April 10, 1902 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Hardy's Column (Continued from Page Five.) having produced over fifty millions bushels of wheat last year for export and are bothered to get it out of the country for lack of railroads. The crop was double that of any other year. Look at the last monthly statement of Auditor Weston, not the state treas urer. There are over a hundred thou sand dollars in the general fund. Why not pay that out on state warrants that are drawing interest and save to the taxpayers ten dollars a day. But no, it is loaned out to banks and It will not answer to make the banks farrow; they were promised a slice and must be fed. There are also over a hundred thousand dollars permanent school fund. That is undoubtedly in banks also and the treasurer will undoubted ly pocket the interest. That is the de cision of both parties and the courts also and it must be so no matter which party leaders handle the money. No matter what a party leader does, he mast be re-elected and everything he has done must be sanctioned and swaU lowed without mastication. The pres ent treasurer and the present governor must be renominated and re-elected or a big hole will be knocked out of the republican party. They are bound to have no small opposition, but they will undoubtedly be renominated and their election will depend upon the platform adopted and the men nomi nated by the Bryan fusion party. The coming state platform should declare (1) that all the supreme judges but three should be dropped the 1st of April next; (2) that the oil inspec tor be dropped out and an oil stand ard definitely fixed, a penalty of one hundred dollars for violation an a re ward of fifty dollars for any, detective who shall bring evidence to convict; (3) that every public treasurer, state, county and city, be required to make a monthly statement of the amount of money on hand, in each fund, the be ginning of the month, each item re ceived and each item paid out and the balance on hand at the end of the month and where every dollar of it is, whether in treasury or in bank. And fnrt.her it shall be made acrime for a treasurer to pocket a single dollar more than his legal salary. Populist Editors The executive committee of the pop ulist state editorial association met at The Independent office Monday and adopted a constitution and by-laws and transacted some other business. Those present were Eric Johnson, president: II. P. Mcintosh, secretary, and II. T. Wilson and E. A. Walrath. A revision of the membership list showed -2. editors actively engaged in news-paper work and two ex-newspaper men T'ncle Jake Wolfe, former edi tor of the Lincoln Post, and E. E. El lis, formerly editor of the Tribune at Beatrice. The committee decided to call a meeting of the entire association to met in Lincoln on April 29, 1902. Mr. l)e France was instructed to corre spond with Hon. W. J. Babb, of the Kansas Commoner, Wichita, with a view to having him present at the meeting and deliver an address. A pro gram for the meeting will include pa pers by Eric Johnson, Senator Allen, and others, and if possible to secure Mr. Bryan for an address in the even ing it will be done. The completed program will be published later. Sec rn u y Mcintosh was instructed to cor respond with all populist editors in the state and extend to them an invi tation to become members of the as sociation. The constitution, by-laws and mem bership list to date follow: CONSTITUTION. Article 1. This organization shall be known as the Populist State Edi torial Association of Nebraska. Article 2. The objects of this asso ciation shall be to promote a spirit of fraternity, to stimulate editorial efficiency, and to harmonize and solid ify the people's independent party in Nebraska. Article 3. The membership of this association shall be open to all edi tors and publishers of populist news papers in the state of Nebraska. Article 4. The officers of this asso ciation shall be a president, six vice presidnts, one of whom shall be from each congressional district; a secre tary, and treasurer, both of which of fices may be held by the same person; and an executive committee which shall consist of the president and sec retary and three members of the asso ciation to be elected at the annual meeting. The officers shall perform, respectively, the duties attaching to Their offices. Article 5. