The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 10, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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April 10, 1902.
The Trusts, Banks and Great Corporations Organized
and United Subsidize the Press and Deceive
the People
How It Is Possible to Send Copies of "The Conservative" Broadcast Over
the Country Free of Charge
One day this week the manager of
The Independent called upon a lead
ing banker in this city with a copy of
The Independent and requested an ad
vertisement for its columns. The ad-
i.1 A. - 11 1 . 1 V. J liAAn
verusemem oi me uamvei . uau uccj
running in several papers and there
seemed no reason why the Independent
should not be favored with a share
of the banker's patronage. We of
fered to prove to the estimable banker
and his assistant a paid circulation of
more than double the number of sub
scribers of any of the papers in which
their advertisement had appeared.
For the proof we offered to submit to
them for their examination a copy of
our subscription list complete and al
low them to have it counted by any
person or clerk they would designate.
We courted investigation to the full
est extent and assured the mighty
bankers that they would find among
the subscribers to The Independent the
most substantial, honorable, and well-to-do
farmers in Nebraska and an
joining states farmers who nad
money to deposit in banks and men
who pay their obligations promptly
and without complaint. No bank could
ask for a better class of patrons. We
assured him that the readers of The
Independent would be as desirable pa
trons for his bank as the readers of
the Conservative. He promptly ad
mitted the truth of our statement and
replied that the advertisement for the
bank was not put in The Conservative
because it would do the bank any good
but because it would help J. Sterling
Morton in his effort to educate the peo
ple to believe in "hard money." He
stated that The Conservative has so
licited the advertisement in the in
terest of spreading the doctrine that
he was about the only democrat left
who was advocating a sound financial
policy and that he needed assistancr
to keep up the good work. Therefore,
said this generous banker, we gave
The 'Conservative an advertisement.
He did not believe, that it had done the
bank any good or that it would do it
any good except indirectly as it helped
to make the dollar dearer and more
completely place the issue of money in
the control of banks. This republican
bank and republican banker was an
enthusiastic admirer of the financial
policy of Cleveland democracy. He was
spending the bank's money to help a
member of Cleveland's- cabinet in
struct the peorle in the advantages of
Cleveland currency.
When we returned to the office and
examined Mr. Morton's Conservative
we found that many- of the other
banks, trusts, and financial corpora
tions had joined in furnishing "hand
outs" to Mr. Morton's paper. Doubt
'iPS'i all wnrfi nromnted bv ihe same
spirit that prompted the Lincoln bank
er to spend his patron's money, viz.
the good of the most damnable and far
reaching conspiracy that was ever or
ganized in America. It has for its pur
pose the delivery of the Constitutional
function of issuing money into the
hands of the banks and the control"
of the government itslf by the or
ganized wealth of the country. Here
are some of the trust organizations
and allied institutions whose "hand
out" advertisements appear in Mor
ton's Conservative:
Standard Oil Co. (two ads.)
National Starch Co. (starch trust.)
The Salt trust and its branches.
American Trust and Savings bank.
- Wells Fargo & Co. bank.
Chicago National bank.
Commercial National bank.
The coal trust.
The leather trust.
Etc., etc.
Thqse are some of the institutions
that pay their money to furnish free
reading to the people. It is their pa
tronage and money and the patronage
and money of similar Institutions that
spreads millions of copies of repub
lican publications broadcast over the
The Independent receives none of
their patronage. It can not get it
without selling its independence and
that it will never do. We'll print a
paper devoted to the interests of the
people of the country we'll print tha
truth without fear or favor and trust
to the patronage of the people for our
reward. We are now trying to sell
Liberty Building subscriptions suin
cient to build a home for the Inde
pendent. Readers are responding gen
erously and the Indications are thnt
the undertaking will be successful.
Last week we printed a view of the
proposed location. We hope by next
week to have sufficient sales of cards
to print a view of the proposed build
ing. If you have not sent in your
order for a block of five of the cards,
why not do so by return mail. You
need not pay for the cards until you
have sold them. If you can not sell
them return them and we will give you
credit. It will cost you nothing to try.
Write a postal card today and we'll
send them to you by return mail.
