The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 09, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    January 9, '1902
f k - - - i . 4 - -
A Husband Escaped the Pangs
of Catarrh of the Lungs.
Most Cases of Incipient Consump
tion are Catarrh.
" take great pleasure in acknowledging the curative effects of
Per una. At the solicitation of a friend I used your remedy and
cheerfully recommend your Peruna to all who want a good tonic
and a safe cure for catarrh. "JAMES A. HANDY.
Prominent members of the clergy are giving Peruna their unqualified endorse
ment. . These men find Peruna especially adapted to preserve them from catarrh
of the vocal organs which has always been the bane of public speakers, and gen
eral catarrhal debility incident to the sedentary, life of the clergyman. Among
the recent utterances! of noted clergymen on the curative virtues of Peruna is the
above one from Bishop James A. Handy, D. D., of Baltimore.
any other location. This is why Peruna
has become so justly famous in the cure
of catarrhal, diseases. It cures catarrn
wherever located. Its cures remain.
Peruna docs not palliate ; it cures.
Mrs. Frederick Williams, President of ,
the -?outh Side Ladies' Aid Society of
Chicago, TIL, writes the following words
of praise for Peruna from 973 Cuyler
avenue, Chicago, 111.:
" My horrie is never without Peruna,
for I have found during the past six
years that there is no remedy that will
at once alleviate suffering and actually
cure, as Peruna does Pour bottles com
pletely cured me of catarrh of the head
of several years' standing, and if my
husband feels badly, or either of usl catch
cold, wo at once take Peruna, and in a
day or two it has thrown the sickness
out of the system." Mrs. Frederick
Mrs. AV. A. Allison, of 759 Sheffield
avenue, Chicago, 111., is the Assistant
Matron of the
People's Hospi
tal. She has the.
following to say I
about Peruna:
"I have had fre
quent opportuni
ties to observe the
wonderful cura
tive effects of
Peruna especially
on persons suffer- Mrs w A- Allison,
ing with a conjested condition of the
head, lungs, and stomach, generally
called catarrh. It alleviates pain and
soreness, increases the appetite and so
tones up the entire system that the
patient quickly regains strength and
health." Mrs. W. A. Allison.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your Case and he will
be pleased to give- you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
1 )4))
Edward (Stevens.
Mrs. Edward Stevens
K. Y., writes as follows:
"I now take pleasure in notifying you
that my husband has entirely recovered
from catarrh. He is a well man today,
thanks to you and Peruna. He took six
bottles of your medicine as directed, and
it proved to be just the thing for him.
His appetite is good and every thing he
eats seems to agree with him. Ills
cough has left him and he is gaining in
flesh, and seems to be well every way."
Any internal remedy that will cure
catarrh in one location will cure it in
One of the big trusts went up the
flume the other day. The National
Asphalt combine with $52,000,000 of
stocks and bonds in the hands of the
people found that it could no longer
pay dividends and interest, so it asked
for a receiver. That is the road that
all the trusts will go that have watered
their stock from two to three hun
dred per cent.
An old codger in Lincoln, after
glancing over the cartoons and other
matter ir. The Independent last week
concerning the pardon of Bartley, re
marked: The Independent could dou
ble discount old Daniel and then beat
his prophesying." Those who read the
article on the new republican political
boss in this week's edition might bear
that remark in mind.
The dollar of today compared with
the dollar of 1893 is about a 49-cent
dollar. But that is all right 'cause we
got the gold tandard. "Cheap mon
ey" will always produce prosperity if
you only have the gold standard. A
dollar in 1893 would buy ten bushels :f
corn. Now it will buy less than one
ousiif-i. In relation to corn, the dollar
of today is not even a ten-cent dollar.
Another great syndicate with $1S0.
