rv rv -.1 1 VOL. XIV. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JUNE 5, 1902. NO. 3. PEACE AT LAST The Boer XVmr Ended "For Sure" This Time The Terms Congressman Stark's Statement Democrats United Against Philippine Bill "Washington, D. C, June 2, 1902. '(Special Correspondence.) . EPITOME OF THE PEACE TERMS. "The burghers'force lay down their arms and hand over all their rifles, guns and munitions of war in their possession or under their control. "All prisoners are to be brought back as soon as possible to South Africa, without loss of liberty or prop erty. No action to be taken against prisoners, except where they are guil ty of breach of the rules of war. "Dutch is to be taught in the schools, if desired by the parents, and used in the courts, if necessary. "Rifles are allowed for protection. "Military occupation is to be with drawn as soon as possible, and self government substituted. "There is to be no tax on the Trans vaal to pay the cost of the war. "The sum of 3,000,000 is to be pro vided for restocking the Boers' farms. "Rebels are liable to trial, according to the law of the colony to which they belong. The rank and file will be dis franchised for life. The death penalty will not fjfllctecL" Your Washington correspondent is glad to report that peace is to be es tablished in South Africa. At ten thirty, o'clock on Saturday, May 31, the signatures of Lord Kitchener, Lord Alfred Milner attached to a document bearing the signatures of several of the Boer generals, closed the most cruel wars ever waged against whites by the British empire. The terms have not yet been transmitted, but it is to be hoped that the land that gave a Kruger, a De Wet and a Delarey to the world, has secured at least some vestige of liberty from their cruel op pressors. The news reached London on Sun day and a small bulletin posted on the door of the war office contained the announcement that terms had been agreed upon. Instantly London was wild with joy. Bells were rung, wild crowds paraded the Strand and Pic cadilly, while ministers of the gospel ceased their prayers long enough to read the announcement to their as sembled congregations. The king gathered a number of his favorites In to the palace and the national anthem could be heard far outside the gates, portraying the happiness of his ma jesty at- the c6hclusioifbr hostilities. The news was received in Washing ton unofficially at about 10 o'clock last evening, and immediately the newspaper men sought out that arch friend and spokesman of the Boers, Hon. William L. Stark of Nebraska, to find out what he thought of the cessation. In a few well con-"" H words he expressed himself n Al lows, and they are contained in j-'rg black letters on the face of the Times this morning: "I am especially glad to hear that all the Boer efforts have not been in vain, and that they have at last come to an agreement with England. They have made a stubborn fight In a holy cause against the best of British com manders, and the embstteled farmers could have kept up the fight much longer. To such a race, unsurpassed throughout the world for its bravery and determination, England can but give the very best of terms." Secretary Hay a few minutes later could be seen crossing Lafayette Square, which alone separates his roans'on from the White house, to un officially inform the president. No . word had been received from Ambas sador Choate, but the dispatch had such a truthful ring to it that Hay was ; ready to send congratulations to tho British on their victory. President Roosevelt refused to do this until offi cial reports had given the terms to the world. Congratulations! For what? For a victory over a people whose numbers do not exceed the in habitants of the small city of Wash ' lngton. whose men. women and chil dren have been huddled In reconcen ' tration camps, whose homes have - been plundered with all the ravish ments of a heartless conqueror, whose land has been reviled for thirty-two months and all because the people ; craved that God-given right of man ; Freedom. Yes. we ought to congratu i late them and if Hay had had his way, a telegram would have announced our 1 joy to Edward. The result would i have been that his daughter, who is 1 no"w in London, would have been re : ceived at court again and the true ' opinion of the united American people would have been perverted to gratify this Anglomaniac secretary of state. But speaking of perversions. The speech of President Roosevelt at Ar lington on Memorial Day was as sac ; riligeous as the robbing of the dead. To pervert the sanctity of the dead by using the only day in the year that is ' consecrated in their honor, to pollti ' cal purposes is the lowest of political tricks and unworthy for ven the ward heeler of