The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 24, 1902.
Things are no Rotten at Washington That
, the Decent Republican Can no ,
., ;.Lon4-er Stand It
Washington , D C, April 19, 1902.
Representative Cushman of Wash
ington, a republican himself, made an
arraignment of his party the other
day which could " not have been ex
ceeded in bitterness and in truth had
it been made by a democrat. ' '.
lie took occasion to point out with
exceeding clearness the fact that the
house has become a helpless body
ruled over by as peaker who is abso
lutely autocratic in his own power.
lie said that when a bill was intro
duced the member did not consult
either his own wishes or that of the
committee to which the bill was in
trusted but put his individuality in
his pocket and went trotting down the
little pathway which lod to the speak
er's room. It was that august per
sonage who decided whether or not
the bill should have consideration, .
Referring to the speaker's authority,
Mr. Cushman said: "All the glory
that clustered around the holy of hol
ies in King Solomon's temple looked
like thirty cents yes twenty-nine
cents compared to that jobbing depart
ment of this government."
"The fact is," continued Mr. Cush
man. "we have adopted a set of rules
in this body that are an absolute dis
grace to the legislative body of a re
public. They are unrepublican, un
democratic and un-.American.
"I say to you that the system is rot
ten at both ends, because it robs the
individual member In this house of
the power to which - the constitution
and his credentials as a member en
title him. It is rotten at the other enl
because it vents power in men that
have no right to it and oftimes places j
on them duties which they have no !
capacity to fill." i
He went on to say that he made this
arraignment not because he had quit
being a republican, but because he and
others who considered themselves true
republicans felt that they must pro
test against the usurpation of power
by the few who get Into the habit of
considering themselves the whole
party and who are carrying it to de
struction by their subserviency to cer
tain interests and their Ignoring of
the rights and the interests of the
people as a whole.
lie sounded with no uncertain note
the bugle trumpet of rebellion on the
part of the "insurgent" republicans
who still have some patriotism and
desire to serve fairly their constituents
and the country as a whole. He gave
notire that the "insurgents" intend
to put In a large portion of their time
smashing the machine.
When it comes to the place that the
republican leaders can no longer pre
sent open rebellion on the floor of the
"house It shows that the democrat
"have only to improve the opportunities
that lie directly- in their way. If the
rottenness of the republican congress
is so great that stench is unendurabl-3
to the nostrils of its -own members it
is about time that the country tries
a change of leadership and represen
tatives. ...
The senate refused to pass the Mitch-ell-Kahn
Chinese bill which was de
sired by the Pacific coast and the en
tire labor interests. It passed in
stcrl p, substitute which on the face
seeni3 to extend the provisions of the
Geary law to the insular possessions
ani re-enacts the law itself. This sub
stitute will be acepted by the house.
It can be said even now that the law
is in such shape that it will be of even
less value than the existing law. It
is so loosely drawn that it can be
evaded with impunity and we are now
likely to see that threat of a Chinese
invasion become a reality.
The democrats and a few republi
cans voted for the Mitchell-Kahn
measure but the vast majority were
entirely willing to let China dictate
as to how many of their yellow hord'?
shall come here.
The republicans are wondering what
imp of perversity moved President
Roosevelt to order a probing of the
Philippine scandals.
Everybody who reads the democratic
press knows that we have treated the
natives with the utmost cruelty and
barbarity. That the actions of our
army form a rei-ord too black for civ
ilization to believe. But the war de
partment censored and concealed
everything which would throw light
on the matter.
Now comes the president'3 order
Avhich must all the unsavory record
into the open and furnish the demo
crats with official proof of the out
rages which they have alleged all
along. Roosevelt is certainly smash
ing things. The democrats could not
wish a better ally, to prove republican
The tales of torture will shock the
general public to a sense of what
terrible thing has been our war of
conquest. -
Imperialism is not such a glittering
irres&escent theory ' when it comes
down to machinery of conquest
handled by people who have no con
ception of justice or decency.
In the Bumsn detestiox camp. ,
Cutside the guard goes heavily; the sun.
beats on the roof;
He hears . the sick ones moaning, but he
holds his eyes aloof.
In heaven is only sun glare, dust devils on
the veldt; - -
We could not pray the clouds up, however
long we knelt.
There are women who are sullsc, there
are women who are wild.
And one perhaps is hopeful, but that one
has no child : -Katrina
raved when yestemoon they tock
her last away;
Annetje's went at candle light, and mine
will go today.
And Is It you, brave England, that holds
" us in the pen,
Making war on wives and children since
you cannot match our men?.
