The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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April X'i, 1902
We sell Boys' Clothing on the same small profit
basis as -Men's Clothing. Our boys' Department is
three times as large and tnree times as attractive as ever
before. We show stylish, uptodate suits
for boys 4 to 14 from 98 cents ' up and
good honest dressy long pants suits from
$3.75 up;
If you .have boys to clothe write at
once for new catalogue showing samples
lof cloth and describing lome of our. choic
rest styles of boys' suits. We are sending
out Boys' Suits in all directions by express
and we can please and fit YOUR boys as
well as other . peoples. We are sure you
will like our Mail Order Service both for
Men's and Boys' wear and vwei want you
to always remember you are under no ob
ligation to keep anything you do not like.
We are as anxious. to please you as you
are to be pleased and in this spirit we fill
every order that comes to us.
n-M -i
Lincoln, Nebraska.
tem that taxes them according to
what they eat, drink and wear.
At the next national democratic con
vention the Free Trade league will he
there with banners, with "Equal rights
to all and special privileges to none"
inscribed thereon. The fifteen vied
presidents of Massachusetts will ?e
there with Charles Francis Adams II.
in spirit The vice presidents of the
other seventeen states of the union
will be there; if not in body, certainly
in spirit. J. Sterling 1 Morton, vice
president for Nebraska, will be there.
Besides Massachusetts and Nebraska,
the vice presidents f or Rhode Island,
Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire,
Vermont, California, Illinois, Indiana.
Maryland, Michigan, New York, New
Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee
and Virginia will be there. Besides
the officials of this organization, many
politicians and statesmen of the
Northern states will be there, though
not members. David B. Hill of New
York will be there, Grover Cleveland,
if not in body, certainly in spirit, of
New Jersey, will be there. David B.
will be New York's candidate for'pres
ident of the United States. They will
exhibit their banner, inscribed with
"Equal rights to all, special privileges
to none," but all that they will ask,
to be inserted in the platform, will be
"Tariff for revenue only." These men
will "be told by the convention that
such a tariff is a special privilege for
the rich to be exempt from taxation
according to their wealth; and that
the. party cannot indorse such a doc
trine as "pure" democracy; that an
income tax must be Inserted in lieu
of a revenue tariff; and that "revenue
reform" means the commencement of
an agitation for Income taxes: Instead
of further agitation for revenue tariffs.
They will probably be reminded that
in 1896 the democratic party pro
nounced for an income tax and that
the party cannot recede from this
position, that tariffs for revenue only
are inconsistent with income taxes
and that the two systems cannot stand
together. If they cannot accept this
as "Equal rights to all," they can go
to the republican party, where they
can at least find congenial company in
advocating a single gold "standard."
If they find that they can not agree
with the republicans as to protection,
they, can agree with them on th
money question, keeping the mints
open to free and unlimited coinage of
gold, which will allow a few owners
of gold bullion to take their private
property to a public mint, built at th
public expense, and have it converted
into coin without cost to the private
owners; and in having the sovereign
power of the. national government an
nexed to the coin, so that everybody
is obliged to accept it in payment of
all debts; and In allowing the national
banks to issue circulating notes to
be used as money. They can do oil
this and call it consistency. They
nave done it before and they will do
;t again. It is quite evident that these
"free traders" believe in a "tariff for
revenue only" as a mere political ex
pedient; they do not believe that it
has anything to do with Justice or
equal rights and they think that there
is a number of democrats in the
northern states, who, joined with the
democrats of the south, can nominate
a democratic candidate for president
and elect him and thereby get poss
ession of the national government and
divide the spoils of office among them
selves.. In all this they do not show
good political sense, because it is no
longer possible to nominate a revenue
reformer of the free trade kind in a
democratic national , convention, and,
if it could be done, it will be lmpos-
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube, "When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unless the inflammation
can be taken out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever; nine casts out
of ten are caused by Catarrh, which
is nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,
,. . ,. Toledo, .0.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
sible to elect such a candidate.
