THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT March 27, 1902 x& ?tr r, v A Miraculous Feat, It seemed that nothing short of a miracle could save my little daughter from an untimely death,' says City Marshall A. 11. Malcolm, of Cherokee,Kan. " When two years old she was taken with, stomach and bowel trouble and despite the; efforts of the best physicians we could procure, she grew gradually, worse and was pronounced in curable. A friend advised Maes' Mervine and after giving it a few days she began to improve and final ly fully recovered. She is now past five-years of age and the very picture of health." Sold by all Drufglats. Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind. and the question arose, What next? we had not learned how to act with the powers with respect to our in terest in the far east. The next year when the boxer rebellion broke out In China and our ministers were in prison together with those of the pow ers, we learned how to act in con cert and to jointly occupy Pekin. We can do this now with respect to the Philippines. The powers (in 1899) wanted to divide China among them selves, but the United States; through . McKinley, said "No,": and the powers concurred. We can now say. "The Philippines are ours. There is to be no division of territory, but the native people are to have the right to make their own government and no one must be allowed to interfere in this respect.". This would be treating the Philippines as we have agreed to treat China It will give us all we fought for in the Spanish war which lasted . three months and end a war that has lasted nearly three years. If it be asked, What will induce the powers to unite with the United States in paci fying the Philippines? the answer will be. Equal trade with them as with China. Democrats, now, have no plan ex cept to hold and govern the islands until "the people thereof have estab lished a stable form of government." .. .This is shown conclusively by the v.. vote of all the democrats in the sen ate on the substitute entitled, "A bill to promote the prosperity and estab lish the Independence of the Philip pine islands." This was a substitute for the bill of the republicans entitled, "A bill temporarily to provide revenue for the Philippine islands and for other purposes." , . If we say to them that our inten tion is "to promote their prosperity and to establish their ' independence " .they may think, that if our object is only their prosperity and indepen dence, we ought to get out at once and not attempt to occupy or govern at an. The republicans boldly declare that the Philippines are to have no inde pendence and that their prosperity must depend upon being territories of the United States instead of colonies of Spain. The first step in the repub lican program is a system of tariff taxation "for their benefit." The . democratic program is, first, to de clare that the "archipelago is foreign territory," and, second, that during the "temporary occupation all trade shall be free between the United Stat es and the islands' ' The . democrats ., want the archipelago treated as for eign territory and yet there is to be . free trade, as If they were a part of the United States. This Is inconsistent with the decision of the supreme court which declared that, under the recent treaty with Spain, the islands are do mestic territory and that there can be no free trade between them and the United States unless congress shall eo enact, or, what amounts to the eame thing, free trade will exist under the constitution until congress enacts to the contrary. Our present Dingley tariff law of 1897 provides that there shall be im port duties only on goods from "for " eign countries." The archipelago, be f ing domestic territory, there can be no duties with respect to the Philip pines until congress so declares. ' The republican ' plau puts the isl ands under the control of congress, so ; f,ar as their foreign trade is concerned at leasts The democratic plan starts .out with good intentions for their . . prosperity and independence, but :- .leaves them under the control of con gress for an indefinite time. It re- HOW'S THIS? : We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's .Catarrh Cure, r :: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O. - We, the undersigned, have known -.cIV J. Cheney fcr the last 15 years, and I believe him perfectly honorable In all !luisiness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made ; by their firm. - 'Z ;West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, ii Toledo, O. - ' Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole . .. sale Druggists, Toledo, O . a Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken "inter 1 nally, acting directly upon the blood 1 and mucous surfaces of the system. 