The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 24, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    j-It -
April 24, 1902
the Uebraska Independent
Lincoln, Itebraska
Published HjVrbt Thuesdat
Whoa ' staking remittances da leave
none? with news ageaeiei, postmtstere, ete.,
to be forwarded by them. They frequeatly
forget or remit a different mount tkaa was
left with them, and the sabieriber fails to get
proper credit.
Address all communications, and make all
drafts, money ert, etc., payable to
Zh Hebrask Independent,
Lincoln. Neb.
Anonymous commnnications will not be no
ticed. Bejected manuscripts will not be re
It seems that the editor of Freedom,
In Manila, who committed lese maj
esty against the Taft commission, is
an Irishman. His name Is O'Brien.
The man who had trouble about let
ting go of the bear's tall had a picnic
in comparison with what Is waiting
for those - republican leaders who
bought the Philippines.
That populism is stripping for the
coming fight is shown by the fact that
its national organ, The Independent,
received an average of 114 new sub
scribers every -day last week.
Bowlby, of the Crete Democrat, says
that there are a lot of democratic and
populist editors who take their cue
for editorial writing from the repub-4
licans, and in that statement Bowlby
is right.
The republican papers jeer at the
"water cure." They say it is a mild
sort of thing, far removed from tor
ture, but a, lieutenant :in thetPhilip
pines has been tried for murder be
cause he applied it to a private sol
dier in his company and the soldier
died under it.
It seems that Senator Lodge has a
"machine" in Massachusettes that
beats any ever constructed by Quay
or Piatt. It is said that it never slips
a cog or develops a hot box.' What
Lodge - says- goes with every republi
can leader in the state. Senator Hoar
is no longer consulted.
The reports of speeches made . by
democratic members in the house goes
to show that the party is pretty well
saturated with protectionism. When
a democrat takes to protection, he can
be counted on to support every other
republican policy when his vote is
needed. -,. v k; " '. '.
TT71 3 - 1 . 4 . . J x
vv lieu a. leueiai juuge i ttxi uume into
a etate and by an imperial order
remove the tax assessors and collect
ors and ; appoint men of his own to
assess and collect the taxes, as Judge
Orosscup did in Chicago the other day,
it might be well ! to stop and? try to
figure out how much of this republic
is left. . "".
Mr. DeHart's article on tariffs, pro
tective and for revenue only, which
appeared in the Independent last week,
was a forcible presentation of the sub
ject, and it would be well for the dem
ocratic managers to make a study of
It If o tk nnoUInn 1
lists from the very organization of the
The Chicago dailies . have, allowed
the reporters to write up descriptions
of the suffering caused by the extor
tions of the meat trust, but that is
-as. far as any of these subsidized edi
tors dare to go. An editorial denun
ciation of a trust, is a thing that not
one of these miserable creatures dare
TVi n n34s?1 nnll V. T.-
vuivii van iui cue ivausas puD-
ulist state convention is out. It will
be held at Topeka, June 24. Five su
preme1 judges, a congressman at large,
and eight state officers are to be nomi
nated. The apportionment is based on
the Breidenthal vote, a delegate at
large and one for each 250 votes, mak
ing a total representation of 740.
The official reports coming to this show a very great falling off
in exports, especially of .wheat, corn,
and" cotton during the last six "weeks.1
A prominent New York financier says
that the only thing that will prevent
large gold exports ' during the year
and a panic, is large crops in this
country and failures in Europe. Look
out. - '; . -
Three men run congress. They
comprise the majority of - the rules
committee. No man can address .'the
speaker, introduce a bill, or speak a
word without the consent of these
three men is obtained In advance.
The three men are' Henderson, Gros
venor and Dalzell. The whole Amer
ican, people are , under the control of
their absolute power. That is one of
the lines along which imperialism ad
- .4. i.u- icauiuri BU ui&s tu mat. seiuie- -
Mr. Tawney l said in the house that
"If the beet sugar business was prop
erly protected for a few years that it
would supply the entire domestic con
sumption." ; "Properly protected?"
.Whatf does? thatf-mean ; r There is no
doubt that the government could tax
the peole to such an extent and de
vote the taxes to the production of
beet sugar so as, to raise enough sugar
not only to supply the peole of the
United States, but probably the peo
ple of, the .whole - world.' ,There is no
doubt about that. But at the end of
"the few years" what would happen?