The "free traders" are gold demo
crats, as they call themselves. They
can believe in free coinage of gold
without believing in free coinage of
silver. They can see that free coinage of
silver Is wrong, but they cannot see
that free coinage of gold Is equally
When we had free coinage of silver
dollars and the private owners of.
silver bullion were putting 371
grains of pure silver in each dollar at
the pablle mint, silver bullion was
worth $1.29 per ounce by law, because
480 grains made an ounce and every
ounce of silver made as much money
as S71Vi went times into 480, which
was one and twenty-nine and over,
and every time anybody brought sil
ver bullion to the mint, they received
silver coin dollars which were a legal
tender for all debts, and thereby sil
ver bullion was $1.29 per ounce by
legal tender law. Silver could not bs
lower than that, as long as the mints
stood open to free and unlimited coin
age of silver dollars. After the mints,
however, were closed to free coin
age Of silver and the government was
obliged to go into the market, in order
to buy silver bullion for coinage of
silver dollars, silver fell to about 60
cents per ounce and the silver in each
sliver dollar cost the government
about 50 cents in gold. Then the gold
democrats "and others " raised a hire
and cry about a 50-cent silver dollar
and called for a suppression of further
coinage of such dollars. They could
not endure free and unlimited or even
a limited coinage of silver dollars
They lost their reason to such an ex
tent, that they could not remind the
people, that what cost the government
50 cents in gold, was paid as equal to
a 100 cents in gold.
The mints still stand open to free
and unlimited coinage of gold, al
though closed to free coinage of sil
ver. The private owners of gold bul
lion are allowed to take their gold to
the mints and have it coined at the
public expense, putting about 24 grains
of pure gold into each dollar, and as
long as 480 grains make an ounce and
24 grains of gold are put into each dol
lar, gold bullion' will be $20.00 per
ounce by law as anybody can see bv
dividing 480 by 24. This is partly be
cause the mints are open,, to free coin
age of gold, partly because all gold
coins are a legal tender for debt.
Gold cannot fall below $20.00 per
ounce as long as the mints are open
to free coinage of this metal and gold
coin dollars are a legal tender for
debts. One of the first results, then,
of free coinage of gold is to fix an ar
bitrary government price for gold,
without regard to its value. If gold
shou!d be a hundred times as abundant
(without Increased demand its PRICE
would still be the same, although its
VALUE might be a hundred times
less. On the other hand, if gold should
be a hundred times as scarce and its
value a hundred times greater. Its
price nevertheless would, still be $20.00
per ounce. This is one of the special
privileges which free coinage of gold
confers. It Is a fixity or unchangp
ableness of price by statute law with
out regard to value. Whoever makes
the ? law makes the - price. We have
never tried closing the mints to free
coinage of gold, in order to compel it
owners to. go into th market to get.
a price for their commodity, as th
owners of gold have compelled ths
owners of silver to do.
Gold democrats; can' see great wrong
in free coinage of silver, but they
cannot see any wrong in free coinage
of gold. Their reasoning is as erron
eous on money as on tariff. They
ought to fall into the ranks of some
political party and be led, instead ot
trying to constitute themselves leaders
of public opinion. Whoever consents
to be led by them will certainly go
astray. It is dangerous for those
who have eyes to follow those who
have no eyes. Any man who can se1)
great wrong in allowing the owners
of stiver mines to take their product
to the public mint and have it coined
as public expense into money and can
not, at' the same time, see equal or
greater wrong in allowing the owners
of gold mines to take their product
to the same mints and have ft coined,
on the same terms, into money, must
certainty he blind. ; '
If the democratic , party, adopts the
program of the gold democrats, it will
put itself in the position of being op
posed to protection merely without an
objective point or single affirmation.
