r WRY fry mm rv. VOL. XIII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MAY 1, 1902. NO. 50. HILL FOR PRESIDENT V la That Erent There is no Inne Between the Democratic and Repub lican Parties Editor Independent: Mr. Hill, in iis recent speech, February 22, said: "The democratic party should again press to the front the Issue of rev enue reform. The republican prin ciple or practice of protection is based on the right to use the powers of gov ernment for individual purposes. Our republican friends make revenue the Incident and protection the main pur pose of all tariff taxation." He is in favor of a tariff for revenue only and wants to make an issue be tween revenue tariffs and protective tariffs, without showing the people what they have to gain by the change. The republicans- are collecting two hundred millions annually for the government by means of a protective tariff, and Mr. Hill proposes to collect the same amount from the people by means of a revenue tariff. He ought to show that the people can pay the required amount more easily on the revenue plan than on the protective plan, otherwise he presents no issue for them to vote upon. This he does not do, and' therefore he presents no Issue. The democratic party ought to stand for two Ideas:. First, the rich shall pay taxes in proportion to their riches; second, the people, through the government, shall control the vol ume of money. Mr. Hill does not support either of these propositions. He does not favor an income tax, which -would tax peo ple according to their wealth. He does not support the idea of having the government control the money, because he favors free coinage of gold which allows the owners of gold to control the amount of money. He op poses free coinage of silver which must be good If free coinage of gold is good. He favors revenue tariffs which must be bad if protective tariffs are bad. He says, free coinage of gold Is good, which, if true, proves that free coinage of silver is good. He op poses protection, which, if bad, proves tariffs for revenue only to be bad as against an income tax. The republicans favor free coinage of gold; so does Mr. Hill. The repub licans believe In protective tariffs. Mr. Hill believes that the duties ought to be shifted from one class of com modities to another class, whicb would be harder for the common peo ple to bear. Hill does not, therefore, differ essentially from the republicans. He ought to join with republicans and help them elect their candidates in stead of trying to do business in the name of democracy. His wing of the democratic party does not represent more than 10 per cent of democratic voters and yet he and his friends claim the right to take possession ot the party machinery and nominate all candidates and lead the party. The appointment of the democratic congressional campaign committee Bhows that Mr. Hill and his friends are to control the election of the next house of representatives. This Is the preliminary work of the next presi dential election. Here in the east any democrat who voted for Bryan will bo cast aside as unfit to be mentioned or noticed as a candidate. Only those who follow Hill and his friends will be considered. What are democrats to do who voted for Bryan? Evidently they will nave to make independent nominations or vote the republican ticket. This they can do as consis tently as Hill did, in 1896 and 1900, when they supported the republican nominations. The wealth of all the people of the United States amounts to one hundred thousand million dollars ($100,000, 000,000) and the income from this property in the shape of rent, or in terest, or dividends amounts to four thousand million dollars ($4,000,000, 000) annually, counting four per cent as the average rate. Here 13 an au nual fund that ought to be used for the support of the federal government, before attempting to tax incomes de rived from wages, salaries, or thy profits of a business. The annual rent, interest and dividends ($4,000,000,000) are what those pay, who work for wages salaries and profits. Mr. Hilt proposes to put the whole expense of supporting the federal government upon the rent payers, the interest pay ers and the dividend payers instead cf putting it upon the rent receivers, in terest receivers or the dividend re ceivers. Those who pay the four thou sand millions annually are to pay. In addition thereto, the sum of five hun dred millions annually towards the eupport of the federal government, ac cording to Mr. Hill. This is to be paid by import duties and excise taxes ju domestic manufactures. The govern ment collects two hundred millions annually through the custom houses, besides three hundred millions on do mestic manufactures. This makes an annual sum of five hundred millions to be paid by the working and bv.sl " ness people, in addition to all the rent, interest and dividends which they pay; and they pay it by paying high prices on what they eat, drink and wear and Mr. Hill proposes to continue this system. He proposes to do It by talking about the two con flicting systems of tariff taxation in stead of talking about an income tax or any kind of tax that will fall upon ealth. If the federal government were sup ported by those who are receiving four thousand millions annually it would only take one-eighth of their Income, leaving them seven-eighths, . all of which they get from the labor of oth ers. The auestion narrows itself down to this: Shall we start towards an In come tax? or shall, we stand still and continue to talk