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall assume their offices at the close of the meet ins: it which they shall be elected. They shall hold office for one year, or until their successors shall be in stalled. Article 6. Special meetings of the executive committee of the associa tion may be called by the president, the occasion of the meeting being stated in the call; and upon' request of six members of the association, made In writing, to the president, he shall call a meeting of the association for a specific purpose. Article 7. A majority vote shall govern in all transactions of this as sociation. . BY-LAWS. Section 1. The annual meeting of the populist state editorial association of Nebraska shall be held on the sec ond Tuesday of April, at such place as the executive committee shall select. Section 2. A membership fee of 50 cents shall be charged to each mem ber on his admission to the associa tion, and annual dues thereafter to be determined by the association. Section 3. Each officer of the asso ciation, upon being superseded in of fice, shall turn over to his successor all books, papers and properties of the association which may be in his possession. Section 4. The executive committte i- shall have power to fill vacancies oc curring in any of the offices, and shall conduct all the business affairs of the association not taken cognizance of at A MAIL ORDER r SPECIAL FOR Independent Readers i a ii ii rci ar a u ii mm (1 LINCOLN, NEBR. LINCOLN'S PROGRESSIVE STORE Offers for a Limited Time this beautiful Cambric Gown in chem ise style, the pretly round yoke made of tucks and lace insertion and sleeves daintily trimmed with lace sleeves, elbow length; gown made very full and long, a very beautiful garment and one you would be required to pay $1.35 to $1.50 at any store. 50 doz. only at this price 98c All Sizes 14 to 17 E 233 J. H. Bayston, Faber. Stockville. H. T. Wilson, Herald, Beatrice. Wm. V. Allen, Mail, Madison. J. V. Wolfe, , Lincoln. T. H. Tibbies, Independent," Lincoln. C. Q. De France, Independent, Lincoln. E. A. Brown, Times-Demo., Loup City. F. P. Crompton, Citizen, Greeley. C. B. Sprague, Republican, Blair. Anna Gray Clark, News, Ogalalla. Warwick Saunders, Country Publish ers' Co.. Omaha. E. A. Walrath, Democrat, Osceola. C. B. Manuel, Phonograph-Press, St. Paul. Geo. L. Burr, Register, Aurora. H. F. Mcintosh. Neb. Farmer, Omaha. J. B. LaChapelle, Journal, Ashland. Con. Lindemann, Bulletin, Crawford. Chattie Coleman, Headlight, Stroms burg. W. J. Waite, Enterprise. Exeter. Roy W. Rhone, New Era-Standard, Kearney. Alfred Pont, Register, Stanton. G. J. Richmond, Courier, Minden. E. E. Ellis, , Beatrice. Mr. Hardy's Suggestions The suggestions in Mr. Hardy's col umn, relative to certain planks in the next populist platform, are good. Be yond a doubt Nebraska needs a larger supreme court than one of three mem bers, and the commissioner system is a make-shift that is not wholly satis factory, although the docket is being cleared up rapidly. With a court of five members and each furnished, not simply a stenographer and typewritist skilled in making pot-hooks, but a regularly admitted attorney as assis tant one with a nose for running down authorities the court ought to be able to keep up with its work right along. Abolish the oil inspector system, Mr. Hardy urges. He is right. It originated as a political office and has always been, whether designedly or not, an adjunct of the Standard Oil company. Mr. Hardy's proposed law relative to monthly statements by all treasurers is good. To make it equitable, how ever, the rule should be relaxed that any treasurer be held as an insurer of the funds in his hands. He should be held liable simply as a trustee, so that when he has done his best, if the funds should get stolen or lost, he would not be held liable either civilly or crim inally. Then with good grace the state can demand that every cent which should in anyway accrue in the hand ling of public funds, should be turned into the treasury. "He who asks equity must do equity; and he who asks equity must come with clean hands." Do not impose unjust and unreasonable duties upon an officer and expect him to be wholly just and reasonable. In other words, "talk turkey" part of the time for the officer. Taxation Notes The dailies are doing some valuable advertising for the Union Pacific these days telling about those ten passen ger trains, each of which is reported to have cost a million dollars. The Union Pacific can well afford to run magnificent trains. In the last eight months its net earnings show an in crease of $2,778,449 over a like period in 1901, the total net earnings for the 8 months ending February 28. 