They will not be at liberty to advocate
revenue tariffs, because a large major
ity of the people in the north are op
posed to them and not a single north
ern state can be carried on such an Is
sue.? They will not be at liberty to ad
vocate an income tax. because it wi!
not be in the platform and nobody wil
trust the party on the issue. Nor will
they be at. liberty to advocate free
coinage of silver, because free ! coin
age of gold will be in the platform
without free coinage of silver. Thus
the party will stand upon a single ne
gation, and that will be opposition t'j
protection, with no definite Dolicy fis
a substitute.
It is time for the democratic party
to be for something instead of being
against everything. Since the cm
.war it has been in the objective mood
merely opposing such measures as the
republicans proposed and seeking
make issues . by opposing whatever
they do, and then, perhaps, after
wards adopting what they have done
This was the history of the party un
til 1896, and it is time to go further
on, instead of going backward.
Jersey City, N. J.
(Continued from Page One.)
how the fusion members are getting
along. He sits just a little to the front
and left of the four fusion members
from Nebraska and he has cultivated
a new side glance to watch - Stark,
Shallenberger, Robinson and Neville
During the Cuban debate. Burkett was
busy watching the -ther five members.
He had to keep first looking, to the
left to watch the only David and then
quickly turn his face toward the fus-
lonists. That side glance of his is un
equalled and it is wonderful that he
has rot appealed to some other mem
ber to trade seats with him so that
he could watch the other representa
tives from Nebraska. It will be noted
that Burkett and Mercer first voted
to sustain the chair and later broke on
the record vote.
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick cniid
Suffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sootn-
Ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Jts
value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no
mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of tho
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States, and if for
sale by all druggists throughout the
world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be.
sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows
Soothing Syrup." '
(Continued from Page One.)
a state shall be party." "In all the
other cases before mentioned (in Par.
1, Sec. 2) the supreme court- shall
have appellate jurisdiction, both as to
law and fact, with ' such exceptions,
and under such regulations as tlva
congress shall make." The Eleventh
amendment restricted the judicial
power of the United States by provid
ing that "th.j judicial power of tin-.
United States to extend shall not be
construed to any suit in law or equity,
commenced or prosecuted against one
of the United States by citizens of an
other state, or by citizens or subjects
of any foreign state."
.Slowly but surely, however, the fed
eral courts have been usurping the
functions of both the legislative and
executive departments. As The In
dependent has many times pointed out,
the government of the United States
devolves upon five men a majority
of the nine judges of the supreme
court both congress and the presi
dent in many senses being more aux
illlaries. It is needless to recite much
history of the encroachments of this
branch of the government upon the
functions of the two others, more im
portant branches the instances have
been discussed innumerable times.
"The powers not delegated to the
United States by the constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the states, are re
served to the states, respectively, or
to the people." So says the Tenth
amendment. It is as much a part of
the supreme law of the land as it ever
was. A rational, reasonable construc
tion of it, in connection with the other
parts of the constitution, Is as desir
able today as it ever was. The ex
ereme position on the one hand, held
so tenaciously by the people of the
south, making state sovereignty the
substance and the federal government
a mere shadow, was never tenable.
The question of at least one state's
"right" the "right" to secede was
pretty thoroughly thrashed out In the
civil war and decided adversely to
the "right." But that decision did not
abrogate the Tenth amendment. It Is
still part of our supreme law,; although
each succeeding decision of the fed
eral court where the question is in
volved whittles away a portion of
the amendment and enlarges the
scope of that paragraph of the con
stitution which empowers congress
"to make all laws which shall be nec
essary and proper for carrying Into
execution the foregoing powers, and
all other powers vested by this con
stitution in the government of the
United States, or in any department
or officer thereof."
An absolutely "strict", construction of
the federal constitution is just as un
desirable as a "liberal" constructor,
carried to extremes. A mere league
of all-powerful states and a weak gen
eral government is not an ideal govern,
ment. On the other hand, the pres
ent trend of judicial decisions is to
build up an all-powerful general gov
ernment and deprive the states of the
powers reserved to them by the tenth
amendment and this is just as unde
sirable as the other extreme."