Here is the list of those who have
ordered blocks this week. Many of
them have sold several blocks before
No. cards
M. M. Walton. Oto, la 5
Clark Summers. Ida, Neb 5
Wm. M. Eller, Custer, S. D 5
L. H. Payne, Belden, Neb 5
Samuel Heiser, Charleston, Mich.. H
Gus. A. Ollsen, Scandia. Neb 5
Thomas Davis Arthur, 111 5
A. C. Archbold. Hillsboro, Ore T-
R. S. Sumner, Fullerton, Neb : 5
R. C. Snyder, Eaton, Ohio. 5
J. Webber, St. Michael, Neb 5
Wm. Murray, Valparaiso, Neb
Geo. M. Austin, Milford. Neb. 5
Frank Lucht, Wolbach, Neb f
Wm. Heagins, Waterloo, Neb 10
0. A. Oswold, Holbrook, Neb 5
Peter J. Meyer, Oakland, Neb 5
Major Wm. Daily. Peru. Neb 5
Jas. A. Hildreth, Walnut, Neb 5
A. Kern, Maryville, Mo 5
J. E. Tierney, Burr, Neb 5
H. Cushman. Rewey, Wis 5
Jno Moles, Fairbury, Neb 5
Herman J. Parmley, Mineral Point,
Wis ...5
J. B. Vaughn, Ft. Calhoun, Neb 5
Wm. Fessler, Garnett, Kas 5
F. U. Barnard, Fremont, Neb 5
J. C. May, Buck Horn, Wyo....... 5
Mrs. R. D. Stewart, Cortland, Neb. 5
Amos Wilson, Lexington, Neb 5
D. W. Lamberman, Broken Bow,
Neb 5
Jno Barnes, Clarks, Neb 5
1. S. Merrick, Brainard, Neb 5
G. L. Ditto, Brady, Neb 5
Jno Peters, Peters, Neb 5
C. A. Skoog, Holdrege, Neb. 5
C. L. Bridge, Savage, Neb 5
Geo. H. Masonhall, Homestead, Old. 5
L. D. Sturdevant, Cedar Rap., Neb. 5
Jas. Seaman, Norden, Neb 5
Jos. Krebeck, Fairbury, Neb 5
Geo. A. Millspaugh, Atkinson, Neb. 5
E. R. Woods, Burwell, Neb 5
D. E. Gilbert, Burwell, Neb 5
J. S. Williver, Weeping Water, Neb. 5
L. Q. Bails, Taylor, Neb 5
J. E. Evans, Sargent, Neb 10
Jos. H. Chambeon, Dawson, la 5
Alph Andrews, Overton, Neb 5
To state committee ...2500
Grand total 4302
Mr. Qnlnby JtepHes to the Editor's Query
Editor Independent: I see that the
esteemed editor Is puzzled "to know
how Mr. Quinby reconciles his green
back Ideas with the idea that value is
'crystallized labor,' as Carl Marx would
say." I presume the editor refers to
what I said in a paper read before the
Omaha Philosophical society on Irri
gation, which was partly used in The
Independent. In that I simply stated
that the general government should
own these works and that in building
them, instead of issuing bonds and
thereby loading the people with debt,
the government should issue green
backs to pay for them, redeeming the
greenbacks in the benefits coiiferred.
I stated that these greenbacks would
represent so much stored-up labor and
asserted that no money, of whatever
material it might be made, could ever
actually represent anything else. I
stated that the gold in the earth was
not only useless, but valueless so long
as it might remain there, and that it
was labor that gave it its value in
mining and refining it, excepting of
course that part of the value of gold
nowadays that is due entirely to leg
islation creating a demand for it for
coinage. Now I never imagined that
such a proposition would be questioned
by a greenbacker.
Now, of course, I know that the edi
tor will agree with me that . these
works should be paid for by govern
ment money (greenbacks) rather than
bonds. If that is so, will he tell me
what these greenbacks represent af
ter the works are completed, if not
stored-up or accumulated labor?
Now, as to socialism, I stand where
all single taxers do. If you permit me
to define socialism, then I am a social
ist; but I am not an advocate of the
absurdity of the collective (meaning
Vio c a vovr tvi en t rxrm QTrrV t-v rt all 4-V
means of production and distribution.