1902, being $13,901,468. Now, 51 per cent of the Union Pacific system is in Ne braska; hence, Nebraska must have contributed about $7,000,000 of those net earnings. In other words, the people of Nebraska contribute enough every month, over and above operat ing expenses, to just about pay for one of those "million dollar palaces on wheels." Nebraska's share of the Union Pa cific capitalization i3 about $125,000, 000 and the stocks and bonds are selling at a little better than par. But the Union Pacific is paying taxes for the support of Nebraska govern ment, state, county, and local, on a valuation of a little over $6,000,000. U it any wonder there are about two and a quarter millions of floating state debt? Instead of paying Into the state treasury about $875,000 taxes each year, the Union Pacific escapes by paying about $45,000 in taxes for state purposes. But the Union Pacific is not the only tax dodger by any means the Burlington and Elkhorn know a thing or two themselves. The question is: How long are the people of Nebraska going to stand thi3 farce of taxing the railroads at about 1-20 of their real value? aggrieved because the board of equali zation has the audacity to assess the main line at $9,800 per mile and the "feeders" at $3,000 to $3,500, and will kick like the proverbial bay steer. And the board as usual will be total ly ignorant of. million-dollar trains and will assess the U. P. on no higher valuation than if it were a "mere right of way and a streak of rust," although its capitalization is something like $125,000,000 for Nebraska mileage, or practically $125,000 for every mile of road in the state, "feeders" and all. O, Lord, how long! Primarily those tax commissioner bills, which Lincoln and Omaha got the legislature of 1901 to pass, were for the express purpose of enabling the taxpayers of those cities to escape paying their fair share of the state and county taxes; but oddly enough while they succeeded in a measure they lost where they did not expect it. The crowding down process among pre cinct assessors in Lancaster and Dou glas had reached such a point that the cities of Lincoln and Omaha, on the valuations returned, could not, by levying the full limit allowed by law, raise enough revenue to run the re spective city governments. So they petitioned the legislature for a divorce and got it. Under the new system property !n Lincoln, for city taxation, is returned at about 80 per cent of its cash value. Last year a levy of 10 mills was suf ficient. The same property, valued by the precinct assessors for county and stats purposes, was returned at from 5 to 20 per cent of cash value and the rate runs away skyward. For state purposes it cannot exceed 7 mills at present, even if assessed at not more than 1 per cent of true value, and the divorce proceedings give Lin coln and Omaha a big chunk of ali mony in the way of escape from state and county taxation. But railroad and telegraph assess ments are made by the state board, and the figures are the same for both city and county. Accordingly the city loses heavily in railroad taxes by hav ing a ten mill levy instead of one of fifty mills. The divorce isn't all ali mony there are court costs and a fat lawyer's fee to pay. However, the rail roads are not weeping much their city taxes "are a mere bagatelle com pared to former years under the old order of th'ngs. It is safe to say that the U. P. tax man will not do much boasting In the vicinity of the capitol regarding those new ' million-dollar passenger It is said that the railroads are try ing to keep Lincoln citizens from ap pearing before the state board of equalization and making complaint be cause the roads, under the new tax commissioner system, are paying only about 1-5 as much taxes as formerly. "If you'll keep away from the board," say the railroad officials, "we'll consent to have our valuation raised within the city limits so you'll get as much city taxes as formerly. But don't go up there and make any fus3." That is regular green goods, three shell, gold brick talk. The valuation can't be raised within the city limits with out raising it all along the line, and these officials know it only too well. For example, the so-called "main line" of the Burlington, the 191 miles from Plattsmouth to Kearney, has for several years been assessed at $10. 580 a mile. In other words, the valua tion of this line was fixed at $2,026. 175.80, and the value per mile ascer tained by dividing this sum by 191.51, the length in miles. Now, the 32.54 miles of this line in Lancaster coun ty cannot, for the sake of Lincoln, be valued at $52,900 per mile, or any other sum, solely in Lincoln or Lancaster county, without also placing the other 158.97 miles at the same valuation. The counties of Adams, Buffalo, Cass, Clay, Fillmore, Kearney, Saline and Sr.unders, through which this line also runs, have just as much right to have the valuation raised on their respec tive mileage as has Lancaster. There is no help for Lincoln unless the ro.