April 24, 1902 THE NEBRASKA IIIDEPEI7DENT. fl THE REDEEMERS Adoptlar Thir Old Tlm Tactles of Mil leading the Peoplt The republican bureau of. misinfor mation at the capitoi is beginning its tactics of misleading the people of Nebraska regarding the cost of main taining the state institutions. "Re publicans Will Make a Remarkable Showing," is the way the State Jour nal tells th.9 story in its headlines. It moy be that they will sometime In the dim and distant future, but they haven't made it yet. Instead of making the comparison, of the cost of maintaining these dif ferent institutions under republican administration as compared to the cost under , fusion . rule, they have at tempted to show that certain of the institutions in one year have used a little less than one-half the amount the legislature appropriated for two years' expenses. QUy ten of the thirteen penal and charitable insti tutions are shown In the table. The state penitentiary, Kearney Industrial school and the soldiers home at Mil ford are not given in the roll of honor of institutions that have used less than one-half of their biennial appropriation in . one year under re publican government. Evidently these three institutions have used more than one-half in in one year, and with the usual republican cowardice and dishonesty they are omitted from the table. As a matter of fact the two years appropriation for the peni tentiary was practically all used up before the end of the fiscal year. And doubtless a similar state of facts ex ists regarding the other two institu tions. But this table shows nothing at all except that . the republicans have, during the first year, refrained "rom spending one-half of the amount the legislature permitted them to spend In two years. As a matter of fact the legislature of 1901 appropriated many thousand dollars more for current ex penses than any other legislature ever did; and if these institutions have expended a little less than their quota for one year they have nevertheless expanded much more than was Cone under, fusion administration. Taking the ten Institutions given and comparing them with a year un der fusion administration the follow ing will appear: The republican administration be gan April 1, 1901, and ended March 31, 1902. Comparison will be : .ade with the fusion year beginning De cember 1, 1897, and ending November 30, 1898. Fusion. Republican. S. S. Home, Grand Island.? 35,953.53 School for Blind, . 22,530.99 $ 47,042.14 9,034.17 Nebr. City School for Deaf, Omaha ...... Institution for Feeble Minded, Beatrice .... Industrial Home, Milford Industrial School Geneva ...... Hospital Insane, Norfolk 46,894.73 Hospital Insane, Lincoln Hospital Insane, Hastings Home for Frie n rl 1 e s s , Lincoln . 17,310.36 27,907.55 33,518.88 35,193.88 37,159.12 9,013.40 16,015.50 14,903.01 40,738.07 59,050.09 74,209.33 72,268.88 80,902.19 8,037 71 14.119.37 Total ...$332,887.03- $368,916.34 From this it will be seen that this boasted republican economy is simply a myth. The year under republican rule cost the taxpayers $36,000 more than the fusion year compared with. It is not claimed that the comparison is fair in every particular because no figures are given showing the num ber of inmates in each of the insti tutions during the periods compared; but. the republicans have uniformly declined to discuss this question from the records of the Governor's office, which shows the population of each institution, per capita cost for main tenance, and the total amount ex pended by semi-annual, periods. AWFUL DISEASE, CANCER OF THE s LIP. The most frequent location of ter rible disease in the male caused from the constant irritation produced by smoking or chewing tobacco. Dr. Bye, the Specialist on the Treatment of Cancer, Kansas City; Mo., advises ear ly treatment in such cases, as most cases terminate fatally after the lym phatic glands .become involved under the chin. MrN. H. Henderson, of Wilsey, Kas:, Was recently cured of i very bad cancer of the lip by the Com bination Oils. Persons afflicted with this disease should write the Doctor for an Illustrated book on the treat ment of cancer and malignant diseases.