March 13, 1902. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. A STRANGE WOMAN She Made a Prophecy Which Has Come True 0r Fcnr Yoars Ago Sh Told a Young (iirl What Would Come to Pan and r Gt Ilfr nre of Advlc "More than four years ago, an un known lady came up to me and toW me something which has made me very happy," said Miss Mary Lyle Mc Lachlan of No. 72 E. Third street. South, Salt Lake City, Utah, to a re porter. "Yes, it was a prophecy and it came true and I shall always be grateful to her for the advice she gave me," she continued. "From the time I was thir teen years old until shortly after I saw this women I was miserable. Ev ery month I suffered horribly and I became weak and run down. My hea l ached. I couldn't eat and I had a very severe cough all the time. I could scarcely stand, and took fainting spells and was always dizzy and tired. Be sides this my liver and kidneys were affected. "You can readily see." she went on, "that I couldn't get much pleasure out of life. Then this lady, whom I never saw before or since, came up to me and to!d me that she knew how I felt and advised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, for they had cured her daughter who had been in a condition like mine. I took the pills and was better before I finished the first box. I am entirely well now, but I always keep them on hand and take them whenever I do not feel as good as usual." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will not only cure cases sim ilar to that of Miss McLachlan, but, containing as they do, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves, they have proved efficacious in a wide range of diseases. They are an unfailing sfpecific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu matism, nervous headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness, either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on re ceipt of price. 50 cents a box; six boxes, two dollars and a half, by ad dressine Dr. Williams Medicine Com pany Schenectady, N. Y. declared: "I shall fight these treaties to the bitter end. They are wrong In principle and ruinous In practice. The republican party made a mistake n suggesting reciprocity In its platform and in enacting a reciprocity law." After a favorable report by the sen ate committee on foreign relations, Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, (anxious for his novelty constituents) moved that the matter be referred to the finance committee; and, although Mr. Kasson secured an extension of time for ratification to save some of the treaties from defeat, they were never allowed to come to a vote, and perished before they were born. The senate adjourned, and Mr. Kasson re signed in disgust. Reciprocity is de fined in the Standard Dictionary as "mutual equality of rights and ben efits." In modern journalism It is fre quently styled "a sickly republican twin." A STAUNCH HOME COMPANY ORGANIZED IN OMAHA; OFFI CERED BY NEBRASKANS; IN VESTMENTS IN NEBRASKA SECURITIES. THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE Has Demonstrated the Value Building Up Nebraska Institu tions in Nebraska. WILL HAVE NONE OF IT Kpnbllran Have Repudiated Their Plat form on Reciprocity That Was Made to Catch Votes There Is no denying the fact that there is an uproar In the republican r-qms from one end of the country to the o'her. So many men are dissatis fied T. ith the enormously high tariff rates even among those who have al ways voted the republican ticket that the leaders are frightened. What l;e done? This dissatisfaction was noticpable before the last republican national convention and to allay it, the reciprocity section was placed in the platform. Now that chicken has come home to roost, and the tariff grabbers refuse to recognize it, boldly declaring that it does not belong on their premises at all. Mr. Kasson ne gotiated several reciprocity treaties and they were sent to the senate and never have been heard of since. It was a patriotic effort to increase our com merce and gain an outlet for the pro duction of American farms. But as soon as the successful effort to make these treaties became known to the tariff grabbers, they sent up a fright ened cry from one end of the land to the other. Manufacturers asserted that the reduction on cotton knit goods meant irreparable injury. A pa per factory in Lee, Mass., was in an agony of despair at the prospect of a reduction in the paper schedule. The gentle shepherds from Ohio, pasturing sheep on $100 an acre land and of the Rocky mountains, where government ranges can be had for nothing, raised a mighty shout at the enormity of 20 per cent reduction on wool. Under the Dingley act the finer Andean fleeces were practically prohibited, an.! the reduction would be welcome to manufacturers. California protestfd because West Indian fruits were to compete with her own. The most amusing objection came from novelty factories in Providence and Attleboro. which are supported 'jy kindly disposed customers who char