-ics .will voluntarily donate enough to make up the loss in taxes under the new system. There is one pratice indulged in by the state board of equalization that ought to be objected to vigorously by the counties injured, and that is the practice of assessing the 191.51 miles of Burlington road from Plattsmouth to Kearney as "main line" at $10,580 a mile and all the other lines as mere "feeders" air the way from $2,000 up to $6,570 a mile. For example the Re publican Valley line, 551.82 miles in length, running through 21 counties, is just as truly a "main line" as that from Plattsmouth to Kearney. Yet it is assessed at only $4,500 a mile. The Burlington system's stocks and bonds cover every mile of line, good, bad and indifferent, without the "aid or consent of any nation on earth" and one railroad system. Every mile of it contributes to the dividend f ivid. Every mile of it helps make Burling ton stock sell at 200 on a capitalization of $37,000 a mile. Perhaps some certain-mile may have more traffic run over it than seme other mile; but the state board has no legal or moral right to value one mile at one figure and an other at another. The line from Platts mouth to Kearney is not worth 133 per cent more per mile than the line along the Republican valley, and the people out along that line ought to be gin at once to make vigorous com plaint As a matter of fact, there isn't a foot of the whole Burlington system that ought to be assessed at a cent less than $25,000 a mile at the least calculation; With its stock selling at 200 on a capitalization of $37,000 a mile, every foot of it must be worth anywhere from $65,000 to $75,000 a mile. The system pays dividends and. interest on such a valuation, and; charges "all the traffic will bear" to keep up the value. It must be worth that much. Hence, if it pays taxes on 33 to 40 per cent of its value, It has no right to complain, for the law con templates that it shall pav taxes v.pon the fair cash value of its property and franchises. Will the board have the nerve to obey the law, even to the ex tent of doing 1-3 of its duty? Well, hardly. The Candidates Thus far most of the newspaper talk relative to candidates has been con fined to those for governor. R. D. Sutherland of Nuckolls, John C. Sprecher of Colfax, W. L. Stark of Hamilton, Dr. Robert Damerell of Webster, Dr. J. N. Lyman of Adams, George W. Berge of Lancaster; Wm. V, Allen of Madison and Wm. A. Poyn ter of Boone, are among those men tioned for governor in the populist ranks. C. J. Smvth of Douglas and W. H. Thompson of Hall are the demo crats mentioned oftenest in this con nection. A number of our exchanges men tion the name of R. O. Adams, of the Grand Island Democrat, for lieuten ant governor and they all speak a kind word for him something he undoubt edly deserves. Mr. Adams is a demo crat and one of too good sense to hope for success by disintegrating the pop ulist party. The Polk County Democrat says that "the nomination for state auditor in the fusion convention will be sought after by Mr. John M. Gilchrist of Ne braska City, by that gentleman's num erous friends and supporters" and considers Mr. Gilchrist in every way worthy of the honor and a true blue reformer and earnest worker. Although some time until the con ventions, The Independent sees noth ing wong In talking over the possi ble candidates and trusts that there will be enough good men to choose from (and there will be) so that the very best may be selected. That Referendum Brother Eric Johnson, editor of the Wahoo New Era and president of the populist editorial association, has thi3 to say regarding co-operation with the democrts this fall: Populists may as well be pre pared to accept fusion or co-operation, as some prefer to call it, because the leaders of the party, are bending all their energies in that direction. Chairman De France was careful not to give the number of votes reported against fusion, nor the name of the coun ties that voted in the negative. The New Era, however, will not wage a war of opposition, unless constrained thereto, our position is so well known that it needs no further elucidation; the question as far as we are concerned will be . left to the decision of the populist voters of this county, to be de cided when they select their dele gates to the next county conven tion. In a letter to Mr. Johnson, Chairman De France affirms that he has never used his official position to influence any populist one way or, the other either for or against co-operation: but that as associate editor of The Independent, and in harmony with its policy, he favors and urges it. Two weeks ago he had prepared manus cript for a complete report of the referendum vote on the questions, but it was crowded out: and last week he simply used the totals; these may be seen on the 7th page. The 14 persons who voted against fusion live in the following counties: Boone. Buffalo. Franklin (2), Gasre, Hall, Hitchcock, Otoe, Phelps, Saline, Saunders (2), and York 12 counties in all. Yet from each of these coun ties one or more votes were received in favor of co-operation. Those who voted "no" were: C. W. Gishwiller, Franklin, who believes in organising a brand new party; F. B. Carly, Chad ron, who