The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 13, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    n.TH i.lnyyf$?3 and home bred draft and coach stallions are larger than all import-rs
i lf i Hi BLAC stallions and prices are "HOT PKOPOSITIONS" to his competitors.
tbfm o Vo-away-back-and-it-down" and sin? "Ain't-it-a-sbame." That IAMH
J5?". Bnd breeds only the best first-class bi draft stallions.flash coachers.and he sells tbem at
le,s than we can afford to. He surely hypnotizes his many buyers with his top-
m 5 rt' , r VT''v B, dos ?u,iae"' But he is the only man in C. S. that imports ALL
cLACh. &f ALLIONS. Hehasonhand .
100 BIaCk Perchers Clydes, Shires and g Q,(?-"3E9ATION"!,of tbetown. Visitors thron the barns and say": "Most select
2rileststalhoILever.sw , Se0 that 2,000-pound-two-year-old-a Tipper; and that 2,200
EPJ and tbre--year-old "herd header' 'a topper'." "O, my I See that 5,000-pound pair of four-year-olds;
they are on i of sight; largest pair in 17. S. ; wide as a red wagon and have 12 and 14-inch
bone and they more hke flash soachera." lams has a larger "HORSE SHOW" every day than
tan b seen at the Iowa or Nebraska State Fairs. Hehasonhand
50 Black Ton Stallions- 50
ir.Mt8il2ea"511: I!'iihtl,to 2'509 Pou. fast movers. MORE Black Percberons, ton
stallions, Paris Exhibition and State prize winners, government APPROVED and STAMPED
PTivwR8 vo yAnomlter' . Iam8 Peks French and German, pays NO INTERPRETER, NO
m Sx VBklr1i,NUn5tr?Tt-n mTen Prtn?r to share profits. His buyers get MID
DLEMEN & PROFITS and SALARIES. lams buys direct from breeders. This, with his twenty
p.. Mjre wuH 3rcura tuo oea. ah me Hoove racts save uis buyers 8500. (JO to $1,000.00 on a
first-class stallion, and you get a rirstlass horse, a only second-rate stallions are peddled by
slick sa esmento be sold. GOOD ONES SELL THEMSELVES. It costs $000.00 and $800.00 to
have salesman form CO. and soil a second-rate stalJion. Form your own companies. Go direct
1? i?fff tb?TnoEZ?2ll?n you a ?etter stallion for $1,000.00 and $1,200.00 than others are selling
? a4i-aa8,,C5,0- I,Aras Pa;.borse freight and his buyer's fare. Good guarantees. BARNS
l 1XV N. Don t be a clam. Write for an eye-opener and finest horse catalog on earth.
References-5t. Paul State Bank, First State Bank, Citizens' National Bank.
in the U. S. Neither have we all ton horss. But we do make ft
importations each year. Our stables at Lincoln, Neb., and at South
Omaha Union Stock Yards are full of first-class stallions. If you want
a rsood one for what he is worth, it will pay you to see us. Our horses
won sweepstakes in all draft and hacknoy classes at Nebraska State
.' Wnyx- Aaaress an oorresponaenca to
Gold still goes to Europe. Five mil
lion went last week. The result was a
fall in stocks and the banks called
many loans. The constant shipment
of large amounts of goods and go'.d
to Europe above what is returned to
this country, continues to excite com
ment. What becomes of it? Certain
ly it is not given away. The drain
upon the wealth of this country is tre
mendous. The constant shipping of
more wealth out of the country than
comes into it is for the enrichment of
Europe and the impoverishment of
ourselves. It certainly cannot go oa
forever, unless we shall voluntarily
make ourselves the working slaves of
monarchies of the old world.
J. Laurence Laughlin, professor of
political economy in Rockefeller's Chi
cago university, has an article in the
Yale Quarterly on legal tender. The.e
are so many twistings and turnings,
tergiversations, subterfuges and eva
sions in his logic that it would make a
mountain climber dizzy to follow his
devious trails. If one carefully looks
through the article, he will see that
he admits enough truth not to destroy
entirely his reputation as an econo
mist. He knows the truth well enough,
but what would become of J. Laurence
Laughlin if he should write it out and
print it? He would no longer be at the
head of the department of political
economy in a great plutocratic uni
versity. As the pop farmer would
say, he would have "to git up and git."