about the compara- entlrely by those who are receiving the four thousand millions, but if we start now, we shall ultimately get there. We shall certainly never get there If we do not start. It will be a long road to travel,. but. if 'we begin by getting a small sum annually out of the rich people and by relieving the poor from an equal amount i on their food, drink ; and. clothing, we shall be encouraged to go further, un til finally we shall see the federal government supported entirely by tli rich and the poor entirely relieved. Mr. Hill stands for two ideas, name ly, the rich are to be exempt from tax ation for support of the federal gov ernment (unless they happen to pay the . same amount that poor people, without property, pay); secondly, the rich are to be allowed to issue all the money. These two privileges will cer tainly make the rich richer and the poor poorer. It is Impossible to be lieve that any person who stands for these two propositions can be a demo crat. It is a system that encourages trusts, monarchy and imperialism. It is unrepublican and undemocratic. It Is contrary o what Jefferson taught, who founded the first republican par ty, contrary to what Lincoln taught, who founded the second republican party, and contrary to what Andrew Jackson taught when he and his friends founded the democratic party In 1828, but not contrary to what one wing of the democratic party taught afterwards -when they pronounced for revenue tariffs ' and negro slavery. Mr. Hill does not now preach in favor of negro' slavery, but he preaches for a gold standard which, In connection with his revenue tariff, will not only enslave one race, but all races of man kind. JNO. S. DE HART. Jersey City,' N. J. Ten Millions .Suffer "There are ten millions of suffering people across the water, silent, un heard, but whose very souls cry out against wrongs cruel, unspeakable be yond the ken of mortal language to describe. There are more than seven ty millions on this side of the water wanting to know the truth, heretofore stifled and suppressed. This bill strikes its roots into and derives its support from that excrescence upon the army appropriation bill of 1901. known as the Spooner amendment. The qualification of the absolute pow er therein conferred, adopted at the instance of the senator from Massa chusetts, by this -bill is eliminated. v "All property rights in the islands and the fate of their; inhabitants are turned over to the - control, and dis position of the commission, without any qualification of importance. Ths commission may declare war and make peace; raise armies and provide navies; regulate commerce with all sorts of discriminations between isl ands and ports; levy taxes without limit and without uniformity. It may coin money and regulate the value thereof, and may establish religion and punish those who do not conform to its tenets. It may destroy free speech, and punish as an act of sedi tion the publication of the truth in regard to its administration.. It can establish an inquisition, devise and apply methods of excruciating torture, compelling persons to be . witnesses against themselves and disclose infor mation which the commission may de sire to extort. It is useless to say that this power will not be abused. At tention will be invited to some In stances in the history of our relations with the . islands showing the extent to i which our representatives have gone in acts of. perfidy, injustice, op pression and cruelty." While Senator Rawlins was deliver ing the speech from which the above is an extract, the republican senators would not stay In the senate chamber. They fled to their committee rooms rather than listen to fierce invective with which they and their army was assailed. Herbert G. Skinner, who has just returned from service in the Philip pines, where he served with company I, 6th United States infantry, in speaking at Brockton, Mass., concern ing the stories of cruelty perpetrated by the United States soldiers and offi cers there, said: "Six Filipinos were hung up by their arms for seventy-two hours by one outfit to gain informa tion. The water cure I saw practiced several times, and it usually brought a fellow round to telling what was wanted, although sometimes the fel low lied. The most exciting expedi tion In which I was concerned was with Lieut.-Col. Scott In the vicinity of Panay. We got orders to take no prisoners over twelve years of age and leave no Filipinos alive. So' it was a case of kill the natives on sight. It is nonsense to say women and chil dren were also killed. The only men tortured were those who had informa tion." ' '. . The testimony of this and several other returned soldiers establishes the fact that the orders to shoot every thing over ten or twelve years of age and take no prisoners has . been the general practice all over the Philip pines. For that kind of work, which is simply savagery, the imperialists of this country are responsible. There has been nothing equal to it since the dark ages. These people have suf fered "silent and unheard." PRIVATE POSTOFFICES Silver reached the lowest point ever known last week, namely, 51 cents. But the purchasing power of the silver dbllar did not vary the thousandth part of a mill in: consequence of it." Why,? Because ; the silver dollar is legal tender. ' That Is the reason and the only 1 reason, Repeal the law making it a tender- for debt, and in twenty-four hours it would be worth a good deal less than one-half of its face value. It is the "flat" of the