the slums. Yet Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States (by accident), used the whole time at hi3 disposal to make a scath ing denunciation of those who opposed the policies forced upon the Philip pines by the administration of which he Is the accidental head. He excused the atrocities in the islands by waving aloft the bloody-shirt of lynchings. with all the strenuosity of which he Is a master, and declaiming bitterly against the land of its birth. It is the old cry of the republican party about the south again that they have used "with so much effectivenesswhen ever occasion arose. Whenever charg es so black that even Cerebrus would i seem sunlit, were to be aired by their opponents; .whenever Augean stables needed cleaning and the democratic party advocated it, the republicans waved aloft the bloody shirt and the invading forces were driven back. Now, when the filthiest of charges are proven by "government witnesses," the president has sounded the battle cry, and lynchings at home are to be made an issue. Whenever you are told that Philippine atrocities must cease, the cry in return will be, "Stop lynch ings." But lynchings were not his whole theme of speech. . He said that those who condemned the atrocities in the islands and I know of no better word than atrocities were the same people who condemned Grant and, Lincoln. Let the president read the speech of Sibley, the editorials of ex-Postmaster General Smith and see whether or no It is the same people who condemned both. But what is the difference if they are the same people. We have It absolutely from witnesses for the "government" that these uncivilized methods of warfare have been com mitted and no matter whosoever pro claims them in no way justifies their commission. And, in closing, Roose velt cried, "Shame!" (Dietrich's fav orite expression), to those who op posed them first and thrice shame to those who were not willing to let all go by without condemnation. If Memorial Day Is to be used for such purposes if the only use of the day is to be the making of political diatribes by some soulless howler, then by all means let the day be abol ished. If the hallowed memories of those who fought and died , that we may live, Is to be the political stamp ing ground of such men as Roosevelt showed himself to be, then by all means let's stop the day. Let us go to the graves of those whose memor ies we hold dear, and silently lay our tribute, but never use their day the only one in the year and their home, the bivouac of the dead, for such ghoulish purposes as did the president. The senate has been chiefly . con cerned with the Philippine civil gov ernment bill, and many speeches have been made both pro and con while the bill was under consideration. The speech of Senators Spooner for the republicans and Carmack for the dem ocrats were of course the most notable. Spooner was the most mild-mannered of those who have favored the adop- tlon of the bill. He Is thoroughly op posed to the taking of outside terri tory, and was opposed to the taking of the Philippines for the same rea sons that he ' opposed the taking of Hawaii. But he said that now we are in the islands and, of course, we had to stay. He did . net -use the old cry about the army with much enthusiasm and taking the whole speech and read ing it the second time, it can be said to have been carefully prepared. It was ambiguous in its Important parts and readily left a hole for him, when the time came, to lead the . way out. Dolliver some time ago also spoke in the same vein. He said that maybe it would be just as well if we were not in the islands and perhaps " better. Such statements give us to understand the party which had once indorsed the sayings of Beveridge was beating a hasty retreat. The day used to be when the republicans would cry, "There's money, in it," but now those men who had opposed the annexation of Hawaii, and had bitterly opposed the taking of the Philippines, as had Spooner, are being pushed forward to bear the brunt of the argument. Carmack's1 speech was as usual, a bril liant one. It was disconnected, but that was because it was an unprepared answer to Spooner, who delivered his speech but two hours before. He char acterized the speech of old man Mor gan the renegade ' democrat as fool ish, and said that his lines were such "that any ' fool could utter and any parrot be taught to repeat." He re piled to Beveridge telling him that the republican party always , used the technicalities to get out of tight holes, but that today he was unwilling to have them plead the statue of frauds to avoid the question. He spoke of Beveridge as being "imperfectly sup pressed" and a few minutes later per-' fectly suppressed him, by waiting un til he had finished a speech