Will you swallow up our nation, make
our name as naught, you think?
By the living God of Dutchmen, you shall
spew the broth you drink!
I had seven sons, how long agp! Seven
and my good man.
And Greta only woman child that came
, to me and Jan " .
Six strong sons of my body and one that
still was small r -
They were stout for war or praying. and
their country took them all
The wolf, the kite, the .river trench, by
kopje and by veldt.
I did not keep, though all their wounds I
In my body felt;
It was I that scoured thfir rifles one had
hardly done with play .
I did not weep to see them go, but I shall
weep today.
And is it wise, great England, to build
your greatness so .
You that fatten on small peoples, though,
God's faith, the meal Is slow?
Growing wider by the holdings of a sim
pler, feebler folk.
It Is fatness where no strength is, and
you, too, shall feel the yoke.
But once I wept for Wilhelm he had his
father's looks;
The day that he was turned sixteen he
put away his books. " '
"Now, kiss me mother, let me gto. for I
am grown a man," , i
And so I wept for Wilhelm, though I did
not weep for Jan. .
And for myself no whimper; -I am past
my bearing time.
But I weep to know my woman child
must die before her prime.
Is no coolness on the pillow for the ten
der, fevered head?
Is no comfort in the sickness but my tear
and captive's bread?
It is not for you. O England, to give me
back my sons;
We have paid the tale twice over by the
coughing, spitting guns,
But the small graves of the children, -they
are yawning In the sod.
Deep enough to gulf your glory, high to
witness unto God.
Mary Austin In Land of Sunshine.
So Says Max O'Rell, Speaking
of His Operation.
! suffered tbe tortures of the damned
with protruding piles brought on by constipa
tion with which I was afflicted for tweuty
years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the
town of Newell. Ia.. and never found any thin?
to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from
piles and feel lllco a new man.
a H. Kmtz, Mil Jonca St., Sioux City, la.
Snt. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. lOe.Jio, 50c.
Go hen Doctor Thin lea Dorothy Agr
net Weed of Bridgeport Will Do.
Dr. James Nicholas Vann of Goshen,
N. Y., husband of thirteen -wives, has,
It is announced, just selected his four
teenth in the person of Dorothy Agnes
Weed of Bridgeport, Conn., whose let
ter pleases the doctor, says the New
York Evening Journal. Her communi
cation was selected from several hun
dred. She has not been notified of her
selection, but the impetuous doctor
takes her consent for granted. Her
letter reads as follows:
My Dear Sir I read of your misfortune
nd am, indeed, sorry for you, and I have
made up my mind to write. To say that
I am fond of elderly people but mildly ex
presses it. I am neither light nor dark;
have light brown hair, brown eyes. Peo
ple say they talk. Am sweet disposition.
Am Ove feet tall. Age, twenty. "Weight,
130 pounds. Health good. My birthday is
Feb. 2. Would it not be nice to hear from
you on that day? I dote on housekeeping
or homemaking. At present I am board
ing, as my parents do not live here. Hop
ing this may meet your approval and I
can hear soon, yours sincerely,
Dorothy Agnes Weed.
Bridgeport, Conn.
Dr. Vann was a long time in decid
ing. One other letter also captivated
him. It was from L. W., 13 Leveret
street, Brookline, Mass., the writer of
which admitted she was not beautiful.
The doctor assured her that was no
objection, as he wanted a loving wo
man. Before settling upon a date for
the wedding he expects to hear .from a
New York astrologist as to his future.
Dr. Vann was a famous hunter at
one time and devoted years to the cap
ture of wild animals for Dan Rice, the
circus man. He is a. little man, wiry
and nervous, but nimble despite his
ninety-four years. His skin is. tanned
and darkened by the suns of many
summors. His armament consists of
many deadly weapons, which he used
in his career as a hunter.
"My first twelve wives were fair and
lovely women and are undoubtedly
now with the angels," says Dr. Vann.
"My thirteenth wife was not, and her
name I will not mention. She is living
today. If I were to meet all my de
ceased wives in any other place but
heaven, I fear the green eyed monster
would enter their hearts; but, as all is
happiness over there, I rhall depart
this life when the first summons comes
without trepidation. I know that each
of my deceased wives would rather
have me be happy than plodding
around the world alone. Therefore I
intend to marry again, and I trust my
fourteenth wife may-bo in form and
feature. a composite picture of all the
rest and the embodiment of their many
virtues." -
Chance For Bloodless Sorcery.
