The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 23, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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January 23, 1902
mc rain use
v T
Ef yon h aren't a resruUr, healthy moreraent of the
bowels eery day, you're ill or will be. Keep your
bowel open, and bo well. Force in the chape of rio
' lent phTsio or piM poison. la d&ntreroua. The smooth
est, easiet, most orfoct way 1 keeping liie bowel
.clear and clean ia to take
" Pleasant,. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Do Good,
Beyer Sicken, Veaken, or Gripe, 10, ., and 69 cents
per box. rito tor free sample, and booklet on
health. Addrens iZ3
.their face. The fact that the rout
' Is much the shorter no one can doubt,
. but the fact that there are two good
7- harbors available under the Panama
route certainly has its advantages over
the other route, where it will require
V the dredging and building of two
' complete harbors.
Upon the heels of the report of the
r. ' canal commission comes the . report
that J. Clyde Power of Indianapolis,
u Ind., an engineer of great prominence,
::. will lay before the president the plans
V " for a canal over the Darien route.
- Mr. Power has recently been over the
route suggested and is able to give the
' president some very able statements
-, of the case. It i3 reported that Mark
' Hanna is emphatically in favor of this
' route, which, of course, will be the
; means of getting at least a weighty
consideration of it.
: The fact of the matter is that the
United States has a great amount of
money In the treasury that she wants
to spend and there seems to be no
. . lack of ways provided for it. The
I trouble is to settle on one.
As for the effect of the report of
the canal commission, the feeling is
, : very general that the present con-
" , gress will adjourn without the passage
of the canal bill. Even if the senate
should accept the Panama route, which
Y . at least seems possible, it would cer-
tainly. fail in the house. At any rale,
r the report has complicated matters
.,. and will open up a most endless dis-
cussion of the merits of the rival
" The subject, however, that Is caus-
" Ing great discussion as far as the
house Is concerned is the question of
reciprocity with Cuba. This will in
.all probability be a question of great
moment in the house during the com
lng week. It is understood that it
-- will be talked' there immediately after
the passage of the urgent deficiency
. bill on Tuesday next. During the week
It concerned the members of the ways
and means committee especially and
caused great discussion among its
' members. In the house Representa
tive Babcock introduced a bill provid
, lug that certain articles manufactured
by the steel trust shall be put upon
- the free list. Mr. Babcock is the
chairman of the republican congres
sional committee and it is reported
from very good source that because of
his position on the question of reduc-
Z ; Ing the tariff on trust made articles
""that he will be deposed from this posi
:':'tIon. The republican party does not
"want any man with such sentiments
to be a, prominent man in their party.
"Of his disfavor in republican circles it
r 'can be reliably said that he will have
-opposition for renomination next fall.
'He is a bad man for the trusts to have j
- in congress. He says what he thinks
' In the senate a bill providing for a
department of commerce with a seat
z "in the cabinet was debated and amend-
;ed in many of it3 important features.
..-; The senate committee on commerce
'also reported favorably on the Frye
ship subsidy bill by a strict party
. vote. - The democrats on the commit-
r"tee voted solidly to strike out the
'general subsidy feature of the bill,
"- "then voted against the amendments
' prepared by the republican members,
"and finally against the bill itself. Tho
"opposition to thfs great "organized
" ;Ioot of the treasury," as it has bfen
aptly called, will be carried to the floor
-of the senate itself. And if the' demo
crats can succeed as well as they did
in the last senate they will have ac
complished wonders. However for
their opposition they deserve the praise
" of the voters of the whole country.
"'It is not expected that the considea
- tion of this bill will come up for sev
eral weeks and perhaps a month, for
;vthe Philippine tariff will be taken up
' , i'Mid an almost endless debate will be
icade on It.
Among the changes In the Washing
ton political arena during the last
" week it will be noted that Postmaster
General Payne took his seat, succeed
ing Charles Emory Smith. Arthur
Pue Gorman was elected by the legisla
ture of Maryland to succeed Welling
ton (Ind.) and JapJes .B, . McCreery
- (silver democrats ;ws chcse,Q by the
legislature of Kentucky ;to succeed
r. Lindsay (gold democrat, orfratJieV re
V publican). "-. . ' i V :
' Since the president will:' allow the
daughter of the-. White house, Miss
Alice Roosevelt, to christen the
kaiser's new yacht "Meteor," the
, German ruler has decided to send over
as a special ambassador his brother,
Prince Henry, to be present on the
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other dis
" eases put together, and until the last
few years was supposed to be incur
able. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease, and
prescribed local remedies, and by
constantly failing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a
"s constitutional disease, and therefore
requires constitutional treatment.