The federal constitution provides
that "The United States shall guar
antee to every state In this union a
republican form of government," that
Is to say, a representative democracy,
where the laws are enacted,1 enforced,
and . interpreted, by officers elected
by the people of the state In other
words, local self-government Is guar
anteed to each state by the federal
constitution. In this local self-government
each state is supreme, and re
served to it, "or to the people," are
all powers not delegated, expressly or
impliedly, to the United States.
Now, local self-government implies
local taxation and must include not
only the power to tax for local pur
poses but also the power to enact laws
prescribing how the assessments and
levies shall be made, by what officers,
and the power to elect or appoint such
officers. Taxation is the chief attri
bute of sovereignty. When the power
to tax is denied any state-then its
sovereignty 5-5 gone. As Thomas G.
Shearman sa3: "Government im
plies taxation, as truly as the exis
tence of animated nature implies food
Taxation is the indispenslble condi
tion of all . , government. Taxes are
the food upon which it lives. Without
taxes it must die. If all offices of
government were filled gratuitously, it
would none , the le3s be maintained
by taxation, although the only direct
tixpayers would be the officeholders."
Of course the Grosscup-Humphrey
decision is not final. It will doubt
less be taken on appeal to the supreme
court of the United States. Just what
the outcome there will be no man
should risk his reputation guessing.
Yet there is no doubt that even ths
supreme court of the United States
has its ears to the ground and that if
popular disapproval of the Grosscup
Humphrey decision is strong enough,
there ? is yet some hope rthat it may
be reversed. Not only are the people
of Illonlos vitally interested; but the
people of every other state. If the
decision is good law, then in Nebraska
any attempt to compel the railroads to
bear their just share of the taxes
must result in failure. Governor Sav
age and his associates may make the
railroad assessment as high as the;
please the railroads If not satisfied
will simply enjoin collection of the
taxes levied against them on the
ground that the Fourteenth amend
ment has received a severe strain.
It is interesting to note, however,
that the United States supreme court
does not agree with Judges Grosscup
and Humphrey regarding the market
value of stocks., and bonds. Just as
well say that the market value of cat
tle, wheat, corn, or hogs Is "fictitious
because these are the subject of spec
ulatlon ? and gambling. The fact is
that every railroad that has ever been
sold as an entirety has always brought
from five to fifteen per cent higher
price than the market value of smal
ler portions of Its stocks or bonds.
"It is a cardinal rule, said Mr. Jus
tice Brewer, in Adams Express Com
pany vs. Ohio, 166 U. S., 185 and 220,
"which should never be forgotten, that
whatever property is worth for the
purpose of vincome and sale, it is also
worth ; for;,-the purpose of taxation.
What a mockery of substantial justice
it would be for a corporation, whoso
property is worth to its stockholders
for the purpose of income and sale
$16,800,000, to be adjudged liable for
taxation upon only one-fourth of that
amount. The value which property
bears in the market, the amount for
which its stock can be bought and
ness men do not pay cash for prop
erty in moonshine and dreamland.
They buy and pay for that which is
of value in its power to produce in
come, or for purposes of sale."
' ' M . ' Your Lif eaway !
You can be cured of any farm of tobacco usinsr
easily be made well, strong, magnetic, full of
acw life and vigor by taking HQ-TO-iSAO,
that m&kes weak men strong. Many pais
ten pounds in ten days. OTer SOO.O'OO
cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. &ook
let and advice FREE. Address STERLING
HMDY CO., Chicago or New York. 433
WEAK MEN Is your health worth
a 2-cent stamp? If so. then write ua
at once, enclosing a 2-cent stamp, for
our absolutely free offer. We will
send absolutely free our Perfection
lectric Belt, the most unique and
perfect Electric Appliance in the mar
ket for the cure of nervous and sexual
diseases. This offer is made in good
faith for the purpose of introducing
and advertising our methods of treat-
ng all chronic diseases.
DON'T allow this opportunity to es
cape you of regaining the health and
vigor vhich.have been sapped away.