Would not this ' country be in ' the
same condition' that Germany is to
day? The taxes for the production
of beet sugar, and it makes no differ
euce whether they are called "boun
ties" or "protective, tariffs," have
become such aburden upon the people
that all, the nations that have adopted
this . false policy have recently called
a conference and agreed to stop the
practice. '
If at. the end of "the few years,"
the government support to this Indus
try should be withdrawn, far reaching
disaster would follow. It -; would not
affect the farmers so much as the mea
who had invested - millions in beet
sugar factories. The farmers could
plant their fields with other crops.
The scientists have devoted their best
and severest work to the perfection
of the system of extracting sugar from
the beet for more than twenty years.
It is reasonable' to say that the process
has been brought as near perfection as
it ever will be. There is no reason to
suppose that at; the end of "a few
years" that It can be done cheaper or
better than .now. What will follow
then? , If the government removes its
"protection," a great disaster will fol
low. To avoid that, the only recourse to tax the peole for ever for
the benefit of this industry. Either
one of. those two things would follow,
that is, if the statement is true that
beat sugar; cannot be. raised without
The farmers who are engaged in the
raising of beet sugar are an exceeding
ly small per cent of all the farmers.
Shall a tax be placed upon all the
other farmers, collected by increase in
the price of sugar that they consume,
for the benefit of this small per cent,
and shall that tax be perpetual? That
is the only practical question in this
whole beet sugar contest.
There is no doubt in the mind of un
prejudiced men that beet sugar can be
produced at a profit without "protec
tion." Mr. Oxnard and the chief chem
ist of the agricultural department have
both so testified under oath and in cir
culars distributed, all over the coun
try. Other and more important evi
dence is that the sugar trust is build
ing beet sugar factories in Colorado
and is going into the beet sugar busi
ness in other states. Other evidence
is the positive statements made by
the Oxnard chief chemist to friends
in this state when urging them to
take stock in the Oxnard factories,"
which were to the effect that there
was big profits in beet -sugar .without
bounties or Protection: and. that all
. f . .. .
Of those two tMners that thv irmlrt
get were simply gifts to a profitable
business. - :
The main question, however, is
whether this country should now take
up the discarded : policy of Germany
and other European countries which
has brought them to the verge of dis
aster. Germany;'. France and Belgium
have tried it and found in it only dis
aster.' -:':, V , .
The miserable creatures who do the
editorial writing on the daily papers
have no principles . of their own and
their only duty seems to be to keep
their eye on Washington. Most of
them do it to perfection, but once in
a while, one of them gets left. That is
what happened to the editor of the
Chicago Tribune the other day. All
that came from Washington was to
the effect that Roosevelt was going
to forcibly retire General Miles.
Roosevelt had given out the word him
self. That being the administration's
policy, the Tribune editor naturally
came to the conclusion that the thing
for him to do was to roast Miles and
flatter the president. He devoted his
"leader" to that, and no doubt viewed
his work with satisfaction when he
ran it over before he put it in the chuta
to go up to the composing room. V
Now it happened that at the very
time that that editor was wriing his
screed, three of the most' distinguished
and oldest senators were talking to
the president telling him that the
retirement of Miles would not do at
all, that the old soldiers would stand
br the civil war hero to a man and
that people would raise a termendous
row. This Tribune editor, ignorant
of all that, went on to tell how the
old soldiers didn't care a cent about
it, that ' the press was riot interested
and that it was the right thing to
do. About the time that editor ; re
turned from 'the theater, and sought
his virtuous . couch; dispatches came
rolling into the Tribune' office, tell
ing of the visit, of the senators and
how Roosevelt had changed his mind
out in th same paper and that editor
must have been disgusted. He was
trying to obey his orders to support
the administration and the administra
tion had flopped in the afternoon with
out informing him. He had a right
to be disgusted. He didn't care
whether an old soldier 'was to be dis
graced, whether the thing was right
or wrong he did not take into con
sideration, but to be found opposing
the administration when his order.3
were to support it was very disagree
able. The editor who has principles
and stands by them, never has such
trouble as that.
