The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 05, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    June 5, 1902,
(Continued from Page One.)
house this week will Include the con
sideration of some Important meas
ures. The senate will vote upon the
Philippine government bill and then
will proceed with the consideration of
the interoceanic canal bill. The
Spooner amendment referred to above
will be considered and Senators Hanna
and Spooner will favor its passage,
while Senators Morgan, Mitchell, Fos
ter and Turner will oppose it heartily.
The present understanding that the
Cuban reciprocity bill will not be con
sidered is probably what will result
although it will be reported to the
senate on Wednesday. Its terms have
been practically agreed upon and pro
vides for a straight reduction of 20
per cent for five years on Cuban
goods coming into the United States
without imposing the conditions as
to Immigration and labor laws. This
will probably pass the senate, but
there is little likelihood of It being
enacted at this session as it must then
be referred back to the house. The
house will consider the anti-anarchy
bill, the Pacific Cable bill and the
senate irrigation bill. No time limit
Is to be set upon the anti-anarchy bill,
the consideration of which will be be
gun today. It is not believed that this
will consume more than two days.
I must take issue with an article
which appeared in the last number of
The Independent. You spoke of a
number of democratic senators who
were hedging on the Philippine ques
tion. This is positively not the real
status. If there is any discord, I, as a
newspaper man, would have heard It.
Republican newspaper men would
have been only too glad to tell me and
my close friendship to a number of
senators would have resulted in my
knowing it. No! The democratic
party and its senators are entirely
harmonious on the Philippine ques
tion. Morgan is the only break.
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its
value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no
mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the taste
and Is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States, and is for
sale by all druggists throughout the
world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be
sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup."
Mr. Parker Has Lost all Interest In Politics
His Reply to Henry George
Editor Independent: I have been
threatening for a year to send you a
copy of my reply to Henry George,
but have deferred it because I have
lost all interest In the subject of poli
tics. I send a copy under separate
cover, however, and if you want some
copies, can furnish them.
The single tax craze Is simply one
of the movements which demonstrates
the Incompetency of the people for
self-government or for intelligent gov
ernment. You are waging a worthy warfare
so have people in times past. But
government is a drift, and not a
science, and it drifts according to the
interests and prejudices of men". The
dominant classes dictate, the fools
carry the flag and musket. The banks
have beat us and we are down to
stay. This means the forging of the
first link in the chain of empire. It's
the law of history, and you can never
beat it.
It would do little good to change
parties, unless the character of the
citizen is changed, and to win on a
Wall street platform under the cry,
"Get there first and right things af
terwards,' is very much like admit
ting the devil into the kingdom of
heaven on a mere promise that he will
reform after he gets there.
There are two main dispositions In
government the pagan, or Graeco-Ko-man
theory of the right of the strong
est; and the Christian theory of benev
olence or, right of the weak. With
the new theory that man evolved from
the animal, goes that of the "survival
of the fittest," the first law of evolu
tion. This is the right of the strong
est, and was proclaimed by McKinley
in his message to congress.
Thus the animal is in the saddle:
infidelity holds the reins; beat It if
you can. I rather think that Christ
will be crucified again; whether he
will be resurrected, I know not.
Clayton, 111.
("The False Prophet Unveiled, or
Strictures on Single Tax Philosophy."
Is the title of Mr. Parker's book
(quarto, 284 pages; paper, 50 cents;
published by Mr. Parker in 1898). The
Independent expects to comment on
the book at some future date after it
ha3 been carefully read. Ed. Ind.)
Treasury Statistics on the Production of
Iron and Steel-The Tariff and tha
Poling; Infants
Regardless of the arguments for or
against the principle of a protective
tariff when applied for the benefit of
a new Industry, it is certainly time
that the iron and steel industries of
the United States be given a chance to
try walking alone without the assist
ance of a tariff "go-cart." The para
graphs below are furnished by the
United States treasury department,
bureau of statistics, and worthy of
careful study.
The commanding position of the
United States in the production and
manufacture of Iron and steel Is Illus
trated by some figures published In
the London Commercial Intelligence,
a copy of which has Just reached th
treasury bureau of statistics.