also believes in a "new alignment;" and W. P. Filbert; Tren ton; Eric Johnson, Wahoo: L. A. Sie eel, Bloomington; A. E. Garten, Al bion; W. L. Hand. Kearney, Augustine Bros, of the Daily Press. Grand Isl and: John N. Staudt, Holdrege; John S. Ball. Beatrice: G. C. Noble, Crete; E. E. Olmstead. York: J. L. Coleman. Memphis, and F. P. Baldwin, Palmyra. The Gunnison (Colo.) News-Champion prints H. W. Risley's Washing ton correspondence each week. The people's party congressional convention for the Seventh Kansa? district is called to meet at Hutchin son, on Tuesday, May 6, 1902. Knox county has a new county seat, named Center. Recently the records have been removed from Niobrara, the old county seat, to the new place. The Independent confesses that it is a bit back-numberish in some things: Only the other day It learned that Congressman Stark has a new private secretary, a Mr. D. E. Price. Just when Mr. Burr resigned or was supplanted or kicked out, The Inde pendent doesn't know yet and that's why It confesses back-numberishness. Horace M. Davis of Ord has bought the Greeley Leader-Independent and proposes changing it fom a republican The Greeley Citizen does not take kindly to the change, believing Davis will simply act as agent for a court house ring. The Independent acknowledges le ceipt of a very Interesting article from the pen of W. M. Lakin, Aurora, con taining anecdotes concerning Lorenzo Dow, perhaps the most erratic, yet withal one of the most sincere Chris tians who ever preached the gospel in America. We regret our inability to find space for the article at this time. Out in Loup county the people are becoming interested in the question of telephones with barbed wire fences for lines. Private" corporations sro trying to get a franchise to put in the regulation lines and assure the people that barbed wire won't work; bu the Loup County News is making a fight for the people's line and will doubtless come out ahead. To Populist Committeemen: I de sire information regarding the asses sors' meeting in your county and the basis of valuation decided upon -it such meeting. Perhaps your county paper printed something about it. Will you kindly clip it and mail to me in a letter? I need the information in preparing some matter on the subject of taxation. . C. Q. DE FRANCE, Chairman. The city dads out in Lexington have decided to let no guilty man escape and have passed an ordinance provid ing for a license tax upon about all the occupations in that city 92 item0, in all. Among the taxed occupants are peddlers of dry goods and gro ceries, jewelry and patent medicines, notions, etc.; life insurance agents, auctioneers, dealers in bicycle repairs, blacksmiths, barbers, bankers, cabinet makers, general stores, etc. The Independent extends congratul ations to Mark W. Murray, editor of the Pender Times, on his excellent special Easter edition. This, with its 32 pages filled with biographical sketches and half-tone cuts of promi nent Thurston county people, is a souvenir which will be carefully pre served by interested persons for years to come. Mark has the reputation of being well, some folk call it "lazy;" but this Easter edition wouldn't give one that impression. The Auburn Granger says that the First National bank of Auburn has in stalled a new manganese steel mob and burglar proof safe in its vaults; that the new safe is a thing of beauty, weighs 5,000 pounds and cost over $2. 000. It's dollars to doughnuts that it won't be worth that when the as sessor comes around. In 1900 there were assessed in Nebraska 4,047 safes, valued at $39,236, or $9.69 apiece; and if the assessor catches this beauty at more than $200, we will present him with a year's subscription. Frank Harrison's State Record last week contained a startling exposure of certain commissioners in Lancaster county, who have undoubtedly been engaged in crooked work respecting the letting of contracts for bridge building. Harrison says that secret contracts have been made for some $25,000 worth of work; that the con tractor has been paid some $8,000, al though none of the work has been done and he has no bond on file. It looks like a dirty piece of business and ought to be investigated thor oughly and the offenders prosecuted. For a coterie of trimmers, commend us to the retail grocers of Omaha. Some time ago a movement was start ed looking to the erection of tanks to hold a large supply of kerosene, to be purchased fro mthe National Oil company of Cleveland, in order to com pete with the Standard Oil company and get even for its tank line system which practically deprives the local grocers of trade in kerosene. Some little trouble was experienced in get ting a site for the tanks, and just on the eve of success a large number of .subscribers for stock in the new oil company began to crawfish, and it