April 17, 1902 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT, 7 it xx. t 1fc!k ifct- fit, 1i? T 1" VT. W TT TT VT . W 3 ..,T. fr Champ Letter Si IS jit SI? ffi 's iTf Rooievelt-H&nna Contest Flun kies Must Toot Their Own Bills. j4 American Labor and the Chinese Cark n n u n n n nn n n Special Washington Letter. T is a pretty fight as it stands that is, the fight betwixt Colonel Roosevelt and Senator Hanna for the Republican nomination for president. They are leaving no stone unturned, no card unplayed, no trick untaken. Recently Senator Mark attended the good roads convention at Charlottesville. Va., near Montlcello, where rests the greatest statesman that ever lived, the profoundest phi losopher that ever devoted his life to politics, the chief priest, apostle and prophet of civil liberty, Thomas Jeffer son, and even there the Ohioan re ceived an ovation which Jenkins de scribes with rapture. More recently Teddy "swung round the circle," a sec tion of it at least, by visiting Charles ton. S. C, where he was tendered an ovation several in fact which threw Jenkins into fits of ecstasy and which perhaps also threw Marcus Alonzo into a lit of the blues. Both those illus trious statesmen know how to play to the galleries, whoop up hoi polloi and cause a beating of the tomtoms. It is youthful enthusiasm and military glamour versus perfect organization and an abundance of the sinews of war. The country will hold its breath while these famous gladiators wrestle and some man like Senator Spooner of Wisconsin or Senator Fairbanks of Indiana or Uncle Shelby M. Cullom of Illinois will walk away with the prize. The Democrats and the country have nothing to lose by reason of the bitter ness which the Roosevelt-IIanna con test will arouse within the G. O. P., for the more bitterly Republicans fight each other, even unto the death, the better off the Democrats and the coun try will be. So "on with the dance" of war. war to the knife and the knife to the hilt, betwixt Mark and Teddy J Good. It is given out now that onr imperial embassy, consisting of Whitelaw Reid et al., to the coronation of King Ed ward VII. will have to go down into their own pockets and pay their own expenses. And it is well. After all it seems that there is such a thing as a robust Am rican sentiment in this county which must be heeded. No doubt when this idiotic junket was ar ranged it was thought by those who arranged it that the American taxpay ers would throw high their sweaty caps in air and gladly get out their weasel .skins and furnish the where witMMl to pay the fiddler for our "bloom'ng haristocrats." but instead of doing that they kicked and sulked and used language about the administra tion not f?t to be put in a model "Let ter Writer For Young Ladies' Board ing Schools." So Messrs. Reid et al. will enjoy the luxury of footing their own bills. No man in either branch of congress will have the gall to rise in his place and move that their ex penses be paid out of the public treas ury. Without being egotistical, I can fair ly claim part of the credit at least for this saving to the taxpayers, for on Jan. 20 I started the first inquiry on the subject and said inter alia: "So far as I am concerned, I will never vote one cent to pay any man's expenses to go to England or elsewhere to help crown a king. We went out of the coronation business July 4, 1776, and are not yet ready to return to that un natural and un-American habit." For saying that and a few more things in the same line all the flunky editors in the land jumped on me. Now they can jump off again. It Is a ten to one shot that President Roose velt regrets that he ever appointed the embassy and would gladly be rid of the whole thing, for he must realize by this time that by appointing it he played directly and largely into the hands of Senator Marcus A. Hanna as a Re publican presidential candidate; not that Mark is opposed to flunkyism, but because he possesses the acumen to know that the American people are. His henchmen will play the embassy card for all it is worth in the death struggle with Colonel Roosevelt for the presidential nomination. Plain Duty. It is the plain duty of President Roosevelt to send Mr. Attorney Gener al Knox hot foot after the beef trust. It is an octopus and no mistake. Any concern which deliberately and solely for its own behoof puts up meat 3 and 4 cents per pound without the shadow of excuse ought to be ruthlessly crush ed out of existence. Its action in ar bitrarily increasing the price of an ar ticle of diet of prime necessity to 77, 000,000 people by one-fourth is simply brutal. It means that millions of peo ple will have to go without meat. If a trust so enormous in its operations and so aboveboard in its robberies cannot be throttled, we had as well quit jab bering about