There is just one fact that knocks J,
Laurence Laughlin and all of his care
fully prepared sentences clear out of
the box. The silver dollar is worth
just as much as the gold dollar and
the material in it is worth less than
half as much and it is "not redeema
ble in any other kind of money."
What makes the silver dollar of the
same value of the gold dollar? Why
is its power in exchange exactly equal
to the gold dollar? There is but one
answer that can be given. IT IS
J. Laurence Laughlin may write un
til his hair all turns gray and his teeth
fall out from old age and he will never
convince any reasonable, honest man
that the legal tender power does not
add to the value of the material to
which it is attached. A scientist who
abandons the search for the truth and
attempts to establish falsehood is the
most contemptible of men.
The editor of The Independent has
received a letter from a prominent
business man of the city in which h'i
says that he is thoroughly disgusted
with the kind of government that re
publicans are giving the city and
wants to know why the populists and
democrats do not organize a vigorous
opposition. As the writer of this let
ter is a republican it seems a matter
worth while to discuss the proposi
tion. His party has an overwhelming
majority in the city and if there is
ever any reform accomplished it must
come among the republicans. There
are not enough fusionists to get con
trol of the government. As long ns
he and the remainder of his party will
persist in voting the republican ticket.
Seed Corn For Sale
The Improved Gold Mine is a pure,
yellow and early corn, and will ma
ture in ninety to one hundred days,
and is a large corn; yields as much
as the later variety that takes 120 days
to mature. It will shell sixty pounds
of shelled grain to the bushel of ears
It is tipped and thoroughly tested be
fore it leaves my place, and shelled,
sacked, put on cars, at Seward, free!
Price, $1.25 per bu.; half bu., 75 cents!
Iowa Silver Mine seed corn Is a
good large white corn and is early,
maturing in one hundred days; is a
T-,..;.. (Mor , ,
Lincoln will have to suffer under cor
poration rule. If the fusionists should
put up a ticket of the very best men
in the city upon a platform of reform,
the republicans would still continue to
vote for 'the corporation tools who
are on the republican ticket and The
Independent very much doubts wheth
er the writer of the letter would vote
for such men unless they were labeled
republican. The gas company, the
street car company, the electric light
company and other corporations rule
this city and will continue to rule it
as long as a majority of the citizens
will vote the republican ticket. If
enough republicans will leave the
party to make it probable that an op
position ticket could be elected, there
would very soon be one in the field.
Reform must begin among those who
have voted the republican ticket.
When they have so far progressed as
to be able to vote for their own In
terests instead of at the dictation of
corporation managers, we will hava
reform and not before. What is true
of Lincoln is true of hundreds of other
The more a man has the more he
wants. When he gets a million, then
he wants two millions. When he gets
two millions, that don't satisfy him
any more than one million did. That
is the way of the privileged class.
The more they get the more they
want. It is especially true of the tar
iff grabbers. The whole republican
party is lined up and this is their pro
gram. No reciprocity treaties of any sort.
All that were negotiated under the
McKinley administration to be laid on
the shelf and kept there. That In
cludes the reciprocity with Cuba as
favored by McKinley and now advo
cated by Roosevelt.
The defeat of every effort to lower
the tariff on anything and the tariffs
on trust goods sold cheaper to for
eigners than to Americans to stand
A tariff on Porto Rico and the Phil
ippines and every other place tbat a
tariff can be made to reach. Then
they want a ship subsidy bill which
is only another form of the protective
tariff. On that basis the party pro
poses to go before the country. All the
thieves will line up together. Penn
sylvania tariff pirates will fight just
as hard for a tariff on beet sugar al
though the state does not produce a
pound, as they will for a tariff on iron
and coal. The Oregon protectionists
will fight just as hard for a tariff on
Connecticut fake jewelry as they will
for one on canned salmon. Every
thief proposes to stand for the graft
of every other thief from Maine to
California, and the aggregation ex
pects to rule the country. That is the
plan. The Independent likes it fir&t
rate. That is just as it ought to be..
Wild cat banking and tariffs mountain
high. Nothing could suit us better.
Some of the best writing that ever
appeared in the United States were
the Bee head-lines over the summary
of the currency bill introduced into
congress last week. They ran like
this: "Puts care on banks. Fiscal
bill transfers responsibility of pro
tecting gold reserve. Removes the
burden from the government, etc." Oh!
those patriotic bankers. They long
to take the responsibilities "of the gov
ernment and 76,000,000 of people upon
their own shoulders. Bankers only
want to increase their responsibilities.
