The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 10, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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April 10, 1902
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unless the inflammation
can be taken out and this tube restored
to Its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by Catarrh,' which
is nothing but. an Inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,
, Toledo, O.
Sold by. Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
cumulated. But this last year's crop,
he actually goes on to declare, is the
produce of the plowing done for the
crop of next year. Surely if this be
the case, the result will be somewhat
singular. If this year's plowing pro
duces last year's crop, then this year's
plowing can multiply last year's crop.
The more acres the farmer plows, the
more of last year's bushels will appear
In the padlocked barn. This absurd
ity. of course needs no comment."
To The Independent there appe'ars
to be an element of truth in both con
tentions. Mr. George insists that in
asmuch as labor always precedes the
payment of wages, therefore wages
are paid out of the product produced
by the laborer, not always directly, of
course, but in effect. Granting this
to be true, however, it does not change
the fact that the wealth produced by
- the laborer becomes capital unless im
mediately devoted to consumption;
hence, wages must, after all, be drawn
from capital, whether newly acquired
or otherwise.
.-'Upon the Malthusian doctrine Mr.
Georee says:
"Both the jay-hawk and the man
eat chickens; but the more jay-hawks,
tr. the fewer chickens; while the more
men, the more chickens. . . . Within
the limits of the United States alone
there are now forty-five millions of
men, (this was in 1879) where there
were only a few hundred thousand:
and yet there is now within that ter
ritory much more food per capita for
the forty-five millions than there was
for the few hundred thousand. It is
not the Increase of food that has
caused this increase of men, but the
increase of men that has brought
about the Increase of food."
' -To this Mr. Mallock replies:
' "It by no means follows, because
1 the limits of subsistence are elastic.
that very great pressure may not be
required to stretch them. Mr. George
argues as though they must be one of
two things so absolutely rigid that
' they can be bent by nothing, or so
" absolutely yielding that they can be
bent by anything. If he can prove
that they are-not like the trunk of an
oak tree, he thinks he has proved that
they must be like the twig of a hazel.
It never occurs to him that there is
r yet a third alternative, that they may
possibly be like the bow of Ulysses.
. . . Many men starve in their own
country because they love it too well
to leave it, or because they are too
weak to make the effort required to
' do so. Many men starve, not because
- there is no work to be done, but be
cause they do not know where the
work is; and the more civilization ad
vances, the more labor Is divided; and
the more densely the world becomes
peopled, the more fatal does such ig
norance become, and such knowledge
. the more difficult. Here then are two
limits, at least, that population tends
to press against the limit of habi
and local attachment and the limit of
knowledge; and it is by limits of this
kind that, practically, the limit ot
subsistence is prescribed. Thus it is
not, as Mr. George supposes, one thing,
but many. There is a separate limit,
not only for every country, but for
every district and for every town.
. : There are limits within limits, cir
cles within circles, like so many India-rubber
rings enclosed in larger
ones, and the thickness and elastic-
ity of no two are alike. . . . The Mal
thusian theory does not deny thia.
All that it asserts is, that in expand-
: Ing the India-rubber rings, some pres-
; sure has to be always exerted; and
that on the average a certain propor
' tion of people are always Injured by
the pressure before they are able to
Telieve It. . . . The most bigoted Mal
thusian would not dream of main-
: taining that, because some poverty
was caused by increase of population,
more could not be caused by the in
crease of pick-pockets, and that a
gret deal more might' not be caused
by fires."
Mr. Mallock divides the fourth point
- .into two parts: (1) Does private own-
- ership in land, as a fact, cause any
poverty at all? and (2) would any pov-
"erty be lessened by making all land
-over to the state? Mr. Mallock con
cedes that "if a tenant's rents are ev
ery year remitted to him. he is, of
course, a richer man. If they are not
remitted to him, he is poorer than if
they were. A beggar would be a
Croesus if he had never to pay his
bills; and if our zero-point of wealth
Is fixed by our getting any one thing
without payment, we, of course, be-
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
Buffering and crying with pain of Cut-
- ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth -
,-ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its
ralue Is Incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer Immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no
mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces Inflammation, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
r;::WinsloWs Soothing Syrup" for chil
'firen teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
- nurses in the United States, and is for
. sale by all druggists throughout the
' world. Price, 25 cents a bottle, e
come poor the moment we have to
pay. for it. . . . The question is not,
are men poorer because they pay rent?