trusts and confess that we are utterly impotent in the presence of these huge modern monsters. And this rise in price of meats does nobody any good except the trusts. Farmers and stock raisers are not the gainers by one penny, for, while the trust arbitrarily fixes the price for the consumer at one end of the line, it ar bitrarily fixes the price for the stock raiser and dealer at the other. It has its trap set like the nigger's celebrated coontrap to "kotch 'em both cummin an' gwine." If President Roosevelt will send Mr. Knox after this trust and break it up. millions of people will bless his name forever and forever; but if he doesn't do -so, possessing the power. people will conclude, and not unreason ably, that he is only playing at fighting the trusts. It is said that he has al ready become persona non grata to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. The president during his life as a ranchman no doubt became familiar with the old saw, "One might as well be hanged for an old sheep as a lamb." If Morgan is al ready mad at him, he might as well go the whole hog and make war on the trusts all along the line. He has noth ing to lose, for by assaulting them hip and thigh he will win favor with the masses, whereas if he keeps mum on the beef trust and other trusts he wins them not, though he has already alien ated Morgan. Of course it is not my business to advise Colonel Roosevelt In political matters, although I like him personally, but as a sort of amicus curise I throw out the foregoing sug gestions to aid him in his hand to hand battle with Senator Hanna., They will do him no harm and may do him good. The Philippines and American Labor. The organized labor of America, numbering about 2,000,000 male adults, most of them voters, are beginning to grow uneasy as jio the result of our holding the Philippines permanently. At present their uneasiness grows out of the fear 'that Chinese may come from the Philippines to our mainland to compete with them. Consequently they Insisted that the following section be incorporated in the Chinese exclu sion act: That from and after the passage of this act the entry into the mainland territory of the United States of Chinese laborers coming' from any of the insular posses sions of the United States shall be pro hibited, and the prohibition shall apply to all Chinese laborers, as well those who were in such insular possessions at the time or times of acquisition thereof re spectively by the United States as to those who have come there since and those who have been born there since and those who may be born there hereafter. Being a member of the foreign affairs committee, which reported the bill, I helped force it into the bill, and in dis cussing the bill in the house, deeming it a good opportunity to argue the re lation of American labor to the Philip pines, I said inter alia: The question of Chinese exclusion has for more than a quarter of a century been one of extreme difficulty, taxinjr to the ut most the ingenuity of the congress and the thought of the country to devise a so lution which will exclude the Chinese from competition with our laborers and at the same time retain and increase our trade with China. Within the last five years both the dif ficulties and the dangers of the situation have been multiplied, first, by a decision of the supreme court of the United States, in the case of Wong Kim Ark against the United States, declaring that a Chinese born of Chinese parents in this country, subject to our jurisdiction, is a citizen; secondly, by the annexation of Hawaii, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Guam and other islands, as the sale bill says, "too tedious to mention." That decision of the supreme court sounded like a fire bell at midnight. In the wild orgy of annexation in which we have been recently Indulging we took to our palpitating bosoms hun dreds of thousands of Chinese of all classes and conditions, ranging all the way from savants and merchant princes to Chinese coolies, who are a. little above the beasts that perish. A Difficult Proposition. When we annexed the Sandwich Islands, we took twenty odd thousand Chinese. When we acquired the Philippines, we took in a number of Chinese variously stated before our committee at from 200, 000 to 1,750,000. Consequently, for the first time, the congress is confronted with the exceedingly difficult proposition of hold ing our newly acquired provinces, colonies or insular possessions whichever or what ever you please to call them and at the same time excluding from our mainland the denizens of those same provinces, col onies or insular possessions whatever you choose to denominate them. Verily, verily, we have troubles of our own lots of them. Not having enough on hand prior to the Spanish war to suit our