" 'Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured, by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is the
only constitutional cure on the mar
ket. It Is taken internally in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case' It
.tails to cure. Send for circulars and
! testimonials. Address,
F, J. CHENEY.& CO., Toledo, ,0. r
.r- Rnirl bv Druggists, 75c. - ; '
. . . A i ten Aa-va fWl- JB 1
mrrJ, alt riniciHBts. Cure gnarantegd
occasion. " He will arrive here on
February 24,-and after an exchange of
calls between he and the president,
he will go over to Philadelphia to at
tend the -christening. He will bring
with him a retinue of the royal blood
and Washington will be the seat of a
show not before seen. His stay in the
United States will be about two weeks
and during that time he will visit the
west and make a, general tour of the
country. This action of the kaiser is
looked upon by the European press as
a wise move by the German emperoi
to court favor of "the great republic,"
but however It may be, it certainly
proves that an "era of good feeling"
exists between the two countries that
cannot and will not be disturbed by
any commercial . matters.
On Tuesday the senate committee
on the District of Columbia presented
to the senate a report of the parking
commission that has been abroad for
several years to study, the European
cities. It plans to make Washington
a modern city with all the granduer
of an ancient metropolis. The plaster
models are now being exhibited in the
Corcoran gallery of art in the ,city
and are making quite a number of
friends for the new plan. It should
certainly be the pride of every Amer
ican to have his nation's capital the
grandest and the most' beautiful of
modern cities. He should want to
carry out the iriginal plans as laid
by l'Enfant, the designer of the city.
This plan, if carried out, would make
Washington the pride of every Amer
ican and would be a monument to the
nation's greatness. The models have
captivated every one who has seen
them, and the friends of them in con
gress will possibly pass the bill at this
Session. The press comments froiu
all over the country have been very
favorable and it is to be hoped that,
as Jefferson said, "Washington will
be the seat of the greatest art. learn
ing and granduer of the new world."
This plan will carry the Jeffeison idea
further nad will make it the seat of
learning and art of the whole world.
Weak Men
Is your health worth a 2-cent stamp?
If so. then write us at once for our
We will send absolutely free our
the most unique and perfect Electric
Appliance in the market for the cure
of nervous and sexual diseases.
This offer is made in good faith for
the purpose of introducing and adver
tising our methods of treating all
chronic diseases.
DOjM'T v
allow this opportunity to escape you
of regaining the health and visor,
which your early follies and dissipa
tion have sapped away.
INSTITUTE, 59 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111.
Nepotism That Beats the Courts of Europe
Reciprocity Treaties are all Dead
Honors to Mouarchs
Washington, D. C, Jan. .21. (Spe
cial Correspondence.) This depart
ment nepotism is stirring up more
than one hornets' nest in Washington.
Department chief and the daily news
papers are the real appointing power
in the District of Columbia, both in
the district government and in the
government offices. Neither the civil
service commissioners, senators and
congressmen combined can land 10 per
cent of those put in office by "influ
ence." The temporary clerk racket
enabled quietly nearly all the old fami
lies in Washington to place the last
member thereof on the. government
pay rolls. Fathers, mothers, sons,
daughters, mothers-in-law, uncles,
aunts and cousins swarm like ants in
every branch of Uncle Sam's service
and nepotism is really the rule and not
the exception. The' Spanish-American
war offered an opportunity which was
made the most of by appointment
clerks and chiefs, and whole families
were placed in soft berths and will,
under the agitation now on foot .to
place these temporary clerks in the
classified service, find themselves in
life positions without any examination
as to their fitness leaving' out the
resolution of law in the matter of
nepotism by the civil service commis
sion. An investigation is threatened
and, if followed out, will reveal nu
merous instances like the following:
The Stockbridge family has landed
five members in good positions, the
Durffees three, the Housemans two,
the Douglas clan . two, the Weylers
two, the Welshes two, the Fords three,
the Gillenwaters two, the Frackers
two and the Crandalls two. So it goes
on ad Cuitum in violation of one of the
express provisions of the civil service
law, which swears the applicant on the
relationship provision of more than
one member of the same family in
It is hardly necessary to say that
a national scheme of irrigation applied
to arid portions of the west will" do
much to provide that timber supply
now in danger of exhaustion. The
matter deserves earnest and careful
The Washington correspondent of
the New York Sun says of the McKln
ley reciprocity treaties that were not
acted upon last winter that while these
treaties still have some friends at
court and the probability that, an ef
fort will be made to have them fa
vorably acted upon, it will not likely
succeed. If they are not admitted to
be already dead, he says, they will
be killed beyond resurrection by a new
weapon that has been discovered and
which can be used with fatal result.
