FRANK IAMS returned from France October 10, 1901, with the largest importa tion of stallions to Nebraska in 1901-only man in the United States that imported aU black Stallions. He imported 40 BLACK PERCHERONS-40 I,Mn))rmAiw u iM.,fiAx0..K i bubble orsr with these eajrug : "ace most eeiect sna xeres W&KWi black stallions I erer eaw." "Every one a winner and as wide 'i&fhrf Wlll as a wagon." "The choioett lot lams ever imported." "Bat lpiiiSip&i lams always hat the beat horses." -'Has many prize winner. tl.mtm&i$Mi at leading horse shows of America." "Won't have, culls." WmimWmlM "His horses won $1,300 at Omaha exposition." "In fact, they fMWm:mmn always win." He has on h.nd mmm&mMiM - inn Black Ptrchsrons. Clyde, inn - IUU Sblre. and Coschers. I UU stJ They are 2 to 5 years old, weigh 1,600 to 2,400 lbs. lams has f SltJlSSpJlll MORE black stallions, MORE ton and thick stallions. MORS iffiTO'Wlji money makers and TOPS, more government approved and royal bred stallions than ALL importers of Nebraska. lams iMi:m&iWtffM speaks French and German and needs no interpreter, knows v 'M&MlMI the breeders in LA PERCHE. This with twenty-five year i I - -nri -V. .t.lltnn .nil ..iith. KaithnMHI irrespective of their cost. He has no salesman, saves you the middleman's profit, uses no gold brick talk, guarantees tp show you more black ton stallions than all importers of Nebraska or pay fare and $20. Don't be a clam-write lams. He pays freight and fare of buy ars. Barns in town. FRANK AHS ST. PAUL, HOWARD CO., NEB., ON B. M. AND U. T. BTS. Reference: St. Paul State Bank. First State Bank, Citizens' Nat. Bank. WE ARE NOT THE LARGEST IMPORTERS In the U. S. Neither have we all ton horses. But we do make five importations each year. Our stables at Lincoln, Neb., and at South Omaha Union Stock Yards are full of first-class stallions. If you want a irood one for what he is worth, it will pay you to see us. Our horses kM&'3 wou sweepstaxes in au araic ana nacicney classes at noorasaa oiae 'imSVvjH air jwi. Aaaress iu corresponuonce HB WATSON, WOODS BROS. & KELLY CO., Lincoln, Hsb. WnW-W"" SPECIAL NOTICE Woods Bros., of Lincoln, Neb., have two ears of VVftW.Tiliv ''" ' Shorthorn and Hereford buus ana cows for sale at a bargain. A Pop From Way Back .Editor Independent: I have sent my subscription to The Independent through The Commoner. As viewed by a pop from away back, I think you average up fairly well with half the party turned over to the democrats and the other half to that Philadelphia banker. I sometimes hardly know where '"I am at." Our local work has been suspended after having brought it more people's party Votes in my own precinct than tLe republicans and democrats combined. A dozen or oO joined the democrats, a like number the socialists and the remainder went back to the republicans. I believe Bryan is as good a pop as myself, but he hides it under a cloak. Ilillism and Crokerism is too much of a burden for any reformer to drag along. I never knew a democrat or a republican who could give any good reason for their faith and any pop knows that with half reform and half Hill and Croker . congressmen Bryan could do nothing. Bryan would have to do just as they said- McKinley had to and stand for docility. Tom Watson stood for duty regardless of consequences. He was a second Andrew Jackson, only more so. I judge, youby myself. I feel that I have been trampled upon and lots f coaxing will be required to bring me back to where I was before the stam pede for the lunch basket. v You will think me sensational, but I have stated only facts as they appear to me and come under my observation. JOHN HANSEN. Suring, Wis. An Absolute Guarantee I do not treat all diseases, but cure all I treat. I do not accept incurable cases, but will guarantee to cure ev ery case of chronic, private, skin or blood disease that I accept. Write for symptom blank and particulars re garding my home treatment free. D. L. Ramsdell, M. D., 1136 O st, Lincoln, Neb. country just as soon as they get a lit tle common sense. For my part I can not understand how it is they have been dreaming so long. America . is the greatest country, in the world, but somehow or other Americans are the easiest buncoed. The almighty dollar rules and I cannot see much hope so ong as it does. We must soon have a change. They are getting so rotten that something must bust soon. Good uck and all power to your pen. GEORGE BLISS. Dorchester, Mass. A Hew York Pop Editor Independent: I am Canadian born and of French descent and a citizen of the United States. I -haneerl mv politics from republican ;o democrat after Grover Cleveland's last, election. I can truthfully say that I am a populist. My grandfather was with LaFavette in 1776. I prize your paper mgniy. i uevti ieiu x uuci paper. I am a poor man and am no: able just' now to spare one dollar. Later I will favor you with my sud scription. JOHN GERARD. , Mallard. Springs, N. Y. From Massachusetts