mum mm 4 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 II I ? i II 1 II If II II W4' VOL. XIII. LINCOLN, NEBBASKA, MAY 1 5, 1902. NO. 52. THE NEW POMPEII St. Pierre, Island of Martinique, French Wit Indie, Destroyed hy Eruption of Mont Pelee Many Thousand Lives Lost Readers of The Independent who have access to the dailies have doubt less read the details of the eruption of Mont Pelee on the island of Martin ique, French West Indies, one of the lesser Antilles, and the total destruc tion of St. Pierre, a city of something over 20,000 Inhabitants. It is impos sible to secure anything like accurate details of the number of lives lost, but a3 the dispatches say that the only ones who escaped death were those who left St. Pierre before . 8 o'clock last Thursday morning (May 8), when the eruption began, the fa talities must be near the 20,000 mark. A dispatch from Fort de France, Isl and of Martinique, says: "Strange to relate, in view of the number of inhabitants of St. Pierre who were swept to death by the vol canic waves from Mount Pelee on Thursday, very few corpses have been found by those engaged in the work of cremating the dead bodies. This Is due to the fact that most of the people are buried under the thick layer of cindered lava, which apparently en tirely consumed the bodies of the victims." Since the destruction of Pompeii, nearly 2,000 years ago, by the erup tion of Vesuvius, no volcano has ap proached Mont Pelee in the destruc tion of human life. The Martinique disaster stands in the class with the destruction of Galveston, and the great tidal wave in the Pacific a good many years ago when hundreds of thousands of Pacific islanders lost thefr lives. The eruption of Vesuvius threw out such an enormous amount of molten lava that the city of Pompeii was completely covered; but the in habitants of St. Pierre lost their lives by inhaling the deadly gases thrown out by the volcano. Mont Pelee (pro nounced Palay) was thought to be ex tinct; it has shown no signs of ac tivity for over fifty years, and the crater was filled with water, forming a lake where the people boated and bathed. Since the Pelee eruption the volcano Soufriere on the island of St. Vincent, British West Indies, has been in a state of eruption and it is re ported that 1,600 people have per ished. Congress has appropriated half a million dollars to aid the survivers of the great catastrophe, and Presi dent Roosevelt has issued a call for voluntary contributions from the American people. Cornelius N. Bliss of New York is made treasurer of the relief committee. Postmasters and presidents of all national banks will act as agents for the collection and forwarding of funds. John C. Whar ton and Victor B. Caldwell of Omaha are named on the committee. James Taylor, who was one of the officers of the1 Roraima, the Quebec line steamship which was destroyed in the harbor of St. Pierre, gives a graphic story of the tragedy of "last Thursday to the Herald from St. Kitts, island of St Christopher", B. W .1.: "We experienced the greatest diffi culty in getting into port," said he. "Appalling sounds were issuing from the mountains behind the town, which was shrouded in darkness. All the passengers were up and some were trying to obtain photographs. "Suddenly I heard a tremendous ex plosion. Ashes began to fall thick upon the dock, and I could see a black cloud sweeping down upon us.' I dived below and, dragging with me Samuel Thomas, a gangway man and fellow countryman, sprang into a room, shutting the door to keep out the heat that was already unbearable. "The ship rocked, and I expected every moment that it would sink. Outside I heard a voice pleading for the door to be opened. It was Scott, the first officer, and I opened the door and dragged him into the room. "It soon became unbearably hot and I went on deck. All about was lying j the dead and the dying. Little chil dren were moaning for water. I did what I could for them. I obtained wa ter, but when it was held to their swollen lips they were unable to swallow because of the ashes which clogged their throats. One little chap took water in this method and rinsed out the ashes, but even then could not swallow, so badly was his throat burned. He sank back unconscious and a few minutes later was dead. All aft the ship was afire, and from the land came drafts of terrible heat. At last, when I could stand it no longer, I sprang overboard. The wa ter was almost hot enough to parboil me, but a wave soon swept in from the ocean bringing with it cool water. "I was caught in the receding wave, which was of tidal velocity, and was carried out to sea. Then on the sec ond return of the wave I washed against an upturned sloop, to which I clung. A few minutes later I was joined by another man whom I learned was Captain Muggah of the Roraima. He was in dreadful agony and kept begging piteously to be put on board his ship. "Picking