that he has delivered for the three hundred and twenty-ninth time during the course of this debate, and then com pletely Ignoring him. It was a reply to Spooner, as I said before, and com pletely covered the speech. The vote upon the bill will be taken on Tuesday and the remaining days will be used in fifteen-minute talks by senators upon both sides of the house. Spooner closed the debate for the republicans and Carmack ended the democratic opposition. On Wednesday, Congressman Shal lenberger of the state of Nebraska de livered a notable speech in opposition to the Hill coinage bill. There was a good attendance upon both sides of the house and his remarks were re ceived with marked attention. After the speech, which was deliv ered in the oratorical, many of both parties warmly congratulated him and called him a worthy reminder of the great Bryan. Nebraska is certainly well represented in Shallenberger. He is constantly in attendance upon the floor and already is one of Its most conspicuous members. All thi3 dur ing a first term, is something remarkable. The senate committee refused to re port the Spooner bill favorably. ' This provides that the president shall choose between the Nlcaraguan and the Panama routes. The house passed the Hill subsidiary coinage bill and the Shattuc immigration, bill, while the conferees upon th omnibus pub lic building bill agreed upon a report as did tfc conferees upon the river and harbor bill. The program of the senate and (Continued jjn Page 3.) . m . , "AN ELASTIC CURRENCY" Farther Comment on the Fowler Bill by Mr. Be Hart Good Populist Doctrine on the Money Question Next to "maintaining the gold standard," Mr. Fowler proposes to "provide an elastic currency." (We gather this from the title of his bill.) He proposes to accomplish it by , al lowing the national banks to Issue notes, to circulate as money, to the extent of their capital. The amount of their capital is more than six hun dred millions, and the amount of notes in circulation Is more than three hun dred millions, and the currency is to be made elastic by allowing the banks, to issue not only more notes, but notes of a different kind. At present they cannot issue notes without filing United States bonds of an equal amount with the treasurer of the United States. This limits the amount of notes to the amount of bonds the banks own and it secures the notes and makes them good. The only difficulty with the present system is, that it al lows the banks, instead of Uncle Sam, ta have the profit of issuing circulat ing notes as money, and it also gives the banks, instead of the government, control as to the quantity of circulat ing medium, which is a great power. It ought to be left to the government (a commission or department of ex perts) to say how much or little pa per money should be issued instead of allowing the banks to do this. If the government exercises this power, it will be done in the general interest and for the good of all alike; but if the banks have this power they will use It In their own interest alone; and will probably issue more money than they ought to issue, because the more they issue, the more will their profits be. If there should be no profits then the banks would not issue any notes at all and there would be no money, so far as the banks are concerned. The banks are claiming that there are no profits now in issuing notes. If this is so, then the banks will not issue any more notes and will retire what they have out. Mr. Fowler thinks that there is no profit in issuing bank notes and he presents figures for show ing it, but his figures do not prove what he asserts. He also says that there is no profit to the government in Issuing notes and he offers figures to prove it, but the figures do not prove what he asserts. Anybody can see that there must be a profit in issuing the notes, because they cost nothing but the printing or engraving. Any body can see that Uncle Sanvhas made or Saved money by lssu!ng,-and keep ing $346,000,000 of greenbacks in cir culation. If the greenbacks had been paid off at the close of the war the government would have had to issue bonds and borrow money to pay In terest on the bonds. We have saved Interest on $346,000,000 of debt ever since the civil war by keeping the greenbacks out. If Mr. Fowler's bill goes into oper ation, it will allow the banks to about double the amount of notes they now have in circulation without being obliged to own any United States bonds. They can do this without in creasing the amount of their present capital, and as they increase their capital from time to time, they can In crease the amount of their notes. The only other limitation upon the amount of notes will be the amount of gold in the country. The banks, according