ifhly tx themselves some 65 per cent. They addressed the New England con gressmen as follows: "Should the French treaty be rati fied, the home market will again be crowded with foreign-made goods: and to compete with the same labor, which enters largely into the produc tion, must necessarily be the sufferer. "In 1S97 we petitioned for a tariff of ,75 per cent. The enactment of the Di tgley bill fixed the rate at 65 per cei t. which does not fully reach the poi H of equalization. "To now infringe on that percent age even l.per cent would be a blow at labor and the persons dependent on the jewelry industry. We earnestly ap peal to you to use your utmost en deavor to have the treaty rejected." The Home Market club, our indus trial Mentor, not believing that Presi dent McKinley was guilty of such heresy until his last message to con gress, beean to pass resolutions. Tf thought that the wool reduction was an outrage, for the wool schedule whs arranged after a long conference "be tween the growers and the manufac turers." It is not apparent from this statement that the question of revenu? or of consumer's interests was of any consequence in this matter. The or ganization further declared that the treaties "are not based upon the true principle of reciprocity, which is the exchange on favorable terms of dis similar and non-competing products, and that, on the contrary, they are based on the principle of free trade, and will introduce a damagine. if not ruinous, competition. In addition to this they disturb the harmony of ad justment between industries, which Is an Important characteristic of the tar iff law, and will therefore Introduce ..viy. )npfinqHtfp? as to -unfavorably af- STATE COMMITTEE Meeting: Called for March 19 General Con far nee Also to be Held He formers Inrited Members of the people's independent party state central committee are hereby notified that a meeting of said committee will be held in the city of Lincoln on Wednesday, March 19, 1902, for the purpose of determining, if deemed advisable at such time, the time and place of holding the pop ulist state nominating convention; and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before such committee. C. Q. DE FRANCE, Chairman. Lincoln, Neb. In addition to mailing a letter to each member of the state central com mittee, containing in substance toe call above, Chairman De France has sent letters of invitation to a larg l umber of energetic populists over the state asking them to attend the meeting, including the chairman and secretary of each county central com mittee, populist editors, and those who have been foremost in the party councils in the past. Besides the com mittee meeting proper, which is set lor 3 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, it is expected that a general conference of populists and democrats will be held (Chairman Hall and Vice Chairman Scott of the democratic committee having called a meeting of their com mittee for the same day) some time during the day. No definite line of ac tion is mapped out for this confer ence, but it is expected that arrange ments will be made for some needed work to be done between now and the time of the state conventions, espe cially in the way of strengthening th3 reform papers of the state. It is expected that the populist edi tors in attendance will meet and ef fect the temporary organization of an editorial association and fix the time for a future meeting when the asso ciation can be made permanent. Chairman De France has made ap plication for reduced rates on the railroads, but the request has not been granted at this writing. Although the date fixed may be a little too late in the spring to expect the best at tendance, The Independent hopes to see a large number of the old guard present and believes that much goo.! can be accomplished by discussing the situation generally and perfecting a3 far as possible plans for the coming campaign HOW THE BOERS FIGHT Ride Down and Overwhelm the British The American Mule Takes a Hand in the Rumpus Telegrams received from Klerks dorp describing the attack upon and capture by the Boers, February 24, at a point southwest of Klerksdorp, of 467 British soldiers, who were acting as convoy to an empty wagon train, show that General Delarey laid bis plans with consummate care and pre cise knowledge of the ground. The third Boer attack upon the con voy was delivered from various points, and was most determined. By sheer recklessness they sough to ride down and overwhelm the Brit ish defense. The British guns shelled the charging Boers, but nothing stopped their onslaught, which was delivered with unusual impetus. The convoy of mules was subjected to a heavy fire and. deserted by the native drivers, the mules stampeded, putting many of the defenders temporarily out of action and causing the wildest con fusion. For two hours the British held out. They then divided and were over whelmed. A few minutes of cautious fighting and all was over. The Boers galloped along the