gov- iffjaxrojjaxuiernjri oxxtliatJreepJtiat-a Parity with Tarn the Postofflce Department Over to , The Express Companies Says Chairman Load The Independent has heretofore commented on the good work being done by the Postal Progress league, having headquarters at Boston. The immediate object of the league is "to secure the reclassification of mail mat ter on the scientific basis of cost of the service rendered; the reduction of postal rates; the establishment of a parcels post; free delivery, house to house, within our entire domain; the extension, as rapidly as possible, of domestic rates to foreign business; postal insurance of all mall matter; and a postal currency for the payment of small accounts by mail." "This country," says the league, "has the best transport machinery in the world; it should have the be3t an'd cheapest postal service." All per sons in sympathy with the objects set forth are invited to become members at one dollar a year. Mr. Hartley Den nett, 98 Devonshire bldg., Boston, Mass., is treasurer. The league's second installment of printed matter is entitled, "The Post office In Peril from Within." This has been painfully evident to close ob servers for some time. Congressman Loud of California, chairman of the present house postal committee an emissary and representative of certain express companies has been for sev eral years the avowed leader of the hostile forces against the postofflce, and nothing except the fear of an angry constituency has prevented enough other republican members from helping him carry through his nefarious schemes. Beneficent as it is to the people as a whole, the postoffice is a menace to those enjoying special privileges, and the officials of rail roads, express companies, telegraphs, etc., are not slow to do all in their power to discredit it. The moral and political effect of the postoffice depart ment has been to open the eyes of la borers employed by public service cor porations and make them favorable to public ownership. This the bene ficiaries of special privileges deplore, and their energies are directed toward breaking down the most notable ex ample of successful public ownership and operation in the country the postoffice. The league calls attention to cer tain paragraphs which have appeared in the different postal committee re ports ' since 1897 the language - being identical in each. (See reports on H. R. 4566 for 1897; H. R. 5359 for 1898, and H. R. 6071 for 1900.) The author is Mr. Loud, and he was evi dently too lazy to re-write or be lieved he had expressed his thoughts so well that no improvement could be made. "There is much maudlin sentiment," says the report, "among many of our people about the postofflce department Many compare it with the war and navy departments, and say it should not be run for profit, or even to pay the expense of operation, but should be supported by taxation, and run "n the interest of and for the people. To our mind, however, there is no com parison: the one is for the defense of the nation as a whole; no one individ ual needs their protecting arm more than another, and all are taxed ac cording to their means for their sup port." At least two misstatements in one paragraph is rather a good (or bad) record for lying. The man with little property needs little protection from the army and navy and gets practically none. The man or corpora tion with much property needs more and gets substantially all. In time of need the one with small property will be found in the ranks of the vol unteers helping protect the country, while the rich man hires a substitute, stays at home and amasses more wealth by taking advantage of the suffering of his fellowmen. The state ment that "all are taxed according to their means' for support of the army and navy Is most monstrous. All are taxed according to what they consume, and that means that the poor man pays anywhere from one hundred to ten thousand times as much for their support,, according to his means, as the rich man does. Mr. Loud certainly knew that. "The postoffice department," the report goes on to say, "is an accommo dation to the great mass of our peo ple, but not an absolute necessity; PRIVATE MEANS . could as well, or BETTER, be adapted to the transmis sion of our .mails and In the opinion of the writer of this report and that opinion is formed . after many years of practical and theoretical experience In postal affairs could be so done much more cheaply, with quicker dis patch, and better satisfaction to the people." If he means the Wells Far go express "people," why, yes, cer tainly, they would be better satisfied. So would Loud, their agent. Not a particle of doubt that a private con cern could do the present postal busi ness at less cost (to themselves) than our government pays but the people at large would pay heavier rates, and there would be discriminations, and franks for all sorts of ward heelers and political parasites. No private concern would pay such exorbitant rates to the railroads as the govern ment pays. No private concern would pay postal clerks and other employes the wages they now receive. And the private concern would, after "'water ing" its stock several times, pay a handsome return on its "investment" and many mullet heads would point with pride to the grand work being done by our "private postal trust." "But," this philosopher of the ex press companies continues, '"it is not our intent to now advocate so radical a change, for our people can more peacefully bear those Ills : they have people (that is, his "express people") is that it encourages the growth of an AGRARIAN: sentiment which' point3 to the , postoffice , department and ; ex claims, 'See . how- well the : postal ser vice is managed in the interest of us all, and ' how, cheaply-- it lis operated ; this is our strong bulwark of defence, and illustrates in golden letters that the true course for the government is to become, the parent' and owner and operate all means of . transportation and transmission.' " That lets one cf the corporation cats .out of the .'bag. The public postoffice must go eventual ly because it is a disseminator of pop ulism. Agrarianism is radically, dif ferent from populism, but Loud would have no hesitancy about substituting one term for another. He and his ex press people do not fear agrarianism that is, a re-distribution of the, land but they do fear populism,, which means competition in the competitive field and public' Ownership and opera tion of the means of transportation and transmission of intelligence. Chairman- Loud has an undoubted right to hold views, hostile to the gov ernment, postoffice - department, but could an honorable ; man hold such views and insist and persist In being chairman of the postal - committee? The republican party is responsible for the membership of this committee- it cannot pose as a friend of the post office and retain them in their present position. ... , - . . .' The miserable creatures who edit the Nebraska republican dailies, and espe cially the one who edits the Bee, have made another demonstration of their contemptible instincts within the last few; days.- Until the , administration announced that it had evidence to es tablish the fact that there was a beef trust, they all " ridiculed the idea of such a thing, . buUas. soon as the news from Washington reached them they flopped. .They have no principles and no opinions. They are simply dough faces. If a head of a department rubs a hand down over their visages, then their faces are long If a chuck under the chin is given, then their faces are short until some republican leader manipulates them again. They de serve nothing but contempt and that is what is meted out to them by all men of honor. - The owners of beet' sugar stock go down to Washington and ; claim that they represent the poor, down-trodden farmers. That' story Is plenty good enough to fool a mullet head, . but the ordihary farmer -simply smiles, v A few farmers in this state: raise sugar beets and take 'just' what the .beet sugar trust is -pleased ;to give t: them. Not one of -them so far has appeared in Washington; to fight reciprocity with Cuba. ., It is the other fellows who have been there telling how they rep resented the farmer. But none of them ever showed any credentials The farmer's idea about the matter is this: "I don't want to tax any one else to support me; I can make my own liv ing. If Oxnard don't want to pay me as much for raising sugar beets as I can make raising cattle, hogs and corn, then I won't raise beets. Let Oxnard do the howling. . It's no fight of mine." These Manila court-martials .will be famous in history fifty or a hundred years from now. An "officer is charged with shooting prisoners of war with out a trial. The officers who sit as trial judges have been engaged in the same sort of business and although tr e charge' is not denied, they acquit him. Then a general is charged with ordering the slaughter of all the male inhabitants of a whole province. He appears before the court and says that is all true. He ordered the boys shot because a Filipino boy over ten, fight ing for liberty alongside of his father, was a perfidious and dangerous foe. All the republican editors are defend ing this general and as he. is tried be fore men engaged in. the same kind of so-called war, he hasn't much to fear. A)l this will make queer sort of his tory. What will the school boys fifty years from now think about it? ' Trust smashing does not mean the destruction of great business enter prises and a return to primitive meth ods of production. It does mean, how ever, that the trusts shall be deprived of their power to kill off competition, their power to dictate prices. Of course, when this is done, the "trusts" as such will cease to exist; but the great manufacturing establishments now run as such can go right On man ufacturing as before, except that,they will be shorn of their power to crush out other concerns engaged in sim ilar business.1 This can in great meas ure be accomplished by abolishing tar iff imposts, and substituting an income tax to furnish . revenues . for the fed eral government; by government own ership and operatibn of the railroads and kindred public utilities, thereby abolishing secret rebates and favorit ism. ' : ' , Little despots are springing up all over the land since this reign of Im perialism began. The little fellows pat tern after the big ones, .and if the thing goes on. It will not be long be fore we shall have a government of despots, .big and little, instead of a government of law. A while ago the city council of Omaha passed an ordi nance regulating bill boards. The lit tle despot who rules the city under the title of mayor simply: wrote a letter to the council saying that: the law would not be enforced and It has not been enforced: The big wind down there the other day blew over every bill board In the city, one person was killed by: them and several others se verely injured, because the . little despot refused to compel them to be constructed according to