to Mr. Fowler, are to be obliged to re deem their notes with gold coin, when ever demanded. This will be a limi tation upon the amount of notes they can issue, but a very indefinite limi tation. No one can say how much gold there will be in the country at any future time. If the balance of trade should be in our favor and we should be able to hold our own gold and draw gold from abroad, then there will be a large amount of gold in the country and the banks can issue a large amount of notes. Under Mr. Fowler's system the bank notes will expand when the gold expands, where as the bank notes ought to contract when the gold expands and the notes should expand when the gold con tracts. The public Interest requires a currency that expands gradually as population and business Increase, but this is the reverse of what we shall have, under the operation of Mr. Fow ler's bill. The best way to provide an elastic currency is to allow Uncle Sam to is sue his own legal tender notes, pay able on demand without interest, for paper money. The mints ought to be closed to free coinage of gold and If any gold coin is wanted for money, the government ought to buy the gold bul lion at the lowest price possible and coin it on government account, as we coin fractional silver pieces. This would give Uncle Sam control over the volume of money so far as coin Is concerned. The paper money, is sued by the government, ought not to be redeemed with coin, or redeemed in any way except by receiving it for taxes and all government dues. If there is too much paper money In cir culation it ought to be reduced by is suing interest-bearing bonds In ex change therefor. If there is not enough in circulation, the amount can be in creased by Issuing more in exchange for bonds. This will produce a cur rency sufficiently elastic. It will not expand so much as to cause the price level to rise nor contract so much as to cause the price level to fall. It will produce a money of uniform value and be a good measure or unit of value. The interest-bearing national debt is about a thousand millions. It is supposed by experts that the volume of money can be increased about fifty millions annually, without .disturbing the level of prices. If this is so and John Sherman thought it was so Uncle Sam can issue fifty millions of new paper money annually in pay ment of an equal amount of interest- bearing national bonds, and if he should continue this for twenty years, the whole national dht could be paid off without taxfng thft people a single dollar. This shows that there is a profit in .issuing paper money and why ; the batiks want to issue their own notes for money. It is a power ful argument for allowing the govern ment to issue all the paper money In stead of allowing the banks to do it. It is, however, not the strongest argu ment, because it is more important that Uncle Sam ; should have control over the volume ;. of money than : to make a thousand million dollars or any other sum by issuing his promis sory notes for paper money. Who ever controls the ; volume or quality of money controls the business of the country. JNO S. DE HART. Jersey City, N. J. VILEST. ACT ON RECORD The todaje Committee Refuses to Hear the Filipino Side of the Case and Denies - Them Their Day In Court There never was a viler act com mitted by any government on earth than when the senate Philippine com mittee refused to ailow "the Filipinos to have their day in court and pro ceeded with the investigation- of a case in which only one side was al liwed to appear. Senator Carmack, after protesting' in vain "against" such injustice, evolved a plan to get the Filipino side. of. the. case at least par-' tially before the American people. Sixto Lopez is --a highly educated and wealthy Filipino and, is now in this country. His ,nroperty in the islands has been confiscated his brothers made prisoners and sent into exile and himself and- all his family reduced to want and poverty. Yet he has never borne arms against the United States or aided or abetted the war that the insurgents have carried on. An exceedingly i important contribu tion to the Philippine controversy has been obtained by Senator Carmack, who has propounded to Sixto Lopez a series of questions such as would have been asked him had he been permitted to appear before the senate commit tee on the Philippines. ' The . ques tions chiefly bear upon the political aspirations of the Filipinos and the probable . result of - the withdrawal of American troops from the archipelago. Lopez offers severe strictures by .. Im plication . upon congress, and suggests the names of many soldiers, ; profes sional men and merchants who ought to be called ' by the committee before any legislation ii'inflicted upon the Philippines-" He' denies, the