That, of course, they are. The ques
tion Is, how much poorer?
"What Mr. George asserts is this.
As population increases in a country,
there is not only more wealth in that
country actually, but more in propor
tion to the increased number of in
habitants. Each thousand pounds of
capital naturally yields higher intern
est: each laborer naturally, earns (that
is, "Is maker of") more wages. But
the whole of this increase is swallowed
up by rent. The landholders alone
get richer, and capitalists and labor
ers remain just where they were. Let
us take an example. There is a small
farm in a remote country district,
bringing the farmer in a hundred
pound3 a year, out of which hundred
he pays thirty in rent. By and by a
town springs up in the neighborhood:
the small farmer becomes a market
gardener, and his hundred pounds a
year soon mount to a thousand. His
gross annual profits, before his rent
i3 deducted from them are thus nino
hundred pounds more than they were
before; and if to those profits his
rent bore the same proportion a3
formerly, his net income would b3
seven hundred, not seventy, pounds a
year. It would have increased by an
annual six hundred and thirty pounds.
But, according to Mr. George, nothing
of this kind happens. The whole six
hundred and thirty pounds are con
fiscated by the landholder. This .s
ridiculous, but Mr. George means more
than this. Add six hundred and thirty
pounds to the original rent of thirty,
and the tenant's profits are still three
hundred and forty. His original in
come still would be nearly five times
as much as before. But Mr. George
maintains that It actually remains th j
same that it is not Increased at all.
That is to say, out of the annual thou
sand Dounds of produce, the land
holder takes, not six hundred and thir
ty pounds, but nine hundred and thir
ty; and the tenant still remains with
nothing but his original seventy. . . .
Is it, then, a fact in England and
America that the landlords, as pro
duction increases, pocket all the in
crease, and that all the rest of the
community, so far as wealth goes, re
main stationary? Do merchants,
manufacturers, and bankers starve,
and do landholders alone make for
tunes? Is "nouveau riche" a synony
mous term with landholder. . . . Have
the men, whom we hitherto supposed
to have made fortunes in cotton-spinning,
been, not really cotton-spinners,
but merely the ground landlords of
factories? Have Mr. Bright and Mr.
Chamberlain made neither screws nor
carpets, but wrung their fortunes in
rack-rents from anonymous firms that
have? . . . Mr. George alludes con
tinually to the wealth of the Duke of
Westminster. Let him compare that
with the wealth of the house of Roth
schild. Even in town where land is
most remunerative, it brings more per
foot to the occupier than to the own
er." Mr. Mallock quotes De Laveleye:
"The value of capital engaged in in
dustrial enterprise exceeds that of land
itself, and its power of accumulation
is far greater than that of ground
rents. The immense fortunes amassed
so rapidly in the United States, like
those of Mr. Gould and Mr. Vander
bilt, were the results of railway spec
ulation, and not of the greater value
of land. We see, then, that the In
crease of profits and of Interest takes
a much larger proportion of the total
value of labor, and is a more general
and powerful cause of the inequality
than the increase of rent."
"Had he known it (Mr. Mallock con
tinues) he could scarcely have missed
perceiving that ... his own theory is
not only false to facts, but that it ab
solutely inverts them; and that the
history of progress, so far as land is
concerned, is virtually the history,
not of the rise of rent, but, as related
to progress generally, of Its constant
and steady decline. (In another article
Mr. Mallock shows that the gross in
come of the nation was 1,200,000,000
pounds, and that according to Mr.
George's theory the landlords' share
would be about eight or nine hundred
million pounds, whereas in fact it was
only 150,000,00a pounds one-eighth in
stead of two-thirds.)"