Editor Independent: I have re ceived your paper for several weeks and am verv much pleased with it. i enclose $1.00. Please enter my name as a, subscriber. T cannot say that I am a populist, but I am the next thing to it. I am a .Bryan democrat from my feet up. I An helieve that we can rout the degen erated republicans better as democrats than anv other way. I am a fusionist. I believe all Americans should fuse to savft the remiblic. T nnlv wi3h we had such a paper as The Independent in every city and such a man as Bryan in every state. We would down the boodlers very soon T.nen. AS a ruie me peuyie m me east think they are the whole thing. and a few eastern states make up the United States, but the. will learn in time I hone. The cause you advocate is bound to succeed. The people will rule the 10) 0 an Th3 Filipinos Senator Bacon of Georgia, who spent most of the summer considering condi tions in the Philippine islands upon a personal visit, ,says: "I found them distinctly superior to what I had expected. I believe this would be the conclusion of every fair man who was brought in contact with them. Since I left 'Washington.! have been brought in touch with many brown races, and I do not hesitate to say that I consider the Filipinos equal to any any superior to most in point of character and mental ability. They abor under the handicap of a tropi cal climate, and, therefore, are not as vigorous physically or as industrious as the Chinese or the Japanese, for in stance, and this must be taken into account in dealing with them; but as I have said, I am convinced that' they are the equals of any in point of char acter and ability." This, of course, will destroy one of the arguments offered by republicans in defense of imperialism that the Filipinos were incapable of governing themselves and unable to do any thing except receive the "blessings of. civilization" from our hands in such quantities as we thought they could en joy. Mr. Bacon's statement is entitled to credence. Personal observation is good evidence on the subject. "Whiskers" "Wild-Eyed" Editor Independent: I thank you for sending sample copies of your pa per as it has proven very interesting to me. There is a great deal of ignor ance in this section of the country, not only of populist doctrines, but also economic subjects generally. I have renewed my subscription to The Com moner and have included The Inde pendent as per clubbing offer. I shall see that my copy of The Independent has a good circulation after I get through with it. There is not so mush difference between populism and Jef fersonian democracy. The average Baltimore editor makes sundry al leged .humorous remarks, such -as "whiskers," "socks," "wild-eyed," etc., when asked for information, so how can you expect the people to know? THOMAS CLARK. Baltimore, Md. ' Independent All Right Editor Independent: I will send in my subscription to The Independent to The Commoner for both papers, as I am a democrat and have read The Commoner since it began, and will continue to read it and The Indepen dent. The Independent is all right and I find it to be true in its state ments and intend to remain on its list while it cotinues to champion the cause of the people. WALTER LOWE. Falling Springs, W. Va. CHAMP CLARK'S LETTER Air Things Appear to Be Working To- $. Ilmve uaed your valuable CASCA- II EM'S and And them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion andbiliousness and am now com- Sletoly cured. Iiecommend them, to every one. nee tried, you 'will never be without them In the famlly.'r Edw. A. Maui, Albany, N. Y. CANDY"), w 'N. THAOI MAMK BKMSTMID 0 ' Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Nerer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 2ac, 6O0. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SLrllac Tlrmtij CoHT, ClJenga, Boalreat, Kew Tarfc. 351 Patriotic Prayers Christians who desire the welfare of their country would do well to add the four following or like petitions to their private, family and public prayers: "May thy kingdom come intd the United States, and thy will be done by all our citizens! May thy people feel their responsibility to thee in all matters, and acknowledge the author ity of Christ and the dominion of his word over them!" Christian Observer. Needed in the East Editor Independent: I am of the opinion that if we had more papers like The Independent in the middle and eastern states and the people would read them, that they would open their eyes and ears. I have or dered The Independent. HENRY ROEDER. Evansville, Ind. Another bill has been presented to congress for knocking out silver, all in the interest of the millionaires, bondholders, Jbffnker, corporations and Special Washington Letter. F any ' citizen of the republic de sires to thoroughly understand to what utter degradation a great commonwealth may be reduced by long years of Republican malad ministration and corruption, he ought