state ment that chaos and misrule would en sue upon the withdrawal of American control. This, he says, -"is not a rea son, but an excuse,- for a continuance of foreign rule. . . . All statements are prophecies as to what may accur in the future are of small value com pared to what has really happened in the past. . . During the entire 300 years of Spanish ocupation there has not been a single case of tribal war or feud." This was true notwithstand ing that "Spain's control was too fee ble" to have prevented such conflicts. Lopez also bitterly denounces the leg islation enacted by the Philippine com mission and the political terrorism now- prevailing in the Philippines. Far from being "greatly exaggerated," he declares that the tortures and im prisonments already heard of are not more than a suggestion of what is yet to be found out The Filipinos, he says, are from the highest to the low est in faVor of independence either immediate of ultimate. They do not desire American rule. Another set of questions has been furnished to Lopez by Mr. Carmack in order that fuller information may be furnished. Their Answer The republican imperialists are banking very heavy upon assistance from the democratic south and the patronage of the president has been used with stint to encourage it. The Washington correspondents are con tinually writing to their papers that the southern democratic senators ara lukewarm in attacking the republican policy of holding the Philippines by force and even go so far as to say that some of them favor the republi can policy. The first authentic in formation on that subject comes from South" Carolina, where, after pitch ing McLaurin over the transom, they passed the following resolution: "The benevolent assimilation of tho Filipinos has proved to be the benev olence of murder and the assimilation of robbery.' We denounce it as an outrage upon the consciences of liberty-loving Americans. Our free insti tutions v cannot long survive the ' de struction of those principles upon which they rest, and the spectacle of subject peoples fbeing held down by .the bayonet and Tobbed by the carpet baggers but foreshadows the fate of our country unless the people are aroused to our danger. " The. unjust and cruel war of subjugation now be ing carried on In the Philippines should be ended at once, with definite and specific declarations to "the natives as, to the intentions of this country to aid them in the establishment of a free protectorate by the United States." ' ; ' - '. . That is the answer of the party to the - efforts of the administration, through Senator McLaurin, to bring it over into the Imperialist camp. One of the things that Mark Han na's Ohio legislature did was to re peal the law authorizing the supreme court of 'the state to review the deci sion of the lower courts. The thing has;tnade such a row, that there is a universal demand for an extra session of the legislature.: The. corporations "bit oft. more than they could cliew" that time. i : - '.. ' V ;c'".'r. THAT INVASION Americanization of Canada Going on Des pite Discriminating Tariffs. The increase of exports from the United States to Canada goes right along, although after April, 1897, a 2Vz per cent discrimination in tariff duties was made in favor of the "mother" country; and after July, 1900, it was Increased to 33 1-3 per cent. Some rather curious changes have taken place since 1897. Exports of agricultural implements, wheat, cotton, fruits and nuts, seeds, and lum ber have increased greatly; and ex ports of cotton cloths, wheat flour, and cycles, have decreased, showing that the Canadians are doing some manu facturing on their own account. The following table shows the prin cipal exports from the United States to British North America during the nine months ending with March, 1897 and 1902, respectively, manufactured .ar ticles being grouped separately. Manufactured Articles : Nine months ending March 1897 1902 Agricultural imp.$ 243,466 $2,075,609 Books, maps, etc. 470.358 988,195 Carriages & cars. 80,065 913,513 Copper Ingots.... 31.583 198,438 Cotton cloths 1,499,769 385,086 Cotton mfrs, other 983,661 1,634,642 Cycles, & parts of 839.563 98,476 Builders' h'dware 377.549 735,165 Sewing machines. 69,756 182,710 Other machinery. 1,222,708 894,330 Oils, refined, min. 602,250 931,629 Other Articles Cattle 58,534 544,928 Sheep ........... 63,406 325,782 Horses not stated 997,741 Corn 1,770,531 1,468,390 Wheat .......... 2.548,778 3,769,577 Wheat flour 2,415,519 638,361 Coal 6,987.856 5,473,177 Cotton 2,626,679 4,509,205 Fruits and nuts.. 566,584 1,345,260 Furs & fur skins 195,534 667,164 Cotton seed oil.. 47,069 261.6S8 Beef, salt'd.pickl'd 208,195 240,978 Bacon ....... 365,419 557,827 Hams . . . 