The editor of The Independent has
been searching the dailies ever since
the Gardener report appeared. He
knew what was coming, and has only
been surprised that it did not appear
earlier.' Last. Sunday the dailies, had
it. Colonel Gardener is the most in
human wretch that ever walked on
two legs. The horrors that attended
his command of the Thirtieth infantry
are beyond the power of words to de
scribe. He maltreated the sick, he
kept the men on guard needlessly, if
one fell out of the ranks from sickness
he had him court martialed, fined and
imprisoned. Take altogether Colonel
Gardener was . worse to his men than
a dozen Weylers. That is what all
the imperialist papers said last Sun
day. Futhermore he Is a traitor for
he went Into close fellowship with the
"niggers," especially the leaders and
the rich ones from the very start.
Every sensible man who read that re
port knew that was coming and hero
it is. That is what is meted out to
any man who has the temerity to
doubt the infalibility or omniscience
of the republican president or th-3
policies of the party.
Mr. Herbert W. Horwell, an Eng
lish literary man temporarily in New
York, writing for the Forum, doesn't
take much stock in the present-day
talk about Americanizing the world.
"Undoubtedly," he says, "there is just
now in England a great sale for Amer
ican products. It is only natural that
the English customers should profit
by the opportunity. By the kindness
of American protectionists the . Lon
doner is able to buy such goods at a
less price than that which they are
sold for in New York, and he would
be foolish indeed if he did not take ad
vantage of this generosity." Mr. Hor
well hints that to make a splash is
not the same thing as to swim. And
he recounts what happened during the
past five, years of earnest effort ... to
capture the. cycle trade. About . three
years ago he says that many thousands
of American bicycles were unloaded
upon the. English market; "they were
advertised with the , utmost ingenuity,
their merits were expounded by smart
agents, and their cheapness attracted
purchasers all over. the kingdom. To
day scarcely anyone in England ridys
an American bicycle." Instead of be
ing concerned "over Americanization,
the English are getting the best of it
just as they did in the case of German
beet sugar. By means of the sugar
bounty German manufacturers were
enabled to sell sugar in England at a
ridiculously low price, so low, in fact,
that it was frequently fed to stock by
the English, while the German peo
ple were obliged to pay about four
cents per pound more for sugar than
English people paid. Our protective
tariff is working much the same way
in many lines of trade. Of course
the English can stand it very well,
but how long are the American peo
pl ienoggbmh mh mh m hfrararfarfa
pie going to stand It.
Much was given to this nation and
much will be required. Neither men
nor nations can escape the inexorable
penalties which have followed and
which always will follow infractions
of the moral law. We enslaved men.
Think of the penalty. Four years of
war and bloodshed. How many hearts
were broken? How many families de
stroyed? A penalty will follow this
Inhuman war on brown men in the
Philippines just as certainly as it fol
lowed the enslavement of black men in
the south. They said they had set
tled the slavery question a great many
times. That was but another illustra
tion of the truism that nothing, is
ever settled until it is settled right.
It might have been settled long before
the war. Every southerner could have
been paid for his slaves at one tenth
of the cost of the war. The Philip
pine business .will never be settled un
til it is settled right. They may an
nounce six, times a week for years to
come that "the war is over." But it
wil never be over as long as the great
moral law is defied. Never.
The Chicago Chronicle frantically
asks 'is there no democrat anywhere
who is man enough to insist that the
democratic party shall be democratic
and not populistic?" In plain Eng
lish this means, is there no one to in
sist that J the democratic party shall
be assistant republican and not demo
cratic? That is i an easy one. The
Chronicle is respectfully referred to
J. Sterling Morton of .Arbor Lodge,
G. Cleveland of Gray Gables or D. B.
It is announced that all the steam
ship lines, American, -: English and
German have been morganized into
one great combine upon! the principles
of the Northern Pacific merger. The
agreement is between the International
Navigation company, the White Star,
Dominion, Leyiand, Atlantic Trans
port and Red Star lines, with tUo
German lines included in the "un
derstanding." This is a threat against
the commerce of the whote world and
it remains to be seen what action the
different governments will take in re
gard to it. It is acknowledged that
American capital will control, while
the company will be nominally for
eign. Morgan is the head of the whole
The Independent does not look upon
this as so serious a threat against the
welfare of the common people as the
combination and control of railroad
lines, for steamship companies have no
right of way and no power of emi
nent domain. It will not be an abso
lute monopoly of the ocean carrying
until it gets control of all the ship
yards of the world, which no doubt
it will next proceed to do. The ocean
is a free public highway and can not
be monopolized. If this combination
charges extortionate freight and pas
senger rates, other men will build
ships and compete, until the ship trust
controls all the ship building busi
ness. '' -; "-'
Morgan's . plan seems to be to first
get into position to say to the people
of the world: "Get off the sea," and
then afterards he will arrange things
so as to be able to issue the commands
"Get off the earth." What will the
poor mullet heads, do then? Perhaps
they will wipe their weeping eyes and
say: ''Mark Hanna told us there were
no trusts."
