6 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT January 9, 1902 WILL THEY EVER AWAKE Editor Independent: As I have been a reader of your paper for more than a year and have kept niyseif posted on ail the political questions discussed therein, I have been somewhat amazed at the immense amount of talK that has been expended on the financial question. In your last issue you re ferred your readers to John Stewart Mill as the best known authority on ' the subject. Now, I think he has fallen into the same error that all of our financial writers, so far as I have seen, have fallen into. In the first. place they seem to forget why mony was made in the commencement of its use; secondly, they forget that all the systems they are writing on are the offspring of monarchial governments, and therefore not suitable for a free and independent people like those of the United States should be if they are not Now I think we should have distinctive as our form of government is ditterent from theirs, and I am somewhat surprised that the men who had the nerve and wisdom to organize' and establish such a government could not also have given us a democratic system of finance as we.ll as a demo cratic form of government (I would have said republican, but that word has become a misnomer in its present use). 1 believe that it is an acKnowl edjed fact that the simplest form that we can reduce any given business transaction to is best. Admitting this to be true, I will now state my finan cial policy. In the first place all the money should be the people s money in order to accomplish this they must make the money themselves, taking the matter entirely out ot the handi of any man or set of men to govern the quality or quantity to be made or used. I do not care waat material we use for this purpose,-but as we are all accustomed to silver and gold I think that would please the people best. Therefore I would have free coinage of both gold and silver and then have congress to authorize the issuance of a sufficient quantity of United States notes to keep, a steady volume of money in circulation suf ficient to carry on all the business of the country, and I presume that one third the whole amount in paper would be sufficient under present circum stances. But in order to do this a majority of our people must be hon est and in favor of justice to all man kind and. in fact, we cannot keep up a free government unless a majority of the people are in favor of justice. This is all simple and plain and so easy of accomplishment if they are the government, and if they are not then why keep up the farce longer. When I hear men talking about what we can and what we cannot do 1 wonder if we are losing our American manhood and gradually sinking into a set of serfs simply on account of a lack of energy to get up and assert our rights. How long, O lord, how long, before our people, will awaken to the condition in which they have allowed themselves to be placed by the so called financiers and bankers of this country? . The banking conditions at present in the country, which is claimed by these so-called financiers and bankers to ;e the best financial system ever in vented by man. I do not deem it nec essary here to go into any explana tion of the national banking system, as almost everybody has been told time after time of the injustice of the system and hardships it works on the common people. So I will take up the general banking business as it is car ried on in our home towns and show how it affects our home affairs. We have a bank with $20,a00 capital. In its quarterly report a short time ago it had $92,000 loaned out. The natural thought of each man is when he sees the report is, What money is it and what security has the owner or own ers for their money? The money be longs to the depositors, of course, and all the security they have is the $20. 