Dr. Joklchi Takamlne, a Japanese,
claims to have discovered, according to
Pearson's Weekly, the possibility of
bloodless surgery through the medi
um of a chemical composition called
adrenalin. By the local application of
adrenalin in solution operations may
be performed, it is said, on the nose
ear and eye without the spilling of a
drop of blood. Thus has it been dem
onstrated that the discovery is th
most powerful medicine known and at
the same time. It may be said, the
most expensive. At present It costs 4
shillings a grain, or 1,400 a pound.
Co rain sr to the Fountain Bead.
Both Germany and France are now
sending students to. America, says the
New York World, to learn the conjuga
Koted Writer Tells His Experiences
In ' Belnar Operated I'pnn For Ap
pendicitisHe Is an Enthusiastic
Advocate of Sargrery and Slntrs Its
Praises. ' '' .
Although still "an inmate of the
French hospital in New York, Paul
Blouet (Max O'Rell) is rapidly recover
ing from the effects of the operation for
appendicitis performed a few days ago.
He referred to himself as the "widest
open man in New York" two days after
passing under the surgeon's knife. Now
he has written his experiences Tor the
New York Journal. He says:
When a month or so ago I decided on
having an operation" performed upon
me, some New York papers, short of in
teresting matter for their readers, pub
lished the information. This brought
me scores of letters from cranks, fad
dists, humbugs, faith healers and the
like. "Give up sin," some wrote, "and
you will be all right -
"Try my cure," wrote charlatans. An
other of this class said: "Have you
tried hydrotherapy? With hot water 1
can bring on a crisis that will settle
In fact, I received lots of disinterest
ed advice, and gratis too. A faddist
wrote: ''Do not submit to the cruel
knife of a surgeon. Out of a hundred
people opei'ated on seventy die; the oth
er thirty are maimed for life."
Ignorance and prejudice go no fur
ther. Now, dear reader, if you are sure
that something is wrong with any part
of your anatomy do not hesitate to
have done to yourself what you would
order your gardener to do to your trees
under the same circumstances.
Have the damaged, broken or dead
branches taken off. Pruning that is,
surgery is the simplest, shortest, saf
est and surest remedy. If your ap
pendix is wrong, off with it. If your
big intestine, or colon, gets constricted
and threatens to become a semicolon,
be sure that it will soon become a
full stop and kill you. Off with the
offending constricted part. That's your
only chance.
I must say I was not afraid of the
f operation. I can always submit to the
inevitable, as I once said to a very
ugly man who said he was glad to
make my acquaintance because he had
been told I looked very much like him.
I prepared myself cheerfully for many
days, so as to be strong and well and
give the surgeon and myself as good
a chance as I could, i
What does an operation consist in,
even such a long and dangerous one as
I have undergone? You go to sleep
quietly, pleasantly, and by and by you
wake up. When you do wake up, you
inquire if the thing is done, and you
learn that it Is. You feel no pain, and
you have felt no pain, not even discom
fort. My operation lasted two hours, and I
was under ether from 2:45 to 5 p. m. I
slept soundly all night. The next morn
ing I was reading the papers in bed.
All I can remember is that when I
woke from my enforced sleep I had a
vague idea I was in a greenish, foggy
atmosphere, and I heard, as in the dis
tance, many soft voices whispering:,
"Hello! Hello! Wake up! How do
you feel?"
The day after the operation I had
teaspoonf uls of chicken broth every
two hours, the following day table
spoonfuls, the next day eggs and milk
and the next such meals as for two
years I had not dreamed of permitting
myself to try. " -
My dear friends, I cannot remember
five minutes of pain. Maybe my anato
my is not improved, but I don't wear
decollete dress, and I feel I have been
given a new lease of life, of health and
of happiness.
Operations are absolutely free from
danger. The only thing is that germs
may get at you, but this danger does
not exist with the marvelous precau
tions of sterilization and antiseptics
which are taken by the surgeons of to
day. I have been in the French hospital
for three weeks. During that time
about forty operations have been per
formed, and every one has been suc
cessful, even including a few perform
ed on patients brought here on the
threshold of death.
The only thing modern surgery can
uot do is to give us a new head, a thing
which many of ns would be glad of.
In any other case, if you are wrong
anywhere, Bon't suffer. Take my ad
viceask the surgeon to rid you of
what makes your life miserable.
Make up your mind and do cot at
the psychological moment when he
asks you to lie down to be put to sleep
say to him: .
"Thanks; after you."
. Mark Twain's Latest. Maxims.