taste, like the knight of La Mancha, we went forth in quest of adventures to the uttermost ends of the earth, even to far Cathay, and we accumulated troubles enough not only to last us during our nat ural lives, but to last our posterity to the remotest generation unless we possess the courage, the resolution, the wisdom and the patriotism to unload them and thereby end them. Without being a prophet or the son of a prophet I make bold to predict that should the supreme court of the United States decide as many think it will decide that the citizens or subjects of Spain, resident in the islands we annexed, became when annexed ipso facto citizens of the United States the people of this country will speedily find a way to unload themselves of that huge incubus, because it cannot be that in their sober senses Americans will deliberately determine to subject American laborers to death deal ing competition with the cheap labor of the orient. The truth is that it is high time the la borers of this country were waking up to the fact that the one escape not only from competition with European cheap la bor, but from the unrestricted competi tion with the cheaper labor of Asia, is for us to at once and forever cut loose from the Philippine Islands. It is their only salvation. Suppose the supreme court of the United States decides that the sub jects of Spain residing in the islands w annexed became American citizens by the act of annexation; then what? The prob abilities in the case are that the supreme court will decide that congress has no power to restrict the free locomotion of an American citizen into any part of the ter ritory over which the stars and stripes float, and the laborers of the country, for whose benefit this bill is made, might just as well wake up now as later on to the realization of the fact that the whole tendency of this latter day annexation is to bring them into ruinous competition with the cheap labor of Europe and the cheaper labor of Asia. There is no sense in locking the barn after the horse is gone. The quicker we get rid of the Phil ippines the better the laborers will be off, the better we will all be off. 1 - If we do not speedily unload these ac cursed islands, the day is not far distant when all of us, especially the laborers of the Hand, will in agony of soul exclaim. "Who will deliver us from the body of this death?" Should it be decided that the free locomotion of the Inhabitants of the Phil ippines cannot be restrained : the yellow -flood will pour in and utterly submerge the laborers of America, Our retention of the -Philippines means a reduction of wages to the Asiatic level. ' That is one of the main reasons why I was opposed to acquiring them and why I am dead against keeping them. , ' That the longer we keep them the harder It will be to get rid of them is a proposi tion too plain to be argued. , Let no man hug to his breast the delu sion that Asiatics can work only as un skilled laborers, for the, evidence in the case flatly contradicts tjiat theory. They have the imitative faculty largely devel oped and soon learn to do anything they .see done. Consequently' they will not only compete with unskilled laborers, but also with those of all degrees of skill even unto the highest. ' The cry once rang along the Pacific coast, "The Chinese must go!" Some day the laborers of America in self defense will raise the cry, "The Philippines must go!" ' The policy of Chinese exclusion is bot tomed on the Instinct of self preservation, the supreme law of nature. It is not a mere demagogical scheme to win votes for any party or for any man. It is a philo sophical aifd patriotic movement, growing out of facts that can be neither denied, blinked, obscured nor shunted out of the way. It not only goes to the root of our institutions, but it lays hold of the foun dations of Caucasian civilization on this continent. A Racial Question. It is largely a racial question, and it raises the paramount issue, "Shall the white man continue to dominate the west ern hemisphere or shall he be placed in the process of ultimate extinction and be supplanted by the yellow man?" It is ut terly futile to vaunt our superiority and vaingloriously assert that in free com petition with the Chinese in any field of physical endeavor we shall triumph, for it la not true. Governor Taft, our great proconsul in the Philippines, testified that a Chinese can live on 2 cents a day not only live, but flourish like a tree planted by the rivers of water. A cloud of wit nesses support the governor general in that mystifying statement, so mystifying and so variant from our experience in living that I endeavored to ascertain how that seeming miracle can be wrought. The only answer I elicited was that a Chinese can live on 2 cents per diem be cause of centuries