5. April 10, 1902 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT A Stealthy, insidious, Weakening Enemy to Women. : Mini ;; '-- i! ; RET. HARRIET K. EDWARDS, CLISTON, IA. j Rev. Harriet R. Edwards in a recent letter from Mt. Pleasant Park, Clinton, la., writes: ' have found thct Perzaa is a wonderful medicine to use in diseases peculiar to women. It quickly sad permanently restores health and vigor and acts as a natural ionic to a worn-out system. I have so far never observed a case which was not greatly sided by Its use." REV. DR. 11. R. EDWARDS. -9 TTIETIE are a multitude of women, especially housewives!, and a.il other women obliged to bo on their feet constantly, wiio are wretehed beyond der seription, simply became their strength and vitality is sapped away by catarrhal discharges from the pelvic organs. These women get up in the morning tired, drag themselves through their daily duiies tired, only to go to bed at night an tired as before. Peruna is such a perfect specific for each case that when patients have once used it thev can never be induced to J quit it until they are permanently cured, j It begins to relieve the disagreeable I symptoms at once. The backache-! ceases, the trembling knees are strength ened, the appetite restored, the digestion made perfect, the dull headache is stopped and the weakening drains "are gradually cured. These results certainly follow a course of treatment with Pe runa. Jos. B. Crowley, Congressman from Illinois, writes from Robinson, 111. : "Mrs. Crowley has taken a number of bottles of Peruna on account of nervous troubles. It has proven a strong tonic and lasting cure. I can cheerfully recommend it."' Jos. B. Crowley. ! Mrs. Wm. Hetrick, Kennard, Wash ington county, Neb., writes : ' I am fifty-six years old and have not felt well since the Change of Life began, ten years ago. I was in misery some where most of the time. My back was rery weak, and my flesh so tender it hurt me to lean against the back of a chair. I ''had 'pain under my shoulder blades, in the email of my back and hips. I sometimes wished myself out of this world. Had hot and cold epells, dizziness, and trembling of the limbs, and was losing flesh all the time. "After following your directions and taking Peruna I now feel like a different person." Mrs. Wm. Hetrick. Barbara Alberty, corner Seventh and Walnut streets, Appleton, Wis., writes as follows in regard to Peruna : "For years I have suffered with back ache and severe pains in the side. I doctored so much that I became dis couraged. "A school friend told me how very much Peruna had benefited her and I sent out for a bottle, which did more to relieve me than all the other medicine I had ever taken. "Inseditfaith fullv for two weeks and it com- I pletely cured me. I have not had any pains since, anywhere, but feel like anew woman. I am truly thankful for what Peruna has done for me." Barbara Alberty. Mrs. D. W. Mason, 502 Dauphine street, New Orleans, La., writes: " I have been taking your Peruna and Manalin and can cheerfully recommend it to all those suffering with the same trouble that I was. I have been suffer ing for the past two years with female weakness, palpitation of the heart, stom ach, kidney and liver disorder, and above all a dreadful cough with smother ing spells. I was completely run down. "After I had taken one bottle of Pe runa and a few doses of your Manalin, I could sleep soundly, my heart was better, my cough left me, it acted imme diately upon my nerves, and af te tak ing four bottles according to your direc tions, I was entirely cured of all my troubles. "I can truthfully say that there ig nothing to equal your Peruna and Man alin. I was a different women af ter tak ing the second bottle. It is without a doubt the best medicine in the world. Language fails to express my gratitude for this cure. May God bless you." Mrs. D. W. Mason. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, ColumbU3, Ohio. i 1 SKS t55S ? pip Barbara Alberty. The liquor interests had a big scare in the vote on no license at the city election. High license got through with so narrow a margin thnt it made the hair stand on their heads. Since the liquor trust hap obtained control of nine cut of ten of ail the salooi's in the tate, the person running them being only an agent of the trust which owns the stork and fixtures, the trade has not as many friends as it once had. Rent's army bill was ?o outrageous ly imperialistic and disgraceful that nor. a man in the senate who had ever had any concoction vith the army would have anything to do with it. General Hawley was 'particularly fierce In his denunciation of the bill. If ever enacted into law. it will make the army a political appendage of the president in power. General Miles do serves the thanks of the whole United States for the vigorous manner in which he showed it up. Senator Kanna will soon have a strike on his hands that he will find morp trouble