Mr. Mallock then proceeds to dis
cuss the single tax by saying:
"We gather from Mr. George that it
will do so (abolish poverty) in four
ways: (1) by abolishing all existing
taxation, and thus make living in
calculably cheaper to every one; (2)
in case the land tax should exceed the
existing revenue, by returning the sur
plus to the taxpayers in the shape of
public works or otherwise; (3) by pre
venting landowners from keeping land
unoccupied in expectation of a rise In
its value; and (4) by making rents
themselves lower.
"As to the first, we may grant Mr.
George his point. His program would
no doubt make living cheaper; and
for a time certain classes might real
ly be better off for It. But it would
be for the time only: for if living be
came cheaper, soon wages would be
come less; and things again would be
just where they are now.
"As to the second point it is no
doubt conceivable that the proposed
land-tax might yield a surplus to tv
government, which they might ex
pend ... partly in public institutions
and partly In direct assistance to the
poor. But nothing would really be
gained by this in the end. For it is
the very essence of the case that the
surplus thus employed should be re
turned to the community as a gift, not
as wages for labor. ... If the land
tax therefore were to yield any sur
plus revenue, this would enable the
state to touch the suffering classes,
only by converting it into a vast char
itable institution, ready to give inex
haustible outdoor relief. The state
would thus be doing, only on an in
finitely larger scale, what it did with
such disastrous effects for the populace
of ancient Rome. In the very act of
relieving poverty, it would be creat
ing it. It would be quenching thirst
with sea-water. . . .,: Though Mr.
George would turn all landowners into
tenants of the state, he does not pro
pose to turn them into tenants at will.
On the contrary, he asserts with all
the emphasis possible, that one of the
first essentials to making the most
of land. Is complete security of tenure
r X
Simply because you ordered a suit from
some fake concern and it was not as repre
sented. This is our 21st year as Nebraska
Clothing Merchants and there are men in all
parts of the state who have worn our clothing
for years. You take no risk whatever in doing
business with us by mail for you are under
no obligation to keep goods sent you un
less they are in every way satisfactory. Our
spring catalogue will explain all these matters
to you and besides describes, pictures and sam
ples some of the best values in Men's and Boys1
Clothing you ever saw. The Catalogue is free
to all who send their address and mention this
be, he says distinctly, to make them
practically "the owners, though in
reality they would be tenants of the
whole people." . . . Mr. George's
scheme, we will say, has been put in
to operation; and a man under its pro
visions possesses a farm, for which
he pays a certain rent or tax. Now,
Mr. George tells us that no matter
what use the man put his farm to,
whether he "planted it as an orchard,
sowed it as a field, or built on it a
house or manufactory, no matter how
costly, he would have no more to pay
in taxes than if he kept so much land
idle." Let us suppose he builds on
part, of it, not a manufactory, but a
town. What would happen then? As
Mr. George has most forcibly pointed
out, there would be a rise in the value,
not only of the land built upon, but
in the value of the rest, which is still
. ... in pasture. On Mr. George's
supposition, how will the man be sit
uated now? This pasture land is still
in his possession. He cannot be evic
ted by the state. He cannot have his
rent raised on what are practically his
own improvements. But though he
pays for this pasture land no more
thjan he did originally, other people,
he knows, would be willing to pay
more to him; nor is there anything
in the nature of the case to prevent
his holding this land on speculation,
and sub-letting it on exactly the same
terms as he would do were he the own
er of the fee simple. Mr. George says
that the value of the land would be
determined by the highest bid that
would be made to the state for it at
any given moment. But the answer to
this is, that a given piece of land is
not in the market at any given mo
ment. As soon as a lot was knocked
down to a buyer, it would be his till
he chose to part with it. Meanwhile,
no matter how its value increased, this
increase would be his also; nor does
Mr. George's scheme provide any
means of taking it from him, unless
any Naboth at any moment might
have his vineyard bought over his
head by any speculating Ahab. The
smallest attention to the commonest
of existing facts would have taught
Mr. George this.