up some wreckage and a tool chest, with five others who joined me. we succeeded in forming a rude raft, on which we placed the captain. Seeing an upturned boat I asked one of the five to swim out to it and bring it over so that Captain Muggah might have an opportunity to live. The man succeeded in getting the boat righted, but Instead of returning he picked up two of his countrymen and went away in the direction of Fort de France. "Seeing the Roddam, which had ar rived In port soon after we anchored, making for the Roraima, I said good bye to Captain Muggah and swam to the Roddam. Before I could reach It it burst Into flames and put out ; to sea. I finally reached the Roraima about 2:30 in the, afternoon and later was taken off by the cruiser Suchet. Samuel Thomas, the gangway man whose life was saved by Taylor, de scribes a woman who was burned, to death while she held her baby in her arms, protecting it-with her own body from the fire that filled the air. The child was alive long after its mother had ceased to suffer. "vniu YOU'RE ANOTHER" Republicans Trying to Divert Public At tention Concealment First Then Inva sion Now Justification Washington; D. C, 'May 10, 1902. (Special Correspondence.) The repub licans in congress sadly need someone to advise them for their own good. Their much-vaunted ' defense and Jus tification of the Philippine outrages proved to. be merely; a clumsy attempt to distract public attention by pre tending that various exceptional cases of disorder and lawlessness in this country had anything to do with the principles at issue. It may be 'good policy in one sense, to try to divert public attention: from the acts of our army in the Philippines, but the very attempt shows, clearly that the re publicans had no defense to make. The democrats need have done noth ing except let Lodge,. Beveridgeetal. talk. They are convicted out of their own mouths. If there is one thing which stands out more clearly than another in the republican muddle, it is that Roosevelt does not desire to shield those who have been guilty of permitting the "kill and burn" atroci ties and the "water cure" .method of benevolent assimilation. Yet Senator Lodge had no more sense than to at tempt to justify these very atrocities, thus putting the responsibility for them upon the administration and the war department. "I am not here to excuse cruelty or torture," cries Lodge and then proceeds to do that very thing. Roosevelt declares that no punish ment can be too great for those who use inhuman methods of warfare and then Lodge proceeds to plead justifi cation for the General Smith order and other brutalities. Doubtless the whole matter is first up to the war de partment and then to the administra tion and the party in power. There can be no shirking of responsibility, because the guilt is divided among these various departments. If Roose velt has honesty and courage he can easily-get rid of Secretary Root who has not only known of these outrages, but who has aided and' abettedthem., If the republican majority in congress expects to in any way justify itself with the people it .will put itseif on record as being ready to use its abil ity to put a stop to the outrages In the Philippines. -, - The puerile cry that any criticism is "an attack on the army" is hardly worthy of answer. When did the army get to be such a little god that it was above criticism? It is true that the individual soldier should be blamed far less for any participation in these cruelties than the war department and the administration and the republican majority in congress which permits and encourages such a policy. It Is equally absurd for the republicans to do the baby act and cry out that the democrats are attacking the Philip pines policy for campaign purposes. This might impose upon the Filipino children of ten whom General Smith claims are so ferocious that our troops must be permitted to shoot down the mothers of these children, but it will not impose upon the country at large. The democratic minority stands as the guardian of the interests of the whole people. If it were not for the persistent efforts of the democrats the story of the Philippine outrages would still be hidden in the archives of the war department and the killing and burning and reconcentration and wa ter curing would be going merrily on in the Philippines. As it Is only a very small portion of the real truth has been extracted. The republicans first tried concealment, then evasion and lastly justification. Nothing can now keep the country from registering its disapproval of the policy which has permitted our national honor to be disgraced. Our adoption of Weyler ism in the Philippines is a lasting dis grace. One that can neither be wiped out nor forgotten. Roosevelt finds himself In just the awkward position that was prophecied when he fell heir to this administra tion only more so. After all his blus