000,000 of "capital" has sought the
kindly guardianship of a receiver. It
is what was called the More-Everet
combine and had reached out all over
several states trying to grab electri"
railways. The companies that havf
been selling it supplies are also feel
ing anything hut happy. The trusts
begin to tumble. There are more to
The Independent is as much op
posed to the imperialism which was
exercised in the summary dismissal
of Maclay as it was to the imperial
reprimand of General Miles. If Maclay
was in the. classified civil service, his
There is a steady increase in the
number of suicides, and the horror of
the thing is that a very large number
of them are the result of extreme pov
erty. The official statistics show that
the increase since 1890 was as fol
1890, 2,040;
1893, 4,436;
1896, v6,530;
1899, ""5,340;
1891, 3,531; 1892,
1894, 4,912; 1895,
1897, 6,'600; 1898.
1900, 6,755; 1901,
A record like that shows that
there should ie some sort of reform.
What shall it be? Socialism, single
tax or "let the tariff. alone?"
Shortly after the announcement was
made that Chancellor Andrews had
obtained leave of absence to visit tfce
Pacific coat a story was put in cir
culation to the effect that that was
the first part of an arrangement by
which he would permanently locate
there. The chancellor authorizes The
Independent to say that there is not
a word of truth in the statement. Tie
says that California js a good plac?
for invalids, but for a strenuous,' active
man, Nebraska is the place to live and
While Madden is suppressing news
papers part of his time under the plea
that he wants to reduce the expenses of
hu department, the remainder of his
time is devoted to urging congress to
reduce letter posts ge one-half.' When
he looks at a reform newspaper, he is
just crazy with the idea that the de
ficit must be wiped out. When he
takes a glance at the great business
concerns who send out thousands of
letters every week he is wild to in
crease that deficit. Such is Madden,
the ex-locomotive fireman.
Mr. K. K. Krikorian, an Armenian
student of the state university, deliv
ered a lecture at All Souls church on
the Turkish atrocities. He was there
at the time and could speak from per
sonal knowledge. After telling how
great congregations of men, women
and children were butchered in the
places of worship and something of
the character of the Kurds and other
Mohammedan soldiers, some one asked
if there were any Armenians in the
Turkish army. He replied very in
geniously: "Oh, no! They are not al
lowed to carry arms. They 'pay the
taxes." '
submarine telegraph companies are " in
a stew about' it. i:f :
.-, 7: ' r.ft ..... ' A-;-- '
Several cargoes of reindeer have
been shipped from Siberia to Alaska
for use as freight haulers, and also
as food breeders for the natives to
take the place of the caribou, which
are being driven xout into more se
cluded territory The caribou are
somewhat like the elk or moose. . In
1857, a cargo of camels was brought
to this country. from Arabia to be used
in transporting military ,4 supplies
across the American desert country.
They were turned loose and are often
seen in Mexico 'and Arizona.
dismissal without charges ,vand ,vith-'
out a trial was purely an act of des potism.
This t violation ,of law by
the officials at Washington . grows
more and more, every, day, just as The
Independent, said it , would when the
constitution and the . Declaration of
Independence were abandoned, Maclay ,
should have been dismissed long ago,
but it should have, been done accord
ing to law and not in defiance of law.
The Independent receives enough
letters every week indorsing, its policy'
and complimenting the editor to fill
every inch of its space if they s were al!
rrlr.ted, but once in a while some one
administers a regular roast. One of
that sort is printed in this issue. If
it were not for an occasional letter of
that kind, the editor might get "too
stuck up." They are always welcome
and invariably printed.
The old contest between states and
a central power at Washington over-shado-
' lg everything, is on again
only in a new form. It is now be
tween states and the federal judges.
The federal judge has risen tfl be a
mighty power. State constitutions,
legislatures and state courts, he
brushes aside with a contemptuous
wave of his hand. The federal judge
is lord of all he surveys from the
center clear round to. the sea.
The Bee says that "men now in
public life can reasonably expect to
see the bonded debt of the United
States almost extinguished." That is
only a pipe dream. What will the na
tional banks do under such circum
stances? As now organized their very
existence depends upon a "bonded
debt."' They will see to it, if the re
publican party remains in power, that
there is always a bonded debt. But
perhaps Mr. Rosewater anticipates
that the republican party is going out
of power. If it does then his pipe
dream ill become a reality.
;Jn a private letter to the editor of
The Independent a distinguished law
yer" of New York city, says: "Al
though our insular matters can be set
tled, yet there remains !the two great
issues of, money and taxation, which
can only be settled by an appeal to the
people in a presidential election. Mr.
