The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 13, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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March 13, 1902
48 Pas:es Illustrated.
1902 Sprins: Styles
Samples of Cloths; Everyone Should Have It.
Our Catalogue
is a Clothing Store .
on your center table.
All the comforts of shopping are yours without one single
Before us, as we write, is an advance copy of Armstrong's
Great Spring and Summer 1902 Catalogue. It is supremely
original, and altogether the most attractive and unique thing of
(its kind ever issued. You'll get something worth examining
when you get this splendidly illustrated and mo6t complete
The Catalogue is a book of forty.eight pages and hand
some cover, the designs and engravings being made expressly
for the work. It is filled with samples of goods, not alone of
Suits, but of Work Clothes and Shirtings as well.
It simply amounts to bringing an immense Clothing House
and all its resources right into your home. You run no risk.
We guarantee satisfaction.
With one reservation: Write as soon as you get this, for the
large edition is being speedily exhausted.
othing Go.
23TMention this paper.
News of the Week
(Continued from Page Five.)'
willing to contribute large sums to
the republican campaign funds, there
would have been a prospect that their
petition would be granted. But to
come before a republican congress with
a statement that they were poor and
needed assistance was ridiculous. Af
ter a while the Porto Ricans will get
better acquainted with us and then
they will not make such foolish mistakes.
The freaks of the human mind arc
the strangest thing in all this world.
There was a doctor living near Bos
ton, Mass., who argued himself into
the belief that smallpox was not con
tagious. To prove it he went to a
smallpox hospital and thoroughly ex
posed himself to the disease. In duo
time he developed a case of genuine
smallpox in his own system and was
quarantined and guarded in his own
house. He passed through the var
ious stages of the disease and when
he was able to get up and move about
his room he went to his telephone and
called up a friend in Boston. He toU
this friend over the 'phone that he
was Just as firm as ever in his belief
that smallpox was not contagious and
that he was more opposed to vaccina
tion than ever. That reminds one of
the ratiocinations of Joe Parker, the
organizer of the Allied Party.
Not only Wall street, but the whole
people have watched the beginning of
the suit against the Northern Pacific
merger. The railroads have had their
own way so long and have been per
mitted to violate law with such im
punity that many waited, doubting
that such a suit would ever be brought.
But the hill was filed in the United
States circuit court at St. Paul on
March 9. The wording of the bill
seems to indicate that a serious at--
r tn bo mnrlp as-ainst railroad
LC1UUI - - '
v, ..... . .- , - i .j v.
comDinauon. aiki giviufi a mocwij
of the formation of the Northern Se
curities company the bill says: "If
the government fails to prevent the
carrying out of this combination or
conspiracy not only will a virtual con
solidation of two competing transcon
tinental lines, with the practical pool
ing of their earnings, be effected and a
monopoly of the interstate and foreign
commerce formerly carried on by
them as competitors be created an I
all effective competition between such
lines in the carrying of interstate and
foreign traffic be destroyed, but there
after to all desiring to use it an avail
able method will be presented where
by, by means of the corporate scheme
or ' device aforesaid, the act of con
gress of July 2, 1890, may be circum
vented and set at naught and all
transcontinental lines, indeed, the en
tire railway system of the country,
may be absorbed, merged and con
solidated, thus placing the public at
the absolute mercy of the holding cor
poration." Once in a while a republican get?;
hold of the facts concerning the sort o?
government that has been established
over the Filipinos by the carpet bag
gers who have been sent there to gov
ern them, and when he does he is in
clined to swear. The efforts that have
been -made to keep the rank and file
in ignorance have been very success
ful and but few of those who vote the
republican ticket have any knowledge
of the facts. The sedition laws that
were passed were infamous beyond de
scription. That any man in the United
States could be found to defend them
is the most amazing fact of all, yet
there were thirty-four republican sen
ators who voted against any modifica
tion. The modification was provided
In an amendment to the Philippine bill
and was as folows: "Provided, That
States by any tribunal, civil or mili
tary, of any mother or father, for fail
ing to give information against his
or her child, or of any son or daughter
for failing to give information against
his or her mother or father, or of any
husband for failing to give informa
tion against his wife, or of any wife
for failing to give information against
her husband."