It is formed of the following language
of section 4 of the Dingley tariff act
of 1897, under which the treaties were
negotiated. The language of that sec
tion is:
"That whenever the president of the
United States, by and with the advice
and consent of the senate, with a view
to secure reciprocal trade with foreign
countries, shall, within the period of
two years from and after the passage
of this act, enter into commercial
treaty or treaties with any other coun
try or countries," etc.
The point of the discovery lies In
the claim now put forward by the
opponents of the treaties that they
are all as dead as Julius Caesar, be
cause of their non-ratification by the
senate within two years Of the passage
of the Dingley act. which was ai-
lW-rx! 1 3ny JL -1R? H Jsjcontended
that the" language of section 4 of that
act is perfectly plain in stating that
the negotiations and ithe ratification
must have been accomplished within
the stated two years. It Is true that
the state department has arranged for
an exU ;ion of time, but the senate
has never passed upon this agreement,
and some of the best lawyers In it
say if the point is raised that the limit
of time was fixed by the section of
the DIaeley act quoted herein it must
be decided that the life of the treaties
has long ago expired. It is an Inter
esting question withal one that .will
arouse some strife.
The world produces 10,000,000 tons
of sugar per year and the United States
consumes one-half of it. For this we
pay about $250,000,000.- If this sum
were saved during one presidential
term it would pay the whole of our
interest-bearing national debt. The
American sugar bowl is filled from
many sources. Some of the sugar Is
made at home and we circle the globe
to find the rest of it. : Some, is made
from the juice of the sugar cane and
some is extracted from beet root. For
thirty years Louisiana has averaged an
annual supply of 145,000 tons; Ha
waii sends us 320,000, Porto Rico sends
120.000. In 1896, the year before their
last insurrection, the Philippines sent
us 70,000 tons. In 1901 domestic beet
root gave us about 150,000 tons. These
five sources are now regarded as do
mestic, with the possible exception of
the Philippines, and it would take a
Philadelphia lawyer to ferret out
whether they are foreign or domestic
or what not.
Three-fourths of the 10.000,000 tons
comes from European sugar beets. We
get 60 per cent of our sugar from for
eign sources; only 40 per cent is do
mestic. National robbery has about reached
a climax, culminating in the appoint
ment of a special commission by the
president to represent a republic at the
coronation of a' king. Whitelaw Reid
is special ambassador. Gn. J. H. Wil
son of Delaware represents the army
and Captain Clark of th uregon will
do the honors for the nnvy. Youngd
Mr. Morgan, son of the kinN? of capi
tnlists: E. L. Baylies, a New York
lawyer, and young Mr. Wetmore, son
of a United States senator from Rhode
Island, are the special secretaries.
An attache of one of the foreign
legations, in speaking about the
"American coronation embassy," as
he called the president's selection,
"This is all outrageously undemo
cratic and unrepublican. It is, on the
contrary, entirely in keeping with
monarchical and autocratic customs
and principles, which have hitherto
aroused little responsive feeling In
this country. But that's entirely your
own affair; if the American people
are satisfied with it, we have no cause
to complain from that point of view.
"The action of President Roosevelt
in this connection is unprecedented in
the history of diplomacy and Amer
ican history, and has not been received
with the best of grace by the repre
sentatives of Russia, France, Italy,
Germany, Holland, Switzerland and
the South American republics."
While the remarks of the attache
are significantly pertinent to the Is
sue, the real concern of this matter
does not lie in the spirit with which
other monarchies will view Roosevelt's
favoritism to Great Britain, but in
the damage which this action has in
flicted upon struggling republics all
over the world and the insult thus
put upon the best traditions and the
most sacred associations of the Amer
ican people.