I do not believe that men should be
"put Into leading strings to that sense-
less abstraction called the state." The
state is properly the custodian of all
values which society at large causes,
and the individual is rightly the cus
todian absolute and complete of those
things which . his own labor estab
lishes. His ownership of them should
be inviolate, and he alone, under, a
free economic system, should have
the right to say upon what conditions
he will part with them. If he can se
cure any profit in the free exchange of
his product with another, such is his
against all the world.
Omaha, Neb. L. J. QUINBY.
(The editor does not question the
soundness of Mr. Quinby's greenback
proposition, but rather takes excep
tions to his conception of value. The
Karl Marx idea is that value is "cry
stallized social labor" whatever he
may mean by "social labor." This by
Implication accepts the "intrinsic val
ue"" idea as true something which
populists and greenbackers combat.
Instead of being the result of the ex
penditure of energy in producing an
article, value Is the result of the
struggle among individuals to gain
possession of that article. The value
of anything depends upon the supply
of and demand for it not upon the
amount of labor expended in produc
ing it. Naturally, the demand for any
thing may be modified by the knowl
edge that its production required a
given expenditure of labor, but that is
merely an incident. Greenbacks would
not "be valuable because they repre-
sent so mucn stored-up labor," as
Mr. Quinby says but because they
could be applied to an exceedingly use
ful service, namely the payment of all
debts, public and private; this would
be their primary use: it is the prime
function of any kind of coin. Sec
ondarily, they would be useful in fa
cilitating exchanges of commodities;
and these two uses would create a
demand for them; and this demand,
considered in connection with the sup
ply of all money, including green
backs, the supply of all other ex
changeable things, and demand there
for, would determine the value of the
greenbacks, in other words, their
"power in exchange."
Suppose that five years after the ir
rigation works had been completed and
in successful operation, Mr. Quinby
had possession of a $5 greenback note.
Would it be valuable because it repre
sents the "stored-up labor," say, of a
man and team two days, or because
Mr. Quinby could apply it to the pay
ment of taxes or debt to the amount of
$5? The greenbacks do not repre
sent anything they are something;;
that's the distinction. They are debt4
payers, not the shadows of some
thing passed. Mr. Quinby should bear
this in mind: There is no such thing
as a "representative value," any more
than there could be a "representative
headache." In plain, idiomatic Eng
lish, a thing either has value or it has
not value; but it cannot represent the
value of some other thing. This must
not be construed to mean, however,
that the . value is within the thing
"intrinsic," as the gold-bugs say and
as the socialists mean. Value is hu
man estimation placed upon desirable
things, the supply of which "limited"
that is smaller than the demand for
all known wants. Its seat is in the hu
man mind and brain. It doesn't need
a "base." It is the power of a good to
procure some other good. But by the
peculiar idioms of the language we
say "a thing HAS value," when in
reality we mean that "we value it,"
or place an estimation upon it.
The "stored-up" or "crystallized so
cial labor" idea of value is one that
causes endless confusion of thought.
Professor Ely in one of his earlier
works speaks of a Roman coin bring
ing value down to our present day
a sort of warehouse containing stored
up labor. Now, a warehouse that, be
ing filled with something, permits
that something to increase or decrease
without the necessity of unlocking it,
is a rather insecure repository. The
fact is, that gold coin was a desirable
thing in Roman times, and later, and
even now: but if its present value is
the stored-up labor of some Roman
slave, how does it happen that the
value has fluctuated widely since the
day the coin was minted? The ma
terials in that coin and the coin it
self are the production of man, the
result of labor. The value is quite an
other thing as the years go by it
must of necessity vary as its quantity
and the desires and wants of succeed
ing generations vary. Ed. Ind.)
The Independent
Three Months
The Commoner
(fir. Bryan's paper)
One Year
The above offer is open alike to old
and new subscribers to either paper.
Send all orders to .
Ignorance and Fear
Editor Independent: I have received
sample copies of your paper, for which
I am very thankful. I like it all O. K.
and wish there were ten thousand mora
such papers published. But those that
are most in sympathy with your teach
ing are not the people that are most
in need of it. It is those groping along
in the dark ignorant of what actually
is going on.