We also make a specialty of curing
rheumatism, liver, kidney, varicocele,
hydrocele, skin and bladder diseases.
TUTE, 59, Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
They Inflate Their Credit! to Encourage
the Gamblers GoTcrnment Should
Hot Only Control Money bat
Crodlts Also
Editor Independent: During the
ten weeks ending December 10, 1901,
the Comptroller's Abstract of the Con
dition of National Banks (No. 26)
showed an aggregate increase of less
than $19,700,000 in loans and discounts,
while the New York banks had de
creased their loans over $13,000,000.
This shows an increase in other banks,
principally country banks, of over $32,
000,000. .
In my last' communication I sug
gested that there were indications of
an attempt on the part of the New
York banks to revive ths drooping
stock gambling by a larga inflation of
No. , 27 of the Comptroller's Ab
stracts, covering a period of 11 free:)
weeks, ending March 25, has just
reached me. The enormous Increase
of , loans and discounts during that
period by $90,371,647 is startling. It
is particularly so when it is known
ju3t where this Increase occurred.
Most of it was in the cemral Miierve
cities,, as follows:
42 New York Banks. ; : .. .$67,889,027 73
12 Chicago Banks. .'. . . ... 12.816,163 23
7 St. Louis Banks.. 130,429.50
of So. Glen Tails, N. Y., des
cribes a condition which thous
ands or men
and women
fi n d identical
with theirs.
Read vyhat he
says, arid note
the similarity
of your own
case. Write to
him, enclosing
stamped ad
dressed envel
ope for reply,,
and cet a per
sonal corroboration of what is
here given. He says regarding
Br. Miles'
Heart Cure:
"I suffered agonizing pain in the left
breast and between my shoulders from
heart trouble. My heart would palpi
tate, flutter, then skip beats, until I
could no longer He In bed. Night after
night I walked the floor, for to lie down .
would have meant sudden death. My '
condition seemed almost hopeless when
I began takinsr Dr. Miles' Heart Cure,
bunt helped me from the first. Later
1 took Dr. Miles' Nervine with the ,
Heart Cure and the effect was aston
ishing. I earnestly implore similar suf-.
ferers to give these remedies a trial
Sold by al! Druggists
on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
L D. Palmer.
Total .... . ............ $80,835,622.57
For the first time hy reason of the
increase of loans the Chieago hanks
show an aggregate shortage of re
serve. St. Louis has been continually
short for many months. Thte time
the abstract shows two out of three
of the central reserve cities, and twelve
out , of the twenty-nine reserve cities
short .in their resources. It must be
remembered that a bank cannot h e
short in its cash reserve without being
short in its lawful reserve. I have
a letter directly from the comptroller
which distinctly states this.
It will be seen that the 61 central
reserve banks increased their loans
and discounts by $80,835,622.57. This
leaves the increase in the 269 reserve
city banks and the 4,027 country banks
at $9,536,034.83. Examination and
calculation disclose that the 269 re
serve city banks, in the aggregate,
really decreased their loans and dis
counts by about 56,000,000. It must
be, therefore, that the 4,027 country
banks made an increase of about
1 K AAft flflA nr. lues fhott half ylni-ln.
XU,VUV,UUU, VI tOO lUGfcU Ult lll-
the fifteen weeks of what was their
increase during ; the preceding tan
weeks. .
There appears to have been an in
crease of deposits In the New York
banks of about $98,948,658.86 between
December 10, 1901, and March 25, 1902.
At the same time, the individual de
posits in these banks decreased $16,-
225,563.89. There must have been an
increase ' from some outer source
than individuals sufficient to cover
the - net increase of . .deposits
and the loss of individual de
posit shown , by abstract No... 27.
or an actual Increase of $115,174,222.78.
Almost this entire amount was the
result of transaction between banks.
