flffflfllf x . i 3 AY ; i VOL. XIII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 27, 1902. NO. 45. LODGE CENSORSHIP No Evidence Allowed to be Given Itefore the Senate Committee Against Im perialism Other Wash ington News Washington, D. C, March 24, 1902. (Special Correspondence.) The sen ate committee on the Philippines is still acting the part of the censor that I spoke of in my last letter. To say that the rulings of Senator Lodge, backed up by the other republican members of the committee, are tyran nical, is putting the case very mildly. Whenever Senator Patterson or Sena tor Carmack put a question to the wit ness on the stand that the republican members of the committee think would likely bring out facts they de sire to be kept secret, they promptly refuse to allow the question or compel the witness to answer. Instances of this sort of action are common. Each day when the com mittee is in session for the purpose of gathering information so as to act in telligently on the formation of a gov ernment in the Philippines, we hear some question of import put by the minority of the committee, and Sena tor Lodge eagerly prevents its answer. What is that committee for? Are they to learn the facts before settling on a form of government for our dis tant possessions? Or are they only gathered to hear testimony that will put them more in the dark than they are at present? But nothing can be done. The rulings of the chairman are arbitrary, and, be they ever so ar bitrary, barked up, as he is, by a large republican majority, he can rule tyrannically with more ease than an eastern satrap. Senator Beveridge got himself in a pretty hole the other day when ques tioning General Otis, former comman der of the American forces in the isl ands. He asked General Otis were the speeches of Senator Hoar distributed at all in the Philippine islands. He was answered affirmatively, and then he asked what effect did the speeches of the American anti-imperialists have upon the feeling of the Filipino peo ple. This question was promptly ques tioned by another and less radical member of the committee, Senator Al lison, who thought it would be im proper to go into what effect the speeches of certain senators might have had. Senator Carmack declared that he for one did not wish to be shielded by his position as a senator from any such inquiry. "I have publicly de clared this warto be infamous and J criminal, I do so now and accept full responsibility for my utterances." He declared with emphasis that he was prepared to prove by unimpeachable testimony of men who had achieved distinction in the Philippines that the speeches mad by republican senators in support of this war had done more mischief than all of the speeches made against it. He was prepared to say and he said "especially prepared" to prove that the speeches of Senator Beveridge in particular, had been scattered broadcast throughout the archipelago and had done more to ex cite the hatred and hostility of the people than anything else. Numerous public utterances of the president of the United States had the same effect. He therefore welcomed the line of in quiry proposed by Senator Beveridge and objected to its exclusion. Well, when Senator Carmack got through that few minutes' speech.- Sen ator Beveridge looked more like a hunted Filipino than like an eager republican questioner. He was glad of the opportunity suggested by the chairman, Lodge, to withdraw the question, in spite of the protest of the democratic senators. The minority have become so tired hearing the statement made that the anti-imperialists in America had incited the Fili pinos to carry on their war, that they were willing to have the whole thing feretted out and the statement brand ed as a usual republican dodge. The statement made by Senator Car mack that the speeches of the imper ialists had done more to incite the Filipinos to continue the rebellion, as they term it. than those made by the democrats, is certainly a logical one. Senator Beveridge's speeches were, I know from a very reliable source no less than Senor Rafael Del-Pan Fon tela. formerly president of the bar as sociation of Manila, and a learned and distinguished man were printed in Spanish and Tagalo and distribute throughout the islands as emblematic of what the Americans intended to do with them. They were printed on large posters and sent all about the archi pelago as the policy to be pursued by the Americans. His speeches glow with description of the beauties of colonial government, they picture the Islands as American dependencies. . And these descriptions have so incited the Filipino liberty lovers that they have taken a stand against such a scheme. But withal, we must give Beveridge credit for one thing. He is frank! He is more honest to the Fili pinos than most of his compatriots. They promise the Filipinos that they some day will become American states, that each Filipino will be an American citizen with all the rights as such, while knowing in their hearts that they mean to keep the islands as col onies. Senator Beveridge states the real position of the republicans and we appreciate his frankness, although, we despise his methods and policies. General Miles is to be retired at the earliest possible time. He has de liberately declared before the senate the plan adopted by Secretary Root is approved by congress, he will