1 t rrice, 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug- mains to be seen whether, or not the Filipinos have any faith in the demo crats, if they should get control of the government We would like to hear from them on this point. r After all, how long will It take to establish a permanent government in the Philippines? Our forefathers were 89 years in establishing a-permanent federal government,. after they con cluded to rebel against Great Britain and declared their independence. They were not only seven years fighting for their Impendence but they, were work ing all that time on the articles of confederation, which were found to be worthless for peace and next to nothing In war. It took nine years more to acree upon the present con stitution. It took seventy years more to decide whether or not it was . per manent government. Finally It was decided In the spring of 1865 that all the power of the slaveholders-could not destroy the United States. This showed at last that we. had. a "stable government This " was the best our ancestors could do in this country, af ter centuries of struggle for liberty In the old. It took France eighty years to pass from monarchy to a re public, that was stable. If there is any science in sociology, it will take the' Philippines a hundred years to set lip a republic that will stand alone. These people speak thirty different languages and sixty, different dialects. Before we can commence teaching them the science of government, we shall have to teach them the English language. Great Britain has the largest, trade of any nation in the world with the Philippines, and she is therefore more interested in a stable government there than any other nation. Her trade there is more than three times that of Germany and nearly three times our trade there. China has the largest trade there of any other coun try, except Great Britain. Therefore China might be invited, by the pow ers, to come forward and assist the Filipinos in establishing a stable gov ernment. It may turn out that the Filipinos will desire an empire, after the fashion of the Japanese. If so, thev ought to be allowed to set up just such a government as they want. One thing is certain, that a republican form of government has not been fav orably received in the east, and even in the west it is difficult for republics to stand alone. Governments cannot be made, but must grow. Society grows, but is not made. Civilizations have grown and passed away, but none of them were made. - JNO. S. DE HART. Jersey City, N. J. to bleed the common people and in crease royalty is counted good repub Hcan policy. Well, a majority of the common people vote for it and of course they ought to have. it. slice of As long For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth ing. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child uffering and crying with pain of Cut ting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ng Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve he poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums." re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil dren teething Is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." Lodge Censorship (Continued from Page One.) sra 1 nave never seen. But as I said there was a watchful man on the Ne braska delegation. He heard the wrath of the democrats, who were out spoken against the statement of Mr. Bryan as misrepresented, and he im mediately telegraphed Mr. Bryan the real statement of facts, and Mr. Bry an's reply, made after, a thorough un derstanding of the facts, was of course in harmony with his party. This placed him in the right position, and the democratic members were profuse in their apologies. They could not understand Mr. Bryan's first telegram, but the second dispatch placed him right with them and they were happy. The man whom I referred to as the watchful member is Hon. William Ledyard Stark, one of the real leaders of the minority, not a democrat, but a populist. He is one of the shrewdest men in congress and is easily the lea der of the western members in the lower house. Hooray for Stark! It is reported here that Hon. Elmer J. Burkett of the First Nebraska dis trict is not to receive a renomination this fall. Who his opponent is, I don't know, but "E. J." goes around with an absence of smile that really amounts to worry. I have it from good authority that he is not to be renomi nated and what the republican state bosses decree, generally rounds out. WILLIAM W. BRIDE. Hardy's Column We consider it a sin and almost a crime to give bread to a hungry man with tobacco in his mouth or liquor in his stomach. To give one's earn ings to such a man that he may spend his own earnings in debauching him self makes two debaucheries. The heaviest business done in Lin coln in any one line in three hours is done in our saloons after 9 o'clock at night. . A carload of insane soldiers went through to Washington the other day from the Philippines to be housed by the