The world's total product of pig
Iron in 1901, it says, amounted to 40,-
408,000 tons,- of which the United
States contributed 15,878,000 tons; the
United Kingdom, 7,750,000 tons; Ger
many, 7,663,000 tons; Russia, 3,100,-
000 tons; France, 2,362,000 tons, and
the remainder of the world, 3,655,000
tons. Comparing the product of 1901
with that of the annual average for
the five-year period 1866-70, it will be
seen that the United States has in
creased its iron and steel output far
more rapidly than any other nation,
the figures being, United States, rrom
1,464,000 tons to 15,878,000 tons, an
increase of 985 per cent; United King
dom, from 6,133,000 tons to 7,750.000
tons, an increase of 51 per cent; Ger
many, from 1,226,000 tons to 7,663,000
tons, an increase of 525 per cent; and
the entire world, exclusive of the coun
tries mentioned, from 2,710,000 tons to
9,117,000 tons, an increase of 236 per
cent. An even more noticeable feature
of this growth pointed out by the au
thority from which these figures are
quoted, Is the steady and enormous
growth of the proportion of the
world's product supplied by the United
States and the equally rapid decadence
in the position held by Great Britain.
Thirty-five years ago the United King
dom produced practically one-half of
the world's pig iron, while the United
States produced less than one-seventh
of the total; whereas, In 1901, the
United States stood first in its pro
portion of the total, contributing prac
tically four-tenths, as against less
than two-tenths by the United King
dom, and about the same share by
In the five-year period 1866-70, the
world's per capita consumption of pig
iron was 17 pounds; In 1901, It was 57
pounds; while In the latter year the
United States consumed 455 pounds
per capita, and the United Kingdom,
350 pounds per capita.
The effect of this remarkable In
crease in the production of iron in
the United States has been strongly
marked In its relation to our foreign
commerce. Imports of iron and steel
manufactures in 1882 amounted to
$67,976,897 and formed 9.3 per cent of
the total imports; in 1901 they had
fallen to $17,874,789 and formed but
2.2 per cent of the total Imports. On
the other hand, our exports of Iron and
steel manufactures have grown dur
ing the same time from $20,748,206 In
1882, to $117,319,320 in 1901. They
formed in 1882 about 3 per cent of the
total exports, and 15 per cent of the
manufactures exported; while in 1901
they formed 8 per cent of the total
exports and 28 per cent of the manu
factures exported.
The following table shows the pro
duction of pig iron in the United Stat
es, United Kingdom, Germany, and all
other countries at quinquennial per
iods from 1865 to 1901, stated in gross
United United
Year. States. Kingdom.
1865 ...... 831,770 4,819,300
1870 1,665,179 5,963,515
1875 2,023,733 6,365,462
1880 3.835.191 7.749.233
1885 4,044,526 7,415,469
1890 9,202,703 7,904,214
1895 9,446,308 7,703,459
1900 13,789,242 8,959,691
1901 15,878,354 7,750,000
All other
Year. Germany. countries.
1865 759,700 2,839,300
1870 1,369,139 2,902,200
1875 1,997,317 3,509,736
1880 2,685,909 3.201,248
1885 3,629,158 ' 4,439,221
1890 4,584,835 '! 5,737,993
1895 5,379,041 6,375,800
1900 8,385,885 9,265,200
1901 7,736,663 9,042,200
Iron and steel association figures.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, county and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Great Engineering Feat
A remarkable instance of the per
fection of modern engineering was
the moving of the Pennsylvania rail
road bridge across the Raritan at
New Brunswick, N. J., from its placs
to new abutments and piers, a dis
tance of 14 feet 6 inches, in one min
ute and 43 seconds. This bridge, with
its draw, is 906 feet long, and it has
six spans (of which the draw is one),
each 150 feet long, with an allowance
for expansion of six feet. At 10, min
utes and 30 seconds past 12 p. m., im
mediately after the passage of a train,
the work began, was accomplished in
the time stated, and the tracks were
ready for service in eight and one
half minutes; six minutes afterward
freight train passed over. There was
thus not a moment's suspension of the
regular schedule.
Is Interested With All Business Peo
ple in Good State Tickets in
Both Parties.
Farm Land Investments
See us before buying a farm for a
home or investment. We have farms
and ranch lands . in Nebraska, Okla
homa and Missouri and Irrigated land
in Idaho and Colorado. Homeseekers
rates to Idaho, June 10 and 24, round
trip $32.50. Write us for information;
it will pay you to see this country if
you want a home or Investment.
Lincoln, Neb. 1041 O Street.