resign. It is a well-known fact that the ad ministration and the one before it Tine trlod nnd tviefl tr cpt -HH nf (!en that the best general in the army, the pride of our soldiery, should have stood it as long as he has. So Secre tary Root has planned a scheme that would make Miles a nonentity, and he very promptly threatens to resign if the measure is approved. There' is no probability that the measure will be passed, but the administration intends to get rid of him by whatever means they can. A meeting of the president's cabinet was held on Friday and it has leaked out that the Miles controversy was the subject discussed. The decision reached was that Miles is to be retired at the earliest, possible date. He would be retired immediately, but the admin istration has a good many pet schemes before congress and needs votes to pass them. Even the republican, leaders fear any action by the chief executive on this subject at this time. Senator Aid rich, one of the republican leaders, expressed his belief that the president would do nothing in the matter. "If he does," said he, "he will find that General Miles has many friends both in and out of congress and they will be heard from very vigorously." Even the man who introduced the Root bill in the senate, General Hawley of Con necticut, is opposed to it. He thinks the country owes General Miles a debt of gratitude for his objections to the bill. The senate passed the ship subsidy bill substantially as reported by the committee. Among the amendments were those presented by the anti-trust league which would have prohibited the Standard Oil tank steamers from receiving subsidy out of the provisions of the bill, and the one presented by Senator McLaurin (Miss.) to pay no subsidy to any steamship line whose officers, directors and stockholders held any office elective or appointive under the United States government. Both of them were defeated by the strict party vote. The anti-trust league, in offering the amendment referred to, stated that the oil steamers owned by the Standard Oil company carried no other freight or passengers, than the Standard Oil company authorized, and that they therefore did not come within the provisions of the bill. But the senate ruled otherwise. The bill was passed by the republican side of the chamber, with the exception of five republican senators who voted with the democrats and Senator Mc Laurin (dem., S. C.) whovoted with the republicans. The measure must have been an obnoxious one, when the republicans, with a large majority in the last congress, could not pass it, and this session five republicans bolted and allied themselves with the democrats. McLaurin's position on the bill is easily understood. Since he was given the control of federal patronage in South Carolina, he has consistently allied himself with the republicans, although on previous oc casions he declared his vehement op lOfition to the same policies that he now supports. It is another link in the chain that Tillman forged when he declared that McLaurin was bought body and soul by Uhe republicans. How things will creep out. The senate also passed the anti-anarchy bill as introduced by Senator George Frisbie Hoar of Massachusetts. The vote was not on partisan lines as twelve democrats voted . with the re publicans to pass the bill. It simply provides that complicity before the act s-hall be deemed to be an actual perpetration. That is that anyone connected or knowing of the plot to kill the president, shall be deemed equally guilty with the person doing the act. It takes the question of trial a1' punishment out of the hands of the state authorities and places it un der the federal control. This was the principal opposition to the bill. Many of the crponents declared that it was violating the constitutional privileges of the itate, and thus voted against it. The iior.se was principally concerned with the river and harbor appropria tion bill, which carries with it the ap propriation of an immense sum for he improvement of rivers and har bors and many back streams. The amount appropriated by the bill will sum up to $60,688,267, and many a dol lar is given to those who backed down on their beet sugar ideas. This is the old bill that so smoothed the backs of the minority in the last congress that they allowed the Philippine tariff bill to pass. Then at the last moment when the bill was called up. the re publican Senator Thomas Carter of Montana arose and talked and talked until the end of the session in order to prevent its coming to a vote. He did this successfully, and many disap pointed members of the senate lived to "cuss" Carter. The house also heard the favorable report of the gen eral Immigration bill. The Post tried to play a smooth trick on Hon. William Jennings Bry an the other day and it failed to work only because there was a vigilant man on the Nebraska delegation. The Post telegraphed Bryan that they desired his opinion on the investigation of election frauds in the south and Mr. Bryan simply wired a reply as he un derstood the message. The Post did not state that they wanted his opinion on the Crumpacker resolution, which is almost a re-enactment of the old Force bill of earlier days. Mr. Bryan wired that he could -see no wrong In Investigating the election frauds In the south if they would also investi gate them in other states. Not a word was asked concerning