I. IS t A . in In ITWirfWli VOL. XIII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA; JANUARY 23, 1902. NO. 36. ANARCHY BILLS 9, A- 1 1 t V A' The Hovie is Flooded With Thra-GroiT-nor Fighting Irrigation Jo Sibley Cuts up Some More Capers Washington, D. C, Jan. 17. (Spe cial Correspondence.) A perusal of the large mass of bills before this congress as a result of the deplorable assassination of the lamented McKin ley will show that a majority of them are really less calculated to repress anarchy than they are to abridge the rights of free speech. Some of them even aim at the abolition of the en tire criminal code. There is no room in this country for those who would teach or practice opposition to all forms of government, and there can be no room for those who would deny the right of the people to abol ish their government and in its stead erect the fabric of a new one, if, in their judgment, the new one shall bet ter promote life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness. A bad government is a tyranny, but no government is worse. The people can change a bad government if they so will, but in a case of no government there is no redress. Congressman Grosvenor of Ohio de clares opposition to government-aided irrigation enterprises in the west, giv ing as a reason that, since he repre sents an agricultural district, he does not propose to vote money to create competitors of his constituents. The Ohioan unconsciously presents one of the strongest arguments for national aid in irrigation enterprises, namely, the building up of a great; agricultural stronghold in the arid and now unin habitable portions of the land. Those who can realize that the basis of our wealth lies in the well being of the farming community will be able to ap preciate the benefits which we are to gain from western irrigation enter prises. It is believed the east will oppose aid for irrigation. The west will like ly oppose the ship subsidy. The hope for both may lie in a compromise. The latest report- of Secretary of War Root statistically proves that our army of soldiers costs more per capita than those of any other nation on earth. The glamor of territory won and victories gained by our arms wjll all too soon wear away when the tax payers are compelled to bear the ex pense of su h folly. Congressman Sibley of Pennsylva nia has introduced a bill to increase the premium on United States bonds in the hands of the holders. Sibley is the strenuous character who de clared so loudly for Bryan in 1896 andv hay since, joined hands with his fellow-stockholders in - protected in-, dustries of the east in proclaiming the beneficence of legislation in the interest of intrenched wealth. Ne braska legion of bondholders in the farmhouses, on the hillsides and in the valleys will raise the roof in sing ing hosannahs to the author of this bill. H. W. RISLEY. COMMERCIALISM IN POLITICS The Officer Who Dares to be Aggressively Honest is a Doomed Man The Moral Danger Grows Most Serious The Independent is glad to see new recruits springing up in every section of the country who are advocating the doctrines-that it has so long held. For some years it has had a lonesome path to pursue. All the great journals have been the advocates of commercialism. When The Independent first raised its voice there were few to hear and none to heed. Now there are found voices, few in number yet, that are uttering the same warning cry in almost every state of the union". The fight against greed may be long, and it is sure to be bitter, but in the end it will win. Commercialism in politics will ruin any nation. Many men are for the first time beginning to realize that a moral degredation is sure to follow. Listen to Bird S. Coler of New York city, than whom no man has had a better opportunity to see the work ings of modern politics. He says: "Commerce in the great benefits of power in politics has grown from a business of blundering force to an exact science, by means of which pub lic opinion, always suspicious, is so swayed and divided that it remains merely suspicious, never positive. "The public mind has been made less inquisitive, the official conscience more elastic, by the skillful cloaking of political corruption into the out ward form of honesty and respecta bility. Commercial transactions in politics, at least all those of magni tude, now bear the label of public ben efits, or municipal development. "This style of politics to succeed re quires an appearance of intense par tisanship and thorough organization. There must be parties, opposed and antagonistic at all times; but se cretly understanding one another and working in harmdny to certain definite ends. The "chances of success of such a combination are always increased and preliminary expenses reduced when one leader in the name of his party controls a state,' and the oppos ing leader, in the name of his organi zation, controls a great city, or other subdivision of that state. Then cor porate and industrial interests not in politics 'must do business,' that is, ar range for legislation and 'official favor with both leaders or parties. Under such conditions secret understandings are not only possible,' but they con stitute the - working capital of com merce in politics. It is now a simple and safe matter,, to arrange the most complicated and far-reaching corpor ate or business interest through the medium of stock certificates andT bonds sold without public bidding. Worth less, indeed, is that