It is made up of the difference be
tween what the New York banks owed
other banks and what other banks
owed them. What one bank owes an
other is a deposit liability of the
bank owing the debt. If there is a
reciprocal account bet wen them, then
the difference only must be counted
as a deposit by the bank owing the
Between the dates mentioned the
New York banks Increased their lia
bilities to other banks over $57,000,-
000, and decreased the liabilities of
other banks to them almost as much.
In the fifteen weeks the New York
banks took from other banks through
out the country, and consequently out
of the business , of the country, this
large sum. This accounts for the large
increase of credits by the New York
banks, the loss of credits in the ag
gregate by the 269 reserve city banks,
and the unusually small increase of
credits by the 4,027 country banks.
It is an alarming Illustration of the
. m m m 1 J! J
power or less tnan . nan a nunureu
banks In New York City over other
banks, and. over the business and In
dustries of the country. These rew
hanks have it in their power at any
time withlng forty-eight hours to cre
ate financial conditions that would
vreck half the industrial and com
mercial Interests of the country. Dur
ing the ten weeks ending December
10th, they withheld credits and con
tracted the volume over $13,000,000.
During the next fifteen weeks .they
made the enormous increase shown
by. this last abstract. .
The American people will learn
after a while that the power of these
banks over credits Is a grave danger
not .only to commercial transactions,
but to our Institutions. There can be
no reasonable doubt that the power to
issue money should rest in the hands
of the government. It r will be seen
sometime, possibly when too late, that
the power to create bank credits should
be exercised by the government also
in the Interest of all the people.
Inlanapolls, AptII 15, 1902.
scrlbrs have, not refused to take th
paper from the office that such no
tices are no longer of any value. In
fact, they are a grejtt cost In the way
of increasing expenses for postage and
stationery, for whenever such a no
tice is received, instead of relying upon
it, a letter is written to the person
from the office. The following is a
copy of the correspondence in one
such- case:
.-.r.No;" 1528.-. "' !.""''.
. Postoffice at Ceresoo. - ,
State Nebraska.
Date Apr. 9, 1902.
Sir: Pursuant to instructions from
the Postmaster General, I beg leave
to inform you that your paper ad
dressed to T. R. Fraley Is not taken
out, but remains dead in this ofllce.
You will please discontinue the same.
J. S. LWISAY, P. M. ,
Reason Refused.
Lincoln, Neb:, Apr. 17, 1902.
Mr. T. R. Fraley, Ceresco, Neb.
Dear Sir: We have received notice
from the postmaster at Ceresco stat
ing that you have refused to accept
The Independent from the postofftce.
We think there must be some mis
take about this, as your subscription
is paid in advance to Jan. 21, . 1903.
Please let us know whether you
wish the paper until that date, and
oblige yours truly, :
Ceresco, Neb., Apr. 19, 1902.
Editor Independent; Lincoln, Neb.
Dear Sir: Yours of the 17th Inst,
received, stating that you had re
ceived notice from the postmaster at
Ceresco that I had refused to- accept
The Independent. In reply will say
that It is absolutely false and I would
rather receive it every day than to
refuse it once.' The Independent and
the Commoner I expect to take as long
as I live or they are published, if
can raise that much money each year.
I think they both should receive the
entire support of the common eople
and all who are opposed to . being
ruled by corporation and trusts. I like
The Independent because it is inde
pendent and can't be .ruled or con
trolled by the money power. I liku
the Commoner because it is edited by
W. J. Bryan and advocates the best
principles for the common people,
and until you receive a notice of re
fusal from me, please let it come, every
week. . v . ' '
Wishing you success, I remain,
- Yours truly,
The Independent wishes to say to
its subscribers that if they want their
paper stopped for any reason that they
snould send a postal card to this office
ana nox reiy on any postmaster or
other person. . . i
I a new invention thatpromises to revolution Ue
the Suspender trade. The
webiaof the best quality;
the notched tips are of firm,
oak-tanned belt leather;
the fasteningsot first-class
calf, very fotl and flexible.