his opinion of the Crumpacker resolution. . Not a word was hinted of the real measure. Mr. Bryan's reply brought down . a storm of criticism upon him, because the Post had misrepresented him. The Post got his opinion on investigating the election frauds, and published his reply as an opinion on the Crumpacker THERE ARE OTHERS Dignified Statesmen in Other Lands Than Oars Forget the Rules of ! Propriety ,: The United States senate is not the only legislative body where members occasionally forget their dignified po sition and make use of the language of the street. The Tillman-McLaurin in cident of course is still fresh in the public mind. However, the English house of commons has recently been the scene of Intense excitement over discussion of the South African ques tion,' and the lie has been passed quite freely, sometimes with a qualifying adjective usually expressed in print by a dash, " ". Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman en tered a vigorous protest against the government's uttering "malignant slanders" in calling the liberals "pro Boers." He claimed these slanders were used for party purposes. That the government had been going from blunder to blunder, but claimed im munity from criticism and if this con tinued it would follow "the precedent of the evil days of the American war." Mr". Chamberlain, colonial secretary, said he deliberately accused Sir Henry of losing no opportunity for slander ing his countrymen, the soldiers and government, and that the "malignant slanders" had come from the opposi tion side. Then the speaker inter vened and said that the term "malig nant slander" was unparliamentary, whereupon Sir Henry and Mr. Cham berlain withdrew the words. Chamberlain proceeded and referred to the Boers who are fighting on the British side. John Dillon, the Irish nationalist, interrupted by saying, "they are traitors," and Chamberlain retorted: "The honorable gentleman is a good judge of traitors." Then con fusion reigned for a few minutes. Dil lon demanded a ruling on Chamber lain's words. The speaker said: "An honorable member spoke of soldiers serving under the British flag as trai tors. I deprecate the interruption and I deprecate the retort of the other member." Mr. Dillon then said: "I will tell the right honorable member that he is a liar." A dead silence followed this remark. Such unparliamentary language seemed to stun the house. The speaker invited Mr. Dillon to withdraw the expression. The latter said: "I will not withdraw." "Then I must name you," said the speaker. The government leader, A. J. Bal four, then said: - "I bes to move that Mr, Dillon be suspended from service in the house." The motion was carried, 348 to 48 votes. Mr. Dillon immediately, by direction of the speaker, left the house, amid wild nationalist cheers, and Mr. Chamberlain resumed his speech. Mr. Dillon's suspension, under the present rules, cannot exceed a week. His offense would have been much more sevrely dealt with had the new rules been in force. Somehow our English cousins have a good deal yet to learn about the real imperialism. Had Frye been in the chair in the house of commons he would simply have wiped Dillon's name from the rolls and let it go at that. The Public Debt The first "statement of the public debt" under Secretary Shaw's admin istration of the United States treas ury has been printed and sent out over the country. A few of the gen eral items may be of interest to read ers of The Independent. DEBT, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. Interest-bearing $ 937,021,160.00 On which int. ceased. 1,316,270.26 Bearing no interest... 391,580,488.38 ' $1,329,917,918.64 Certificates and notes.. 816,075,089.00 Aggregate $2,145,993,007.64 The interest-bearing debt and that on which interest has ceased since maturity, includes the outstanding bonds of various issues, which need not be enumerated here. The item of debt bearing no interest, however, should be noticed: BEARING NO INTEREST. U. S. notes (greenbacks). $346,681 ,016.00 Old demand notes ' 53,847.50 Nat. Bank notes (re demption ac.) 37,971,313.00 Fractional currency 6,874,311.88 Total ....$391,580,488.38 Prior to 1879 the treasury reports showed something over fifteen mil lions of outstanding fractional cur rency. Which was issued under the acts of July 17, 1862: March 3, 1863; and June 30, 1864. But on June 21, 1879, an act was passed authorizing the de duction of $8,375,934 from the amount outstanding, being estimated as lost or destroyed; and the remaining $6, 874,311.88 has been carried on the treasury books ever since as a non interest bearing debt of the United States, i Nearly 23 years have elapsed since that act was passed. Now, if in 15 years, $83 out of every $152 out standing was estimated as lost or de stroyed, what has happened to the other $69 in the last 23 years? There are no fractional notes in circulation. Why not wipe this item off the slate? And why continue the nonsense of as suming that there are 346 millions of greenbacks outstanding? It Is a rare sight to see One of the early issues, and it ought to be possible to make a tolerably accurate estimate of the amount lost or destroyed, which un doubtedly reaches up into the millions of dollars. The gold and silver certificates are ' - i - i -1 - . . house certificates of so much coin on deposit. This item is as follows: Gold certificates. ....... .. .