government. It is reported that they are hopelessly insane, caused by the torid climate. What is the need of keeping three or four hundred men ten years to copy and publish the census taken in a sin gle month once In ten years? We see no need of it only to make places for planting more party officers for life. The census of any ten years can be copied and classified and published in a single year as well as not. The most important part of it is generally Russia is bound to have a the northeast corner of China. as it is the policy of all strong na tions to gobble everything weak, how can England or America oppose any such measure. Russia Is now in such a fix that if England commences an other war she will have five thousand miles of fighting line in place of one city as In the Crimean war. Russia has her territory all in one chunk and can live a hundred years without send ing out a shipload or receiving one jNeitner ungiana or Germany can live without importing food, and the rest of Europe Is nearly as bad off The ship subsidy bill has got through the senate. Many of it3 corners were knocked off , and several republican senators, representing the common people, voted against it. The two from Iowa were among the number. Now "we will see whether the Iowa speaker and other members of the low er house from that state will follow the lead of their senators. We expect, of course, that two of our members, of the lower house, will vote for it be cause they are owned by high tariff and trusts.; The chief argument used in favor of the subsidy bill was that the republican high protective tariff in no way protected our sailors and ship owners. They now have to com pete with the pauper sailor and ship owners of Europe. So in place of a high protective tariff they must have a subsidy and thus bleed the common people direct instead of through thf tariff channel. The next republican reform will be to give the bankers a subsidy. They have no protection from the tariff. Pauper money loaners of Europe come In here and loan their money free and our bankers ought not to be compelled to compete with them. How cruel to make a sailor or banker vork for European pauper wages. Paupers of Europe are the chief ene mies of this country. If in the bill a provision was made for running a line of steamers down to South Ameri ca it would have one good feature, for now we have to go to England in order to get passage to South America. There is no good reason why we should not be able to go direct. Lawyers have become so numerous in Lincoln that our district judges have to bleed the taxpayers exces sively in order that they may have a top shelf support. Last week a man was tried for killing two of his near relatives here in Lincoln. One of the victims did not die immediately, but lived to tell the story. Neighbors were near by, who heard the shots and saw the pistol- in the man's' hand. He was arrested at once in the very doorway where he did the killing. The criminal himself admitted that he did the crime. He had no money to pay a lawyer. Judge Holmes or dered five hundred dollars to be given to two lawyers for defending the vaga bond. He also ordered a hundred to be paid another lawyer for defending the raper of a twelve-year-old girl. Judge Holmes must be carrying out the pure doctrine of republicanism. The lawyers get no more protection from the tariff than sailors do and they should have . a subsidy and the farmers of the county should be made to pay it. Perhaps next time a dozen lawyers will get two hundred and fifty dollars each. THE MAN Oil HORSEBACK to Back Him The saloon question, like the slavery question, years ago, is becoming more and more prominent all over the coun try and we might say all over the world.. The chief object of govern ment and law is to better the human race. Patriotism and Christianity de mand that everything that works in jury and no good to the human race should be prohibited and everything that works good and happiness should be sustained and protected. It Is a satisfaction to look back upon the reforms that have been established since our own memory had its origin. Slavery has become outlawed, duelling and prize fighting, lotteries and gam bling, polygamy and prostitution are all outlawed. We can remember when they were all legal and honorable. The next reform will be the outlawing of the saloons for the same reasons, and we are steadily gaining all the time. The plea of personal liberty is made. Tliere is vast difference be tween personal liberty and trade lib erty. W eallow a person to go into his room and make obscene pictures and read obscene books, but let him come onto our streets to sell them and the law will burn his books and pictures and scorch him. It is the selling of intoxicating liquors on the streets we want to stop. Plugged With a Pen When Bryan goes after G. Cleveland, O then, 'Tis good for the optics of gods and