They never think of decreasing them.
Thev want to redeem somebody else's
notes, to pay other people's debts.
They have always been known as the
burden-bearers of the people. Hurrah
for the banks! Watch them redeem
Uncle Sam's promises to pay. Poor
are going to step in and take up his
"burden." How we should love, honor
and reverence these bankers. ;jo such
unselfish creatures were ever known in
all the world before. Let the welkin
ring with your shouts for the bankers.
Form a procession a mile long. Get
some grease dropping torches, march
up and down the streets and 'whoop it
up" for the bankers and the republi
can party. They are going to "re
deem" Uncle Sam's notes and all of the
silver dollars. They are going to pro
tect the treasury. Uncle Sam can
build navies, raise armies and whip
the world without costing him a cent.
Hip, Hip, Hurrah!
A few populists and Bryan demo
crats have written letters to The In
dependent in which they give up hope
and declare that imperialism, trusts
and special privileges cannot be over
thrown, and that they will grow more
and more powerful and rapacious un
til some sort of a cataclysm occurs,
when we iU begin at the bottom and
build the temple of liberty all over
again. They should remember that
there have been times in this republic
when the money power seemed more
firmly installed in power than it is
now, and yet each time in the end it.
was defeated. The first great fight in
this country was against landlordism.
The landlords ruled things to suit
themselves, but they were downed in
the end. Then came the banks when
they felt themselves so strong that
Biddle told General Jackson to his
face that no man could be elected
whom he opposed. But Biddle and his
bank power was overthrown. Then
for a long time slavery ruled the coun
try, not in the south alone, but many
of the northern states. Slavery went
It has only been one generation
since liberty arose triumphantly from
the field of battle and the nation
strted out on a new career. There have
slowly arisen three powers, which to
day seem to many to be permanently
enthroned banks, trusts and rail
roads. The object of them all is tha
same as the forces that have been
overthrown. It is to enslave labor an I
accumulate in a few hands the wealth
of the country. The fight against thes-3
new forms of oppression is not half as
hopeless as the fate of liberty has
sometimes seemed in the past. But
you must fight if you would win.
"Truth forever on the scaffold,
Wrong forever on the throne,
But the scaffold sways the future
And behind the dim unknown
Standeth God within the shadow, .
Keeping watch, upon his own."
"As the exchangeable values o?
commodities are only social functions
of these things, and have nothing at
all to do with the natural qualities,
we must first ask, What is the com
mon social substance of all commodi
ties? It is labor. To produce a com
modity a certain amount of labor
must be bestowed upon it, or worked
up in it. And I say not only labor,
but social labor. A man who pro
duces for his own immediate use, to
consume it himself, creates a product,
but not a commodity. As a self-sustaining
producer he has nothing to do
with society. But to produce a' com
modity, a man must not only produce
an article satisfying some social want,
RFDDY Dl ANKrr Sale-40 varieties,
LL.III r 1IJ moderate price. Send
for 1902 Catalogue. B. 1 Smith, P. O. drawer
C, Lawrence. Kans.
Mrs. A. R. Raymond, 967 Charles street, Des
Moines, la., has discovered a wonderful cure for
tobacco habit. She is curing all her friends.
Mie will send receipt free to anybody sending
two cent stamp for postage. Write for it.
snd baar fine fruit. We trow that kind. Lareaitock. Honest deal
tag. Lew prlets. We pay fr!r&t. Budded Peaches Ce ; Grafted Ap
plea 5c ; Concord Grape 3c. Engliah or German ratalofroea free.
GAEL S0NBESEOGER, Prop. Box 35, Beatrice, Iffeb.
Importers and Exporters of 3; var
ieties land and water lowls 'Stock
and eggs for sale at all times. Write
before you buy. Bank and personal
references given. Send for Full Il
lustrated Circular Iowa Poultry Co.
Box 633, Des Moines, Iowa.
Do you want a home on easy terms
or an investment that wiil pay you
15 per cent. We have it in Idaho
land, and have sent an experienced
man to investigate and can and will
furnish reliable information. Write
P. J. Carey,
Lincoln, Neb.