An afternoon's search through the
archives of the state department fails
to show that the United States has
ever sent a special envoy to the cor
onation of any European, monarch
The best information at the state de
partment does not indicate that any
special request has been made by King
Edward VII. for the presence of a
high personage from the United States
bearing the title of "Ambassador Ex
traordinary and Plenipotentiary on a
Special Mission."
We sent no envoy to the installation
into office of President Kruger, the
fight of whose people to preserve the
integrity of their little republic has
challenged the admiration of Chris
tendom and will be inspiration to the
oppressed of every land so long as time
We had no special representative
present when President Carnot of
France was placed at the head of the
only natiori who proved its friendship
for our struggling ancestors while
they bore the brunt of British tyranny
and met in deadly conflict the red
coated legions of a grasping monarchy.
We sent no ambassador to represent
us at the coronation of the czar of all
the Russias a nation whose' friend
ship was attested for republican in
stitutions as represented in this gov
ernment when the dark cloud of civil
war hung like a pall over the land,
and while England aided and abetted
treason and rebellion against us.
We have been unrepresented at the
birth of any republic and the induc
tion into office of its officials, and yet
we are committed to a policy of sym
pathizing with the divine right of
kings by the sending of an embassy to
pow tow before Edward VII. and act
the flunkey in a royal and tainted
Republican policies have led us far
away from the straight and narrow
path of civic righteousness which leads
to national greatness. The Jeffersonian
simplicity of the earlier days has been
supplanted by counterfeited imitations
of court ceremonies. Wealth and high
position have assumed the scepter of
authority which republican legislation
has compelled brains and character to
We are drawing a deadly parallel
to the history of old Rome these days.
It is time a halt were called.
"Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget, lest we forgat."
Prudent and Econom
ical People will con
sult their own Inter
ests by Buying Here.
917921 O St., Opp. P. o.
The following record
breaking Prices are
bound to ; bring Joy to
every home.
nev-Saving Offers
Here is another opportunity to buy the best of everything at low prices. When you see
the goods you will wonder how we can do it. Please remember that our entire stock is
this winter's goods. No old and shoddy goods in the house.
We almost give them away.
Satin and Taffeta Ribbons that
were 15 and 12c 9 c
20c and 18c grades, all colors ..... 14c
35c, 30c, and 25c Ribbons, a
bargain. 1 19 c
lien's Work Pants
fl Jeans and Cottonade Pants that -
sold for 75c, only 47c
fl.00 grades for 69c
M S1.25 grades for 89c
coys o.w jranus, oniy 4iC
Boys' 85c Pants, only 5Tc
Jersey Knit Shirts, 60c grade. . . .49c
I &0c grades, now go at .72c
At all drug store.
25 Daws 25c.
To make cows pay, use Sharpies
Cream Separators. Book "Business
Dairying", and catalogue 270 free. W.
It is Contended I Chester. Pa. 1 what is eoinsr on in the oooullst world.
n'nrm I . .... . '14. . " . :: ........ t J J I nl lot tnn rvifea a fnmf fltlfl at- f , 1
Shoe 1
Babies Kid Button iShoes, '4i to 5,
regular 50 cent and 60 cents. . -40c
1 Chi dren'c Kid Button and lace
k bhoes ,5 to 8. regular 60 . . 48c
rf Mis-sea' Kid and Kangaroo Calf,
Lace, and Button Shoes, 11 to 2,
regular $1.25 and $1.35 97c
Boys' Shoes, satin calf, kangaroo
calf, and vici kid,ll to 2, worth
up to $1.50.... $1 OO
Boys' Shoes, kangaroo calf and
vici kid, 25 to 5, regular
$1.75 and $2.00..... $1 45
Ladies' Shoes, lace and button,
95c, $1.35, $1.57, and $1 98
Men's Shoes, lace and congress,
good styles, Sl.-lOl.lK.lS, $2 85
Regular price $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
and $3.50.
y Twenty per cent discount on warm
M unea onoes ana onppers. special
discount on all regular lines of shoes
and slippers. . t '
20 Per cent Off
On Flannels, Blankets, Comforters,
Horse Blankets, Ladies' and Chil
dren's Knit Mittens, Flannel Skirts,
Skirtings, Underwear, Cardigan Jack
ets, Sweaters, Lined Gloves and Mit
tens, Cloth and Plush Capes, Cassi
mere Pants and Duck Coats.