188,116 218,995 Pork 476,613 579,851 Butter 194,220 106,227 Seeds . . U.. ... .". 454,986 1,363,485 Tobacco 1,034,612 921,807 Tobacco mfrs..... 42,741 66,783 Timber .......... 465,243 560,288 Lumber 528,183 .1.178,199 Total exports, including art icles not enu merated in the above list. . .$46,75958 $80,999,004 IS THE DEBT BEING PAID? Mr. Warren Inquires if Our Fourteen Bil lions of Foreign Debt is Being Paid (This is another installment of the series of articles from the pen of Hon. Marvin . Warren, Falrbury, Neb. Ed. Ind.) THE SITUATION. Is the Debt Being Paid? - Republicans tell us that the great debt abroad is being paid off by the great excess of our exports over our imports. But let us see just how this is. According to the treasury depart ment tables, the greatest excess of our exports of merchandise and money over imports of the same that ever ac crued in any fiscal year was $680,111, 630, in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. The accruings of the tribute that year against this country and in favor of foreigners, was for interest on the great debt abroad fully stated in round numbers $540,000,000; for cost of our foreign freight carrying, as per Presi dent McKinley's statement, over $165, 000,000, for profits to foreigners on their investments in this country $260, 000,000, because this was the last year of the eight years wherein this item of tribute has an estimated gain as hereinbefore stated, and for expenses of Americans traveling abroad, $25, 000,000, making a total accruing tri bute against this country for that, year $990,000,000 at least. ; Now, can any person wonder that nothing was ever received back to this country for that $680,111,630 ex cess of our exports over Imports that year? Of course, it was met and li quidated by that much of that year's tribute against this country. And then, after this liquidation, there was still a balance of the tribute against us of $309,888,370. - What became of that balance? How was it settled? It is the most important part of the whole business to thoroughly consider and perfectly understand the right an swers to these questions, because here in lies the secret process whereby the foreign debt and foreign ownership of. American property have been In creasing every year since the great currency contraction was thoroughly set on " foot in 1865. There has not been a single year in all this thirty six years wherein the accruing tribute against the United States did not ex ceed the excess of our exports of mer chandise and money over imports of the same, and for this excess of tri bute, notes, bonds, mortgages, certi ficates of railroad stocks and other stocks, have been sent by our debtor people here to their foreign creditors to their acceptance, and the sending has usually been by mail, quietly, un seen and unheard of except by the per sons sending and those sent to and their agents in this country. And this increase of foreign debt and foreign ownership amongst us will be kept up as long as the so-called gold standard is kept up. ALL THIS IS REPUBLICAN PROS PERITY. The loss of all our merchant marine is republican prosperity. - The ownership : by foreigners of most of our 'railroad property Is re-, publican prosperity. It is so nice to have foreigners thus Intermeddling with our domestic affairs. A great foreign debt of fourteen, bil lion dollars, and still fast growing, Is republican prosperity. A vast tribute by the toilers of this nation to foreigners already amount ing to a billion dollars yearly and fast growing, is republican prosper ity. ., -f .: The holding by British capitalists abroad of bonds and mortgages for all the gold and silver money there Is in this country, and six and a halt times as much more. Is republican prosperity, and makes this a creditor nation in republican estimation. The fact that four-fifths of all stock market quotations In the London board of trade' as reported, are upon investments in .. the United States showing that we, in this country, are habitually owned, bought and sold and traded in the English shambles, is republican ; prosperity. The fact that no stock market quo tations in the New. York board of trade as reported are upon any Investments except those in the United States showing that . our : capitalists do not habitually own, buy, sell or trade In any investments abroad, outside of the United States, is a mark of re publican prosperity. The fact that British capitalists have great advantage over our Amerl-: cans in making investments every where, even in our own country, be cause they use their own money, while Americans , have no money to use ex cept such as is in some way, directly or indirectly, burdened with British usury, is republican prosperity. The fact; above stated is the very reason