law. - The loss of a few ' lives never affects a despot In the least; and Moores goes on his OUR FOREIGN DEBT Mr. "Warren Comments on Onr Foreign Debt and the Enermens Tribute Paid to Foreigners (This is the third of the series of articles furnished The Independent by Hon. Marvin Warren. Ed. Ind.) From the same beginning of that great money contraction in 1865, a for eign debt began its fast growth against the people of the United States, in favor of British capitalists, and it has grown more or less every year since thirty-six years; Of late I have been getting in hand items of republican authority of first-class data to build a computation upon, and to this data I have been applying the rules and fig ures of arithmetic, that never lis, very diligently "and carefully, to see as near as possible just what this thirty-six years of republican management has resulted: in to the country. The national republican platform says, "Our present dependence upon foreign shipping for . nine-tenths of our foreign carrying trade Is a great loss to the industry of this country." All republicans and everybody else should know most assuredly that the same cause precisely that has worked the loss of our foreign carrying ves sels, is working the loss of our rail roads, factories, mines and other property, is building up a great for eign debt against this country, and i3 creating a great foreign tribute, de signed by foreigners to enslave the la bor of this country for all time to come; and the leading cause of all this is the republican clap-trap gold standard.: OPINONS OF EXPERTS. The following are quotations from monograph No. 11, by Gen. A. J. War ner, late president of the National bi metallic union, dated 1897: "Air. Goshen in-his Foreign Ex changes, in referring to the early part of 1861, says the United States 'had established a surplus of claims on for eign countries.' "Prior to 1860, 75 per cent of the traffic to and from the United States was carried in American vessels, sc that we were not-in debt on this ac count, and before 1860 comparatively little was expended by Americans in traveling in foreign countries. Hence, it is safe to assume that in 1860 our debt abroad was insignificant, if any at all existed. "Our present debt, therefore, has accumulated since 1860. It really-"began c in 1862-'3, and grew rapidly from 1865 to 1869, and has continued to in crease ever since.1- "In 1869 Mr. David A. Wells, then special commissioner of the revenue, estimated our. entire debt abroad at $1,465,500,000, made up as follows: Government bonds $1,000,000,000 State and municipal bonds , 107,500,000 Railway, bonds . 130,000,000 Railway; stocks 113,000,000 Mis. stocks and bonds... 15,000,000 Real estate mortgages... 25,000,000 Money on deposit in this country or temporarily invested 75,000,000 $1,465,500,000 He estimated the interest on this debt at $80,000,000. the cost of carrying trade at that date at $24,000,000 a year; and expenditures of Americans in, foreign countries at $25,000,000, making a total amount of annual pay ments abroad in 1869, exclusive of merchandise balances, $129,000,000.", "Prof. J. E. Carnes, following Mr. Wells, made our debt to England "in 1869 300,000,000 pounds sterling, with annual dues for interest of $80,000,000, to which he added $25,000,000 for mer chandise carried in- foreign bottoms, $25,000,000 more as expended by Am ericans in traveling in foreign coun tries, and the average merchandise balance against us of $44,000,000, mak ing a total of $174,000,000, which he estimated was required in 1869 as an annual tribute from the United States to foreign countries, after balancing imports with exports." "Mr. Alfred S. Heidelbach, in tl-.e February number of the Forum for 1875, without stating the amount of American securities held abroad, places the annual, interest on such se curities, as a minimum, at $75,000,000 and estimates $75,000,000 more as profits on foreign investments in. this country, making $150,000,000 as the sum required to pay interest and divi dends on foreign investments In the United States." "Ernest Seyd estimated the interna tional debt of the United States at the end of 1874 . at 400,000,000 pounds, or $2,000,000,000, with interest still aver aging 6 . per cent, or $120,000,000 a year'. r : All the . foregoing' opinions of ex perts are copied word for word from the aforesaid monograph No. 11, of A. J. Warner, who explained to me 1j letter that said David A. Wells, was then, In 1869, special commissioner of the revenue of the United States, un der President Grant's, administration. That Prof. J. E. Carnes was a learned and eminent political economic writ?r of Glasgow, Scotland, and that Alfred S. Heidelbach is, or was, a rioted banker and financier of New York city. I suppose that the reason Gen eral Warner did not say anything to me : In ; his letter about Ernest Seyd was because he considered him as such a renowned .English nnancier as to need no commendation. These four expert opinions, of Wells, Cairnes, Heidelbach . and Seyd, coming as they do from sources so wide apart, appear to.be made up entirely independent of each other, and when considered in re spect to i the different points upon which they speak, and the difference in the times of their utterance, they are in harmony with and corroborate each other, and go far In establishing a basis upon which we may estimate a true approximate amount of the great MtlMqrnnntrv tQfgreigaers. A. Wells is especially useful, because of Its clear, high official and repubil