Mem Waited
Te Kara Good Salaries rVess X
V7AtSlS&sBtaatS taking ordrM fT
to UarirNiraerr Stock, Fruit J
ad Ornaneatal. Pwitton par- f
Btanent. Apply quick, with refer- 2
encea, tttng tgti A territory wanted. 5.
i i way a to., su fau I. Minn.
Mreeia,Plflet BwSiMea.
The Bankers' Reserve Life believes
In several things.
It believes that Nebraska and the
west should be emancipated from the
great life insurance trust.
It believes western people are able
to build up great fiduciary institutions.
It believes there is no greater finan
cial folly than that of sending western
surplus savings to the money-congested
east for investment.
It believes western people can be
trusted to handle western moneys. .
It believes every insurable man in
America should carry life insurance.
It believes now is the time ,f or men
who are succeeding in business to
make provision for their dependent
It believes the great political parties
should go on record in favor of the
home companies.
It believes a good, safe life insurance
company is of more use to the west
than a sugar factory or a bank.
It believes alien companies should
pay taxes.
It believes there is no good reason
why Nebraska should not be one of
the great life insurance states of the
It believes if any reasonably intelli
gent man will study the plan and pol
icy of the Bankers' Reserve Life Asso
ciation he will be satisiied that
is well up on insurance matters and
that he deserves the confidence which
the west bestows upon him and his
company by adding $1,000,000 to the
business of the company during the
first five months of 1902.
It believes also that the more the
alien agents of the great insurance
trust fight it the stronger they will
make the ;
It Has all Been Given by Men Connected
With the Army and is Sufficient to
Establish the Case
President Roosevelt in his Decora
tion Day speech said that the charges
made of severity and inhumanity in
the war upon the Filipinos were great
ly exaggerated. He did not quote the
words of any man said to have made
charges, nor attempt to give any evi
dence to disprove them. A short sum
mary of the evidence given that tor
ture had been resorted to in many
different instances and at widely dif
ferent points is as follows:
1. Captain McDonald, Sergeant C.
S. Riley, Sergeant Davis and Private
Smith of the 26th volunteer infantry
all testified before the senate commit
tee that they saw the water torture ad
ministered to the native presidente of
Igbaras, island of Panay, November
27, 1900. On the strength of the con
fession obtained, a town having 12,000
inhabitants was burned to the ground.
2. Sergeants L. E. Hallock and J.
H. Manning of the 26th volunteer . In
fantry testified before the senate com
mittee that they saw the water torture
administered to 12 natives at Leon,
island of Panay, to secure information
as to the disappearance of Private
O'Herne of the same regiment.
3. Private Daniel J. Evans of the
12th infantry testified before the sen
ate committee that he saw the water
torture administered to two natives
In northern Luzon to secure confes
4. Sergeant Isador H. Dube of the
35th volunteer infantry testified be
fore the senate committee that he saw
the water torture administered In
Panay to a native, in the presence of
Captain Glenn and Lieutenant Conger.
5. Lieutenant Grover Flint of the
35th volunteer infantry ttstifled be
fore the senate committee that he had
seen the water torture administered
to at least 20 different natives, at dif
ferent times, in Luzbn. Major Geary,
his superior officer, was always near
and cognizant of the proceedings.
6. Private R. H. Hughes of the 8th
infantry testified before the senate
committee, on May 6, that he saw the
water torture administered to a native
In Luzon.
7. George C. Boardman of the 20th
infantry testified before the senate
committee that he saw the water tor
ture administered to a native in Luzon.
8. Corporal William J. Gibbs of the
9th Infantry testified that he was cog
nizant of the infliction of the water
torture upon a native who died from
the results of it. This case evidently
was in Samar. Corporal Gibbs testi
fied that the water used was salt wa
ter, mixed with sand; also that the
torture was in common use.
9. Major Cornelius Gardener, gov
ernor of Tayabas province, Luzon,
called upon for specifications in sup
port of his allegations, declared "that
certain United States troops coming
from San Pablo, In or near the town
of Dolores, tortured a native by the
water cure."
10. Major Cornelius Gardener also
specified that the commanding officer
of Laguimanos tortured a native boy.
11. Major Cornelius Gardener also
specified "that troops coming from Lu
cena or Tayabas on several occasions
tortured natives belonging to the pue
blo of Pagbilo." (Note "On several
occasions" means that several different
cases of torture thus occurred.)