why our. Americans lost their merchant . marine under republican rule, and why Americans cannot now compete with the British in building and running another merchant marine establishment, and it is also the rea son why . many or all -republicans in congress are now claiming that it Is necessary to raise a great interna tional subsidy to enable some Ameri can capitalists to do this. ' All this confims my proof of tho ex istence of the great foreign debt. And It confirms another thing. On Feb ruary 8, 1869, I made a speech in the lower house of the Ohio legislature, and the last sentence of that speech is in the following exact words: "On the one side of .this issue lies good faith, national credit and na tional freedom. On the other side, is repudiation, national bankruptcy and national slavery." That prediction is strictly fulfilled. The "national bankruptcy ; and na tional slavery" spoken of are both now here with xis in all their completeness, covering the United States, growing in magnitude and power and will grow as t long as" the republican party rules the country. ; MARVIN WARREN. Falrbury, Neb. Post Check Currency The gentlemen in charge of the Post check currency bureau are certainly entitled to great credit for the vigor ous campaign they are waging for a rational system of fractional currency and larger bills which ' may be con verted into drafts on the treasury de partment ; by simply writing in the name of a payee and affixing a post age stamp and cancelling same. The Independent's position regard ing this matter is well known. It Is heartily in favor of -the plan, but has no hope that, it will become a law. It is idle to expect bankers to voluntar ily throw away any advantage they may have, no matter whether that be large or small; and although it may be urged that the drawing of small drafts Is troublesome, yet It Is a fair ly remunerative "trouble," quite on a par with the collection of bills against local merchants. A republican con gress of bankers and bankers' attor neys will not give the people what the Post check currency plan calls for at least, that is the way The Inde pendent feels about it. , Last week we quoted an Associated press dispatch regarding the action of the board of experts, and it turns out to be a false report. The Post check currency bureau writes The Indepen dent as follows: ; "A number of false reports have been sent out to the press. It is not true that the joint committee as a whole has made a report against the post check measure. There will be a majority and minority report both of which will be sent you as soon as made public. Please suspend judg ment. You. can depend upon this bu reau for the exact facts in detail. The postal currency system will ultimate ly obtain in our opinion. Invalid ob jections and misunderstandings have to be met and. cleared away. "It Is not amiss to again say that this whole work : is carried on pro bono publico, and without ' personal gain. Voluntary subscriptions of mon ey, have been offered by many publish ers and business houses, but the ex pense of the organization has thus far been borne by a retired business man. "His support has made possible a complete organization. No ulterior purpose Is behind or under this move ment. The principal supporter is not a builder of libraries or monuments. His public work lies In the direction indicated. V "It is known that a tremendous quantity of letters has been received by members of congress from-farmers, as well as all classes of citizens, demanding that - they vote for post check currency." , Some anti-imperialist republicans have progressed so far as to say: "Nothing-will be so beneficial to the republican party and so surely enable it to recover Its sanity as a thorough beating at the polls this fall.'! " - - The Boers fought 300,000 troops for three years and then made tho English pay them a- war Indemnity! of $15, 000,000, besides forcing them to furnish capital without interest to begin busi ness again. ' ' The London Hooligans call that a great British. vijtory, MEMORIAL DAY President Roosevelt's Partisan Speech nf Arlington Congressman Snellen bergeronthe Hill Bill Washington, D. C, May 31, 1902.