The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    April': 3 11902.
Location for th Building Selected Sal
f Card Continnes lu a Mont En-t-ouraglng
Manner-More Than
4,000 Uiipoted of
Oa the first page will be found a
picture made from photograph of the
location selected for Liberty Building.
We are anxious that all our readers
should let us know as soon as possible
vha,t assistance we may expect from
them in order that we may know ex
actly how to proceed with the con
struction of the building. Under the
terras of the option which we have se
eurcxl upon the lot there is a large
payment to be made May 1st. Can we
depend upon you to sell at least one
block of five before that time?
We would not attempt the construc
tion of this building except we felt
certain of the enthusiastic support of
nil the readers of The Independent.
Th-j plan adopted to accomplish
the undertaking is to sell "Liberty
Building Postals" in blocks of five for
$3.00. Each postal is good for a year's
subscription to The Independent to je
sent to any address in the United
States or Canada. What we ask of our
friends and patrons is their co-operation
in disposing of 2,000 blocks of 5.
10,0D0 cards. We have made the
pric- low to make it easy for them to
dispose of the cards. When you ask
youj neighbor to buy one of these
carie you are not asking him to con
tribute or donate anything. You are
in reality offering to sell him a year '3
subtcription to The Independent at 40
cent less than he could buy the sub
scription direct. We can afford to make
this low rate for these cards in blocks
of five for three reasons: First, we do
not have to pay an agent his wages
and traveling expenses to secure the
subscriptions. All that expense, which
is usually heavy, we avoid by this
method. Second, we will use the mon
ey to build a home for The Indepen
dent an ' quit paying rent which now
costs us $65 per month. Third, we
wished to make it easy for our friends
to sell the car-ls. Those are the plain
: easons why we are selling "Liberty
Building Subscriptions" in blocks of
five at the low figure we are. We have
been as liberal in our offer as possi
ble. It costs more money to publish
a paper devoted to the defense of tne
plain reople than to publish one ad
vocating the cause of plutocracy. The
money power would gladly furnish
material to fill all our columns free of
charge if we would accept it. They
would be liberal with their advertis
ing patronage and generous to a fault
if we would indorse their legalized
jobberies. That's why plutocratic
sheets cost so little. Shall we give you
that kind of a paper? Never! We
will print the truth and sell the paper
as cheaply as we can. Invite your
neighbor to try it for a year. Ask
him to compare' it with the hand-me-downs
and ready made stuff furnished
him by the organs-of plutocracy. :
Here is the roll of Liberty Guards
and what they have done to date. Let
us add your name to the list:
No. cards
Previously acknowledged. . . . . . . . .1542
Jno Moles, Fairbury, Neb 5
Herman J. Parmley, Mineral Point,
Wis 5
J. B. Vaughn, Ft. Calhoun, Neb 5
Wm. Fessler, Garnett, Kas 5
F. U. Barnard, Fremont, Neb 5
J. C. May, Buck Horn, Wyo 5
Mrs. R. D. Stewart, Cortland, Neb. 5
Amos Wilson, Lexington, Neb 5
D. W. Lamberman, Broken Bow,
Neb 5
Jno Barnes, Clarks, Neb.. 5
1. S. Merrick, Brainard, Neb 5
G. L. Ditto, Brady, Neb 5
Jno Peters, Peters, Neb 5
C. A. Skoog, Holdrege, Neb 5
C. L. Bridge, Savage. Neb 5
Geo. II . Masonhall, Homestead, Okl. 5
L. D. Sturdevant, Cedar Rap., Neb. 5
J as. Seaman, Norden, Neb 5
Jos. Krebeck, Fairbury, Neb 5
J. E. Evans, Sargent, Neb 10
Geo. A. Millspaugh, Atkinson, Neb. 5
E. R. Woods, Burwell, Neb 5
D. E. Gilbert, Burwell, Neb 5
J. S. Williver. Weeping Water, Neb. 5
L. Q. Bails, Taylor, Neb... 5
Jos. H. Chambeon, "Dawson, la 5
Alph Andrews, Overton, Neb 5
To state committee of Neb 2500
Grand total..