Mark Twain has added two new
maxims to the world's already valua
ble collection, says Harper's Literary
Gossip. They are as follows: "We
ought never to do wrong when people
are looking" and "No real gentleman
will tell the naked truth in the pres
ence of ladies." These nuggets of wis
dom appear in his new novelette. "A
Double Barreled Detective Story,"
which is completed In the February
number of Harper's Magazine. The
London Academy Is so pleased with
these new witticisms that It Is moved
to suggest t'ie publication of a "Mark
Twain's Own Book of Maxims,'! which
ought certainly to be illuminating as a
Traitors to Reform.
Weep for Columbia, pity her woes,
Gently the eyes of democracy close;
Furling the flag and over it drape
Fold upon . fold of funeral crepe. ;f
Boston awake! Live and help us to free
Others, with alien powers taxing their
Over the rocks where your forefathers
Foes of free government steathlly
tread. .
Swarming around is the old story band
Bribing, corrupting with gold-ladened
' hand , " . . ' . -'.
Traitors to freedom, the fortress to
: ..- hold 7... .. ...:-:V .J". - ;
Only for gold gold, like Arnold of old.
... : Mrs. H. B. Bates.
Wetappo, Florida.
No Paper Like It
I have been very much interested
in your plan from the first. You can
depend on me to sell a block of flv
and assist you all I can, for I have
found no paper like The Independent.
I can get more news from it in an
hour's reading than from two hours
of any other paper " I Jknow. Better
still, I think that you are telling the
truth, for every article which I have
investigated, I have found to be th-i
Fremont, Neb.
Sensible Democrat
I am a democrat as represented by
our gallant leader, . W. J. Bryan. , I
want to see the Liberty Building erec
ted, and like to see the populists stan l
by their colors so that if Hill or
Cleveland ever should succeed in re
publicanising democracy, we could
fight republicanism, imperialism and
plutocracy under the noble banner of
populism. L. H. WILLRODT.
Brule, South Dakota.
Mr. Willrodt proceeded to prove his
faith by his Works and enclosed $3.00
for a block of Liberty postals.
your home
F Viili3 ,wo Dea ln the pleasant work of maklnff comfortable ntppr bomes. We hare iomtsted
nearly lialf a million homes ON CREDIT throagfaout the United States. To-day we are the larset complete ont
a. i.: i e ,?'orM wIth aa utiet ao great aa to enable as to control some-of the largest factories and nilUa In
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We'll ship it to any part of tbe United States ON CKKD1T.
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As to our Reliability, we refer yea to any Bank, Baslaess House or Newspaper In Chicago.
West Madison mnd Halsted St3.,
- Main Office I7L173 W. Madison St.
$18.00 I
Simply remit us $4.60 and pay
Mr. Watkins Inquires About H. R. 13363
and Scores the Independent
Editor Independent: I have been
very much surprised for the last two
weeks at seeing nothing in either The
Independent or Commoner regarding
H. R. 13363, "A bill to maintain the
gold standard, provide an elastic cur
rency, equalize the rates of interest
throughout the 'country',"' and further
amend the national banking, laws."
I also take and pay for two republi
can papers (the Semi-Weekly State
Journal and Inter Ocean) ; neither of
which have a word to say regarding
the above bill which was introduced
into the house April 4. It has some
features which I would like explained.
It provides for national banks issuing
bank notes to the 'fullamount of paid
up capital. Is this paid-up capital so
much ' actual bone fideone hundre.l
cent dollars; or is it any old thing like
railroad stock and bonds,1 oil company
bonds, etc? If ; actual -one hundred
cent" dollars what is" the object 6f is
suing bank notes? Are they allowed
to duplicate these dollars with addi
tional bank note dollars to ' the same
amount and loan both ? Do' , I under
stand this bill continues .to naake the
government responsible ;f or the re
demption of these bank bills, and the
government look to the assets of in
solvent banks to recoup itself? What
is the game they are trying to play
anyway? Are they trying to sneak
this bill through without the people
knowing anything about " it? You
seem to have plenty of time to discuss
the Philippine coinage act. Why not
discuss this awhile and drop free coin
age? It looks to me as though the
majority were making a big fuss to
call attention from their acts.
Will you permit me space to call
Bryan's attention to one fact. A house
divided against itself cannot stand.
With about an equal division of his
p'arty, perhaps one per cent in each
faction,, quarreling over the gold stand
ard and free coinage, and the other
98 per cent not caring which way it
goes, it looks to me as though there
was but little hope for financial reform
by the democratic route. The fatal
mistake of Bryan, Bland and other
free silver advocates was that when
the purchasing clause of the Sher
man - Act was repealed they did not
refuse to have anything to do with the
lowering of the tariff. We are up
against it now if H. R. 13363 becomes
a law and the democrats get the lower
house. If a panic follows it will be
on account of their jeopardizing the
tariff, and republican rank and file
will be ready to believe them. M. A.