in settling than any of tho fake troubles among workingmen that he has so easily disposed of dur ing the last three months. There is a strike on in the house against the Eh in subsidy bill among republican coueressmen. Six or seven of them swear by the holy horn spoon that they never will vote for the bill, be cause if they did. they say. they could never again bo elected to congress. No sort of palaver does any good when a congressman has come to that conclusion. Affidavits have been forwarded to Secretary Hay stating that a British engineer was found destroying the monuments erected by the Russian government deliminating the line be tween what were the British posses sions and those of Russia which were afterward purchased by the United States. These monuments were 18 miles east of the line agreed upon in the famous modus vivenda, which was only to endure until a permanent set tlement could be made. The British secretary of state in Roosevelt's cabi net is not expected to pay any at tention to them. out interference, . an attempt to close a notorious gambling house where the betting is so high that it is the talk in all the clubs was a failure, and the tenderloin runs as wide open as in the worst days "of Devery. All this is to be regretted, but it shows that in the assaults that were made upon Tammany there, was a good deal of hypocrisy. Those who voted to down Tammany are making no tffective ef forts for reform. ! means forced to enlist in the British army. News of the Week The law of libel as administered in the Philippines under the Taft com mission is in harmony with imperial ism all over the world. Senor Valdez, editor of a Spanish weekly paper at Manila, was charged with libelling two Filipino members of the commis sion and in defense offered to prove his assertions; but the judge ruled that the. offer "merely aggravated the or iginal offense" and Valdez was con victed and fined 4,000 pesetas. The legal phase of the question has ben referred to Attorney General Knox. Watch for a decision that the British are wholly within their rights. The. Independent has been telling its readers for a long time that the Brit ish had established a military camp J and base of pupplies near New Or leans. Now that the fact can no longer be denied it 13 acknowledged to be true. This administration has been an ally of the British government in the war upon the two little South Afri can republics. Frank P. Sargent, grand master of the brotherhood of locomotive fire men, has been tendered the position o commissioner general of immigration the place held' by Powderly. The Chinese exclusion act is now worrying our solons at Washington. Senator Mitchell of Oregon leads the light for a rigid exclusion of Chinese laborers, but Quay wants to admit them if they profess the Christian religion. It seems to just have dawned on the foggy minds of a good many members of congress that the recent supreme court decision placing the territories outside of the constitution and giving congress absolute power over them i a menace to every financial interest In the territories. Capital will withdraw from them for it is uncertain what moment congress may pass some bill destroying vested rights therein and there being no constitutional protec tion, everything is at the mercy of a whim of congress. If ever a court rendered itself eternally infamous, it was the supreme court when it handed down those Imperialistic decisions. The reform administration of Seth Low in New York has been an abso lute failure so far as dealing with It has been constantly charged that the British had established a military post at Chalmette. a few miles below New Orleans, and were making that place a base for military supplies. Last week the governor of Louisiana made an official report to the president, call ing his attention to it. The governor reported: "That the British govern ment has a military camp at Port Chalmette; that it is under the com mand of a lieutenant general of the British army, Sir Richard Stewart, and that he has under him a staff composed of two colonels and sixty captains and lieutenants; that they are engaged in the purchase of any shipment of horses, mules and supplies on a large scale, and that they employ men to go aboard the transports and take care of the animals, and that upon arrival in South Africa many of these men are induced to enlist in the British army." General Pierson, the Boer agent in this country, adds to this report that the British have sent to South Africa, besides the horses and mules, 42,000 men, ostensibly as muleteers, but that the men, being the fiotsom and jetsom of the great cities and very ignorant, have been induced to sign papers that eventually turned out to be enlist ments in the British army and as soon as they landed, in South Africa they were sent forward to fill the depleted ranks of red-coats? at the front. In it, The Hay flunkeyism has gone to such an extent that it