Chairman Da France Reports Progrre of
Kale of Liberty Building 1'ostals
To State Committee, People's Inde
pendent Party: I deem it advisable at
this time to make report of what has
been done in the Liberty Building pos
tal matter.
Shortly after Col. Eager announced
li is plan of giving a block of five sub
scriptions for $3. I decided to take 500
blocks of them on behalf of the com
mittee, and send a block of each to 500
populists with instructions to dispose
of the cards as advantageously as pos
sible; otherwise to return them. Be
sides the mere fact of extending the
circulation of The Independent (which
I believe would add to our party
strength), I had in mind ascertaining
a number of other facts which might
prove useful to us in our coming cam
paign. Sufficient time has elapsed so
that a fair report can now be made.
Feb. 15. 1902. mailed 500 letters.
March 27, 1902, received 223 replies
to date.
23 blocks sold, wholly or partially.
102 blocks returned.
2S5 blocks not heard from.
L. A. Beltzer, Osceola: W. J. Wer
han, Fairbury; J. W. Ellis, Max: J.
Heiser. Paxton: Wm. Beatty. Brady;
D. W. Baker, Franklin; W. W. George,
Fairbury; E. R. Reece. Greenwood;
N. V. Anderson, Swede Home; each a
block of five. P. C. Larsen, Holstein
(1): Scott McFarland. Liberty (4);
J. P. E. Carlson, Stromsburg (1); J.
P. Hardin, Huntley (2); W. H. Palmer,
Hastings (3) ; F. B. King, R. F. D. No.
1, Ederar (2): Frank Meuret, Venus
(1); G. W. Pepoon, Table Rock (1);
C. E. Wright, Allen (1); James Walk
er, Dunbar (1); F. Purdy, Overton
(1); N. Fablinger, Gandy (4); S. Le
Blanc, Sutton (1); James A. Muir,
Swanton (3). Total ,71 cards; total
receipts. $54.36; for The Independent
space . to give the names of the 192
persona who have returned the cards
sent them. One letter was returned
undelivered. One person addressed
had died since last fall, and his son
returned the -cards. Eighty-four
cards were returned without any com
ment whatever, and 106 wrote letters
explaining why they could do nothing.
The latter may be roughly classified
about as follows:
10 Hard times.
13 Moved or moving away.
10 Poor health.
30 No time to attend to it.
29 Failed to sell the cards.
14 Miscellaneous, Including
To the 285 persons who still have in
their possession the blocks of cards,
I would say: Take your time to the
work if you believe you can dispose of
the cards; otherwise, kindly return
them to me soon, so I may send them
out to others. C. Q. DE FRANCE,
Senator Patterson Show II lm up Breach
Among Republicans Grows Wider
Oar Duty to the Philippines
Ship Builders Lobby
Washington, D. C, Mar. 31, 1902.
Special Correspondence:
Two incidents of more than ordi
nary interest engrossed congressional
attention this week, one in the house
and one in the senate.
The various interviews of Gen.
Funston of Kansas, who has placed
himself in training for republican
stump oratory by denouncing as trai
tors and threatening to hang all those
who are opposed to administration
imperialism in the Philippines, and
who has declared President Roose
velt to be in sympathy with such
talk, led Senator Patterson, of Colora
do, to take these as a text for some
remarks in the senate Thursday. Pat
terson is a scrapper from Scrappers
ville and is developing Into a sena
torial leader, with the prospect that
he and Tillman will be amply able to
expose the iniquity of the powers
that be. Mr. Patterson read Funs
ton's own account of his capture of
Aguinaldo, and then quoted from va
rious standard works on international
law and the proceedings of The Hague
peace conference to show that Funs
ton violated every rule- of civilized
warfare and encompassed the capture
of the Filipino leader by methods that
would shame savagery. Every au
thority on the subject, as . well as
every consideration of good faith, con
demns the use of the enemy's flag or
uniform in military operations among
civilized powers, and yet this is what
Funston admits he did. No one doubts
the Funston courage, , but reasonable
men will not fail to condemn the rep
rehensible way he "had of showing it.