- (Special Correspondence.) The writer mingled with a crowd of 30,000 peo ple yesterday at the national cemetery at Arlington. This burial plot is one of the most enchanting spots in th country and it is safe to say that out of every 100 persons who visit ;t would prefer it to entomb their re mains. Nearly 20,000 soldiers are her burled, grading from the rommanucr-in-chief to the lowest private in Uh ranks. Not one was forgotten yester day. A small American flag fluttered above the coffined ashes of every man who, for a great cause, has given tfco last full measure of devotion." Thp broad acres of the cemetery yesterday were a wilderness of flowers; today withering and dying, but the mcmorv of their fragrance lingering still. Th 30,000 did all that loving hands could do and fond memories cherish for those who in the supreme hour of national peril were equal to the emerg ency and by sacrificial faith in the re public prevented its disruption. Eight years ago yesterday, Wm. J. Bryan, then a member of congress delivered an address there, free from partisanship and political reference, that will be quoted as a model of lofty patriotism and noble pathos for gen erations to come. How different from ypsterday's pro ceedings! Yesterday President Iioosr velt was the orator of the day, and but for the pathetic figure of gomn woman -weeping over the grave of her dead it had seemed as if the country was once more in the throes of an ex citing political campaign. Five min utes were devoted by the president to the heroic dead and their comrade, among the living the remaining time of an hour's speech was consumed in a bitterly-partisan tirade of abuse and apology that savored of the lowest or der of ward politics. Never before has a president so of fended good ta.;te. His auditors of yesterday and the country at larpp never before were subjected to such flagrant Insult and It Is to be hoped they will not be compelled to asaln undergo a like experience. The day is set apart by an alto gether fitting custom to commemor ate the achievements and memorialize the virtues of the slain. Those who attended yesterday's exercises ex pected the president to voice the sen timents uppermost in every grateful and patriotic heart. Instead, of that, were compelled to listen to a re publican campaign speech, filled with laudation of his own military achieve ments and delivered with the uwagser ing braggadocio of a Funston. It were not enough that he wholesalely de nounced every opponent of a colonial policy in the Philippines, but he sousht to justify the orders of Butcher Smith and others by declaring that they were no worse than those committed by the southern people in defense of the chastity and the honor of her woman hood! Every man who has given up fcla life in freedom's cause was not a re publican; every man who has helppd to perpetuate a republican form of government was not a thlck-and-tMa administrationist; and it is high time that a stop was put to the practice of using the American flag as a campaign device only and prostituting every na tional holiday to the base use of a rallying time for the g. o. p. There ar.e' many brave men. many loyal citizens of the republic who nev er voted the republican ticket: who never waved the "bloody shirt" , for the sake of political expediency; wbo never "yelled for the old flag and an appropriation" with the strongest lung power accentuating the latter: who never shot a fleeing, unarmed Spaniard in the back and wrote a boo afterward telling of his glorious achievement: who never denounced as "traitors and copperheads" all thof with whom they disagreed on mat ters of public policy; and who, finally, never insulted the memory of the dead or Imposed upon the charity of the living by delivering a politic2l harangue on Decoration Day In the shadows of the tombs of the nation's loved and lost. Democrats and populists have for years contended that the overcapitali zation of trusts . and combines wa3 largely responsible for the hardship imposed upon the people. Stocks in the corporations are sold upon the promise and expectation of so much, return in dividends, and unless the dividends are realized the stocks are worthless and cannot be placed upon the markets. To realize the3 divi dends, the. people must pay tribute in the increased cost of that which they buy from the trust concern. The num erous concerns built up under republi can policies have all but created a panic even at this early date, and tho Bankers' Magazine, not to be accused of unfriendliness thereto, sounds a note of warning: "The financial outlook, so far as it relates to the stock market. Is not so clear. The wealth of the country is growing at an enormous rate, but" the output of new securities has been "so lavish during the past two or three years that the market is surfeited. As a rule bank loans are at the maximum ever reported, and this expansion !s no doubt duev in part to the large amount of securities being carried, by syndicates, awaiting the favorable op portunity to distribute them to In vestors." The "favorable opportunity" that, is awaited by the syndicates prob&bly will not be more favorable to those who are inveigled Into giving support and counsel to those who have sur feited the market than it is to those who have been ueluded Into the be lief that they could add to their-own n