of men To see ponderosity plugged with a pen. When Bryan goes after G. Cleveland. It fills us all full of a glorious glow Of happy hilarity, only to know A just retribution is certain though Bryan goes after G. Cleveland. J. A. Edgerton. The American Mule Hurrah for the mules, American mules! ' Their timely stampede against British rules From an impulse swift and wary. Has served as well as the wiliest raid That was ever In stress of warfare .... made, And won the day for Delarey. Now surely these mules by their change of base Canceled forever the slur on the race; Well earned their meed of the glory That follow? fast in wake of the Boers, The humblest pr a y-ers, the proudest - do-ers - v - ; That ever were praised in story. T D. H. Ingham. 1 When writing to advertisers do not fail to mention The Independent. If The Republcsma Prepare and Introduce Three Separate Bill the Anarchy Billthe Kaot Bill and Militia Organization Washington, D. C, March 22, 1902. Although there was already plenty of matter to indicate the state of confu sion' and disruption into which the republican forces have fallen; yet here comes General Miles and stirs up the worst sort of a row over Secre tary Root's proposed army bill. It is a good thing for the country that Gen eral Miles had the courage to show the true Inwardness 6f the proposed meas ure. While it evidently aimed to re tire him, yet the animus of the whole bill was much more important than Its effect on any one person. The scheme was to make the army the ap panage of the president and hence an auxiliary to the party in power. It proposed to inject militarism Into pol itics with a vengeance. Under it any officer could, in a week, be raised to the highest rank." The protege of the president was to be the commander-in-chief of the army, so that it would always be at hand ready for use either at home or abroad. In addition to this bill it must be remembered that Congressman Dick has a militia reorganization bill in the bouse which provides that any state can have 100,000 of its militia under government control. That is the ex pense of this militia practically a re serve of the standing army are to be paid by the national government and always at the call and under the dicta tion of the aforesaid national govern ment. Take in connection with these two measures the fact that the anti anarchy bill has a clause allowing the president a military escort when he travels abroad, and it is easy to see with what alarming strides militar ism has been advancing during the present congress. That the attempt has been carefuly scattered through three bills shows how insidious are the methods of the trust-controlled re publican party. In regard to the Root bill, it is feared that General Miles' open attack on it ha3 killed the meas ure. The public conscience is not yet so deadened that It will stand for any thing of this sort knowingly. But the whole idea was to have it passed with out letting the people know its real intent until it was too late to pro test. Up to this time the public has known practically nothing of the Dick militia reorganization bill. It rests with democratic newspapers to arouse the people to the menace of a reserve standing army fastened on every state under the direct control of the war de partment at Washington. When the trusts get ready to defend their posi tion this army will be a mighty handy adjunct. In fact It does not take much reflection to discover a number- of ways in which this military institu- ion may be used to deprive the people of their right3. Then chis proposition of a military escort for the president means that he may take 5000 troops with him when he travels .about the country, if he chooses. No Imperial potentate of the old world can awe his subjects with so great a military display as will be permitted to our president. The one ray of encouragement is that none of these bills have yet become laws and the democrats intend to fight them all. The beet sugar forces continue to hold out against the autocratic ways and means committee. No compromise is practically their motto. The com promise brought forth by the ways and means forces is not acceptable to the senate and will not be accepted by Cuba. Besides the fact that it would force Cuba to reorganize her whole revenue collection . system for a beg gaily two years of alleged help, the more serious objection is that under the resolution Cuba Is required to ac cept our Immigration law. This will bar her from importing negroes from the United States. Yet they finish picking cotton just as Cuba can use them in the cane fields. Without the ability to import this labor temporar ily during the busy season Cuba can not handle her sugar crop at any profit. So oppressive are becoming the pro tected trust exactions , that even the manufacturers' national association has declared for the Babcock bill. Scores of illustrations could be cited to show the lengths to which the. re publican majority is willing to go to protect the trusts and fleece the people. The sturdy revolt of decent republi cans simply Insures a democratic house next time. The attempt to pass a force bill through the Crumpacker resolution is - about the last thing needed to solidly unite the democratic ranks. . The democratic national committee Is about to reorganize with Ben T. Cable as probable chairman and the prospects are bright for a rousing and successful democratic congressional campaign.