During the debate it was established
that under the law it was a crime
when a son failed to give voluntary
information against his father or
mother, or when a daughter failed to
give such Information, or when a
father or mother failed to give infor
mation against their children, or when
a husband or wife failed to give in
formation against one another. If a
mother knew that her son had joined
a secret political society to circulate
the Congressional Record or Declara
tion of Independence in the Philip
pines, it was her duty under the law to
run at once to the nearest court or
military commander and lodge infor
mation against him. If she failed to
do so she committed a crime. Ono.
would think that such a brutal law
would not command a vote in its sup
port in the senate of the United States.
The amendment left brothers and sis
ters guilty of crime for failing to in
form against one another. It wasn't
very much of a concession to the most
ordinary feelings of decency and hu
manity. Surely such an amendment
ought to have been passed unanimously.
Those who voted against it were all
of the great administration leaders
It is a roll of infamy. The name of
each of these senators should be hand
ed down so that coming generations
may hold them in eternal infamy.
They should -be printed in every paper
in the land. It shows the degenera
tion that follows imperialism. Not
one of these men would have done
such a thing ten years ago. They would
have looked upon such a proposition
v ith horror. Never forget them. Let
them suffer to the full extent for their
Inhumanity and crime. The senator's
who voted against that amendment
and that a son committed a crime
when he did not inform against his
rocther were: Aldrich. Allison, Bur
rows, Clark of Wyoming, Cullom, De
boe. Dietrich. Elkins, Foraker, Foster
of Washington, Frye, Gallinger. Gam
ble, Hanna, Hansbrough, Hawley,
Kean, Kearns. Kittredsre, Lodge, Mo
Comas, Millard, Mitchell. Nelson, Piatt
of Connecticut, Piatt of New York,
Pritchard, Proctor. Quarles, Scott,
Spooner, Stewart, Warren and Wet-more.
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Us
value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no
mistake about it. It cures diarrho,
regulates the stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses In the United States, and is for
sale by all druggists throughout -the
world. Price. 25 cents ' a bottle.. r Be
sure and ask , for "Mrs. Wlnslow s
Soothing Syrup." y
Property and Capital
Editor Independent: I think you
property,", as stated last week. I have
read Ely, Sprague, Bellamy, Vail,
Wayland, Mills, Gronlund and a score
of other authorities on socialism, and
my impression is they are a unit in
advocating the common ownership of
all productive, distributive and ex
change CAPITAL not property.
There is considerable difference. All
market commodities, such as food,
clothing, musical instruments, books,
furniture, pictures and the thousands
of articles found in the market. Is
property. But machinery, land, raw
material, buildings and processes nec
essary to produce and distribute them,
capital, and I understand socialists
to advocate public capital only in or
der that all may own and enjoy pri
vate property. Do you see the point?
Cloverdale, Ind.
(Perhaps The Independent should
have used the term "collective" in
stead of "common," but that is a mere
quibble over terms. What is your
understanding' of this: "The collec-tiv-j
ownership by the entire people of
the means of production and distri
bution?" Owning the means of pro
duction and distribution, would not
the finished products also belong to
the public collectively? Of cource,
there is a difference between consump
tion goods and production goods, al
though the line is hard to draw some
times. For example, corn grown by a
farmer might be either. If he parched
it to eat, it would be a consumption
good. If he ground it into meal, it
would still be a production good; but
it could be converted into a consump
tion good by making the meal into
mush or bread or cakes. A house is
not necessarily a production good, un
less it be used as a factory or store
room. A dwelling house is intended
for consumption for use by the indi
vidual requiring years to wear It out
Do the socialists advocate the private
ownership of dwelling houses? And
there is no difference in principle o-
tween a dwelling house and a suit of
clothing; both are for use by the Indi
vidual, and for quite similar purposes
to protect him from the elements.
How is the individual to become the
private owner of consumption goods
property if the state owns all the pro
duction goods capital and the fin
ished product? Isn't it a fact that he
will be permitted simply to use these
things, not own them? Ed. Ind.)
A German "Who Has Had Enough of Roy
alty It Don't Impress Htm so Fa
vorably as Some Americans
In reference to your article, I am
with you and Congressman Wheeler,
and I am a German by birth. There
are very few Germans who think dif
ferently. Is it not a shame to go 1o
any other country from a republic to
help crown a king, dress up like a
monkey in a circus, bend the knee,
kiss the hanJ. (a fine devil the Ger
mans say) of another man. If he
(Prince Henry) had done any good to:
the world or his own country we could
wish him success and a long life to
rule. But what has he done? Spend
ing other people's money, wasting his
time, besides all other kinds of mis
chief. No person in the world has any
other kind of blood in his veins than
all the rest. I can look up with honor
and devotion to a man of great abil
ity and genius if he makes the rignt
use of it, like Washington, Lincoln
and Bryan and yourself, Mr. Editor,
but I do not honor royal drones. They
are good for nothing and it would be u
benefit if they had never been born.