of enforced practice in the difficult art of curtailing his diet to the minimum. By reason of both constitutional charac teristics and of ancient habit an American cannot compete with a Chinese in cheap ness of living even if he so desired, and in the fierce light in the arena of labor, con stantly growing fiercer as our population multiplies, for the right to live, the in finitesimal cost at which a Chinese can exist will Inevitably give him the victory over the white man. The starvation test would end in a survival of the unfittest. It is written, "The laborer Is worthy of his hire." The American laborer is the foundation of the republic and of our civ ilization, the highest civilization the world has known since the primal curse was placed upon man, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread." The American laborer produces the wealth of this country, a wealth that is too vast to be comprehended by the mathematical powers of the human mind, a wealth so stupendous that it eclipses the wondrous tale of Alroy or any story out of the "Arabian Nights." We all take pride in the fact that American laborers are the most intelligent, the most skillful, the best . clothed, the best fed, the best housed, the most public spirited and the most ambitious laborers on the whole face of the earth. For one I am unalterably opposed to anything that deprives them of a single comfort or that will in any manner reduce their standard of living or that will lower them in the scale of civ ilization even in the estimation of a hair. So far as in us lies it is our duty to pre vent Chinese competition with American laborers either on land or sea, More Scandals. On a celebrated occasion Daniel Web ster gave utterance to the famous say ing, "Murder will out!" So it appears will scandal, swindling, practical thiev ery. In 1898 and 1899 Democrats de clared truthfully that there had been wicked and wanton waste of the pub lic money, scandalous jobbery and criminal favoritism in buying and fit ting up transports for service in the Cuban and Philippine wars, for let it never be forgotten that there were two wars, one of which is still running. The Republicans held up their hands in protestation, solemnly raised their eyes toward heaven, unctuously thank ed God that they are not as other peo ple and vociferously declared that the charges were Democratic lies. Well, the elections are over, and now It ap pears from belated official reports de layed Intentionally that the Democrats were right and that the Republicans were doing the lying. The Washington Tost prefaces a long article on the sub ject' with the following headlines, which teil the whole ugly story briefly: "Ugly Facts Are Out; Scandals In Transport Service Now Before Con gress; Riot of Extravagance; Many Thousands Wasted In Fitting Up the Army Vessels; Public Funds Dissipat ed by Incompetent If Not Dishonest Hands Under Pressure of Moving Large Bodies of Men; Materials Pur chased and Fat Contracts Awarded Regardless of Cost to the Government." What a pity it is that the Democrats did not elect the hoisse of the Fifty sixth congress In November, 1898! Had we done so we would have set on foot Investigations to have unearthed war scandals enough to have swept the country in 1900 from sea to sea. Only at this late day Is a little of the truth coming out. We would have got it all. The Same Cast of Characters. There is one habit of Republicans in which they are consistent they stand by their veteran leaders whatever may betide. Should they elect the next house, of which they now have very poor prospects, the same individuals will play the principal roles. General Grostenor has just been renominated, the opposition to Speaker Henderson for renomination has petered out, "Un cle Joe" Cannon, chairman of appro priations; Hon. Sereno E. Payne, chair man of ways and means; Colonel Wil Uam Peters Hepburn, chairman of in terstate and foreign commerce, and Hon. John Dalzell, one of the three czars, will all be renominated without opposition. These are the men who run things with a high hand. Individ ually they are amiable gentlemen, but they are "sot in their ways," and there can be no reform while they dominate the house. DltJKELSPIEL'S LATEST Entertaining Remarks on a Ro 5 . mance of Roulette. . EOEHE, FAMOUS GAMBLING BESOET Danoriit Say the Work Belonjra to "Der Modern or Reallsmatle School" Quotes Few Chapters to Sho-vr Rich Man's Perils When Caught "Monkeylnar Mlt der Mint ad Monte Carlo." The following burlesque , book re view by D. Dinkelspiel. per George V. Hobart, recently appeared in the New York Journal: "Dit He Break Id or Only Bend Id?" a Romance uf Roulette wrote py Charles M. Schvab, authprshipper uf "Four Aces? Dot's Goot!" also der builder uf der wolume entitled "Der Bad Break ad der Bank uf