The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 17, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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April 17, 1902
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's
- rooming syrup nas Deen usea Dy
"mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
Buffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its
value is incalculable. It will relieve
' 4 ritii llttla eufFofai
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no
mistake about It. It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowels.
, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
..Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil
dren teething Is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
-sale by all druggists throughout the
world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be
sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow b
Soothing Syrup."
goods rise, especially ir there is a trust
to keep them up.
The advantage of a protective over
a revenue tariff is, that it keeps out
foreign goods which we can produce
(unless they come in under a high
tariff), and enables our workmen to
produce our own goods and to get
better wages than they otherwise
would. It also gives employment to
American capital and thereby pro-
niifps hle-h rpnf intArpRt nnrt nivlnpTiria
-on capital stock of corporations. A
disadvantage of protective tariffs is
that they encourage trusts. All-the
capital in any one line of business
"combining and agreeing not to sell
srnnds pYrpnt at n nfrtaln rr1r which
J- W - - - w . f - - 1
1 1 . 1 1
rnuugu iu luviit; lureigu fcuuus ui tus
same kind to come in. Forty years
ago our capitalists did not form such
combinations, but on the contrary
competed with one another and- prices
did not rise except temporarily, and
often fell below what they would
have been if we had had no protective
tariff and had continued to live under
revenue tariffs.
Protective tariffs produce revenue
for the government, although not pri
marily designed for that purpose, be
cause, if the duties are ever so high,
theTe are always rich people who will
buy foreign goods in preference to our
own, and pay the high duty In paying
high prices for the goods. In this way
protective tariffs always produce more
or less revenue Incidentally.
If democrats want to reform the tar
iff, they ought to begin by abandon
ing all revenue tariffs and substitut-
.onlv excuse that, ran now he eiven for
tariff rluHaa la tVio OTiPftiiracoTnoni- anl
protection of infant Industries. As
long as democrats make the issue be
tween revenue larins ana protective
tzriffs. they will be beaten. It is
therefore necessary to make the issue
between on income tax and protective
tariffs, which can be made by aban
doning revenue tariffs and substituting
income taxes.
The south, more than anv other Dart
of the Union, needs protection. Her
manufacturing industries are infantile
and will be for many years to come.
But whether she favors protection or
not, she can not afford to favor reve-
nue lanns. 11 sne wants reiorm sne
must commence by abandoning reve
nue tariffs, which are a relic of negro
slavery. If the south continue to fight
protection, tne soutnern states will
continue to become more and more re--publican.
Every factory town will be
come a hotbed of protection and re
publicanism. Mr. Clark Howell writes ably, but
he will never succeed in "tariff re
form" until he abolishes revenue tar
iffs and substitutes income taxes. He
must put an income tax upon the
statute book first, before he interferes
with the present system of taxation.
If he would use all his great ability
njraitlKt rpvPTino tarlfPa Inctood -, rvwr.-
tective tariffs, he would be more use
ful o his section. The democrts in
1894 made a mistake in trying to re
form the tariff without first putting
an Income tax upon the statute book.
They ought not to make this mistake
again, and probably will not.
1 There was a time, however, when
revenue tariffs suited the interests of
the south very well. This was the
time of negro slavery, when the south
had the cheapest labor In the world
and could produce goods at lower
prices than any other nation. Her in
terest then was to exchange these low
priced goods for equally low price!
goods abroad or in the north, but thn
tariffs being high on account of pro
tective duties she was not able to do so
and had to pay high prices with low
priced goods. This produced a con
flict between the north and the south,
and South Carolina in 2832-33 threat
ened to secede from the Union, all on
account of the high protective tariffs.
This made tariff laws a matter of pop
ular discussion instead of being con
fined to congress, as they had been
Popular tariff discussion was pro
voked by the high protective tariff of
1828. It was afterwards called a "tar
iff of abominations," but not so at the
time. It was not until 1832-33 that
they found out that the tariff of 1828
was so bad and it never would have
been so bad if South Carolina had not
threatened to secede and the leaders
of the south determined to make the
tariff an issue in national elections.