There have been thousands of col
umns published in the papers and
hundreds of books written about the
wonderful industrial development of
the United. States The fact however is
that it is mainly due- to the practi
cal education received by the young
men of the country, a system that
this writer has unremittingly advo
cated for twenty years. The practi
cally edudated young men have gone
into the great iron manufactories.the
creameries, the textile works and hun
dreds of other places and brought the
scientific knowledge they have ac
quired tOpbear upon production, the
saving of j by-products, making a direct
application of chemistry; electricity,
and J mechanical engineering, and in
that lies tlie great secret of the won
derful production.
There , remains yet one thing to be
done. One half of the population of
the United States are engaged ' in ag
riculture. The same system of edu-;
cation must be applied to , those who
will encr.e in farming. Greater im
provement lies in that than has ever
been accomplished in any other field
of production. The technical, schools
of agriculture have been but poorly
patronized, The time has come when
they should be filled with bright young
men and women who expect to spend
their lives on farms. There is an il
limitable field of undiscovered knowl
edge connected with agriculture that
awaits the trained intellect to bring it
forth to bless mankind, enrich the
world and make it beautiful.
A few of the republican worms who
have been trodden on for years by
the three moguls who run the house
have at last begun to turn. Congress
man Cushman did some wiggling last
week and broke out as follows: "When
a bill is reported what does the mem
ber who introduced it, and wrho is
charged by his constituency to secure
its passage do? Does he consult him
self about his desire to call it up?
No. -Does he consult the committee
that recommended it? Does he con
sult the will of the majority of the
house? No. I will tell you what he
does. He either consents that the bill
may die on the calendar or he puts
his manhood and his individuality in I
his pocket and goes trotting down j
that: little pathway that leads" to' the
speaker's room. All the grandeur that
clustered around the holy of holies in
King Solomon's temple looked like
thirty cents yes, looked like twenty
nine cents compared with that job
bing department of this government."
There is no destroyer of common
sense equal to greed, and it has never
had better illustrations than among
railroad managers. Some years ago
there was a, road in the northern part
of this state that. charged five cents a
mile and over for passengers It was
a poor sort of thing and got down so
low that it ran only one train a day
each way and that a mixed one. When
the legislature fixed a maximum rate
of three cents, the managers of this
road said they were ruined. But they
were ; not ruined at all. Within a
year they were . running two trains a
day, one a passenger and one a freight,
eacli way on the road. l
The Independent has often told the
railroad managers in this state that if
, they.wojaldeduce jtheir passenger rate.
would, make more money from pa3-.
sengers than they now do on account
of the increase in travel and give a
boost to business all over the state
which would bring bigger returns on
freight. But they will have none of
it. They figure out what they think
the traffic will bear and then pile it on.
The managers of the Tew Ybrk7 On
tario and Western railroad seem to
have more sense than . the average
railroad magnate. That road nearly
fours years ago cut its passenger rate
to two cents per mile. The first year
there was an increase In their receipts
of $30,000, or about one-half of one
per cent. It has been increasing ever
since, the total Increase for three yea.s
being 24 per cent. The fourth year
ha3 not yet been reported.
Absolute power in the hands of any
man or set of men is detrimental to
them and the whole people. The rail
road, managers have exercised abso
lute power in fixing rates, all efforts
of state governments to Interfere hav
ing been futile. When the government
takes over the roads we shall have a
two cent or less rate, and there will
be increased travel and a great im
pulse to business.
That the 'great republican dailies
are perfectly useless as a guide to pub
lic opinion is shown in the way they
have treated the order to investigate
the cruelties practiced upon the Phil
ippines in the inhuman war that has
been waged upon them. Rosewater
and the " whole lot of the truculent
editors ifave scoffed at the papers that
have these charges and called their
editors "copperheads" and "traitors."