Monte Carlo!" "Dit He. Break Id or Only Bend Id?" is vun uf der mosd frilling stories Id has efer been my duty to eggspose. Dis is der da uf realism in books. Ven ye haf finished mit der purchase uf a new suit uf pajimmle8 ad der insomnia counter in der department store, ve valk ofer to der book counter und ask for der latest nofel uf der day. Ve oben U1 ad der fairst chabter, und If ve find dare der hero pleasantly en- TJTD DER AX YOU BROKE IT MID. gaged in kicking der roof garden a vay from a cubb'e uf t'ieves und decperan dums ve buy der book because id Is realism. Realism is now. der chincher rich moves der vorld. Realism has taken civilization py der hand und leads id into all der foolish places on der map. On der stage Id used to be der noble art uf acting ven in der last act der hero vould eat sugar ouid Uf agreen paper und die mit his boots otr Nowadays id Js called reldism be cause der actor takes off his clothes, goes to bed und sends for cter doctor und dies in der natural vay.Vunce fid vas on der stage dot der hero vould laugh ad der willain-und defiance him to did his vorst. Nowadays if der hero is disrespectful mlt him der willain sneers mit a loud voice und says: "Bevare! Doan'd drive me too far or I vill vent ouid nnd build my own thea ter on Broad vay!" Such is der school to rich Charles Schvab's romance belongs, der modern or realismatic school. Led us qvote a fewebabters, please: CHABTER VUN. I I vas drawing nearer und nearer to Monte Carlo. Alretty I see derveels re folfing. und I hear der shrill cries uf der croupers: "Ante ub. Bill! Discards in der center! A pair uf fours? Dot's goot! My feets haf became cold hearted!" All Is eggscitement und life und gay ness. Der lights blaze yust as though a gas bill vas unknown here. T'rice habby Monte Carlo! Ah1, der vireless telegraph Instrument on my automobustup is vorking. ,Id musd be sews from home. Led me listen: "My Dear Charles ....... ve hear mit eurbrise dot you vas on your vay to Monte Carlo ...... vare der kitty und der chack pot vas rushing arount . . . ... seeking whom dey may dewour ...... Be careful for der sake uf dem dot luffs you ... . .-. . A wold der penny ante und listen nod to der syren song uf der two tollar limit. ...... Der trust is nerfous und seems to tremble mit apprehension. ...... Can id be dot you vas on der werge of some great temptationment? Led us hobe nod. . . . . Charles, for my sake und for der sake uf der trust vich bore you ...... run der udder vay venefer you see a roulette veel. . . . ... Ve vas all vaiting in a refer uf anxiousiety. ..... . Yours a point low er ..... . Plerp." Der vireless ceases, und der blood rushes to my forehead und den rushes back again. Should 1 turn back from dls awful place or should I vent in und hand dot bank a cubble uf bumps? Time alone vill tell.- But let der baddle cry be. "On to Monte Carlo!" CHABTER TVICE. I vas here! f Here 1 vas In der greatest gambling cholnt der vorld has efer vitnessed. Pinochle to right uf me. poker to left uf me und freeze ould all around me. Id is such a skincb for me dot really id Is pidiful! Vy should I. a perfect stranger, come here und took deir hard earned money? Bud, on der udder hand, vy nod? Der vireless telegraph station Is now fastened to der head uf my bed. .Again some vun is making signals: "Id is in der papers . . . . . you vas ad Monte Carlo ...... pudding blowholes In der banks. . . . -. . . How painful dls is to us all! . . , ... How much dit you via? As friends ve deplore der situa tion ...... but as partners ve declare urselfs In on der rakeoff . . Ve vould radder you vould nod play any more . . ... . unless dare is more In sight. ...... A picture uf der bank you broke und der ax you broke id mit ...... und udder evidences uf der tragedy vas pup lished in der papers. . . . . . . Id vas painful to see how horrified Vail street vas because you gambled. ...... Steel dropped sigs points ven your picture ap peared . . . surrounded py sefenteen French cashiers shoveling 200.000.000 francs Into your trunk. ....... Ve haf. figured Id ouid dot dls vould be abouid eight tol lars in real money. . ..... If your pic ture appears vunce more, steel vill drop tventy points . . . . . bud if you drop nyding doan'd come home. . . . , . . Ve vas horrified bud you mvai nod and fmd the professionals from place to place and by taxing each one so much for information regarding the "grafts" make a good thing for himself and for them also. A general instruc tion below the list of names read as follows: "A good way is to have some cheap shoestrings or papers of pins to sell, for them as don't buy nearly always give something anyway." . Devine was sent back to Cincinnati with orders not to return. Hoover and Hall have left, and Lancaster has dis appeared, and the officers believe the