This eventually produced a sharp con
flict between revenue tariffs and pro
tective tariffs. The south grew more
and csore in favor of making the du
ties just Iiigh enough to support the
government, while the north grew
more and more in favor of making the
duties not only high enough to sup
port the government "economically
administered," but high enough o
make certain public improvements, In
addition to the ordinary expenditures
of the government. The south felt the
high protective duties very disastr
ously on account of being compelled
to pay high prices with low price!
goods, but the north did not feel them,
because she received the high prices,
the control of the trusts and the gen-
I "ill Your UfaawMvl
Too can be cared of any form of tobacco using
easily, be made well, strong:, magnetic, foil of
new life and vigor by taking KQ-TO-DAO,
tbat makes weak tan strong. Many gain
tea pounds in ten days. Over MOOmOOO
cared. All druggists. Care guaranteed. Book
let and advice FllKU- Address STXXWNQ
CO., Cbicago or Kfir York. C?
p-w- r-oo not beneve xnatmen Euoum
"put into leading strings to that sense
The south made goods for export, the
prices of which were fixed in England
and they were fixed low. The north
as well as England having the ad
vantage of low priced goods from the
south. The north made goods mostly
lor consumption in the United States,
and the prices were fixed here by sup
ply and demand here, a high protec
tive tariff keeping foreign goods out,
unless they came in at a high price.
This made high prices in the north
and enabled the northern states to get
high prices from the south in exchange
for low priced goods. This produced
the conflict between the north and
south with respect to the tariff.
Negro slavery having disappeared,
and labor in the south, as well as in
the north, being free, the south no
longer has any use for revenue tariffs.
There can be now no excuse or justi
fication for a tariff duty, unless it be
for protection. If revenue is wanted,
it ought to be obtained by a tax upon
wealth and not upon consumption. The
Civil War was partly produced by rev
enue tariffs and partly by negro slav
ery, and the war having decided the
fate of slavery, it also ought to have
decided the fate of revenue tariffs.
But it did not; on the contrary the
south continued to demand at each na
tional convention of the democratic
party that revenue tariffs should be
retained as the party creed, and as
late as 1896 at the Chicago conven
tion, when and where an Income tax
was inserted as a part of the creed,
the south still demanded that revenue
tariffs be retained, which were really
inconsistent with income taxes, and re
ally indicated that the party was not
sincere in pronouncing for an Income
tax, and only did it for securing the
populistic vote of the north, which at
that time was supposed to be strong
enough in connection with the demo
cratic vote, to carry several northern
states, which, with the south, would
elect Mr. Bryan. In the north money
was the paramount issue, but in the
south they were far more concerned
with the negro problem and revenue
tariffs, the same old ante-bellum is
sues, than money or income taxes.
The south is very sensitive on the
negro question, the north very sensi
tive on protection. As the south toler
ates no outside interference with ref
erence to the negro population, so the
north tolerates no outside Interference
with reference to protection. As any
interference with regard to negroes,
unites the south, so any interference
with regard to protection unites the
north. As long as the south preaches
revenue tariffs, the north will preach
protection tariffs.
In the north the idea of a revenue
tariff among workmen is going back
to the days of slavery. They stigma
tize it as "free trade;" and so it is,
from their standpoint, because it
brings in foreign goods at low prices
which they must produce at equally
low prices, or not at all. They con
sider that it reduces wages to the level
of slaves, that they are fast becoming
subjects instead of citizens, that they
are working in competition with for
eign pauper labor and that they must
work for wages as low as this labor
is compelled to work, if they work at
all. If the southern people could only
be made to see how a northern work
ing man looks upon a revenue tariff,
they would never advocate it any
more. On the contrary they would
join with the northern workingman in
having all the people, north and south,
taxed according to their wealth and
ability to pay and in proportion to
benefits received, instead of according
to the amount of goods consumed.