i3 now thought that the Standard has won another victory. The- farmers of Fairfield are eu deavoring to establish a co-operative grain elevator to fight the grain trust. The Independent hopes they may suc ceed, but warns them that as the grain trust gets a rebate of 1 1-4 cents per hundred on all state shipments and 5 cents a hundred on all interstate ship ments, they will be placed at a disad vantage in doing business. Just a word: When the grain trust raises the price higher than your co-op ele vator can afford to pay. .advise all your people to sell to the trust. Don't be foolish enough to buy at a loss, but keep your price as high as the other fellow and let him have the business when you can't make any profit. The populists and democrats of Ne braska are to be congratulated on the fact that they have no D. Clem Deaver or J. Mack Loves to deal with. Al though there are a few democrats of the "reorganization" brand, yet the party machinery is in the hands of true blue democrats who are willing to join hands with their friends in whipping the enemy. Kansas is al most sure to go republican this fall because of J. Mack Love democrats unless perchance the populists can win cinale-handed. which is doubt ful, fn Nebraska, with a harmonious co-operation oi democrats and popul ists against a badly split republican party, there is no reason why the state should not be "re-redeemed," as Mr. Bryan puts it. What the Omaha Bee doesn't know about populists and populist principles would fill a large sized volume. Edi tor Rosewater's close communion with D. Ciem Deaver rather warped his good judgment. The populists favor a primary election law similar to that in force in Wisconsin, where all po litical parties are obliged to hold their primaries at the same time and place: but they do not favor an abnor tion like the Van Dusen law. The nrime intention of the framers of that law was to get a public record of , political affiliations of voters, so that ii.. tTfTT-p.rf , ,ip a frpflfl- u u y v u ura . l ,u u Hr.lnUIrtd an1 "Ota bred draft and coach stallions are larger than all importers of Nebraska. His BLACK stallions and prices ale "HOT PROPOSITIONS to bis competitors. Jams compel them go "go-away-back-and-sit-clown" and sin "Ain't-it-a-shame." That IAMH Imports and breeds only the best nrflt-class big draft stallions.flash coachers.and he sells tbens at much less prices than we can afford to. He surely hypnotizes his many buyers with his top- !eJiv?T,F,r,le8Vr He doM business, But he is the only man in D. S. that imports ALL bLACK. STALLIONS. He has on hand 100 Black Percherons, Clydes, Shires and Coacliers. 100 They are the "SENSATION" of the town. Yiitors throng the bams and ty: "Most select and largest stallions I ever saw." "Bee that 2,(XO-pound-two-year-old a 'ripper' ; and that 2J0i pound thre-year-old 'herd header' 'a topper'." '0,myl See that 5,(XX)-pound pair of four-year-olds; they are out of sight; largest pair in U. S.; wide as a red wagon and ha?e 12 and 14-inch bone and they move like flash soaehers." lams has a larger "HORSE SHOW" every day thaa eau be seen at the Iowa or Nebraska State Fairs. He has on hand 50- Black Ton Stallions 50 two to six years old, weight 1,600 to 2,500 poundH, fast movers. MORE Black Percherons, ton stallions, Paris Exhibition and State prise winners, government APPROVED end STAMPED stallionsof any one importer. Iami speaks French and German, pays NO INTERPRETER. NO BUYER, NO SALESMEN, no two to ten men as partners to share profits. His buyers get MID DLEMEN'S PROFITS and SALARIES. lama buys direct from breeders. This, with his twenty years' experience secures the best. All the above facts save his buyers 500.(K) to 1,IKX).(XI on a first-class stallion, and you get a iirit-class horse. a only second-rate stallions are peddled by slick salesmen to be sold. GOOD ONES SELL THEMSELVES. It costs $iRK).(X) and $803.00 to have salesman form CO. and sell a scond-rate stallion. Form your own companies. Go direct to lams' barns. He will sell you a better stallion for $1,000.00 and 1.200.00 than others are selling at $2,000.00 and $4,000.00. lams pays horse freight and his buyer's fare. Good guarantees. BARN S IN TOWN. Don't be a clam. VS rite for an eye-opener and finest horse catalog on earth. FR AN K AM ST. PAUL, HOWARD CO., NEB., ON U. P. AND B. & M. RYS. Reference St. Paul State Bank, First State Bank, Citizens' National Bank. 0 Jf - i A -4.1 'MOT THE LARGEST lMi-Jr.1 tHS In the U.S. Neither htve we all ton horso. But we do make & importations each year. Our stables at Liucoln, Neb., and at South Omaha Union Stock Yards are full of first-class stallions. If you want a good one for what he ia worth, it will pay you to see us. Our horse won sweepstakes in all draft aud hackney classes at Nebraska Stat Fair IVJ1. Address all correspondence to WATSON,; WOODS BROS. & KELLY CO., Lincoln, Nab. SPECIAL NOTICE Woods Bros., of Liucola, Neb., have tvoesri of thorn and Hereford bolls and cows for - a bargain. IlllllllllllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllSlllllillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg' 1 IN MARCH AND APRIL 1 1THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. 