THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT January 16, 1S02 s i Ce Hebrastia independent Lincoln, Rebraska PRESSE BLDG., CORNER I3TH AND N STS Published, Kveby Thursdat $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ' ,Who making remittances do . not leave money with news agencies, postmasters, etc., to be forwardod br them. They frequently forget or remit a different amount than was left with them, and the subscriber fails to get proper credit. Address all communications, and make all drafts, money 'ers, etc., payable to tbt Nebraska Independent, Lincoln. Neb. Anonymous communications will not be no ticed. Rejected manuscript will not be re limed. i! I The people of Chicago are placing their last hope of relief from the street car extortions and bad service in the populist doctrine of the referendum. 1 It is strange that people always try everything else before they will try populist principles, but they always find them a safe refuge at last. Itosewater talks about "the pollute! atmosphere of the state house." Well, he was very energetic in trying to put j out the men who never polluted the! air of the ftate house and put in the present gang of thieves. He feels very i badly about it now, but that does not help matters much. A whole lot of citizens whose names were published in the list asking for Bartley's pardon declare that they never signed the petition and many of them say that they never even saw It. Embezzlement got Bartley in and forgery got him out. Nebraska repub- ! lican leaders are experts at both. Bud Lindsay has been taken care of by the joint efforts of Nebraska's heav enly twins in the United States sen ate. He is .surveyor of customs and custodian of public buildings at Lin coln. Alva B. Kennard has been made register of the land office. Poor Joe Johnson! What will he do now1? It is now stated that Governor Crane, who could not -take the treas ury department on account of his gov ernment contracts, will be appointed to succeed Long in the navy depart ment. That Long ' will go, no one doubts, but who will succeed him is not certainly known. A bill has been presented in con ,'gress to give Grover Cleveland $25,000 a year as long as he lives and all other ex-presidents hereafter. Grover cer tainly does not need it. He went into the White house a poor man and cams - out rated at $3",000,000. If the presi dents to come do anywhere near as well as that there will be no necessity to pension them. When times are really prosperous mechanics and day laborers are able to support their families on something less than the sum total of their wages. All that class in Lincoln declare that on account of the increased cost of , living that it takes every cent that they can earn to feed and clothe their families and pay their rent. Are the times really prosperous? The -Independent -Home Makers Co. has several tracts of irrigated land Vin their Idaho settlement for any who miay be looking for a new location. The tracts offered are the tracts al lotted to several members who have been unable to make final payment. If you want a piece of this land write today to Independent Home Makers Co., Lincoln, Neb. , Roosevelt's reputation rests upon his renown as a civil service reformer and his condemnation of machine poli tics. Roosevelt has appointed as a memberof his cabinet Mr. Payne, tho mdst notorious corruptionist, lobby ist andt political manipulator in the whole United States. The Independent reports the facts in the case and its ' readers can form their own conclu sions. ' Senator Hoar says that he has heard some terrible stories from private sol diers and officers . of high rank con cerning the treatment of the Filipinos In the conduct of the war and he want3 the senate to appoint a special com mittee to investigate the matter and let senators know the truth. It started a lively debate in the senate' and tho matter was laid over for further dis cussion. There is a prospect of some lively talk on that subject soon. All the world is beginning to hold the supreme court of the United Stat es in contempt. Some very sarcastic things have been said of late con cerning it by the leading, men of Eu rope, its vaccuation and frequent re versals of opinion and its constant practice of rendering decisions In ac cordance with the administration in power at the time by one , majority, , THEIR PRESTIOE GONE When the Czar Reed gag rules were proposed In congress the editor of The Independent was there and wit nessed most of the fight. He pre dicted then that the, result would be to destroy the house of representatives as a deliberate body and would finally rob it of .all influence in public af fairs. The work of this congress shows that those forebodings have been fully realized. The way the thing Is now, a few leaders of the majority get together and formulate a bill. The rules committee, which is a creature of the speaker, brings in a new rule. That rule specifies that the bill shall be called up at a certain time, de bated so long and the vote be taken at a certain hour. The majority vote to adopt the report of the committee and that ends it. Bill3 changing in a large degree our form of government, declarations of war and matters of the most vital importance to every citizen of the . United States are thus summarily disposed of without inves tigation or debate. It is simply a pro forma matter to pass a bill in the house, no matter of how great import ance it may be. ' The result of -this is that the house is losing all prestige. Formerly