Roosevelt will never be able (if he is
so, disposed) to give the people, of the
)ur new postmaster genera, Henry
C. Payne, favors the reduction of let
ter postage to one penny. This can ba
done without incurring much of a debt
if he. swill the railroads carry
mail asvcheaply. as they carry-express
matter. The old postmaster general
was kicked out because of his efforts,
to raise the rate "of newspaper post
age. - u:
Why. don't Bixby sing a little about
the Joe Bartley specks on ' Governor
Savage? Never '. was there sea l
biackerr hogishness or bigger cow
spots on any set of men than on the
leading party republicans for the last
ten years in Nebraska. A black pig
never sees any 'difference between
white and black, neither do the spots
show. Small specks in the eye cover
large spaces in the distance.
Joe Bdrtley, the worthy and most
noted republican, of Nebraska, has
been pulled out. of. -.his workship and
given freedom of the street.. His
friends are now worrying lest he may
take his family to Europe ' and live
on the three hundred thousand that
his wife took there-and. put ; in safe
keeping. It will be a hard blow to
the party if he does it. According to
the Bee, the governor got;a big par
don fee, bigger and-better than a re
election, which he will have, to aban
don. . -
If the editor of the Bee had never
soiled his fingers or pockets with
corruption money , we would have im
plicit faith in his berating, the pres
ent state officers. Whenever he lias
exposed republican corruption he has
done it from personal motives. Had
he been elected senator last winter
everything would have been lovely at
the state house now. There is no
doubt that Mr. Rosewater handled
thousands and tens of thousands of
whisky money in fraudulently .defeat
ing the prohibitory amendment; years
ago. . ' , ,., ., , , '
What is the use of fussing., about
the large sum of riioney that' Sena-'
tor Millard and his - bank helped Joe
Bartley to steal. As. sure as a . judg
ment is., obtained and the amount,
with court . costs ' and lawyers' fees
paid, the next republican legislature
'will' pay itr all backJ They:3id do it
in a similar case, back-in 4he seventies.
Drunken .Governor James put t$13,006
of school .'money into the First, Na
tional bank of Nebraska City and
then drew it out for' saloon, i gambling
hell and; prostitution, purposes. The
state sued the bank and .collected the
money and the nexjt .legislature paid
it all back and let 'the governor go
United States (to say nothing about I "c: illc , icau" f. ' ""Tr8 Z
. . 4state are bound that 'not one cent of
' Botha and De Wet's base of supplies
are the English supply trains.' They
are always n connection with them.
Rosewater don't like the .'condition
that forces him to go away back and
sit down while Bartley bosses the ma
chine. V
Corbin and canned beef still make:
their presence known in the army.
Eighty more soldiers were poisoned
with it the other day. ' .
' Dr. Bixby-should state the fact that
Paitley didn't "put it back." ..But per
haps. Bixby thinks that he has already
worn that ' phrase to rags. ' ; !'
- Congress might as well stop .wasting
time passing postal Jaws. The. imper
ialists in the postoffice department
prefer to make their own laws. " '
It was a, silly thing for Depew. to get
married three times in one day. His
divorce bills will be 300 per cent great
er than they otherwise would be.
. Senator Millard is the most careless
of millionaire bankers. According to
his own sworn statement he is in the
habit of indorsing $200,000 warrants
without looking at them.
Depew should now proceed to in
corporate his triple marriage in the
state of New Jersey, issued $3,000,000
of stock, half preferred and half com
mon, and proceed to do business after
the modern fashion.
The papers say that a committee of
Jji'i.aed 'i-'rtih'iiu'.er. I'avo come to this
country to study trt'Sts. They should
call on Attorney General Knox. He
knows more about trusts and how not
to prosecute them than any other ten
men ir. the ULited States.
Some' of the great dailies deserve
credit for printing their exhaustive re
ports of prize fights and horse races on
a different, colored paper from the
rest of the edition. A decent man can
immediately put that part in the stove
before his family sees it. : - t.