- Address Dr. W. O .Bye, 9th & Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. "Where an We at" It is high time the people of Ne braska should begirt to take their bearings, and in the forceful if not elegant language of the gifted Missour ian inquire, "Where are we at?" For a good many years it has been painfully apparent that state regula tion of railroad charges for transpor tation of freight is .what the brilliant Ingalls characterized as "an Iridescent dream." True the result in the maxi mum freight rate cases was a victory for the principle that the state has an undoubted right to prescribe maxi mum rates. But it was a barren vic tory after all. It was the ace of trumps but the railroads . held the "joker." The state might prescribe maximum rates-, - and might enforce them if they do not violate the Four 2 teenth .amendment and" take property 'v ' t due. process of law," Of iny maximum rate law which Jt suit the railroads will al ways "Te found to contravene the Fourteenth ' amendment. ' So thought ful people have long since practically abandoned , all hope of government regulation of freight rates, and the army of those who believe that tha ' only ultimate solution of the question is public ownership Is receiving re cruits by the thousands, irrespective of party platforms. The populi3t party principles have outstripped the party in rapidity of growth. But until very recently, however. thoppwho despaired bf government regulation of charges, have cherished the idea, that the state in one. particu lar it least Is supreme. That , it ha-? power to tax. This, too, seems to be only another "pipe" dream, if. we are to believe that the Grosscup-Hum-phrey decision in the Chicago tax cases will be sustained in the supreme court of the United States. That'susr talned, and the states are powerless to do anything with the, great public service corporations which they feel inclined to resist, For years and years the. railroads of Nebraska bare been taxed on ths basis of a percentage of the 4 actual value of their rails, ties, rolling stock, arid other physical property For 27 years the state constitution has de clared that these roads shall pay taxes in proportion to the value., of . their property and FRANCHISES, the valus to be. ascertained in such manner as the leglslatire shall direct. ' The legis lature has directed how values of var ious kinds of property shall be ascer tained, but has neglected to lay down any rule for ascertaining the value of franchises. Section 23 purports to prescribe -'a method of' taxing the capital stock of corporations, whicb, of course, is essentially wrong if the corporations pay taxes upon the value of their property and franchises. The capital stock and bonds of a corporar tion should not be taxed; but they should be considered in arriving at the value of the franchise. On the one hand, as liabilities of the corpo ration, stand the stocks and bonds; on the other, and exactly - equal in value, stand the corporation's prop erty and franchises the corpora tion's resources. Deduct the value of the property from the value of the stocks. and; bonds,, and the remainder represents the value of the franchise. It Is true Judge Grosscup says this is unconstitutional,' but in a different cse Justice Brewer says it is right. "Where are we at?" It is high time we were finding out. So far as the railroad property is concerned, it is doubtless true that it has been taxed quite as heavily as other prop erty, as a rule. According to the lights they had, the laws they had to enforce, .the fusion members of the state' I)oard of equalization undoubtr edly : did what they believed to. be just: " But the most valuable part of every railroad has always wholly escaped taxation its franchise, its right to perform public service, to ex ercise the- sovereign -power of emi nent domain, and to charge "all that the traffic will bear" for serving the public. A railroad must be valued as an entirety, not as a scrap heap of steel rails, ties, and , rolling stock. Just as well value a' house by com puting the market price of bricks and mortar and nails and glass. What is its value as a house not a scrap heap? It will, be the duty, of every popu list nominee for the legislature to study this question thoroughly and be prepared to work and "vote intelli gently for a law which will prescribe in no uncertain language definite rules for the guidance of the taxing power in doing its duty, and this regardless of any pretentions - which may be made by the republican party to do something for the, relief of the Over burdened taxpayers. The men who are nominated must be true blue populists or democrats who have not been previously selected .by J. II. Ager; men who have no corporation taints; yet men who will be fair to every interest. The legislature of, 1897, notwith standing the many good things it did, did not approach the ideal which the people expected. It was too fearful of offending such men as George W. Holdrege. It was afraid somebody migh start the cry of "radical," and it wanted to show that it could be "conservative." ..'