This is the issue which an income tax
presents, and it ought to drive out of
sight all kinds of tariff taxation, , and
will eventually do so. If all taxation
could be put upon wealth instead of
labor and workingmen had no taxes
to pay, this nation could soon do bus
iness on an absolutely free trade
Jersey City, N. J.
A new war has broken out in the
Philippines. This time It is with the
bloodthirsty Mohamedan Moros. They
murdered two soldiers without provo
cation and seriously wounded an-
other. The Da ttos refuse to give up
the murderers or even hold a confer
ence. Some of the troops who had
been ordered home, their time having
expired, have been retained. What
the end of it will be no man can tell.
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unless the Inflammation
can be taken out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by Catarrh, which
is nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Uncle Sam's
Mail Service
requires physical and mental
ability of a high degree to
withstand its hard labors. The
high tension to which the
nervous system is constantly
subjected, has a depressing ef
fect, and soon headache, back
ache, neuralgia, rheumatism,
sciatica, etc., develop in severe
form. Such was the case of
Mail Carrier S. F. Sweinhart,
of Huntsville, Ala., he says:
"An attack of pneumonia left me
with muscular rheumatism, headache,
and pains that seemed to be all over
me. I was scarcely able to move for
about a month when I decided to give
Mf,:;- Pain Pills
and Nerve Plasters a trial. In three
days I was again on my route and in
two weeks I was free from pain and
gaming in flesh and strength.'
Sold by 'H Druggists.
Dr. Miles Medloal Co., Elkhart, nd
Waah Their Dirty Linen In tta 11 ohm
Maat Trust Troubles Tham Great In
the Sentiment for Public
Washington, D. C, April 14, 1902.
Special Correspondence.
Debate will close in the senate on
the Chinese exclusion bill, Wednes
day, when a vote will be taken, its
passage being ensured by a safe ma
jority. The Philiplne government bill
is to follow on with the prospect of a
wide latitude of debate, the, demo
crats in the upper house being deter
mined to . place the whole problem be
fore the country for consideration. It
is believed that this policy will insure
to democratic success in this fall's con
gressional elections and pave the way
for a national victory in 1904. Re
publican leaders agree in saying there
is a good prospect of defeat for their
party owing to the general dissatis
faction with the nolicv of imnerialism.
9 '
oe "TMH INLIriPfcilNUEIN I .
eral ethereality of the prosperity buga
boo. Republicans of the house are just
r.ow wasning their dirty linen ana
engaging in an acrimonious family
row in the discussion of Cuban reci
procity. It is really disheartening to
those who ask fair treatment for the
Cuban people and the American con
sumer to know that the whole sub
ject turns UDon the question as to
whether the sugar trust is to receive
any benefits or not from the passage
of the payne bill in return t'or
large contributions to republican cam
paign funds. Most of the republicans
of course., consider themselves under
obligations to this trust for valuable
services rendered and seek to dis
charge the debt at the expense of some
one's else pocket than their own.
The party in power was never so
divided as at the present time, and
their opponents have much advantage
to be gained before the harmony is
brought about in republican ranks
just before election time by means of
powerful persuaders."
Eugene F. Ware, of Topeka, Kansas,
a lawyer who writes poetry, has been
named by President Roosevelt as the
successor of Pension Commissioner
H. Clay Evans, resigned. Evan's re
moval was brought about by pres
sure from G. A. R. sources, who de
clared his unfriendliness to pen
sions was intolerable, but whether
anything will be gained thereby is
doubtful. The president has given
out a statement that he endorses
Evans' course at the head of the bu
reau and will instruct his successor
to folow it iip; displaying his faith
in Evans by promising to give him
a still better berth in the official ser
vice. The people who secured Evans'
removal may yet conclude it to be
better to submit to present evils
rather than fly to others they know
not of. The president is said to have
been won over to Ware by reading
some of the poetry. A perusal of
some of the poetry in question
prompts the view that the president
is decidedly "easy."