Military strategy is' one thing
trickery and a violation of civilized
war methods is still another. -
The same afternoon, minority lead
er Richardson presented in the house
a resolution directing investigation of.
the charge of one Capt$ Walter. Christ
mas, an agent or; uenmarK, tnai ne
was to receive $500,000 as a fund from
the proceeds of the sale to the United
States of the Danish West Indies with
which to bribe and bulldoze the Ameri
can congress into a ratification of the
treaty. -'
The report of the negotiations made
by Christmas to the Danish govern
ment is a lengthy one and implicates
in charges of general crookedness a
number of men prominent in the offi
cial and business life of the country.
Among these are Senator Hanna, Ab
ner McKinley, Congressman Gardner,
Rogers of the Standard Oil company
and other prominent republican lead
ers. The report goes on to say that
through the late president's brother,
Abner, he gained the entree to the
White house and from there conduct
ed his negotiations and received in
structions as to how to best "ap
proach" those members of congress
who needed to be "seen."
The whole matter has been exposed
through the quarreling of those who
wanted to share the half-million swag.
Rogers demanded his shatre, declaring
that his company absolutely con
trolled 29 members of the upper house
of congress and that he would defeat
the treaty of ratification unless he
was included in the distribution.
Hanna, Gardner, et al, were very
useful, the agent says, in arranging
meetings and interviews and dinner
parties to win over various members
of eongresa.
The charges are among the most
sensational that ever involved official
life of the country. When the reso
lution was introduced by Richardson,
the republicans were" thunder-struck
and clamored to have the matter ruled
out of order. Failing in this, they
did not dare to vote down the resolu
tion and a committee was appointed
by the speaker to investigate ' the
charges. The democrats undoubt-edly
scored a good political point on their
opponents and republican chagrin was
The conviction is growing that the
democrats, populists and f usionists
are bound to make substantial gams
in the next house and very probably
control it.
The republican breach is growing
wider every day and democrats are
more confident than for many months,
fully believing that the country at
large will not endorse this fall the
Saturnalia of corruption which the
majority has inaugurated.
The army appropriation bill was dis
posed of this week by the house and
attention is now being devoted to the
revenue cutter service measure.
Congress will adjourn when is a
prominent query and various guesses
are hazarded from June 1st to July
15th. The congressional elections of
the fall will have a tendency to hasten
the end of the session.
Jacob Gould Schuman, president of
the first Philippine commission," con
tributes to a late issue of the Christian
Endeavor World a symposium of his
views on the oriental question or
"Our Duty to the Filipinos." Schur
man's position as an educator and
scholar was so high that the late
President McKinley entrusted -him
acts of our own, are really enemies.
Schuman declares this question to be
the greatest now confronting the re-1
public, and continuing says: - '
"If we are to discover what we
ought to do, it is essential to discern
what we ought to avoid. The straight
and narrow path steers clear of sins
of omission on the one. side and sins
of commission on the other. And we
shall be able to thread our course
with more certainty if we note the
seductive but forbidden prospects
which it passes and leaves behind. I
mean that what it is our duty to do
to and for the Filipinos will become
clearer if we consider what our own
moral sense and Christian conscious
ness tell us it would be wrong to do
to and for the Filipinos.
"First, then, it is wrong to think
of the Philippines or their inhabitants
as the property or posesslon of us
Americans. ,
"It is true that we have lawful sov
ereignty over them; but sovereignty
means responsibility for government
for peace, order, and international
behavior. Sovereignty over a coun
try does not signify a property right
in it. England has sovereignty over
Canada; but England does not own
a foot of land in the Dominion, nor
has she any right over the person or
property of any Canadians. The
country in its entirety is owned by
private individuals or it is held by
the Canadian government for the
public in general.