line, firing at every man who showed the slightest ten dency to resist, until they reached and captured the guns. In the excitement the Northumberland Fusiliers, who had been cut off succeeded in fighting their way out for some distance. When their ammunition became exhausted they charged with bayonets, but were speedily overpowered. By 7 o'clock in the morning all re sistance was at an end. The dead and wounded were scattered all over the field. Broken wagons and panic-stricken horses and mules made a scene of Indescribable confusion. Not until General Delarey came in person was anything like order restored. The Latest Wonder Signor Marconi's three dots sent across the Atlantic without wires elic ited much technical criticism, but his latest exploit in sending a six-word message over 1,551 miles of interven ing space is not open to the same sort of objection. If six words may be thus transmitted, why not 6,000. Who is to set bounds to a system of inter communication so cheap in operation, so elemental in construction, and in stallation? This latest wonder in elec trical transmission is, in effect, but a single unfamiliar phase of the vast question of modern electrical development.- The earlier ; telegraph Instru ments have gone out of date; ' why should telegraph wires and cables lin- B. H. Robison, president of the Bankers' Reserve Life association, when interviewed by a Bee reporter in the elegant home office of the asso ciation in the McCague building, af ter showing with some pride a dozen applications for new policies received in a single mail, said: "We founded this company upon a theory which I believed was sure to win. Having been actively identified with life insurance in the west for more than a quarter of a century, I saw plainly that the principle upon which our people were operating was fundamentally wrong. "Life insurance companies are sav ing institutions. The funds of these companies are the surplus savings of their patrons. They c.e not only the largest trust companies in the world, but their earnings and reserves be long to the policy holders. They can not honestly be diverted from the sin gle purpose of indemnity and kindred dividends. "Now, I saw from the reports of the department of insurance that Nebraska was contributing $1,500,000 a year to non-resident corporations for a little over $300,000 a year indemnity. In other words, while beneficiaries re ceived $300,000, the people at large were every year piling up $1,200,000 in eastern money vaults, never to be returned. "It therefore occurred to me that the prosperous, intelligent people of Nebraska would see at once the im portance of stopping this debilitating draught upon the commercial vital ity of the state. There is only on? way to put an end to this state of af fairs: Build up home companies. "Therefore the Bankers' Reserve was organized and it immediately appealed to our own people to aid in the pur poses of its organization. The alien companies quickly apprehended the danger and they have unremittingly fought its progress at every step. "Nevertheless, our growth has been steady, rapid, phenomenal, our death losses, owing to the extraordinary care taken in accepting risks, has been far below that of any American company. We have passed the $4,000,000 mark and last year we had a premium in come of over $100,000. "The people have shown the appre ciation of the efforts of the manage ment. Our advisory board of 400 of the best citizens of the state is a source of power and a conservative element in our progress and a protection from imposition. "We are very grateful to the loyal people of this state for their cordial support and they will be glad to know that we are reaching out into other states. By the end of the year 1902 we shall have from $5,000,000 to $6, 000,000 at risk and a premium income of $200,000. All our investments are made in Nebraska; our securities are deposited with the insurance depart ment at Lincoln and we are directly under the supervision of the depart ment. "I can give profitable employment to 100 good underwriters. The company is a pronounced success. It is one of the financial forces of the state. "We wish to push its business with all the energy possible. We invite the continued confidence and co-operation of the people and we promise to merit their approval month by month and year by year. "We desire to engage ten special, general and state agents to organize - e states. Will give active successful producers or experienced organizers good territory and extra liberal terms. Address, BANKERS' RESERVE LIFE, ' OMAHA. ing to the original thirteen states at the time of the adoption of the con stitution. All our acquisitions have so far been organized into territories with forms of local self-government with two exceptions. Indian Terr tory is still governed by congress. But it has its courts and county and mu nicipal organizations and much of the machinery of self-government has been created, it only remaining to provide for a legislature