7 - : ) THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT March 27, 1902 tffe Jlebraska Independent Lincoln, Hebraska' , , PRESSE BLDC, CORNER I3TH AND N $T$ P&BUSHED JfflVKBT THURSDAY $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Wihan making remittance . do -, not laava money with news ageaeiss, postmasters, ate, to be fan-warded by them. . They frequently forget or remit a different amount than was left with them, and the subscriber fails to ret proper credit. Address all communications, and make all drafts, money . ers, etc., payable to . . X&t Nebraska Independent, : Lincoln. Neb. Anonynaons communications will, not be no ticed. B ejected manuscript will not be re nratd. .. . v The war department Is suffering from too much Corbin. The "Boy Orator of tne Platte" has disappeared forever Mr. Bryan is forty-two years old." v The plutocracy has its church' in these - days as in the days of old ; and "the priests thereof teach for -hire." Tom Johnson has got his three-cent fare under way in Cleveland at last in spite cf Mark Hanna and -all his co horts. It is very evident . that Lieut. Gen, Miles doesn't care a rap whether he remains .In command of the army or not. .The general opinion is that Miles is a fighter, Corbin an intrlguer' and Root a corporation, lawyer out of his ele ment. Opinions are things that are always lese majesty with this administration whether they concern a reorganization of the army or the decisions of naval courts. ' In England the graveyards are filled six deep, one body on top of each other. There was an urgent necessity for new graveyards. They have' been found in South Africa.; . The mosiJUaej:cusabiebreach jifj par liamentary law that can be committed in, the United States senate is to tell thp nlflin nnvflrniahoil rntVi Si,ri , sin as that is never forgiven. A Scotch woman" who had been greatly helped by a man offered the following prayer: "May he dwell with the rich all his life and with the poor after death." That reached the! very heights of gratitude. - It ' is said that. General Wood and the United States soldiers will leave Cuba about the first of May, but Nee ley, Rathbun and Reeves have be come so attached to .the island that they will remain there for some years. Cleveland talks about "true dem ocracy" and Clem Deav"er: used to talk about "true populism." They both meant the same thing for these men when they speak that way simply mean Mark Hanna republicanism. . .They all got a slice. That is very evident for the river and harbor bill appropriating over $60,000,000 for the improvement of creeks, ponds, un- j known rivers and internal canals passed the house without a division. Lord Wollesey should make a re port upon the graveyards of South Africa and the number of British sol diers who sleep their last sleep upon the velts, the result of the machina tions of Joe Chamberlain and Cecil' Rhodes. A republican : paper , points to the large shipments of meat to the Phil ippines as ah evidence of our great trade with those islands. Would not the American soldiers eat even more meat; if . they were at home and trade be that much better? ' Capt. A. P. Gardner, the son-in-law of Senator Lodge, is after the seat in congress vacated Dy Mr. Moody, ap pointed secretary of the navy. That is the right thing. -If we are to have imperialism, family influence will be come a great factor in government. . A ship subsidy. That is, millions to be given to millionaires and not one cent to poor Jack or to the men who work In the seething hells down twen ty feet below the level of the sea feed ing the raging furnaces. That is re publicanism. Go and vote for it. The treasury surplus became such a threat against ..the prosperity vOt, this country that the patriotic Mark Han na "devised a. scheme to reduce it. There being no other way in sight, he planned a bill to give $180,000,000 of it to the millionaires who own the big steamship lines. Only -six repub licans recoraea tneir objections to this ov pvr couie. Boia ny au drug- i mostr THEN AND NOW This is "Passion Week" and the oc curences of this week 1869 years ago have had a greater influence upon the world and upon mankind than any other seven days in all history. Every man will agree to that whether agnos tic or believer. The Independent goes into thousands of families, some are Catholics, some protestants, some Jews and some are liberal or agnostics. They subscribe for and read the paper for its summary of news and because of the political principles it advocates. The only discussion of that week that The Independent -: could indulge' in would be; from the economic and po litical standpoint. A viewj of the his tory that has come down to us of the transactions of those momentous days shows that the same struggle was in progress then,a& now. Economic, and political terms have changed, but the things designated are the same. There was imperialism, trusts, bank sharp3 and a reformer then the same as now. Palistine