business Interest or social influence that cannot obtain a charter right or privilege where the spirit of commercialism dominates leg islation. Such rights obtained, pros pective values, contingent "upon fur ther political favors, may be converted into immensely valuable and Import ant assets by a wide and judicious dis tribution of stock, and bonds. Public officers may not legally become inter ested in any form of contract or busi ness interest with the state or munici pality under which they hold office; but they are in no way prohibited from helping outsiders to secure val uable contracts by reason of special requirements, or specifications. This is one of the reasons why great pol it icar leaders, alive to the material in terest of themselves - and their near relations, do not seek or accept polit ical office. They put into places of power and responsibility men who will do their bidding, or at least men who are expected to obey orders. The higher the personal reputation of the man elevated to office the better for the interests of representatives of com mercialism in politics, provided al ways that he does not prove aggres sively honest. ' The man favored by such interest to the extent of elec tion to office is expected to be per sonally and outwardly honest above suspicion. He must keep his own hands clean, but it is also expected of him that his honesty will be confined to the passive or negative state. If ..he proves .honest to that degree of pbsi tiveness or aggressiveness that causes him to block commercial schemes, he at once passes out . of favor- and be comes a marked man, one to be hounded and if possible v destroyed. When he reaches that stage, the fight against him will not be confined to his own party or faction, but will be made by every party, faction and individual interest in the commerce of politics. This community of interests has grown and extended in the course of development of the commercial spirit in politics until its tentacles reach every social, professional and moral Influence, as well as all elements in business and political life. It is a, marvelous system, and. dangerous not only to public interest, but to the moral standards of the community. Division of power and combinations of personal and commercial interests have brought the great political par ties of the country to a condition in some states where asleader of one may say to the mmbership of the other party, in a great subdivision of the commonwealth, remote from his home, This man you may employ in your service; that man youshall not! Not only has such a command bcn is sued it has been obeyed, and obeyed because the commercial interests of opposing factions were identical and could not brook independent and ag gressive honesty in. public , office """There is a moral danger in this spirit of arrogant contempt for offi cial honesty that is more to be feared than the constantly increasing ex penses of providing from taxation the profits of commercialism in politics. To discourage true honesty in public life is a serious matter, but it is blunt ing the moral sense of the rising gen eration to blazon to the world the lesson that the public officer who bars the, sluice from the public treas ury to the private pocket is a marked man, doomed to suffer defamation for daring to do right. Such is the prin ciple, such is the method in politics. Isolated cases need not be cited. - The system Is general, the methods the same everywhere." CONSERVATIVE CITIZENS THE FILIPINOS They are Found not in the Circles Called the "Upper. Class but Among the Hon est Toilers of the Land The plutocratic papers are fond of indulging in denunciations of the working classes. They call them fa natics, agitators and dangerous. The fact is that the sound sense, conserva tism, love of country and good gov ernment lies among these classes and not among the bondholders and multi millionaires. The spectacle of the president of the greatest business organization in the world, Schwab, backing his luck at Monte Carlo until his winnings and losses become mat ters of newspaper comment, and then finding it necessary to cable guarded denials of "sensational gambling," is not an edifying 'spectacle morally. It is interesting to note that on the day when its president was making bets at Monte Carlo the'workingmen of the Carnegie Steel company, one of the constituent parts of the corpora tion of which Mr. . Schwab is presi dent, contributed $10,000 toward a Mc Kinley monument. They were better employed than he was. These work ingmen will never go touring in Eu rope and so be tempted to try their luck at Monte Carlo. That their bet ting proclivities, however and those of young men generally will be less ened by the example of the official head of the steel corporation perhaps is unlikely. Their contrasted act was at least an interesting suggestion as to where some of the conserving in fluences of society exist. Wherever the producing classes have succeeded in perfecting an organiza tion that controlled a government, that government has always been of the conservative kind, while it made advances toward the . betterment of mankind. Such has been the case in Nevw Zealand and Australia. Some of the most effective reforms in all gov ernment have originated ' there, such as the Australian ballot law, now In force in most constitutional govern-4 ments. The radicals are not found among the working classes. Those who have made the sudden and radical changes in our