great national policies were developed in the house. Great political leaders laid the foundation of their fame there. Since the Reed rules were adopted all that has been changed. There is not a member of the house today who is a national character. There never wlil be one under this system. The constitution requires appropria tion bills to originate in the house. But to even these very little attention is paid there. They are hustled through and given over to the senate where debate has not yet been sup pressed to be reformulated. The Ni caragua canal bill was rushed through under the gag rules without debate and turned over to the senate expect ing that body, would make an entirely new law of it. The house is becoming under these rules nothing but the obedient servant of a coterie of poli ticians belonging to the majority. In the near future it will hardly be a fac tor in our government at all, that is, if this policy Is persisted in. KAILKOAD ACCIDENTS There has been an extraordinary large number of railroad accidents re cently and they continue to be re ported almost every day. There have been ; head-end collisions, rear-end collisions, open switches, wrong sig nals, misinterpreted orders and othr things reported as tne cause. After reading all that has been said by the managers and the employes, The In dependent has come to the conclusion that it is the result of nervous strain put upon employes by long hours and in other cases by the tremendous ve locity of the fast trains. Four hours' management of an engine attached to one of the modern lightning express trains will produce more nervous ex haustion in an engineer that eigh. hours on a slow train. Under this tremendous strain the mind sometimes fails o work and then there is an ac cident. Railroad managers would do well to take Into consideration soms of the fundamental laws of nature. Dynamic laws must be observed. An engineer cannot run eighty miles in an hour upon the same nervous energy that he can run forty miles. To ex pect him to do it is to expect that the laws of nature can be reversed upon the orders of a railroad manager. The orders of railroad managers are ai- ways obeyed by the republican party and probably that has lead them to be lieve that they were powerful enough to reverse the laws of nature. v There has always been a sort of news censorship at Washington. In some respects it has been a good thing and in other ways it has not. - News paper men never report the scandals in official life. It is well that some of them should be suppressed, but it would be better If others were printed, because it would have a tendency to work a reform. The public White house receptions are always attended with some disgracful episodes of whica no mention is made. They are so dis graceful that publicity In regard to them would undoubtedly work a great change, or in their entire suppres sion. At the New v Year's reception, when nearly all had gone, Mrs. Roose velt presented to a lady the bouquet of orchids, which she, Mrs. Roosevelt, had been carrying. The lady broke off a few to give to her friends who were standing near and then other women rushed up and began to snatch the re mainder. A small riot ensued, many fine dresses were torn and the police had to interfere. The public, hank shaking receptions should be abolished. SIGNS Or CHEER There Is one cheering sign that it would be well for worker in reform to notice for in It there Is nuch hope for the future. The average citizen cornea more and more to .realize the f rivolity and '.falsity of the; principles so long held ,that the natural "harmony of In terests will induce society as' a wholo pressed, since the very fact of his be ing oppressed proves his unfitness for any higher condition and that the' dif ference in station between rulers and ruled corresponds to the amount of energy that each person has within him. It is beginning to be conceived more clearly that the chances of birth arid environment, the very great ad vantages possessed by capitalists over the man who ha3 only his hand, makes the assertion concerning jus tice a parody and a sarcasm. The great questions that jress for solution j are essentially moral ques tions and the statesman who expects to solve them by cold deductions from political economy will fail and fail absolutely. The sermon that is printed this week in The Independent enun ciates some very fundamental prin ciples, both in political economy and sociology. There is something in thl3 world of more Importance than wealth making and it must be taken into con sideration. Even wealth-making itself depends upon that thing. THE CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN The Inter-Ocean of Chicago has been a radical republican paper and one that the mullet heads have sworn by for several years. It was the private property of Charles T. Yerkes, who bought it for the purpose of havingaa organ to defend his steals and rob the people of Illinois. He, with its Influ ence, was able, not only to control the Chicago city council, but the legisla ture of the state as well. The courts got after him and he sold out and has gone to London to manipulate under ground railways there. Last week he sold the paper to George W. Hindman. That is a sample of the papers and the reading matter that the rank and file of the republican party get served out to them. Is it any wonder that a majority of them are enveloped in clouds of ignorance and prejudice? These papers are the favorites of tho great advertisers, many of whom ab