"As to the next point, our case is
clearer still. . . . Mr. George does not
prelend that rent would cease, and he
does not pretend that acres would be
multiplied. No matter who owned
the ground of Bond street, and no
matter how low the rents were, for
all that there would not be a shop the
more. If all the shops were occupied,
the street would be barred to any new
tradesman, no matter how anxious he
was to set up business there; nor
would the fact of the street being real
ly national property, in which he him
self therefore had some infinitisimal
share, give him any more right to the
use of a single inch of it, than the
fact of his having a share In the Great
Northern railway would enable him
to go every day from York to London
for nothing. So, too, with regard to
the poor: is it easier for a beggar to
pay a pound to the state than to pay
it to a private landlord? . . . Suppos
ing a tradesman fails, and can no long
er pay his land tax. The state will
evict him, just as a private landlord
would. He will be as completely
houseless and homeless In the one
case as in the other. Supposing in his
misfortune he met Mr. George at the
street corner, who informed him that
he had an inalienable right to the soil
of England. Perhaps, at first, he
might see some hope in this; but we
doubt much if he would continue to
do so. when he learned that this In
alienable right was nothing but an In
alienable right to pay rent to the gov-
In September, 1901, Mr. E. D. Ham
mond, proprietor of the Norfolk Niir
sery, picked three bushels of plums
from a single sweet prune plum tree
in his orchard. The tree was but five
years old. It began bearing when
two year3 old. This is the only kind
of prune plum that has been a success
in Nebraska. It has endured the
drouth of '93 and '94 and the hard
winter of ' '99. It Is a grand success
for northwestern Nebraska.
; Those j desiring FRUIT TREES or
SEED POTATOES should write for
full particulars and free catalogue to
ernment and even that for a site
only, without so much as a shed upon
In conclusion Mr. Mallock asserts
that "Mr. George's book is in a double
sense a failure. He has not destroyed
any of the theories of the economists:
he has not established any theory of
his own. He has not shown that wages
are not drawn from capital. He has
not shown that population does not
press against the limits of subsist
ence. He has not shown that private
ownership in land is the cause of pov
erty; and, finally, he has not shown
that, even if it were, it would be pos
sible to abolish it. On the contrary,
he has shown just the opposite. He
has shown that however a robbery of
the present generation of landlords
might for a time benefit the more
opulent and influential of the robbers,
private property in land would itself
remain untouched. It would changs
hands, and it would change in name.
But it would certainly not pass into
the hands of the poor; and If it
changed in anything but name, It
would be merely a change for the
worse." , t
What have our single tax readers to
offer In rebuttal? Short, crisp article.3
covering some of the points will be ap
preciated; but do not make your story
too long.
Seed Corn For Sale
The Improved Gold Mine is a pure,
yellow and early corn, and will ma
ture in ninety to one hundred days,
and is a large corn; yields as much
as the later variety that takes 120 days
to mature. It will shell sixty pounds
of shelled grain to the bushel of ears.
It is tipped and thoroughly tested be
fore it leaves my place, and shelled,
sacked, put on cars, at Seward, free.
Price, $1.25 per bu.; half bu., 75 cents
Iowa Silver Mine seed corn is a
good large white corn and is early.
maturing in one hundred days; is a
pure white corn. Price, $1.25 per bu.
MIKE FLOOD, Seward, Neb.
Trcamry Department' Statistics on Pro
duction and Consumption of Sugar
"The World's Sugar Production and
Consumption, 1800-1900" is the title
of a monograph just issued by the
treasury bureau of statistics. It dis
cusses the sugar production and con
sumption of the world during the past
century and especially during the last
half century in which the burden of
sugar production has been transferred
from cane to the sugar beet, and !n
which the world has so largely in
creased its consumption of sugar. The
world's sugar production has grown
from 1,150,000 tons in 1840 to 8,800,000
tons in 1900. During the same period
the world's population has grown, ac
cording to the best estimates, from
950,000,000 to about 1,500,000,000. Thus,
sugar production has increased about
650 per cent while population was in
creasing but about 50 per cent. Com
ing nearer home and considering the
United States alone, it is found that
the consumption of sugar which in
1850 was only 22 pounds per capita,
was in 1901 over 68 pounds per capita.