ter about what he will and what he will not do, he finds his congress so hopelessly rent by factions and dis sensions that it is powerless to do any thing that he wants even if it de sired to carry out his wishes and it mostly doesn't. Every day of such de bate as the senate has witnessed for the last ten days spells defeat for the republican party not only for the com ing congressional election, but in the. next presidential campaign. Yet the confusion is so great that Roosevelt has to threaten an extra session if this congress does not hurry up and pass the Philippine bill and the Cu ban tariff bill. The record so far has not been a creditable one. : " The alleged Chinese exclusion bill, which is one of the few pieces of do mestic legislation, is a gold brick which should gladden the celestial heart of Wu Ting Fang and his friends. The law will only be opera tive until December, 1904, and then when the treaty falls we will be left exposed to unrestricted Chinese Im migration. The Philippine clause Is worthless and even now the islands are to he made the gateway for an influx of Chinese labor. When you add to this that the "full dinner pail" is now without meat, there Is nothing to enthuse the average citizen either with the doings ; of congress or the administration. -D.' P. B, LODGE THE DODGER Kepublicans Exhibit Agility In Aroiding Discussion of Philippine Bill Car mack Skins Dolliver Judge Tibbets Scored 1 ,.' - Washington, D. C, May 12, . 1902. (Special Correspondence.) The re publicans in the senate are pursuing every method to avoid the discussion ot the Philippine bill. Senator Lodge has tried and tried to get, the minor ity to agree upon, an early vote, bwt1 the disclosures from . the Philippines are coming so thick and fast that the democrats, realizing that the facts should be presented to the American people, have refused to agree to any policies of suppression. Senator Till man was forced into a discussion of the race problem by the senior sena tor from Wisconsin, Mr. Spooner, in order to give the republicans an op portunity to discuss that mooted ques tion. In fact they are determined ' to avoid the real issue as much as possi ble. Senator Lodge, the . republican chairman of the Philippines commit tee, really opened the debate for the majority on Monday last, when for three hours he dodged, and dived to keep away from the Philippine ques tion, with all the agility of which he is a master, and we are given notice that today Senator Foraker . will go through some more contortions to show his ability in "coming near, but not touching" the real question. The democrats have brought many and serious charges concerning the condition of affairs in the Philippines, and they have proven them beyond the shadow of a doubt from the "govern ment's witnesses," all of which make3 the case stronger. From the witnesses summoned only by - the majority, for they refuse to summon any of im portance which the minority want, they have heard of General Smith's Herod-like, Weyler-like butcheries; they have been brought face to face with some of the most horrible In stances of the water cure; they have been told vividly of such butcheries and atrocities which several years ago would have stirred the American peo ple beyond the control of the admin istration. All this from the witnesses for the government. If the minority could only be able to summon men of influence in the Philippine islands men of power among the Filipinos themselves the opposition, or the de fense of the Philippine people, could be heard and their case justly tried. Here we have formed a plan of gov-, ernment the senate and1 the house- each presenting : radically different measures each of which is the best possible. All this has been arranged by the committees of the senate and house without ever hearing a single native, without ever ascertaining the wishes or the desires of the people In the archipelago. Four years have elapsed and nothing has been done. We have shown to the world that we don't-know how to manage colonies. We have nothing to show in the isl ands for our four years' work and for the millions spent, save razed towns, plundered villages and a terrorized people. We have given to the world a successor to Attila, to Weyler, our own General Smith, who murders babes", who would make a fair island a "howling wilderness,' and who boasts of it. Yet, whenever the democrats in the senate begin to attack the butcheries and atrocities in the Philippines, the republicans come back at them with the cry, "Don't sling mud at the Amer ican soldier." That was the whole text of the "oleaginous" speech of Senator Lodge. Don't defile the proud name of the American soldier, let us kill and burn, let us apply all the water cures," let us "kill all over ten," but don't you throw mud at the, American soldier. Does the republican party think the American people are oing to be fooled