solutely refuse to put an advertisement in a paper like The Independent, Among these robbers there is "a com munity of Interest," and they all stand by each other. A fearless and inde pendent paper must rely upon its sub scription list forts income and white paper has more than doubled in price since the paper trust was formed, very largely increasing the cost of publica? tion. Many of the great dailies are part owners of the paper trust and from the profits that they get from the weeklies which are forced to buy paper from them, their expenses are greatly reduced. Any paper fighting the trusts and imperialism has enormous odd3 to overcome when it comes in compe tition with the class of journals to which the Inter-Ocean belongs. Many republicans will continue to read and believe what that paper says" and all the time claim that they are true fol lowers of Abraham Lincoln. They will continue to call all well-posted men lunatics, socialists and little Ameri cans and fatten themselves on the idea that they are the only true patriots. They don't know any better. A CORPORATION If the ordinary citizen would stop long enough in his eternal hunt for money to learn the. real meaning of a few English words, he would be able to render better service to himself, his family, and his city. A city Is a cor poration. Now what is a corporation? It is a body of persons authorized to "transact business" in the same way that an individual can do it. It is a number of individuals formed into one body by law to act as one person. In all corporations the members thereof have the right to vote. In those formed for private gain the members cast votes according to the proportion of money that they have contributed. The members of the city corporation each have one vote regardless of the amount of money that they may have at stake. With this exception they are alike. Now in a private corporation, those who are elected directors there of, conduct "the business" according to the wishes of the majority of the stockholders and for their benefit. The stockholder In a city corporation nev er stops to think whether the "busi ness" which the corporation was created for is transacted or not, but whether members of his political party are elected as officers thereof. If the directors of a private corporation should give away property of value of millions, the stockholders would soon be heard from and the thieves who did it would be landed in the penitentiary. But the officers of city corporations have frequently given away millions of property belonging to the people of the city and the stock holder submits. If he fully realized the meaning of the word "corporation" would he act in that way? A cable dispatch from Cape Town of January 8 says that a British col umn captured a Dutch laager with a great number of cattle which was en tirely defended by women. One hun dred and fifty, women were acting as cowboys. When those red-coats marched back , with their women pris oners of. war, they ' must have .felt THI AUSTRALIAN TARIFF , When the Australians determine to change their tariff rates, they do not give the importers a chance to lay m a stock sufficient to last them a year or two before the tariff goes into effect. That Is a rake-off enjoyed by the Am erican tariff grafters alone. When jt was contemplated to put a tariff on su gar, the sugar trust Imported all the sugar in, the world ?that It could get hold of before the tariff took effect, so that for a year there was no sugar of any moment imported and the trust raised the price to the tariff point and got all the money while the govern ment got no revenues at all. The same trick was played with wool and the tariff grafters made millions of cold cash by these transactions while the people paid the bill. The importers' don't work that kind of a - graft on the . Australians. The Independent has received a copy of the Australian tariff that went into effect on October 8, 1901. The way they manage It is this: The ministers introduce a tariff bill into the Aus tralian parliament and from the mo ment it is made public it takes effect. If the parliament diminishes any of the duties the importers have that amount refunded to them.. If the du ties are increased, he government col lects the additional amounts after the act is passed. , A glance at this tariff shows that it is a' very moderate one the free list being very long and none of the ad valorem duties exceed 25 per cent most of them are 15 per cent. The heavy duties come upon the luxuries and fine apparel. The Independent recommends that the tariff lunatics In this country put in some time studying this document. The mountainous du ties imposed bythe Dingley bill makes this tariff look very much like a tariff for revenue only, and passed in the in terest of the people instead of being enacted for the benefit of the tariff grafters. v A HOT HO A ST Editor Independent: Yours of the 28th received. . Will say in re ply that I feel glad that I cannot reply with your request of sending in the $1 for your paper. I was born on the cabbage side of the Rhine, came to the land of freedom when fourteen years of age, never had but three weeks of English tuition, but I would rather pay the dollar to keep slush out of my house. . 