$330,258,089 Silver certificates . ... 450,471,000 Sherman notes. ..... ..... . 35,346,000 Total To cover this amount of United States treasury has to pay it with, shown by tary's report as follows: TRUST FUNDS. Gold coin.. ...... ......... Silver dollars. ........ . . . . Silver dollars of 1890...... Silver bullion of 1890,.... $816,075,089 "debt" the trust funds the secre- $330,258,089 450,471,000 13,963 35,332,037 Total .......... i ... .. .. .$816,075,089 The total amount of money in the United States treasury which really belongs to the United States is as fol lows: t r'-v Reserve fund . . J . . . .$150,000,000.00 Available cash balance. 175,361,866.65 Total ....$325,361,866.65 The total amount of money in the United States treasury and in na tional bank depositories, including re serve and trust funds, is as follows: In the treasury... $1,109,218,959.65 In the banks.....!.... 113,433,946.65 Total .. . . . . . . .... . . . $1,222,652,906.30 The Anarchy Bill After an extended discussion in the senate the bill' to tfunish anarchy was passed, fifteen senators voting in the negative. TheV bill provides , that any person within the United States who shall wilfully, and maliciously kill the president or any officer on whom' the duties of president may devolve, or any sovereign of a foreign country, or shall attempt to kill any of ; the per sons named, shall suffer death; that any person who shall aid, abet, advise or counsel the , killing of any of the persons named, or shall conspire to ac complish their death, shall be impris oned not exceeding twenty. years; that any person who shall threaten to kill or advise or counsel another to kill the president, or any official on whom the duties of president may, devolve, shallbe imprisoned not exceeding ten years; that any person who shall wil fully, aid in the escape of any person guilty of any of the offenses men tioned shall, be deemed an accomplice and shall be punished as a principal. The secretary, of war is directed to de tail from the regular army a guard of officers and men to protect the presi dent, "without any unnecessary dis play," and the secretary is authorized to make regulations as to the dress, arms and equipment of such guard. Benevolent - Assimilation. What has been the course of this philanthropic and humanitarian and civilizing power over there with re gard to the. Moros? You have not dared go to them , with any show of force. You have bootlicked around and even subsidized them by giving to those datos and to the Sultan of Sulu a salary from our treasury to keep the peace and let us pretend to own them. You leave the Mohammedan fighters severely alone and seize upon the fair provinces of Luzon where there is an opening for your carpet bagger to get in his fine work. You provide the machinery, backed by the bayonet, by which these poor wretches (negroes, you call them) are to be placed where when you squeeze any money out of 'them you can arrange to distribute it according to your own sweet will. But it is not in your pol icy to invade the dominion of the Sultan of the Sulus, because you would be met in every bush by a man who would throw a boloor a bullet into you. and therefore you leave that problem to settle itself hereafter. You stick to the part of the archi pelago which will afford means of robbery an opportunity to steal. Hay ing had a little experience in Cuba with your carbetbag vermin, the coun try knows what to expect, and having had eight years' experience in South Carolina with carpetbag vermin, from 1868 to 1876, I know whereof I speak, and that is when political influence sends into any conquered country out siders to govern it the first thing they do is to' stick their hands into the pockets of the prostrate people and steal all in sight. Governor Taft himself admits that we are going to be confronted by the danger of having improper officers sent there. He realizes it already, and if he would be open and frank I expect he has already caught some of these scoundrels, but it would not be a good thing, you know, to ventilate it in the United States just now. Senator Till man. - " ' - Foreign Trade The treasury statement of imports and exports of the United States for the calendar year 1901 shows that the total Imports amounted to $880,421,056, an increase of $51,271,341 over the year 1900 ; and that the total exports were $1,465,380,919, a falling off of $12,565,194 compared with the previous year. The exports of manufactures amounted to $395,144,030, against $441,406,942 during the same period of 1900 a falling off of $46,262,912. The percentage of manufactures in the to tal of exports declined from ,30.38 in 1900 to 27.48 in 1901. On the other hand, the exports of agricultural prod ucts rose in value from $904,655,411 in 1900 to $940,246,488 in 1901 a gain of $35,591,077, thus largely offsetting the loss In manufactures. The percent age increased from 62.26 to 65.38. The decline in the exports of copper, not including ore, amounted to $24,007,711; and in fanufactures of iron and steel, to $27,093,683. Our readers Intending to put out a strawberry patch should send for price PIGMY STATESMANSHIP It Spends Hundreds of Millions In Useless Foreign Wars and Leaves an Em . plre at Home JLylng Waste . When it is considered that here in the United States we have a vast ter ritory of arid land, estimated by gov ernment