and a delegate in congress, when the territorial govern or i ment will be complete. On June 10 1896, congress declared it to be its policy to establish a full local govern ment for the territory and this policy is sure to be put into effect at an early day. Alaska, of all our acquisitions was, perhaps, least fitted for a terri- IMPERIALISM DANGEROUS When Conrress Assumes Power Not Granted" In the Constitution a New Form ef Gorernxnent Arises The question of retaining the Phil ippines seems to be closed so far as the present administration is con cerned. Against much strenuous ar gument and opposition the administra tion and congress have persisted 3n their purpose to make our hold upon the islands secure. Whether this pol icy shall be abandoned or not will de pend upon the future action of our people in the exercise of their sov ereign right to rule. Just now two very practical qxies- tions are demanding a thorough and careful consideration, viz: May we, under the federal constitution and consistently with our ideals and form of government, rule the Philippines as colonies, or must we ..first .organize them Into territories preparatory to ul timate statehood? And, secondly. how may and ought we to deal with those Islands In order to accomplish the most for the Filipinos and our Hitherto but one course has been TiHth T-ofprpnrP to acnufret iiftd, torial government and as a conse quence, its government was retained by congress from the date of the treaty of purchase in 1867 to May 17. 188 . when self-government was given, ex cepting that no legislature was created and no .deleeate in congress was pro vided for; but, inasmuch as all the laws of the state of Oregon so far as they were applicable and not in con flict with those of congress relating tj the territory, were extended over Alaj ka and made operative therein, no ur gent need of a legislature exists. As the territory shall become more geu erally populated, thus affording ma terial for a law-making body, this branch of a territorial government will naturally come into existence. In tho natural course of events a territorial government will be followed by one or more states. ". Immediately follow ing the purchase of Alaska, towit July 27, 1868, the laws of congress were extended , to the then unorgan-; ized territory. No act of congress was adopted at any time, extending the constitution to Alaska, presumably be cause it was never deemed necessary Congress, a creature of the constitu tion, could not consistently assume the power to make laws in a territory outside of the pale of the constitution creating it. It would be futile for the creature to attempt to enlarge or ex tend the scope of its creator's powerr Yet that is what congress has recently been trying to do, assisted by the su preme court. Yet in the case of Alas ka it has never been asserted by any respectable authority that the consti tution did not "follow the flag" into that territory without any act of con gress so declaring. But it does not "follow the flag" into the Philippines, for there free speech- and exercise of the right of petition are high treason, while the right of trial by jury is de nied. It was left to a modern supreme court, influenced as it is by the imper ialistic tendencies of organized capi talism, to declare the remarkable doc trine that Porto Rico is domestic for many purposes, but foreign for some; under the constitution for some pur poses, but outside of it for others; yet that congress has plenary power to govern the island, and may even enact a valid extra constitutional tariff sys tem for her. Congress is a remark able body, higher than the constitu tion, possessing powers over territory and people not subject to the consti tution; yet congress was created by that same constitution; a clear case of the creature being greater than its creator. There is yet more ancient evidence of the existence of a firmly established policy to first organize territories and then states out of territory not within the original thirteen members of the union. The ordinance of July 13, 1787, for the government of the Northwest Territory provided first for territorial organization, intended to be tempo rary, and after for the creation of not less than three and not more than five states and that whenever any such de fined territory should have a popula tion of 60,000 free inhabitants, it should be entitled to admission into the union of states upon an equal foot ing with the original states. The fundamental principles of many of the important features of the ordinance were perpetuated by the federal con stitution. (Art. VI.) By act of con gress in 1805 the people of the terri tory of Orleans became entitled to all the rights, privileges and advantages secured by the ordinance to the inhabi tants of the Northwest Territory. But the supreme court has held that the provisions of the ordinance became in operative when the territories became states. (3 How., 589.) To the Louisiana purchase (1803) and the Spanish cession