12. Among the official reports re
ceived at the war department may be
found the following case:
"A detachment of Macabebes, desir
ing to elicit information in regard to
the whereabouts of a body of insur
gents, seiztd a woman and demanded
that she should disclose their position.
The woman falling to comply with
the demand, the "water cure" was em
ployed. This was ineffectual, and then
some of the men jumped on the wom
an, who lay on the ground with the
water exuding from her lips.'
These Macabebes were United States
troops or scouts, wih American offi
cers, and they were employed In Lu
zon. ..
13. In the, official reports received
at the war department is an account
of -the case of Lieutenant Hagedorn,
who, in order to secure confessions,
put three natives in the stocks, de
prived them of water for two days
and nights and, at: the same time, fed
them salt fish. Lieutenant Hagedorn
reported that "this diet had excellent
results." Colonel Hood, his superior,
commended Lieutenant Hagedorn for
"energetic and Valuable service," al
though he may. have acted "mistaken
ly" in using torture.
Here are 13 different exposures of
the use of physical torture, although
the actual number of individual cases
of torture represented Is very much
greater than 13, being in the vicinity
of 50. Every one is drawn from the
official records of the war department
or from the sworn testimony of sol
dierswhose veracity has not been im
peached. The cases range In point
of time as far back as 1900, and they
occurred in Luzon, various provinces
of Panay and Samar, three different
islands. Corporal Gibbs testified that
the torture was in "common use,"
Another witness said that there was a
regular water torture "squad." The
reader must judge from all these facts
whether the use of this torture to se
cure confessions was sporadic and ex
ceptional or widely prevalent in the
In regard to the Inhumanity of the
orders issued Gen. U. S. Grant by the
records which he left bears testimony.
If there ever was a man qualified to
give evidence on this point it was
Lieut. Gen. U. S. Grant. General Grant
caused his secretary of state, Hamil
ton Fish, to address the following let
ter to the Spanish minister In Wash
ington: "When Count Valmaseda, in April
of last year (1869) issued a proclama
tion declaring that every man, from
the age of 15 years upward, found
away from his habitation, and not
proving a sufficient motive therefor,
would be shot; that every habitation
found unoccupied would be burned,
and that every house not flying the
white flag should be reduced to ashes,
it became the duty of the undersigned
to convey to Mr. Lopez Roberts the
protest of the president against such
a method of warfare."
General Bell issued the following or
der in the Philippines:
"For the next six days all station
commanders will be employed hunt
ing insurgents and their hidden food
supplies within their respective juris
dictions. Population of each town
will be turned -out, and all transporta
tion that can be found impressed to
bring into government storehouses all
food that is found, if it be possible to
transport it. If not, it will be de
stroyed, I am'nfiw assembling In the
neighborhood , of 2,500 men, who will
be used in columns of about 50 men
each. I take so. large a command f or
the purpose of thoroughly searching
each ravine, valley and mountain
peak for insurgents and for food, ex
pecting to destroy everything I find
outside of towns. All able-bodied men
will be killed or captured. Old men,
women and children will be sent to
towns. This movement begins Jan
uary 1, by which time I hope to have
nearly all .the food supply in the
towns. These people need a thrash
ing to teach them some good common
sense, and they should have it for the
good of all concerned."
Any honest man who will carefully
compare the two orders cannot fail to
come to the conclusion that the order
of General Bel! is equally severe to
the one against which General Grant
entered his protest in the most formal
manner. Is there any great difference
between Count Valmaseda's order to
kill every Cuban over 15, found away
from his habitation, who could not
satisfactorily explain his absence from
home, and General Bell's order: "All
able-bodied men will be killed or cap
tured?" General Bell's order seems
to have left to his subordinates a free
choice between killing or capturing
all the unarmed male natives to be
met with.
The civil governor of the province
of Batangas in his official report says
that the population of about 300.000 '
has been reduced to about 200.000 by
war. It would seem therefore that the
free choice given to the troops to
either kill or take prisoners was ex
ercised to kill them. That is the evi
dence in the case. Humane men In
the army made the charges and they proved their case.