I express my honest cpinions to you
and you can do as you please with
them, print them or not.
Minden, Neb.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props..
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney fcr the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo. O
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the systr-m.
Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Novelties in All
Mr. Doyle Charges That Competition is
the Parent and Monopoly the Child
Editor Independent: I have read
three or four copies of The Indepen
dent and if I can judge correctly you
are attempting to resurrect the dead
middle class party. It will be another
failure under industrial competition.
Competition creates monopoly. Mon
opoly makes or causes poverty. Pov
erty generates crime eight-tenths of
all crime. Crime is the effect of in
dustrial competition. Socialism is the
remedy. P. W. DOYLE.
Denver, Colo.
(Mr. Doyle's assertions are unique.
He asserts that "competition creates
monopoly," but makes no effort to
fchew why or how. Monopoly is the
child of special privileges and muc-t
kill off competition in order to live.
Some lines of business are monopol
istic in their tendencies, but investiga
tion will show that in every case the
monopoly could not exist if all special
i.rivileges were abolished. The truats
do not all have special privileges di
rect lrom government, but frequently
second-hand from some other monop
oly which is favored by government
al in the case of discrimination in
railroad freight rates, etc. Nearly all
the trusts, too, have special privileges
in the way of tariff duties on imports.
The public ownership and operation of
hat are usually denominated "pub
lic utilities" or natural monopolies,
the populists . maintain, kill off all
those artificial monopolies which re
ceive favors second-hand. Competi
tion is an Inherent element In human
nature which populists recognize, and
thev do not undertake to ask its aboli
tion; AH they do ask is that the pulj
New Suits Hev Skirts
We have the largest assortment
of Suits and Skirts in the
city, ranging in prices from CQ QK
145 down to OOiU J
New Cheviot Eton - Jackets in
black or colors from $10.00 0 Q 7 E
down to.. . . . . ." .......... . ..wui I J
New Velvet Eton Jackets, from OC (in
$10.00 down to...... $JiUU
New Waterproof Raglans up- Q I fl fin
wards from........... vlUiUU
New Silk and Sicillian Cloth C I fl flfl
Raglans from $12.50 down to 0 I UiUU
New Taffeta Silk Waists, with
Persian Silk Vests, cru lace
on rever; perfect fitting,some
thing entirely new in style, nn
all the late colors, at only.. . . . OUiUU
Other beautiful new designs in
Taffeta Silk and "Skinner"
Satin Waists, from $7.50 Jfj QQ
Anew weave in Corded Silk
Waists with Persian bands
down the front, all lined, in nn
all colors, for only...... ......OOiUU
Beautiful New Wash Waists, in
- all new .materials, colors, and
styles, and made with the
"Gibson" shoulder effects,
guarantee perfect fitting and
workmanship, at from $5.00
down - to. . i
Stationery Department
Engraved Calling Cards 100
Cards and engraved Name 01 fl fl
Plate furnished for y I UU
100 Cards, from
your own plate
Fountain Pens We have the
"Waterman," the "Wright"
and the " Parker Lucky Curve."
Ladies' Furnishings, Laces
Just received the " Latest " in Ladies'
Neckwear, in the new tailor styles, for
the spring and summer of 1902.
White Pique Stock Ties, If
yards long, a washable article,
in many designs, each at. .... .
Same styles, in rich fancy colors,
made of fine washable material
in stripes and Jaquard de
signs, at $1.25, 75c and
A beautiful assortment of wash
able Pique Stocks, plain or hand
somely embroidered, each, from
75c down to
Novelty Scarf Ties, 3 yards long,
latest shown, made of Foulards,
Crepe de Chine and Liberty 0 1 Cft
Chiffon, from $3.75 down to. I lUU
Another new and handsome line
of machine Torchon Laces re
ceived per yard
Exquisite showing of all the latest in
Laces, Appliques, and Embroideries.
Infants' and Children's Dept.
Just opened for spring and summer of
1902, Dresses, Guimps and ileadwear.