longer by that siren cry? io tney trunk tnat wnen tne other political party show to the American people that the islands have been ravaged and that we have another and a more horrible Weyler, that they can fall back on their old deceptive cry of "Don't throw mud at the American soldier." Senator Bev- eridge, the pestiferous little ' grass hopper from Indiana, broke loose on Tuesday and before he had finished, came to be the butt end of all the wit and sarcasm of the senate. He charged the democrats with being diliatory in clearing up the situation, and the re ports were immediately shown him that he, more than any other man, had taken up most of the time making ittle speeches as to why the witness should not be compelled to testify. f anyone had taken time, and use- essly as" well as diliatorily, it was the "Wasp of the Wabash." On Tuesday Senator Turner, - the awyer of the senate, made a magni ficent speech, able and' rhetorical, in opposition to the passage of the pend ing bill. He gave the administration a good lambasting for its policies and declared that the policy of "kill or burn" must continue if we want to subjugate the Filipinos. It was a magnificent speech and, although not eloquently delivered, is a splendid piece of campaign literature and well worth reading. - On Thursday Senator Dolliver, the egotistic senator from Iowa, toyed with the wrong cage and as usual came out of the short end of the horn. Your correspondent, Mr. Risley, came Into my office a short while after and said, "Carmack has made the greatest speech delivered- this session in the senate." . Risley was enthusiastic over it and repeatedly laughed heartily over "poor Dolliver." The junior senator from Iowa had taken, occasion to very bitterly attack Carmack for his speech and, in closing, read an editorial from the newspaper which Mr. Carmack formerly edited, the Memphis Commer cial Appeal, which, although speaking of Mr. . Carmack in very pleasant terms, denounced his speech on the Philippines.; Dolliver took occasion to sarcastically chide the : junior .senator from Tennessee about it. In reply, Senator Carmack took the opportun ity to floor Senator Dolliver in a few well chosen words. In reference to the editorial from the Commercial-Appeal, Senator Carmack said that personal ly it was very complimentary, and politically, it was as fair as could be expected, from a paper . whose owner was Governor Luke E. Wright, now holding the position of acting gov ernor in the Philippines under the ad ministration: The floor broke out into a roar, at Dolliver's expanse and it was several minutes before," the . chairman could restore .order J L But here Mr. Carmack . did ; not! (stop; ,-; Dolliver thought; he- could Ibe sarcastic, but Carmack thought he. could go one better and . rib wonder .Risley said "poor Dolliver.!:' It is a habit of Dol liver's, in makina aspeech, to use, his arms in the queerest, of gestures, but Carmack . said ithat he would , not at tempt to imitate; him .because he had not the necessary, ."Control of. his ab dominal muscles." He described Dolli ver as hanging ; by; his ."prehensile tail" and making "simian gestures,' which every, one - knew to mean that he was comparing the Benator to an ape. And, in conclusion, he spoke .of the personalities that had been thrown by Dolliver. "If : I were Jo, object," called Carmack -"at each instance that the senate - violated the rules ' of de cency in debate, I should have to. rise and condemn : him to absolute silence for the rest of his life." Here Senator Hoar rose and, called Carmack to or der, but as he bad finished, the laugh was on Hoar.' tJo wonder Risley was enthusiastic - It was the master battle between the two masters of sarcasm, Dolliver and Carmack, and the latter proved that he is not only . the master of the senate in eloquence, in Jogic and in ability, but the master of the senate In hurling the . most ; biting sarcasm. Dolliver has been taught a lesson, and won't monkey, with the machine again. Today Senator Lodge will make an other, attempt td fix a time for a vote upon the bill, but as usual this will prove without effect. He will then at tempt to have the senate meet one hour earlier each ; day. This the demo crats are willing to do upon one con dition, and . that is that the republican senators be compelled to -attend the sessions. Each day. there are dui iew senators present to hear the bill dis cussed and the democrats are deter mined that they shall be compelled to attend or otherwise they will not agree WHERE IS BRYAN? The Gold Democrats on the Tariff and the Meat Trust What Mr. Bryan's Position Asks Mr. DeHart Gold democrats, as they call them selves in this part of the country, are teaching that a protective tariff raises prices. The New York Journal, New York World, New York Herald and other democratic papers are teaching this doctrine. They believe in free trade or a tariff