town is rid of them for keeps, and ev ery professional that is found upon the streets hereafter will be sent to the workhouse. CAN COPE WITH WOLVES. A Tievr Breed of Stashonnd Com bines Speed With Ferocity. William A. Richards, assistant land commissioner, is a hunter of no mean prowess, and in his home near the Big Horn mountains, Wyoming, has killed more than one grizzly and mountain lion. Several days ago Mr. Richards was talking over sporting matters with a Washington Post reporter, when the conversation turned upon dogs and the value of the several breeds for hunting purposes, when he said: "In my section we have at last se cured a breed of dogs that is highly satisfactory. As wolf dogs they cannot be excelled, and the only time that to my recollection I ever saw these dogs turn tail was on an occasion when they faced four grizzlies. Even then they showed fight, retreating only when it was absolutely necessary. Sev eral years ago we began experiment ing with a view to securing a breed of dogs sufficiently heavy and ferocious to attack and kill wolves and fleet enough to run them down. After many trials we found that a cross between the old Scotch staghound and the com mon greyhound proved far superior to any of the experiments we had pre viously tried. "These dogs combine the fleetness of the greyhound with the strength and ferocity of the Scotch staghound and as a result are being extensively bred all through the west. A coyote stands no show whatever with these dogs, for as soon as the pack overtakes him he does not strike the ground until he is literally torn limb from limb. The gray wolf is a better and harder fighter, but even in a fair fight one of these cross bred wolf hounds is an even match for the gray wolf. In fact there are some of my dogs that are almost as wild and fierce as the wolves themselves. "These animals do not hesitate to tackle the black bear and generally make life a burden for him, while in hunting the grizzly bear they are quite useful in holding the game at bay un til the hunter arrives to give 'Wahb' bis coup de grace." KRUGER'S NEW HOME. Deseriptlon of the Ex-Boer Presi dent's Residence fit Utrecht. The new dwelling which Mr. Kruger occupies at Utrecht, Holland, is called "Oranjelust," meaning "Orange joy," or "favor," which is somewhat appropri ate, seeing the favor with which he was treated by the one remaining mem ber of the house of Orange here, the queen of the Netherlands. Oranjelust is separated from the public pathway by an iron railing and stands In a small garden. The garden is flanked with bushes, and the center space is occupied with- a rockery Around the latter tulips have been planted to represent the Transvaal flag, and when they bloom the "Vierkleur" will be just in front of Oom Paul's window. Oom's part of the house is the right hand lower portion, consisting of re ception room, bedroom and dining room. The first of these is elaborately fitted up In the style of Louis XV., the walnut furniture being unholstered with green material worked with 'lilies in white. The curtains are of green stuff also. Mr. Kruger's bedroom suit is of oak, upholstered in green, and there are green curtains to the windows. But the dining room is the wonder of those who are fortunate enough to get a peep into it. Oak upholstered with red leath er and red plush cuitains, the chamber has a very warm appearance. The car pet cornea from Smyrna. It is a most elaborate piece of work. It will be re membered that dark green is the color of Mr. Kruger's livery. The remaining portion of the house is for the ex-president's followers, while two doors farther up the road the family' of the Eloffs have taken up their abode. Some time ago Dr. Leyds took a house in the town, so that now the entire Boer court is close together, and Mr. Kruger only needs to blow a whistle if he wishes to hold a cabinet council. ' Some Pretty Valentine Gifts. A heart shaped cut glass flask for perfume r a heart shaped box with Bilver top for the toilet table or a ring with a true lover's knot encircling a whole pearl, a turquoise or an ame thyst which is the February birth stone, would please a young girl, says the February Ladies Home Journal. A heart shaped locket with a single pearl and having a place for hair and a photograph inside is a pretty gift, as is also a pendant of the same shape for the watch chain. To My Toothful Valentine. "My love, she's but a lassie yet." So wrote a poet years ago. Pull well he knew, the clever bard. He'd but to wait, and she would grow. And so to you. dear valentine. With laughing eyes and golden hair, I pray you hurry up and grow To womanhood: I'll meet you there. But yetperhaps I'd better not. : f For should time prove to me unkind. Tou then might say. oh, cruel thought, "Why. what a queer old valentine!" Thomas H. Wilson in Harper's Bazar. When writing to advertisers do not fail to mention The Independent. If our advertisers don't treat you right let us know it. The Last Homeseekers Excursions On May 6 and 20th for this season vU the NORTHERN PACIFIC will leave N. P. R. R. eastern terminals. Very low ROUND TRIP rates in effect. Don't miss this chance! Send for our rate circular at once. r I Address G. D. ROGERS, D. P. A., N. P. R., Des Moines, la., or write to CIIAS. S. FEE. Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent, N. P. R., St. Paul, Minn. The Many Conventions to be held this summer on THE PACIFIC COAST, offers chances not to be missed, to visit the COLUMBIA RIVER region and the PUGET SOUND country with via the their mild climates, and return eat; NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY and YELLOWSTONE PARK. The park is a wonderful spot. There are geysers, water falls, bears, elks, boiling springs by the thousands, a sulphur mountain, a mud volcano, a glass cliff 200 feet high, and the grand canyon of the Yellowstone, 20 miles long, 1,200 feet deep and colored like a rainbow. Good hotels at all impor tant points. Write to G. D. ROGERS, D. P. A., N. P. R., Des Moines, la., or CHAS. S. FEE, G. P. & T. A., N. P. R St. Paul, for particulars, giving date when you want to go and send six cents In stamps for Wonderland 1902, and the -get ready for the trip. f Very Low Rates Every day during the months of March and April, 1902, the UNION PA CIFIC will sell Colonist one-way tick ets at the following rates: FROM MISSOURI RIVER. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Hel ena. $22.50 to Spokane. : $22.50 to points on the Great North ern Ry., Spokane to Wenatchee in cluded, via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to points on Great Northern Ry., west to Wenatchee, via Hunting ton and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seat tle. $25.00 to Ashland, Oregon and in termediate points, including branch lines on S. P. Co. south of Portland, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los An geles and other California points. Full information cheerfullly fur nished on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. EADACHE At all drug stores. 25 Doses 25c. tL.lt I rm.m.ir'i i mi i . I'll J I CALIFORNIA ytf I nd Return. I 1 April 21 to 27. II May 27 to June 8. I I August 2 to 8. ' I I Burlington Route. '' I Liberal return B . l a l'm'ts an(l stop-over Q J 9 Thro'carspastthe B ILLINOIS CENTRAL HOn ESEEKER'S EXCURSIONS Twice Each Month During April and May, I9O2. CftllTU Th Illinois Central will run Hoine OUU 1 11 Becker's Excursions to certain points in . the South on the lines of the Illinois Central and Yaoo & Mississippi Valley Kailroads. from aU tbeir stations west of and Including Tara. and from points on the Albert Lea, Cedar Kapids, Onaws and Sioux Falls branches, March 31. April U.May 6 and 10, HK)2, and from all points east oi: and Including Fort Dodge April 1, 15, May 6 and 20. Ihe new "Southern Homeseeker's Guide" describes in detail the agricultural advantages, the soil and products of ail points South of tne Ohio Kiver on the lines of the above mentioned roads. For a copy ad dress the undersigned. For Information concerning Railroad Lands in the fertile Yazoo Valley of Mississippi address: K. P. Skene, Land Commissioner 1. C. it. Li., at Chicago. llrPT Homeseeker's Excursion tockets will be If Co I 801(1 from stations in iowa east of and In cluding cedar Falls and from points on the Albert Lea and Cedar ilaplds branches. April 1. U, May H and 20, to points on the Illinois Central Hallroad to which the one way rate Is $7.00 or over. In Soma Dakota. Minnesota and Iowa to all points west of Ackley inclusive, except points west of LeMars. Homeseeker's Excursions to Points on Other Lines of Railroad. The Illinois Central will also sell on AprU 1, 15, May 6 and 30, 1902, Homeseeker's Excursion Tickets to points on foreign lines of railroad in many Western, Southwestern and Southern States, Including ail points In California. For rates, rentes, etc., inquire of your nearest nil. nols Central Ticket Agent. , All Homeseeker's Excurston Tickets are sold at a rate of ONE FARE PLUS $2.00, for the round trip.. Tickets limited to 21 days for re. tnrn and good for stop-over privileges at certain points within a going limit of 15 days. - . - -J- F.MER1RY. ; - Asst. Gen. Pasii. Agent, .... ; IOWA, NEW TAX SYSTEM Tax' on Corporations Will ray Entlr State IipcDtci and Levies Made for , Loral Purposes Only A SOUND "OHIO IDEE." Henceforth the quasi-public corpor ations of Ohio will pay an annual state tax of 1 per cent on their gross In comes. Private corporations, formed for the purpose of profit, will pay a tax of one-tenth of 1 per cent on their capital stock. The two sources