Funston, too, of the same state, de
clares he has unqualified presidential
aproval for his acts. The fact that
the president disapproves of Miles,
Schely and Dewey is all the evidence
that is needed of the character of the
Roosevelt taste. Friction of one sort
and another and the refusal of vari
ous officeholders to commit themselves
to the Roosevelt second-term candi
dacy has placed a dozen or more com
fortable places at presidential dis
posal. The McKinley appointees must
give give way. to those who are to
maka up the new Roosevelt machine.
The McKinley officeholders are uni
versally Hanna men and will consti
tute his working force for the re
publican campaign of 1904. That
Hanna will be a candidate Is now is
certain as anything in the future can
be, and it's dollars to doughnuts that,
he wins. Washingtonians in general
would, I believe, accept with pladne.c53
the change. Roosevelt is not popular.
He has a habit of doing the most un
expected things at all times, the right
thing at the wrong time, the wrong
thing at the right time and seldom the
right thing at the right time. They
say he lacks tact. It will hardly be
said that he lacks decision.
Senator Dietrich has named Dr.
H. C. Miller for postmaster at Grand
Island, to succeed H. Harrison. Dr.
Miller was a strong supporter of D.
E. Thompson for the United States
senate last winter. W. H. Harrison
was one of the leaders of the anti
Thompson crusade. The issue of this
postoffice fight is sufficiently clear as
to prove beyond all doubt the as-"
cendancy of the Thompson crowd in
republican politics. Savage, Bartley,
et al, are allied with the crowd, too.
A hard fight will be made this fall
to swing all six Nebraska congress
ional districts into the fusion column.
The Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth
are considered certainly fusion, and
it is believed a complete canvass justi
fies hepe of success in the First and
Second. At least, Messrs. Burket and
Mercer are not beyond a feeling of
nervousness over the situation. The
Rosewater defection in Omaha pre
judices Mercer's case, and the Bartley
Savage fiasco is bound to influence
the result of Burkett's campaign. ,
Attention is again directed . to the
recent censorship of various publt
cations in the postoffice department,
and especially as regards religious
publications, by a resolution which J
s don't treat you
has , been presented In the senate by
Senator Hoar. In presenting it he
said: "I have no doubt that the post
office department dealt and Is dealing
with this very difficult question in
regard to second class mail matter
with great wisdom and prudence, and
in general is right in its dealing. It
has seemed to me, however, that the
department has erred possibly when it
holds that periodicals, weekly or
monthly, published by churches and
other religious or educational associa
tions,' which ' are full of news, which
have advertisements in them, but also
contain a little of their own particular
information (which they would have
to print in the daily papers if they
did not have this means of printing
it), are not to be treated as ordinary
newspapers. I should like ; to have
the matter considered by the commit
tee on postoffices and postroads."
Whenever some one wants to ex
press a limitation of the rights of any
class of citizens he brings forward the
Miner vs. Happersett decision that
women are citizens without the right
to vote, i. e., that belonging to any
nation gives the citizen private rights
but no political rights. This is. the
line of argument used by Senator
Nelson of Minnesota to prove that the
Filipinos must endure whatever treat
ment we may see fit to give him. To
be sure, there have been other decis
ions of the supreme court which held
citizenship included suffrage rights,
but these decisions count for naught
when Filipinos or women are in
volved. Great logic some statesmen
( ?) present as an argument fur im
Senator Piatt has presented a num
erously signed petition requesting the
enactment of "such legislation as
shall relieve native born American
women from the loss of citizenship in
this republic when married to a sub
ject or a citizen of another nation."
The petitioners set forth that they
"ask this because such loss of citi
zenshin entails on women much in
jury by the forfeiture of property
which can not in many states be held
by aliens, and deprives them, even in
widowhood, of the protection always
extended to her daughters as well as
to her sons."