for1 revenue only, and whether they are free traders or rev enue tariff ers they are opposed to pro tective tariffs on the ground that they raise the prices of the necessaries of life. At the present time they are pointing to the exceptionally high price of meat and saying that the tar iff duty on foreign meat is the cause of the high price of all meat produced in this country. They say, for in stance, tnat the duty of 2 cent3 a pound on foreign beef is the cause of the high price of beef . produced here and the cause of the high price of veal produced in this country is due to the tariff duty of 2 cents a pound on foreign veal. They say the same thing with respect to pork and mutton The truth is, that whenever this country can produce any commodity, not only In sufficient quantities to sup ply our own people, but can send a portion of the. supply abroad, then the price here does not depend upon. the duty pn the similar foreign ar ticle. For instance, if we can produce all the meat we want here, and can send meat abroad then the price of meat here does not depend upon the price abroad or the duty on similar foreign meat. If, for instance, we can supply all the beef we want and can send beef abroad, then the price of beef here does not depend upon the duty on foreign beef. The same :'s true of mutton and pork. This being true, it is a gross misrepresentation for gold democrats, or any one else, to say that the high price of meat is due to a duty of 2 cents a pound on for eign beef, veal, mutton and pork. With respect to commodities which we can produce but are not producing In sufficient quantities to satisfy our own demands, then the price may be affected by the duty on similar foreign commodities. Sugar is a commodity of this class. We are producing it, but not in sufficient quantities to sat isfy our own demands. If there is a duty on' foreign sugar and we are obliged to go to foreign countries for sugar, then the duty will have a ten dency to raise the price in this coun A- 1 1 mama) a e '"PI! A wr ' a va' "Hilt" uu ituj earner scooiuuo.. trv -not onlv of thfi ?uear' produced few of .the republicans nave tended thfi dallv sessions; and they are Lodee. SDOoner: -Beveridge. . Dolliver and McComasJ "Senator Foraker .will speak today, Senator Stewart on Tuesday and Senator Spooner on-Wed nesday. On Thursday the democrats will open again with Senators Clay, Bacon, Money, Patterson and Bailey.' A vote on the bill will not be reached for two weeks yet and perhaps longer. On Saturday Senator Bailey of Tex as made a. brilliant speech against the embassy to the coronation of Edward the seven times. In the consideration of the appropriation bill, he offered an amendment to the effect that no money appropriated by this bill should be used to pay the expenses of envoys to the coronation of Edward. "If.:' said Mr. Bailey, "we are to send a special embassy to the coronation of this monarch in Great Britain, we must hereafter send an embassy to the coronation of every monarch, or else give affront to the nation concerned." Continuing, he said: "If it be true that we have sent embassies to the cor onation of European rulers, I ask- if special embassies ever have been sent o the inauguration of the president of the United States? Are they en titled at our . hands to what they do not give us?" Mr. Bailey finally with drew his coronation amendment and n its place offered a resolution declar ne that it is beyond the power of the president to appoint special embassies without the consent of the senate, the resolution went over. The senate then passed , the army appropriation bill." The president has named, rion. .Her bert G- Squires, who is. now secretary to the legation of the United States in China, to he the first envoy of the United States"' in thenew republic of Cuba,-which igflaunched to theworld on Wednesday, May 20. He has also appointed Ewell S. Bragg of Wisconsin to be consul general at Havana,' Cuba. The house has passed the bills to admit the territories of . .Oklahoma, New. Mexico and Arizona , Into the statehood. This bill was the only im portant measure considered by the house during the past week. The first proposition was to unite Arizona and New. Mexico into one territory and then admit it into statehood asr the state of Montezuma. -But this amendment was beaten and in its stead the bill admitting each of them was passed. The senate on Saturday passed a bill appropriating one -hundred thousand dollars for the relief of the sufferers on the island of Martinique, who have suffered one of the worst calamities here, which has to pay. no duty, but of all sugar.; It would, certainly have a tendency to rais6 the price of foreign sugar, because the price or foreign sugar, when brought . here, depends upon the price abroad, plus transpor tation, plus duty. This has a ten dency to make a high price of foreign sugar, when brought here, and, if