1 have shown the paper to a number of my; neighbors, both democrats and republicans. One and All, with-myself, believe that the howlings of .'militarism," "im , pearialism," are almost twin brothers to """anarchism." We ; think the teaching leading in that direction, and I am for Amer ica first, last and . all the time do not want to be guilty of bringing slush into thefamlly for the chil dren to read. 1 am a farmer, having a library costing me about; $1,200, a reader of dally and weekly, papers, can talk some English, but have no use for imperialism .slush. Now you can see what this green Dutchman thinks of your paper, (Here fol lows a phrase in German.) " ". JOHN SHIFALY. Kendallville, Ind, . ; P. S. If I might be allowed to advise would say try Herr Most and Emma Goldman for a sub scription. J. S. The Independent is delighted to publish the above letter. It gives a better idea of the bitterness and gall of Indiana republicanism than could be attained by a labored description. mhat shows the very essence of the thing. If the writer 13 a German, neither his handwriting nor his use of English shows the least sign of it, and The Independent has some doubts on that subject. The Germans almost unanimously, from Carl Schjirtz down to the farmers on these western plains, take the same view - of English and American imperialism as The Inde pendent. Mr. Schlfaly may have a li brary costing $1,200, but he seems to have no dictionary in it, or if he has, never looked up the meaning of the word. Many authors and newspaper writers use Stormonth's dictionary for the reason that its definitions are so concise and its list of synonyms per fect". The definition given in that work, and this writer always keeps it lying on his table, is: "Imperialism or Caesarism, as a party name denotes the supposed government of a min istry, or the personal government of a minister of a constitutional coun try, hardly within the limits of the constitution; the supposed exercise of such power as belongs to the exercise of a despotic government." . ; Since the : supreme court ; has de cided that the Philippines "are , hard ly within the limits of the constitu tion,' it Is hardly sensible to call the opposition to. imperialism "slush." The Philippines have beeen governed by a "commission," really ministers appointed by the government, . They make the laws without the assistance of any legislative body. There is no word in the English language to de scribe this sort of government Unless it be "Caesarism" or "imperialism. If Mr. Schlfaly, knows of any other word in the English language that will describe it, he will confer a favor py making it public. Perhaps he knows of some '.'Dutch" word that might be should think that the name would De spelled "Schif " Instead of "Shif ," not to mention the latter part of it he has been woefully Imposed upon. Among all the papers that he takes, he should have been able to ""have found out the meaning of the word imperialism. Those republicans and democrats he consulted must have been poking fun at ; him and his neighbors' knowing that he was a "green Dutchman," took advantage of that fact to have a little amusement at his expense. ' Most Americans outside of Indiana know the meaning of "Imperialism." They could have easily; informed him. If he consulted any intelligent German he .would have" found out "pretty quick" what it was. Most of them have a very definite idea about the sort that they had at home and as well as this new brand which the republi can party has forced upon this coun try. But Mr. Shifaly's unfortunate environment may have deprived him of any accurate knowledge of either language. In which case he is to be pitied and not abused. There are un fortunately a good many thousand men, American born, who are readers of , daily and weekly' papers and do not know the meaning of the word imper ialism. The editors of those 'papers have never informed them. They te!l them that to oppose imperialism is to advocate anarchy and the poor crea tures, just like this "green Dutchman," believe it. ' '"" 'Vi The Independent prints abdutbne In every hundred of the "letters It re- ceives indorsing th paper and com plimenting its editor, and every one that - criticises and roasts it. Mr; Shifaly's comes under the latter head, so it goes in. !? ' - A SLY STEAL. Mr. E. P. Bacon calls attention la the North American Review to the way the railroads have of raising freight rates without changing their published rate sheets or the public knowing anything about it. That is an old story to the readers of The Inde pendent,, but it is probably the' first time that the readers of republican pa pers ever heard of it.' Mr. Bacon calls attention to the fact that in January, 1900, 592 articles were raised in classi fication east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio, and hence have had to pay higher rates paid primarily by the shipper, but ultimately by the consumer. One of these articles is sugar, when it was shifted in 1900 from the sixth to the fifth class. The cost of transpor tation was increased a dollar1 a ton. As the annual tonnage of sugar trans ported during recent years exceeds 2,000,000. tons it follows that this sin gle change in classification cost the sugar consumers of the Ignited State3 $2,000,000. The federal courts have in some in stances given protection to this sort of swindling a,nd probably will con tinue to do so in the future. It wa3 for that reason as well as for some others that the corporations secured their nominations and confirmation. BETTER STAND BY IT Placing restrictions upon the suf frage is a dangerous thing, for no one can tell at-what moment there may arise conditions which will make these restrictions apply so universally that the major part of the population will be disfranchised