New Idea Patterns
10 cents each for every garment, any
ptyle or size. Use them once and
you'll always use them.
Outing Flannel
6c and 6c Outing Flannel in one
lot at per yard. ............... . 4?C
7c outing flannel, light, per yard. .. 5c
8Jc outing flannel, dark per yd . . . Qe
10c outing flannel, light and dark
per yard gc
To Match Collarettes.
75c muffs 54c
$1.00 quality for.. 7&c
$2.00 and $1.75 quality for .$ 40
$3.50 and $2.75 quality for $2 17
$5.50 and $4.50 quality for $3 (JO
Infant's Cloaks
75c flannelette cloaks -49c
$1.40 and $1.25 cloaks 98c
$1.75 and $1.50 Eiderdown cloaks,
in white, blue and pink, fur
trimmed $1 35
$2.25 Eiderdown Cloaks ... $1 69
We still have a large line of collar
ettes that must go. They are all of
this winter's styles and best material,
but to move them we have bunched
them in the following lots:
$1.65 and $1.50.. $1 20
$3.00 and $2.75....... 31 98
$4.75, $4.50 and $4.00 $2 65
$6.00, $5.50 and $5.00 $3 75
$6.75 and $6.50 04 49
$8.00 and $7.50 ..$5 99
$16.00 ..$10 98
Good warm serviceable Capes
kind that wear well and lock well.
$5.00 Cloth Capes $2 98
$10.00 cloth capes fur trimmed. $Q 98
$5.50 and $5.00 plush capes .... $3 95
$7.00 plain and crushed pjush. .$5 25
$8.50 and $8.00 plain and crushed
Plush $6 19
$23.00 Astrakhan capes -$16 98
Dress Goods
brocades, sale price 19c
45c Dres Flannels, 60 in wide. . .36c
65 and 60c suitings and Vene
tians 43c
40c black brocades, per yard 29c
65c Curina Lustrine, per yard. , ..53o
All $1.00 black dress goods, includ
ing brocaded Lustrine, Venetian
cloth and silk and wool sublime
38 to 42 inches wide, per yard . . 79
90c Soliel, 38 inches 07o
$1.50 satin Venetian, 44 inches. .(X 19
We have only a few cloaks left and
to close them out we have placed them
in one lot. It includes all our $23.00,
$22.00, $20.00 and $19.00 cloaks in full
and three-quarter lengths, light and
dark shades. Your choice for only.
One -fifth off regular Drice on all
We have a large line of skirts that
all women like they're the good wear
ing kind in black and dark colors. To
movb them we offer them at about half
former prices.
$2.50 and $2.00 skirts for $1 39
$3.75, $3.5uand $3.00 skirts for. .$2 17
$5.50, $5.00 and $4.50 skirt for . . $2 45
Prints, Muslin's Flannelettes
6c Muslin remnants 315
5c Fortuna prints, per yard ..... .32c
6c Admiral L. L. Muslin 4JC
8c Pepperell It Muslin. QIq
10c flannellettes, remnants, from 1
to 5 yards, per yard 5ic
Same, 5 to 9 yards, per yard. . . . ..Qf o
12Jc Percale, yard wide 8?C
FascinatorsTo close out.
35c and 25c fascinators, whites,
light blue and pink, only lQo
$1.00 and 85c grades only Q3C
Hoods that are slightly soiled, but
are rare bargains; former price
$1.00, 75c and 50c, now 29c
L Baby hoods and bonnets, 75c and
wc, only 37C
f You Can t Gome, Order By Mail
The German Foreign Office Positively Denies
the 5tatement Made in the House
' of Commons
The imperialist republican dailies
have for the last three years devoted
much space to telling how the British
government prevented a coalition of
all the European governments against
us at the ' outbreak of the war with
Spain. The other day a statement
was made to that effect by one 6t
the British ministers on the floor of
the house of commons. In answer to
that the German ' foreign office has
given to the press the following state
ment in denial of the assertions that
England saved America at that time.
The document is as follows:
"The foreign office declares with all
positiveness that Germany, neither
before the outbreak of the Spanish--American
war nor during its course,
proposed intervention to other powers.
Neither did Germany support such
a proposition made by other powers.