Dainty Princess Dresses, made of
finest materials, hemstitched C I OR
fronts and flounces, each at. .0 I LO
Embroidered or Lace Trimmed
dresses from $6.75 down to.
Skirts to match Princess style
dresses in large varieties from
$1.75 down to
Great helps to mothers are the
dainty, washable guimps, which
we carry in many styles.
Princess dresses, skirts and guimps run
in sizes 3, 4 and 5 years.
Our petticoat department is the most
complete in the city. We have all
V !
flention this paper.
Lincoln, Nebraska,
ble and impossible long to maintain
and that in all other lines the indi
vidual be allowed the utmost freedom
consistent with' a; due regard for the
rights of others.Ed. Ind.)
State Affairs
ence to & democrat or populist what
one a candidate belongs to. All they
want is honesty, ability, and a man
with winning qualities who is worthy
of the office. Alfred Pont in Stanton
If Judge Sornberger is renominated
there, is not a party paper in this
county that will dare to advocate his
election. The relation of a banker to
the public is so peculiar that perfect
confidence must be maintained. Such
wholesale forgery and wrecking of
other people's fortunes has rarely been
known m the annals of banking. It
is so easy to dplas Gould has done, an
example snouia nave oeen maae. Jtion
est bankers wilj suffer in business for
this man's crime, as well as others.
C D. Casper in, Butler County Press
David City.
(Not "dare to advocate" his elec
tion, Bro. Casper? That is a queer
statement coming from you. Did
Judge Sornberger act corruptly in this
matter, think you? Or did he do what
seemed right to, him? Will the people
of Butler county allow this one thing
conceding it to be a mistake of judg
ment to overbalance all the good that
Judge Sornberger has done in the
years past? Is there no such thing as
giving a -man credit for the good he
has done? Is one mistake to forevor
damn him? Ed.., Ind.)
A number of our exchanges are call
ing Judge Sornberger hard names be
cause he sentenced Embezzler Gould,
the Bellwood forger and bank wrecker,
to eight years' imprisonment. The
Ulysses Dispatch is especially vehem
ent in its , protestations and accuses
the judge of "slopping all over him
self." Now," the best of men may hon
estly differ as to just how long Gould
ought to serve in the penitentiary:
but the business of sentencing him
was placed In Judge Sornberger's
hands, and he doubtless did what
seemed right to him. It is the suprem
est folly to say that Judge Sornberger
"threw away a golden opportunity to
make himself a good name" by giving
Gould a longer sentence. Any man
who would take advantage of such an
opportunity, and permit himself to he
swayed and influenced by people mad
dened by prejudice, is a mere trim
mer and that cannot be charged
against Judge Sornberger at any rate,
'"here is no adequate punishment for
such a man as Gould and making his
sentence twenty years instead of eight
would not in the slightest deter some
other scoundrel from following in his
footsteps. But it must not be lost
sight of that confinement in the peni
tentiary is for the protection of so
ciety and to permit the culprit to re
form and not for revenge.
The republicans are trying to make
it anpear that there is little prospect
for fusion this year among the reform
forces. Our observation goes to provf
that fusion is already a certainty. We
have everything to gain and nothing
to lose by fusion. When the rank
and file of the reform parties talk,
nothing is ever said about parties,
but the one idea in their minds is,
"What can we do to advance our prin
ciples and secure the best men as can
didates." It doesn't make any differ-
rm m
To Nebraska Independent Readers.
A special srrawreraent has been made with
that excellent publication cap be obtained
ONE YEAR FREE by readers of the Nebraska
Independent. The Missouri Valley Farmer la
one of the best farm papers In the West, and
will tell you more aliout agricultural and lire
stock condttlons in the srreat Southwest than
any other publication. It Is niled with Pto
date reading matter In the breeiy style of the
West. The publishers have generously offered
to send The Farmer a whole year absolutely
free to any reader of the Nebraska Independent
who will send them Ten Cents, which barely
pays cost of mailing. Regular subscription
price 50 centa. ' The offer must be accepted
within four weeks, and under no circum
stances will the offer hold good unless It is
-stated In your letter that you are a reader of
the Nebraska Independent. "Address ..
Missouri VslIUt Frmr,Toph, Ka.
rmi im mmtl W-",,"J'1"'
We have talked with most of the old
alliance populists of the county and
hardly a one of them will vote with
the democratic party if the populist,
party is abandoned. R. L. Miller in
Burwell Mascot.