But the moment they got ' the new3
from -Washington that the administra
tion had ordered an investigation, he,
and the whole gang of them, flopped
over to the other side and declared
that every man guilty of the barbari
ties should be punished no matter
how high the rank. They have no
opinions or policies of their own.
They are for everything that the ad
ministration favors and against every
thing upon which the administration
frowns. From Maine to California
and from the lakes to the gulf the
are the set of parasities, flatterers, an l
obsequious" followers of power and
patronage. They are a curse to the
age in. which, they live, a foul sppt
upon civilization. Servility is their
chief characteristic. The mass of
stuff that they write and publish day
after day has nothing in it to ele
vate or instruct. If tomorrow with
out any evidence at all, the president
should announce that there had been
no cruelties practiced upon the Fili
pinos, every mother's son of them
would take the other side of the ques
tion. Not one of them has an opin
ion of his own, or ; if he has would
dare to express it. These men are
simply writing hirelings and will ad
vocate any policy or advocate any
scheme that they have an intimation
would be pleasing to . the authorities
at Washington. The world never pro
duced a mOre despicable set of crea
tures. ..: . . .
When railroad presidents begin to
.talk like Ingalls did in Chicago the
other day it shows how deathly sick
the republican leaders are of this
whole Philippine business. One of the
most prominent of the' eastern sena
tors broke . lose the other day in a
torrent of profanity and damned the
whole thing from top to bottom. All
he wanted, he said, was for somebody
to show the republican party how tJ
get out.
Congressman Robert W. Davis cf
Florida, at a Thomas Jefferson anni
versary dinner given by the Harlera
Democratic club in New York lasi
week said that the state of New York
must have the next candidate for pres
ident and that he can be no other than
rr.vii B. Hill. Of course this state
ment of Mr. Davis's does not nominate
Hill, . but it is a significant straw
which will make populists more earn
est than ever in maintaining their
party organization.
The beef trust is giving the repub
licans much annoyance just now be
cause it has started . the good house
wives to talking. The newspapers
everywhere are taking it uprand about
all the republican papers have been
able to say is to advise the laborers
to not eat meat. The Ralstonites have
been preaching this doctrine for a
good many years, but there is no doubt
that the high price of beef right now
will produce more vegetarians (tem
porarily) than all the moral suasion
ever attempted.
Congressman Tawney . declared in
the house that he and his colleagues
had been denounced as "traitors," be
cause they had humbly offered to
make amendments to a bill before the
house. He should not have com
plained of that. That is what he and
all the other republicans have been
calling every man who , did support
imperialism and every other republi
can policy. Acording to, their talk,
fully one-half of "all American citi
zens . are traitors. Mr. Tawney need
t - --ii "ill -'i-"-"t
Miss Evelyn Morse writes from 651 Adams Street, Minneapolis, Mlna., a t
"1 suffered for nearly three years with catarrh of the stomach which no
medicine seemed to relieve, until a friend advised me to try Peruna. Although
skeptical, 1 tried it, and found It helped me within the first week. 1 kept tak
ing it for three months, and am pleased to say that it cured me entirely, and 1
have had no symptoms of its return. I am only too glad to recommend it. "--EVELYN
Adia Brittain, of Sekitan, O., writes :
"After using your wonderful Peruna
three months, I have had great relief.
I had continual heaviness in my stom
ach, was bilious, and had fainting spells,
but they all have left me since using
Peruna.- I can now get around and do
my housework, and think; Peruna the
greatest medicine I ' ever used." Adia
Brittafn. '
Mrs.' Lizzie Blevins, 102 Boliver street,
Cleveland, Ohio, writes :
"I candidly feel Peruna was the means
of saving my life, for I auffen-d f.-r
months from catarrh of the ptcmch.
Two bottles of Peruna cured me.M -Mr.-.
Lizzie Blevins.
If you do not derive prompt and pati?
factory results from the use of rerun a.
write at once to Dr. Hartman, gitinc .
full statement of your case and he wiil
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis. -
Address Dr. Hartman, President cf
The Hartman Sanitarium, iumbui.
The commissioner of labor for Ne
braska has collected the statistics of
marriages and divorces in the state
for the last two years. It appears that
there were 9,06 marriages (luring. 1900
and 738 divorces. In 1901 there were
only 8,897 marriages and 893 divorces
The increase in divorces is astonish
ing. The labor commissioner says
that the cause of the increase is pov
erty! Think of that in these days of
unparalleled republican prosperity!