In the same way the rice fields, the
sugar estates, the tobacco plantations,
the hemp farms, of the Philippine
islands are the property of the indi
vidual Filipinos; and the unoccupied
areas, though now controlled by the
United States, are held in trust for
the people of the Philippine islands;
and, when a central government is
established there, this trust will un
doubtedly devolve upon it. as the
control of the public lands within their
own borders has been devolved by
congress upon the several states of
our own union.
"All the natural resources of the
Philippines lands, minerals, forests,
fish, etc. belong thus to the inhabi
tants of the Islands. Our sovereignty,
so far as its affects these, is simply
a trust on behalf of the people until
the people are so organized politi
cally that they may undertake it for
"Consequently any exploitation of
the Philippines by the United States
would be the grossest violation of a
trust; it would be the robbery of an
orphan ward by executors, an out
rage on humanity, and a sin against
high heaven.
"Yet, strange to say, there are
Americans who point to the Philip
pine gold, coal, hemp, lumber, tobaa
co, and lands as means of enriching
the United States or its citizens! Of
course you may go there, and buy these
things, and develop trade, and make
money; but so may a Spaniard, a
0i90 EJECTING SH0TQUN. The JLongKanire Win
ntr, one of the strongest shooting' and best made 12-
gauge pnotguns mace,
equal to guns others
Crlfl IIC ftQ QQ and we will send this trun to you
OtllU UO $0i90 with the understanding if it Is
not the most wonderful gun bargain you ever heard of, yon
can return It tons at our expense nnd we will return your $3. 8.
OLTON, equal to guns others sell at S2S.OC to
$30.00. Write for FKKK til'N CATALOGUE. Address,
Save Money
Prudent people buy their drugs and
patents here and save money. Here
are a few prices:
$1.00 Peruna 65c
$1.00 Miles' Nervine 65c
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies 65c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla .G5c
$1.00 Paine's Celery Compound 65c
$1.00 Wine of Cardui 65c
$1.00 Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets.. 65c
$1.00 Pinkham's Compound 65c
$1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 65c
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion tJ5c
$1.00 S. S. S. 63c
Syrup of Figs lUc
Meadows Malted Milk 33c
Castoria, Dr. Pitcher's Formula. .. '.13c
To each purchaser of $1 worth of
goods we give a substantial present
there is no prescription too difficult
for us to fill and we'll save you
money. Come in and get acquainted.
Add 25c for boxing -where goods are
Gut Rate
12th and O STS., Lincoln, Neb.
To Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vic
toria, Vancouver, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego, and intermediate
Points, $25.00
To Spokane and Intermediate Points,
$22.50. .
March 25, April 1 and 8, to certain
points in Minnesota and North Da
kota at greatly reduced rates.
Hotneseekers' Excursions March 4
and.J.8, April 1 and 15, May 6 and 20,
to certain points in Nebraska, Wyoming,-
North and South " Dakota, Min
nesota, Wisconsin -and Michigan.
"The Best of Everything."
For other information call on C. H.
Dean, city ticket "agent, 117 So. 10th
st.; E. T. Moore, depot ticket agent,
cor. 9th and S sts.;' R. W. McGinnis,
general agent.
Big Horn Basin
Are you interested in the" Big Horn
Basin of Wyoming? f
It's a rich but undeveloped portion
of Northwestern Wyoming. It con
tains marvellous openings . for small
ranches along good streams in the
valleys, with one million acres of gov
ernment land open to settlement under
the United States land laws, v
The Burlington Route has just pub
lished a folder descriptive of the Big
Horn Basin. It Js illustrated and con
tains an accurate map. It tells about
the lay of the land, character of the
soil, products, yield, irrigation and
Tf vnn'rn jritPrpgf-pfT hptter writ
German, or an Englishman; and the
result does not in any way depend
upon American sovereignty over the
Philippines. Yet, undoubtedly, the
American jingo 'would use American
sovereignty " over the archipelago to
exploit the Filipinos for his own sel
fish end3. This, if ever permitted,
would be the unpardonable sin of
America against the Filipinos.