Sid Foree, in your paper of March 6,
on first page, expresses my opinion to
a large extent. I don't believe we will
ever getv relief through any new party,
for before it would get full control of
the government, there would be
thieves enough steal into it to thwart
the will of the people. Reform the two
old parties. Deal gently with the peo
ple. Appeal to their reason and cons
mon sense. Urge upon them the nec
essity of turning their backs upon
blind partisanship: The people of one
party are just as honest as of another.
Politicians appeal to the prejudices of
the people to sustain them and they
generally succeed. If the two old
parties had traded platforms in the
two last campaigns the result would
have been the same. Hence, those
that claim Bryanism has been repu
diated simply don't know what they
are talking about- or else lie.
I was bred and born a republican,
but think it a disgrace to follow the
course of the present leaders of the
party. Success to The Independent.
Foster, Mo. ED. BOWMAN.
(The Independent cannot fully agree
with Mr. Bowman. Bryan was de
feated because every trust and great
corporatibn used every possible means
to accomplish his defeat coercion, in
timidation, deception, corruption wher
ever possible. In 1900 the cry of "let
well enough alone." had telling tffect.
The people all over the United States
knew what the bankers had done in
1893 to bring on a panic, and knew
what they could do again and "many
thousand who are in hearty sympathy
with Bryanism voted for McKinley be
cause they feared the power ' of the
bankers and trusts to bring on an
other panic. Doubtless these may be
charged with cowardice, but when a
wife and little children depend upon
one's exertions for daily bread, even
a short period of panic is something
to dread. McKinley would have-been
defeated on the Chicago or Kansas
City platform, unless the bankers and
trusts were given assurances that the
platform was simply to get in on. But
with a candidate like Bryan, every
man who knew him knew that his elec
tion meant a carrying out of the prin
ciples in the platform. His defeat
cannot be construed as a repudia
tion of Bryanism; it is a sad com
mentary upon the ignorance of some
voters and the cowardice of others.
Ed. Ind.)
Desertion from the regular army Is
increasing at such a rate that It is
alarming. Four men escaped from Ft.
Sheridan last week and several other
desertions were reported from other
stations. It will be pretty hard to
maintain a large standing army in a
republic like this. In the old Europ
ean nations where a large part of the
population is in constant distress, the
"army is a shelter for thousands who
are willing to become slaves to arbi
trary authority for the scant living
that It gives them. .
When writing to advertisers do not
fail to mention The Independent. If
our advertisers ' don't treat you right
East Nebraska Farms, Western Ranches,
Idaho Irrigated Lends. Lancaster
County Farms
FOR SALE 80-acre farm, 8 miles
out, good 6-room house, barn, dou
ble crib, orchard, well with steel mill
all fenced, possession at once.
Price $3,000. 80-acre farm one mile
from station, new house, barn, 60
acres cultivated, balance pasture, 35
acres winter wheat. Price $2,500.
262 acres, 8 miles out, good house,,
large barn, granary, corncrib, cow
barn, well, windmill and large tank,
fine orchard, small pasture; all fine
land. Price $43.50 per acre. 240
acres 6 miles out, house, barn, cribs,
sheds, orchard, some timber, an ex
tra good farm. Price $12.50). 100
acres improved; 1-2 mile of street
car line; good land and a snap at
$9,200 640 acres 3 1-2 miles-out
good improvements, 80 acres hay,
balance cultivated, fine Oak creek
bottom. Price $60 per acre. 380
acres joining the city, good farm
improvements, a good farm and
bound to be a money maker. At
price $60 per acre.
160 ACRES 6 miles out, 10-rocm house,
very large barn, cow barn, well,
wind-mill and tank. Fine orchard,
every foot fine land, mile of sta
tion and market. Price $10,000.
Western Ranches. No. 21, 2,000 acres
deeded land, 640 acres school lease,
good improvements, shedding for 600
cattle, all kinds of farm implements.
540 head of white faced cattle, 16
head of horses, can cut 1,000 tons of
hay, a money maker from the start.
Price complete $34,000.
NO. 53. 640 acres, house, barn and
other improvements, outside range.
Price $1,600. '
NO. 18. 400 acres, good house, barn
cattle barn, 90 acres cultivated, never
failing spring, location fine. Price
$2,500. Many others with prices and
location to please you. Get our list.
State about size you desire.