of income will furnish $2,000,000 of rev enue yearly to the state. To that ex tent the general property tax for state purposes will be decreased. Still an other law is to be enacted levying a tax of 2 1-2 per cent on the premiums of foreign insurance companies do ing business in the state. From this source $800,000 a year may be ob tained. Before long their will be in Ohio a complete divorcement of state and local taxation will be left exclusively to the counties and municipalities. The state will obtain the revenue It requires in other quarters. When this shall have been accomplished a state board of equalization, with its elabor ate and usually ineffectual machinery for the just division of a state general property tax among the different coun ties, will cease to be necessary. Then the assessors will remain unaltered and local taxing bodies, when, they levy taxes,. will know that their work will not be upset by a change In the assessments made by an outside au thority. This is a .system that 'will prob ably be adopted by every state in the union. The state government will then be entirely supported by taxes on corporations and there will tax levies for local government alone.. Each county, and city will levy anl collect its own taxes and they will bj cxpf nded for local purposes. How Are Tonr Kidneys I Dr. Ilobbs' Sparagus Pills cure all kidney Ills. Prn Die free. Add. Sterling Hcmedy Co., Chicago or N. Y. A Valuable Book. One of the most valuable books for stock raisers that we have had the pleasure of examining recently Is the International Stock book, pub lished and distributed by the Interna tional Stock Food company of Minnea polis, Minn. The book contains 160 pages of valuable and interesting read ing matter, illustrated with colored plates throughout. It begins with . an interesting account of the horse and its value and use to man. It gives pictures of all the' famous trotting, pacing, draft, coach and racing horses with the 'records they have made. It gives a list of the diseases and in juries most common to horses and de scribes the causes. The same valuable information it gives in the same book concerning cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry. , Every stock raiser should have a copy of thl3 book. Its free to all who write for it. Address the In ternational Stock Food company, Min neapolis, Minn., and tell them you read this notice in The Independent and would like a copy of their stock book, and you will receive it by return mall. We guarantee you will find it worth your trouble. Big Horn Basin Are you interested In the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming? It's a rich but undeveloped portion of Northwestern Wyoming. ' It con tains marvellous openings for small rancLes along good streams In the valleys, with one million acres of gov ernment land open to S3ttlement under the United States land laws. The Burlington Route has just pub lished a folder descriptive of the Big Horn Basin. ' It is illustrated and con tains an accurate map. It tells about the lay of the land, character of the soil, products,, yield. Irrigation and opportunities. If you're interested, better write for a copy. It's free. J. FRANCIS, , Gen. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. Low Settlers Rates During March and April, 1902, the Northern Pacific will sell ONE WAY SECOND CLASS SETTLERS' tickets from eastern terminal points St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland, Duluth. and the Superiors at greatly reduced rates to nearly all points on Its main line, .branches and connecting lines, west of North Dakota. These tickets to Northern Pacific points will be good for stopover west of Hope, Idaho. For further detailed Information about these rates call upon or write to G. D. Rogers, D. P. A.. N. P. R., Des Moines, la., or address Chas. S. Fee. Gen. Pas. & Tkt. Agent, Nor. Pac. Ry.. St. Paul, Minn. Some of the Important valleys reached by the Northern Pacific are the Yellowstone, Gallatin, Madison, Deer Lodge, Bitter Root and Clark Fork in Montana, the Palouse, Big Bend, Colville, Clearwater, Walla Wal la and Yakima In Idaho and Washing ton, the Puget Sound and Britsh Co lumbia regions and the Oregon coun try. It is a vast empire where climate soil and other advantages make of it a favored lan ' ONLY 2 DAYS FROM KANSAS CITY TO CALIFORNIA via the r : EL PASO SHORT LINE Daily Tourist Cars. Personally Conducted TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS THE LOW ALTITUDE ROUTE Also Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions Every Wednesday and Friday via COLORADO AND SCENIC LINE. QUICKEST TIME TO EL PASO. BEST LINE TO OLD MEXICO, For full information address E. W. Thompson, A. G. P. A., Topeka, Kas John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago. 0