of Florida (1819) was extended the same policy Territorial organizations were formed as speedily as circumstances required and in due time the territories be cames states in the union. By tin; third article of the treaty ceding Lou isiana the inhabitants of the country became entitled to the rights and privileges of citizens of the United States. The treaty ceding Florida contained the stipulation that the in habitants "shall be incorporated into the union of the United States as soon as may be consistent with the prin ciples of the federal constitution and admitted to the enjoyment of the priv- ilexes, rights and immunities of the citizens of the United States." Under art. VI. of the constitution, all trea ties duly made, became part of the "supreme law of the land." In order to carry these treaties into effect but one course was open to congress in dealing with these earliest territorial acquisitions. They were entitled to the same treatment as had already been provided for the territory prev iously ceded by Great Britain in the treaty of 1783 to the original states and by them to the federal govern ment later. The fundamental thought underly ing the government of the inhabitants of the union was self-government. The idea was to leave each commonwealth as free as possible to manage its own affairs, unrestricted by the federation. Hence only limited powers were sxanted by the states to the union In framine- the federal constitution. Un fortunately the framers of that impor tant instrument failed to foresee the magnitude of our future westward growth and therefore neglected to specifically and in unequivocal lan guage provide for the management of territory to be acquired. All questions that might arise in relation thereto might have been anticipated and pro vided for In the constitution, but they were not. In short, the grant of power over future acauisitions was and is uncertain and inadequate. Long be fore this an amendment ought to have TREATMENT AT HO Dr. Hartman's Free Advice to WomenA Generous Offer to The Afflicted. CwTMiss.A. f) sf MIMLME ft) Secretary Illinois Woman's Alliance. Miss A. Brady, Corresponding Secre tary Illinois Woman's Alliance, writes from 2725 Indiana avenue, Chicago, 111.: "Last year from continued strain in literary work I became very much ex hausted, my nerves seemed to give way, and I had backache, headache and seri ous indigestion. One of my friends sug gested that I try Peruna. It certainly acted like magic on my system. "Within ten days I felt new life and health given me, and by taking an occa sional dose off and on when I feel extra tired, I keep my system in perfect order." Miss A. Brady. Miss Millie Baker writes from 290 East Ohio street, Chicago, 111. : . ul suffered for years with weakness peculiar to women, severe bearing-down pains, and continual headache. "After using five bottles of Peruna I was as well and strong as ever.'' Miss Millie Baker. Mrs. Nellie Blyler, 070 W. Twentieth street, Chicago, 111., President of the Ladies of the G. A. R., has the following to say about Peruna : Gentlemen "I recommend Peruna especially for women as it promptly cures the weakness of our sex and will always be sure to give satisfaction." MRS. NELLIE BLYLER. Mrs. WT. A. Allison, Assist. Matron of Peoples' Hospital 758 Sheffield avenue, Chicago, 111., writes : have bad frequent opportunities to observe the wonderful curative ef fects of Peruna. it alleviates pain and soreness, Increases the appetite and so tones up the entire system th&t the patient quickly regains strength ami health.1' -Mrs. W. A. Allison, Free Home Advice. In view of the great multitude of women suffering ' from some form of female disease and yet unable to flrul any cure, Dr. tiartman, the renowned specialist on female catarrhal dis eases, his announced his willingness to direct the treatment of as many cases as make application to him during the summer months without charge. Those wishing to become patienta should address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columhus, Ohio. ery emergency. Then no perplexing tangle would have been encountered over Porto Rico and the Philippines, leading to an unsatisfactory decision by a divided court and to the usurpa tion of power by congress. We have been prone to consider our constitu tion perfect. But there is danger in this omission to specifically provide for the government of acquired terri tory. There is too much room for construction and the claiming of infer ential powers by congress. There is danger when congress assumes powers not expressly granted or incidental to express grants of power. W. L. HAND. Kearney, Neb. The Boers' Prayer God of the few who dare to stand Defending here their native land, Their homes and all they love so well, Against the powers of death and hell, Be with us in the desp'rate fight. And give the vict'ry to the right! Lord! bless the flag we have unfurled Against the robbers of the world. The fleets and armies of the strong, Who come to do Thy people