It is true that in several instances
suggestions (anregungen) were made
to the German government from an
other source in the sense of interven
tion, but the German government,
without exception, maintained a nega
tive attitude toward such suggestions
and made known its negative stand
point whenever occasion offered. It
must further be remarked that' it was
not from an Austrian source (niche
gerade von oesterreichise her seite)
that such suggestion reached the Ger
man government."
That last sentence is simply the
diplomatic way of saying that Eng
land made those suggestions to the
German government herself. Eng
land and Germany may settle that
matter between themselves. The In
dependent has looked upon the claim
made by the republican papers that
England "saved us" as part of that
secret treaty business. What makes
the Germans particularly hot about
this statement is that they look upon
it as an effort of England to excite
hatred In this country against Ger
many while prince Henry is on a
visit here and perhaps provoke some
action by the people that could be
used against creating cordial relations
with the German empire.
From West Virginia
Editor Independent: The people's
party has become nearly extinct in this
state. t Ttye democrats have absorbed
many ' and some, forgetful of their
principles, went back to the repub
lican party.
The "reorganizes" in this state are
quite active. Their exponent is the
Richmond Daily Times, which Is dis
tributed over the state at about half
price. It is severe in its reflections on
the populists. It is completely sub
sidized, and as Whitelaw Reid said,
I am yet fully in accord with the
principles of the people's party. I
have always voted for and supported
W. . J. Bryan. I regard him as the
greatest commoner of the age and
hope yet to see him at the head of the
government. Send me some copies of
The Independent, as I want to see
Here's hoping that no other Amer
ican Sampson will ever again try to
himself by working on the
C. W. B. HALE.
Rocky Mt., W. Va.
Next State Convention.
Editor Independent: There is in
prospect, in the near future, a con
vention of the people's independent
party. Heretofore the state conven
tion has been composed of about 1,200
delegates. Nearly 1,000 of these dele
gates come out to the convention.
Many of them come 200 to 300 miles,
and are out three to four days.- To
such delegates the expense is great.
They often -miscalculate the prospec
tive cost, and no sooner do they reach
the convention city than they begin to
fret and chafe to get away.- "Let us
get through and get home" becomes
the slogan, and presently the con
vention ceases to be a deliberative as
sembly. The convention becomes in
tolerant of discussion, and restless,
and in the final dispatch of business
ill-considered nominations are made
and "any old thing" is adopted for a
This thing ought not so to be. The
people's independent party, when it
meets In convention, should be a de
liberative assembly. It should take
nothing for granted either in men or
principles. Every man and every
principle should be keenly scrutinized
before receiving the party stamp.
Otherwise, spurious coins is certain to
be handed out to the people as the is
sue of a party which stands for good
government, or has no excuse for ex
istence. The state committee has a serious
duty to meet in calling the coming
state convention. It should be the
first object of the committee to make
that convention representative of the
best judgment of the independent par
ty. To make it such the number of
delegates called for should be reduced
at least one-half in number. It would
be better still to limit the number to
a maximum of 400 men. No county
should have to exceed twenty dele
gates, and no county should be per
mitted to vote absent delegates.
Then, if the convention will hold its
sessions during reasonable working
hours adjourning from time to time
for regular sleep and nourishment, but
continuing in session till every ques
tion which tends to divide the party
or effect the campaign is fully can
vassed and adjusted, we can go into
the campaign on a fighting basis which
would have in it all, the essential ele
ment of victory.
Cut down convention delegations to
a reasonable basis of attendance;
meet as a deliberative body to make
nominations; fight the enemy only
and fitrht to a finish. This is the part
of wisdom for independents.
hugh f. Mcintosh.
Omaha, Neb.
PreYaiency of Kidney Trouble
So, prevalent and deceptive is kid
ney trouble that it very often becomes
well advanced before it is even sus
pected, therefore, it behooves all to be
on the lookout. Should you be ill, or
not feeling .well. It would be wise to
first pay attention to the kidneys and
ascertain if they are the cause of your
A simple method of finding out it
your kidneys are at fault has often
been called to the attention of our
readers through Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root advertising in the columns of
this paper, and it is now repeated for
the benefit of those who may be inter
ested. xViz., "Fill a bottle with urine
and set aside for twenty-four hours or
so, and if it shows a brick-dust sedi
ment or cloudy appearance, or if the
urine is scanty or profuse, or if it is
found necessary to go often through
the day, or get up many times during
the night, you may be sure your kid
neys need attention.