to read the Philadelphia and Pittsburg 1 papers or take a trip through Quaysyl vanla. That state is the most startling pos sible illustration of the result of Re publican machine politics to be found betwixt the two oceans. Since I860, with only brief intervals, the Repub licans have had absolute control and have ruled the roost without question. Twice in forty-one years enough de cent Republicans have revolted to elect Robert E. Pattison governor, but it cannot be said that the Republicans of Pennsylvania are a happy family; quite the contrary. The savage man ner in which they are knifing each oth er under the fifth rib is decidedly re freshing to all lovers of purity in gov ernment and decency in politics. The row is over the distribution of pie. Governor William A. Stone 'Big Stone," as he used to be called in con gress to distinguish him from Charles W. Stone, who was dubbed "Little Stone" is boss of the pie counter. He runs it with a high hand and has got himself into exceedingly hot water. Under the ripper bill he appointed Mayor A. M. Brown recorder of Pitts burg, which is the same thing as mayor. Brcwn didn't perform to suit Stone, so the governor bounced him, and BrowYi, choked off from his teat, is angry as a she bear robbed of her cubs. Brown in smiting the governor hip and thigh. Lately in a public speech touching the governor he used "language calculated to provoke a breach of the peace," which language, virtually accusing the governor with bribery, embezzlement and corruption, the Pittsburg Post and Philadelphia North American reprint in their edi torial columns. In addition thereto, a body of men, described by the papers as "representative citizens of - Pitts burg," got together and lambasted the governor in a set of resolutions. . Of course, the "regulars" expect the storm to blow over once more, as it has done so often before. But the Republican revolt is so wide spread that the masters of the Repub lican machine are getting scared. Their original intention was to hold an early convention for the purpose of forcing the ring slate through, it being the in tention to place Attorney General El kin at the head of it as candidate for governor. That worthy recently paid a visit to Senator Matthew Stanley Quay at his winter home in Florida, and "the old man," as he is affection ately called by his followers, declared against an early convention on the ground that it would unnecessarily an tagonize a good many people and strengthen the "Insurgents," as the anti-Quay and anti-Stone Republicans are dubbed. The Futility of Coalitions. "D d if I do and d d if I 6Vn't" appears to be the present pre dicament of the Seth Low aggregation of talent in New York. A coalition of unsympathetic political parties and factions simply to win the offices, with out any principle at stake, may suc ceed in gobbling the pap at one elec tion, but in the very nature of things they cannot hold together longer than the one election. They soon quarrel as to policies cr," what is more likely, as to spoils. Mr. Low has not yet warmed his mayoralty seat thoroughly, but al ready ruin is pending over his head, and, strange to say, it comes from the question of .keeping saloons open on Sunday, at the root of which in this particular instance is the question of local self government. Governor Odell says it is too big a question for New, York city to decide fcr itself and that the state must decide it. Now, rural New York believes in Sunday closing, but Greater New York city believes in Wetting its whistle on the Lord's day as on all others. Hence this imminent deadly peril to Hon. Seth Low and his conglomerate and polyglot administra tion. If Governor Odell induces the legislature to pass a hard and fast Sun flay closing law and Mayor Low en forces it, the thirsty Gothamites will rebel, and Tammany will return to power. If Mayor Low winks at a vio lation of the Sunday closing law, the temperance people in Greater New York will kick out of the traces, and Tammany will triumph. So, no matter what happens, it looks like Tammany has merely been granted a two years' vacation. I In Greater . New York bo Intense is the objection to rural New York run ning the local affairs of the city that the New York Herald is once more ad vocating the project of making a sep rate state out of Greater New York tlty, which will in all human probabil ity never be done. The constitution of the United States provides that be fore congress can " create a new state out of any portion of an old state the told state must agree to It, which, of course, the present state of New York Will never do while grass grows or wa ter, runs. Statue pride is too strong. Alabama's Grand Old Man. The action of the house In passing S to Democrats . 1 $ t& , 33 3 S3 '0 ",&.