Prof. Heron's socialistic village in
New Jersey did not evolve into the
sort of thing that he expected, so he
has gone to Brussells and will make
that his permanent abiding place. So
cialistic colonies always seem to have
the same ending in the United States.
According to the official statistics of
the output" of coal during the last
.yea.', , the .advance of $l;a ton on an
thracjt.has p.ut: $60,000,000 , of uri
eorned money in the coffers of the an
thracif e coal trust.' But Attorney Gen,
eral Kaiox knows nothing about such
a trv,st being in ;,existen?e. -
the territories or insular possessions)
an equitable system of money, or an
equitable system of taxation." With
that view the editor of The Inde
pendent, heartily coincides.
The tea industry of South Carolina,'
which has been slowly developing for
a number of years, is now assuming
commercial proportions. Speaking of
this, the secretary of agriculture says:
"The production of several kinds of
tea in the United States is now assured,
and in addition to this, it is encourag
ing to note that experts who have ex
amined the tea produced here, pro
iounce it equal in flavor and aroma to
the best imported leaves. The profit
in the crop raised last year averages
from $30 to $40 an acre. In 1900 about
4,500 pounds of high grade tea were
produced, and a ready market was
found for all of it in South Carolina.?
Your attention is called to the ad
vertisement of Sure Hatch Incubator
on -Page 5 of this issue.
Joe's stealings shall -come back to the
state. That, amount of money, to
gether with what other state' officers
have stolen, amounting to over a m'l-,
lion, will serve as a tie to hold the
party together.
Seed Corn For Sals
I have a fine lot of yellow seed corn
of this year's growth raised on my
farm on the little Siota bottom, 3
miles from Union, Neb., which I will
sell in quantities of 5 to 1,000 bush
els at $1 per bushel, f. o. b., sacks ex
tra. Address L. G. Todd, sr., or L. G.
Todd, jr., Union, Neb.
. -.'J If you don't Hka Burr in"
Sa- eubitors end them back".
-J - I! Solf repalatinK- self ven
J tilatinjr. have Burr Safe
tV i-.ilmn. no PTrlrirrc
no flr9. catalogue free. V pay the freight
BUKR lNCUiUTOU CO..Box D12, Omaha
6 cherry. to 3 ft., 15; ireest3ii peach,ei; Concord
trrape, S per 100. 1KK) Ash, $1; Cutalpa, Locust. U. iluU
borrj-.B. Elder and Osage IltKlfte; low prices. Catajop: t'reev
Galbrait!) Nurs8ries,(FotmtjanSunj)Bx35, Fairbury.Keb.
To make cow? pay. ue Sharpies Cream Sepa
rators. Book "Business Dairying" and cata
logue 270 free. W. Che6ter, Pa.
At all gxu stores. 25 Do 25c.
.? & & s & & & &&&&&&&&&
& & &
t J J J
Several of the South American re
publics are having trouble. The di
viding boundary ilnes seem to be the
cruestion of dispute in most cases. It.
seems queer that such questions can
not be settled by arbitration.
Philadelphia is about the: only city
in this country where pure republican
ism held its own in the late" city elec
tions. The republicans, 'by' fusing
With the Honest democrats and pops,
carried New York. In San (Francisco
the laboring voters carried,, a labor
ticket independent; of both the old
parties. That shows what tliey may
do if they want to. In Bridgeport.
Conn., the labor voters also elected
their man; he was a coal shoveler
and had been for twenty years. The
honest republicans united with the
democrats and carried v the day.
Bridgeport is a city of 75,000. In
Rochester, N. Y., they elected a man
who .was in favor of a non-partisan
school board. He is a republican, but'
not of full party color. If the voters
of Chicago had any sense : or honor
they would elect , Miss Haley, and Miss
Goggin members of the school board
or to a higher office. No two men
have done the good 'for the taxpayers
in the last forty years that they have.
They found $200,000,000 of valuable
property in the city not taxed, and
the matter was carried to the supreme
court and the tax shirkers, .were held.
. Fodder " For Sale
Ihave 50 ton of. shredded corn fod
der to sell Parties wishing to buy can
write to me. Address J. E. Fisli, Camp
hell, Franklin Co., Nebraska.