IDAHO IRRIGATED Farms, orchards
and stock ranches. We are right in
the swim with bargains in this line
on the Oregon Short Line railway.
Write for list or come and see us.
122 North 11th St. ,
Lincoln. Neb.
Horrible Condition of the Peoples of
Europe Unrest Everywhere and a War
Needed to Attract Attention
The unrest and discontent of the
people, of Europe are becoming appar
ent. Spain is dealing with riots and
a revolution is among the possibilities.
The socialists are giving Germany no
small amount of alarm. The racial
feeling between Hungary and Austria
threatens the existence of that em
pire. The people of the Balkan states
are restive. Disturbances in Ireland
are feared by the British government.
Russia is on the verge of a revolution.
If the year closes without serious trou
bles to one or more of the govern
ments of Europe they may consider
themselves fortunate. The truth is
that among the common people of
Europe life is scarcely worth living.
The burdensome taxes for the main
tenance of royalty, of large military
and naval establishments and of other
institutions incidental to their social
and civic systems are grinding the
people to the earth. The limit of hu
man endurance is nearly reached and
hence the evidences of popular discon
tent. Perhaps the most threatening
of all the situations is in Russia. The
czar is a well-meaning man, and is
credited with a desire to initiate many
reforms and grant a large measure of
freedom to the people. But he is sur
rounded by an autocracy of nobles
that thwarts every effort at change,
nor will there be any change in Rus
sia until the autocracy is broken. It
may take a revolution to do it, and
this will come in time. An unlimited
despotism, such as Russia is, cannot
last always. The people of the twen
tieth century have a better idea of per
sonal liberty and civic rights than they
had a century or two ago. When the
time comes for them to strike the
world may witness a second French
revolution in Russia.
An old device of autocratic govern
ments to still unrest at home is to
start awar abroad. Possibly a war in
Eastern Asia might suit the purposes
of Russia's government. Denver
Mr, Grtf n Agrees With Mr. WHshlre on
the Inevitability of Socialism
Some two or three weeks ago The
Independent received a letter from
Mr. W. C. Green, Orlando, Fla., touch
ing some editorial statements in our
issue of February 20. The article, be
ing nearly three columns long, was
crowded out for lack of space at the
time, and since then Mr. Wilshire has
covered part of the points suggested
by Mr. Green; hence, only a part of
Mr. Green's article will be used at
this time. Among other things, Mr.
Green says:
"When Karl Marx over fifty years
ago . formulated his theory of the
economic basis of history', and after
wards proved with scientific detail
and unanswerable logic that the la
borer is entitled to the ownership of
ALL that he produces, socialism was
at once placed upon a solidly scien
tific basis. Socialism today is, there
fore, no man's scheme, but is a phil
osophy based on a logical interpre
tation of history and the application
of the theory of evolution to human
affairs. Karl Marx has furnished the
socialist with a key that unlocks and
discloses to him the true meaning of
past and present political, intellectual
and industrial- movements.
- "No well posted socialist dreams for
a moment that he is controlling eve.nts,
but he sees the inevitable outcome of
them; and while he cannot control
them or bring them about, he can be
instrumental in , helping, the great
crisis he sees approaching to be
brought about in an orderly and peace
ful manner by informing others of
the why and wherefore of the
astounding developments now taking
people and the great transformation
certain to take place In the near fu
ture may take place in a natural and
orderly manner and without violence.
His mission is partly one of educating
and enlightening the public.
"The cardinal principles enunciated
by Karl Marx are: (1) That all his
tory since . the institution of private
property has been based upon class
struggles, and, (2) that the laborer is
entitled to the ownership of ALL that
he produces. This last makes it very
apparent that under our present in
dustrial system, labor is being syste
matically robbed of a large portion of
Its earnings, and that consequently
our entire industrial system is pri
marily based on crime. This fact
fully acounts for nearly, if not all, of
the crimes and miseries with which
society is afflicted. Socialists do not
blame individuals for this state of
things nor for participating in this
universal crime of which society is
guilty, simply because they know
that as individuals they are helpless
to do otherwise under present condi
tions. They also have the utmost
faith in mankind and do not believe
that the great majority would desire
to continue a criminal system if they
knew that it was criminal. They see
at once that it is not because people
are bad in general, but that they are
ignorant and blind and so do not real
ize the enormity of our social crime.