was a conquered province and governed from Rome according to the same " theories that the republican party hasr adopted and put. in practice in the Philippines and in Porto Rico. Rome haduacquired the land just as we have acquired the Philippines, by a war of conquest, and governed it just as the republican party governs mod ern provinces, by appointees from the central government, without the con sent of the governed. , There was aa ' privileged class then just as now. They were not produc ers, but lived upon the products of the labor of other men. Josephus says that there were 20,000 priests in Je rusalem who lived upon the revenues of the temple. To increase these rev enues a trust had'been formed to con trol the price of the articles used in the temple worship. These articles certain animals, birds, incense, etc. were a monopoly and controlled by a trust. The bankers, who were then called money-changers, had their "graft" the same as now. The Roman money was as good as the Jewish coin, but the bankers in collusion with the temple trust had made an ar rangement not to accept in payment for temple dues any kind of money but the Jewish coins, and these bank ers who had located themselves with in the temple skinned the people when they came to , get the only kind of money tha was. legal tender there. The bankers wanted the Roman coins "redeemed" In the Jewish coins. They aret . putting up. the same kind of a game today and 'want silver coins "redeemed" in gold coins. So they had the banks' the, trusts and imper ialism Jtjieiv ih& .same., as now. ? HOw about the reformer. ; of those times. : He - seems to have been ; very popular 'with the common people,, for it is . said ."'the; cpmmofl' people . heard him gladly." . He, was a very, radical sort of a reformer. When, he saw how the trust and the bankers were swind ling-the. people he was so indignant that he seized a whip and drove the whole crowd v of them out into the street and told them that they were j making the place a den for thieves and j robbers. The Independent has talked that way about the modern kind and some very ; good people have been shocked. No doubt the same class were just as badly shocked 1869 years ago when that reformer used those awful words. The reformer at Jerusalem met with very much the same kind of treatment that the reformers of these times are subjected to, only they are not now crucified. At first the people flocked to him, but when the days of persecu tion came they deserted. He was called a "traitor" just as the men of the present time who oppose imperialism, trusts and banks are. They said that he wanted to destroy ; the "govern ment," but his opponents were "for the government, right or wrong." They did not meet his reasoning with coun ter arguments, or try to, for a Pharisee stood no better chance with him in an argument than.,a- modern monopolist or gold standard man would in a joint debate with Bryan or Towne. But as Jerusalem was a colony just like the Philippines, and was ruled by . imper ialists, V they ? executed . this V reformer with as little ceremony as, Major Wal ler did the eleven -Filipino prisoners whom he ordered shot without'the for mality of ;a trial. For the moment the imperialists,, trusts and banks were triumphant. But ,s "Yea, though thou lie upon the dust. When they who helped thee flee in ' fear; ; Die full of hope and manly trust, Like those who fall in battle here. Another hand thy sword shall wield, Another hand thy standard wave, Till from the trumpet's mouth Is pealed The flash of triumph o'er the grave." . LACK OF SUPPORT A long sermon might be preached from the text that populists and demo crats generally do not give their own party papers the hearty support nec essary : to Insure success. Your av erage republican takes but one paper generally take two or more papers- and one of these is very-likely to be a republican paper. Hence, the re publican papers, get more than their share of the support. Frank S. Reed, editor of the Lisbon (N. D.) Search light, after trying nearly three years to disprove it, finally was compelled to acknowledge the truth of the state ments above, and has decided to seek another field; WE WILL NOT DO IT -5 The Filipino junta at-Hong Kong has written a letter to President Roosevelt that if it had been written at another time to another govern ment, it would have set this country on fire from end to end, it Is so pa triotic and so pathetic. In the begin-J ning they say: : We do no require any further lesson to teaeh us the immeasur able superiority in power of a na tion which has enjoyed all the blessings of liberty for more than a hundred years, and which is ten times as great in population, and incalculably greater in wealth. . It concludes with this statement: Finally the hope, and with the earnest prayer that this apeal may meet with a favorable re sponse, we respectfully represent that no way can be found of put ting an end to this unhappy con