000 paid up capital of the bank, which is about 16 cents on the dollar. Then if the bank fails everybody is shocked at the great loss the depositors must suffer as a matter of course. But this is not the worst feature of the business. By far the larger part of this money belongs to the farmers and are small deposits which their neigh bors would be glad to use and be willing to pay a better rate of inter est for than the bank will pay, and also make perfectly safe security for it. Here comes in a part of the fine financiering of .the bankers. They Jrtave made the people believe that tiie only safe place for their money is in the bank and that they can loan and collect much better than the owa er could himself. This idea is so strongly established in the minds of the people that they put their money in the .bank at a small per cent and their neighbors, who would be glad to use the money at a reasonable rate cannot afford to make improvements at bank rates when, if they could get the ' money from the owner, they would, besides paying him his inter- 'est, likely bring his property up by the improvement of theirs to more than the, interest on his money, thereby being a benefit to both in stead of helping to keep up a set of bankers at the expense of both. J. W. ZORNES. Mountain Grove, Mo. (The chapter from Mill which was printed in the Independent only treated of one phase of the money question- the quantity theory. Mill and the other standard writers espe cially Ricardo-have gone fully into the question of paper money and the necessity of a standard of value that would rbe a standard, not something that was forever fluctuating, going up and down like a rip saw in a sawmill, but that would do justice to the debtor as well a3 the creditor. The subject of banking and credit money has been fully threshed out by the standard writers. None of them ad vocate this swindling business that the above writer complains of. It is not the economists who are at fault. They have all shown how a just money system could be ; established, .but the political villians who run the gov ernments will have none of it. The financial interests buy them. Even some men who had some reputation as teachers of political economy forsook all' the theories that; they had. taught for years and joined the scoundrels in the last campaign for what there was j it. EdlEd.) 1:. , '.:f--i..: i ii i . Inw NERI f CHOICE CLOTHING ARMSTRONG'S 1221 to 1227 O STREET THE LILLIPUTIAN BAZAR AN IMMENSE UNLOADING SALE FOR REMODELING PURPOSES The Armstrong Clothing Co's. great Boys' and Children's Clothing Department--the greatest in the west is to have new quarters. So tremendous is our business growth that the Men's Clothing now demands all the first floor space. The Boy's and Children's Department goes upstairs in apartments of rare beauty and novelty to be known henceforth as The Lilliputian Bazar. To get this immense Clothing stock well out of the way of the work of remodeling we have de termined on the most terrible sacrifices of values. Nothing was ever before known like it. The sale started this week and has crowded our store. You are invited to share in the benefits. All through the house, in every department, the sacrificial knife has swept,cutting and slashing deep into the most desirable Clothing and Furnishing Values. It it the chance of a lifetime to get the best grades of goods at figures that are next to nothing in comparison with the values. Come while the sale is young. Or if you can't come write. THE LILLIPUTIAN BAZAR 1 Men's Sample Showing in Think of buying Men's Suit that were bargains at 15.00, $16.50 aDd S18.U) a suit. Of having your choice of upwards of 800 suits, all this season's make, new in weave and color effect. In Sack, Frock or Prince Albert, Clay Worsteds, Thibets, Cheviots and Cassimeres. Best suits ever sold at $15.00, $10.50 and $18.00 sacrificed now at your choice Men's $10.00. 