"Do you ask, What is our duty to
the Filipinos? I answer, our duty to
the Filipinos is to help them to help
themselves, to aid them to develop
their own powers without undermin
ing them, to enable them to get on
their own feet' and gradually stand
alone and unaided.
"This is what I found in 1899 that
nearly all educated and pi-opertied
Filipinos wanted. They did not re
gard .Aguinaldo or his so-called Phil
ipine republic as the representatives
of the Philippine people. But they
never lost sight of the fact that there
was a Philippine people, who had a
country of their: own, and who want
ed some day to control their own des
tinies. Only, as the islands had been
for , three centuries under Saanish do
minion, all self-government had been
destroyed ; arid they wanted the
United States to . stay in the archi
pelago long enough to organize the in
habitants politically and get them
well started in a career of self-government.
That done, they wished a
sovereign and independent republic of
their own. -
"The one all-embracing duty which
Americans owe the Filipinos is to
give them all the home rule they de
sire, and independence as soon as they
want .it and are-fit to exercise it as
well as the average republic of Cen
tral or South America. Of course
this final step presupposes the political
organization of the Filipinos, and an
organic act for that purpose should
be passed by the present congress.
"Such a measure should provide for
a popular assembly of represe'
tives elected by the Filipinos them
selves. When that' is organized, the
Philippine people will . for the first
time have. an; officialaorgan qualified
to speak for them. At present there
is none. And what that popular as
sembly of the Filipinos petitions the
United States for, we must be pre
pared to grant; We .will grant it,
first, because we believeiin government
of the people by? the people, in the
government of Filipinos by Filipinos,
not of Filipinos by Americans; and,
secondly, because what a united na
tion like the Filipinos want they will
eventually at any cost secure. In 1899
I found the Filipinos more or less
disunited; but fighting against an
other race and foreign domination has
unified them and fired their souls with
the idea of national independence.'
All this is worthy the attention of
those who are so ready to hang (by
proxy) every man who agrees with
Schurman that there is something
higher and better in national exist
ence than the making of money and
the gaining of territory. v
Can we do this?, is not the, real
question of the hour. Ought we to do
it? is the question and should be
answered in an American way that
would, haVe pleased and satisfied the
founders and builders of the republic.
' It has been the practice of the ad
ministration for a number of years,
in return' for the large contributions
of ship builders to the campaign fund,
to farm out large government con
tracts to these builders, and while our
navy has been improved and is a gen
eral source of , satisfaction to all, the
government is being robbed of large
sums, of money through the favorit
ism of the agents of the party in
A very considerable agitation has
been raised all over the country, and
this agitation is just and righteous,
demanding that hereafter all naval
vessels shall be ' constructed in gov
ernment ship yards and the money
expended there among the men rather
than poured into the coffers of mil
lionaire contractors.
A few figures will be instructive. In
1890, when' the ship" builders had
practically no competition, the price
of finished ships1 to the government
was $609 per ton. Since that time,
three new contratcors have entered
the field and the. same ships now cost
the government but '$401 per ton.
So much for competition and what
it is now saving the government, and
no wonder that these contractors are
opposed to the building of ships in
government navy yards.
The net profit to private contractors
has varied from $1,569,861 -.on the
battleship Massachusetts to $1,202,072
on the battleship Iowa.
Under the competition of the Mare
Island navy yard, equally good work
has been turned 'out at a saving to the
government of over 30per cent "and
in much less time.
England builds 50 per cent of her
ships in her own navy yards, France
builds .63 per cent, ' Germany 60 per
cent, while Japan and Russia are
preparing to build all in the same way.
It is not only good business judge
ment and a practical saving to pro
vide for governmental construction,
but is a move of tangible importance
in case of war when haste in construc
tion is necessary.''"'