Also. ranch lands in Colorado, Wyo
: Axis and western Kansas.
fOUfi Dealerto
hut his labor itself must form part and
parcel of the total sum of labor ex
pended by society. . . If we consider
commodities as values, we consider
them exclusively under the single as
pect of realized, fixed, or, if you like,
crystallized social labor." Karl Marx.
It seems strange that such a logical
reasoner as Karl Marx should fall into
the error of defining value as "crystal
lized social labor." The energy ex
pended in producing a given thing is
quite different from the struggle, be
tween individuals to gam possession
of that thing after it has been pro
duced. It is quite true that the value
of labor and raw materials entering
into the production of most goods
usually approximates the value of the
finished product, but not necessarily.
The good is desirable. Perhaps many
individuals want it, probably may
need it badly. Each of these is bidder
for it; each enters the contest and
struggles for its possession; each must
offer or make some sacrifice in order
to get it; but each has in. mind the
cost in labor and raw materials of
producing that good, and ordinarily
will not bid greatly above the cost of
production," but in many cases, will.
It isn't the "crystallized social labor"
in the good which gives it value it i&
the tug of war on the rope of demand.
"What the American socialist de
mands is that the government or state
shall employ first the unemployed ar-d
all thrt want to work for the govern
ment, making goods, food, houses, and
divide among them in wages all they
produced (about $4 a day in goods,
etc.). The government has rich sub
arid prairies enough to feed 100 or 200
million people, so it does not want or
need the farmers' misused, worn out
weed farms, and they and the trusts
can continue business on the old stand
for the next hundred years to their
hearts' content. Now, a few of the
skilled, highest paid laborers get $2.50
a day. Under socialism the man who
dug ditches and the skilled labor? r
would get the same?; otherwise, all
would -fit themselves 'for the highest
paid labor and nbbody would want to
dig ditches at all, and I dare say they
would all have to take turns about for
a week or two to dig ditches any way.
Under socialism no one would have
any rent to pay, and fuel would be
free. There is wind-falls in timber
and slabs around sawmills now wasted
that would provide fuel in abundance,"
S. P. Gibson, Page, Neb.
Why does Mr. Gibson use money
terms in speaking of the good time
coming? There would be no such
thing as money. The dollar would
cease to be the unit of account, as Th i
Independent understands the question,
and the day's lal; or would, be the unit
regardless of the fact that the labor
of one, man may be greatly superior to
that of some other man, or that the
labor of one man might be much more
valuable one day than another. But
conceding that it would be fair to pay
all men exactly the same for a day's
labor, it does not follow that it would
be right or wise to make them all
take turns at ditch digging. Perhaps
many of them would be vastly morr:
useful to society if they never threw a
spadeful of earth. Under socialism of
any kind every man would have to pay
for everything rent, fuel, food, all;
but he would pay to the government
instead of private persons. It would
be a change of landlords and shop
keepers. The Kansas Brown Oats
Is rust proof and will not lodge on
rich soil. In eleven years of my ex
perience they have yielded more than
any oats I have ever tried. It will
pay every farmer to try them. This
year they yield Allz bu. by machine
measure, in wagon; boxful weighs i
pounds to a bushel measure. Good
seasons they yield from sixty to
eighty bushels per acre. Price, 75
cents with sack. I have Lincoln Oats,
they are a good white oats, and a
good yielder, at 65 cents per bushel
with sack. The Early Champion, they
are rust proof and won't lodge on
rich soil; ripens ten days earlier than
the common early oats; price, 80 cents
per bu. with sack. Send for sample.
10 cents. Mike Flood, Seward, Neb.
Teddy. In this fight The Independent
is with Teddy.