flict, which does not include an adequate assurance to our people of some form of ultimate national life. We ask in all sincerity, is not this aspiration both legit imate and laudable, and if so, : what other course would you have a self-respecting people adopt? What greater proof of our sincer ity and devotion could there be than the prolongation of resist ance even after the complete su premacy of American arms has been established? The arms of America can march unresisted from end to end of our country, but wherever they are not pres ent our people unite, drawn to gether by a common desire. The American armies can defeat our troops, but they cannot defeat or destroy this desire, unless by the destruction of those who hold it, c and such an act as this we can never believe the American people would knowingly authorize. Could any one of us have imagined when we were boys and recited on Friday afternoons Patrick Henry's im passioned appeal, "Give me liberty or give me death," that we would live to see the clay that the government we worshiped would ever turn a deaf ear to an appeal like that? Did we ever dream that the. time would come when armies of . conquest would be sent out by this republic and ruthlessly slay the men who like Patrick Henry con tinued to say: "Give me liberty or give., me death?" VfOb, the i shame, the indescribable shame of it! Is the love of liberty dead? Are all the ideas of our boyhood days blotted out forever? The Independent does not believe it. It says to the Filipinos: "The Amer ican people will never authorize it." We are now under the heavy hand of the imperialists. We suffer our gen erals to call us traitors because we still love, liberty. But this nightmare of imperialism will pass and we will arise from our degradation, light anew the torch of liberty and lead the na tions on to complete freedom. In that day you, too, shall have liberty. CHICAGO ANARCHISTS Chicago has the anarchists to con tend with again. It is the real sort this time and no mistake. The Illinois circuit court sitting in that city de cided that the street railways in one part of the, city all belonged to one company and must issue transfers and affirmed the right of the city to fix the fares. Under the law they cannot ob tain a stay of judgment pending an appeal to the supreme court and the managers found themselves beaten. Then they Issued a defiance to the court and declared that they would re fuse to issue transfers as ordered by the court and if any of the patrons wanted to bring any more suits against the company they could go on and do so. This is anarchy of the rankest kind. It is a defiance of the law and the courts. But the company is rich and powerful and has a strong politi cal pull with the republican party, as it has been a generous contributor to republican corruption funds'. General Hawley declared in the United States senate the other day that he wouldJ give a thousand dollars for a good shot at an anarchist. Let him go out , to Chicago and fire away at these treet car anarchists. Their act is just as much a threat against government as shooting at a ruler. As long as the plutocrats can use the courts for their own advantage, the courts must not be criticised. When the courts de cide against them, then they defy the courts and go on with the robbery. , Our imperialists have prohibited the circulation of the Declaration of Inde pendence In the Philippines and the British imperialists have prohibited the circulation of the psalms sent to the Boer prisoners in Bermuda, be cause as they say: "The psalms of David would give hope to the Boers and keep alive their fighting spirit." The Springfield Republican suggests that the governor of Bermuda should also cut oft! the sunlight for the same reason. American and British imper- -1 iW4S- nami uuTt -a: POPULIST POLITICAL ECONOMY Many requests have come to the editor of The Independent to write on economic subjects. The old sub scribers of the paper would perhaps prefer to have its columns devoted to the current news and . politics, but there are many thousand new ones who are exceedingly anxious to have the questions discussed that were thrashed out in the farmers' alliance and the subsequent campaigns. Many times have new subscribers asked: "Just what are the economic views of the populist party?" In the main they are the same as taught by John Stuart Mill and the economists who are con sidered authorities in our colleges and universities. But new conditions have arisen and there are new problems to solve. In attacking these the populists seek to find the truth by applying the well settled maxims of political econ omy as far as it is possible. First of all let these inquirers be come familiar : with economic terms. They can make no progress at all un til these definitions are well settled in their minds. There are a good many "catch phrases" that have done excellent service for the republican party which are not economic terms and no