form ; of government during the last f ew years were not numbered among them. The Inde pendent has often called attention to this fact, yet still the great dalies go on in thei tirade against thel fanatics and agitators among the Working men. " ' They are Held In Subjection by an Armed Force and Will Rebel the Moment , it is Remored , One of the populists predictions was that the war in the Philippines would go on without end, and that if the Filipinos were held in subjection to the United States a perpetual army of occupation would have to be main tained there. Lately the editor of The Independent has been shown several letters written by officers now on duty or lately in the islands. Every one of them says that the American peo ple have no idea of the conditions there and that the government being a military government has power and does prohibit the facts being given to the people. Instead of there being any movement of Filipinos toward establishing a civil government along the lines attempted by the Taft com mission, that there is a growing feel ing against it. These officers estimate that it will require an army of from 50,000 to 75,000 men to keep a re semblance of authority there. They say that the army now holds in fact a very small portion of the territory of the islands that a mile or two from the military lines the Filipinos are in actual possession and that a Fili pino government is actuuLy. adminis tering, the affairs; of three-fourths of the islands, that taxes are collected and the officers of the Filipino gov ernment are recognized by the in habitants. The Springfield Republican, in some comments on this condition of affairs, says: "There is no possible doubt'that the army officers in the Philippines are to a man with General Chaffee in his disagreement with Governor Taft con cerning pacification. In a recent private leter, an officer who is fully acquainted with the conditions, writes as follows: " 'In my opinion . . . the gov ernment will have to keep 50,000 American troops in the islands for years to come. If the troops were now withdrawn from any part of a so-called "pacified" province, the civil govern ment in pueblos vacated by the troops would have to fly for its life before the dawn of another sun. In some towns, the last bayonet would hardly be out of sight before the natives' bolos would be bathed in American blood. Civil government in these isl ands is possible and can abide only "where American troops protect it. . . In northern Luzon, so long the theater of active warfare, matters are quiet, but it is well known that many Mauser rifles were not turned in when the insurgents . surrendered .. in April last and an outbreak would -not sur prise anyone acquainted with the people and the facts.' "This writer's reference to northern Luzon is particularly noteworthy, since that section of latethas been re garded . as - thoroughly pacified; Gen eral Chaffee's 7opinion of ' course, is based upon the views of his subordi nate officers scattered over the islands, and they supply him with views like this one quoted." That , the state of affairs there is somewhat serious is shown by the fol lowing dispatch which was found hidden away in the graveyard of one of the great dalies. It was dated at Washington, January 18: "Lieutenant General Miles today is sued an order transferring troops to the number of 5,233 from the United States to the Philippines. Among the regiments is the Twenty-ninth in fantry, stationed at Fort Sheridan, near Chicago, which is to sail on Feb ruary 16 or March 1." There is quite a difference- in that way of making the announcement of shipping a very large force of men to the Philippines from the way it was done when we started out to rescue the Filipinos from Spanish tyranny. When the First Nebraska started for the Philippines the notice was not given in a four line item on the inside pages of the newspapers. There has been a great change wrought in the United .States since that time. Now soldiers are hustled around in the same fashion and in the secret way that it has been the habit of czars and monarchs of Eu rope to handle" them. The American soldier is not now a patriot fighting for liberty, but simply one who hires out to kill for the wages he gets. It is not on account of the Filipinos that The Independent has made such vigor-, ous' protests against a war of "con quest and government by - force, but for the reason that it will end, if per sisted in, in the final overthrow of the principles and form of government set up on' this continent by Washington and Jefferson and saved by the mar tyred Lincoln. The "sappers and miners" go on in their deadly work and day by day they undermine the great structure dedicated to human liberty. WASHINGTON -LAWMAKERS The Honse Has Abolished Itself by the Adoption of the Reed Rules and Xaw is Made in the Senate After the editorial which appeared in The Independent last week entitled "Their Prestige Gone" was in type the far eastern exchanges began to ar rive and a look at: them revealed the fact that the peculiar transactions In the house had . attracted the attention of "many editorial writers. They all take the same view as The Independ ent. It might be remarked that it is a dangerous thing to tamper with a form of government after it is once established and in working order. No one, however wise he may be, can foretell with any accuracy what will be the result of a. change, no matter how simple it may be. The constitution and