News of the Week
"Wall 'street "has it in for Teddy" so
all the Washington and New York
correspondents say. His order to
prosecute the Northern Pacific merger
conspirators brands him in the mind3
of the Wall street gang as a very dan
gerous man. Constant accounts are
printed about what the great million
aire magnates say concerning the au
dacity of ordering the prosecution of
these violators of law without first
consulting them. One of them says
that Roosevelt did not even consult
his cabinet. He declares that if the
cabinet had been consulted every one
of them would have opposed . it and
certainly would Secretary Root have
done so. Wall street has the blue3
The great dailies are just now work
ing over the - aftermath of Prince
Henry's visit. Columns upon columns
of the Sunday papers were given over
to describing the heart breaks of so
ciety that portion that did not get
the opportunity to pour out their ad
miration for royalty in the presence
of royalty itself. Mrs. Jack Gardner
is among the wounded and wailing. , A
queer thing happened in New York
also. Cornelius Vanderbilt disinher
ited his oldest son, Cornelius Vander
bilt, jr., and made another son, then
a boy at college, the inheritor of hi3
millions, that is, he left his oldest son
only $7,000,000 and the other hundreds
of millions 10 Gwyn Vanderbilt. All
that was done because the oldest son
married a woman that the old man
didn't like. 'It turns out that Prince
Henry had an order from the emperor
to dine with Mrs. Cornelius Vander
bilt, jr., which was a recognition by
royalty itself which the other branch
of the family don't like. The corre
spondents say "that grave diplomatic
complications may result from this ac
tion of the emperor." There are a
great many other things of this sort
that take up most of the space in thi
metropolitan dailies. The editor of
The Independent has been very unwell
for some time and he thinks that it is
the result of having to i-ead this sick
ening twaddle in the great dailies, it
is enough to turn the stomach of a
garbage hauler.
The social democratic party in Ger
many has always been a great ad
mirer of the United States. Cable
grams during the week assert that
the leaders are disgusted with the
American sychophancy to royalty and
that the members of that party in the
reichstag will now join with the
agrarians and go in for prohibitive tar
iffs on all sorts of American goods.
The leaders say that they had looked
to this country as an example and
ideal which Germany should strive to
obtain, but the fawning upon royalty
has changed their views.
The readers of The Independent will
remember how the tax bill was forced
through the house under the Reid
rules without a word of discussion.
The result is just what might have
been expected. It is now announced
that it is in such a crude and indefinite
form that it is absolutely worthless
and that the senate will have to for
mulate an entirely new bill to take Us
place. One of its provisions is so
drawn that practically all the intern!
duties on tobacco would be abolished.
In this instance the fifth wheel to ths
government legislative wagon, proved
not only useless, but dangerous. As a
law-making body the house has be
come not only a nullity, but a real ob
struction and it might as well adjourn
and go home.
Some of the ministers of the gospel
are beginning to talk in the same way
that The Independent has been talk
ing for the last five years about the
downfall of religion. Dr. Lorimer de
clares that there is a crisis in religious
affairs, that the church has lost its
force and power and that there seems
to be no future for it unless a great
change comes over the people. The In
dependent thinks that there should
rather be a change in the church. It
has lost its power by its alliance with
plutocracy. A magnificent temple with
stained glass windows and a preache.
drawing a salary equal to that of fifty
laboring men, is not in accordance
with the teachings of Christ and the
common people know that it is not. So
they lump the whole matter together
and declare that religion is hypocrisy
and let it go at that.
There was a thing connected with
The Independent's mail this week that
attracted attention in the postoffice, a
no other occurrence of the same kind
was ever known there. It was "a reg
istered postal card." A subscriber had
nnt received his Independent and he
sent a registered postal card so that
the office should not fan to Know or ms
There was a great reform move
ment in New York city engineered by
the republican party. Reformers of
that brand all over the country re
joiced greatly for the city was to be
purified and the evils of Tammany
rule were to be uprooted. Last Mon
day all the New York papers an
nounced that every saloon in the city,
tenderloin and all. were run wide
open on Sunday and not even a Rains
law sandwich was handed out with
the drinks. Most of the leading
preachers of New York, including
Bishop Potter and Lyman Abbott, are
advocating Sunday saloon opening. It
is somewhat difficult to decide how
much improvement has been made in
New York since the great reformation
when Tammany was downed.
Honesty in business has become so
rare a thing and dishonesty and chi
canery so universal that there seems
to be a revolt all along the lines. Bus
iness men are waking up to the truth
of the old maxim that honesty is the
best policy. There is therefore a gen
eral demand that laws shall be en
acted to punish fraud and deception in
tie sale of articles to the public. A
large delegation is to go to Washing
ton to insist that congress shall en
act such legislation as will prevent
fraud in food stuffs. A pure food" law
has been before every congress for
many years, but the merchants never
gave it active support. Now they de
clare that such a law must be passed
The Porto Ricana have not yet "got
onto" the ways of, congress and th
American people. They foolishly sent
a petition for a bounty on coffee-raising,
and gave as a ; reason that th;
people engaged in that business are all
poor and need assistance. If they had
been attached a little longer to the
United States and "appertinent there
to," as the supreme court says, they
would never have presented a peti
tion in that form. Subsidies in tne
United States are for millionaires and
not for the poor who need assistance.