"I note that you say that socialists
propose the public ownership of all
property. This is an error. They pro
pose only the collective ownership of
all those things the people have to
use in common. They are not in the
least concerned about private property
and do not propose to disturb it. They
do not care how much private proper
ty anyone may own when socialism is
fully inaugurated. What they do pro
pose is to take away the power which
the owner of private property now
has of compelling and enslaving oth
ers through the medium of his prop
erty. Remove this feature and there
can be no objection to the private own
ership of any amount of property. So
cialism will do this by making every
person who is willing to do his share
of the work society requires to be
done economically independent of ev
ery other man. It will give him and
his the easy' and certain gratification
of every reasonable desire; and when
this is done, the owner of private prop
erty, however great the amount of his
property may be, will not be able to
impose upon or oppress him."
(Mr. Green's interpretation of the
phase, "the collective ownership of
all the, means of production and dis
tribution," is somewhat different from
that of most socialists. What are the
things which the people have to use
in common? This is an important
thing to know. Mr. Wilshire, in his
so-called debate in this city with W.
J. Bryan, answering ji question, ad
mitted that a man would be permitted
to "own and operate his shirt studs
and collar buttons, provided they are
good ones," but did not believe that
the laborer might always want "all
that he produces." However much he
might be entitled to it, Mr. Wilshire
did not believe the scavenger cares
particularly about claiming the prod
uct of his toil.
When all the means of production
are collective property, it necessarily
follows that all products must be col
lective property until they are dis
tributed. That distribution must de
pend upon the will of a majority of
the people primarily, but the actual
work must be done through the in
strumentality of government, and it
must be done either according . to
deserts or necessities. In either event,
distribution will be attended with great
difficulties, where the whole burden
rests upon the shoulders of a few guid
ed by statutory law, instead of, as now,
depending upon the individual self-interest
of millions of people. Even the
task of keeping a proper amount of
supplies on hand for an army of 40,
000 to 50,000 is a herculean one, and
always imperfectly done, notwith
standing army discipline is more rigid
than discipline of a whole people.
But when we think of the central gov
ernment planning to distribute sup
plies for 70,000,000 people, the hope
lessness of the task-seems apparent.
Ed. Ind.)
oteat Goes op From the tabor Organiza
tion all Over the United States Against
the Oleomargarine jsj n
The workingmen are making a great
cry against the oleomargarine bill that
has just passed both branches of con
gress. They say the bill when ap
proved by the president, will add 10
cents per pound to this necessary ar
ticle of diet. For the manufacturer
of oleomargarine will be required to
pay the government 10 cents per
pound upon every pound manufac
tured. The consumer must now add
that sum to the price he has hereto
fore paid for the article before he can
place it upon his table.
The senators were flooded with peti
tions both by. mail and telegraph from
labor unions and labor leaders all
over the country urging them for the
sake of the wage earners to vote
against the measure; that to pass it
would add greatly to their cost of liv
ing, while it gave them no more de
sirable article.
They say that there is not an in
gredient of oleomargarine that isn't
the product of the farm. The fat of
the steer, lard, cottonseed oil and a
large percentage of pure buttermilk
and cream are the constituent ele
ments of oleomargarine. Salt and
coloring are added to these to make
the marketable article. The bill is In
tended to destroy a healthful and nu
tritious food article made from a
number of farm products for the al
leged benefit of a single farm product.
In accomplishing this 'only the but
ter trust, not the butter maker, will
be benefitted, while the grower of live
stock, including the cow, the cotton
planter and millions of the poor, and
the middle classes will be most seri
ously damaged. Either the oleomar
garine industry will be completely de
stroyed or the consumer of oleomar
garine will have to pay from 10 to 12
cents more per pound for it. If the
farmer who milks the cows and sells
the cream to dairies were to receive?
sumer of butter must pay more for his
butter, but, the trust will be the only
one to reap the benefit. And this de
struction of an honest industry is to
occur through the prostitution of the
taxing power of congress?. Congress
has authority to levy taxes, but only
for revenue. Pretending to exercise
this power, they have used it to de
stroy one industry to Increase the
wealth of the promoters ; of another.