--& heart t of Senator ' John T. Morgan of Alabama to leap for joy, for it pre sages the building of that great water highway marrying the Atlantic to the Pacific. To that vast ! and farreaching scheme-Alabama's Grand Old Man has devoted his mighty energies and giant intellect during the quarter of a cen tury which he has served in the sen ate. It has been his vision by ?.ay and his dream 'by night Others have been able coadjutors Colonel Hepburn of Iowa, for instance but it is peculiarly Morgan's life work, and he bids. fair to live to see his . hopes in that regard realized. His name will be insepara bly connected with that work. Strange Bedfellows. ' The old adage that "Politics makes strange bedfellows" finds its latest il lustration and verification in the as tounding fact that in the Hanna-Fora-ker factional fight in Ohio my venera ble and vitriolic friend from Athens, General Charles Henry Grosvenor, the prophet Maximus of the. Hocking val ley lined up with Senator Joseph Ben son Foraker. For years many years the general has had a knife up his sleeve" and a machete in his bootleg for "Fire Alarm" Foraker, and he has not hesitated to use them. During the last six years, perhaps longer, he has not only trained with the Hanna gang, but has been one of the leaders in that aggregation of talents. It is not over stating the case to say that, except "WilliamMcKinley and Marcus A. Han na, the general has, been the most con spicuous figure in the Hanna ,camp, yet, if Columbus dispatches are to be believed, he joined "Little Breeches" Foraker in supporting Price for speak er and in organizing both houses of the legislature. Qf course it will be said that the reason why "the grim old lion of Athens" aided and abetted the For akerites in the fight to the death be twixt Foraker and Hanna is that Price is one of his constituents and lives in the same town, but there was a day lots of days; 'in fact when General Grosvenor would not have supported his grandfather if his grandsire had been for the. Cincinnati senator. When the general found himself on the Foraker bjind wagon, he must have felt very, much as did the fellow in New Yorjc. who recently eloped unwit tingly with jthei twin sister of his fiancee. With these ; bitter factional fights raging in Ohio and5 Pennsylvania, if the Democrats do not carry both states it will be because they haven't sense enough to get together and stay to gether through one campaign. The Republicans are rapidly deliver ing themselves into our hands if we possess the wisdom to take advantage of, the situation. A Dog Fall. After all the marshaling of hosts and shouting for the captains the result in Ohio was a dog fall, Hanna controlling the house and Foraker the senate, which is all the better for the Demo crats, as it leaves both Hanna and Foraker in condition to fight, and that they will fight bitterly and to the death no 'man may doubt. More strength to their arms! Republican Woo! Pulling. In fact, all things appear to be work ing together for good tb Democrats. As things are now going, all they have to do is to stand, still and see the sal vation of the party. President Roose- ! velt is helping tis every day by turn I ing down some boss, and no boss was j ever turned down yet without iuimedi i ately betaking himself into the cave i of Adnllnm. Lvmnn J. Gnce will soon enter the cave. John D. Long will speedily follow him. General Miles is already there by reason of that repri mand. All the army of the bounced are congregating in the' cave, where they will conspire and ferment against the president. They can't get their offices back, but they can use their knives, which they are busily whetting now. , While the president is busy helping us by doing the bouncing act Senator J. Ralph Burton of Kansas is unwit tingly arranging things so that we can carry the Sunflower State. There is a bitter feud between Burton and ex Senator Baker.. Seven years ago Ba ker defeated Burton by one vote. Last year Burton defeated Baker over whelmingly. The Bakerites are in. Burton is yanking them out and put ting his henchmen in, and there is much knife grinding In Republican cir cles In Kansas. It is a pretty fight as it stands, likely to do us much good. Waking Upv , That the American people are becom ing gradually but thoroughly aroused on the trust question is perfectly plain to those who having eyes see and ears hear the things that are now happen ing within the broad confines of this puissant republic, and the waking up is not confined to Democrats either. Some Republicans are becoming arous ed to the fact that the Philistines are upon us. Governor Van Sant of Min resota, for instance, and other north western Republicans . are greatly per turbed by the recent gigantic", com bination ot railroad interests in that region under the skillful management of James J Hill. Van Sant nndonbted- to make if for all it Is worths There may or may not te some personal pol ities in it for: Van Sant. That matters now No difference what his motives may be, all good citizens will wish him well in . his colossal . undertaking. St. George's