-rD. P. B. and was natural and beneficial under the Individual system of production the hand tool system. It was adapted to the day of stage coaches and freight wagons. It was proper to the "one man, one shop" system of production, but it utterly fails to meet the requirements of the age of machinery, the railroads, the factory system, the telegraphs and telephones. mese cannot wen serve their pur poses at all by competitive methods. Competition does not at all comport with machine production. Without mutuality, the modern factories, rail roads, etc., could not even be oper ated, and equity is impossible short of collective ownership. I submit that competition has been dying ever since the age of machinery began, and mu tuality has been taking its place. The fullness of mutuality is socialism. C. J. LAMB. Dryden, Mich. - (Let us see if competition has been eliminated from the family, or wheth er it is inherent in human nature or not. Two children are at play. One says to the other, "I can beat you run ning to that tree." They start off and make the race. That is competition They go to' their studies. One says, "I can get my lesson first." That is competition. It is born in them. It is inherent in their nature. Eliminate it and they would scarcely be human. The animals have no such impulse. Eliminate the spirit of competition from the human race, and it would degenerate toward the lower animal kingdom. It would take all the zest from life. It would produce a state of stagnation and utter dullness. A man with any of the spirit of man hood in him would, want to emigrate to some other world. It is very hard to conceive how any one can get him self into a state of mind that, would make such a condition seem desirable. It presupposes a reversal of the laws of nature. There is competition every where. It is found as well in the vege table kingdom as in the animal. In the thick forest the trees compete for the sunlight. If all desire to excel and all efforts to compete were elimi nated it is hard to tell what sort of a condition would result. Such a con dition is unthinkable. Ed. Ind.) WHAT GAUSEO IT NEW ECONOMIC TERM It la Invented to Help Socialism "ICeu trality" la tm Take the Place of , Competition Editor Independent: Have been re ceiving The Independent a few weeks under your liberal proposition, and am interested and amused by your little knocks on socialism. For in stance, you say; "Competition is an inherent element 1 in human nature." I guess not. That element has been outgrown by many people in the fam ily, in the trusts, labor unions, church es, mutual insurances, municipality owned public utilities, etc. If compe tition were an "inherent element" it could not be eliminated; but elimina tion is actually taking place. Mu tuality Is being substituted. You continue: "All populists ask !s that the public own and operate those lines in which competition Is at best only feeble and impossible long to maintain." By this you admit that In many things competition is not an "Inherent principle in human nature," thus con tradicting yourself.; You propose the substitution of the principle of mu tuality for the principle of competi- Mr. Bray Propounds a Query Regarding the Cantte of Tenanta and Trampa Editor Independent: Permit me to ask a few questions. I was brought up in western New York and Pennsyl vania. For miles around where I lived in thes e states, when a boy, there was not a family but owned its home, cul tivated its own soil, and worshipped under its own vine and fig tree. There were no renters going from place to place every year. During my boy hood years I never saw a tramp go ing from house to house begging bread Mortgages on farms did not exist in our country. Neighbors used to lend money to each other once in a while in small amounts, and but seldom took note; and I never knew one to fai to pay it back when the time came There were no robberies in our neigh-4 borhood in fact, it seemed that ev eryone was honest and the people trusted each other. Now, why is it that everything is changed? About one-half the people seem to be renters and have no perma nent abiding place, and everybody seems to be trying to beat his neigh bor. Tramps are going over the coun try begging, stealing, committing rape and murder and doing everything else that is bad. In fact, crimes of all kinds are prevalent to an alarming degree. Now, what in your opinion is the cause of all this great trans formation? Your opinion on this sub ject will be of interest.