Hanna opened the campaign In Ohio
last fall by advising them to let well
enough alone. When house roll 13363
gets to the senate will he take his own
advice? Wait and see. Don't think
for a moment they will put this off
till another session; they dare not
do it.
Don't think I am not ready to co
operate with the Bryan wing of the
democrat party or am opposed to fus
ion; but I do think you are putting up
a mighty poor fight with the opportun
ities you have. The last Commoner is
full of Dave Hill's opposition to the
Kansas City platform and one-half of
The Independent is devoted to op
position to socialism. We have all we
can do to fight the republican crowd.
. Verdon, Neb.
Mr. Watklns Is crying before he is
hurt. Although H. R. 13363 was not
introduced until April the committee's
report was finished early in March and
duly commented on by The Indepen
dent. See editorial page, issue of
March 13. under heading, "Hurrah
for Wild Cats." This bill is commonly
known as the Fowler bill, although its
introduction was ordered by the ma
jority of the house committee on bank
ing and currency. As The Indepen
dent has said before, the bill contains
about all the financial deviltry hatched
out by, republicans and gold democrat
In the past ten or fifteen years. It
was printed in The Commoner of Ap
ril 18.
An extended analysis of the" bill is
not deemed necessary at this time. It
will not pass at this session, but will
be an important factor in the coming
banks complete control of the paper
currency of the country; (3) to pro
vide for the redemption of silver dol
lars in gold and eventually to deprive
them of their legal tender functions
and thus rob the people just as 'they
were robbed by the trade dollar iniq
uity. .' r : - v.:
In answer to Mr. Watkins, a bank's
"capital", is never "so much actual
hundred cent dollars," unless it might
be on the morning of the day the bank
is organized. Part of it is invested
in real estate for the banking house
fixtures, and part of it is loaned to
customers on commercial paper; part
of it may be invested In government
bonds. Suppose we illustrate: A
bank is organized , with a capital of
$100,000, fully paid up. Ten thousanl
dollars Is invested in real estate and
banking house; $60,000 is invested in
U.' S. bonds and premiums; and as
soon as , possible the remaining $30,
000 is loaned to customers on commer
cial paper. In no long time the
bank's deposits amount to ?125000, an I
of this sum the bank loans say $85,000.
Under the present national banking
law. the bank can issue $50,000 (the
face of its government bonds) in bank
notes, and suppose it has these loaned
on i commercial paper. Now, at this
point its - assets andr liabilities will
look like something like this: ...i
- ; assets.
Government bonds and pre
mium .........:...$ 60,000
Real estate ................ i.. 10,000
Loans' 165,000
Cash on hand v . 40,000
Total $275,000
Circulation .......$ 50,000
Depositors 125,000
Stockholders i 100,000
Total .. $275,000
, Under this proposed law, the bank
would be allowed to issue $10,000 of
bank notes a year for six years, then
$20,000, and another $20,000, In ail
$100,000, for no earthly reason ex
cept that it has a "capital stock" of
$100,000 and has agreed to relieve the
United States of . the crushing burden
of carrying greenbacks to the extent
of having printed on $20,000 of green
backs an endorsement as follows:
"For value received the Wild Cat Na
tional Bank of Wild Cat Hollow will
currently redeem this note in gold coin
until the same has been paid and can
celed In accordance with the provisions
of law." ,
Of course the bank would be re
quired to retire its $50,000 of old notes
before the seven years were up, be
cause at no time shall it have a circu
lation greater than its paid-up cap
ital; but the capital could be increased.
The new notes are made a first lien on
all the bank's assets and would come
in ahead of depositors in case -of a
panic. Later The independent ex
pects ; to print a carefully prepared
analysis of the entire bill. Editor Independent.
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Send us your order & we will send the 8 boxes by mail. When
sold you send us the money & we will send you the WATCH with
the same day money is received. There is no humbuggery about
this. We are giving away these watches to quickly introduce our
Remedy & all we ask is that when you receive the watch you will
show it to your friends. Hundreds have received watches from us
& are more than delighted, with them. This is a glorious opportu
nity to get a fine watch without paying a cent for it & you should
write at once. Address
AMERICAN MEDICINE C0.r Dt.; 47 Warbn St,,New York City.