has allowed the British government to force Ameri can citizens to enlist in the British army. He has been frequently in formed of the facts and has made no more protest than when that govern ment violated the seals of the state department and opened official mail addressed to its consuls. No greater indignity could be offered any nation than these two acts, but this British agent who happens to be secretary of state to a republican president, has let it all pass. -It is enough to make the blood boil in any American's veins who has a spark of manhood left in him. The teachers of Chicago took a case to the supreme court of the state and got a decision compelling the corpora tions to pay a part of their share of the taxes. The corporations did what they always do, fled to the federal courts, where they could have their case tried by judges whom they them selves had. placed on the bench. The result is what always happens in such cases-pthe corporations won. John D. Rockefeller may be the rich est man in the world, but he has to live on less food than falls to the lot of the ordinary tramp because of a stomach disease. Now all his hair and moustache has fallen out. What good do his millions do him? , Are there not other things in this world of more value than money? The morals of upper ten Methodism since all the bishops went Into im perialism, are getting somewhat cloudy. Bishop Fowler, while ad dressing candidates for admission to the ministry at New York last Friday, advised them "to steal sermons and deliver them as their own, but if ac cused of it, own up like a man." He further safd: "Business common sense is what we need in the church, just as much as in any other walk of life. Give me a man with religion and no common sense and a man with com mon sense and no religion as candi dates, and I'll choose the man with common sense every time." What would John Wesley or Peter Cart wright have thought, of a bishop who talked like that? The New York Journal has got nlongjthe road of populism far enough theory national highwaysby bring ing them under government owner ship, the cure for the tyranny which robs the people and corrupts their government is not apparent." Representative Cochran of Missouri has introduced a resolution calling upon Secretary Hay for a copy of the affidavits concerning the removal of British officials of ancient landmarks and monuments long ago erected by the Russian government to mark the Alaskan boundary. With a British army post at New Orleans and the boundary marks removed about the gold fields of Alaska, it would seem that the best thing that the United States could do would be to ask King Edward to take possession of the whole country and make Hay his prime minister. Then we would know "where we are at." General Miles delivered an address to the graduating class of ' the army medical school, telling them "to re member that while they wore the uni form and were officers of the army they likewise should not forget they also were citizens of the republic." That made the imperialists mad and the headline writers in the daily pa pers put this headline over the report: "Miles talks to army doctors. Tells them though they wear the army uni form they are only citizens." Here Is another thing that Wellman should add to his list of reasons why Miles should be retired. The British government offered re wards to the police of several thou sand pounds for the discovery of illicit stills In Ireland. In a short time the police came into court with reports of 2,000 such stills. When the cases came, to trial only 72 convictions were secured notwithstanding the queer sort of magistrates they have in that coun try and who are always on the outlook to convict the Irish of some sort of crime. Even the New York Post which has devoted hundreds of columns in the last ten years to vilifying and misrep resenting populism, is forced to look toward it for. succor. In discussing Morgan's testimony in the merger case it remarks: "We do not go into the question whether the public will con sent indefinitely to the perpetual con trol of this mass of capital by people who do not actually own even a ma jority of it, and who in no real sense represent the body of investors. But the fact is not to be ignored that, with the extinction of private ownership, in the old-fashioned meaning of the term, the plan of government owner ship necessarily gets a lift." Govern ment ownership of the railroads has received several "lifts" lately. Pop ulism must triumph or the republic cannot endure, and it makes no differ ence whether the triumph comes under the name populist, democrat, or any other name. It is the thing itself that is wanted. It is announced that the Prince of Wales will visit the United States next fall as an offset to the visit of Prince Henry.. The royalty .worshippers will have another chance to bow at the feet of a royal prince. The state board of agriculture of Kansas