-... The populist and democratic mem bers of the legislature of 1903 must be men absolutely free from corporation leading strings. If the fusion nomi nees are not men of this kind they deserve ignominious defeat. If . the legislature must be corporation- rid den, let it be republican, for then the republican party will be responsible. Our members must be men of cour age and Integrity as well as a high order of Intelligence. Postponement The populist editorial meeting set for the 29th of April has been post poned by the executive committee to a later date, not yet fixed, but prob ably the last of May or first of June. This action was taken , so as not to conflict with the state editorial meet ing to be held May 6. Judge Babb, of the Kansas Commoner, Wichita, had signified bis intention to be pres ent at the meeting the 29th and an effort will be made to secure his pres ence for the postponed meeting. Horse Play The State Board of Equaliation mu3t report not later than May 15th it a action in assessing , the railroads and telegraph lines in the state. Sou.e time ago a reporter for the Chicago Chronicle sent an interesting story to his. paper to the effect' that Gov, Sav age expects to insist : upon a verj material raise in railroad valuation. Later Gov. Savage denied that the Chronicle story was inspired by him. The two leading republican papers of the state are now. devoting anywhere from a quarter of a column up each day telling what Gov. Savage intends to do and the next day denying the statement printed the, day before. One day it is rumored that Treas urer Stuefer; stands squarely by the Governor In his efforts to ; raise the railroad assessment anI the' next day close friends of Mr. Stuefer say that he will .do quite the opposite at the show down... The fact is that no member of the board will have the. nerve to make an attempt to raise the railroad valuation. Gov. Savage is simply , indulging in a. little ,. horse play for the purpose, of coercing the Elkhorn ' into bringing down a few delegates instructed , for Savage Whether the Elkhorn will submit to this coercion remains to-be seen. : It is said that Joe Bartley called on. Attorney Ben White of the Elkhorn at Omaha not long since and began to give White i instructions as to what hi should do in bringing some Savage delegations , to the, state convention. White promptly ordered him out of the office with the remark, "I : don't talk to convicts." ' . -v; A HERVOUS WRECK A Wisconsin Young Man Cured of St. Vitus' Dance and Par- , -; V tial" Paralysis William J. Williams, of No. 550 Mil lord Road, Watertown, Wis., was cured of St.-Vitus' dance and partial paraly sis by the use of Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People after eigth dif ferent 'doctors and specialists had given him up. as, incurable.- He said to a reporter;, .,.. "I suffered "about 'eigth years with St. Vitus', dance and partial parly sis. My right side was entirely par alyzed. I could not walk without dragging that foot and after going a short distance I was all tired out. Af ter' a while I lost the entire use of my right arm. I had no appetite, could not sleep well and was not much good to myself or anybody else. I believe my condition was caused by overstudy, and worry over a severe Illness of my mother. For nearly four years I was under treatment by physicians and specialists, eight in all, but they did not-help me. and finally I was given up as , incurable. "Thinking . the healthy air. of the country in which 4 1 . was born, Wales, would be of benefit to me, my mother took, me there but I did not seem , to improve. Finally, however, before we returned, to this-country, a friend recommended. Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale, People. My disease was stub born but after I had' taken this wonder ful remedy for six weeks I found I wa$ getting better. I continued the use of the pills and now am entirely well. I have recommended them to many people and cannot praise them too highly." . If Dr.iWilliam's Pink Pills for Pale People can effect a' cure in so severe a case as that above it is reasonably certain that they will do as much for lesser nervous troubles. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paraly sis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neural gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the' heart, pale and sallow complex ions and a. forms of weakness either in male or female. Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all druggists, or direct from Dr. Wil liam's Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., fifty cents a box; six boxes for two dollars and a half. Be sure and. get the genuine; substitutes never cured anybody. state committee, used $5,277.99 more the first year' than ; his quota. If he L keeps up these licks he, will be short Y A. 1 , - s . 1 AW ' 1 .J 1 ien inoiwana oi iweiye ipuusauu uui lars at the end of, the next year. ; Relatively greater, extravagance is shown at the Soldiers' Home, at Mi' ford. The legislature " appropriated $20,880 for this Institution and in the first year the republicans spent $12, 776.93, about $2,336.93 more than their quota. There will be a deficiency at this institution of some five or six thousand dollars. - There are thousands of well in formed men who assert and honestly believe that It is impossible to tax a railroad i corporation. Of course they agree that the corporation can be taxed, ; and that whatever has been levied against it can be collected; .but that the corporation simply recoups itself by raising rates, and ultimately consumers have to pay the tax any way. That this is erroneous is well demonstrated by the fact that every where railroad managers are found using every endeavor to prevent heavy taxes frombeing levied against their roads. Surely, if it is true that the railroad will escape taxation, either high or low, anyway, there would be some railroad managers smooth enough to have discovered the fact, and for the purpose of making a dis play they would secretly urge heavy taxes in order to curry favor with the people. Educate) Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. J0c.25a. It C C. O. ff fi. "wisr. refund mouer- "Members of the people's party and its friends," says the Kansas Com moner, "propose to have an old time campaign this year, and are beginning to subscribe now, believing that every one interested in direct legislation and public ownership should help In the fight and nnot let all the cost and toil fall on the men nominated." Sedgwicii county thinks she can outdo every county in the state, and starts out with $160. Judge - R. A., Sankey leads off with $100, Senator Tapp, $25; the Kan sas Commoner, $20; C. B. Quincy, $10; and J. P. Parkhurst, $5. Wouldn't It be a good plan for Ne braska populists to . take a similar step? Only fourteen counties in the entire state have fully paid up their share of the old debt of 1900 and as sessment for 1901. The state com mittee was compelled to conduct 'J.s campaign last year on less than $1,400, although there is. over $1,600 still un paid of last year's assessment. . It transpires that C. E. Adams of Superior, who is trying to get the re publican nomination for congress in the Fifth district by sending out cir cular letters, used a G. A. R. roster for his mailing list. And as a re sult some amusing mistakes were made. For example, one of his cir culars reached G. J. Richmond, edi tor of the Minden Courier. Rich mond published the letter and in com menting on it said, "Here is an old soldier who will not approve of any ship subsidy bill; will not endorse an act that allows a national banker to draw Interest from the government and from his customers on the same money; that makes favorites of every trust promoter; who favors a pro tective tariff that enables manufac turers to ship goods to Europe and sell them there cheaper than they will to customers at home; and these are "but a few of the reasons for hot supporting any candidate on the re publican ticket." ; That table given by the State Jour nal a few days ago showing "Surplus From First Year's Quota" for eleven of. the , state institutions is simply another- sample of republican efforts to deceive the people. The names of three institutions were entirely omit ted. .These were the Penitentiary, Soldiers' Home at Milford and the Boys' Industrial school at Kearney. Any 'one acquainted with republican tricks would at once know that the "surplus" at these institutions was of the minus sort. An investigation of the records shows that at the Boys Industrial School the expenditures for the fiscal year were $51,627.99. Now the entire appropriation for two years was $92,700, or an average of $46,350 per year. " Accordingly Mr Mallaliew, who is secretary of the republican It is interesting to watch the antics of Gov. Savage in his efforts to com pel the republican ; leaders to carry out the agreement made' with' him when he pardoned Bartley. Undoubt edly the railroad managers .had no intention'of keeping the agreement of nominating Mr. Savage for governor, but he seems determined that they shall keeep faith with him. It la said the governor and Treasurer