engineers at . about 1,000,000 square miles, covering seventeen stat es and territories, or about one-third the entire area of the United States, we may understand the need to this section of extensive irrigation works. Such works, allowing one hundred years for their completion, according to the authority of government engi neers, can be constructed that will store 266,300 acre-feet of water at a maximum cost of $5.37 per acre foot, which would amount to an annual ex penditure of $1,430,031, while the cost of maintenance for them will average about 1 per cent per annum of the cost of construction. The value of the water stored would return the cost of construction and maintenance in an average of three years, not to men tion the increase in the value of the lands throughout arid regions. According to these figures it will be seen that a vast system of irrigation containing in the aggregate 26.630,000 acre-feet of water, could be established and maintained at a total cost of $144, 433,131, covering a period of one hun dred years in time; and when com pleted would last for ages. When it is remembered that in the three years just passed, this govern ment has spent more than double this sum of money in setting aside all the judgment of history; violating all the traditions of the past that liberty-loving people have established, and un dermining the fundamental laws of justice by adherence to which the progress of this nation astonished the world, then we may understand to what a dwarfed pigmy modern states manship has degenerated. And when we compare the results of the two; when on the one hand we view the blood-stained fields; the emblem of our liberty dragged in the mire of conquest and injustice; the widowed mothers and the orphaned children; the maimed fathers and the diseased sons, and the nameless and number less graves in distant lands; when we see the millions of wealth under which labor has groaned to produce, burned and destroyed; while we blush as we stand, humiliated before the despots of the world, acknowledging their judg ment of men as correct, and witness the blackest pages of our history and when on the other hand we might have beheld millions of men happily em ployed, the peaceful valleys burdened with smiling vegetation, the fruitful orchards and vineclad hills, fruitful with delicious fruits and here and there over this vast domain the happy homes of true American sovereigns, where love and sweet contentment hold their jubilee, then we have a hint of what the unfoldments of time may bring. Then we may know that the memory of those who caused the first shall be buried in eternal oblivion, and the statesmen who brought the latter held in grateful remembrance by myriads of men in ages yet to be. I need not in this paper attempt to show the best methods of building reservoirs, nor just where they should be located to accomplish the best re sults. These are details that can best be arranged by government engineers whose lifelong study best qualifies them for such knowledge. But I may without overstepping the bounds . of modesty suggest a few points with re spect to the general work, its main tenance and the most equitable man ner of distributing the benefits. For if no different method is to be pur sued in the future than in the past, then the results of the works, viewed in comparison with the enormous ex penditure may be of questionable value. First, then, it is important that this work be undertaken, established maintained, owned and controlled by the general government. Briefly for these reasons: The vastness of the territory, covering seventeen states and territories; the enormous expendi ture; the avoidance of interstate com plications and litigation, such as is bound to occur with either private or state control; the more likelihood of uniform regulations; the greater eco nomy; the greater chances for jus tice, and for the further reason that many millions of acres of the lands in the arid regions belong to the gov ernment, while in the state of Wyom ing alone the government holds title to 90 per cent of the soil. The ques tion of litigation between states alone is important. This state has com plained of Colorado monopolizing the waters of the South Platte; Utah has protested against the appropriation by the state of Wyoming of the waters of the Bear river, which involves the in terests of irrigators in Utah, while Wyoming irrigators in turn have suf fered from the drain of the Laramie river by Colorado parties. I cannot refrain from making a few suggestions relative to the con duct of the government In building irrigation works and reservoirs. This immense enterprise might be com passed without any tax upon the peo ple and without bonding the govern ment for a doFar. Let men for once cease to believe the absurdity that the dollar is the measure of values like a yard stick might measure cloth. In stead of the quantity of dollars or vol ume of money in use. Let them cease to hug the delusion that money must be made of a precious metal. Let them understand that money, what jvavhp. material of which ft la made, resentative of so much stored-up labor, and the whole problem is solved. Even though we might admit the absurdity, for the sake of argument, that the value of gold is in no wise affected by the coinage demand for it, still no one who respected his Intelligence would assert that