reports that 18 per cent of the wheat sown in that state is ruined and the ground will be plowed and sown to other crops. Hanna says that he has settled seven strikes in two months and prevented two others, and he is very proud of his record. He says that "the vast productive capacity of the country has forced the condition of the aggregation of capital; the creation of wealth in a concrete form." There you have wis dom undisguised. A great productive capacity forced the organization of the trusts and they produce wealth in a "concrete form." There's political economy for you, a sort that John Stuart Mills or Adam Smith never dreamed of. "Concrete" means to form in a mass as by cohesion or coalescence. That is the situation in regard to wealth in this country with out doubt, but that a great producing capacity and not special privileges, gifts of valuable franchises and ex emption from taxation is the cause, is the strange assertion. Carter Harrison says that he is tired of being mayor of Chicago and that he is going to retire, go on a poultry farm or be county treasurer. He says that when he works hard and gets some good thing accomplished nobody says anything about it, but if he makes the slightest mistake the whole city is down on him. The fusion offi cials of this state had the same sort of an experience. Cecil Rhodes' will provides for scholarships at Oxford. England, for a large number of students taken from every one of the British colonies, ev ery state and territory in the United States and from Germany. His object seems to have been to unify the world and the " project receives the indorse ment of all the great universities in this country. Attorney. General Knox, after cogi tation over the situation at Chalmette, has arrived at the conclusion that enough evidence has been submitted to him in regard to the military post established by the British government at that place to warrant an investiga tion. The president has appointed an officer to make a report upon that sub ject. If the department carries on this investigation after the fashion of the diplomats there will he some sort of a conclusion arrived at toward the middle of the century. The navy department demands means from congress to train sailors and says that it will require 50,000 men within the next eight years. As The Independent has often, remarked, it will be seen that the building of big warships costing five or six millions of dollars each is only the beginning of expenses in the navy. ; The national bankers made a, clean sweep In the house last week. The republicans called up the j bill to ex tend their charters for twenty years many members had left the house, all of the republicans were either in their seats or hanging around the corridors, having been notified of what was to happen. That being .the case there was an overwhelming majority In favor of the banks ready to vote and the thing went through without one word of discussion. That Is a sort of trick that the republicans have played before. There never was any honor in them when it comes to financial legislation. John Sherman worked the first thing of the kind when he got the silver dollar dropped from the coin age. ' There never was a worse fake perpe trated on the religious and secular readers -of the dailies than the publica tion of what was called "Talmage's Sermons." Talmage has been lying sick for many weeks and often it has been thought that he was at the point of death, but his sermons have ap peared regularly all the time and no difference has been discovered in style or quality. Several heavy battles have been fought in South Africa this week, but according to Kitchener's reports no decisive victory was gained by either side. A large number of British offi cers and men have been killed and wounded. The British seem to have concluded, however, that it was not advisable to carry out their intention of hanging Commandant Kretsinger and he has been acquitted by the court-martial before whom he was tried. An English clergyman, vicar of a church in Hetfordshire, attended a pro-Boer meeting at Chicago last week where resolutions were passed urging congress to pas3 resolutions of sym pathy with the South African patriots and denouncing England's methods of war in South Africa, This clergyman, Rev. R .C. Fillingham, denounced the Joe Chamberlain crowd more bitterly than The Independent has ever done. He said: "It is not I who am a traitor to my country. It is the men who op pose giving terms to the Boers who are the traitors and they ought to be hung to the nearest trees. I am speak ing for my country's good when I ex press my hope that concessions may be given the Boers and that peace may re sult. The traitors to England are the imperialists. It is Lord Salisbury and Joe Chamberlain who are the traitors." He said that Dillon's denunciation of Joe Chamberlain as a d d liar was not parliamentary, but it was theol ogically sound and strictly