Adjustable front and back,
they will not slip eff the
nhoulders or tear off Iww
tons. There is no metal to
rust, break, or cut the
clothinjr the onlyabjust
able suspender made with-,
out metal. It will outwear
any suspender made. While
for men of heavy work it
has no equal on account of
material and wearing qual
ities, yet it is dressy enough
for anyone, making it a nr
sirable suspender for all
classes. Less value is re
ceived In the purchase of
the ordinary suspenaer
than in any other item of
dress. The best the cheapest.
Ask your Dealer for
and take no other, or send fiO Cents and we
will mail you a pair postpaid. RejruJar lrnerth
31, 33 and 35 inches, special length made to order.
Give length when ordering.
All of these goods are made out of the very
best material. We believe the people will ap
preciate the value they get at these low price.
Meserve-Edgerton Mfg. Co.,
A Sample of tk JTmj Tb Independent is
Treated by Conn try Republican
Every inch of ground that The In
dependent wins must be fought for
and when a position is gained it must
be vf ortified and guarded or it will be
driven from it in short order. It must
constantly fight the devil and all his
republican imps and office-holders
The country postmasters are all re
publicans and agents for every re
publican paper. A good deal of their
efforts are exepended in Increasing
the circulation of plutocratic papers.
But when it comes to The Independ
ent they are often not even delivered
to paid subscribers. The law requires
that when a person who has been re
ceiving a paper refuses longer to
take it from the office, the postmaster
must inform the publisher of that
fact Postmasters have sent so many
such notices to this office where sub-
One of the Most horrible and Cruel Tor
turea Ever Invented by Man or Devil
A correspondent in the Phil ippines
writing to the New York Kvenln
Post after describing other means of
.torture which are constantly applied
to tne Filipinos, describes the "water
cure" as' follows: .
- But the water cure I , If the tor
tures , I . mentioned - are hellish, the
water cure is plain hell. The native
is thrown upon the ground, and while
his legs and arms are pinioned, his
head is raised partially, so as to make
pouring in the water an easier matter.
An attempt to keep the mouth closed
is of no avail, a bamboo stick or a
pinching of the nose will produce the
desired effect. And now the water is
poured in, and "swallow the poor
wretch must, or strangle. A gallon of
water is much, but is followed by s
second or third. By this time the vic
tim is certain his body Is about to
burst. But he is mistaken, for a fourth
and even a fifth gallon are poured In.
By this time the body becomes an ob
ject frightful to contemplate, and the
pain agony. While In this condition
speech is Impossible, so the water
must be squeezed out of him. This is
sometimes allowed to occur naturally.!
uut is sometimes hastened by pres
sure, and -'sometimes we jump on them
to get it out .quick," said a young sol
dier to me, with a smile a young
soldier, a mere boy, hardly ten, years
out pr nis motner s lap. I did not
wonder, when an officer, in answer to
my question how often he had seen
it, said, "Not often, my feelings too
much revolted." Does It seem possi
ble tnat cruelty could further go? And
what must we think of the fortitude
of the native, when we learn that
many times the "cure" Is twice given
ere the native yields? I heard of one
-who took it three, times and died.
How often la jt given? is a natural
question. No. one knows. A sergeant
told, me he had seen it taken by 200
and 300 r. by, as many as twenty some
times a day. Another had seen 80.
An officer saw four, but knew of its
happening 200 times.
Another phase of the subject merits
our attention, the effect upon the
American. The unconcerned way in
which the soldiers, and civilians, too,
speak of the water cure, the exulting
way in most cases, is the saddest phaw
of all. . The officer's pity for the na
tive undergoing the treatment I3 the
only expression of sympathy for the
Filipino I have heard from the Hps of
a soldier the only one. These things
are not lovely, but they are true.