can character, and should have the utmost confidence of all republicans. There are four causes of accruing debt against this country in favor of foreigners, namely, interest on debta already existing, profits on foreign in vestments here, freight costs of our foreign carrying trade In foreign owned vessels, and expenses of Ameri cans in foreign travels. It will bo noticed that Prof. J, E. Cairnes in hia opinion above stated, calls all these costs against us "tribute," to foreign ers and this is .the right name for them. In regard to our tribute for freight costs in. foreign owned vessels we have at hand another opinion of high est order and of a much later date than either of those already given. President William McKinley in his letter of acceptance of the nomination, dated September 8, 1900, said: "Ninety-one per cent of our exportu and imports are now carried by for eign ships. For ocean transportation we pay annually to foreign ship own ers over $165,000,000. - We ought to own the ships for our carrying traue with the world. I have called atten tion of congress to this subject in my several annual messages." This opinion is entitled to the most explicit confidence, because it is a vir tual admission that a great, evil has come upon the country by ? long re publican rule, as I will hereinafter prove. But be this as it may, I think there can be no difference among us as to the right method of computing the amount of tribute or cost' to for eigners that this country has been subject to for our ocean transportation of freights of merchandise. According to the official republican authority of David A. Wells, already hereinbefore given, the cost of this; country for such ocean freightage was $24,000,000 yearly,' in 1869. ' According to the McKinley. official republican au thority this yearly cost had Increase ;l in 1900 to over $165,000,000. No doubt both estimates are reliable. ' The great increase of cost was by Americans selling their vessels to foreigners more and more, and by the great increase of this ocean carrying business. The treasury department document!' that I have, show that the Increase of the carrying trade was about uniform throughout this whole time, from 1869 'to 1900, and of course the increase of cost to this country must have been about uniform. .The time between the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869, and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, ia just thirty-tWO:years. It will be right and fair to divide this thirty-two yearn into four parts of eight years each, and to assume that for. the first eight years the ocean freightage cost this country in the account with foreign ers an average of $40,000,000 per year; for the second eight years an average of $80,000,000 per year; for the third eight years an average of $120,000,000 per year, and , for ' the fourth eight years an average of $160,00,000 per year. . ': .. - -! -. The Chicago packers : continue to quote $7 to $7.25 for a small portion of the beef steers that come to that mar ket, most of which they ! buy from, themselves, while the stockmen are forced to take in the neighborhood of $4 to $5 for what they bring to that market, whereat the stockmen howl. One of them, after doing the best he could with his shipment, paid : "Let me tell you that the majority of beef cattle bought in this market sticks pretty close to the $4 mark, And its good prime beef at that. . I know what I am talking about. I bring good stock to these yards and the best price that I have gotten up to the present time is $4.25." But Knox is attorney general and the beef trust magnates sleep. well and enjoy life. v The republicans are getting terribly interested in "protection for our agri cultural interests." The products of the American farm make up a vast proportion of our exports and they are sold in the markets of the whote world. To talk about "protection" for them is Idiocy. The "protection" that the republicans have given farmers consist in making them pay extortion ate prices when they import blooded stock to improve their horses an$ cattle, or seeds and plants to improve their crops. If a farmer wants some northern grown variety of wheat from Canada, or a new variety from the plains of Russia he has to pay a big tariff duty before he can get it. That is the only "protection" that the farmer has experienced. The republican editors of this state are afraid to mention the name of this paper when they quote from it lest some of their readers might learn, where such writing was to be found and send for a sample copy. If any of their readers should do that, these editors feel sure that they would be forever lost to the republican party, and so they plan to keep them in ignorance. The best plan ever Invented to keep people In ignorance is to get them to read republican papers. That acounts for the numerous mullet heads among the people, who, if they had ever had a chance, would have been respectable, intelligent citizen?. How could any one expect a man to know anything who never read3 any thing but a republican paper? It is 9 prepostrous proposition to claim tha,t he could. The republican defense of our title to the Philippines is as follows: We bought the "niggers" for two dollars a head; we have killed 30,000 of them J we have burned over a hundred of their towns; we have administer! the "water cure" to several of their "presidentes;" we have banished sev eral thousand, hung a good many andl imprisoned several . hundred of thenii "JAWBONE OF AN ASS" Senator