the gold in the earth is of any value. It, then, must follow that whatever value it does possess 5s fixed by the amount of labor employed in bringing it forth and refining it. In the last analysis, therefore, it is la bor that has given it value. The gold is the representative of so much stored labor, t Now, the most rabid advocate of "sound money" the most blatant of 100-ient dollar men will agree with a piece of paper printed by the government, signifying that a stip ulated sum of gold has been deposited for its redemption, is "just as good as gold." ; Now, then, tell me by what process of reasoning they convince themselves after admitting that the value of gold is only the value of so much stored labor why a piece of paper stipulating that . so much labor had been performed in building irrigation works is not as good as a bit of paper stipulating that a certain sum of gold had been deposited for its redemp tion, and that a certain amount of la bor had been performed in giving that gold its value. But the 100-cent dollar man says, "You have no means of redemption." Why not? As a matter of fact you do not eat or wear your gold, but you re deem it as soon as you get for it food and clothing and shelter. And so, as you redeem your gold in food and clothing and other necessaries, just so would you redeem your certificate stipulating that so much labor had been performed, for the benefits of the irrigation works that is, in food and clothing and shelter. And so, after the government had so redeemed all its checks or paper in supplying to the people the fruits of the works their hands had made, it " might cancel as paid off all this money, and the bur den of building the works would nev er be felt. For instance, if a partic ular resrevoir for the storage of water were constructed costing $100,000, if such a plan were adopted, the govern ment would issue $100,000 in United States notes. As has been shown such works return the cost of construction in an average of three years. These notes, therefore, would have as a basis for their redemption a magnificent government irrigation works, and within three the government would have received them back in pay for the benefits of irrigation conferred and could cancel them. In the mean time they would be circulating' among the . people just as other money, and would stimulate enterprise to that ex tent. But as there would, be no profit in such a system of currency for bond sharks and money lenders, and as gov ernment in this infantile civil izatlon is a compact of a few gentlemen for the purpose of exploiting the labor and profiting by the "ignorance of the de luded masses, we must be patient un til the 100-cent dollar men and those who want money "good in Europe" awaken from their : dormant state. The effect of such a system, it seems to me, would most conform to the highest principles of equity and justice. It, would destroy the, oppor tunity of speculators and would ap portion its benefits among the set tlers In exact ratio to the payments for such benefits. Or, to put It the other way, each settler would pay to the government just in proportion to the value of the benefits' received. Such a system would prevent the disgrace ful and brutal scrambles we now wit ness whenever the government opens by new territory for settlement. Irrigation in its complete sense is one of those reforms that must grow more popular from year to year. Res ervoirs along our great water courses will prove the greatest and most profitable improvements to them in adding to their beauty; In mitigating the dangers from floods; in increasing the volume of water, in summer and fall, improving the opportunities for navigation In moving crops at cheaper rates, and in affording a supply of water for Irrigation. Irrigation throughout our arid re gions would encourage the building of homes there. If governed by the general principles here laid down, it would have a tendencr to relieve the congestion of cities, even reducing In the cities much of the burden the la borers there now bear; and it could be accomplished without burdening the people either by bonds of taxa tion. If,, as some say, war is a good thing because it puts money in circu lation, Irrigation would be better, for it would not only put money In circu lation, but it would leave as the re sult of Its expenditures a prosperous and happy people, with happy homes, fruitful valleys and teeming groves, where war can leave in its sorry train naught but blood-stains, brutality, dis honor and the degradation of those engaged in it. A nation that possesses these bless ings happy homes and a free people is invulnerable against the attacks of any foe. Indeed, no enemy would be sufficiently foolhardy to attack It. But "men do not fight In defense of board ing houses." - Let that nation be on its guard where the people are restive and restless and without homes. ' ' Irrigation would transform what is now arid into arable land. Where now is desert waste, we should soon see a land, blossoming with life, and beauty. If established with the sole aim to better the condition of men, rather than sharks, where we now find shacks and huts,' we would soon have happy homes and prosperous towns. It would be a lasting monu ment to the wise statesmanship that established it. It would prove the in dex pointing to realms of peace and THE PHILIPPINES How we Got