and the whole gov ernment turned over to the plutocratic few. In Montreal there is a normal voting strength of about 38,000, but it is, said that in the coming election for mayor 21,330 of theseraen will, be un able to vote on account of the non payment of taxes, for there has been hard times up there. It will be a very easy thing for those who own tho wealth and the bankers , who control the finances of that city after thy have thus gained power to permanent ly disfranchise the whole mass of th.3 common people and run things to su'.t themselves ever after, or until the op pressed inaugurate a revolution and forcibly overthrow the government. We had better all stick to the declara tion of Lincoln that no man is good enough to govern another man with out that man's consent. The thought of the best and wisest meriof eighteen centuries was condensed into that Declaration of Independence which thf. republicans have discarded. We -had all better stand. by it." " : Tammany, has a' new leader and he seems to be a different sort of man from any. one who . was rever at the head of the organization before. He was a naval officer, for some years, having i graduated - from - Annapolis - in the regular course. - His skill in naval Construction caused the "heads, of great shipyards to pffer him. a much, higher salary than he could get in the navy, and' he resigned. He is spoken" of ;aa a man of the very highest character." I The constant and never ending lying of the republican press would do much more damage than it does if were not that most of it is soridiculous that no man of sense will pay - any attention to it. .During the campaign they' said that Ejyan was trying to get . a situa tion with some theatrical troup, and ; BADLY MUDDLED . i .A Chicago daily that told us every day a few years ago that the causo of low prices was - overproduction and that the only hope of higher prices must come from reduced production, now, since production has enormously increasedand prices have continued to rise, explains matters by saying that the 'Increase in cost of living is be cause "production does not keep up with the demand." Sometimes it seems to. The Independent that the economists who write the editorials in the republican dallies must all be dis tinguished graduates of insane asy lums. It is a characteristic of luna tics 'to think that every one but them selves is crazy. These editors never failed to call every man who said that overproduction - would '; not pro-luce starvation and ' want, lunatics. If any man should try , to keep himself in touch with the economic vagaries of the distinguished men who edit the re publican and 4 gold-bug democratic dallies, he would have to" stand on his head half of the time. The cause of low prices was a decrease in the vol ume of nioney in circulation, both credit and standard money, and the cause of the increase in prices wa3 the enormous additions that have been made to the volume of money by tho coinage of both gold and silver, the in flation of ; the paper money by tho banks and the increase in credits. A man don't have to stand on his head to' be able to see that. ; A STEADY ADVANCE Three distinguished lawyers of the United States senate have come to the conclusion Tthat the house of repre sentatives is only a fifth wheel to a wagon and about as cumbersome a piece of government machinery as was ever invented. They say that the sen ate and the president can make any sort of commercial treaties that they see fit without any interference by the house. They can make high tariffs and low tariffs and collect revenues from them, without the bills originat ing in the house as the constitution de clares. Perhaps they are Ylght. Since the house adopted the gag rules and joined with the senate in making old wadding out of the Declaration of In dependence and the constitution, there does not seem much use for it. Step by step imperialism advances ever since it obtained its first foothold. This country has started on the road that lead to the destruction of all the great republics of history. As long as the republican party is in power there will never "be a halt called. AN EDITORIAL DIFFICULTY A gentleman in Boston writes a per sonal letter to the editor of The Inde pendent in which he suggests that this paper is primarily a national organ a weekly magazine for the review and discussion, of matters of interest to the whole people. He says that he knows nothing about Bartley and a good ; many other things that take up considerable space in the paper which are of interest only to the people of Nebraska. It seems to The Indepen dent that even a reformer In Boston would be interested in the way that the republican party governs in this state as the party is practically the same everywhere. He certainly is In terested in the sort of men that Ne braska sends to the United States sen ate, for they legislate for him as well as for us. It would undoubtedly be of interest to him to have the republican party overthrow in this state and that cannot be done unless the people are kept informed of the sort of govern ment that" party is giving the state. TUe Independent recognized the dif ficulty of conducting a paper that is at once a national and a state organ of a party. The editor tries to the best of his ability to print only such mat ter about state affairs as will be of interest to its thousands of readers in other states and at the same time fight for reform locally in this state. It is a difficult thing to do, but he will do the