11,00, 12.50 and 13.50 suits a line not duplicated elsewhere in the United States fine all-wool Melton, Ker sey, Cassimere, Cheviot and Clay Worsted round, square and double-breasted sacks and cutaway frocks, serge, Ital ian or silk linings, black or fancy colors, absolutely your choice and your correct fit for only Over 1,000 suits for your selection in $8.00, 8.50, 9.00 and 10.00 lines, made with great care, splendidly lined and tailored. These lines were wonderful bargains and wonderful sellers at the above prices. Every garment guaranteed, fine Clay Worsteds and Thibets in black, round or double breasted sacks, strictly all-wool Meltons, Cheviots and Cessimeres in plain and fancy colors, all go at the unbelievable price of Men's suits that were extraordinary values at $8.59, 7.00 and 7.50, honest goods, all wool, blade, blue or fancy effects, round, square, and double-breasted styles, any one of them in this sale at . An honest value that sold at $4.50, 5.00, 5.50 and 6.00, neat pat terns, coat, vest aid pants, only : .- Men's $4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 suits sacrificed at ... Suits $3.50 $2 98 Sa l 41 a -nn m A II m moie snowing in ieirs una rams This Department Without an Equal Elsewhere A regular $1.00 trousers in this sale , . i, . . T8c Regular $1.50 trousers now only $J OO Regular $2.50 trousers now only $1 50 An extraordinary $3.00 value now: ... $J Qg A splendid $3.50 value sold elsewhere as high as $5.00, go in this sale... $2 50 Regular $4.00 values now only jj 98 Fine $5.00 trousers, many Yale Peg Tops in Scotches among them goat.. $3 50 Working Men's Goods At Unheard-of Prices GOc Black Duck Overalls, with or without apron, 32 to 42 sizes . . Blue Overalls, cut full size, with or without apron, jacket of same Men's fancy Stripe Overalls, go at , , , Men's blue with white stripe, plain or with bib, jackets of same Boy's Brownie overalls, special lot, 39c 39c 39c 39c 19c Men's Working Shirts Heavy Work Shirts 21c: extra strong 2f: dnnblA front and back 39c; union made 50c; $1 heavy flannel 79c; 1.50 flannel 1.13; 2.00 flannel 1.21; 2.50 flannel 1.50; heavy Jersey 25c Sweeping Sacrifices in Our Boys' and Children's Department. These extensive lines carried have share in the sacrifices that prevail, not a line escapes. Long pant Suits, and Knee Pant Suits, Big Boys' Overcoats and Little Fellows Overcoats, Reefers and Underwear, Shirts and Hosiery, Caps and Odd Knee Pants all are sacrificed alike. Just as samples we quote 3.00 and 3.50 Long Pant Suits. 1.00 Boy's Double Breasted Knee Pant Suits. . . Boys 6.00 and 7.00 Reefers, a mighty value ... . Boys7 5.00 and 5.50 Reefers Big values One hundred dozen Boys' Odd Knee Pants, ages 3 to 14, honestly made, extra good material. ... . . Two hundred dozen Boys' Odd Knee Pants, all wool, honestly made, regular 35c, 39c, and 50c $1.98 79c 14.95 $400 16c 25c Gloves Men's $1.25 Gloves and Mittens 98C Men's $1.00 Gloves and Mittens - 79C Men's 75c Gloves and Mittens go 59C Men's 50c Gloves and , Mittens go 39 C Men's 25c Gloves and Mittens go J Qq Boys' Gloves and Mits at same prices as above. Suspenders Men's Elastic Web I Cp Suspenders I du Men's regular 35c I Qp Suspenders : . I Uu Men's regular 50c 9R0 Suspenders Lvb Little Bargains That Interest Everyone Initial Japanett Op Handkerchiefs Ou Plain or Fancy Hemstitched I fp Handkerchiefs ...... .... lUu Extra Special all Linen 19 Handkerchiefs ...If HC Celluloid Collars, . K ,: all, styles.. ... .. , ,vC Celluloid Cuffs, , I fl only..... lUC Gold plated Collar Buttons for ' front' or back, good 15c value, , C . only.. . ... ....... . . wC explored Silk Handkerchiefs,. 9Rr "v special lot ..,tuQ Sfilk Oxford Mufflers, regular OR 50c kind, only ................... ... LOG Gold Tie Pins, new designs, I fl - worth 25c i . .... I UC Special assortment Gold Cuff OC Buttons, worth 50c and 75c ..