true. The audience cheered him until they nearly raised the room. The common people of England, what they call the "mid dle class" over there, are as much op pose! to the Boer war as the populists in this country are to the war in the Philippines, and they have for their spokesmen the greatest statesmen, scholars and thinkers of the United Kingdom. Hardy's Column. The Cuban tariff reciprocity bill comes up this week. Many of the re publican members of the lower house seem to favor it and yet there is doubt about it passing for the sugar and tobacco trusts are against it. It is chiefly a matter of honor and justice towards Uncle Samuel's children. Miss Stone is at liberty and reports that the brigands were very kind and gentlemanly toward her. Then why did she not stay among them-and act the part of a missionary toward them? Next we hear a young woman will volunteer to go among the brigands as missionary. The dry weather last fall killed many acres of wheat in Kansas and the same kind of weather is using up many acres in Nebraska at the present time. We are glad to read that many of our most used railroads have adopted the block system, which means that two trains will not be allowed on the same track between signal stations. If the signal indicates the track is clear to the next station the train can go on, if not clear, it must stop. The same at the other end. Thp time has come for us to pro vide two county attorneys, with dep uties, assistants, typewriters and shorthand reporters. Let it be the duty of one set to do all they can to cltar criminals: Another one of our district judges has paid a lawyer two hundred and fifty dollars for defend ing a criminal. The way things are now going it will cost the taxpayers more to defend than to convict crim inals. Better make it a salaried office and save money. The tallow tax bill past last week, so now If the poor man eats tallow in place of butter he will have to pay ten cents a pound extra if there is any color in it. He can eat milk, butter and cheese with color and not pay anything extra. There is no great difference between tallow and butter, one comes off the cow's ribs and the other out of the cow's bag. Both equal ly healthy and nutritious. Republicans are now boasting that "every dollar is as good as every other dollar." Then why not let the money alone a3 it is? But no, a bill is now before congress for retiring the greenbacks, redeeming the silver dollars in gold and authorizing bank ers to issue bank currency to thp value of all the property they think they are worth. Our silver dollars previous to 1873 were worth more than our gold dollars. The law knocked them, in the head. The director of the United States mint reported last July that $136,000, 000 had been coined during the pro ceeding year, $37,000,000 of which was silver and minor coins. . The new Philadelphia building, with improved machlntry, is now occupied. It ha3 been decided to commence the coin age of a Philippine silver dollar for the purpose of driving out the Mexi can dollars. Canada, or rather the two provinces. ll P'C JHL "I L 1 mn. m flit III flit I I III! LJ III Vlfff 1:1 1 1 In V Clarence L: Gerrard: MI Irrigation grown seed will grow the BEST CROPS. WHY?. Send four cents lor samples. JRColumbu's."Nebr." IT H 1,00(1 bushels select seed from 1901 crop pure Golden Cap field corn grown continuously on my Platte Valley lands for 12 years. AboTe 50 bus. per acre last season. A, 100-day corn, bright yellow, small eob, deep grain, yielding abundantly always. Tipped, sacked, f. o. b. cars $1.25 per bu. Write for samples, descriptive clr-gg vuiar ouu yntre US, w. L. fll AI1.K, . rpmotlt, WeD. l i ii 1 llli mi I r" Mr 1 jl 1 ft- '' TRIUMP INCUBATOR Low in price, superior in construction. Certain in results. Awarded First Premium at Nebraska State Fair, 1901, in competition inca be tors at work. A marvel of simplicity Built on new scientific principle. En tirely new features. It satisfies pur chaser became it hatches all fertile eif , under any couditions. Built on Honor and Sold on Merit A reliable, business, erery-day Incabs tor, that will do all the work required of it, do it well, and leave no disappointed hopes. DON'T 1JUV an Incubator uu til you investigate the merits of thi one. Catalogue and testimonials from "home folks" who u.e the machine seat free on request. Ask for them. " Address TRIUMPH INCUBATOR CO 103 South I Ith St., LINCOLN, NEB. i 1 1 k ESTABLISHED 1872 CRETE NURSERIE: ESTABLISH . 5: -5 We offer full line of Nursery Stock, Trees and Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs -S and Roses. Our trees and plants are not tied up in cellars like commercial nurseries u Z but wintsred witb-BOOTa in earth. That our fruit trees are productive is shown by - the crops of fruit we have grow a. 5; ,:5 t nnO Rf fctnIe of Apples in one season. 17 to 24 bushels of apples on single : JUUU JUallCi trees. 