-' J. W. BRAY. Table Rock, Neb. (Many things might be cited as the cause of the changes Mr. Bray men tions and to discuss all of them would take all our space every week. In fact, if Mr. Bray will read The Inde pendent carefully every week he will flud these causes discussed. Primar ily, the rapid concentration of wealth in the hands of the few may be said to be the immediate cause of the trouble; but this in turn Is only the ef fect of other causes. The rapid con centration of wealth is the result of special privileges tariff privileges, transportation privileges, banking privileges, all in turn the result of un wise or vicious laws. It may be said that these laws are. the logical out growth of placing the power of mak ing laws wholly in the hands of rep resentatives (frequently "misrepre sentatiyes") with no provision for the people to exercise the veto power. But back of It all, ignorance of eco nomic and political questions is the real cause. Until the people become well enough educated in these mat ters so that a "full dinner pail" will cease to be one of the most potent ar guments, there is little hope of much reform. Ed. Ind.) We Sell er Than any Grocery House in Nebraska. Our mail order bus iness is now over ten years old. Thousands of families are buying their goods of us by mail. How about you ? Com pare our prices with what you are paying. We pack securely and deliver goods on cars here. The freight is but a small item. Send for a trial order. You can save money. Look atthe3e values. They are but a few of our regular prices. $1 OO Good Sugar, 26 pounds.. ...... Best Rolled Oats, 8 pounds White Navy Beans, 8 pounds 25j Fancy Japan Tea, 3 pounds OO Good Smoking Tobacco, per pound , 15 o Best Clothes Pins, per dozen.. jc Lion or Arbuckle Coffee, per pound j0 Good Prunes, 6 pounds.... 25o Four 10 cent packages Mince Meat. , 25o Good Ink, per bottle........ , jc Early June Peas, 4 cans. 25o Fresh Crackers, per pound........ , 5C Fresh Ginger Snaps, per pound ....' 5C Sal Soda, per pound....,.....,..... c Sour Pickles, per gallon..... 20c (flentloa The Independent.) Everything we sell is guaranteed. Honest Weight and Careful Measure have made this store one of the most reliable cut rate grocery houses in the west. Reference, any bank or wholesale house in this city and this paper- THE FAR HERS G ROGERYCi BOX E, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL, PELTS, Vaiiuuus'iig 'memos s 1.'' -. f . -wi l V'Cm . - i i Anna Mfca!jiiw-M?'i .gj o o o o o I MARBLE o GRANITE, SLATE Several hundred FINISHED MONUMENTS always on hand, from which selections can be made. A personal call desirod where this is not convenient we will mail designs, prices, etc. Send for illustrated .booklet, free. Mention this paper KIMBALL BROS., 1500 O Street. Lincoln. Nebr. A 9 o o o To the Boers. Written for The Independent. IleeD up the struggle, ye who fight Against the overwhelming might, Of hellish greed and plunder. List not to those who bid you yield, For on each hard contested field You've ' challenged mankind's won- ;' der. ' - , If moments come when spirits sing. Then I beseech you to bethink, Of those of ancient story. Who from their homes by tyrants driven. Of wives and babes, all earth ties riven, Had nothing left but glory. When victory comes as come it must. To those who have their quarrel just; Be this your proud reflection: That you've unaided stemmed the tide, And your republic free ana wide Is of your own erection. THOMAS O. CLARK. Baltimore, Md. Read this paper carefully and then hand it to a neighbor. Ask him to subscribe: or better send for a block of five "Liberty Building" Fostal3 and get up a club of subscribers. There is no OOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOOOO The Favorite Sehiller ..r-rni . if The Schiller Piano has always been the favorite with people wishing a really good Piano at a moderate price. In short, it has not a single equal at the price. Their success along this line has in spired the company to attempt something higher. The new High , Grade Schiller is the result. This, like the medium grade, is the best yet produced for the money. The price is necessarily some higher, but just as low in proportion to quality. Write for description and prices to the Matthews Piano Co. Ware room 1120 O Street LINCOLN, NEBR. tlonanr thus yn woiitilegtrayq petition r. Jam Cog-rT A.ttmy at taw' : ' NOTICE. ; ' ;i ' ' To Jam Milton 0 ranger, non-residsnt defn : dank. - .. You are hereby notified that oa the 11th day yon on the ground that yon have willfully aban doned the plaintiff, without good cause, for the term of two years last past, and aluo as a fur ther irround allearinr non-support. Yon are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 21st day of April. 1902. .