the order which the house had followed for a century involved the following - of the ordinary parlia mentary procedure laid down in the books of authority on that subject. That ' gave the right : to; each member of that body at any time to arise ajxd address the speaker and the speaker was bound to ; recognize him. Now no . such .right ; exists, s- If ' a member wishes to address the house on any subject he.must first go to the speaker and beg of him he must remain s down in the boo o grant the favor of a recognition. If the speaker refuses lent. The forms laid ks for the protection of the' minority and a full and free discussion have i all been abolished. Those who too.4 hand in this depar ture from the procedure "always here tofore followed in free governments little .thought .at1 the .time that they were making , a tomb for themselves. They were intent only on gaining a partisan advantage. , Now their down fall Is everywhere recognized. Before any further progress Is made In twisting, and torturing the constitu tion into another thing from what the fathers thought they had produced, and before they make any further changes in our form of government, it will be .well for the judicial acrobats and mad republican partisans to re flect upon what the end may be. The Springfield Republican comments upon the "Effacement of the House" as fol lows: . ' -L. ... - - . , . . "The leaders of the majority party in the United States house of repre sentatives appear in the1 curious atti tude of persons bent upOh the destruc tion of their own importance and thaH of the whole body of. representatives as factors in national legislation. Ab solute power over the presentation, discussion and.t amendment: of meas ures has been given to the speaker and a committee on rules, and this coterie of less than half a dozen men entirely dominates all proceedings. It decides what shall be considered and for hOw long and by whom, and the precise course , of any measure is de termined in advance. . ' Deliberation under this , method of procedure, of course, becomes ; out of the question, and , discussion sinks tat the level of mere mechanical utterance In so " far as effect upon the house is concerned. Accordingly even discussion is dis couraged, and the most important measures are now regularly whipped through the house -within two and three days of time. "They might as well be limited in passage to two or three minutes. The practical, results are the same. The difference is only one of appearances. The Nicaragua canal bill,' committing the government to an enterprise of great . moment, was given three days for consideration. : The Philippine tariff bill, -involving principles and policies of- government;, of the . first magnitude, wasr railroaded through in as brief a time. Deliberation left the house entirely in both cases, and de bate was. reduced to a farce. New de velopments siii.ce the framing of the bills for passage .are practically ex cluded from consideration, and re ferred to the senate, along with the whole subject!" matter, for such con sideration as they deserve. "This deliberate self-effacement of, a great legislative body is probably with out a parallel in history.' , It is the senate now which deliberates and leg islates, and the country recognizes the fact, as the house concedes it. A peti tion now being circulated for. signa tures, which, (we ? printed . yesterday, is addressed, not to congress, as it ordi narily might be, but to the senate. This is the real law-making body at Washington. It is the only part of the legislative power which debates and deliberates, and by virtue of this fact does it become the one branch of con gress which now regularly determines the course and character of our legis lation. The ' senate will decide the route of the isthmian canal. The senate will decide whether, full tariff or half -tariff or no tariff shall prevail against Philippine imports. The house, by its own deliberate action, is making itself a cipher in national leg islation. For all practical purposes, an it is now going, it might as well be adjourned for an indefinite period." AN HONEST DOLLAR How are we to Make the , Dellar "Honest" ' and Keep it so In the faytnent of Long Time Contracts Editor Independent: I notice by yesterday's Bee that Rosewater wants an honest silver dollar Then he gives his plan of making it honest. If his plan is right, mine is wrong. My idea is that the only way to keep it hon est is to coin it just as we always have. As I understand it, we have a long time contract with a few indi viduals to pay a certain number of coin dollars silver and gold dollars of so many grains If we make that dollar larger, the debtor is wronged, if we make it smaller, the creditor is wronged. We can never pay that debt justly to all concerned only as per agreement. I would like Mr. Rose water, or any other man to tell me how we are to get a dollar's worth of Sliver in a dollar until we have a fixed, price for- silver, and again, I have thought that perhaps ithe taxpayers would object to having the . $500,000, 000 now In the treasury worked over into. $250,000,000, and yet: there would be about as much justice in that as to give two or three men $i80,000,000 In order: that they might monopolize the shipping industry. Many think that a sure thing. Say, don't you think a dollar twice as large as the one we have would be a nice pocketplece? Of course Rosewater may be right. T know it is folly, for a-man of my caliber