Stue fer are standing together and that they will coerce the railroad companies into nominating both of them. The railroad assessment is the club now being used by Gov. Savage and the treasurer. "Nominate us or your as sessment will be raised twenty-five to thirty per cent" Fortunately for Gov. Savage he holds the whip hand. The republican convention meet s June 18 and if Savage and Stuefer should be turned down the governor threatens to call an extra session of the legislature to consider revenue legislation and promises that the railroads shall get the worst end of it if they prove traitors to him in his hour of need. , Of course the taxpayers of Nebraska would feel - elated to have the rail roads pay their just share of the taxes; but few people can approve of the course Gov. Savage is taking. He does not demand higher railroad tax ation' because it Is just, but because the railroads are not rending their nether garments to nominate him for governor. It is a pretty scrap, never theless, and the outcome will be watched with interest. The State Press Eric ' Johnson of the Saunder3 County New Era brings out the name of Jesse Gidley, of Sand Creek, as "very good material for a . legislator for either senator or representative." Mr. Gidley is a democrat but Mr. Johnson says "that makes no differ ence with us, provided he? is the right kind of a democrat" E. A. Brown of the Loup City Times-Independent seconds the Custer County Beacon's motion to nominate Judge Homer M. Sullivan for ' con gress and says "Judge Sullivan Is a good campaigner and not only that, if elected would prove a hummer on the floor, of the house." The Red Cloud Nation' is still en ergetic in booming Dr. Damerell for governor. John A. Barker of the Franklin SQUELCHING THE BEEF TRUST . L ; a . -y The Octopus Which Holds the' Beef Products of America Within Its Avaricious Clutches. MUST FACE THE COURTS And Show that It is not a' Combina tion Arbitrarily to , Raise the Price of Beef.' . The proposed cure offer for the evil of the beef trust is a vegetable diet. This may do for men and women of easy appetite who are not called upon for the expenditure of muscle. The average American, however, is carni vorous and meat Is a necessity to his comfort. The beef, trust ' will be met in another way. The solution bf this whole business, 2 for that matter, be comes largely a matter of enforcement of existing, laws. Unlawful v combina tions are against public policy and the courts and legislatures will find A WAY FOR APPROPRIATE ."'-. RELIEF. V" ' The beef trust levies J' tribute r pon every, household. It is not the. only trust, however. The great life insur ance trust reaches out into every state in the union. In Nebraska it annually collects from our people $1,500,000. This vast amount of money is hurried away to eastern money centers and over $1,000,000 . annually stays there perpetually. This enormous sum is far larger than the sum in excess of the reasonable price w pay for our daily rations of beef, pork, veal and mutton.'- THE BANKER'S RESERVE LIFE, sympathizes with every . reasonable scheme for the protection of the peo ple from the avarice of monopolies It believes, however, the people are in some instances themselves to blame for the unfortunate condition of which they rightfully complain. They hav it within their power to stop this ter rific drain upon the commercial re sources of the state. ;; The Bankers Reserve Life and other home com panies are founded npon safe princi ples, honestly conducted and sufficient ly sucessful to warrant public con fidence. . , B. H. ROBISON, PRESIDENT, of the Bankers' Reserve Life, has dedi cated this company to the policy of hoir. life insurance. He and his co workers have demonstrated the feasi bility of creating here in the state fiduciary institutions; as safeguards against future , panics. They have also shown the necessity of patronizing home life insurance companies in. or der that the people may escape- the domination of money congested at eas tern centers. Write 'him for details, and for rates on the best forms of lite policies thus far devised. Home of fices, McCague Building, Omaha, Neb. THE BANKER'S RESERVE LIFE. Franklin Sentinel quotes the Free Press as saying that "a drought , will insure the re-election this fall of Congressman Shallenberger." Mr. Barker says "the Free Press ventures far enough out of the virgin path of republican journalism to assert that Mr. Shajlenberger has served his con stituents well." Edgar Howard In the Columbus Telegram quotes Gov. Savage as stat ing to the St Joseph Gazette reporter not long since