Ranch For Sale
Two miles northwest of Venansrn
Perkins county, Neb. 295 acres deeded
land, 52 acres school land, 20 years'
lease; 200 acres has been under high
state of cultivation; plenty of grass
for hay; miles of free range; 80 acres
pasture, 2 wires; frame barn, 24x32x
32 feet; posts lien on east, L on north
room, for 75 head cattle; all stock can
be fed from inside the barn; mow
room for 12 tans of hay; chicken house
and hog pen? frame dwelling, 5 rooms,
3 rooms plastered, kitchen and wash
room ceiled, well painted inside and
out; barn and windmill painted; 60
barrel cistern near the barn with wood
pump; garden fenced; bushels of
strawberries; nice plum grove loaded
with plums; plenty gooseberries and
pieplant; large rock-walled cement
reservoir to Irrigate garden; large
rock-walled cellar with stone steps;
everything in first class shape for
cattle ranch. This is a snap for the
small sum of $2,250. For full partic
ulars write me at Venango, Neb.,
box 182. J. W. MILLER.
Rich Brutes
The latest fad among the rich is to
purchase a racing automobile, hire a
"chauffeur" and start out having fun
riding down the, people. Edward R.
Thomas, who managed the failure of
the Seventh National bank "of New
York, recently purchased one of these
"whited ghosts" and dashed down the
streets of the city at the rate of nearly
50 miles an hour. He killed one boy
and was assessed by the courts $7,500
for his fun. That did not stop him
and he continued to dash around as
usual. The other day he was out giv
ing Mrs. Thomas and some of his
friends a ride and was stoned by the
people, some of the occupants of the
automobile being severely hurt. This
is very much as the French nabobs
were accustomed to act just before
the French revolution broke out.
Some ministers have been denouncing
these brutal rich from their pulpits.
Rev. Dr. Lorimer in a recent sermon
said: "The men who ride down people
in automobiles are generally rich men.
They are likely to be persons of culti
vation, and personally their feelings
toward the poor are doubtless amiable
enough. But when it is a matter of
interfering with their amusements the
life of a poor man counts for nothing
with them. Every life that is sacri
ficed in that way ought to be paid for
in the electric chair."
How Long Will It Last?
They've arranged a new creed;
They have polished away
Rough edges to suit
The demands of the day:
In a newer, neat form
The old faith has been cast.
And we take it with thanks
But how long will it last?
They've arranged a new creed
That is made to accord
With the present commands
We receive from the Lord:
Having wisely outgrown
The beliefs of the past, .
We receive the new faith
But how long will it last?
S. E. Kiser.
Department of Archaeology at Phillips
Academy, Andover, Mass., Asks
For Contributions
Editor Independent: Phillips Acad
emy, Andover, Mass., has recently es
tablished a department of archaeology
My object in writing you is to encour
age the preservation of stone, bone
and clay prehistoric art forms. In your
section of the country are frequently
found various "Indian relics." These
have a direct bearing on the history
or rather pre-history of America, and
as such should be preserved in fire
proof buildings for the study and edi
fication of present and future genera
tions. I am persuaded that there may be
persons who have found some remains
of the ancient Indian tribes, "Mound
builders," etc., and that, possibly, they
would be willing to send them to us.
We shall be glad to pay express char
ges on any and all boxes of specimens
sent to us, to mention the gifts in our
report and to give the donors due
credit in our exniuni
All the?" a-"
clay vessels and "strange stones,"
should be carefully preserved some
where, where they may be of service to
the public and to science. Archaeol
ogy technically followed is a new
science fn the United States, and it Is
more important than the average read
er imagines, for these "stone relics"
have a direct bearing on the antiquity
of man.
I shall be glad to correspond with
persons who have "relics" In their pos
session. Thanking you, I am, yours
very truly,
Andover, Mass. Curator.
A Correspondent Declares the Water Core
is in Line With Republican Promises
of a Full Dinner Pail and a
Full Stomach
Editor Independent: While not a
subscriber to your paper, yet I have
been a, reader of the same for the past
ten years. In most cases I have found
you to be rather fair in your criticisms
of public men, public questions and In
discussions of remedies for public
evils. But I cannot understand why
you so terribly arraign the present ad
ministration for its acts in the Philip
pines. You charge the republican party
with being untrue to its promises and
the next moment you score the admin
istration for its policy of filling the
stomachs of our subjects in the island
of Samar. Are not these Filipinos, be
ing under the protection of the stars
and stripes, entitled to the full benefits
of our most wise and beneficent gov
ernment? During the 1900 campaign
were not the laboring men appealed to
on a basis of a full dinner pail and
a full stomach? Why, then, attack
officers of our most valiant army who
are striving to fill the stomachs of the
Filipinos, and who propose to do it,
even if they are forced to do so with
water, and that via the syringe route?