The shipbuilders' lobby is here! in
full force to bolster up the present
contract system. The government
navy yards have no lobbyists in the
halls of congress, but they have the
moral support, as numerous petitions
presented to congress attest, of thous
ands of American citizens who are
not yet wholly committed to the idea
that public patronage is a private
snap, parceled out in return for elec
tion day favors. H. W. RISLEY.
either in the army, navy or in any
civil department is to be allowed ; to
express an opinion In conflict with the
policies of the administration. Assis
tant Secretary Taylor is to be reprir
manded for expressing an opinion
upon the Chinese exclusion act. "The
king can do no wrong," and underlings
must remember that fact at all times
and conduct themselves accordingly.
Congressman James M. Griggs of
Georgia has been elected chairman of
the democratic congressional cam
paign committee. It is that Lewis
Nixon, the new head of Tammany, will
be the chairman of the finance committee.
There is much suffering in New
York city on account of the high
price of meat. It has been rising grad
ually for a year and is the highest
ever known, the wholesale price to
retailers being 10 cents a pound for
the whole carcas. There has been a
corresponding rise in all kinds of meat
and now the most of the poor cannot
eat meat at all. The price of dressed
meats in New York is out of all pro
portion to the price of cattle in the
west and the meat trust piles up mil
lions. Remedy: Vote the republican
News of the Week
.For a long time the old soldiers
have been vociferously demanding the
removal of H. Clay Evans, commis
sioner of pensions, but they always got
the . cold shoulder, both from McKinr
ley and Roosevelt. Mr. Evans has
now sent jn his resignation and it is
announced that ; he will be promoted
to a diplomatic position with more
pay and higher honors. Mark Hanna
has not so much need of the soldier
vote, or at least; he thinks that he
hasn't, so not so much attention is
paid to their wishes as formerly.
The Chicago Tribune in discussing
the theft of a valuable wrap at one of
Mrs. Roosevelt's musicales where no
one was admitted except by card and
all the guests were of the very highest
standing, says that sort of thing is
very common in Chicago and every
other large city, which only goes to
show that The Independent's asser
tion that the rich are , naturally
thieves is true.
The oleomargarine bill has been up
for discussion all the week in the sen
ate. Perhaps the meatjtrust will find
out before the row is over that the old
maxim that honesty is the best policy
applies to this product with special
emphasis. The article is a cheap and"
wholesome food and would have been
a blessing to thousands of families.
If the manufacturers had been honest
and put the article on the market and
advertised it for what it was. they
would have created a large and lucra
tive legitimate business. Now it is
about to be taxed out of existence.
The constitutionality of such a pro
ceeding The Independent very much
doubts, but the men who so persist
ently undertook to, propagate a fraud
deserve all that they will get in the
way of punishment.
Reports from Arkansas are to the
effect that Senator James K. Jones,
who was the chairman of the demo
cratic national committee during the
last two presidential campaigns, was
beaten at the democratic primaries for
renomination and that ex-Governor
James P. Clark has carried all the
counties in the state with the excep
tion of five.
Theological freaks abound in Kan
sas as well as every other 'sort of
freak. A Methodist conference down
there has found Rev. Dr. Lowther
guilty of heresy and expelled him from
the church and ministry because he
said the language in the Bible de
scribing the temptation of Eve was
figurative and that it was a real per
son and not a snake that did the talk
ing a person coming probably from
the land where Cain got his wife.
That caps the climax on all heresy
trials that were ever heard of in these
United States.
Mr. C. D. Rudd, a partner of Cecil
Rhodes, has just landed in London
from South Africa. He says that there
is no prospect of the ending of the
Boer war. He intimates that the re
cent embassies and armistice are-simply
stock jobbing moves to let some
of the fellows on the inside of the
"Afrikander," as the South African
mining stock is called, get a chance
to unload. He sa3rs that the last fight
ing in the war will be in Cape Colony
where a large portion of the inhabi
tants are Boers and are already in ac
tive revolt against the British rule.