Carmack Dresses Down the X.lttl Scout The Powerful Meros Ne braska Delegation Washington, D. C, April 28, 1902. (Special Correspondence.) "Funston is the mightiest hero who ever marsh aled the dictionary in battle array or ever wielded the jawbone of an ass as a weapon of war." Such were the words of that gallant and intrepid young senator, Hon. Edward Ward Carmack, whose speech delivered 'n the senate on Friday and Saturday of the last rweek is admittedly the best speech delivered in many a day. Sen ator Carmack seems to grow better in each effort. His speech delivered In opposition to the Philippine tariff bill was still' ringing In the ears )Z the staid old senators it was consid ered a mastemiece to such a ereat ex tent that they doubted if the young man would ever be able to even equal It. But this last speech delivered in opposition to the passage of the Phil ippine government bill will live even longer in their minds. It was the best speech that has been delivered in the senate in the past ten years. The Associated press dispatches gave fairly good accounts of the speech, but as usual "blue-pencilled" whatever could be taken as a tribute or a defense to the Hon. William J. Bryan. Mr. Carmack started out by telling us that this bill presented an otfier phase of the imperialistic ten dencies of the administration. It was not only a question of framing just laws for the Filipinos, but a question of our right to make laws for that people, "The claim of the republi cans," said he, "is that they have burned enough towns, wasted enough country and killed - enough people to make good their right. The land is ours because we have strewn it with the ashes of its homes and drenched It with the blood of its people." He then proceeded to place the re sponsibility for the whole situation on the republicans. He replied to Spoon er who said that "Bryan wanted to make an issue ot the question," by showing that Bryan and McKinley both stood on the same side of the question before the ratification of the treaty of Paris. He quoted from the speeches of Spooner, who delivered body blows at just the same policies that he is compelled now to swallow and closed this part of his speech with a brilliant tribute to the last candi date of democracy. He then defended Bryan on the question of, the ratifica tiorrt'rlf the treaty of Paris by saying that had McKinley acted as consistent ly on the question, there would have been no murderous war in the Phil ippines. He then began his attack on Roose velt. "The idea that you can trans form the character of a race by teach ing them to read," said he, "is the wildest, craziest, and most fanatical dream that ever flitted through a luna tic's brain." He quoted utterances from Roosevelt, charging that "trea sonable utterances have incited the Filipinos to rebellion," and said that we must not judge the president in hU moments of oratorical ferocity or when the frenzy of battle was In his blood. The president is not vindic tive, but simply "strenuous," and In this respect resembled a certain horse down in Tennessee, whose natural gait was running away. Mr. Roose velt had habitually spoken of the Fili pinos as "Apaches" and "barbarians" and these denunciations had been scat tered broadcast throughout the islands to inflame the people against the United States. Some of our heroes had been guilty of a like offense. He referred to Fun ston as "a jayhawker brigadier from the plains of wind, the mightiest Sam son who ever wielded the jawbone of an ass as a weapon of war." The newspapers had said that the presi dent approved of the speeches thit are made by Funston and wanted him to accept the invitation of the junior senator from : Massachusetts (Lodge) to go to Boston and talk to the peopla about hanging the senior senator (Hoar). He said that if Funston were turned loose he would have to hang such able republicans as Carl Schurz. ex-Governor Boutwell and Tom Reed and then sarcastically rejoined, "Oh. Mr. President, there has been many a day when I would liked to have seen Tom hung.' "If men are to be hanged without regard to law, for speaking words calculated to incite rebellion," said he, "the first neck to feel the strangling1 clutch of the soaped roap would be the heroic gullet of Funston." Then he delved into the question of the government of the islands and for over three hours more devoted his at tention to . this theme. The speech took two sessions to deliver and read ers of The Independent, who are In terested in the question, as all arc, will appreciate reading the speech in full. It is to be used by the committee this fall as a campaign document. Senator Rawlins of Utah delivered the first speech in opposition to tha bill. This speech took three days to deliver and presents facts and figures as they are ably gathered by this ablo senator. , The republican party is feeling a return of the full dinner pail. Their old appeal to the stomach of man in stead of to his brain has proven a boomerang. The beef trust, composed of the "big six," all leading republi cans and contributors to that grand mother of trusts, has so raised th3 price of beef that even the attorney general has been compelled to an nounce that he will bring suit against it. He will bring suit with as little effect as the one he brought against the Northern Securities merger, if there was an attorney general who would fight the trusts, they could be abolished throughout the land with out the addition of a single line of legislation. The Intent is the chief o Q