Reduce ynnr 1 - 1 a t
weight with Keducto
Reduce your fat and be refined. Keflne your
tat and be reduced. "Reducto" Is a prfrctiy
barmtefts vegetable compound endnrwd tr
thousands of physicians and peonlo ho have
tried It. We send you the Formula, you make
"Keducto" at home if you desire, you know
full well the ingredients and therefor n-el
have no roar of evil effects. Send I l.on for re
ceipt and Instructions everything' mailed la
plain envelope. Address
Ginseng Chemical Co,,
3701 S. Jefferson At., St, Leuls. Mo,
104 North lOfh SI.
We say "Roy's" drug store as a
matter of fact It is EVERYBODY'S
drug store almost. Roy only con
ducts it, buys and keeps to sell .he
goods, and meet and force competition.
Our patrons do the rest. We want to
remind you of seasonable goods, viz:
Garden Seeds, Condition Powders. Lice
Killers, B. B. Poison, Kalsomine.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc.
We make a specialty of all kinds of
Stock and Poultry Foods, etc. Doc t
miss us.
Rovs' 104 No I Of h
Save Money
Prudent people buy their drugs and
patents here and save money. Here
are a few prices:
i.w refuua . . o.i.-
$1.00 Miles Nervine.. 63c
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies 6Sc
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla 65c
$1.00 Palne's Celery Com pound.... 65e
$1.00 Wine of Cardui: 6Sc
$1.00 Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets.. CDc
$1.00 Plnkham's Compound 6Jc
$1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root C5c
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion k
$1.00 S. S. S......... 65c
Syrup of Figs.. lice
Meadows Malted Milk... 33c
Castoria, Dr. Pitcher's Formula.... 12c
To each purchaser of $1 worth of
goods we give a substantial present
there Is no prescription too difficult
for us to fill and we'll save you
money. Come in and get acquainted.
Add 2Gc for boxing where goods are
shipped. . . .
Gut Mi
12th and O STS., Lincoln, Xcb.
Via Wabash railroad to Harrisburs,
Pa., and return on sale May 14 to 19
good returning June 30. Half raten
will also be sold from Harrisburg to
points in Pennsylvania, Maryland and
District of Columbia on May 21 to 24.
Stop-overs allowed at Niagara Falls.
Think it over and ask your nearest
agent to route you via the Wabash
railroad. All information at Omaha
city office, 1415 Farnam street (Pax
ton hotel block) or write
Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.. Omaha, Neb.
Send Me Their Names
Very Low Rates
Hvery day during the months of
March and April, 1902, the UNION PA
CIFIC will sell Colonist one-way tick
ets at the following rates:
$20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
' $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Hel
ena. '
$22.50 to Spokane.
$22.50 to points on the Great North
ern Ry., Spokane to ; Wenatcheis in
cluded, via Huntington and Spokane.
$25.00 to points on Great Northern
Ry., west to Wenatohee, via Hunting
ton and Spokane. '
$25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seat
tle.1: - ,:' !..
$25.00 to Ashland, Oregon and In
termediate points, including branch
lines on S. P. Co. south of Portland,
via Portland.
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los An
geles and other California points.
Full information cheerfullly; fur
nished on application to
- : E. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
Send me the addresses of your
friends who might be Induced to move
to Nebraska, and I will mail them our
new 48-page book descriptive of Ne
braska's agricultural resources anl
its unbounded opportunities. The
book is illustrated with Nebraska farm
scenes, and is supplemented with a
sectional map of the state. It will
help bring any homseeker to
Nebraska. V J. FRANCIS,
Gen. Pass. Agent, Omaha,, Neb.
Puget Sound
Is one of the most favored portions
of our country. Its history is fasci
nating, its scenery wonderfully grand.
Its industries and commerce varied
and wealth-making, its climate moist,
cool and life-giving
It is destined to become one of our
most populous and Important seaports
and manufacturing sections.
"Wonderland 1902." the Northern
Pacific's latest annual, has an account
of this region that will be Interesting
and valuable,1 as well, to everybody
young and old. l; -
SendCHAS. S. FEE, General Pas
senger Agent, Northern Pacific Rail
way, 'St. Paul. Minn., six cents for
the book, and you may be surprised
to learn wLat a favored land there is
away up in the , northwestern corner
of our country.