Into the Muddle and a Prac tical Way Oat Let the Natives Make " Their Own Government Hon. Champ Clark says: "The vital issue before the American people U this, 'What shall be our permanent policy in the Philippines?' It goes to the root of our institutions. A greater question was never debated among men, for upon its proper determina tion depends the perpetuity of the re public" Mr. Clark is a representative in congress from Missouri. New York Journal, March 4, 1902. He has one great merit, he goes to the question directly, "What shall we do with the Philippines," without talk ing indefinitely about imperialism. But the difflculity with his argument is. that he furnishes no answer to his question no policy. lie simply criti cises the republicans. He calls at tention to the fact that McKInlpy changed bis mind from "forcible an nexation is criminal aggression" to "benevolent assimilation." Mr. Clark, in furnishing no policy, is like the other democrats. What we most need is some sensible or practical plan of managing the Philippines, now that we have them on our hands. We not only have them, but we made an agree ment with Spain to give her the samo rights and privileges of trade as we ourselves enjoy, for the period of ten years! The 4th article of the treaty read?: "The United States will for the term of ten years from the date of the ex change of ratifications of the present treaty, admit Spanish ships and mer chandise to the ports of the Philippine islands' on the same terms as the ships and merchandise of the United States." Article 3 reads: "Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine islands. The United States will pay to Spain the sum of twenty million dollars ($20r 000,000) within three months after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty." What have we got ten for our twenty millions? The secretary of war, in his recent annual report, says: "The most evi dent and striking element of wealth in the Philippine islands consists of its forests and that but a small part of this area is in private ownership and that there are probably between 40,000,000 and 50,000,000 acres of for est land which formerly belonged : to the crown of Spain, and, by the treaty of Paris became the property of the United States. Pine, cedar, mahog any, and hundreds of hard woods, val uable for dye woods, rubber and gut tapercha trees exist in immense quan tities." - ... Besides the rights of the United States and of our people, the great powers of Europe and their subjects have interests there which need to be protected. These Interests have been accumulating for three hundred yeais. Europeans have been trading there, more or less, all these years and this commerce cannot be stopped without great damage. , We are especially under obliga tions to Spain which are vaguely re ferred to by the democrats in their substitute. They propose not only to occupy and govern the archipelago un til the people thereof have established a stable government, but "until suffic ient guaranties have been obtained for the performance of our treaty obliga tions with Spain," for what? "for the safety of those inhabitants who have adhered to the United States and fof the maintenance and protection of U rights which have accrued under their authority." Now, in this connection, what are our obligations to Spain? Coming back to the 4th article, wo have agreed with Spain to hold th islands f or at least ten years and give her the same rights and privileges of trade as we ourselves enjoy. We might make the same agreement with all the powers of Europe, on condition that they take no more or attempt to take more. This would enable us to withdraw our &fmy from the islands. Whatever we may do, we are obliged to keep our agreement with Spain. This is the most unfortunate part of the business.' We hae gone so far that we cannot go back. If we attempt to go ahead alone, we shall bear all the expense and have little more ad vantages than any other nation, so fr as trade is concerned. If all the powers of Europe and America should act together the expense could be di vided. There is a precedent for tbl3 in our affairs with China. We are acting In conceit with Great Britain and the other powers for an "open door" in China. Why not make some such arrangement as this for the Phil ippines? This would give us equal trade, although not free trade in the east. China has not opened her doors to free trade with all nations, but she has opened her.ports to all nations on the same terms, recently including the . United States. The argument for sending an army to the Philippines, after Dewey had de stroyed the fleet of Spanish warships, was, that, if we did not take possession the Germans or British would. This idea prevailed and kept our army there. At the time we might have made some arrangements with other nations interested to hold the islands, until the native people could establish their own government and decide for themselves what they wanted. It is not too late to do this now. If we had made the arrangement at once, one battleship, to watch things, would have been enough to leave there. Thl3 would have left the native people free to fight out their own differences, with the understanding that they could fight as much- as they. , pleased, provided they did not injure the persons or property of foreigners.- In 1898. when Dewey entered Manila w