700 busuels of Chebeibh in one season; 34 bushels on S a single tree; 570 bunches of grapes on a single vine. Extreme care to have all carefully 2 'packed and true to name. We help on all losses. -: Z ; -Z Send for illustrated catalogue. Please mention The Independent. I E F. STEPHENS, Mgr., Crete, Neb. h CbUllcothe Normal School 1 C'hllilcotho Commercial Collage ( t blUlcotho Shorthand College r ( hllllcotbe Telegraphy College SEVEN GREAT nnnnni n i i;nimcoine i'en-An college M.HI W II 1 Chillicothe School of Oratory y Chillicothe Musical Conaervatdry. Last year's enrollment 729. $130 pays for 48 weeks' board, tuition, room rent, and use of text books. For FREE Illustrated Catalog address ALLEN MOORE, Pres., Box 21, Chillicothe, Mo MEN WANTED i will ROOd c e s ranginz from $50 to Si so a month to first-class men to take orders for hardy Fruit and Or namental Nursery Stock, raised by the MOST-) NORTHERLY NUR SERIES IN AMERICA. AIAYFIELO NURSERIES. St. Paul. Minn. S. F. BROWN, Ashmore, Illinois Breeder of pure bred Chester White Swine, White Holland Turkeys, and (Cochins , ( P. Bocks Buff P. Rocks Whites Wyandotts ( Leghorns ( Leghorns Stock and Eggs for sale in season. Mention this paper and send for free price list. Gold in a Nut Shell New book, all about Nut Trees. Price 14 cents. . The American Plant & Ssed Co., Nashville, Tennessee.' RFPDY Dl ANTFor Sale-40 varieties, ULIII rLrtll I J moderate price. Send for 1902 Catalogue. B. i'. Smith, P. O. drawer C, Lawrence. Kaus. PORE HONEY AND APIARY SUPPLIES Honey, lllb cans, 4 or more, $1.00 each net; 60ib cans, 4 or more, $4.40 each net. Apiary sup plies for sale at all times. Catalogue,' free. Prompt shipment of honey or supplies. Cash with order. . . Addres?. F. A. SNELL, MilledgeTjlle, Carroll County, Illinois. GREAT BARGAINS Importers and Exporters of 35 var ieties land and water fowls "htock and eggs for sale at all times. Write before you buy. Bank and personal references given. Send for Full Il lustrated Circular ; Iowa Poultry Co. Box 633, Ocs Moines, lorn. SEED GO R U FRUIT TlilSES. $1 Of! 3) Budded Peach Trees. bet varieties,!!. P VU 50 Good Concord (irape Vines, ft. Will 1UC Asparagus Plants, 2.C. 1 Our catalogue mailed for the a-Viii; R 1 1 Y 11 Quot3 general line of fro it and cr " w namentaltrees; bestquality: tow prir Address, GAGE COt'Ml' t' lis I All t.. Itox 053, ltentrfce, Nebraska. I j for catalog. y Ta mmnrimaTiTnTatt " W V rAi ... miDD ivrini4TMti beats the field for the number of eggs actually hatched. It is fionpl. durable, and success f si. Is sold on guarantee. pay I1UKK ible, and success f si. ld on guarantee. We I the freight. Herd I IN CI HA IO It H. I 112, Onutha, . I Vi Best Low Priced Hotel n the City. RATES, $100 per day and up. Hotel Walton 1510 O St. LiNcor.x. xeu: fiu:k touacco ci iti:. Mrs. A. K. Kaymond, 157 Charl-i tnit. ! Moines, la., has discovered a wonderful cure for tobacco habit. She is curing all tier fri'i,u. the will send receipt free to anybody sending two cent stamp for postage. Write for it. 3pLFGS1 THE WIFE one mat win oo ifoou vote 1 nna rw tt.art and laat for Tears. The mn AS lfoH IM tiftriA (if I'a!lfirni4 rfet Wills 1 1 wood. -with liioz. cold rllel rocix-r t4iik. Reirtst I Hydro-Sfly l-m o. C'l!mx fcfn uj HOUSI 1 ComiaUd Wfrreyoltor. ttr4 tut ig drtds who r ranking money with the Hnr llaU-b iacafcaur. imx i'mma Hrcia llrootler la lb- beat, l-end new. Sure Hatch Incubator Co..Oay Center. N6., or CIuta t n,C Mammoth White Artichoke Seed for sale. Address GEO. A. ARNOLD, Hayden. NJ. I "IT naliai riViiafcim 6 ED COR AND IT GROWS N "Harlan Covnty. ICeb.. March sr. 1902. Your corn, shipped Tan. -i. came all right. I just teste 1 fifty kernels, as I took out one handful and dropped fifty kernels out 49 geiminated." G. M. Wallace. Oar sale. of our Nebraska White Prize and Nebraska Yellow Prize corn has been very heavy. We have shipped this corn all. over Missouri, Kansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, and Iowa, and have received very high praises for it. It is dry, well matured, hand picked, hand shelled, and fanned. Ve can assure you that you will be pleased with it. Catalogue free. . Price per bushel, sacked on cars. GRISWOLD SEED CO, Box K, Lincoln, Nebraska. MiMnMHMnMenMaaHMianBMaaiiMnii n njnwm ijiii mi 11 r V ft li'f illrilfVil in""- t w f I f K. $1.25 We bare won four-fifths of the prizes at th i Nebraska state fair for the past IS years. At th ',. 1)1 HtatA faii nra ir.n 4J.... i I -ww . v . ... . tit unit yjiiif seconds all the prizes offered on field rorti. For descriptive price list and samples address, with 2c stamp. M. H. SMITH & SON, De Soto. Nth OSM E GALLON Wl N E FREE With every gallon finest 10-year-old ) " OLD TIMES WHISKEY Both shipped in plain cases for.... I U a I J We make this unparalleled offor to introduce quickly. Old Times Whiskey wen first prize and gold medal at World's Fair and is guaranteed Ten Years Old and absolutely pure. Send orders .direct to Q