The attempts to' collect damages for
losses suffered by. the missionaries in
China is causing the loss of thousands
of lives. A cablegram says: "Re
sistance to the payment of missionary
claims is to be expected in localities
where the population is poor and
large sums are levied." Missionaries
making such demands are of the im
perial sort, and they and their de
mands are travesty upon Christianity.
It is about time that the supplies of
societies sending out such men were
cut off, and men representing somp
other sort of a religion sent to take
their places. 4
J. Pierpont Morgan has installed an
electric plant in St. Paul's cathedral,
London. Morgan looks after the up
holding of imperialism on both sides
of the ocean.
Mr. A. P. Childs says: "Whoever
declares that Mr. Cleveland profitted,
in money, through his rigid adherence
to the cause of sound money, has
nothing but political suspicion and
unwarranted aspersion to commend
such assertions." It seems to The In
dependent that there is something
more than "suspicion" upon which to
ground such a belief. Mr. Cleveland
went into the White house a poor
man and he came out worth about $3,
000,000. He made a contract with J.
Pierpont Morgan and sold him bonds
at, we believe, 104, when the same
bonds were quoted on .the market at
116 to 118. The profits on that oper
ation were about $9,000,000. Did they
all go to Morgan?
Herbert Welch sends up a wailing
cry because the church papers will
not print articles concerning the hor
rors of the Philippine war. Mr. Her
bert Welch Is an Episcopalian and he
says that he wrote to 70 bishops of the
sect and only twelve made any. reply
whatever," and that all the protestant
church papers. Including the Outlook,
refused to print anything at all on
that subject. The only papers that
accepted articles on that subject were
those published by the Catholics and
Quakers. lie feels sure that if he
could only get the facts before the
people that they "would demand in
tkn a me of humanity and justice th a t
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periali3m to keep the people in ignor
ance of the facts while the authorities
go on in their bloody business. When
he had an opportunity to help oust the
powers of greed, he preferred the re
publican candidate because he was so
awfully frighted at the cry of a "50
cent dollar." Mr. Welch is a very
rich man and lives upon interest and
he wanted that interest money to have
a very large purchasing power. Greed
and imperialism are twin brothers.
Irrefutable evidence has been intro
duced before the committee on; Phil
ippine affairs, some of it coming from
Governor Taft himself, that the
speeches of Beverldge and other im
perialists in the senate have been
translated into Spanish and Tagalog by
the Filipino Junta and circulated all
over. the islands and that it was those
speeches that, have nerved the natives
to keep tip the war and not speeches
such as were made by Prof. Schucman
and others. Beveridge introduced a
resolution to investigate the effect
upon the Filipinos of the speeches of
anti-imperialists, but when he learned
the trend of the testimony already
given he withdrew it.
It seems that the republicans gen
erally are after the scalp of Speaker
Henderson. The speaker told one
truth and that forever damned him in
the eye of every true blue republican.
He said: "The press is being manip
ulated to send out lies." Having
found out that the speaker was capa
ble of telling the truth once, the
whole gang got frightened and they
will-have no more of him. Paragraphs
derogatory of him are printed all over
the United States and as they appear
in many instances, in papers as far
apart as Alabama and Nebrska, it
would seem that Mark Hanna's edi
torial bureau is at the bottom of it.
There is quite a lot of fresh baked
pie to be distributed to loyal republi
cans on the 20th of May when the
Cuban nation comes into existence.