respectable economist would disgrace himself by using them. They are absolutely meaningless. Such as "sound money" and "good money." Of course no one wants unsound mon ey or bad money, but these phrases were' used by republican speakers for the purpose of Intimating that their opponents did want unsound money and bad money. Aside from these there are a set of terms in constant use to which the average voter, attaches no definite meaning whatever although he makes constant use of them. Such are value, confidence, representative value, in trinsic value, credit money, primary money, money of ultimate redemp tion, redeemable money, and even the word "money" Itself. No accurate knowledge of political economy can be had until a definite understanding of. these terms and a good many others has been firmly fixed in the mind. The very first step toward under standing populist political economy is to accurately fix in the mind what "value'.' is. A man who has .not a clear idea of the meaning of that term will always, be in a fog whenever he attempts to. think or speak upon an economic subject. The definition given in works on-,; political economy is: "Power in exchange," To the ordinary man that is, -more meaningless than the, term, itself.... It is therefore . neces sary to find sqme, other definition. The one given py John P. Jones will give a better - understanding of it. . He says: "Value . is human estimation, placed on desirable objects, the quantity of which' is limited." From this defini tion it will be seen that value is an idea and not anything material. That value is an idea can be proven in many different ways. A man wishes to purchase a horse. He gos to horse market and finds many different ani mals there. How does he arrive at the "value" of one of them? By a men tal process. There is no other way by which the value of the horse can be arrived at. It will be seen from' this that the term "measure of value" is meaning less. There is nothing with or by which value can be measured. Value is "human estimation." You "esti mate" the value of' a thing. You can not by any possibility "measure" it. Now see how silly and inaccurate the term "intrinsic value", is. The man picks out & horse and the value placed upon it in the estimation of the seller is $50. He agrees to that and takes the horse, By common consent the "value" of that horse, is said to be $50. According to the reasoning of the gold standard advocates that horse had $50 value , "In it," for intrinsic means "inward," internal.' He takes the horse home and finds that his partner without his knowledge has also bought a horse and the firm only wants one. He takes the animal back to the horse market and places him in the hands of an agent for sale. Along comes a man and the agent asks the would-be purchaser $100 for the horse and sells him at that price. Accord ing to the newspaper economists that agent by some ; process managed to get inside of that horse's hide a hun dred per cent more of that thing they call "intrinsic" than was there ; an hour or two before. How did he do it? That value is an Idea and not any thing pertaining to matter can be proved in another way. Take a gold piece called an American Eagle. The value expressed in terms of money is $20. If you take it to a chemist and tell him to analyze it and tell you ev erything that is In it, after he has done so he will give you a certificate to the effect that iiine-tenths of it was pure gold and one-tenth silver and copper and that there was nothing else "in it." If you. should say to him that the highest authorities in the republican party had assured you that there was value "in it," he would prob ably reply" that the men who made the statement were of unsound mind or that they were simply lying to you. WHO WAS BEFRIENDED BY AN EMPgROR A PfifiJ ML rw SAVED';;-Sy P . RU Rev. H. Stnbenvoll, of Elkhorn, Wis., is pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church of that place. Rev. Steubenyoll is the possessor of two bibles presented to him by Emperor William of Germany. Upon the fly leaf of one of the bibles the Emperor has written fn his own handwriting a text. This honored pastor in a recent letter to the Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, O., says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, Peruna: The Peruna Medicine Co., Col'imbus, O.: Gentlemen: I had hemorrhages of the lungs for a long time, and all despaired of me. I took Peruna and was cured. It gave me strength and courage, and made healthy, pure blood. It increased my weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feel well. It is the best medicine in the world. If everyone kept Peruna in the house it would save many from death every year." -' Yours very truly,' REV. H. STUBENVOLL. Thousands of people have catarrh who would be surprised to know it, because it has been called some other name than catarrh. The fact is, catarrh is catarrh wherever located ; and another fact which