! -iT.f ai-r
Js needed toren the Sure Hatch
Incubator. They are so simple
that they run themfct-lves. Made
T ... .1 m ... , . ....
&"rww-.5i'i,Siya ot .;auiornia reawooa, Deautirul-
guaranteed. Our catalogue contains
uidred of photoirraphs of the ISure f llatpii inrvimtor at work, and valu-
tuie information, sencrree.
Sun Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb., or Columbus, 0.
I writ I!? 're
Behold The Hen Doth Lav An Erf.
Her jrt of the wort is done, then we take careo that egg with the
5?lICC6Ssf III Incubators and Brooders,
4-,i turn it Into a strong, Tisorous.bread-winiinK
cblokou, that will work for a living around the farm yard. Here's something
new in. catalogues 6 different edition, in 5 different languages.. Entisli
rdittou sent for 4 cents; others free. Covers the poultry question like a blai fet.
DES MOINES INCUBATOR CO., Box 33 Des Molues, la., or Box 33 , Buffalo J.Y.
Write to nearest o ffU e. You wili save time and money. 1
We hear much about the endless
chain running through the United
States treasury. It i3 another terra
for the redemption of the greenbacks.,
The same chain runs through all the
banks of issue or deposit. They are
all liable to be called upon to redeem
their bills and pay their depositors.
Nothing has been said about making
the bank depositors safe. Saving de
partments in the postoffices are ' not
mentioned. Get the money of the
common people and no matter if they
do lose it. .
A higher mountain has been found
in Alaska than any other in North
America. The height has been meas
ured as accurately as possible and it
is judged to be 20,000 feet high.
We are not quite ready to take much
stock, in ; wireless telegraphs,, .storage
batteries or aerial ships. An electric
vibration on the coast of Greenland
must reach Cuba and California as
pffrotiiatly , England or. Norway. The
-" . v
tt t$ t
- Here's another. The Crude Rubber
trust has gone into the hands of a re
ceiver. There are more to follow.
' the ecjitor of Th4 Independent - is
surprised at . the"' very 'large nitmber of
letters that he has lately received in
which the writers , declare -that the.y,
were eld soldiers. , and, vpted, for Lin
coln, but for the "last ten years have re
garded the republican party "as1 a dan-
serous foe to our form of 'government.
f The Nebraska Mercantile Mutual and
the Farmers Mutual, both , of this city,
have, ever since the Richards Block fire,
which burned them out, been occupying
offices on the second floor of the Miller
& Paine buildingbut recently they were,
able to mako. very satisfactory contract
for the ground floor at ,130 North l3th
street, and ' during the' last week have
been moving tb their taew quarters. They
have a good, large vault; and many ad
vantages arising .trorn.; feeing r ,pn , the
ground floor.
We recently called at their new offices
and while in an unsettled condition the
change-seems to, be very -satisf atstory. .
Don t forget ..the , new? , address 1J0
North 13th Street. ' '
FRANK IAM5 returned from France October 10, 1901, with the largest importa
tion hf stallions to Nebraska in 1901 only man in the United States that imported
all black Stallions. He importod 40 BLACK PERCH ERONS-40
They are the "town talk." The people throne hit barn Atxl
bubbla orar with these sayings: "The most select and Urfft
black italliona I erer saw." "ZrtTf one a winner and as wide
as a wnffon." "The choicest lot laws erer imported." "But
lams always hae the best horses.", "Has many prize winners
at leading- horse shows of. America.". "Won't bare cnU.
"His horses won 1,300 at Omaha exposition." "In fact, Xhtt
always win.". He has on hand ' . .
I fin Black Percherons, Clydes, I Ofi
UU Shires and Coachers, I UU
They are 2 to 5 years old, weigh 1,600 to?, 400 lbs. lams has
MORE black stallions, MORE ton and thick stallions, UORS
money "makers 'and TOPS, more ,e;OTernment approved and
royal bred stallions than ALL importers of Nebraska. lama
speaks French end 'German and needs no interpreter, knows
the breeders in LA PERCHE. This with twenty-five years
experience saves $300 on each stallion and gets the best horse.
irrespective of their cost. He has no salesman, saves you the middleman's profit, nses no sold
brick talk, guarantees t show yon more black ton stallions than all importers or Nebraska or
pay fare and $20. Don't be a clam write' lams. 'He pays 'freight and fare 6t buyers. Barns ia
town. '.' ' V
References: St. Paul State Bank, First State Bank, Citizens Nat. Hunk.