there is a combination or trust among our sugar producers, they can raise the price of all - sugar produced here to the level of foreign sugar. But, when the price of domestic sugar-Is thus raised, it is done not by the tar iff duty alone or by the trust alone, but by the two combined. The remedy in such cases is either to remove the tariff duty or the trust. If we wish to encourage the production of sugar in this country by a duty on foreign su gar, then the proper remedy is to keep the duty on foreign sugar and break up the unlawful trust or com bination and compel them to sell their sugar to the highest bidder or what the market will fetch. If we think that our own sugar producers: the beet men for instance, ought to have some protection as against foreign beet sugar, fed by a bounty abroad, then we keep the duty on foreign su gar and watch for a combination among our own beet sugar producers. At the present time, there might, with propriety, be an argument as to whe ther or not the price of domestic su gar is affected by the duty on foreign sugar, but there is no room .for argu ment as to whether or not the price of domestic meat is affected by the duty on foreign meat. Therefore, if we find the price of meat unusually high, we must look for the cause in some other direction than the tariff law. The gold democrats, in pointing to the tariff duty on meat, as the cause of the high price of meat, are making no distinction between meat and sugar, which latter commodity is a very dif ferent kind of commodity, because we have to go abroad for a part of our sugar and do not have to go abroad for any part of -our meat. If demo crats could only keep in their minds that this country can produce more than we want ' of some commodities and not as much as we want of an other class of commodities, it would help them' to understand the practical' working of a tariff law. With respect to commodities which we do not produce at all, such as. tea and coffee, the price here depends upon the price abroad, plus transpor tation, plus duty. With respect to all such commodities, the duty, has a ten- of the modern times.' From present dency to raise the price to the con reports the eruptions are progressing all over the Indies and the loss of life is estimated in Martinique alone to be about forty thousand lives. The whole city of St, Pierre, containing about twenty-five thousand souls, has been destroyed in a space of three min utes by eruptions . from Mount Pelee. This , volcano was believed by all to be entirely extinct, but In the" space of three minutes it burst forth and en gulfed the whole section of the island. Ashes from the eruption have been found over a hundred miles away and it is impossible as yet to reach . the Island." The United States consul and family, It Is believed, lost their lives. Further reports show that a volcano on the island of St. Vincent is in ' -Continued on Page 5.) -r - -.-. sumer, as much as the duty at least, if not more, because these commodities cannot be had without paying tb.3 price abroad, in addition to transpor tation and import duty, as well as an export duty in the foreign country from which these goods come, if there happens to be an export duty. There is no room open for argument as to the practical effect of a tariff duty on these commodities. If the gold demo crats would take into consideration the fact, that there are at least three kinds of commodities, namely, those we cannot or do not want to produce at all, those that we can produce, f ut not In sufficient quantities to supply our demands at home, and thost that we can produce in such quantities as to supply not only our. home markets, but to send a surplus abroad , it would help them to understand the practical working of a tariff law, especially as regards prices. It would also enable them to see that there is such a thing as a science of tariff taxation. Tariff ; taxation, as a science, is no new thing. It has been known a long time. Among some statesmen it has been considered only as a fine art to get money out of the pockets of the people without their knowing it. or. if they knew it, without their feeling it. Our fathers understood it well. They considered that a tariff law might be used not only for getting money for the support of the federal government ,but for encouraging do mestic Industries and building up the country rapidly. This policy was com menced at the beginning of the fed eral government and continued, by the consent of all political parties, until 1846, when the south got control of the treasury department at Washing ton and made a, law on the lines of "tariff-for-revenue-only." This Is what the, gold democrats want to do now, but in these times we want stat esmen who can look upon tariff laws, not merely as a means or art of get ting money out of , the people, with out their knowing it, for the support of the federal government, but