is of equally great importance, is that . Peruna .cures catarrh wherever located. Catarrh is an American disease. Fully one-half of the people are afflicted more otless with' it in some fdrm. -Previous to the discovery , of Peruna, catarrh was Considered well nigh Incurable. Since the introduction of Peruna to the medical profession thousands of cases are cured annually. Mr. W. D. Smith, a well-known grocer of Port Huron, Mich., writes : " -' "By following your instructions and taking Peruna and Manalin I am cured of catarrh. , I had catarrh for twelve years And quite a bad cough so I could not sleep( nights. I do not have . any cough how, and if I feel anything in the throat I take a swallow of Peruna and I am alright." W. D. Smith. Suffered Fifteen Tears. C. F. Gerding, Milburn, Ne b., w r "I contracted a heavy cold a fifteen years ago and tried all kfn : patent medicines and drugs re. mended for a cold or heavy cough, found none to help me until I . menced using Peruna. My seventy-eight years, and I am 1. now than I have been for years. I -keep using your great medicine, and still improving in health. I recomir it to all sufferers with coughs and col ; C. F. Gerding. Peruna, The Greatest Remedy Rnon. for Catarrh. " Mr. Chas. II. Stevens, 97 Seventh -Street, Detroit, Mich. .writes: It afr, me great pleasuro to testify to the tn- r of Peruna as a remedy for catarrh, suffered for some time with chn nasal catarrh, but after five mot. treatment during which time I u seven bottles of Peruna I am plea! say that I am entirely well, there V not the slightest trace of the catarrh 1 Peruna is without doubt the grea? remedy known for catarrh. Chas. Stevens. ' . Afflicted Since Childhood TTith Catarrh Mr. Elbert S. Richards, Milton, Cm ; writes: , , "I am near sixty-eight years of n and have from childhood l-?n ailli with catarrh in the head, and, for t he j : four or five years been much afflicted w it in my eyes; they being watery, tt. materate a good deal, and stick toget! in the night. My condition was . f'; described in yourjdmanac that I deoo to try Peruna. .' I am thankful to say that I now r sider myself entirely free from rata: and only use Peruna occasionally i. as a tonic. Accept my sincere tl.u' for your personal interest in my cz- "My son, 21 years of age, has using Peruna for a number of wick- i catarrh in the head and has obtan great relief." Elbert S. Richards. Catarrh Thirty Venrs. Mr. Andrew Barrett, 910 N. Ki 1. Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: to the merits of such a worthy rem for catarrh as your Peruna, I h suffered for thirty years from this v disagreeable disease and had tried m.r so-called remedies but until I ued i -runa none had the desired effect. Chicago Police Department for the p i - . twenty-eight years. I can cheerful recommend Peruna to anyone snfferi- j from catarrh." Andrew Barrett. If you do not derive prompt and at: factory results from the use of Pcrum write at once to Dr. Ilartman, feivin full statement of your case and he wi . bo pleased to give you his valuable a-: vice, gratis. , , , Address Dr. Ilartman, President - f The Hartman Sanitarium, Columba-, Ohio. idea can be said to have a basis, then so can J value, otherwise not. The term "representative value" is just as absurd. A thing either has value or it has not. One might as well talk about representative hunger or a rep resentative. headache as of representa tive value. Nothing can have value the quan tity of which is unlimited. There must be a limitation of quantity before value, and usually the value increases as the quantity diminishes. Standing on the shores of Lake Michigan, wa ter has no value, but in the desert where the quantity is reduced to a small amount its value may be very great. Utility is not the basis of value. Diamonds, pearls and gold have but very little utility. They administer to none of the real necessities of life, but their value is very great. Value is not based upon labor as the social ists say. A machinist may work faith fully for years and produce as a re sult of his labor a machine that had little or no value. Another might work but a few days and produce something that had very great value. To get a fixed, determinate and ex act idea of what the term value means is necessary and the first step toward understanding populist political econ omy. Nothing in the whole economic field of thought can become clear and satisfactory until this is accomplished. LORD KUSSKIX AND HAT The position taken by Secretary Hay and the republican administration in jegard to making this country a base of supplies for the British army Is precisely that of Lord John Russell In regard to building war ships for the sou'th during the late civil war. The mules and horses secured here are the warships and privateers of the velts of South Africa, and are of just as much, assistance in carrying on the war against the Boers as were Florida and Alabama to the confeder ate government. , This