reasonable to berate the press for the publicity into which it throws the performances of the rich. The world has a right to know itself its extreme luxury, as well as its ex treme poverty. Out of all, at last, there will surely come some evening up of conditions, although the mannes of it may not be easy to foresee. Springfleld Republican. POOR OLD MABINI Near the Grave, Half Paralyzed, He Pre fers to die in Prison Rather Than Acknowledge Himself a Traitor What an unreasonable man is the alleged statesman of the Filipino re public, the aged Mabini! Half-paralyzed, unable to move without as sistance, an exile in the island of Guam, this foolish old man will not take the oath of allegiance to the United States, even to return to his native land and to friends. He is quoted as writing: 'l cannot 'gtt' over the idea that others shall legislate for me and my people and in so doing govern us. It is better to die in exile than to pros titute my conscience, for at best I have but a few years to live." It i3 understood that Mr. Mabini does not regard himself as a traitor. He does not understand the term "al legiance." He thinks he never owed any allegiance to the United States. He thinks he never committed trea son. Apparently he does not recog nize the fact that he is a chattel In a. contract between a pure republic and a medieval despotism, in which he and his land were bought for a price. Perhaps he cannot discern, suchis his blindness, that there Is any essential difference between the two partien to the contract. And yet Mabini has been recognized by European and Ameri can students of history as a construc tive statesman, and his scheme cf a Filipino is a wise and workable ne. There Is something wrong here. Mr. Mabini is in error. He should be grateful for the opportunity to ac- knowledge his error, and die under the great flag of the noble country of the free, a citizen of what? Spring field Republican. Labor in the South African mines has become very scarce since the Boers were overthrown and in consequence many mines lie idle. Things some times don't turn out as he thieves and imperialists expect. . There has been a heavy tax laid on the mines to pay the expenses of the war that these mine owners insisted upon, and now, since the kindly and religious Boer is no longer in authority, the Kaffirs re fuse to come in and work the mines. The British propose to levy a heavy tax on the Kaffirs -so that they will have to work in the mines to. get; the money to pay the tax. There are a good many ways of making slaves out of men besides buying them for so much cash from slave pens. . THE UNIT OF MONEY Mr. Da Hart Continues Discussion ef Del Mar's Statement That "all Money Is the Unit of Money" Editor Independent: I notice la your issue of August 14 that Mr. Van Vorhis does not approve of Del Mar's assertion that the "unit of money Is all money." I regret' this. I did not sup pose that there was a writer of intelli gence outside of the gold standard camp who would question the asser tion that the unit of money is all money. This reminds me that In the old coinage laws of the United States, prior to the civil war, the silver dol lar, which was a product of "free coin age" was designated as a "unit," with out saying whether it was a unit of money or a unit of value. In those days there was no gold coin struck ty, the name of "dollar" (except In 1849). The only gold coins they had were the eagle "of the value of ten dollars or units," half-eagles "of the value, oC five dollars or units" and double-eagles "of the value of twenty dollars or. units," so that, the gold coins were multiples, of a dollar or unit; and whether one looked at silver dollars or eagles, half-eagles or double-eagles they were "units," without eajinj? whether units of money or units of value. . "' In 1873, when the attention of tb people was very much occupied with the issues growing out of the civil war, a set of men whom we will call gold bugs" or "gold standard" people, procured an act to be passed by con gress, which hey called "an act to revise all the old coinage laws;" ami in the revision (sec. 14) they inserted a clause to the effect that the gold dollar, (which had been coined 'since 1849 and weighed 25 8-10 grains of standard gold, or gold nine-tenths fine,), should not only be a dollar, but a ''unit of value." The act continued the coinage of all the old gold coins." mak ing them, multiples of the "dollar or unit" as N they had been previously; the only difference being that the gold dollar of 1873 was a "unit of value" as . well as a unit of money. Under the old or previous laws all the gold coins, had been "units," without stat ing, whether they were units of mon ey or units of value. The silver dol lar was emphatically the "unit, while, the gold coins were supposed to be equal to it or a multiple thereof, and our coinage system, at the be ginning of the national government, was based on an old Spanish sliver coin then in circulation, called a "dol lar," weighing 416 1-4 grains eleven twelfths fine, and containing 371 1-4 . grains of pure silver. This was the "dollar or unit," to which all gold, coins were supposed to be equal, or a multiple thereof, until 1873, when a new idea or principle got Into our coin- age laws. In 1873 they dropped the old silver dollar from the number of the varl- ' ous silver coins to be struck, and sub stituted another silver dollar desig nated J nc the act of a "trade dollar," welghlng-420 grains nine-tenths fine, instead of 412 1-2 grains, as the silver dollarhad weighed since 1834-37. The trade dollar was subject to free coin- age and was therefore unlimited, but it was not a legal tender in. payments f exceeding five dollars and" was there- fore not money In sums exceeding that' amount. Free coinage of fractional sil ver pieces had been suspended in 1853,, and therefore the result of the revising! coinage act of 1873 was, that there was no "free coinage". except that of gold.f with the gold dollar declared to be 1 the" "unit of value" in the United States. These apparently little chang-; es were not discovered until three years afterwards, when silver began -to fall-in price and the people began to Inquire into the cause thereof. The: fact, however, Is, that the" law was put through both houses of congress, with out any discussion - of any conse- quence and with no discussion what- ' ever among the people. There was no ; demand on the part of the people for 4 the change. And In 1876, when the change was discovered and an lnves- tlgatlon was afterwards made, It was; found that no member of congress and no senator, except John Sherman, knew of the change at the time It was made. This was called by a great many people a "crime." I have noth- . lng to say now except that if con- gress should enact a thousand times over that a single gold dollar Is a' "unit of value" It would not be a unit of value; nor a unit of money, as long as there are other dollars In clr-, culatlon. ' I have recalled the above historical facts, because Mr. -Van Vorhis, amons: .other things, says: "There is no unit of money except an arbitrary unit (dollar or cent)." I agree that all units of money are "arbitrary" In the sense that they are made by society, or the government representing the people, but all units of money are created by the different nations of the earth; and the total money of each pnatlon Is the nation's unit of money. A single dollar cannot possibly be a unit of money, or a monetary unit, as some say, except in a commercial sense, where a person has a certain sum of money td pay and each dol lar counts one in making up the sura. I was not discussing money from the standpoint of the merchant, but from the standpoint of science, when I called attention , to Del Mar's asser tion that "all money Is the unit of money." We must all bear In mind that Mr. Del Mar has written a little book of two hundred pages entitled "The science of money;" and I took the abstract. from this book. He talks about money, not as a business man would talk about it, but as a scientific man must. talk about it. And, by the way. It is the only book In our lan guage where the -subject of money is scientifically treated. Other books have been written that are of more or less use, .and . have done good Eervlce in giving a definite meaning to money -and value, but I do -not know of any