They are for men who own great lines
of steamships and immense suear fac
tories. If these Porto Ricans had as
serted in their petition that the men
engasred , in - coffeerraising in that isl
and were all millionaires and able and
We have just purchased a lot of very fine Dakota Millet which,
. until March 20th, we will offer to our customers at this low
price. Dakota ' or Red German t is much like our regular
German Millet. It is earlier, stands the, drouth better, ha
more blades on the stem, and thus makes from one-third to
one-half more hay. , The hay is softer when cured, greener in
. . color, and is preferred by stock to other hay or Millet. Unlike
.. German Millet.. this hay cm be fed to horses. . It yields from
thirty, to fifty bushels seed per acre. . Ul I I O
d I.IU
Trice per bu. (2 bu. grain bags extra at i6c each) .
GRISWOLD SEED CO., Box K, Lincoln, Nebraska
1,000 bushels select seed from 1931 crop pure Golden
Cap field coro grown continuously on my Platte Valley
lands for 12 years. Above 50 bus. per acre last season.
A 100 day corn, bright yellow, small rob, deep crain,
yielding abundantly always. Tipped, sacked, f . o. b.
cars $1.25 per bu. Write for samples, descriptive cir
cular and price list. J. M. MA HER, Frnmont, Nob.
(Clarence L;Gerrard;
7" m M' i m iv - -t-
Irrigation grown seeds will grow the
BEST CROPS. WHY? 5end four
cents for samples. ..... .
Col u m bus Ne br. -
m :
tam ni ffl T 1iTfi-M nail rl1 1
xS. airiiiM f
Low in price, superior in construction.
Certain in results.
Awarded First Premium at Nebraska
State Fair, 1901, in competition iuou
bators at work. A marvel of simplicity
Built on new scientific principles. En
tirely new features. It satisfies pur
chaser because it hatches all fertile eggs,
under any conditions.
Built on Honor and
Sold on Merit
A reliable, business, very-day Incuba
tor, that will do all the work required of
it, do it well, and leave no disappointed
hopes. DON'T BUY an Incubator un
til you investigate the merits of this
one. Catalogue and testimonials from
"home folks" who use the machine sent
free on request. Ask for them.
Address ,
103 South I Ifh St.,
We offer full line of Nursery Stock, Trees and Plants, Ornamental Trees. Shrubs 5;
and Roses. Our trees and plants are not tied up in cellars like commercial nurseries, S;
:j but wintered with boots in earth. That our fruit trees are productive is shown by
- the crops of fruit we have grown, I;
I 1 3,000 Bushels
season. 17 to l bushels of apples on sinde
Is of Cherries in one season: avi bushels nn
a single tree; 570 bunches of grapes on a single vine. Extreme care to have all carefully
packed and true to name. We help on all losses.
5 ...... .
Send for illustrated catalogue. Please mention The Independent. :
E F. STEPHENS, Mgr, Crete, Neb.
We have won four-fifths of the prizes at the
Nebraska state fair for the past IS years. At the
WOt state fair we won eleven firsts and nine
seconds all the prizes offered on field corn.
For descriptive price list and samples address,
with 2c stamp. .
M. H. SMITH & SON, Dc Soto, Neb
S. F. BROWN, Ashmore, Illinois
Breeder of pure bred Chester White wine,
White Holland Turkeys, and
(Cochins ( P. Hockn
Buff P. Rocks , White Wyandotts
( Leghorns ( Leghorns
Stock and lTtfjrs for sale in reason. Mention
this paper and send for free price list.
Gold in a Nut Shell
New book, all about Nut Trees. Price
14 cents.
The American Plant & Seed Co.,
Nashville, Tennessee.
CEVErJ Chllltcothe Normal School
OLfLii I C'hlUlcothe Commercial Oollejr
PDCAT I Chllllcothe Shorthand CUr
UnCAl ChiUlcothe 'lelejrraphy Collie
Ofilinni O I Chllllcothe l'en-Art loth-sre
OUrlUULtS I Chllllcothe School of oratory
Chllllcothe Musical Conservatory.