In the U. S. Neither have we all ton horss. But we do make five
importations etch year. Our stables at Lincoln, Neb., and at South
Omaba Union Stock Yards are full of first-class stallions. If you want
a jrood one for what he is worth, it will pay yon to sse us. Our horses
won sweepstakes in all draft and hackney classes at Nebraska State
Fair 1901. Address all correspondence to
jWMSMV ' 'SPKCIAli NOTICE Woods Bros., of Lincoln, Neb., have twocarsol
.''wuvmh'"" ,' Shorthorn and Hereford bulls and c
. cows for aU nt a bargain.
P V PI LI I I I O OR I5AD BLOOD CUREP.Jst. 2nd, or 3rd stages of Syphilis cured S
M T tl I L I 11 for ft!0. Full 12 box treatment never fails, l'lmples, skm eruptions I
ui 1 nibiu vanish as if by Jr.jgic. Remember money returned! if not fatisfactory. E
$2 single box. By roail, plain wra
era. Ilahn'a Pharmacy, 1)5 Farnam St. .Omaha, N
v.iij.i, itx.Lrv. - . , 1.
E, r.iUit At. r.,
& -103
-' 1 : ' Low in7 price,' superior in coHstruct,ion.
k Au ? i Oertam Kestilts.u
Awarded. First Premium at Nebraska
State Fair, 1901, in competition incu
bators at work. A marvel of simplicity.
Builton now scientific principles. En
tirely new fcatnres. It satisfies pur
chaser because it hatches all fertile eggs,
under any conditions.
Builton Honor and
Sold on Merit
A reliable, business,, every-day Inrnba
tor, that will do all the work required of
it, do it well, and leave no disappointed
hopes. WON'T UY an Incubator un
til you investigate the merits of this
one. Catalogue and testimonials from
"home folks" who use the machine sent
free on request. Ask for them."
Address " '
;io35souin ith st.,
All Agreed
Trust Statistics
The following is the table of sta
tistics issued by the census' bureau on
the trusts of the United States for the
year 1900 and ten years previous:
Total number of trust cor
porations 183
Total capitalization $3,607,538,200
Capital stock issued..... 3,085,200,S68
Bonds in authorized cap. 270,127,250
Preferred stock in capital 1,259,540,900
Common stock in capital. 2,077,871,050
Capital stock comprised -
in bonds . ....... i , 216,412,750
Capital st,ock in preferred ,
stock ... 1,066,525,963
Capital stock in common
stock 1,802,262,140
Average number of wage
earners . . . 399,192
Wages paid the. same $ 194,534,715
Officials and clerks emp.. 24,585
Wages paid same... .$ 32,653,628
Total cost of mat'r'l used 1,085,083,827
Total val, of all products 1,661,295,364
Number of plants con
trolled and active.....
Number of plants idle. . . .
I'roduction of iron and
steel combination .
Capital invested, iron and
Chemical combination
Chemical combination ca
pital Liquor combination . pro
duct'on ,
Liquor combination capital'
t. The. opinion of the, American people"
concerning the, qampsop-Schley ; con
troversy' comes nearer being a I unit
than on any 'other ' iiesfiori that ;rhas.
ever; attracted - the s .attention : of the
.public. In ariather. article, the, opinion'
of . ., the .., press,,. republiQan. and . demo
cratic .'hjts beeni ' given';; The following
corned fi-bm5 the literary guild' Frank
H Spedrman,:' the-author,' says:
.."The truth r is, that 4q call the court
as constituted by.. Lemly, and : Ben
ham, judicial, is really , an abuse of
f language. It' was a prbsecution, . not
iaru inquiry: The mail behind the as
sassin gun trained on Admiral Schley
all tlxis time, is the secretary of the
navy, Long. '. Hard is to say it, the
smaller dogs from Crowninshield to the
cur that fattens on government pap in
the Brooklyn navy yard Maclay
merely bark at Long's bidding.