that "there are not ten men in the state of Nebraska but know where that $181,000 went. But I am going to tell you. The Omaha National Bank got that money." Of course Millard's bank got the money in the first instance. Bartley deposited the proceeds of the sale of that big warrant in the Omaha National Bank but he checked it out to a number of republican politicians in the state. It is probable that Mil liard got a good chunk of the money but it is hardly likely he got it all. A good many of the country week lies are wasting valuable space in sympathetic paragraphs regarding the late Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage. This divine by a liberal use of print ers' ink succeeded in spreading his name over the whole country, but thousands of preachers who have done more real good for Christianity than Talmage ever did have passed into the great beyond and had little said about them. What can he mean? F. P. Comp tori of the Greeley Citizen says "The Ord Journal, North Loup Loyalist, Scotia Register, St. Paul Phunnygaf Press and The Greeley Leader-Independent five of a kind a straight flush six spot high and the dis card robbed." The Exter Eenterprise says that "The fight between Peter Youngers and Charley Sloan for the Fillmore County delegation to the republican congressional convention is just about as warm as political fights ever get in backward spring weather but the first warm days in June it will be sizzling." So far it appears that Youngers has 65 Fillmore County delegates and Sloan 55, and 54 are doubtful. Of course neither Cloan "or Youngers stand any show for the nomination. The B. & M. has slated J. D. Pope for the place. And Pope will get it. "One solid proof of Meserve's inno cence," says R. O. Adams in the Grand Island Democrat, "as declared by a republican judge is the anger dis played by one Ed Rosewater. Another proof to those who know him best Is the spasm of virtue Ed Howard imagines has caught him it its cold, clammy clasp." The Republican Congressional con vention is called to meet at Hastings on Tuesday, June 10, 1902, at 3 o'clock p. m. Among those who would like to wear Congressman Shallenberger's shoes are E. Lowe of Harlan, Smith Caldwell of Nuckolls, O. A. Abbott of Hall, S. W. Cristy of Clay, Ed Allen of Furnas and W. P. McCreary of Adams. Going Backward , The DesMoines Leader, a gold demo crat sheet confirms - what The Inde pendent said last week relative to the additional congressional committee to assist the regular congressional one, The Leader says: "That the democratic party, is go ing back to the old, leadership is pro claimed in many ways. For. example, it is announced that for the approach ing congressional campaign a commit tee will be appointed to assist the reg ular congressional one. Those who are to be on this committee are Ben T. . Cable of Illinois, Richard Olney of Massachusetts, David Lamont of New York, Thomas Taggart of Indiana and David Overmeyer , of Kansas. This list is strongly suggestive of . those who voted in the minority at the Chi cago convention." Thi Tax on Bread The graduate of jurnalism who does space writing on the local republican sheets undertakes to preach, his read ers a sermon , on tariff tax. He says "the announcement ; . of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach of a duty on grain atid breadstuffs fills the old Cobden club bers with consternation and they prate about the cruelty of a "tax on bread." Every tax is a. tax on bread because it . takes from you the stuff with which you buy your bread. It doesn't matter a bawbee on what the tax Is nominally levied, whether It is on your income, on your chimney or on your poll, if you pay it, it is a tax on your bread buying potentiality. The wise minister does not so much consider by what particular levy the tax is raised as he does the mode of levying it that shall be the most equit able in the distribution of the burden and that shall entail the least expense in its collection." So far this journalistic graduate has succeeded in opening his mouth one or twice without' putting his foot in it , He continues: "A tariff impost possesses usually both these advan tages together with the crafty recom mendation that you are not looking on when it is collected and are saved unnecessary wear and tear, of nerve. This is simply another way of making the statement that the object of in direct taxation is to get the greatest amount of feathers with the least squawking. There is no doubt that the' tariff impost does produce more feathers with less squawk ing than almost any other sys tem of taxation for the