The democrats and populists of Ne
braska are making faces at one an
other again, but if they do the right
thing, they will get together once more
and administer a sound thrashing to
the discordant and wrangling factions
comprising the republican party.-
W. F. Cramb in Jefferson County
The campaign in Nebraska this year
promises to be earnest and exciting
The wide divergence of sentiment on
both sides will be difficult to harmon
ize. The republican party never wis
so badly torn up as at present, and it
is of such a nature and so outspoken
that it cannot wholly be reconciled.
On the fusion side it is nothing but a
spirit of jealousy, which a thimbleful
of brains mixed with a dash or two of
common sense, ought to quickly dispci.
This is a slick game. In a populist
county, a republican editor will casu
ally publish something about the pop
ulists swallowing the democrats, and
the democrat editor immediately places
a chip on his shoulder. In a demo
cratic county it is reversed and the
populist editor places a chip on his
shouldc.-, and the chumps do not real
ize how or by whom they have been
duped. Here is the Courier's position
without fear or favor. Good old John
Powers populists first, Bryan demo
crats next, republicans never. If this
be treason make the most of it. G. J.
Richmond in Minden Courier.
The Independent desires to make an
explanation and a bunch of apologies.
Several weeks ago, shortly after the
indictment of Mr. Meserve and The In
dependent's editorial thereon was
printed, one or two populist weeklies,
notably the Hamilton County Reg
ister and the St. Paul Phonograph
Press, began to criticise The Inde
pendent severely because of the stand
it had taken. Without entering into
the merits of that discussion here, at
tention is called to the fact that The
Independent's position has been up
held by Judge Baxter and Mr. Me
serve acquitted because the indictment,
as supported by the proofs, failed to
charge any crime under our laws.
As to the St. Paul Phonograph-Press,
little need be said further than to
mention that the animus of, its edi
torials is easily understood when it is
known that the writer of them was an
unsuccessful candidate for the nomi
nation which Mr. Meserve captured in
1896 at Hastings.
But as to the Aurora Register. Be
it known that its editor. Geo. L. Burr,
has for a number of years acted in
the dual capacity of editor of the Reg
ister and secretary to Hon. W. L.
Stark, representative from the bis
Fourth district. During sessions of
congress it was necessary mat part
of Mr. Burr's duties be done by proxy.
Prior to this session it was the prac-
ticethat- Secretary Burr's duties were
performed per; se, and that at least part
of Editor Uurr's duties were performed
at long range by proxy. Not until
Tuesday, however, did The Indepen
dent learn that any change had been
made in the program. It now trans
pires that Editor Burr is living in Au
rora and attending to his duties as
newspaper "publisher and editor, while
Secretary Burr Is represented by proxy
at Washington by a young man who
draws at least a part of the emolu
ments accruing to Secretary Burr.
This will account for The Indepen
dent's reference to a certain brilliant
young attorney who writes heavy edi
torials during Editor Burr's absence
the editorial all by his lone self. Be
cause of its ignorance of the fact9,
The Independent erred and it hereby
apologizes to the brilliant young at
torney, to Editor Burr and Secretary
Burr, and to the unknown proxy at
Washington who is getting part at
least of the secretary's salary.
Out in Custer county a big discus
sion is going on as to whether mileage
should be counted as part of the fees
collected by a sheriff. Undoubtedly
the correct rule is to consider the
mileage as reimbursement for ex
penses incurred in serving papers and
not to consider it as fees.
Three mighty weapons wielded with
far-reaching effect and influence for
right and honor, for truth and moral
ity The Commoner, by Col. W. J.
Bryan, the greatest champion of hu
man rights and human liberty since
the days of Adam; the World-Herald
of Omaha and the Nebraska Indepen
dent of Lincoln. These three papers
are among the greatest and best re
form journals to be found in America.
And what a power for good instead of
the reverse could J. Sterling Morton
make of his Conservative If he had not
gone over body and soul to the evil
influence of the money power and cor
poration corruption. The republican
leaders are buying up all the fusion
papers they can get hold of in Ne
braska, but thank God so far all their
vast wealth has not yet been able t."
waver the three above named reform
papers from the path of honor and
rectitude. M. M. Warner in Lyons
Alfred Pont in Stanton Register.