It seems to me you are Inconsistent
in stating that republicans do not ful
fill campaign promises. With the
slogan of "full stomachs" a grand vic
tory was won. If the water cure proves
a sure panacea for hunger and an ef
ficient substitute for food, we may yet
see it adopted in this country. As a
nation, we, the working people, are too
extravagant. Beef Is too high! Take
water. Wheat flour is too high! Try
the water cure. Hail the water cure!
Let'3 hear no more of these tirades
on our public officials. Civilization is
marching forward. Bricks were once
made of straw. Necessity brought for
ward this result. Water ain't so hard
to digest as solid food, especially not if
an army officer chances to be on hand
ready and willing to act as a sort of a
laxative or stomach regulator. Neces
sity high prices for food and lower
prices for labor may be the means of
showing to the world that the real old
genuine aqua pura i3 the poor man's
only friend. Then, and not till then,
will the wisdom of the present genera
tion of republican leaders shine forth
in all of - its glory. Then, and not till
then, will their present acts be fully
As a disciple of the hero of San Juan,
as a believer In the wisdom and ef
ficiency of republican remedies for all
diseases, I protest against your criti
cisms of our public servants.
" , J. R. ELLIS.
Beatrice, Neb..'
Be Saved.
by ordering your groceries of us by mail. Modern postal
service makes our store your next door neighbor gives you
an opportunity to save money which your dealer ha9 been
getting by his "high prices." Ever trade by mail I Try us.
Our straightforward and honest method of doing business in
sures you against any risk. We guarantee all our goods first
class or refund money. As a June special inducement we
will deliver the following combination securely packed to any
R. R. station in the Northwest upon receipt of 5 dollars in
Draft, Express or money order. Read this list over, then let
your good judgment prompt you to buy. If anything is not
satisfactory we take it back and pay all charges ourselves.
Good9 shipped same day order is received.
Independent Combination for Readers
of This Paper Only
40 lbs. best fine granulated sugar. $1 00
2 lbs. Moca and Java coffee.... 60 .
3 pkgs. best soda , 25
4 lbs. fancy evap. peaches 60
,4 lbs. choice raisins 50
4 lbs. choice Cal. prunes........ 50
2 lbs. best baking powder.. 50
1 lb. pure pepper..... 25
2 lbs. best tea...., 1 00
All the above for ........$3 00
All the above order delivered to any
railroad station in northwast for 5 dollars.
' ' ' " -, "
We do a business of over $300,000 a year. Sell more
groceries than any three stores in Lincoln. Have a line of
credit that extends over the United States. We are acknowl
edged the largest retail distributors of groceries in the west
Reference anv bank in Lincoln and this paper.
226-228-230-232-234-236-238 1Mb 10th Street.
Is It Fear of Taxes?
Editor Independent: The recent
death of J. Sterling Morton, a promi
nent advocate of tree planting, to
gether with the liberal discussion of
the single tax now being conducted In
The Independent, suggests this thought
to me: Nebraska Is a prairie state.
We need trees. Our people are intelli
gent and recognize this need. I sup
pose there is not a farmer in the state
who would not be glad to have a
grove or an orchard on his place or a
row of maples or elms around his
farm." At the same time every farmer
knows that for him to make such im
provement would be merely an invi
tation to the tax gatherer to assess his
place from year to year' higher than
his neighbor's. We punish the man
who plants a tree by raising his as
sessment, and reward with a lower
rating the one who will not plant.
Why should we do this? Do you say
the tree planter has the benefit of the
fruit and shade T True; but he also
bore the expense of planting, trimming
and resetting. Is he not entitled to
what his trees may yield? By what
possible reasoning can one justify a
tax which in effect takes part of the
fruit from the man who plants the
trees and divides it among those who
will not? Which is the more useful
citizen? Which one should we reward?
Moreover, the benefits of the orchard
or the grove are not confined to the
one who owns it for the time. None
liveth to himself and the people at
large you and I, if you please are
better because of them. As Henry
George points out, "If a man plant a
fruit tree, his gain is that he gathers
the fruit in its time and season. But
in addition to his gain there is a gain
to the whole community. Others than
the owner are benefitted by the In
creased supply of fruit; ' the birds
which it shelters fly far and wide:
the rain which it helps to attract falls
not alone on his field; and even to the
eye which rests upon It from a dis
tance, it brings a sense of beauty. . . .