to set up my judgment against his. And now, hoping that voters wilr some day get to thinking . for them selves, I remain yours truly H. B. MILLERi Winside, Neb. FILIPINO WAR PENSIONS " - - Soldiers Disabled in the Tropics Applying by the Thousand A Harden That Will Wreck the People Washington, D. C, NJan. 16. The annual pension appropriation bill passed the house . yesterday, prior to its adjournment until Saturday. The bill carries an appropriation of $139, 842,230. The debate on this bill brought out the fact that, as shown by the report of Pension Commis sioner Evans, of the men who en listed in the Spanish-American war, including those -v. remaining in the, Philippine islands since the signing of the Spanish treaty, 30,000 of them have applied . for pensions. Comput ing the number of men who enlisted, It will be seen that about one out of every five who entered the army a good specimen of physical manhood has become , such a physical wreck, from the rigors of a tropical climate and the savagery of the battlefield, as to justify an application for a per manent pension. Taking into account an authoritative announcement from , the war depart ment that it will be necessary to keep 50,000 soldiers in the Philippines in definitely, it is evident that 10,000 new names per year will be added to the pension rolls, and multiplying the pension expenditures. This is a part of the price Nebraska taxpayers arepaying for the privilege of being told" by republican newspa pers and speakers that "we have be come a world power." H. C. Lindsay, chairman of Ne braska's republican state central com mittee, is in Washington looking up federal patronage matters with Messrs. Dietrich and Millard. Upon being interviewed in the presence of Senator Dietrich, Mr. Lindsay said to a reporter that "Gov ernor Savage's friends are very con fident of his renomination and re election." It remains to be seen whether Ne braska republicans will aid the plan to shield those who profited by Bart ley's defalcations and who demanded Bartley's pardon to keep his mouth closed, at the same time promising to secure his renomination, and whether, if the plan is fully carried out to completion, the rank and file repub lican voter will endorse it at the polls. Senator Dietrich acquiesced in Mr. Lindsay's statement concerning Sav age's renomination and . re-election. Mr. Lindsay further declared that all the populists were going back to the republican fold, Mr. Lindsay cer tainly does the populists a great in justice Jby saving they will go- back to the repubTTcari party, and," with their votesr countenance the Bartley pardon and the loose management now given to the state treasurer's office. H. W. RISLEY. PLUTOCRATIC EDITORIALS A Sample of What the People Have Dished up to Them Down East Erery Day in the Year Editor Independent: The inclosed clipping is that of an editorial In the Baltimore American of January 9. 1 send it to you that you may have 'a sample of the kind of mental food we have dished up to us in this sec tion. Note what this oracle says of the "growing power of wealth," and also observe his affecting tenderness for the democratic party, and do not overlook his fatherly wish that it, may return to the straight and narrow path. What a pity that the demo cratic party can "only act as an op posing force," and will not be good and deserve a seat at the pie counter with the "elect," who -are now engaged in the "solution of these mighty prob lems." THOMAS O. CLARK. Baltimore, Md. The - following Is the slip inclosed and is printed so that the readers of The Independent in these western states . may know something of the writing of the hirelings of plutocracy, and the quality of their brains. The editorial is as follows: "Just eighty-seven years ago yester day on January 8, 1815 Andrew Jackson fought and won the battle of New Orleans. Thirteen years later he was' chosen president of the United States, and in that high position showed the same courage that he had displayed in the face of the enemy. Rugged and fearless, a firm., believer in the right and the ability of the people to rule, he made a vigorous bat tle against all that to him smacked of oligarchy, against all that he thought threatened either danger or disaster to the republic. Setting his face sternly against all class privileges, against any autocracy of either wealth or birth, he' won the favor of the great .masses . of the American people. He made blunders, was - too bitter a partisan to always serve his country well, ' but some of the principles he enunciated needed an exemplar then and the same principles need one now. Democrats hold . Jackson as one of the brightest stars in all their galaxy, and yesterday paid him special honor by celebrations of Jackson's day In all parts of the country.: It is well that they do this, but far better would it be for the national democracy of today to get back to its; moorings, to steer its battered and broken old ship into the safe harbor of honest poll-' tics. It Is certainty no lionor to the party to have a man like, William Jen nings Bryan paying a tribute to the memory of the hero of New Orleans, the apostle of the people. Were the sturdy Jackson alive today he would, in language decorated with, some very emphatic epithets, disown Bryan and all his ilk. He could have no tolera tion for the last two platforms of the national democracy, and -would ut terly repudiate -the' doctrines therein set forth. Though Independent in his views