President Roosevelt sent a description
of its qualities to congress in a spe
cial message announcing that at that
date the government of the islands
would be turned over to the Inhabi
tants thereof. He says: "I therefore
recommend that provision be forth
with made and the salaries appro
priated, to be immediately available
to pay envoy extraordinary and min
ister plenipotentiary to the republic of
Cuba, $10,000; (b) secretary of the le
gation, $2,000: (c) second secretary of
the legation. $1,500? (d) consul general
at Havana. $5,000; (e) consuls at Cien
fuegos, $3,000; . Santiago de Cuba, $3,-
The senate committee has finished
the bill for the government of the
Philippine islands. Nowhere in it is
a hint that the Filipinos are ever to
have independence, and we may as
well make up our minds for a forcible
occupation of the islands as long as
the people are ' willing to keep an
army of fifty thousand men there. The
bill provides for the free and unlim
ited coinage of silver which Is made a
legal tender and for the establishment
of a mint to coin Filipino dollars of
416 grains (the American silver dol
lar contains 412 grains) and on the
Filipino dollar to be inscribed "the
sovereignty of the United States and
that it is the coin of the, Philippine
islands, together with the denomina
tion of the coin expressed in English.
Filipino and Chinese characters and
the date of its coinage." This dollar
is made full legal tender in the Philippines.
In Burlington and Shenandoah, la.,
both long-time republican strongholds,
the republicans were beaten out of
everything at the city elections.
The Philippine bill introduced into
the senate reminds one of the charge
given b a minister to another min
ister when installing hf!m as pastor of
a colored church. ' He paid: "Preach
Christ and him crucified and leave
this here complicated question of hen
leave this complicated question of the
rights of man, the Declaration of In
dependence and the constitution
The Maryland legislature has passed
a bill admitting women to practice
Jaw in all the courts of that state
with a clause declaring that no one
shall be denied admission to the bat
on account of race, color or previous
condition of servitude. That is pret
ty good for an old slave-holding state
like Maryland.
Althoueh the City election in Chica
go is said to have resulted in a net
gain of alderman each for the republi
cans and democrats, in reality" it is a
gain of twenty-eight out of thirty-six
for populistlc principles. Th1 new
i 1 m on . v. 1 1
UUUUUll Will CUIiBIM UI OV7 I rpULMIl 1 113.
80 democrats, and 1 independent: but
of 36 aldermen recommended for elec
tion by the municipal voters' league.
28 were elected, and that means 28
members committed to the principles
of municipal ownership of public utll
I'.Ids and direct legislation. George
H. Shibley has been in Chicago a
number of weeks and the effect of his
good work is manifest. Press dis
patches say that the backbone of some
of the hardest fiehtlng done in the
election was performed by the learn1.
Direct legislation received a wonder
ful impetus in this election. The vot
ers of Chicago expressed themselves
on the auestions of abolition of U
various "town" governments; munic
ipal ownership of street car svptem,
gas works and other public ut'litis:
and the nomination of candidates by
vote at the primaries instead of by
the usual custom of holrlini city co
ven'. 'ons. All of these questions car-'
ried. but none of them carries anv na
tion except the vote on abolition of U
town governments. The others -press
the wish of the people, howevrr,
and must finally become law, for. w'th
28 aldermen committed to the prin
ciples there will be a strong effort
made to conform to the wishes of the
people. -Hurrah for populist Chicago!
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Hardy's Column
At present there is quite a rush of
cattlemen into Canada, on to the
plains west of Winnipeg. There Is a
tract of country - there, on the east
slopes f the Rocky mountains, more
than a thousand miles square, splen
did for grazing. They have snow and
rain enough to make the grass grow,
then it dries off In the fall and makes
good winter hay on the ground. Tor
onto and Montreal markets are just
a3 good as Buffalo and New York for
everything to be exported. Wheat is
always a little higher in those mar
kets, because it is all English and the
Yankees get no smell of it between the
fields where it grew and the Liverpool
market. For several hundred miles
around Winnipeg the soil and climate
is splendid for. wheat. The general
impression prevails that it is a cold,
frigid country, but the climate is much
milder than Minnesota, or the Dako
tas. It is down almost to . the sea
level. A foot down is equivalent to a
mile south. Lake Winnipeg is only
three or four hundred feet above the
sea. Canada,' Siberia and South
America are getting the European