best he can. v A petition with tens of thousands if names attached will soon be presented to President Roosevelt asking him to enforce the treaty of 1871 with Great Britain, the 6th article of which pro hibits each country from allowing Its ports to become a base of supplies in case of war. England pointed to that treaty and ordered . Dewey to leave the English, port of Hong Kong forth with, but she has been making the ports of this country a base 'for ac cumulating and shipping war supplies to be. used against the South African republics for three years without any protest from' this government. It is doubtful If England could have suc cessfully carried on the war against the Boers without these supplies. The few Boers on the African velts have in fact had to fight the two greatest nations on earth. Dr. R. S. Anthony,-who some years ago married a daughter of the Boer general, Wessels, and who has never givenup his American citizensjilp, has been ion trial at Cape Town under chargis of high treason to the British F ' . ly starved. The doctor fed and clothed him. For that he was charged wua-treason ami named Derore cnj military court, When it came to tho test, the British government hardly set at liberty with the request to get out of the country in a hurry. Joe Chamberlain is constantly talk ing' of the assistance that Great Britain Is going to receive "from our kindred beyond the sea." If he means by that residents of British colonies there may be a little in it, but if he means th j people of the United States he is woe fully mistaken. The New York snobs may worship at the feet of the British aristocracy, but when it comes to fighting for them, Joe will have to rely upon Tommy Atkins. The agreement among the railroads to abolish the pas3 asystem turned out as' The Independent said It would. Some of the roads withstood the pres sure for eight days, but most of thorn surrendered within five days. Nothing but an enforcible law making the is sue of passes a criminal offense pun ishable with a heavy penalty will ever stop it. 'A few bankers In New York ar3 making preparations for the wrath to come. Others seem to think that infla tion can go on forever. Two or three of the banks have refused to accept deposits from Wall street brokers deal ing in industrial trust stocks. Tue uninitiated should remember that bank deposits are largely made up of prom ises to pay. There are some things about Spear's appeal to the governor that Is hard for a populist to understand. Thrf governor is chairman of the board un der whose authority Stuefer has trans acted all his bond business. Why as!t the governor to proceed against an official who was simply executing the gubernatorial orders? Stuefer had u obey the prders of that board. There is h.ctc than "one bad apple in the barrel." The catalogue of the charity socie ties of New York have been pub lished. Altogether there are 3.449 dif ferent organizations dispensing chari ties in the great city. Think of that: Is it possible that there is anything wrong in a society that makes such an enormous amount of charity work nec essary? In some circles if one Inti mates that there is something wrong, he is classed with the anarchists or discontented. The judges of the federal courts are keeping up the reputation which they have established as special protectors of the railroads. The other day they awarded 3,000,000 acres of land, valued at $15,000,000, to the Southern Pacific. That road was given land and bonds enough to build it twice before this ad ditional amount was awarded to it The having a friend that is a court is worth much more in clean hard cash than any other thing In all the earth to a railroad. Two men got into a row during the iast campaign. There was a good deal of talk and then they went to fighting. One of them had the other down, a crowd was standing arount and some of them began to cry out: "Stop that fight." The fellow on the underside all at once called out: "You are right, boys. This fight ought to be stopped." As all this occurred before the recent announcement from the White house, it should not be ap plied to the Sampson-Schley contest. The national bankers want more bonds and as the only way that they can see to get them is to make silver dollars redeemable In gold, they are going to push the Overstreet bill. They think that by so doing they cau create an endless chain with which to draw gold out of the treasury tnat will boat the old one two to one Id that game lies the possibility of $500. 000,000 more bonds and that makes the national banker laugh until he haa to hold his sides when he thinks of It. The Emperor of Corea has a differ ent way of treating embezzlers from the Governor of Nebraska. An over hauling of the books revealed the fact that a large sum of money had been embezzled by public officials and he issued an order that every one of them proven guilty of stealing more than 2,000t.yen ($1,000) should be exe cuted. The Nebraska embezzler who stole the equivalent of 1,600.000 yen was freely pardoned and Tim Sedg wic k says that the Nebraska em bezzler was only a philanthropist In disguise. There is one thing that corporation journals carefully keep from the knowjedge of the farmers who vote the republican ticket. ' High rates of freight take the value out of land as certainly as an arid climate. When the corporations gather in all the pro fits of farming" through their rates. land values disappear. With low rate i. land values rise. Farmers who vote for the corporation party, vote to take