After careful inquiry we find Dr
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney, liver and bladder remedy, Is re
markably successful in the quick re
lief and cure of the diseases for which
it is recommended. Their is hardly
a drug store in the land that does
not keep, and highly recommend this
celebrated preparation for kidney.
liver and bladder troubles.
By special arangement. every reader
of the Nebraska Independent may
have a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root by mall, free, (if they
have not already had one), by sending
their address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y.
t : -
The 1902 catalogue of the Burr In
cubator Company of Omaha, Neb., has
been received at this office and it can
safely be said that it is one of the
neatest and most interesting books of
that character that has been issued th5s
season. Burr incubators and brooders
are becoming more popular every year
with both poultry fanciers and farm
ers and for that reason the company
reports an enormous demand for their
new catalogue. It is sent upon re
quest, free of charge and any one in
terested in artificial incubaton should
secure a catalogue from this company
before placing an order for a machine.
The company states that although or
ders are coming in very freely, they
are able to make prompt shipments
owing to the large stock which they
had on hand at the beginning of the
season. It is always well, however,
for people to buy their incubators
early and thus avoid the danger of
missing the most profitable part of the
hatching season. The Burr Incubator
company pays the freight, so that pur
chasers know exactly what their ma
chines willy cost them laid down at
their depot.
Th Republicans ar Already In th Field
With Money to Buy Erry Man That
Can b Bought '
Editor Independent: There is going
the rounds of the republican press a
fsquib something like this: ."The in
terest taken in the senatorial fight by
Mr. Cruzon-make him deserving ef
consideration." This is in accordance
with th-e eternal fitness of things. Yes,
he Is "deserving," a man who can
enlist the services of even a few ex
official pop renegades and by that
means . hoodoo a populist senatorial
convention certainly is deserving of
consideration at the hands of the cor
rupt gaAg. But what about his. pop
assistants? Why is it -that nothing
at least publicly is heard of their
reward for being traitors to those who
had formerly trusted them and hon
ored them with ofllcial positions, the
emoluments of some of which amount
ed to $10,000?
Then, again, if playing the role of
sneak and the submitting to condi
tions the most humiliating and revolt
ing counts and it most certainly does
in republican chicanery this man is
one of the most "deserving" ones on
D. E. Thompson's payroll.
Mr. Thompson was on the ground
though his work was clandestinely
done. He not only has personal knowl
edge of the roll played by Mr. Cruzon
and his cohorts, but was in chief com
mand, and it was without doubt at his
command that this deserving lieuten
ant aristocratic banker dodged around
through the dark alleys of Culbertson
and held clandestine midnight star
chamber meetings with his pop col
leagues, and when his nefarious work
was accomplished and the train taken
for home, though he is possessed with
more cheek than the proverbial mule,
this cheek, or a something else, failed
him when It became necessary for him
to ride in the same car with honest
men. It seemed that In his mad rush
to get to B. & M. headquarters for this
district he could not, like Thompson,
abide his time and wait for the next
train, but must get there with his pop
allies and have a joliflcation all to
gether. He had to face the alterna
tive of facing honorable men or seek
seclusion and concealment. I have
good republican authority for stating
that he sought the car water closet
and was locked up In the same and
made the trip therein.
By all means reward Cruzon. nut
what about the ex-judge, the ex-county
clerk, the ex-county attorney, the man
of whom it is reliably said that he
furnished free transportation to all
delegates and strikers who could be
induced to take it? Are these fellows
to be left out in the cold, or was their
reward a cash consideration? Pay all
of your debts, gentlemen, without dis
crimination as to political pernay.
Pay them whether contracted honora
bly or. not. While it is true that a
traitorous pop is a cheap commodity.
If worth buying he should be paid re
gardless of political depravity. The
fact that such are afyour mercy dare
not squeal should appeal to your
manhood if you possess such a thing
appeal to your future hopes of suc
cess in deals of like character.
Chairman Twenty-ninth Senatorial
From New Jersey
Editor Independent: I have just
ordered your paper and I write this
note to tell you that I think The In
dependent Is O. K. It is fearless, fair
and ably edited. I have had some
sample copies and hope that you will
ive long and prosper in your fight' for
good government and the people's
riehts. A. J. M'BRIDE.
Paterson, N.
e. A. scuTrrr ? s
Trv a. Sure Hatch Incubator.
advertisement on page 5.