One especially striking fact shown
by the statistics presented In this
study is the rapidly increasing pro
portion of the world's enlarged sugar
consumption which is supplied by
beets. Acording to the figures pre
sented by this study, beets which sup
plied in 1840 less than 5 per cent of
the world's sugar, in 1900 supplied 67
per cent of the greatly increased con
sumption; while cane, which then sip
plied 95 per cent of the world's sugar
consumption, now supplies but 33 pr
cent. States in quantities, it may be
said that the world's cane sugar sup
ply has gmwn from 1,100,000 tons in
1840 to 2,850,000 tons in 1900, an In
crease of 160 per cent; while that of
beets has grown from 50,000 tons In
1840 to 5,950,000 tons in 1900, an in
crease of 11,800 per cent.
The figures above quoted include
that portion which enters Into the
world's statistical record of sugar
production and does not include the
large quantities of cane sugar produc
ed in India and China exclusively for j
home consumption, and in a consld-1
erable number of the tropical coun
tries does not include that portion of
tion for home consumption were ob-:
tainable, the production from beets
would still show a much more rapid
growth during the last half century
than that from cane. This, the de
partment believes is apparently due to
two great causes: (1) the elimina
tion of slavery in the tropics; the seat
of the principal sugar production;
and (2) the intelligent study of, and
government aid to the production of
beet sugar in the temperate zone, es
pecially in European countries.
One effect of this enormous increase
and the competition which has ac
companied the developments above al
luded to has been a great reduction in
prices to the consumer. The figures
of the bureau of statistics obtained
from statements supplied by import
ers of the cost in foreign countries of
the sugar which they import show that
the average cost of the sugar imported
in 1871-2 was 5.37c per pound, and in
the year 1899-1900. 2.49c per pound.
The table which follows shows the
world's production of sugar from cane
and beets, respectively, at decennial
years from 1840 to 1900, and the per
centage supplied by beets:
Cane sugar. Beet sugar, by beet.
Year. Tons. Tons. Per ppnt.
1840 1,100.000 50.000
..1,200,000 200,000
1860 ....1,510,000
1870 1,585,000
1880 ....1,852,000
1890 2,069,000
1900- 2,850,000
t k l
A Disease Afflicting People of the East
Editor Independent: "The Great
West" is gradually teaching the little
East how to vote. Most of us east
erners are distorted with a disease,
which I have heard aptly termed on
the stage as "dollareatus." I am glad
to perceive that the West is not so
narrow, but is far ahead in the science
of political economy. Saw vour ad
in The Commoner. Kindly forward
me a sample copy of your paper.
Clifton, N. J.
400, and if he works for the London
county council that is to say, for the
ratepayers he must not lay more than
330. Our correspondent quotes a case
or a Duiiding put up for the school
board in which the average output of
tne bricklayers was 70 bricks a clay.
xet tnese are men receiving the hi eh-
est current rate of wages, a rate very
greatly-in. excess of what was. paid
when 1,000 bricks were laid per day.
xnis is typical or wnat goes on in ev
ery trade, though it may not always
be so easy to give exact flmires."
American workingmen generally, in
stead or seeking to limit output, strive
io increase it, and they And their re
ward in the cheapening of production,
which enables the manufacturer to
compete In foreign markets and thus
get rid of the surplus beyond the de
mands or nome consumption, with the
result of keeping his factory going
and givine steadv emnTovmciit. tr the
operatives throughout the year.
ine aoove two paragraphs are taken
irom tne report of the United States
bureau of foreien trade. Taken to
gether they are a complete refutation
of the arguments that the smell-hind
ers give us in defending a high pro
tective tarirr. The independent has for
years constantly pointed out that, the
"labor cost" of manufactured goods in
America was less than in any other
country, and that the plea that we
must have a tariff to equalize wages
was a fraud. The amount paid in
wages in the manufacture of goods
is less here than in any other country.