reason. that no one can ever tell the precise amount actually contributed by any one per son to the support of the government. The taxes are always paid to the gov ernment directly by persons who are authorized and expected to recover the amount from, some one else with in terest and a profit upon which the law places no limit The consumer is really the final taxpayer and no one can tell how much of the money paid by him goes to the support of the gov ernment or how much goes into the private purses of individuals. A tar iff impost is not only Inequitable in the distribution of the burden, but it is always about the most expensive to collect. In many cases not more than one-tenth of the portion paid by the consumer reaehes the government. A tax on consumption must always be an inequitable tax because the nec essary expenses of the very poor are JAMS' STDDof imported and home bred draft and roach stallions are larger thou all importer of Nebraska. His BLACK stallions and piices are "HOT PUOPOSITIOXS" to bis competitors, lama' compel tbem go "jro-away-back-ajMi-sit down'' and hi "Avo't it-n-lisme." Tha I AM imports and breeds only the best ftrst-class hist draft stallions.naoh coacbem.and he sells then at much less prices than we can afford to. Ha sorely hypnotizes ui3 jnany buyers with bis top notchera and low prices. He does business. But he is the o!y man in 0. S. that imports ALL BLACK STALLION rf. Hehs.aonhand 100 Black Percherons, Clydes Shires and Coachers. 100 Tber are the "SENSATION" of the town. Visitors throe the barus and say: "Most select and largest stallions I eTer-saw." "See that 2,000-nound t wo-yenr-old a 'ripper' ; and that 2.2W pound thrvs-year-old 'herd header' a topiier.'- ."O, my 1 See that 5,000-poond pair of fotir-year-olds; they are out of tight; largest pair in U. S.; wido as a red wagon and have 12 and It-inch bona and they mow like flash coachers." lams has a larger "HOUSE SHOW" every day than, can be seen at the Iowa or Nebraska State If airs. He has on hand 50- Black Ton Stallions- 50 two to six years old, weight 1,600 to 2,500 jpounds, fast movers. MORE Black Percherons, ton stallions, Paris Exhibition and State prize winners, government APPROVED and STAMPKI stallions of any one importer. lams speakii French and German, pays NO INTEKPRETER. NO BUYER, NO SALESMEN, no two to ten aown as partners to share profits. His buyers iret MID DLEMEN'S PROFITS and SALARIES. Iaaas buys direct from breeders. This, with his twenty years' experience secures tha best. All the above facts save his buyers $roa.OU to $1,UX.00 on a iirst-class stallion, and you get a first-class horse, a only sicond-rate stallions are peddled by slick salesmen to be sold. GOOD ONES SELL THEMSELVES. It costs $XxUX) and tsOJ.U) to have salesman form CO. and sail a secoud-ifte stallion. Form your own companies. Go direct to lams' barns. He will soil you a better stallion for $1,000.00 and $1,200.00 than others are selling at $2,000.00 and $4,000.00. lama pays horse fr sight and his buyer's fare. Good guarantees. BARNi IN TOWN. Don't be a clam. . Write for an eye-opener and finest horse catalog on earth. FRA'N'K"IA.M ST. PAUL, HOWARD CO., NEB., ON U. P. AND B. & M. RYS. References M. Paul Stat Bank. First Statt Bank. Citizens' National Bank. WE Anc MOT THE LARGEST IfV'iHOrtTfcLRS In the U.S. Neither have we all toa horao. But we do make five portations each ear. Our stables at Lincoln, Neb., and at SoatU mon Stock zards are full of tirst-cla. stallions, lr ton wut one for what he ia worth, it will tav vuu to see us. Our borsee won sweepstakes ia all draft and hackney classes at Nebraska State ja In the U. ' iv. importati f Omaha U I ls a good ou SI , ,. won sweepstakes ia all draft and hackney classes at Nebrask i r Fair 1801. Adiiroia all earrAni)ncii to t ; r , !j vATSON, WOODS BROS. & KELLY CO., Lincoln, m avor Schiller FT V"i - KB SI. ' -jL. im i w h if The Schiller Piano, hap always been the favorite with people wishing a really good Piano aV a moderate price. r "In short, it .has not a single equal at the priced Their success along this line has in spired the company to attempt something higher. The new High Grade Schiller is the result. This, like the medium grade, is the best yet produced for the money. The price is necessarily some higher, but just as low in proportion to quality. . . ; . : Write for description and prices to the ': f " ' ; " , v are .room ,1120 O Street LINCOLN, NEBR. TUT i J fTKfJ ;. ..:. or; Mannews riaoo to relatively a hundred times as much as the necessary expenses of, the very rich. Take the tariff , on sugar. A family