battle with the dragon is not a marker to the contest which Govern or Van Sant has invited with the Hill combine, the most powerful one on the globe. : If he fails in his laudable un dertaking, he will most probably be driven out of the Republican party and may have, to seek refuge in the, Demo cratic camp. If he succeeds, while all the world. wonders he will be. one of the great figures in the country, and the Republicans may be compelled to nominate him'" for president. But what ever the cause of his action and what ever the result, honest men will wish him well and pray for his success. A Prophecy Fulfilled. When good Bishop Berkeley wrote the famous line, "Westward the course of1 empire takes it way," he had no reference to the seat of political power In the United States, but nevertheless his poetic prophecy is being fulfilled before our faces this very day. The. political center is going west faster than the center of population. Iowa has the speaker, the senate chairman ship on appropriations and two cabi net portfolios, while Missouri is the leading Democratic state in the Union. Four or five of her distinguished sons are spoken of very favorably as presi dential candidates, and a 'dozen of them are fit for that high ' office. In Nebraska, still farther west, adjoining both Missouri and Iowa, dwells the most illustrious citizen of the republic, William Jennings Bryan. Verily, veri ly, the west is coming to the front in great hape. Three cabinet ministers in esse, with a fourth in posse, make a good showing for the Louisiana pur chase, Thomas Jefferson's greatest achievement. ' .-": For some reason or other Iowa is coming to occupy the place in the Re publican! party which Ohio held so long. The Buckeye, breed of Republic an statesmen appears to be petering out. General Grosvenor is easily their strongest man now in public life, and he has almost reached the psalmist's allotment of threescore and ten. On the other hand, the Hawkey e states men are in-the flower of their years and bid fair to be on the boards for a long time yet. They are to be con gratulated en their good luck. Astounding. The recent severe trouncing which General De Wet inflicted on the bloody Britishers serves to renew interest in the South African Boers, who have not only made the bravest fight for liberty ever made since the morning stars first sang together: for joy, but also the most astounding. Other feeble" nations have gained victories as brilliant against grent odds, but no people so feeble in numbers ever- carried on for so long a time a war against such fear ful odds. Three years cruel years- have dragged their slow length along since . this war began, and we, the greatest republic in the world, have stood by consenting, as Saul at the stoning of Stephen, while brutal Eng land throttles those ' tiny republics. Wherefor? Because England is a rob ber nation, we have aspirations to be come a robber nation, ?nd robber na tions must stand together for self pro tection and because it is so English, don't you. know. A dealer in horse flesh told me during the Christmas hoi idays that the English had sent over here for 15,000 more cavalry horses to replace the 6,000 which General De Wet recently captured, and he alleges that G,000 acclimated horses were just about equal to 15,000 green horses Every man who over read a syllable of international : law knows that horses are contraband of war, and every American horse and mule shipped from America to the English in South Africa is a violation of international laAv. President Roosevelt is of the same blood as the Boers, and it is to be hoped that he will'do something to help them in this crisis "of their fate Nine-tenths of the American people would applaud him for so doing. There would be no party politics in such ac tion; it would be an act of humanity. Old Paul Kruger is making good the words he uttered at the-beginning of the war when he declared that the Boers could be subdued only at a cost of treasure and of blood at which the world would stand aghast. T The Boers are fighting for home and wives and children and liberty, yet two Republican administrations have kept hands off and have remained dumb as oysters wrhile men, women and children have been ruthlessly butchered and while the torch and the black savages of South Africa have been used by the English as instru ments not of war, but of murder. We have cut a sorry figure, a most pitiable figure, in this bloody business by aid ing he marauders. The Missouri. Dec. 28 was a great day for all Mis sourians, for that was the date of the launching of the Missouri, one of the finest battleships that ride the watery main. It was an especially notable day for the Cockrell family. Miss Mar ion Cockrell, whom the press dis patches describe as a vision fit to de light the. eye, christened the Missouri with a grace worthy of the imperial commonwealth .from which she hails, and her father, Senator Cockrell, Mis souri's Grand Old Man, spoke in his happiest vein. If the Missouri com ports herself in battle as bravely as Missouri soldiers - did, whether Union -r Confederate, no battleship will have a prouder record than hers. , May she never lower her colors while the ocean remains salty! -.' ...... s ' $2,000,000 III 1901 . v'.v-,,...' r . -."' I .. The Year of Our Lord Just Passed Was a Most Prosperous One for Home In- stitutlons and the BANKERS RESERVE LIFE Closed Its4 Books December. 