The state of Nebraska maintains an
insurance department to watch th
insurance companies to see thnt they
comply with the law. Why not extend
this department and let it do the in
suring for the people? If you want a
policy walk up and pay the premium
fixed by the state. When you have
your polic3p, you know that your insur
ance is absolutely good, as the state
never goes into bankruptcy. Beiu
relieved of the expense of advertisine,
soliciting, etc., the state can carry in
surance much cheaper than any com
pany. When you pay your next premium
with an increase of 25 per cent, think
on this matter a little W. F. Cramb
in Jefferson County Journal.
Honey, 111b can, 4 or mora, $1.00 each net;
601b cans, 4 or more. $4.80 each net. Apiary sup
plier for sale at all times. Catalogue free
Prompt shipment of hooey or supplies. Cah
with order.
Address. F. A. SNELL, Milledgerille, Carroll
County, Illinois.
I believe that Nebraska may be re
moved from the republican column
this year. In my view the way to
do it Is first to adopt a platform that
will deal candidly with state issues,
that will promise the people relief from
corporation imposition, and by placiug
upon that platform candidates whom
the corporations of this state will fight
to the last ditch. So far as I am con
cerned, I have grown weary of hear
ing men say that we must not nomi
nate this man or that man because the
corporations of this state would fight
him vindictively. I desire rather to go
down into defeat with a candidate
whom I knew, if elected, would fulfill
his campaign pledges than to win an
overwhelming majority with a man
from whose election the corporations
had nothing to fear. Richard L. Met
The Independent
Three Months
The Commoner
(nr. Bryan paper)
Ona Year.
The above offer is open alike to old
and new subscribers to either pnper.
Send all orders to
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Since the prospects have become
bright for Congressman Stark to be
nominated for governor this fall there
are numerous republicans who think
they would like to run in the district
for congress. If another Pope is nomi
nated it will not be hard to elect al
most any populist or democrat. 'Gene
Walrath in Polk County Democrat.
The Minden Gazette thinks that
Hon. W. E. Andrews better not re
sisrn his present position on the
strength of any prospect. The Ga
zette's advice has reached Andrews
before this and has created a profound
impression; bet a hoss. Adams Coun
ty Democrat.
If Governor Savage would only put
his ear to the ground he could hear a
mighty rumbling all over the state
against crime being recognized in such
a way, notwithstanding the state rin?
favors him for governor again. The
State Journal may fall in line and
praise the administration of Savage,
yet the pardoning of Baxtley will not
be overlooked regardless of the fact
he has done much good along other
lines. Nebraska will be lost for sev
eral years to the republicans if a crim
inal can place in nomination whom
he chooses. St. Edward Sun (rep.).
Fusion In Stanton r county .; has
brought to our county offices as com-
Save Money
Prudent people buy their drugs and
patents here and save money. Here
are a few prices:
C1.00 Peruna r,r,e
$1.00 Miles' Nervine er.c
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies 5r.o
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla 63c
$1.00 Paine's Celery Compound 63c
$1.00 Wine of Cardui f,3c
$1.00 Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets. r."c
$1.00 Pinkham's Compound 63c
$1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 63c
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion nc
$1.00 S. S. S, f,o
Syrup of Figs isc
Meadows Malted Milk 2Zc
Castoria, Dr. Pitcher's Formula 1.V
To each purchaser of $1 K worth of
goods we give a substantial present
there is no prescription too difficult
for us to fill and we'll save you
money. Come in and get acquaint ed.
Add 25c for boxing where goods are
Hilt Rita
flgflJS Pharmacy
12th and O STS., Lincoln, Xeb.
Lincoln, February I, 19(2.
It U hereby certified that the liankars Ufa
Inturance Company of Lincoln, in the Slats of
Nebr., has complied with tha insuranca law of
this state applicable to such companies and is
therefore authorized to continue the tuines
of Life Insurance in this stats for the curreat
year ending January 31, 19J3.
Summary of report$ filed for the year ending
December 31ist, 1.901 .
Premiums $192,694.08
All other sources...... 14,501.02
Total $207,195.10
Paid policy holders.... $31,800,90
All other payments 92,513.74
Total S124.314.7J
Admitted Assets... JOS,.:)
Netreaerre $274,662.31
Matured installments
not vet due 1,910.23
Allotber liabilities $276,57X54
Capital stock paid up 100,000.00
Surplus beyond capital
s toe ir ana oiner lia
bilities 32,067.78 $132,067.76
Total........... $408.64CU
WitnoftH tor hand and the seal of tha Auditor
of Publie Accounts, the day and year first
above written.