who can look' upon tariff taxation as a science. McKinley 1 studied the tariff during his whole public life, if not before, as a science. Henry Clay de voted his life to the same subject and educated a school of statesmen. Abra ham Lincoln was a pupil of Henry Clay, and, in the early part of his political career, was as much absorbed in the tariff as he afterwards was in the slavery question. John I C. Cal houn devoted a large part of his life to tariff, the other part being devoted to slavery and how, the tariff and slav ery were xionnected; and the result c? his work and study was , a school of statesmen who believed in a tariff-for-revenue-only. There has never been a school of statesmen in this country (Henry George excepted) who believed in free trade with respect to all kinds of commodities. The school of the protectionists, founded by Clay, advocated more free trade than the school of Calhoun, because the former believed in free trade with respect to all commodities the country could not produce, while the latter believed In putting duties on all commodities, whether we could produce them or not. The democratic party in 1846 adopt ed the Calhoun plan of tariff, as ap pears by the tariff law of that year. At that time the whigs were the op position party. They) were divided on the subject, some believing in Henry Clay and some in Calhoun. Ten years later (1856) when the republican party was formed, all republicans were be lievers in Henry Clay and all demo crats were believers in Calhoun. This was the case four years later (1860) when Lincoln was elected president against ' two democrats, who each be lieved in tariff for revenue only. For twenty years the civil war and the issues growing out of that war ob scured tariff discussion and we heard but little about it,- until 1880, when the democrats brought out again Cal houn's old idea. From that time un til 1896, a period of 16 years, we had plenty of -tariff discussion, but Mr. Bryan and hi3 friends obscured tariff again by bringing forward the money question, especially the silver issue. Where is Mr. Bryan now on the tar iff issue, as now presented by the gold democrats? He hasn't talked tariff since 1894, when the Wilson bill was before the country. The gold demo crats are evidently preparing to elect the next house of representatives on the tariff question, and the republicans are evidently very willing to Join is sue with them on this subject. I think the people here in the east would like to hear what Mr. Bryan has to say on the issue as now presented between the gold democrats and the republicans. The great defect of the republicans is. not that they, favor protective tar iffs, but that they do not favor an in come tax. The great defect of i the gold democrats is, that they favor revenue tariffs or free trade in' all commodities and do not favor an In come tax. In opposing the income tax , the republicans and gold demo crats are agreed. ! JNO. S. DE HART. Jersey City, N. J. ' POPS EXTEND THEIR SYMPATHY The miserable creatures who edit the great dailies have given another exhibition of their contemptible flun- keylsm. Until the terrific assault made by the opposition In the senate began to be understood by the people generally, they were all for the policies adopted in the Philippines and send ing special representatives to help crown kings In Europe. As to the Philippines they are all "lying low," but as to coronation embassies they have "flopped" and are all down on it now. The Chicago Tribune says: "The United States should not take special notice of coronations," and that senators "either because they have thought the matter out for them selves or because they perceive the displeasure of the people at the de parture from republican principles in volved in dancing attendance by the United States at purely monarchical functions, are desirous that the bad; precedent of officially recognizing cor onations shall not be established." On this subject as well as on several others the administration has been forced to adopt the populist view and act accordingly. It seems now that Whitelaw Reid will have to pay his own expenses and when he arrives at King Edward's court he will have no credentials. Poor . Whitelaw Reid! The pops extend their sympathy to him in his awful distress. For three years our flag has been In the Philippines as the symbol of sub jugation, and Roosevelt says "it must stay "put."