The best constitutional lawyers of the
senate denounced the measure as the
most , inexcusable and pornlcious of
class legislation, and as wholly sub
versive of sound constitutional prin
ciples. The loudest outcry comes from the
mining camps of Colorado. The min
ers declare that it will raise the price
of board, for butter is not used there,
because it is impossible to transport It
to the camps and keep it In condition
to eat, while oleomargarine does not
become rancid.. The miners say that
they favor a law that will force the
manufacturers to sell the article for
what it is and that the plea that such
a law could not be enforced was sim
ply a trick of the trust to get the la.v
He Voted For That
"Farm Furrows" says:: "I picked
up a paper recently and the first item
I read was this: 'The man who win
tered his farm tools in the fence cor
ner is in town renewing his notes.'
If that is so it is a bad state of affairs.
A man has as good a right to winter
his bank notes in the fence corner as
he has his implements, i He should
put the former in the bank and the
latter in a shed." -
This is doubtless the same man who
whooped 'er up for the republican
ticket, for a protective tariff and sound
money and national bank notes and
imperialism and all that. The coun
try would go to the dogs without a
protective tariff which makes lumber
so dear that he can't afford a shed
for his farm tools and is obliged to
leave them in the fence corner over
winter. He wanted money so sound
and dear that he is compelled to bor
row at the bank to pay for the imple
ments he leaves out in the rain and
snow. He voted for these things
kick him as hard as you ; like. He's
simply a mullet head, anyway.
Prompt Payments
At this season of the year every
farer shoulJ investigate the different insurance companies before insur
ing his crops even though the agent be
his neighbor. In looking up the re
ports of . all the companies doing bui
ness in this state we find that the
United Mutual Hail Insurance associa
tion of Lincoln have demonstrated
their ability to meet heavy losses, hav
ing paid to farmers who, lost their
crops in the past three ye?irs $119,603,
In comparing these figures with the
amounts paid by other companies we
find that they have paid $50,000 more
than all other companies combined.
They have a large membership and
scores of farmers in every district
can testify to the prompt and satis
factory adjustment of losges. Their
assessment for the payment of losses
was lower last year than was ever
made by any hail company in the state
and if all farmers in the eastern dis
trict of Nebraska would join this as
sociation all would, have good pro
tection against the ravages of a haH
storm without burdening anyone.
New York.
The following poem, written by
Marion Couthouy Smith and published
in the eastern papers, has suggested
to Bishop Potter the idea that each
city have a local song or hymn for the
purpose of creating local pride and
civic enthusiasm. '
The air and the wave enfold her,
River and sky and sea;
Cradled in light they hold her,
Circled in mystery.
With a tender touch they drape her,
At morning and eventide,
In a film of jeweled vapor
Fit for a royal bride.
The stars of the night have crowned
In pageant full o'erhead ;
And far, to the verge around her.
Her zone of light Is spread.
The subject seas have brought her
All that their tides control;
And the joy of the breathing water
Quickens her inmost soul.
Where is her peer In splendor?
Whom shall she own as lord?
Richest that earth can render
Down at her feet is poured.
Yet can no glories win her
To. deep and pure repose,;
For the strong, proud heart within her
Aches with a thousand woes.
She who was made to cherish
Toiler and waif and slave,
Weeps that her children perish,
Spoiled of the hope she gave.
Mourns for her freedom's dower.
Lost in the strife for gold,
While the sword of. her; sovereign
Drops from her listless hold.
Yet, as the tides sweep round her,
Her mighty pulses thrill.
And the chains that long have bound
Shake with her wakening will.
Slowly the links are broken;
Shall not she bear at last
Only the solemn token
Of pain and thraldom past?
The air and the wave enfold her,
River and sky and sea;
Lo! in a dream behold her.
Crowned as she yet may be! 1
Still is she freedom's daughter,
Noble In joy or dole;
And the life of the great glad water
Quickens her inmost soul.
Still another object lesson appealing
for postal savings banks. The United
States Savings and Loan company of
St. Paul, Minn., has gone into liquida
tionwhich means that the depositors
will lose anywhere from 20 to 90 per
cent of their savings. The assets are
said to be about $800,000 and liabili
ties less but of course that is the
usual fiction. The public examiner says
that the company could get no new
nusiness to replace its witnarawais: i las
that the courts in several ,si:qteg..h9yQXritt3rT,jja
w ill
W till w
Main Office
Lincoln, Keb.