worth , five thousand dollars will generally consume as much su gar as. one worth one hundred thous and dollars or one worth ten millions. . The inequity of the tax on bread lies in the fact that the poor man must pay just as much as the rich one. Were the tax on . their respect ive incomes it .would, of course, in the final result be a tax on bread after all but the poor man's loaf would be taxed very much lower than that of the rich man. As it'is, they are taxed alike. ? A Union Revival . Editor Independent: I like your position fine fusion is the thing. I was such a fool once I said, "no pop in mine"; now -1 sayV VpP is sood enough to take along." Once I was such a Methodist I wouldn't unite with the . Baptists to.- hold a revival. The first thing I knew the devil was about to capture the Methodist church, so I asked the Baptists how they were advancing. They said, "Brother, j we have fought the Methodists and let the devil go, until he' has a strong foothold." I agreed to a union revival. We united and drove the devil out of the camp, while the ; Baptists and Methodists were blessed and made happy. . -; Now I say,. Union revival in democ racy and populism drive the repub licans out of power. Let the people come, forward and join hands against corruption, imperialism and King George's army. . v LARKIN I THOMAS. : Fulton, Ky. .. r "Intensely Republican." This is an intensly republican town and the residents thereof are gener ally intensly poor. As , a rule they ihe intensly prejudiced against dem ocratic papers and still more prejud iced if possible against populist pap ers, nevertheless If you will send : me your outfit of cards I will make an ef fort to get five subscribers. I like your paper very much. I am a pop ulist from away back and I am proud of the fact - . Some one recently, remarked to me that General Harrison said to David B. Hill in answer to a question: "I am an American and my sympathies are with the Boers and I can't help it." . I want to say that I am an Amer ican and my sympathies are with the Boers and I don't want to help it I Ogden, Ind. J. C. STANLEY. . Organize Ohio I am ar reader of your paper and would not do without it I have been IPll to mm whisker the qnal of a pure , malt whiBkey and - - HER'S PURE MALT is absolutely tbe finest, mellowest and moat de lightful whiskey in the world. ' Willow Spring D5st., Omaha, 3 handing my own copy to -neighbors and all the sample copies I. could get. I am trying to get our ; party on its feet again. There are a good many Bryan people here, but. only two par ties and nearly all.are. old line demo crats and republicans. , The common people are dissatisfied, but do not seem to understand what is wrong. ' They do ' not1 read ' nor take papers and vote just as their dads did. I will do all I can for our party and Its paper. I wish our national committee would get this state better organized. I am sure that it could be done. I wish we had a few good papers like The Independent in Ohio.' If I cannot se'l all of the block of five.'I will send tha money any how and you can extend my subscription. - , r: -JOHN HARTLINE. Beach. City" Ohio- I I I 1 Dollars BUYS DELIVERED, An 800 Lb. GOOD SCALE, On Wheels. PLATFORM taX IS IN tempered. Accurate, durable. welifioUW. Oiker ie u4 waaoit SCALE two ratio, for rireaUrt, t4diw. JONES HB PATS THE FREIGHT. BlNGHAMTON, H. T. BOX j j . A P OD LL C vHarnessor; HORSE COLLARS e o fOU&DEAlERTOSHOVT BEFORE. YOU BUY. MANUFACTURED BY HARPHAH3 BROS.CO. Lincoln. Neb. -I. If. Hatfleltl Attorney at Law SHEKIKF SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution issued by .. the Clerk of the District Court of the Third Judicial District of Ne braska, within and for Lancaster County, in an actioo wherein Oliver SV. Pierce, Assignee is plaintiff, and Orandview Improvement Com pany Defendant; I will, at 2 o'clock, p. m., on the 21st day of May, A. D. 1902, at the east door of the Court House, in the City of Lincoln, Lan caster County. Nebraska, offer for sale at pub lic auction the following: described Land- and Tenements, to-wit: All of Section "S" and Lot Six (61 of Section "R". in Orandview Residence Park, in Lancas ter County, Nebraska; and also the following gods and chattels to-wit : Station house located on Lot 3 Section "SI" of said Orandview Residence Park, 1 fiat oSice desk, maps or plats of Orandview, records and account books, metal plate for printing- -Given under my hand this 10th day of April A. D. 19J2. Z. S. BRANSON, ' - , . Sheriff. ' . To make cows pay, use Sharpies Cream Separators, Book"Bu8lnes8 Dairying" & Cat. 270 tree W. Caester.Pa. 0