That labor commissioner "better watch
out" or he will lose his job.'
The little motto on our coins those
"sound" or otherwise must : go.
Where's the use of so many 4. word?
"In God we- trust" sounded all right
years ago, but this can - be amended
to suit the times by simply cutting
off the first- two words "We trust. '
That's amply sufficient, but the verb
itself has " taken on a new meaning
since Rockefeller began hfs career of
killing off competition in the oil trade,
stopping at nothing short of murder
and arson to accomplish, his purpose
and it isn't certain that we ought to
except arson at least.
The imperialistic method of legis
lation adopted in the house got a shak
ing up last week. " Never since par
liaments began has there been any
thing so devilish cunning aa the pro
c?;ltre in the xouse under .the thres
Moguls. The majority, by the per
mission of tl.? speaker, brings in a
bill and th; minority are prohibited
from offering any amendments. Tho
bill must go' as it is presented, no mat
ter Low imperfect it may be. That
was the thing that the , republican
worms at last revolted against. The
Cuban tariff bill was amended.
, It' seldom pays to be over aealous in
drumming up recruits for the other
fellow's army, even if he happens to
be your ally. Grant Harrington, the
populist leader of Brown county, Kan
sas, worked with might and main to
have the. populist organization aban
doned and populists become demo
crats. A few weeks ago the democrats
Of Brown county reorganized and re
pudiated Bryan and the new democ
racy, says the Barber County Index,
and came out flatfooted for Hill and
Cleveland and . their kind of a plat
form. Mr. Harrington ought ? to go
way back and sit down.
Whenever the republicans, intend "to
do something they begin a howl
against the opposition and declare that
they intend to do it. Just now they
are bawling: "Who will haul down
the flag?" or "Shoot the first man who
hauls down , the flag." , They do tlis
because at the order of the British
government they -hauled down the flag
that floated over a vast region of gold
mines iu- Alaska, they wi)l haul it
f J ft, o --if -1fl piTn1 :r wrmLZm.
they are getting ready to haul It dow
in the Philippines. Of the last j- -they
are sicker than the man wh
drank tincture 'of ipicac and thong . i
it was whiskey.'
Three of the oldest republican sn
ators called on the young man at ! -White,
house and informed him that
it would not do to retire Gen. Mile
They said that the G. A. R. won! !
stand by Gen. Mljes to a man. an t
that his forcible retirement would Hn
the names of Miles and Schley togeth
in the next campaign and the resul:
would be the election of a democrat i
house. The cowboy from the Bit
Horn mountains who was made presi
dent of the United States by an As
sassin's shot promised that he wotil !
not remove Miles, at least for the pre
ent. A scanning of the returns of city hr !
town elections in the various stat
shows that almost universally, polit
ical parties were ignored, national pol
itics ' entering hardly at all into th
contests. This is a very hopeful str
and shows a tendency toward better
municipal government. What earthlv
use there Is In bringing Into a town
election the question of imperialism.
tariffs, subsidies and things of tha'
sort is one of those things that no rw;r
can find out. ThO 4arge cities kt
their tendency to run their elections or;
national issues but the smaller citiv
: nd towns are abandoning that sort of
As far as the Investigation has gon
in the meat trust there is a strong lin
of evidence showing that the railroad
are at the bottom of the who! of it.
First in refusing to furnish cars ?o
shippers and in the cut rates whlc
they have given the favored packin?
houses. The common people of Chi
cago are in despair, and the retail
meat dealers are organizing to SgM
the trust. The federal district at
torney, under the orders of the presi
dent are making a show of an investi
gation, but so far nothing has been ,
accomplished. Mark Hanna said .it
the Oliver theater in thi3 city tha
there "are no trusts." All the mull-:
heads with patches on their pant
shouted; "Yep." And then they went
and voted the republican ticket. Dur
ing the campaign they marched up ar. !
down the streets with a tin vessel lab
elled: "A full dinner pail." But tha
pail upon investigation proved to
nearly empty. It has less in It no.v
than it had then.
The Independent
Three Months
The Commoner;
" (nr. Bryan's paper)
One Year..
.The above offer is open alike to old
and new subscribers to either paper.
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