The facts upon which the statement
rests are given in the above quota
I f
An 800 Lb.
On Wlierln.
Cant Steal pl-rota, euafai:;
tantpTi. Accurate, aurah!.
wall nniabad. Other ataaa ai4
ratio. Foe ctrcviara, addnaa.
BOX 5y
, ... rwiii mmni Ti
Keduca your " d t
wiht with Reducto
Reduce your fat and be refined. Keflnn your
rat and be reduced. "Keducto" Is a perfectly
harmless vegetable, compound endorsed by
; . H8?1"18 ot Phy'clans and people who have
tried It. We send you the Formula, you make
Keducto" at home If you desire, you know
full well the ingredients and therefor need
have no fear of evil effects, send fl.oo for re
ceipt and Instruction everything mailed la
plain envelope. Address
Ginseng Chemical Co,,
3701 8. Jefferson Av., St. Uult, Mo.
104 North lOlh St.
The Direct Legislation a Good Basis for
Mutual Friendship Among
Editor Independent: Dr. Hill.
your issue of March 6, says that if ill-
This terrible disease has at last
yielded to a mild treatment. Dr. Bye,
the able specialist of Kansas City,
Mo., states that this terrible disease
can be cured. The Doctor has accom
plished some wonderful cures recently
in what seemed incurable cases cured
in from two to ten weeks' treatment
with a combination of Medicated Oil.
A handsome illustrated book is sent
free showing the disease in its various
forms. The Oil cures cancer, tumor,
catarrh, piles, fistula and all skin and
womb diseases. Call or address Dr.
'vV. O. Bye, 9th & Broadway, Kansas
City, Mo.
A Beacon Light
Editor Independent: Your "sam
ple copies" were duly received and en
joyed. Courage, ability and loyalty
to principle seem to be its prominent
characteristics qualities so rare in. an
age of "criminal aggression" on the
one part and mental stultification and
servile submission on the other part,
that The Independent should be hailed
as a beacon light.
As I occasionally write for the press
I have no special need of additional
literature, but I enclose $1 in order
that I may have something to give
where it is most needed.
Worcester, Mass.
We say "Roy's" drug store as a
matter of fact it Is EVERYBODY'S
drug store almost. Roy only coo-
ducts it, buys and keeps to sell the
rect legislation is not established, all goods, and meet and force competition
changes will be against popular gov- Our patrons do the rest. We want lo
ernment, ana suggests direct legieiar remind you of seasonable goods vir
tion as a basis for mutual friends! p n .... i! sas. viz.
between reformers of all ltinds T.t uonaiuon Powders, Lice
is a good basis. Killers, B. B. Poison, Kalsomine,
It is dangerous machinery by which Paints, Oils, Varnishes etc
an unjust war, costing already S300.-
over 100 vears nlrl rnn he Wr, n We make a Specialty of all kinds of
" --o " " ni . . . .
the other side of the globe and keut i5loCK ana rouitry Foods, etc. Don't
up indefinitely, while no direct vor.e miss us.
on the matter can possibly be ob
tained. Did we have a referendum at
the last election? Does anvbociv
know which measures the people
meant Dy tneir votes to approve
high tariff, bank notes to displace
government money, ship subsidies to
the International Navigation company
(Standard Oil) in particular, the war
of conquest, or the eloquence of Al
vocates and candidates? It is impos
sible that all these things were de
sired by the people. They wanted
prosperity, but which of these others
they wanted is one of these things
which no fellow can find out.