There isn't a reputable authority in
the country who cannot prove by the
contents of Gov. Heard's dispatch con
cerning the British post at Claanethe
that the government is violating the
treaty o fWashington. We are paying
$3,000 a year to the head of a depart
ment ostensibly to direct affairs of
state, but in reality, it seems, to act
as a British consular agent. Such
conduct is an outrage upon good
morals and an insult to every patriotic
citizen of German extraction. Several
months ago, the large dailies in the
central part of the United States (all
of whom supported the trust candidate
for president in 1896 and 1900) raised
a great howl because Armour & Co.,
and Swift & Co. had made a corner
on eggs and raised the price so as to
make for themselves clear profit of
$1,800,000; and further that a corner
was contemplated on turkeys, chickens
and other dressed poultry.
For a couple of weeks, .the large
dailies of the east (all of whom sup
ported the trust candidate for presi
dent in 1896 and 1900) have been pro
testing against the extortions of the
beef trust, saying starvation confronts
the poor of the cities under the pres
ent arbitrary prices fixed, by the beef
trust. In one year the wholesale
price of beef in New York has ad
vanced 3 1-4 cents and the retail price
from three, to five cents. , The strat
egic policy of the beef trust has be
come steadily more despotic and ag
gressive, until wholesale and retail
butchers in New York and other cities
who will not sign the ironclad agree
ment of the Chicago combination are
driven out of business by scores, both
by being cut off from supplies and
being openly undersold by agencies
especially established for the purposs
of crushing competition.
The recent movement makes fresh
meat an almost prohibitive luxury to
thousands of families in this city.
It is within the power of the beef
trust to order another advance and
pocket another $100,000,000, with the
mere labor of telegraphing the new
schedule to their agents in every city
and town in the United States.
This all gives an object lesson as
to the workings of the trust system,
but it comes with ill grace from news
papers that did all in their power to
fasten this pernicious system upon the
country. These same papers belong to
the class who have been loudest ia
advocacy of a high tariff, on every
thing save wood pulp and ocher ar
ticles that enter Into the manufacture
of white paper and these they demand
be placed on the free list.
The sentiment for government and
municipal ownership of public utili
ties Is gaining much ground among
leading men, especially among demo
crats and it is not improbable that
these reforms will be advocated in
future platform declarations of the
party. The growth of the sentiment
may be Judged by the referendum
vote taken at the recent election in
Chicago. 124,594 voters expressed an
opinion in favor of municipal owner
ship of street car lines and only 25,
987 expressed the contrary. On the
electric light question, the vote was
substantially the same.
A. G Hepburn, vice president of -the
Chase National bank, in an address
delivered recently before the New
York academy of Political Science,
said there seemed to be a growing de
mand on, the part of the public for
government control of various inter
ests, such as railways, telegraps, etc.,
and declared the tendency was very
much in that direction. ,
The progress of the movement will
be glad news to the rtform workers
of Nebraska among populists and
democrats who were prime movers
therein. "
Think They Haven Good Chance to Cap-
ture the Next Congress Startling News
' of War Horrors In Philippines
Washington, D. C, April 12, 1902.
As foreshadowed in these letters,
Ben T. Cable of Illinois will be at the
head of the campaign committee and
Lewis Nixon of New York is to man
age the finances.
Charles A. Edwards of Texas has
been selected as secretary of the con
gressional committee. He is a news
paper correspondent, a man of brains,
sound judgment and tremendous en
ergy. Things will hum in a few week
and the campaign will go with A
rush. This campaign will do much
to shape the issues for the - presi
dential campaign of 1904. With the
dissensions in republican ranks the
democrats have a splendid chance l
elect a democratic house. The senate
Philippine camalgn commitee has
been producing some startling evi
dence. It is also proving that Gover
nor Taft, Secretary Root and the
whole administration are not above
conspiring to suppress important evi
dence when it is unfavorable to the
administration. Of course it is the
democratic members of the committee
who have credit for unearthing the
Col. Cornelius Gardiner of the United
States volunteers is the civil governor
of the province of Tabayas. He made
a report to Governor Ttft which was
withheld by Secretary Root, evidently
hoping that the democrats would not
learn of its existence. But they did
and made such a warm demand for
Its production that Root had to give
it up.