Well may the community leave to the
individual producer all thnt prompts
him to exertion." And well may Ne
braska apply the single tar principle
to trees in this state. Exempt tree
from taxation.
The city of Vienna was converted
from one of the filthiest to one of the
handsomest cities in Europe by the
mere passing of a law exempting from
taxation for a term of years all build
ings of a certain class. Men hastened
to tear down their old shacks and to
build the new non-taxable structures.
So Nebraska may be converted from a
semi-arid state into the garden of the
whole middle west by exempting from
taxation the trees In this state. Pass
this law and an 'era of trfre planting
such as Morton never dreamed of
would set in. The nurseries would be
crowded to fill the orders which would
pour in. Such a law would accom
plish more in the direction of tree
planting than all the Arbor day exer
cises in a hundred years.
Lincoln, Neb.
(For a good many years the statutes
of Nebraska contained a provision
whereby a bounty was paid for the
planting and cultivation of timber.
This was repealed in 1899. Mr. Declple.
however, overlook this fact: It is not
the taxation of improvements which
deters the average man from beauti
fying his property by planting trees,
but the fact that men generally are
prone to discount the futur and place
their reliance upon things which pro
duce immediate returns. A quarter
section planted to black walnut trees
would some time pay handsome divi
dends upon the Investment. By tho
time the harvest of timber was ready
to be garnered It would yield more
than all the corn or wheat that could
be grown on the same land in twice
the number of years but the tima be-
tween seedtime'and harvest is too long
for the average man. His children or
grandchildren would reap the crop he
planted. The average man will work
himself nigh unto death to leave his
children a competence in the form of
ready cash or evidences of debt bear
ing interest; but he will not become
enthusiastic over planting a crop that
will not mature until he and his Chil
dren are dead. It is doubtful if mott
men refuse to improve their property
because of fear of the tax-gatherer.
Ed. Ind.)
Ufa Insurance Paid
A peculiar instance in the payme&t Insurance occurred in the pro
bate court of this county the past
month. Last October Mr. Bruno Her
mann applied for life insurance to the
amount of $10,000 in the Equitable
Life Assurance Co. He was examine!
and the risk approved and he gavo his
promlsory note for the payment c f
the first premium to the agent of the
company. The 29th of April, untie r
the most peculiar circumstances,
many believing the act to be one cf
suicide, Mr. Hermann died. Mr. Hei
mann was badly in debt and there
was no estate except the insurance
policy, which the creditors fearel
might be successfully resisted by the
insurance company if it should at
tempt to do so. Fortunately the Equit
able Life Assurance society, as is its
custom, made no resistance, but
promptly sent its check for $10,000 In
full payment for the loss under the
policy. The creditors will all be paid
in full. The administrator of the es
tate and the county judge have both
Indorsed the action of the insurance
company as liberal and honorable to
the highest degree. Such a policy
means increased confidence in the life
insurance business and much new
business for the company that prac
tices it.
In Nbw Offices
The Wabash Railroad Omaha city
ticket' office has moved Into their new
and elegant quarters, 1601 Farnam st.
The office is entirely refitted with ele
gant mahogany furniture, tile floor
and marble walnscoating. Outside
sign work is all black and gold and
one of the finest and most elegant city
offices in the west. It has always
been the aim of the Wabash Railroad
to maintain a high standard In equip
ment, road bed and everything per
taining to the railroad company. The
traveling public should keep the Wa
bash in mind. It has its own lines
from Omaha and Kansas City to St.
Louis, Toledo, Detroit, Niagara Fall3
and Buffalo, with all the modem con
veniences of solid road bed, observa
tion, safe and library cars, parlor
cars, compartment cars, free reclining
chair cars,, all the latest safety ap
pliances and courteous treatment at
all times.
Prizes For Pictures
To advertise Nebraska the Burling
ton Route wants photographs of Ne
braska farm and stock scenes, an 3 lots
of them. Prizes ranging from $3.00 to
$25.00 in cash and including trips to
Chicago, St Louis, Denver and through
the Black Hills have been announced
by J. Francis, general passenger agent,
Omaha, who, will send additional in- ,
formation to anyone interested.
Gt Lew Prlead Hotel n thm City.
$1.00 par day and up
Hotel Walton
1516 O St.