The voters try. to strike an average
right and succeed in striking it wrong,
and thus a more dangerous lot of
Roy's 1 04 Wo I Oth
Save Money
Prudent people buy their drugs and
patents here and save money. Here
are a few prices:
C1.00 Peruna 6."c
$1.00 Miles' Nervine 65c
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies C5c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla C5c
$1.00 Paine's Celery Compound 65c
$1.00 Wine of Cardui f3c
$1.00 Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets.. 65c
$1 00 Plnlrhnm'cs nnmnnnnH C.'.c
strenuous rulers never ruled a free $li00 Kilmer's Swamp Root. !65c
people. Before congress will hear the $10o Scott's Emulsion 5c
demand for the referendum and ini- i nn a o o
tiative in national affairs, It will Syrup of Figs lic
have to be known that many cities and Meadows Malted Milk lie
states have easily workable referen
dum and initiative laws, which do not
require a discouraging number of pe
titioners to initiate measures or to
refer bad legislation to the people. In
Castoria, Dr. Pitcher's Formula. .. .Vic
To each purchaser of $1 worth of
goods we give a substantial present
there is no prescription too difficult
for us to fill and we'll save you
sparsely settled states, even 5 per cent money. Come in and get acquainted
The Crimes of Miles
Walter Wellman, the greatest
sycophant that whines at the feet of
imperialism and plutocracy in all
Washington, has evidently been de
puted to get up a cry against General
Miles. Roosevelt is determined to get
rid of him and has had that idea in
mind ever since Miles announced that
he agreed with Dewey, so Wellman, by
using a great daily, is trying to work
up a sentiment that will back Roose
velt in anything that he may do to
Miles. The following is the list of
crimes which Wellman says General
Miles has been guilty. They are cop
ied verbatim from Wellman's last
four-column screed:
1. Reversal of his attitude on the
canteen question, designed to popular
ize himself with the temperance and
church people.
2. Attempted interference with the
war department and publication by
him of his plan to take troops away
from posts near large cities, designed
to discredit the Roosevelt administra
tion with the labor vote.
3. Publicly linking himself with
Schley and Dewey, virtually criticis
ing the president for keeping Secre
tary Long in office, a plan to ride into
popularity on the wave of sympathy
for Schley. Also a crack at his old
"enemy," Sampson.
4. An effort to play into the hands
of the democratic anti-imperiali? ts by
assuming that the management of af
fairs in the Philippines had been a
failure and the campaign character
ized by "marked seventy." Also a
shot at his "enemy," General Chaffee,
who was under Crook and who took
Crook's side in the Geronimo dispute.
5. A savage attack upon the bill
prepared by the president and the
secretary of war for reorganization of
the army, a threat to retire if the bill
was passed (a threat which was a
bluff) and talk about a "military dic
tator," etc., almost in the words of his
friend Henry Watterson. who first
published the news of Miles' proposal
to go to the Philippines."
Wellman declares that a man guilty
of such things as the five crimes which
he enumerates should be immediately
dismissed from the United States
army, mat snows tne quality oi a
modern imperialistic sycophant. There
are a good many in Washington of the
same kind.
of the voters' names for a partition is
pretty difficult, as seen in Dakota'3
recent failure to get more than 4 per
cent of voters signatures for a refer
endum, although a reasonable amount
of work was done.
In the New England town meeting,
which Jefferson declared "the most
perfect system of self-government ever
devised by men," any 10 voters can
initiate a measure to be settled by
tne voters, njvery state except Dela
ware has the referendum in contitu-
tion making the most important law
making. In Massachusetts every year,
every town votes "yes" or "no" on
whether the .town shall license liquor
selling. In Boston just now some of
the best literary men and business
men are working with the labor or
ganizations for . the submission to the
people of a constitutional initiative.