wrong, To rob our freemen of their lives, Enslave our daughters and our wives! O Thou who wert our fathers' shield On Leyden's walls, on Irvy's field. Grant that their sons may still be f res! Aid us in our extremity! O Lord and Father of us all. Let not the cause of freedom fall! Lord, in the day of battle, be With them that put their trust in Thee! Defend our helpless ones from harm! And strengthen Thou Thy servants' arm! O God of Battles! guide the fight, And give the vict'ry to the right! Henry II. Harrison. SLANDERING LINCOLN The recreancy of the republican par ty to its old principles and character s nowhere more glaringly shown than n the attempt to prove Lincoln false to the Declaration of Independence, in conducting a war to keep the south in the union. Senator Piatt of Connecti cut the other day tried to establish a political kinship between himself in he Philippine subjugation and Lin coln in the civil war. and now comes the Omaha Bee with the following. which is being admiringly quoted by republican organs in the east: "The ignorant spouters and blather skites quote Abraham Lincoln as the typical champion of the declaration that the consent of the governed must be the condition precedent to the an nexation of any new territory and gov ernment of its people. If this prin ciple was repudiated by Abraham Lin coln In dealing with the people of the confederate states, whose ancestors had signed the Declaration, helped to establish American independence, and were instrumental in framing our con stitution, what right has any one to LI. -J. T j"'-1"Trrni1,frlya py- The Favorite Schiller 'i Y&$H'3 iv The Schiller Piano has always been the favorite with people wishing a really good Piano at a moderate price. In short, it has not a single equal at the price. Their success along this line lias in spired the company to attempt something higher. The new High Grade Schiller is the result. This, like the medium grade, in th best yet produced for the money. The price is necessarily some higher, but just as low in proportion to quality. Write for description and prices to the Matthews Piano Co. Wan room 1 I '20 ) Stn-ct LINCOLN, NES.R. i acted the consent-of-the-government principle in dealing with the semi savage population of the Philippine islands? Is it not about time for the inspired ignoramuses to give us a rest on Lincoln as champion of the consent of the governed?" Even such a loyal and semi-imperialistic southern paper as the Atlanta Constitution feels compelled to re buke these republicans for making an utterly false and baseless comparison For such, of course, it is, as any body with a mind to the truth can see. Lincoln had to deal with a faction among the people which was living in full allegiance to the American govern ment by birth or volition, and which enjoyed with all other white people equal representation in the govern ment. He even disclaimed any pur pose to coerce the south, going so far as to say that where in any locality hostility to the government was so general that postmasters and other federal functionaries could not be found among the people there the ac tivities of the federal government might suffer temporary suspension in that locality. He was intent chiefly upon holding possession of the federal property in the' disturbed district. He regarded the secession movement as the work of a faction among the whites, as it was. even though finally nearly the whole 1 white population1 was drawn ' Into the movement. Ht regarded the negro as a man, and when Wendell Phillips declared ' that the nrlnclnles of the Declaration of Inde- pendence could not be considered as involved in northern resistance to se cession until at least the negro was given a vote with the southern whito on the question of going out of the union, he no doubt expressed a view which was quietly held by Lincoln. The person who cannot see a differ ence as wide as the poles between sup pressing a rebellious faction within a nation organized upon the voluntary allegiance of all. and going abroad to conquer and hold in subjection an alien people, must be either blind or dishonest. So it has come to pass in the re publican view that they are ignor amuses and spouters and blatherskite? who speak of Lincoln as a. champion of the consent-of-the-governed prin ciple! Lincoln said on his way to tc Inaugurated, when threats of assassi nation were hanging over him. that "If this country cannot be saved with, out giving up that principle, I was about to say I would rather be assas sinated on the spot than surrender it." And yet. poor, foolish man, according to these . republican organs, he was even then on his way to deliberately smash that principle Into such a jelly that tyranny, ever after, whether in the form of criminal aggression or benevolent assimilation, could parade him In its defense. How funny! He was to do what he said he would rather be assassinated than do. A sorry and limping line of republican argument is this. Springfield (Mass.) Republican.- .