"It is said that Schley disobeyed or
ders. Men of such stuff as Schley is
made of are big enough to disobey or
ders. The man' that disobeys orders
and wins is the man the World crowns.
Nelson won, the battle of Copenhagen
by disobeying orders. Nelson was
pursued his whole life by a naval ca
bal. Grant was dogged by a Washing
ton clique when, he was doing thi! work
that made him Grant.. It is the penalty
of success. Winfield Scott Schley does
not lack precedent for taking the bit
in his teeth and winning. Clark of the
Oregon, steaming around a world and
wiring Washington, 'Don't tie me up
with red tape;' Stonewall Jack3on in
the Valley, saying, savagely, to Rich
mond, 'Send me fewer' orders and more
men;' Sickles, at Gettysburg, Nelson
on the North Seas can each reach a
hand to Admiral Schley. They did as
he did the best and won."
Kcncw i our jMiDscnpuon
:To The Commoner
ONCE. .; ; , vvj-: :: . - .-.'
The Independent,
.:. Lincoln, Nebraska.
law" against the United States. Let
us take that same law, or treaty, and
tell England that she cannot procure
mules, .food and. munitions of war to
be used in destroying a sister republic.
York Teller.
J; j ;' " Rig Kind or Nona
Editor Independent: I send you one
dollar for your paper for one year.
There are .very few of the reorganizing
traitors in this county, but if our state
committee with its John P. Hopkins
and such assistant republicans as he
has with him on the committee suc
ceed in getting control of the party
in this state and nominating suclv
men as they like, we will not vote for
one of them. We want a clean demo
cratic people's party or none.
Petersberg, .111.
Harrisburg (111.) Register: Up in
Minnesota the state courts are tryin;
to prevent the consolidation of com
peting lines of railroad by enjoinin?
the transfer of their stock, and th
United States courts are aiding th
trusts by dissolving the injunctions.
This shows the difference between
judges elected by the vote of the peo
ple and the judges appointed by a ser
vant' of the monopolists. It also in
dicates that the federal courts are
packed not only against union labo?,
but against all labor.
A Missing Report : -
"I herewith transmit to the senate,"
wrote President-Roosevelt the other
day, "the report of .the isthmian, canal
commission." The president's letter
was read and then the officials began
to search for the report. There were
rumors that an immense dray had
been started from somewhere uptown
loaded with maps and diagrams and
typewritten volumes. Probably the
stuff, when'it reached the capitol, was
dumped into the cellar. At any rate,
up . to the hour - of going to pi-ess,' It
was still reported missing. , When ' it
is found it, will be printed. There is
said to be so much of' It, however, that
it will take a life-time to read-it
through. " '
Hut it is-not expected that anybody
will ever "read it through." ; It will be
stacked away along, with the eighteen
thousand-page, volumesof the indus
trial commission's report, Where it
will rest undisturbed forever more.
And the people wjll pay the bill.
Take England's Example -
Republicans tell 'you tha-t Dewey
could not get away from Manila after
he sank the . Spanish , fleet. Say he
had no place to go. . Why was r that?
England had- closed ? her ports arid
said we could not 'procure coal, food,
arms and; ammunition to be used in
fighting SjpainV England enforced the
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A POSITIVE cairio-
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vinced tis to- your condition t-end for
symptom blank bffore ordering. Cor
respondence strictly ooufideutial. Ad
dress '
1805 Farnam !?t., Omaha. Neb.
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(La J
lo not buy wtch aiitil yee uBouf
I fr balow its VaIii To quickiv o
w wiU close them cut at l Mil .ft r
ric of A flC ach Thar "M
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ury lrtrni HimivUi.'
movaiucnt, adjusted, ttvat
wind aud ttm vet. w,r.J
20 jeori. Titer Kr "
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expreit oft'.ce ad are at onna and we will Mind you one of tKete
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consider it equal In appearance to any ( :V 0O gold iliied wtrh
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