The governor and the speaker of the
house are for It, and it will settle the
fate of many politicians
Add 25c for boxing where goods are
& Pharmacy
12th and O STS., Lincoln, Neb.
lays the eelc-brated, kJirb ral
.Inh whM'l anv tiAfcrht fmm hlirh trrade itilutneni
If We dO I Deluding frad gnaraoUod pafOBatle MrM, slXutitt
nnt o-Q It trito irar y V, q M rMl I ! Br, ue leaner camrra grip., pauara , mr mm
not get it tnis year, tne tide will rise aria iaia, umm trimi., taBtirUiir nimM thnm,
fll&'her next vear I 't, any eoiar enamel. Ptronrrat uhimpim,
We are going to get the referendum M2.75rortb,ebrUal9eK,f,"l,,F,rt,,ow"'lr":'
j jij4.t. j Mi i. i. i I 1I5.7S for tk kivhcal rraae imk hittyci BHnrumm
auu. luiuaiue, auu ttlUJl luat pruyur- jikVi joint, Napoleon or Joarphlne, complete with h
tional representation, as we got the Mt"'p""hlnc,udinMor
.. .... ... . I rrade Dneumatic tire. rearular 0.OO blcTrlr.
Australian Danot, witnout any great n nAYS rDPPTRIAI r ieyi ordered
nniea Put -nrU a-n -r.r Q ft i vr n w i.ina. .. "-' -o-arr.i
iiwioc. uui, " "cn c fecu it. uui ukji I- -,..., mMrt .r. .rll for onr free lttttf Hurtle 4 ataloa-tir.
tics will very gradually purify Itself Wdr.SEARS ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO
in this country shows that while the
people are easily deceived as to men
and parties, their common sense is
strong when voting on separate measures.
In his book, The City for the Peo
ple, (published at 1520 Chestnut' St.,
Philadelphia,) Prof. Parsons says:
"With the single exception of public
ownership of monopolies, no progres
sive idea has made anything like so
rapid progress as the referendum." In
1892 our first direct legislation league
was formed at Newark, N. J.," whence
is still Issued Eltweed Pomeroy's
quarterly, The Direct Legislation Rec
ord. In 1900 it was favored in 28 state
platforms, and 3,000 magazines and
newspapers believe in It.
New Salem. Mass.
To Nebraska Independent Readers.
A atrial arrangement has been made witb
that excellent publication cau be obtained
ONE YEAlt HIKE by reader of the Nebraska
Independent. The MlHsouri Valley Fanner la
one of the best farm papers In the Went, and
will tell you more about agricultural and live
Btock conditions in the ttreat bouthwest than
any other publication. It is filled with up-n
date reading matter in th3 breezy style oi th
West. '1 he publishers have generously offered
to send The Jf armer a whol year absolutely
free to any reader of the Nebraska Independent
who will send them Ten tienw, which barely
pays cost of mailing. Regular subscription
price 50 cents, lhe offer must be accepted
within four weeks, and under no circum
stances will the offer hold good unless It Is
stated in your letter that you are a reader of
the Nebraska Independent. Address
Missouri Valley Farmer, Topeka, Ka.
.British American Workmen
"Thirty years ago, our correspon
dent states, and we believe accurate
ly," says the London Times editorial
ly," a bricklayer would lay 1,000 or
1,200 bricks in a day. In America, we
are given to understand, the figure is
even higher. Now, by an unwritten
A rule for determining values which
requires the deduction of something In
the early part of the calculation, which
cannot be known until the calculation
is finished .nd the result known, may
delight algebraic enthusiasts but will
meet with little favor from practical
business men who use ordinary Arabic
characters in their calculations. Judge
Grosscup's rule In the Chicago tax
cases is one which no ordinary busi
ness man can apply.
Mem Wamted
To Kara flasi Balarlea fkwaa l
7SaiBaaMataiakiagirdrai f
tar Haray Naraary Stack, Val V 1
aaal Oraaaaeatala. Fottttan par- J !
ntanaat. Apply qntek, witb rrtar-
MBttnf mf a Mil I airy wanao. m
To Portland, Tacoma, Seattfe. Vic
toria, Vancouver, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego, and Intermediate
Points, $25.00
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kota at greatly reduced rates.
Homeseekers Excursions March 4
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nesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.
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For other Information call on C. H
Dean, city ticket agent, 117 So. 10th
st.: E. T. Moore, depot ticket aeent.