1 1 WILL SELL SETTLERS TICKETS I AT VERY LOW RATES. For Information, address G. D. ROGERS, D. P. A., N. P. R., DesMoines. Ia r For Printed matter, address CHAS. S. FEE, G.P.A., N.P.R., St. Paul, Minn H ::::::: Will sell Home Seekers' tickets to many points in ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, OKLAHOMA, TEXAS, ARIZONA and NEW MEXICO on April 1, 15, May 6 and 20, at one fare for the round trip, plus $2, good for 21 days from date of sale. For time tables, descriptive pamph lets or further inf prmation apply to city ticket office, 1039 O st. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. CHEAP RATES TO OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA, ETC, I Commencing March i and continuing daily until April 30, the Burlington will sell colonist tickets to: San Francisco, Cal... $25.00 Sacramento, Oal ji5.(X) Los Augeles, Cal $25.00 Ellingsburg, Wash... .$22.50 Tacoma, VVaih $25.00 Seattle. Wash $25.00 New Whatcomb, Wash $25.00 Billings .$15.00 Cody 16.75 Logan, Mont 18.00 Helena, Mont 20.00 Butte, Mont 20.00 Anaconda, Monc '20.00 Spokane, Wash 22.50 Victoria. B. C $25.0 Portland. Ore $25.00 Astoria, Ore $20.50 San Diego, Cal $25.00 Redding, Cal $25.00 Call and get full information. fa v & CITY TICKET OFFICE J Cor. 10th and O Sts. Telephone 235. iM' & BURLINGTON DEPOT J S & 7th St., Bet. P & Q. J Telephone 25. ffi t& LINCOLN SANITARIUM -MinrzL JrnrTBi jjrrxiu A Thoroughly Equipped Scientific Sulpho-Saline Bath House Sanitarium 14th and M Streets LINCOLN, NEB. Establishment All forms of baths: Turkish. Russian, Roman and Electric, with special attention to the application of Natural Salt Water Baths, for the treatment of all acute and chronic non-on-tageous curable diseases. Rheumatism. Skin, Blood and Nervous Disease, Liver and Hioney Trouble, and all forms of Stomach Trouble are treated successfully, atarrah of the Stomach ana Bowels, Heart Disease, acute and chronic, are alt greatly benefitted and many permanently cured by taking the Natural Salt Water Baths Schott Method as first given at Naubeim, Germany. A separate department, fitted with a thoroughly ateptic surgical ward ana operating rooms, offer special inducements to surgical cates and all diseases peculiar to women, lorn Sanitarium is thoroughly equipped for treating all diseases by modern successful metnoas. it is managed by physicians well trained and of extended experience, specialists in their several departments. Trained nurses, skillful and courteous attendents. Prices reasonable. AdaraM Lincoln, Sanitarium L I NX O LN, NEBRASKA was framed with' great cunning, but failed in one vital . particular it amends the registration law In a way that the constitution prohibits. Judge Frost held otherwise, it is true, but Judge Frost is a republican and pre ferred to keep under cover and let the supreme couTt take the responsi bility of deciding. The Commoner 1 year, The In dependent 3 months, both ?1. Send all orders to THE IN DEPENDENT, Lincoln, Neb. J t jt s 3 Low Settlers Rates During March and April. 1902, the Northern Pacific will sell ONE WAY SECOND CLASS SETTLERS' tickets from eastern terminal points St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland, Duluth, and the Superiors at greatljr reduced rates to nearly all points on its main line, branches and connecting lines, west of North Dakota. These tickets to Northern Pacific points will be good for stopover west of Hope, Idaho. For further detailed ; information about these rates call upon or write to G. D. Rogers, D. P. A.. N, P. R., Des Moines, Ia., or address Chas. S. Fee, Gen. Pas. & Tkt. Agent, Nor. Pac. Ry., St. Paul, Minn. .. , : Some of the Important', valleys ed by tne wortnern Faclnc are Deer Lodge, Bitter Root and Clark Fork in Montana, the Palouse, Big Bend, Colville, Clearwater, Walla Wal la and Yakima in Idaho and Washing ton, the Puget Sound and Britsh Co lumbia regions and the Oregon coun try. . It is a vast empire where climate soil and other advantages make of It a favored lan . ' ONLY 2Y2 DAYS FROM KANSAS CITY TO CALIFORNIA via the : : 1 mm I rrmr 116 EL PASO SHORT LINE Daily Tourist Cars. Personally Conducted TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS THE LOW ALTITUDE ROUTE Also Personally Conducted Tourist , Excursions Every Wednesday and " Friday via COLORADO AND SCENIC LINE. . QUICKEST TIME TO EL PASO. BEST LINE TO OLD MEXICO. Fbr full information address E. W. Thompson, A. G. P. A., Topeka, Ka3.