Last year's enrollment 729. pays for 4
weeks board, tuition, room rent, and useof text
books. Fur FHEti lllustratetl Catalog addre
ALLEN MOORE, Pres., Box 21, Chillicothc. Mo.
Get an incubator that ttu ymn rnn;
one that will do good work fron tht
.ii iriii '' Ei "l'UI L kuu lust i r ru i , i do nirt
I ii ii jSS Hatch is made of California r-l
9 Wrlit U wood,witU12os.cold rolled cnpw tank,
Nearest 1 Hy.tro Safety humv. Climax fctir boil.t a4
HOtttS 1 ''or,'"P,e1 " repoitor. Send for oat Uf
dred who art making money with vba gar Hutch Incubator. Oer
Common Hvasa Broodrr la th beat. -t ltd now.
Sure Match Incubator Co.. Clay Center. Neb., or Ca!amkts,0.
Test 40 lbs per bushel, wonderful
yielder and endurance, rust proof. 100
lbs., J2.60, 500 lbs 512.00. Sacks free.
Cash with order. We carry a full line
of choice farm seeds.
HENRY BROTHERS, Fairfield. Iowa.
$3.10 $6.20 $1.50
Until our supply is exhausted. Sacks free.
Cash with order. Write for prices on corn and
oats. . . - -
HENRY BROTHERS. Fairfield, Iowa.
For particulars, address with stamp,
BRYAN TYSON,' Carthage, N. C.
You will please mention paper.
Come to Cass County, Missouri
The home of blue grass, timothy, clover, the big red
apple and the mule. Where we successfully raise,
corn, wheat, and all kinds of grain, fruit and stock.
Plenty of pure water, rich soil and good markets.
Only 20 to 40 rail ps south of Kansas City. Will soil you
good land at from $20.00 to $50.00 per acre, and loan
you 05 per cent of purchase price. fnd for our land
list. J. C. PATRICK & BKOTHEK, Harrisonvillt), Cass
County Missouri. . ; ,
Wakefield Nursery.
Northern grown 'nursery stoes.
Nothing but the best sent out. Send
for catalogue of nursery stock arw
seeds that will grow and that are best
suited for the west.
Wakefield Nursery, Wakefield, Nell-.
Seed Corn For Sale
I have a fine lot of yellow seed corn
of this year's growth raised on my
farm on the little Siota' bottom,
miles from Union, Neb., which 1 wiil
sell in quantities of 5 to 1,000 bush
els at $1 per bushel, f. o. b., s-cks ex
tra. Address L. G. Todd, sr., or L. G.
Todd, jr.. Union, Neb.
Corn Stalk Disease Cure
To those who wish a cure for thv?
dry stomach in cattle caused by eatir..
stalks or smut I will send them a re
ceipt for $1 which I have tried on 9
good many and have not failed on on?.
This is no humbug.
. Leland, La Salle Co.. lit.
Cf Hfi '50 Budded Peach Trees, best varieties JL
uu 50 Uood Concord Grape Vine. $1.
Will 500 Asparagus Plants, $1.
if i a-i. our catalogue mailed for the asking.
R I J V It quotes a general line of fruit and or-
namental trees: best quality ; low prices
Uox 633, Keatrice, Nebraska.
cherry. 2 to 3 ft., Kli; freestone Di-teh.?l: Coacont
Our 1902 catalogue of Nursery Stock
and Seeds is a money-saver. Get it.
Seed potatoes, $1.00 to ; $1.50 bushel;
apple trees, 5 to 6 ft: $12.00 per 100;
plum trees, $10.00 per 100; 60 varieties
strawberries; seed corn, v We? pay
freight. Send for catalogue,, 52 pages,
free. Everyone answering this ad.
and cut this out and send 10c stiver
can select 20 .'.cents', worth of seeds
JErnm rmt brink T, A1. T. WRfflHT 1
grape, ri per 100. 1000 Ash, CI; Catalpa, Locust. Ii. Muf-
berry.B.Klder and Usage Hedge; lowpnoes.Catal
I02 frw.
Calbraith Nurttrles, (rmwij Jaam Num?) Bx 35, Fiirbury.ttiL.
B I l- fcat i
the freight.
ot a poor crop bv nsin j
BROODERS. They ara
money-makers. The best
at bottom notch prices.
Catalogue free. We pay
Bo D13, Omaha. KeK