and utterly fearless of results when he believed himself to be right, Jackson would have no patience with the vicious attacks upon the national government which have beenthe chief characteristics of the democracy of the past decade. - '.'Well would it be for the country if some of the principles for which Jackson stood could now and ever be maintained and carried - out by those entrusted with affairs of state. (The growth of the power of wealth, and its influence in matters of legislation, has become a serious menace, and bodes.no good to the nation's welfare.) There are problems to be . solved problems not only of national, but of international importance, which will require the wisest statesmanship,' and in which neither wealth nor class must play a part. Were the democracy of today guided by the same spirit that made Andrew Jackson popular with the American . masses, it could prove an important factor In the solution of these mighty problems but in its present condition and with its present leaders it can only act as an opposing force, a bitter partisan criti: of those who are shaping the nation's course, a derelict in the way of tho great ship of state." ' . REDEEMING SILVER DOLLARS The Republicans of the. Honse Will Rush . the Dill Through Under the Gag Rules Washington, D. C, Jan. 15. (Spe cial Correspondence.) Another chap ter in the desperate attempt of the money kings to wipe out the last vestige of bimetallism and entirely destroy silver as money has been writ ten. If you are told by anyone : that the money question Is dead you tell him that, on the contrary, the question is so much alive that republican leaders have determined if possible to go as far as he who goes farthest In the plan to take away entirely from the peo ple their money and to do away with their power to . coin or issue it. ; . Congressman Hill of Connecticut has introduced a bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury to redeem silver dollars in gold. This bill, the main provision of which is as follows, was arbitrarily reported, by the . re publican majority of the committee on coinage, weights and measures, fa vorably to the house, without allow ing time for discussion and over the emphatic protests of the minority on the committee. " "The secretary of - the treasury is hereby directed to maintain at all times at , parity with gold the legal tender . silver "dollars remaining out standing, and to that end he is hereby directed to exchange gold for legal tender silver dollars when presented to the treasury in the sum of $5 or any multiple thereof; and all provisions pj law for the use or maintenance of the reserve fund in the treasury re lating to United States notes , are, in the discretion of the secretary of the treasury, hereby . made applicable to the exchange of legal tender silver dollars." The , only demand for the redemption of silver dollars in gold comes from the national banking in fluence, which prompted the introduc tion of the bill, and which contem plates such aTchange in our laws as will give to the -banks the exclusive right to issue all money except gold pieces. By making silver dollars re deemable in gold they are turned from a strengthening portion of the national currency to a , weakening portion thereof. So long as they are legal tender and non-redeemable in gold, silver dollars lessen the strain on gold, but when they are made redeemable in gold they - are really Instruments Of any predatory gang that may wish to raid the gold reserve In the treas ury. The next step in this conspiracy of the national bank clique will be to ask that the silver dollar be entirely abolished because it is a menace to the gold reserve. They propose first to make it a means of depleting the gold reserve and then demand Its abolition . because : it does so. They will, of course, point out that since the silver , dollar has beconve a mere token or promise to pay. the govern ment is foolish to use such expensive material as- silver out of which to make it and that silver dollars, and the silver bullion in the treasury should be thrown on the market, bringing disaster and ruin widespread everywhere. H. W. RISLEY. WASHINGTON DOINGS GEORGE III IDEAS Imperialism has made the same ad vances in England as here. The "sap pers and miners," as Lincoln called them, are as hard at work undermin ing the ancient constitution of Great Britain as they are to overthrow the constitution - that Washington, Jeffer son and their compeers promulgated here. Sir Vernon Harcourt. made a fierce attack "upon them In his address on the king's speech. He pointed out that in the most desperate .situations that England had ever known, no min ister had ever before , dared to sus pend the habeas corpus and institute trials by court-martial, without the au thority of .an act of parliament. He sajd that the suspension of the gov ernment of Cape Colony, the over throw of its constitution and the in auguration of .trials by court-martial wereacts of imperialism in direct violation to the British constitution. There was no -reply made to this speech,1 except Irritating questions put by Lord Salisbury." English imperial ism and American, imperialism are as alike aatwo peas in a pod. The same system demands the same agencies for its propagatipn oa both . sides of the sea. Government by force means con scription, overthrow of constitution trials by , court-martial and f a return to George lllideaii everywhere. To Help Crown King Edward The Fan ama . Canal Approyed 8hip 8nbsldy Steal Favorably Reported Wash ington to be Adorned With Statues Washington, D. C, Jan. 18, 1902. (Special Correspondence.) It has at last been -settled "that the United States is to be represented officially at the coronation of Edward VII. as King - of Great Britain and Emperor of the English Dominions beyond the Seas. The president, It is rumored, offered the appointment to ex-President Cleveland, but he, owing to his 111 health, took the advice of his med ical counsellor and refused the ap pointment. It was then offered to Hon.. Whitelaw Reid of New York. sometime ambassador to England and republican nominee for the vice presi dency with the late Benjamin Har rison when he was defeated by Cleve land in 1892; Mr. Reid will then Ik the special embassador of the presi dent of the United States at the coro nation, which takes place in the latter part of the coming June. As the rep resentative of the United States army Gen. James H. Wilson has been ap pointed. General Wilson is one of the highest ranking officers in the United States army, but his appointment taints of the old feud that has been ragijig in the army for some tima past, and the general cry Is that Wil son is a very good man, but if the United States is to be represented at all it should be by General Miles. The same cry Is used in referring to the appointment of Captain Charles. A: Clark as the navy's representative. We all recognize that Captain Clark was an Important factor In the naval history of the late Hlspano-Amerlcaa war, and the general comment la that the navy should have been represented by Admiral Dewey, who Is recognized the world over as the "Modern Nel son." But the president did not con fine his appointment here to those who were objectionable. His two appoint ed secretaries of the special embassy will be two "sons of their fathers." J. Pierpont Morgan, jr., son of tho steel .magnate, and young Wetmore, the son of the millionaire senator from Rhode Island. The appointment of young Morgan surely hints of tho president's leanings toward the mag nate and the appointment of young Wetmore for atime put the state de partment in an ugly position. Tho story runneth thus: Young Wetmonj's mother, when in England a number or years ago, refused to lunch with the then Prince of Wales and this fact was mentioned in the press. The senator and the department felt that this appointment might be objectiona ble to his royal highness and for a time the wires were hot. Finally it was found that there would be no objection to young Wetmore and the venerable senator was , satisfied. All of these appointments savor cff some thing wrong and we will probably se the whole matter probed to the quick when the question is brought up In -congress to appropriate funds for the retinue. A custom that I understand will be observed is that at the corona tion ceremonies that all males pres ent will have to wear short breeches and the powdered wig, relics of several centuries. It is understood that many of the Americans who will be present have already ordered false calves from a French maker of the "necessities.? Congress has principally been in terested In the new canal bill and in all probability It will be quite a while before it passes the senate if it ever succeeds. Yesterday the canal com mission, which had previously re ported in favor of the NIcaraguan route,; reversed its decision and Ad miral Walker, Its president, stated that the commission favored the Nlca rauguan route because they found It, at that time, impossible to secure an option bn the Panama holdings. It had asked for a price, but the presi dent of the canal company stated that Its holdings would amount to $103. 000,000, but did not state that the com pany would make all concessions foi that amount. ' . The report of the canal commission as presented yesterday outlines the necessary proceedings which must be followed before the United States can come into full control of the Panama holdings. There are four properties to be considered, the old Panama com pany, the new or reorganized corpora tion, the go vernmlnt of the United States of America and the United States i ofj Colombia. ' As to the old company, the French courts have al ready decreed that the new company may accept any satisfactory offer that It may deem fit and, therefore, will be able to sell to the United States a complete and valid title to the con cession, v k The government of Colombia, it is said, has agreed to annul Its former prohibition against the sale of the canal concession, thus removing an obstacle in the sale. -It Is also said that the Colombian constitution, pro hibiting the sale of any territory, and especially of alienating it, has been adjudged to permit of the perpetual lease of the land to the United States by an act of the Colombian congress. It Is also stated that of the 70,000 shares of stock in the company. 6S. 863 shares are in the hands of the corporation proper, while the remain ing few thousand shares are in th hands of private individuals and may be bought at little above the market value of the stock at $100 per share. - The commission then goes on to state the advantages of the Panama route and recommends its purchase from the French company for the amount asked. If the facts given cau be taken to be true, there seems no doubt , that the United States couM do well to take the offer of the French company. The advantages stated are jQUmejyus. and seem very plausible on.