- . . . L JQ Boys' Long Pants At $9.95 Boys! Long' Pant Suits, , the finest obtainable anywhere. . " Come in handsome Round Sack or Double Breasted style. Made from finest Worsteds and ' ' ; Cheviots besides a number in ' Cassimer and Tweeds. They are suits that sold at $13.50 CQ QR , and $15.00. All go at OSiUJ At $7.48 We bunch here a big lot of high grade Long Pant Suits. They are beautiful goods, ele gantly tailored and perfect fit ting suits. They sold at $11.00, C7 IQ $12.00 and $12.50. All go at...... V I iT"U At $6.50 A wonderful display of Boys' Long Pant Suits. Nice all wool goods, cut right and made right. None so good anywhere at our old price of $8.50 and $9.00. All go during CR Rfl this sale at OUidU At $4.95 We bunch all our Boys' Long Pant Suits that sold at $6.50, $7.00 and $7.50. You will be surprised to see what hand some suits you can buy the boy ' at this price. They are new in cut, weave and color. All ng At $3.75 Here is a chance to gt Boys' Long Pant Suits at a low price and at the same time get 1 nothing but first class goods. Every suit offered is strictly all wool and silk sewed. Reg ular price $5.00f and $6.00. All 7K go at OuilU Sample Showing in Men's Overcoats Men's Overcoats that were extraordinary values at $15, $16.50 and $18 all this season's long cut in either rough -faced or smooth fabrics all with velvet collars and handsomely lined some with , yokes every coat a perfect gem sacrificed $11 8 All through the season the $10, $12, $12.50 and $13.50 lines were winners puie wool, desirable colors, right lengths, correct trim mings made them so. We are selling, them now 1 about as fast as they can go at the sacrifice figure of .P74 Remarkable values at $3, $8.50, $9 and $10 the right lengths, desirable shades, all sizes, pure wool Kerseys and dJZ Vicunas, beautiful garments slaughtered at ......... . Ptl CO If you cannot attend this great sale, a mail order will prove j ust as economical a buyer asou in person would be. A mighty value excellent Overcoats that sold readily at $G.50, $7 and $7.50 blue, black, brown and a few grays. 1 . Now sacrificed at P4y5 FUR COATS At unreasonable sacrifices. $20 Fur Coats $16 $18 Fur Coats $14.40 $16.50 Fur Coats. .... ......... $13.20 , $15 Fur Coats ... . ... ...... V ..... . $12 $12.50 ;Fjr Coats. . . .$10 $10 Fur Coats. . ... . . V. .... ... .... . ... .$8 MEN'S ULSTERS $15r '$16.50 and $18 XTlstcrs - $ II 7 K . $12.50, 1 350 and 14 Ulsters . . . ...... . $0.05 $9, 10 and 11 Ulsters . . . .$7,48 $7.50, 8 and 8.50 Ulsters. . ... . , , . .$6.08 . $6, 6.50 and 7' Ulsters . r. v . ; ivv. $4.95 $4.50. andt 5. Ulsters ; . ,$.7 DUCK COATS-r$l Rvalues Y8c;t: 1.50 values 1.20; '.00 values 1.80; , 2.50 values 2; 3.00 values -2.40; 3.5(6 values 2.80. -u MACKINTOSHES--$10 mackintoshes 8;' 7.50 mackin toshes 6; 6.50 mackintoshes 5.20; 5 mackintosh or slicker 4; 4 mackintosh or slicker 3.20;' 3.50 mackintosh or slicker 2.80; 2.75 mackintosh or slicker 2.21; 2.50 mackintosh 2;, 2 mackintosh or. rubber coat 1.80; 1,50 mackintosh or rubber coat 1.20; 1.25 mackintosh or rubber coat 1. MEN'S SHIRTS 200 dozen Men's White Unlaundred Shirts 25c 45 dozen Wilson Bros. White Unlaundered Shirts, sold everywhere at 1, here now at . " 69c 60 dozen Men's Stiff Bosom Colored Shirts, all new, elegant pat terns, some with detachable cuffs, 75c goods 49c 100 dozen 1 value Men's Stiff Bosom Colored Shirts, fetching styles, all sizes. 69c 1.25 Wilson Bros., Monarch and Savoy Stiff Bosom Colored Shirts, swell patterns;1' sacrificed at.--. . . 79c Underwear Just as a sample of the tremendous slaughter, here we quote two of the many sacrifices. Men's heavy random shirts and drawers, worth 35c per garment in this sale at ...... -. 13c Men's Canton flannel shirts and drawers, worth 50c a garment in this sale at 19c Hosiery Here's just an inkling Men's Rockford Sox, a pair 3c Gloves and Mittens From $1.50 gloves and mittens sacrificed at $1.21 down to cotton flannel mitts at. 3c Hats and Caps $1,00, $1.25 and $150 Men's stiff hats. . 89c Broken line of Men's $1.00 soft hats. . . . .'. ,69c Men's 50c wool caps 193 Good elastic web suspenders a pair, 8c. Turkey red handker chiefs, .,1c. Good white handkerchiefs, 2c. Japanette handker chiefs, oc. REMEMBER THE LOCATION 1221-23-25-27 0 STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA RIG r. fin Ifl VI b DO V mm "i nery .'is tqwftVCr, fin mi- i MAKE USE OF OUR WELL ORGANIZED AND WELL CON DUCTED MAIL ORDER DEPT 1 J 4 It I 1 vw auv,x. iit iiarc 1 1 iu tEcTl I ii l.l 11 1