Nertont, Chronic a -
. Private insoasea,
All prlrat diea- mmi :
orders of men. Trt atra. ;
by mi ; conmltar.on rr-. .
yphils car-l forI!!
All form ot fHa&l wy
net's &ud Diseases of Vc-xncn.
JCnables us to croarantee to euro ncjMsttir,
of tbe nt, throat, efce?t, tomacn, Jirer. t!
skin and kidney difeasct, Lot Manhood, 's .
Emieeione, Hjdroclc, Varicocele, OonorrL ...
Gicet, Piles. Kistula and Tiectat. Uleera, Diaixa. -and
Brialit'f Disease, SIOO.OO tor a rac - t
or SSP U1L.IS we cannot cure, if curable.
Strictures Gleet method without ra:a -
nttlnc. Consultation FKKJC. Treatment tj
Can, or address with stamp J Mala Offte
Drs. Searles & Searles I rV'b7,
Queens of Our Empire.
I mingle not with the poor or t
No. not I,
Serenely gathering my trailing gar
ments, I pass by.
I am guided by those grand, ancir ?
That lived ruled in splendors ur
Over fair Egypt, then queen of a::
And pride of the ancient world.
They come to me in their gold
They come with their Censers a?
They salute me in the hebraic lai
As I am of that sams old line.
Then I kneel there on a bright velv
I breath in the perfume Divine
Crave benedictions of those hautf,
rulers. And plead for the power of p
If they but speak of their Egypt!
I'm entranced and listen with aw
Soul-lifted, I am filled with adorati.
By potent, but unwritten law.
Thus my heart, it is captured I'm m
For Gold is a power magnate
And Purple is a color truly royal.
Worn rightly by highest estate.
I mingle not with the poor or t'.
No, not I,
Serenely gathering my trailing gar
ments, I' pass by.
Worcester, Mass.
The Middte Class
Next Sunday night, April 13. T. t!
Tibbies, editor of The Independent
will address the Labor Lyceum o '
"The Destiny of the Middle Class.
cially and Economically." Excrpt dur
ing the hot weather, the Labor Lyceum
holds regular meetings each Sund i
night at 1034 O street. During V.
past winter many interesting lecture
have been delivered at these meeting
by local speakers. After each reg
ular address, those present take tuni
in asking questions and making ghor
talks on the subject under discusglo:
Hot Stuff
Editors of the Independent: If ;t"
will examine your books you will f.rX
my name as a yearly sub.; bought or -of
your postals of a man in Finksburp
Md. Your paper is "hot stuff." and I
find more truth in it than any daily
paper. I read. Pity there was not a
few more of such as you. This coun
try is going to II des, with the abl5
assistance of the trusts and their al
lies in congress. I was formerly a
democrat, but now am "any old thing "
to knock out the thieves. I can stand
Bryi n another whack. He's gwi
enough for me. , R. M ACNE 1 1
Baltimore, Md.
A Hypocritical Cry
When the labor cost of turning ra v
materials into articles of use has In
come so cheapened by the employment
of well-fed and well-conditioned work
ing people and the introduction of labor-saving
machinery that the manu
facturing nations of the old world b?
gin to organize in self-defense against
our cheap products, words fail to ex
press adequately the wantonness of
the excessive burdens which are main
tained under the hypocritical cry of
protection for labor. Jacon Schoen
hof in January Forum.
You can send me five of the Libert?
Building postals and I will do what I
can to sell them.1 I am not exactly a
populist, but I am the next thing to is
a Bryan democrat. I believe the
principles of the people's party
needed to save the nation from re
publican misrule as they are one wit!
true democracy. Your paper has bn
a source of great instruction to m
and I like your plain way of talkinr.
I have been sending my copy when
through with it to my friends in other
states, and from what I have heard
they have read it with profit and pleas
ure. In the east, as no doubt yon
are aware, the densest Ignorance pre
vails on most economic subjects and
populism and the devil are closely as
sociated In the public mind, due in a
irrnt nart in thft eanitaHsMr nre-sv t -
There is more true Americanism In
the west than In the. east, as I found
last summer when I visited T?xas,