Governor Gardiner bluntly charges
the military authorities in his pro
vince with the grossest outrages
against the Filipinos. He declares
that our soldiers have mercilessly
destroyed the property of innocent
and peaceful natives in order to wreak
vengeance on a few insurgents whom
they could not capture.
That whole villages have been
burned to punish single individuals.
That by these outrages they have
changed friendly natives into im
placable hostiles. 1
That the whole section is now ripe
and waiting for the first oportunity
to rise in rebellion, just because a lot
of swash-buckling soldiers and officers
have treated the Filipinos like dogs.
To ssy that tlis report has created
consternation in the administration is
to put it mildly. It is a damning rec
ord and goes far to prove the utter
hopelessness of the whole imperial
istic policy. The ' administration is
conniving at crimes in the Philippines
no less - brutal than those practiced
by the British in South Africa. Our
war of conquest on the Philippines
takes its places with other great
crimes of recent warfare the attempt
to exterminate the Boers in South
Africa and Weylerism in Cuba. The
country must soon decide how muci
longer this disgraceful policy will be
allowed to continue. D. P. B.
How a New Jersey Man Freed Him
self From This Affliction
The busy little village of Branch
ville. N. J., has been the scene or a
modern miracle. Charles F. Struble,
a well-known farmer of that town, was
cured of locomotor ataxia and rheu
matism. To a correspondent of tho
New York Press he said:
"I was troubled with rheumatism,
on and off, for twenty years and tried
all kinds of treatment. I took sulphur
baths and was treated with a galvanic
battery. I also tried many doctors
none of whom did me any permanent
good. I tried all kinds of liniments,
but without avail.
"All this time I was growing worse
and in 1891 the doctor who was treat
ing me said my case had developed
into locomotor ataxia. He gave me no
encouragement and after attending me
for a while he told me my ailment
was incurable.
"I suffered horribly. The cords of
my limns were drawn, tignt as tne
strings on a drum and I had such
cramps that pain nearly drove me
wild. My feet were cold all the time,
and even with hot water bag and
heated bricks I could not get any re
"Finally T heard of Dr. William's
Pink Pills for Pale People and I be
gan taking them on February 5, 189;?.
In three days' time I found that the
cords in my legs began to 'let up', my
feet began to. get warm, I began to
eat and sleep well and in one month
had eained six pounds. The numb
ness in my limbs gradually wore away
and' I became a new man. I can walk
and work now, and nine boxes of Dr.
William's Pink Pills for Pale People
did it. In the eight years which have
passed I have had no return of my
Mr. Struble took the unfailing rem
edy and was readily cured, ur.
William's Pink Pills for Pale People
will not only effect a cure, but are an
unfailing specific for all diseases aris
ing from shattered nerves or impure
or impoverished blood.
Dr. William's Pink Fills for- fate
People are sold at fifty cents a box or
six boxes for two dollars and fifty
cents and may be had of all drugists,
or direct by mail, postpaid, from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co. Schenectady,
N. Y.
For Threa Days Corannclng Thursday, April 17th
We wist to impress our friends and patrons with the
fact that this will be the Biggest Sale as far a9 quantity, qual
ity and low prices arc concerned, ever held in llincoln.
Everyone interested in these lines should take advantage of
this event as there han, never been such a good opportunity
offered to select from ho large a variety of patterns or such
good values. r
5000 yards of finest machine Torchon Laces and insert- r
ings all widths from 1 to 5 inches wide at per yard.. Jlj
Valenciennes Lace Edges 12 yards in a piece, I On
per piece. V. Q y
5,000 yards of Cambric and Swiss embroidery, sample
lengths of 5 and 6 yards in three lots as follows:
LOT 1 Edgings 3 and 4 inches wide fi
per yard.