31, 1901, With' $3,500,000 at Risk Upon- Se lected ; Policy; Holders. ! . Patriotic citizens of Nebraska, men who believe in building up their home enterprises and are loyal first to this commonwealth will rejoice to know that the young, reliable, progressive and aggressive home life company, the .well' known. . . BANKERS RESERVE LIFE has . added $3,000,000 to the aggregate risks carried, mostly on Nebraska lives, carefully selected and represent ing the best brain, brawn and blood of the state. Working steadfastly for one purpose and determined above ev erything else tb build here a strong life company, THE ABLE MEDICAL DEPART MENT of the Bankers Reserve Life has re fused $200,000 in insurance which less conservative underwriters would glad ly have accepted. As a consequence of this caution" and conservation with nearly $4,000,000 at risk during 1901 the total losses have reached only $10, 500. Of this amount $5,750 has been covered by re-insurance, leaving net death claims $4,750 and NOT' ONE UNPAID DEATH CLAIM is' carried over into 1902. No other American company can show a lower mortality record: . The premium In come for 1901 reached $111,312, making' total income over $120,000, and tin; business on the books will provide a net INCOM3 OF $100,000 IN CASH for lC'"i, aside from the revenue de rived from new business. The invested assets of the . company, equivalent to cash, have proportionately increased Nebraska interest earning securities represent the invested1 assets ' and the Nebraska Insurance department is the curator and custodian of the company's surplus for investment. NOTHING BUT HIGH GRADE SECURITIES are accepted by the management and every penny possible saved for the use and 7 benefit of the policy holders who compose the company. The Bank ers Reserve enters upon the .new year with renewed energy. It is determined again to' break the record and keep EVERYTHING HIGH GRADE. Its policies are up-to-date and the best yet devised by. insurance experts. The investments made are most care fully4 selected and never a dollar goes amiss. The risks written are scrutin ized by experts. The business of the company in every department is con ducted upon the theory that ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH. The ablest insurance men in the west are joining its strong field staff. Ten additional state, general, and spe cial agents are wanted at once on extra liberal terms. Apply for terri tory. Address, B. II. ROBISON, President. RAILROAD WRECK HEROES. flotherhood. 7 The night throbs on: but let me pray, dear Lord! Crush off hi. name a moment from my mouth. To thee my eyes would turn, but they go back, ; . Back to my arm beside me where he , lay : - . So little, Lord, so little and so warm! I can not think that thou hadst need of him! He is so little, Lord, he can not sing, He can not praise Thee; all his lips had learned Was to hold fast my kisses in the night. Give him to me he is not happy there! He had not felt his life: his lovely eyes Just knew me for his mother, and he died. Hast thou an angel there to mother him? ' -I say be loves 'me best if he forgets, If thou allow it that my child forgets And run3 not out to meet me when I come What are my curses to thee? Thou hast heard The curse of Abel's mother, and since : then We have not ceased to threaten at thy throne,1 To threat and pray theo that thou hold them still In memory of us. See thou tend him well,, Thou God of all the mothers! If he ' lack One of his kisses Ah; my heart, :oy f , . heart, Do angels kiss in heaven? Give him back! . Forgive me, Lord, but I am sick with grief. And tired of tears and cold to com forting. Thou art wise, I know, and tender, aye, and good. Thou hast my child and be is safe in thee, -. " ' ' ' 1 , And I believe ; ' , .. , Ah, jGocU my, chill shall go ?rphaned among the angels! All alone, o little and alone! ' He knows not ' thee, ' ' ' ' v: " " " e only knows his mother -give Grapbte Story of Experiences la Tunnel Disaster nt Xew York. Tho most graphic and dramatic ac count of the terrible scenes of the re cent disaster, in the Park avenue tun nel of-the New York Central railway, when the rear car of a South Norwalk train was run into by a White Plain train, wis given by Acting Battalion Chief Thomas F. Freel of hook and ladder . No. 2 and Lieutenant William Clarke of the same company, says the New York . World. . Both have records for bravery in the fire department. Freel