- ' ' PRESIDENT CARMACK Our Washington Correspondent Suggests Senator Carnsaek for President Ex penses of Government War Expenses Washington, D. C, May 14, 1S02. (Special Correspondence.) The dem ocracy of the United States senate has developed a new leader none ' other than Senator Carmack of Ton-' nessee. The ability and force with which he has managed the minority', side of, the Philippine debate has been a source of great pride to his friends and of material benefit to his party. ; As a quick and ready , debater, he Las no equal on the floor of the senate. "Carmack for president" has a pleas- ant sound and if one time In our his-, tory the south may have a nominee, the Tennessee senator would bring to the executive office the same high character that has established hla senatorial leadership. The old soldiers have another ob-, ject lesson before them of the ox-, treme love felt for them (?) by the party in power. H. Clay Evans, pen sion commissioner, has come in lor t unlimited condemnation from the oid ; soldiers for years, yet President Mc- Kinley failed to remove him from ' office. While Roosevelt has been com- c pelled to do so, he has appointed him i to the consul generalship at London at $50,000 a year in fees the best ' paying job under the administration ' as a reward for . his pension bureau services. It is a good vindication for ' Evans, but a little rough on the G. i A. R. The president has signed the o!eo bill and the law Is now in full force ,: and effect. Nebraska reform workers who have for years advocated the Initiative and referendum will be glad to know a light Is breaking in the east on thi3 ' very subject. The Chicago Record-: Herald, in a recent editorial headed "Shall We have the Referendum?". said: "The referendum is a remedy for the greatest evils of democracy, scch as corrupt legislation and government by bosses, is receiving more serious discussion at this time than ever fx-' fore. A growing disposition on the part of the people to test its efficacy in rescuing the principles of self-government is manifest in nearly every' state. . "This, of course, Is due to the pop ular realization of the fact that ne. are losing the power to control leg is- latlon. So far as the selection of the men who do the governing is-concerned, we .have comparatively little power -'mat is a matter that 13 large ly controlled by bosses and party ma- . chines. They do the nominating and we ratify the nominations. The ques- mitted to control issues and general . policies? Shall the American people have the option of defeating now and then a rreasure which party contribut-. ors or managers have with much diffi culty and expense forced through the legislative body?" The Record-Herald Is the leading republican organ of the west and yet its argument for the plan urged by the reform forces is as strong as any democrat or populist could foresee. This outburst from the republican. paper was induced by the corruption", involved in the municipal politics of many of our great cities. In this day "the machine' or "tha organization" is everything. In or- : der to maintain its power, the army , of employes must be increased and fed. City and county offices are honey- combed with a useless number of clerks and subordinates. Extravagant', and reckless expenditure of public ; moneys everywhere. The appetite f grows more and more insatiable. Im- provements of streets, parks, water-, works, and what not, must be made. The taxation limit has been reached, : and the next thing is a resort to the legislature for an issue of bonds. Ard 1 the mountain of indebtedness goes en : piling up. And "the machine" meth ods have so developed that the leg islature has become a necessary part - of its existence. And, in many cases, it is this sort of legislatures who are called upon ! to choose United States senators. Is It i any wonder that the same persuasive Influence that can force a corrupt franchise grab through a legislature can have much the same influence when it comes to choosing a senator of the United States? To demonstrate the corruption pre vailing in municipal politics, it 13 well to submit some figures. For the year 1900 the per capita cost of main taining and operating the federal gov ernment, Including maintenance of the army and navy, for every man, woman and child In the United States, was $6.39. ' For operating the state government of Ohio for the same 3'ear, the per capita cost was but $1.89. The ner canita cost for a number ot prominent American cities ranged from $31.50 per capita In the case of, New York city down to $11.40 in the case of Chicago. With the enormous engaged in the prosecution of a for- l A m a. 4111 il. . cibii v cl l jl luuu ucb i mill I 11 r I ' 1 capita cost of maintaining New York city was six times greater. There is but one remedy for such condition municipal control of all UUlib UVllltlV O UiXAVA V H V. till LIUI 1 1 C C1AJL . i a . . m reierenaum vote ior ine settlement ot all niihUn nnpstintis Tn this Rkptrh of the workings of "the machine" and its extravagances, I do not condemn organization for party purposes. Or ganization is absolutely indispensable In the control of, party politics, and this fact brought closely home to the reform forces of Nebras ka. There we are lax In our methods, f We have the votes to control state politics what is most needed is or- , -iJs (Continued on Page 5.) i n