LOT 2 Edgings and ihsertings 5 and 7 inches Irt I Qn
wide, per yard ij
LOT 3 Edgings 7 and 9 inches wide 0n
per yard. Q If
15 Ladies' Suits, in assorted colors, and styles, no
two alike, former values $10.00, $12.00 and A A fjr
$14.50, your choice at. ....... v IU 3
Taffeta Silk Eton Jackets, with solid tucks mercer- Ap flfl
ized lining, of good wearing quality, at only.. .OuiUU
Eton and Blouse Eton Jackets in Velvet, Moire Q r n ft
Silk, ask to see these at only vuiU U
Plain Tailor Jackets in cheviots or covert cloths, with tly
fronts new and popular, besides being, becoming and a
very practical style. We have them in sizes C flfl
32 to 38 at prices from $10.00 down to DlUU
Call and see our immense assortment of dress and street
hats in all the new straws and combinations.
Trimmed hats in smart and piquant styles, copies of $10.00
$12.00, $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 hats at $7.50,
$6.00, $5.00; $4.00, $3.50 and
Ladies7 and Misses saucer brim sailor hats, made of
"rough and ready" straw in natural color edged TCp
with velvet and with velvet band, at
Fancy street hats at $2.50, $2.00, 4 (f
$1,50 and... . .JJ
Children's Leghorn hats from
$2.50 down to ........................... .
A new line of Children's hats from
$3.00 down to. . .... ............. . . .......
Agents for Buttericks Patterns. Yunca silks are absolutely guaranteed.
Send for samples of wash goods, wool goods, silks etc. Mention this
peper. ,
Mail Orders
Mi mi . f. 1
Lincoln, U.
Our graduates succeed because we prepare them to do something
Oar Methods, Courses of Study, and Equipments are Unexcelled. We help young people
who desire to sncceed. EXPENSES LOW. COURSES THOROUGH. Write for Catalogue.
Lincoln Business College d& Lincoln, Nebraska.
Neb. Mercantile Mutual Insurance Go.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Fire, Liffhtnins and Tornado
Officers and Directors
Edward M. Coffin, President, Lincoln,
E. M: Bartlett, Vice president, Omaha.
Dr. C. E. Coffin, Treasurer, Ord.
W. B Linch, Secretary, Lincoln.
Dr. B. L. Paine, Chairman Ex. Com.
James H. Casebeer, Blue Springs,
R. M. Taggart, Nebraska City,
D. C. Stratton, Pawnee City.
George L. Loomis, Fremont.
Home Office, 130 North 10th Street.
D. C. PERKINS, Manager for City of Lincoln, Phone 660
Collects down, at time of writing, a sum equal to one-half Board Rate.
Agents in all towns. Adjusts fairly and pays promptly.
PugeY Sound
our advertisers
Send Me Their Names
Send me the addresses of your
friends who might be Induced to move
to Nebraska, and I will mail them our
new 48-page book descriptive of Ne
braska's agricultural resources an.l
its unbounded opportunities. The
book is illustrated with Nebraska farm
scenes, and is supplemented with a
sectional map of the state. It will
help bring any homseeker to
Nebraska. J. FRANCIS,
Gen. Pass. A cent. Omaha.. Neb.
MJ lien.J.Jfass JVSreni. hsd, i em
Is one of the most favored . portions
of our country. Its history Is fasci
nating, its scenery wonderfully grand.
its industries and commerce varied
and wealth-making, its climate moist,
cool and life-giving. ;
It is destined to become one of our
most populous and important seaports
and manufacturing sections.
"Wonderland 1902," the Northern
Pacific's latest annual, has an account
of this region that will be Interesting
and valuable, as well, to everybody
young and old.
Send CHAS. S. FEE, General Pas
senger Agent. Northern Pacific Rail
way, St. Paul, Minn., six cents for
the book, and you may be surprised
to learn what a favored land there is
away up In the northwestern - corner
The Schiller Piano has always been the favorite with people wishing
a really good Piano at a moderate price. In short, it has not a
single equal at the price. Their success along this line has in
spired the company to attempt something higher. The new High
Grade Schiller is the result. This, like the medium grade, is the
best yet produced for the money. The price is necessarily some
higher, but just as low in proportion to quality.
"Write for description and prices to the
Matthews Piano Co.
Ware room
1120 O Street-
" 1 liiLUdH-gLgig