and Clarke were the first two rescuers to get into the car Jammed with maimed, dead and dying. Acting as spokesman, Freel described some of the scenes of the wreck as follows: "The first unfortunate we found was Peter A. Murphy, and he has got more real courage and nerve than any man I ever saw. Both of his legs and arm were broken, he, seemed to be hurt in ternally and blood was streaming from a dozen cuts. He was pinioned hang ing half out of one of the windows. His mangled legs were held in a wedge of tons of stuff, his arms were power less, and he couldn't move. He was the first man that I saw, and be was the last sufferer removed from the wreck. But in all that time he never made a whimper and was calm and considerate of others from first to last. "We chopped our way to him. and as Boon as we found that we couldn't get him, out for some time we fastened a rope under his armpits and hoisted him up Into an easier position. "All that he said to us was, I would like you to take me out as soon as you can. as the pain Is very great.' "A surgeon from Roosevelt hospital came along .and gave Murphy a hypo dermic Injection of morphine. Later we found a cushion and placed it under his back. He was very grateful for this and said calmly: 'Thank you. gen tlemen. That makes me much easier. Others not one-fifth as badly hurt as In was yelled and screamed, but he never lost his nerve for an instant. "There was a lot of heroism display ed on that car. We found a younj; man pinioned under a moss of stuff on the floor. He was badly hurt. Ncnr him was lying a young woman also verely injured. The woman was Ijlr in the path of the stream of steam, and the young man was reaching over vr'l, a newspaper fanning the steam a;vay from the woman's face. "The fire chaplains, Father Smith and Mr. Wakely, worked in the cr.r, helping the victims. as fast as th' were reached. One girl, Miss D:iKv Scott, was found lying across the bolr of a dead man. Both of her legs w-r broken. On either side of her was th. body of a dead man. "She was suffering terribly, but con trolled herself splendidly. She was calm all the time, and when at last wh were able to move her she said to mt 'Be very careful to keep my feet cov ered up.' Chaplain Smith helped to lift her out and gave her some brandy." CURIOUS FILIPINO CUSTOMS Returned American Tell How t Foil the Teatlve Cockroach. James L. O'Neill, an American, wl. has been in the Philippines for t year3, tells an interesting story of ca rious customs among the Filipinos. "One of the most unique institution"! I encountered is what is known as th 'sleeping machine," said Mr. O'NeU recently to the Washington correspond ent of the Philadelphia Times. "It l supposed to be a bed, but it looks very much like a hearse without the gia. sides and wheels. It is entirely in -closed with a heavy wire cretr, through which the air finds It ver bard to penetrate. You are inform '. that this screen is placed on the iiir. chine to keep out cockroaches. whi. in that country are a delicate little ani mal about eight Inches long, though perfectly harmless. You crawl in: the machine at. the end as a cotSn 5 s put into a hearse and close the gat behind you. The bottom of the ma chine is made of cane like the seat!;;,.: of a chair. The bedclothing consists c ! a single sheet. The head of the corp" I should say person who desires t 6leep (notice I say 'desires' to sleci rests upon an alleged pillow composed of matted chicken feathers of the coc slstency of an oak tree. The machine is very effective so far as keeping out the. roaches Is concerned, but in other respects I consider it a total failure. I am told that one becomes accustoms i to it in time, but I was afraid to mak the venture, and so rigged myself up shack more like an American bed. "One of the most interesting features I observed," continued Mr. O'Neill, "was in a little town in the southern part of Luzon. The people of that com munity, in spite of the American inva sion and the efforts of our government to bring about a higher degree of civ ilization, still indulge in their old cus tom of performing their morning ablu tions at the town pump. Any mornirg between G and 7 o'clock you will fir-: upward of 100 people Filipinos batii ing at that well. Although that se tion of the country is'thickly sprinkle with Europeans and Americans, nu at tempt has, been made to abolish tl custom. In fact, it has come to t-' looked upon almost as a sacred rirbt. " Son's Temperature Known. Trofessor , Charles Wilson has ar nounced to the Royal society a new de termination of the temperature of tfc sun, which, with due allowance fr slight, nna voidable errors, is placed at 8,444 4-9 degrees F., says a cable d:s patch from London to the Chicago In ter Ocean. If the probable absorption of the sun's radiated heat by Its own atmosphere is allowed for. the mean temperature of the sun's body is placeJ at 3,CCG 2-3 degrees F. Professor Wil-