government made hot protests against the action of England and followed them up so persistently that the matter was re ferred to arbitration. England paid $15,000,000 for thus transgressing the laws of war and a new treaty was made in which such acts were clearly defined and forbidden. It is in direct violation of that treaty that military officers of the British government are permitted to establish supply depots in this country and forward, war sup- newspapers are " demanding that this thing shall be submitted to the courts and a decision obtained. If the treaty at Washington does not prohibit a neutral nation from becoming a base of supplies, it is high time that one is made that does. It is natural that Secretary Hay and Lord John Russell, both being imperialists, should look at things in the same way, but it does not follow' that the courts or the American people agree with them. GIVE CS THE FACTS It seems to The Independent that there should be power enough in the democratic minority to force a publi cation of the facts in regard to the enormous amount of money paid to the railroads for carrying the mails. The greatest offender in this line is the Pennsylvania system. It is so sit uated that a vast volume of the pos tal business is done over its lines. It secured the appointment of a post master general, a resident of the state and for a long time the Intimate and active friend of the management of the road. It got one of its: own gen eral officers, W. S. Shallenberger, ap pointed as second assistant postmas ter general and that ofllccT controls the mail contracts on railroads. To back up the postmaster general and his second assistant the road secured the appointment of another friend from Pennsylyania as one of the lead ing members of the postofflce commit tee In the house. With all this force always in Washington looking out for its interests, it Is no wonder that Its postal contracts have been mines of wealth. Let us have all th facts. KXKCUTIVJE INFLUENCE President Roosevelt will not bring any executive power to bear upon con gress to force legislation, so all the correspondents at Washington have declared from the beginning - and we are all bound to believe in the "staff correspondents." That being the case we must find some explanation of re cent occurrences. President Roose velt and Secretary Root lire deter mined upon forcing a reduction of the tariff on Cuban sugar and tobacco and the republicans of the house are di vided in opinion on that matter. President Roosevelt sends for the leaders of the opposition to the re duction and shuts himself if up with them for a talk. Of course he did not bring any "executive influence"; to bear. That would be against his nrin- new Japanese art of defense cs!! "Jujutsi" which the president has 1 studying, he having ordered a p fessor of the art to come to Washi: ton and teach him. Then after these men go away, V Roosevelt sends for the promin members of the ways and means en: mittee. Here again we must beli. that the president did not use pxr tlve influence to get them to push r bill for the reduction of the tariff Cuban sugar and tobacco. That wo be such a shameful exercise of ep tive authority that no one wou'd d to accuse a high-minded man 1 Theodore Roosevelt of being guilty such a thing. We are therefore fore to conclude that the president til1--to these prominent republican rn : bers of the ways and means comm tee about the weather, the coming spring and the prospects for a g -crop. This Cuban business, when take into consideration the docum- tary evidences that the Cuban's ha concerning the adoption of the P! r amendment, is a hot proposition. ! then we cannot suppose that Roo velt would bring "executive infl ence" to bear upon legislation. WHEN WE WIIX INVEVTIC1ATK The Independent requests all of i- readers when answering adverti- ments seen in its columns to be ?u: to mention the fact that the adverti ment was seen in this paper. Incidei tally speak a good word for the p per. It will please the advertiser an very frequently secures more carcfi attention to the filing of your ord: It Is also a benefit to The Independer because the advertiser knows that ! is receiving returns for the money h is paying for the ad. Advertising i one of the principal sources of rr-. enue to. a newspaper. The paper i fairly entitled to credit for any sal- made through its columns. If yo ; will mention "In your original on to the advertiser that you saw his ad vertisement in The Independent an! he does not deal honestly with yo make complaint to this office and w will have the matter Investigated an ! corrected before his advertisement will be continued. We will not knowingly run the advertisement of any fraud ulent concern. If j-ou do not mention the fact to the advertiser that you saw his ad. in thls paper and sent him the order on that account w win give your comDlaint of had any consideration. We could not con sistently charge an advertising patron 0